Department of Computer Science and Engineering

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

Khulna - 9203, Bangladesh

Course Plan/Profile

1. Course No.: CSE 2227 Contact Hours:3

2. Course Title: Programming Techniques
3. Course Teacher: Md. Abdus Salim Mollah
4. Course Content:
Basic Program Syntax, Programming Techniques: Structured (C programming Language) and Object
Oriented Programming (C++ programming Language)
Structured Programming:
Declaring variables and data types, Strings, Pointers, Dynamic Memory Allocation.
Object Oriented Programming:
File Handling, Structure and Union.
5. Learning Outcome:
 Explain the basic understanding of how programming works.
 Give an intuition on different Programming Language.
 Explain Difference between structured and object oriented programming.
 Discuss the basic syntax of structured programming language.
 Discuss the basic syntax of object oriented programming language.
6. References:
I. “C How to Program” by Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel, 6th Edition
II. “The C Programming Language” by Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie.
III. “Problem Solving with C++: The Object of Programming” by Walter Savitch, 8 th Edition.
IV. “Object Oriented Programming with C++” by E Balaguruswamy.
V. “Programming in ANSI C” by E Balagurusamy, Tata McGraw-Hill Education.

7. Class Schedule:

Sl. No. Week Class Topics to be Discussed Text & Reference Book
1. Week1 Class1 Introduction Reference I (Chapter 1)
2. Week 1 Class 2 History of C Reference I (Chapter 1)
3. Week 2 Class 3 Introduction to C++ Reference I (Chapter 1)
4. Week 2 Class 4 C program and Development Environment Reference I (Chapter 1)
5. Week 3 Class 5 Different kind of Data Structures Reference I (Chapter 2)
6. Week 3 Class 6 Introduction to Array Reference I (Chapter 6)
7. Week 4 Class 7 Passing Array to functions Reference I (Chapter 6)
8. Week 4 Class 8 Sorting in Array Reference I (Chapter 6)
9. Week 5 Class 9 Searching in Array Reference I (Chapter 6)
10. Week 5 Class 10 Pointers Reference I (Chapter 7)
11. Week 6 Class 11 Pointers Variable Definitions and Initialization Reference I (Chapter 7)
12. Week 7 Class 12 Pointers in Functions Reference I (Chapter 7)
13. Week 7 Class 13 Strings Reference I (Chapter 8)
14. Week 8 Class 14 Character Handling Functions Reference I (Chapter 8)
15. Week 9 Class 15 String Handling Functions Reference I (Chapter 8)
16. Week 10 Class 16 Full Structured C Program Reference I (Chapter 5)
17. Week 11 Class 17 Dynamic Memory Allocation Reference I (Chapter 14)
18. Week 12 Class 18 C file Processing Reference I (Chapter 11)
19. Week 13 Class 19 Structures and Union Reference I (Chapter 10)

8. Date of Class Test: 30-9-2018.

9. Teaching Methodology/Strategy: Lectures, Tutorial exercises, assignments
10. Signature of the Course Teacher:

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