The $10 Trillion Rescue: How Governments Can Deliver Impact
The $10 Trillion Rescue: How Governments Can Deliver Impact
The $10 Trillion Rescue: How Governments Can Deliver Impact
June 2020
The COVID-19 crisis is one of the worst health — highlight the critical questions that governments
emergencies the world has witnessed for a century, will need to consider as they shift the focus from
and its economic impact could be just as steep. short-term relief to the stimulation of economic
While it took several quarters for unemployment recovery for the long term
to peak in other crises, the economic shock of the
COVID-19 crisis has been larger than that of any
previous crisis—and it materialized within weeks. Governments respond with
Five weeks into the crisis, the weekly number of unprecedented spending: $10 trillion
jobs lost in the United States continues to exceed and counting
any pre-COVID-19 record. In some sectors, demand Our benchmarking of stimulus actions taken by
came practically to a halt in a matter of days as a 54 countries shows significant variation in the size
result of lockdown measures. of the response, with some countries committing
to spend as much as 40 percent of GDP (Exhibit
Governments’ economic responses to the crisis 2). Despite experiencing similar GDP losses and
is unprecedented, too: $10 trillion announced just undergoing in-line lockdowns (both in stringency
in the first two months, which is three times more and duration), most emerging-market countries’
than the response to the 2008–09 financial crisis stimulus packages have significantly lower spending.
(Exhibit 1).1 Western European countries alone have
allocated close to $4 trillion, an amount almost Given the broad global impact of the COVID-19 crisis,
30 times larger than today’s value of the Marshall few populations, businesses, sectors, or regions
Plan. The magnitude of government responses has have been able to avoid the knock-on economic
put delivery into uncharted territory. Governments effects. That means government measures have
have included all shapes and forms in their stimulus had to support large parts of the economy in a very
packages: guarantees, loans, value transfers to short time to maintain financial stability, maintain
companies and individuals, deferrals, and equity household economic welfare, and help companies
investments—as if advice from all modern schools of survive the crisis (Exhibit 3). In addition, countries
economic thought has been applied at the same time. have tended to escalate their interventions as the
crisis increases in severity and lockdowns persist .
But is it working? Nine of ten countries in our data set have already
announced at least one additional financial-relief
The crisis is far from over, and recent consumer or -stimulus package. Two-thirds of countries
surveys show that spending is not coming back have announced three or more packages, while a
yet.2 This article, based on analysis of the economic few countries have announced as many as six or
responses of 54 of the world’s largest economies, seven packages.
representing 93 percent of global GDP, has the
following aims: Monetary-policy measures were the first-line
response to the crisis. In early March 2020, more
— present the breadth of measures that than 60 percent of total stimulus came from liquidity
governments have undertaken to support injections (Exhibit 4). At the most recent count, while
companies and citizens more than 90 countries had used some form of
liquidity injection, this had fallen to 15 percent of the
— assess how the distinct choices being total response, as other measures came online. 3
made by countries will affect both their
short-term welfare and their long-term
economic trajectories
Includes guarantees, deferrals, loans, value transfer, and equity investments.
“Global surveys of consumer sentiment during the coronavirus crisis,” May 2020,
Forty-three countries (excluding eurozone countries, El Salvador, and Panama) have independent monetary policies.
Exhibit 1
14.6 14.5
12.1 11.8
10.0 8.6
2.8 2.9
1.2 0.6
2019 GDP taken into account for values related to COVID-19 crisis.
Data published by International Monetary Fund in March 2009; includes discretionary measures announced for 2008–10.
Source: Global economic policies and prospects, International Monetary Fund (IMF), March 2009,; government sources; IHS Markit;
IMF; press search; The state of public finances: Outlook and medium-term policies after the 2008 crisis, IMF, March 2009,
Turning to household measures, the clear theme programs, primarily to support workers in the
across countries has been to provide immediate informal sector and the self-employed. Brazil,
relief to the most vulnerable, especially in countries for example, provided cash transfers to informal
without automatic stabilizers already in place. workers, while Morocco provided staggered
Egypt, for example, increased pensions, while subsistence aid to households of informal workers,
several countries in South America expanded based on the size of their households. Only around
unemployment insurance. Other countries sought 20 percent of governments we analyzed had taken
to protect those who were ill or homeless and steps aimed at longer-term resilience for individuals,
to provide food security. Indonesia, for example, such as jobs redeployment and reskilling.
expanded its social-welfare program to include food
assistance, while Taiwan provided coupons for use When it comes to business-specific measures,
at night markets, shops, and restaurants. Some the initial steps in most countries have focused
countries enacted broader income-distribution on protecting vulnerable small and medium-size
Exhibit 2
0 10 20 30 40
Total number made public, collected, and analyzed until May 26, 2020; includes both monetary and fiscal measures. Monetary measures
included from International Monetary Fund do not include dollar values, because of challenges in measuring currency value.
Source: Government sources; IHS Markit; International Monetary Fund; press search
The boundaries and names shown on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by McKinsey & Company.
enterprises (SMEs) and companies within the most Stimulus programs are split on whether they transfer
affected sectors: more than 90 percent of countries value to companies through revenues or cost
have released measures that specifically target reductions. Germany has provided direct payments
SMEs, and more than 50 percent have released to companies based on the size of the business, and
measures targeting tourism, transport, and travel. around 70 percent of countries have provided direct
The most common approach (enacted by more than support or compensation to reduce salary costs.
80 percent of countries studied) has been to release For example, Saudi Arabia is covering 60 percent
measures for debt restructuring and loan guarantees. of salaries for private-sector companies affected
by the COVID-19 crisis, and Australia announced
There is significant variation in how far countries the extensive JobKeeper payment that aims to
have gone to protect companies’ balance sheets. For subsidize the wages of up to six million workers
example, Germany’s loan guarantees amount to 29 through payments made every two weeks.
percent of its GDP, while the average is 4 percent for
other G-20 countries. Equity injections have been Rapid execution of such measures is critical, as
used by only around 10 percent of countries studied many SMEs struggle with cash flow. For example,
to date but may become more prevalent as we move the amount of time taken for funding to reach SMEs
toward recovery, as opposed to relief, measures. in the United Kingdom and United States shows
Exhibit 3
Thus far, the announced stimulus measures have three primary objectives.
Tools used to attain 3 primary objectives (not exhaustive)
Liquidity injections¹ Regulation changes² Guarantees³ Deferrals⁴ Loans⁵ Value transfers Equity investments
1 Maintain
Monetary-policy actions Provide quantitative easing/liquidity injections
Reduce interest rates
Prudential and financial measures Relax adequacy requirements
2 Maintain
Support of critical needs Maintain household disposable incomes
Provide in-kind support
economic Ease household expenses/financial obligations
Employment measures Relax labor-market regulations
Peform job redeployment
3 Help
Liquidity/cash-flow improvements Postpone government fees/receivables
Accelerate government payables
survive the Ease nondebt obligations
Balance-sheet interventions Provide equity interventions
Restructure debt and defer loans
Guarantee funds
From central bank.
Includes labor, monetary, and macrofinancial regulations.
Includes credit and loan guarantees.
Includes postponement of outstanding payments and debt obligations (governmental and nongovernmental expenses).
Includes new government loans provided to companies and households.
Alexander W. Bartik et al., How are small businesses adjusting to COVID-19? Early evidence from a survey, National Bureau of Economic
Research working paper, number 26989, April 2020,; “BCC Coronavirus Business Impact Tracker: Businesses not yet successfully
accessing government loan and grant schemes,” British Chambers of Commerce, April 8, 2020,; Coronavirus
(COVID-19): SME policy responses, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, May 19, 2020,; “Help for small
businesses needs to be scaled up to prevent collapses as they face cashflow crisis,” blog entry by Carsten Jung and Oscar Watkins,
April 9, 2020,
Exhibit 4
Unspecified² Equity
Loans Deferrals
Value transfers
Liquidity injections
(central bank)
to shape how economies have responded: the one, they provide useful frameworks for helping
degree of outbreak and intensity of lockdown (a governments consider how the distinct choices
proxy for the severity of the crisis), the preexisting being made now will affect both the short-term
social- and business-support measures already welfare of their people and companies and their
in place, and the structure of the economy—for countries’ long-term economic trajectories. The
example, the mix of self-employed workers, SMEs, archetypes also provide guidance on the constraints
and large corporations. and policy options available, in each context, as
governments pilot their countries through the crisis
The combination of those three factors gives and onto a sustainable recovery path.
rise to three response archetypes: coordinated-,
liberal-, and emerging-market economies. While Coordinated-market economies
the archetypes are not necessarily exhaustive, and Countries with coordinated-market economies
countries may have characteristics of more than have leveraged strong balance sheets and existing
“Small and medium-sized enterprises: An overview,” Eurostat, November 25, 2019,; “Small businesses generate 44 percent of
U.S. economic activity,” U.S. Small Business Administration, January 30, 2019,; “SME structure and business dynamism:
Trends and performance in productivity and wages,” in OECD SME and Entrepreneurship Outlook 2019, Paris, France: OECD Publishing, 2019.
Global Revenue Statistics Database, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, April 15, 2020,
Exhibit 5
High 100 Canada
Bubble size = COVID-19
cases per capita
UK Norway
Australia US
covered by
at least 50
one social
protection, %
Nigeria Emerging-
Low economy
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Low High
Low High
Low High
Includes loans, cash transfers, salary compensation, and waving of governmental fees and taxes.
World Bank Blogs, “Responding to crisis with digital payments for social protection: Short-term measures with long-term benefits,” blog entry
by Michal Rutkowski et al., March 31, 2020,
Sania Nishtar, “COVID-19: Using cash payments to protect the poor in Pakistan,” World Economic Forum, May 5, 2020,
Exhibit 6
A growing number of GiveDirectly online Combined use of national Online portal allows
financial-service platform assists in online ID system, employers to fill out
providers (eg, private providing digital cash mobile-phone numbers, detailed end-of-month time
banks, mobile money transfers to low-income and certain types of sheets to apply for
providers) conduct individuals by using financial accounts helps short-term work
government-to-person geographic targeting data lay out a digital pipeline compensation from Federal
payments to identify vulnerable for transferring benefits Employment Agency
groups to beneficiaries
Source: Government sources; International Monetary Fund; press search; World Bank
The boundaries and names shown on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by McKinsey & Company.
that accelerates delivery. While broad income rather than save, what they receive. Some countries
distribution can be challenging when delivery have increased recipients’ propensity to spend by
mechanisms do not exist, several countries have providing in-kind support through coupons and
led the way by enacting immediate relief measures, food vouchers.
such as eliminating waiting periods before people
can claim unemployment benefits and subsidizing Expense mechanisms, even if deferring expenses,
or discounting basic utility fees for companies can be a much faster-acting measure when
and households. Furthermore, stimulus will only automatic social-support measures are not in
be effective if individuals and businesses spend, place. Our analysis of the total support provided
“How a post-pandemic stimulus can both create jobs and help the climate,” May 2020,
Jacques Bughin, Michael Chui, Raoul Joshi, James Manyika, and Jeongmin Seong, “Notes from the AI frontier: Modeling the impact of AI on the
world economy,” McKinsey Global Institute, September 2018,
Rachel Diebner, Elizabeth Silliman, Kelly Ungerman, and Maxence Vancauwenberghe, “Adapting customer experience in the time of
coronavirus,” April 2020,
Parul Batra, Jacques Bughin, Michael Chui, Ryan Ko, Susan Lund, James Manyika, Saurabh Sanghvi, and Jonathan Woetzel, “Jobs lost, jobs
gained: What the future of work will mean for jobs, skills, and wages,” McKinsey Global Institute, November 2017,
Ziyad Cassim is a consultant in McKinsey’s Johannesburg office; Borko Handjiski is an associate partner in the Dubai office,
where Jörg Schubert is a senior partner and Yassir Zouaoui is a partner in the Dubai office.