The Nature of Ethics Self Assesment

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I. This kind of self-evaluation would be important in any career choice, but it is particularly essential of you are
considering a career in nursing in which you will have a direct, intimate impact on the lives of others. Many people are
attracted to a career in the helping profession for reasons they have not thought of. Consequently, you have to ask
yourself questions as these:
1. What were some of my reasons for entering or considering my course?
2. What appeals to me about this kind of work?
3. What led me to choose or consider a particular career rather than some other one?
4. What abilities and traits di I have that I think would help me become a good nurse?


II. Directions: The purpose of this inventory is to survey your thoughts on various professional and ethical issues in the
field of the health-care profession. The inventory is designed to introduce you to these issues and to stimulate your
thought and interest.

This is not a traditional multiple choice test in which you must select the right answer. Rather, it is a survey of your basic
belief, attitudes and values on specific topics related to the practice of the nursing profession. For each question, write the
letter of the response that most clearly reflects your viewpoint at this time. In many cases, the answers are not mutually
exclusive and you may choose more than one response if you wish.

___ 1. The personal characteristics of a nurse are:

a. Not really that relevant to the therapeutic process
b. The most important variable in determining the quality of the therapeutic process
c. Shaped and molded by those who teach nursing
d. Not as important as the skills and knowledge the nurse possesses
___ 2. Which of the following is the most important personal characteristics of a good health-care professional?
a. Willingness to serve as a model for patients
b. Courage
c. Openness and honesty
d. Sense of being centered person
___ 3. Concerning self-disclosure on the part of the nurse to his/her patients, I believe that:
a. It is essential if a relationship is to be established
b. It is inappropriate and merely burdens the patient
c. It should rarely be done and only when the nurse feels sharing
d. It is useful for the nurse to reveal how he/she feels toward his/her patients in the context of the healing sessions
___ 4. A patient/nurse relationship characterized by warmth, acceptance, caring, nonjudgementalness, empathy and respect is:
a. A necessary and sufficient conditions for positive change inpatients
b. A necessary but not sufficient condition for change in patients
c. Neither necessary nor a sufficient condition for positive change in patients
___ 5. Of the following factors, which is the most important in determining whether or not a therapy will be effective?
a. The kind of person the nurse is
b. The skills and techniques the nurse uses
c. The motivation of the patient to be healed/cured
d. The theoretical orientation of the nurse
___ 6. Of the following, which is the most important attribute of an effective nurse?
a. Knowledge of the theory of the nursing profession
b. Skill in using techniques appropriately
c. Genuineness and openness
d. Ability to specify a treatment plan and evaluate the results
___ 7. I believe that, for those who wish to become a nurse, personal therapy / wellness:
a. Should be required by law
b. Is not an important factor in developing the capacity to work with others
c. Should be encouraged but not required
d. Is needed only when nurse has real problems

___ 8. I believe that, in order to help a patient, a nurse:

a. Must like the patient personally
b. Must be free of any personal conflicts in the area in which the patient is working
c. Needs to have experienced the very same problem as the patient
d. Needs to have experienced feelings similar to those being experienced by the patient
___ 9. With regard to nurse/patient relationship, I think that:
a. The nurse should remain objective and anonymous
b. The nurse should be a friend to the patient
c. A personal relationship, but nor friendship, is essential
d. A personal and warm relationship is not essential
___ 10. I should be completely open, honest and transparent with my patients:
a. When I like and value them
b. When I have negative feelings toward them
c. Rarely, if ever, so that I will avoid negatively influencing the patient/nurse relationship
d. Only when I intuitively feel that it is the right thing to do
___ 11. I expect that I will experience professional burnout if:
a. I get involve in too many exciting and demanding projects
b. I have to do things in my work that are not personally meaningful
c. My personal life is characterized by conflict and struggle
d. My patients complain a lot and fail to be healed/cured for the better
___ 12. I think that professional burnout:
a. Can be avoided if I am involved in personal therapy while working as a nurse
b. Is inevitable and that I must learn to live with it
c. Can be lessened if I find ways to replenish and nourish myself
d. May or may not occur, depending on the type of patient I work with
___ 13. If I were an intern and were convinced that my superior was encouraging trainees to participate in unethical behavior, I
a. First discuss the matter with the supervisor
b. Report the supervisor to the director/dean of the college
c. Ignore the situation for fear of negative consequences
d. Report the situation to the ethics committee of the school
___ 14. Of the following, my greatest fear when I think about beginning my nursing work is:
a. That I will make mistakes
b. That my patient would not get healed/cured fast enough
c. That I will identify too much with my patient’s problems
d. That I would not know enough or be skillful enough in using techniques
___ 15. If I had strong feelings, positive or negative, toward a patient, I think I would most likely:
a. Discuss my feelings with my patient
b. Keep them to myself and hope they would eventually disappear
c. Discuss my feelings with a supervisor or colleagues
d. Accept my feelings as natural unless they begin to interfere with the patient/nurse relationship

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