Structure Analysis On Synthetic Emerald Crystals-2013
Structure Analysis On Synthetic Emerald Crystals-2013
Structure Analysis On Synthetic Emerald Crystals-2013
A brighter beryllium
Although it is mainly known for its toxicity, beryllium possesses an array of properties that makes it
attractive for a variety of non-industrial purposes. Ralph Puchta discusses why it is not always best avoided.
ince ancient times, people have been 80% of the time. It seems likely that larger
fascinated by the green or red of emeralds systems can be realized with a beryllium-
and the light blue of aquamarines. These based processing unit 1.
gems are composed of the mineral beryl — a However, most practical applications
transparent beryllium aluminium cyclosilicate are spoilt at an early stage by the toxicity
(Be3Al2(SiO3)6) — and bear traces of transition of beryllium and its compounds, especially
metals that endow them with striking colours. in the form of dust. When inhaled, small
The mineral beryl is also at the origin of the particles can cause berylliosis — a chronic
German word ‘brille’ for eyeglasses. lung disease that can take any time between
It was while analysing beryl that the a few months and several years to declare
Frenchman Louis-Nicolas Vauquelin itself in the body, and cannot be treated2.
separated beryllium salts from aluminium This does not mean that beryllium and its
salts in 1798. At the time he proposed the neutron reflector in current power plants compounds should not be used at all, but
name ‘glucinium’, in reference to its sweet based on fission and in nuclear weapons. they must be handled with care.
taste, but beryllium was finally adopted in Beryllium also takes part in natural Current research with this element
French in 1957, in agreement with the other nuclear processes in space, such as the focuses on basic investigations, such as
languages. Beryllium was prepared in its fusion reactions that generate carbon. In structural and mechanistic properties,
elemental form in 1828 by Friedrich Wöhler old stars, during the ‘triple alpha process’, and has recently been relying more on
and Antoine Bussy who, independently, three 42He nuclei (also called alpha particles) computational rather than experimental
reacted beryllium chloride with potassium. are transformed into one 126 C atom. At first, studies. Research carried out 2 on tetra-
In 1898, Paul Lebeau obtained elemental two 42He nuclei fuse into the highly unstable coordinated complexes, for example,
beryllium by electrolysis of a mixture 4Be, which tends to simply decay into two
has provided further knowledge of the
of molten BeF2 and NaF. Today, most 2He nuclei again. However, under particular
structural diversity of beryllium complexes.
beryllium is produced by the redox reaction conditions, these beryllium nuclei are The possible coordination numbers of
of magnesium with BeF2, itself obtained formed faster than they decay. Some can beryllium have also recently been clarified3,4
from beryl. then fuse with an additional 42He nucleus and mechanistic studies are underway to
Number four in the periodic table, to form the stable 126 C atom. Our Sun will elucidate solvent-exchange processes5,6.
beryllium is the smallest metal atom. It undergo this process in around six billion As further insight into the structure and
is typically protected by a thin layer of years, when it is around ten billion years old. reactivity of beryllium compounds is gained,
beryllium oxide (BeO), which renders it Beryllium alloys offer mechanical, thermal this element will no doubt play an increasing
resistant against concentrated oxidizing and electrical properties of interest to various role in daily life applications. In light of this,
acids — diluted hydrochloric acid, however, practical usages. For example beryllium– one might be tempted to conclude — to Be,
dissolves it, generating hydrogen in the copper alloys (which typically contain up to or not to Be, that is not the question. ❐
process. The combination of its high melting 2.5% of beryllium) become non-magnetic
point (1,287 °C), good elasticity, ability to and can serve in gyroscopes or magnetic RALPH PUCHTA is at the Department
scatter high-energy neutrons and other resonance imaging devices. Beryllium can of Chemistry and Pharmacy, University
physical characteristics, has led to several also withstand lower temperatures than glass, of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Egerlandstr. 1,
practical applications. a convenient characteristic for military and 91058 Erlangen, Germany.
Beryllium has traditionally been used to space applications. e-mail:
construct radiation windows for X-ray tubes, Beryllium is used to dope semiconductors
for example, as it hardly absorbs X-rays. such as gallium arsenide by molecular References
This transparency to energetic particles also beam epitaxy. In contrast, its oxide BeO 1. Hanneke, D. et al. Nature Phys. 6, 13–16 (2009).
2. Dehnicke, K. & Neumüller, B. Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.
led to its use as a component in detectors is an electrical insulator, yet excellent heat 634, 2703–2728 (2008).
of the Large Hadron Collider accelerator. conductor. Perhaps the most interesting new 3. Azam, S. S. et al. J. Chem. Phys. Chem. B 113, 9289–9295 (2009).
Furthermore, beryllium serves in all kinds possible application for beryllium today is 4. Rudolph, W. W., Fischer, D., Irmer, G. & Pye, C. C. Dalton Trans.
of nuclear applications, for example, as a that beryllium ions may serve as processors 38, 6513–6527 (2009).
5. Puchta, R., Pasgreta, E. & van Eldik, R. Adv. Inorg. Chem.
for quantum computers. Such a computer 61, 523–571 (2009).
has already been successfully tested for 160 6. Budimir, A., Walther, M., Puchta, R. & van Eldik, R. Z. Anorg.
programs, and operated accurately around Allg. Chem. 637, doi:10.1002/zaac.201000418 (2011).
H He Li
Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc
Ju-Hsiou Liao
Received: 22 November 2012 / Accepted: 21 February 2013 / Published online: 14 March 2013
Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
Abstract Single crystals of emerald synthesized by Keywords Crystallography Substitution Single crystal
means of the flux method were adopted for crystallographic Emerald
analyses. Emerald crystals with a wide range of Cr3?-
doping content up to 3.16 wt% Cr2O3 were examined by
X-ray single crystal diffraction refinement method. The Introduction
crystal structures of the emerald crystals were refined to
R1 (all data) of 0.019–0.024 and wR2 (all data) of Emerald, one of the most attractive green precious gem-
0.061–0.073. When Cr3? substitutes for Al3?, the main stones, is a variety of beryl, a beryllium aluminum silicate
adjustment takes place in the Al-octahedron and Be-tetra- with a stoichiometric composition of Be3Al2Si6O18 which
hedron. The effect of substitution of Cr3? for Al3? in the is white when pure. The green color is attributed to the
beryl structure results in progressively lengthening of the substitution of minor amounts of Cr?3 impurities for Al?3.
Al–O distance, while the length of the other bonds remains The structure of beryl has long been determined to possess
nearly unchanged. The substitution of Cr3? for Al3? may a space group of P6/mcc, with lattice parameters
have caused the expansion of a axis, while keeping the a = 9.221 Å and c = 9.186 Å (Bragg and West 1926;
c axis unchanged in the emerald lattice. As a consequence, Wyckoff 1968). It consists of six-member rings of Si-tet-
the Al–O–Si and Al–O–Be bonding angles are found to rahedron lying in planes parallel to (0001) with sheets of
decrease, while the angle of Si–O–Be increases as the Be and Al ions lying between layers of rings. These rings
Al–O distance increases during the Cr replacement. are linked together both laterally and vertically by Be-tet-
rahedron and Al-octahedron, forming a three-dimensional
framework (Klein and Hurlbut 1985).
The color of beryl varies, which depends on the species
and charge valence of the impurities, such as V, Cr, Mn or Fe.
P.-L. Lee (&) Substituting Al3? with Cr3? which is the most commonly
General Education Center, National Chiayi University, used dopant in beryl, results in the greenish color of emerald.
Chiayi, Taiwan, ROC
The radius of Al in 6 coordination is 0.535 Å and that of Cr in
6 coordination is 0.615 Å (Shannon 1976). Since the radius
J.-S. Lee of Cr3? is much greater than that of Al3?, one would expect
Department of Applied Physics, National Pingtung that replacement of larger cations might have some effects on
University of Education, Pingtung, Taiwan, ROC
the crystallography of the hosting crystals.
E. Huang In our previous investigation (Lee et al. 2011), we
Center for International Exchange, Chung-Chou University reported that the maximum Cr2O3-content allowed in the
of Science and Technology, Yuanlin, Taiwan, ROC crystal lattice of emerald was about 3.5 wt%. It is interesting
to note that Cr impurity maximum reported to date on natural
J.-H. Liao
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, National Chung emeralds is 3.46 wt% for a sample from Ianapera, Mada-
Cheng University, Minxiong, Chiayi County, Taiwan, ROC gascar (Vapnik et al. 2005). Similar result was reported by
440 Phys Chem Minerals (2013) 40:439–446
Si 12l x 0.38750 (6) 0.38717 (6) 0.38690 (4) 0.38675 (5) 0.38658 (6)
y 0.11601 (6) 0.11570 (6) 0.11541 (4) 0.11528 (5) 0.11507 (5)
z 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Be 6f x 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
y 0 0 0 0 0
z 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4
Al 4c x 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3
y 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3
z 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4
Cr 4c x – 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3
y – 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3
z – 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4
O1 24m x 0.49897 (10) 0.49857 (11) 0.49826 (8) 0.49806 (9) 0.49780 (10)
y 0.14576 (11) 0.14538 (12) 0.14500 (9) 0.14495 (10) 0.14466 (11)
z 0.14524 (10) 0.14520 (10) 0.14520 (8) 0.14516 (9) 0.14521 (10)
O2 12l x 0.30990 (17) 0.30954 (15) 0.30963 (14) 0.30964 (2) 0.30954 (15)
y 0.23688 (15) 0.23650 (18) 0.23625 (12) 0.23623 (1) 0.23601 (15)
z 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Andrianjakavah et al. (2009) that most emeralds at Ianapera lattice is no longer stable. And the substitution of Cr3? for
(Southern Madagascar) are anomalously depleted in Al and Al3? at the octahedral sites of beryl results in the expansion
enriched in Cr, with a Cr-content ranges between 0 and of the a axis, while the c axis remains nearly unchanged (Lee
3.39 wt% in the emerald. We also found that when the et al. 2011). In order to understand more about the function of
doping Cr2O3-content exceeds 3.5 wt%, a significant Cr3?-dopant acts on the lattice, we attempted structural
anomaly in the lattice parameters starts to take place and the analyses on some single crystals of emerald with a variety of
Phys Chem Minerals (2013) 40:439–446 441
Table 3 Anisotropic and equivalent-isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) for each emerald crystal
Sample no. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
Cr3?-doping content. The result will help resolve questions Experimental methods
such as how and to what extend the Cr3?-dopant concen-
tration affects the crystal structure of beryl and, furthermore, The synthetic emerald crystals were the same as the ones
to reveal the mechanism that causes the change in lattice used in our previous investigation (Lee et al. 2011). In
dimension of beryl with the addition of Cr3?-dopant. this study, we selected 5 perfect crystals with different
442 Phys Chem Minerals (2013) 40:439–446
Table 4 Relevant bond distances (Å) and angle (°) from X-ray refinement
Sample no. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
Cr2O3-contents, that is, 0, 0.71, 1.64, 2.28 and 3.16 wt%, Analytical procedure
for additional refinement analysis.
The synthetic single crystals obtained were examined by
Single crystal growth means of an optical microscope and Raman spectrometer
for their identity before the X-ray experiments.
Emerald crystals were synthesized by adding various The synthetic single crystals were cut to a size of about
amount of Cr2O3 dopant to stoichiometric proportion 0.4 9 0.4 9 0.4 mm3 and then mounted on a 4-circle single
(BeO:Al2O3:SiO2 = 3:1:6 in mole ratio) of beryl. Each crystal X-ray diffractometer. The X-ray diffraction signals
batch of mixture was used as a starting material for syn- were collected, and lattice parameters of the synthetic crystals
thesis. A mixture of PbO and V2O5 (PbO/V2O5, molar were determined by the Bruker APEX DUO diffractometer
ratio = 1) was used as flux. The starting material and the using Mo-Ka radiation (k = 0.71073 Å). All crystals exam-
flux were put into a 50 cm3 platinum crucible and then ined were of good quality for diffraction experiments. The
heated at 1,200 °C for 24 h in an electric furnace. The structure was solved and refined with SHELX program
maximum solubility of the PbO-V2O5 flux was tentatively (Sheldrick 2008). The structure pattern was plotted and dis-
determined to be 8.6 mol% at 1,200 °C (Lee et al. 1995). played with the Mercury 3.0 program (Macrae et al. 2008).
The crucible was covered with a lid, and the crystals were
allowed to grow by gradually cooling down to 800 °C at a
rate of 5 °C/h. When the cooling process was completed, Results
the power was switched off and the furnace was allowed to
cool to room temperature. The crystal products were Single crystal X-ray diffraction analyses indicate that all 5
recovered by dissolving away the flux in a hot solution of emerald single crystals synthesized possess hexagonal
dilute nitric acid. symmetry with a space group of P6/mcc. X-ray structure
Phys Chem Minerals (2013) 40:439–446 443
refinements of those emerald crystals with lattice parame- noting that the distance between Be and Al also increases
ters a = 9.22–9.24 Å and c = 9.19 Å show that Cr atoms with the increase in Cr-content (Fig. 2c).
occupy the 2/3, 1/3 and 1/4 sites where Al atoms are nor- We also found that the O–Si–O angle remain nearly
mally located. All the crystallographic data relevant to unchanged. In other words, the SiO4 polyhedra in the beryl
emerald single crystals studied are given in Table 1. The structure did not show signs of deformation but kept their
values of R1 and wR2 for all data were 0.019–0.024 and original shape when Al3? was substituted by Cr3?. However,
0.061–0.073, respectively. Atomic coordinates are given in the main distortion was observed on the Be-tetrahedron and
Table 2. Be atoms occupy the 1/2, 0 and 1/4 sites. Si atoms Al-octahedron. In Be–O tetrahedron, there are 3 sets of
occupy 0.3866–0.3875, 0.1151–0.1160 and 0 sites. Table 3 O–Be–O angles, denoting as \Be-a(2x), \Be-b(2x) and
shows the anisotropic and equivalent-isotropic displace- \Be-c(2x) with decreasing bonding angle. Figure 3 clearly
ment parameters for each emerald crystal. Selected bond shows the change of all O–Be–O bending angles in the
lengths and bond angles are listed in Table 4. emerald with the substitution of Cr3? for Al3?. With an
From Fig. 1, it can be seen that the structure of beryl is increase in Cr-content, the largest angle, \Be-a, decreases,
composed of six-member rings of Si tetrahedra lying in the smallest angle, \Be-c, increases, while the medium one
planes parallel to (0001). Sheets of Be and Al atoms lie \Be-b remains nearly intact. In Al-octahedron, there are 4
between the layers of rings. When Al3? is substituted by sets O–Al–O bonding angles which are represented by set-
Cr3? in synthetic emerald, the expansion is seen to occur I(3x), set-II(3x), set-III(6x) and set-IV(3x) following the
mainly on the a–b plane, as was observed in our previous sequence of decreasing in the magnitude of angle (Fig. 4).
investigation (Lee et al. 2011). To understand this phe- The angles of all O–Al–O bonds show different trends: set-I
nomenon, we calculated the bonding distance of all M–O and set-II increase, while set-III and set-IV decrease with the
bonds (Fig. 2; Table 4) and found that the Si–O1, Si–O2 Cr-content. There are four different kinds of M–O–M bonds
and Be–O1 distances remain nearly unchanged. In contrast, among the polyhedrons in this structure, that is, Al–O–Si,
the Al–O1 bond distance was found to increase with the Al–O–Be, Si–O–Be and Si–O2–Si. Figure 5 shows that the
substitution of Cr3? for Al3? (Fig. 2a). It is worthy of angle of Al–O–Si and Al–O–Be becomes smaller, but the
444 Phys Chem Minerals (2013) 40:439–446
Phys Chem Minerals (2013) 40:439–446 445
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