Cross-Flow Microfiltration
Cross-Flow Microfiltration
Cross-Flow Microfiltration
Cross-flow microfiltration
A self backwashing 100 um strainer is often necessary to protect the membranes and
moderate particulate loading. Depending on the raw water, a coagulant such as ferric
chloride may be added to form pin flocs and help improve rejection.
Cross-Flow Microfiltration:
With cross-flow filtration a constant turbulent flow along the membrane surface prevents the
accumulation of matter on the membrane surface. The membranes used in this process are
commonly tubes with a membrane layer on the inside wall of the tube. The feed flow
through the membrane tube has an elevated pressure as driving force for the filtration
process and a high flow speed to create turbulent conditions.
• The process is referred to as "cross-flow", because the feed flow and filtration flow
direction have a 90 degrees angle. Cross-flow filtration is an excellent way to filter
liquids with a high concentration of filterable matter. In cross-flow microfiltration
(CFMF), the suspension is pumped tangentially over the filtration medium.
• Clear liquid permeates the filtration medium and is recovered as the permeate,
while the solids accumulate at the filtration barrier to form a fouling layer, or cake.
• The cake, constituting an increase in hydraulic resistance, decreases the permeate
• The tangential suspension flow tends to limit the growth of the cake termed as
• Correspondingly, after an initial rapid decrease, the permeate flux levels off and
either attains a steady-state, or exhibits a slow, long-term decline with time.
Examples of micro filtration applications
They are;
• Cold sterilization of beverages and pharmaceuticals
• Clearing of fruit juice, wines and beer Separation of bacteria from water (biological
wastewater treatment)
• Separation of oil/ water emulsions
• Pre-treatment of water for nano filtration or Reverse Osmosis
• fermentation, broth clarification
• pre-treatment of water for nanofiltration