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(Upload on Rs. 100.00 Non Judicial Stamp Paper Notarized Copy, as well as submit
original hard copy) at the time of Rate agreement.
1. We have gone through the complete RCO documents, and understood the instruction
to the bidder and we accept the Terms & Conditions mentioned in this RCO
documents. We M/s. SATYAM POLYMERS hereby RCO our lowest rates for the
Rate Contract for the supply through the Managing Director, C.G. Rajya Beej Evam
Krishi Vikas, 'Beej Bhavan' Telibandha, Raipur, conforming to the specifications
mentioned in Annexure of these RCO documents.
1.1 We Declares that: -
We hereby agree to abide by and fulfill all the terms of this offer and all the
conditions of contract or in default then to forfeit and pay to the Managing Director, C.G.
Rajya Beej Evam Krishi Vikas Nigam Ltd, his successors, the penalties or sum of money
mentioned in the said conditions.
We accept that the Earnest Money Deposit by us shall be retained by the
Managing Director, C.G. Rajya Beej Evam Krishi Vikas Nigam Ltd, on account of the
Security Deposit specified in clause of the said conditions of contract,
1.2 We declare that we have not been black listed/debarred by any Institute/Authority.
1.3 We declare that the entire submitted document is original & true to my knowledge.