18m Crane Bridge
18m Crane Bridge
18m Crane Bridge
Crane Bridge
Gantry Girder
Safe Working Load, Wswl
Crab weight, Wcrab Crane bridge weight, Wcrane
= = aw1 - aw2
Wheel centres, aw1
Bogie centres, aw1
Ultimate loads
Loadcase 1 (1.4 Dead + 1.6 Vertical Crane)
Vertical wheel load; W vult1 = 1.6 W dyn = 313.0 kN
Gantry girder self weight udl; wswult = 1.4 wsw = 2.4 kN/m
Beam section properties
Area; Abm = 104.7 cm2
Second moment of area about major axis; Ixxbm = 47539 cm4
Second moment of area about minor axis; Iyybm = 2007 cm4
Torsion constant; Jbm = 51.5 cm4
Channel section properties
Area; Ach = 52.7 cm2
Second moment of area about channel major axis; Ixxch = 7218 cm4
Second moment of area about channel minor axis; Iyych = 404 cm4
Torsion constant; Jch = 28.5 cm4
Composite elastic section properties
Position of neutral axis above bottom flange; yna = [(Abm Dbm/2) + Ach (Dbm + tch - Cych)]/(Abm + Ach) = 346.9 mm
Second moment of area about major axis; Ixx = Ixxbm+Abm(yna-Dbm/2)2+Iyych+Ach(Dbm+tch-Cych-yna)2 = 69360 cm4
Second moment of area about minor axis; Iyy = Iyybm + Ixxch = 9226 cm4
Elastic modulus about major axis (top); Zxxtop = Ixx/(Dbm tch - yna) = 3643 cm3
Elastic modulus about major axis (bottom); Zxxbtm = Ixx/yna = 1999 cm3
Elastic modulus about minor axis; Zyy = Iyy/(Dch/2) = 615 cm3
Radius of gyration about minor axis; ry = [Iyy/( Abm + Ach)]1/2 = 7.66 cm
Composite plastic section properties
Plastic modulus
Area of one flange of beam; Afl = Tbm Bbm = 2756 mm2
Position of equal area axis below top of channel; yea=tch+Tbm+[(Abm+Ach)/2-tchDch-(Bbm+2Tch)Tbm]/(2Tch+tbm)=71.6 mm
Plastic modulus about major axis
Channel web component above equal area axis; Suchw = Dch tch( yea- tch/2) = 181.2 cm3;
Channel web component below equal area axis; Slchw = 0.0 cm3;
Channel flange component above equal area axis; Suchfl = 2 Tch (yea- tch)2/2 = 60.7 cm3;
Channel flange component below equal area axis; Slchfl = 2Tch( Bch- yea)2/2 = 5.2 cm3;
Beam top flange component above eq area axis; Submtfl = Afl( yea- tch- Tbm/2)) = 154.3 cm3;
Beam top flange component below eq area axis; Slbmtfl = 0.0 cm3;
Beam web component above equal area axis; Submw = tbm( yea- (tch+ Tbm))2/2 = 11.7 cm3;
Beam web component below equal area axis; Slbmw = tbm(tch+ Dbm- Tbm- yea)2/2) = 982.8 cm3;
Beam bottom flange component; Sbmbfl = Afl (tch + Dbm - Tbm/2 - yea) = 1265.4 cm3
Plastic modulus about major axis; Sx=Suchw+Slchw+Suchfl+Slchfl+Submtfl+Slbmtfl+Submw+Slbmw+Sbmbfl= 2661 cm3
Torsion constant, J
Torsion constant; J = Jbm + Jch = 80.0 cm4
Torsional index, x (Annex B.2.4.1)
Position of top shear centre from top of section; sct = [(Dch tch2/2) + Afl (tch + Tbm/2)]/[(Dch tch) + Afl] = 10.1 mm
Distance between flange shear centres; hs = Dbm + tch - Tbm/2 - sct = 520.6 mm
Torsional index; x = 0.566 hs [(Abm + Ach)/J]1/2 = 41.3
2nd moment of area of btm flange about minor axis; Ibf = TbmBbm3/12 = 1001.3 cm4
Flange ratio (sagging moment); sag = Itf/(Itf + Ibf) = 0.891
Monosymmetry index (sagging moment); sag = 0.8 ((2 sag) - 1) (1 + 0.5 Bch/(Dbm + tch)) = 0.679
Vertical shear capacity (cl. 4.2.3)
Vertical shear capacity of beam web; Pvv = 0.6 py tbm Dbm = 1080.3 kN
PASS - Vv <= Pvv - Vertical shear capacity adequate (UF1 = 0.374)
Loadcase 1 - Vv1 <= 0.6Pvv - Beam is in low shear at position of max moment
Loadcase 2 - Vv2 <= 0.6Pvv - Beam is in low shear at position of max moment
Horizontal shear capacity (cl. 4.2.3)
Horizontal shear capacity of beam flange; Pvhbm = 0.6 py 0.9 Tbm Bbm = 528.4 kN
Horizontal shear capacity of channel web; Pvhch = 0.6 py tch Dch = 575.1 kN
Combined horizontal shear capacity; Pvh = Pvhbm + Pvhch= 1103.5 kN
PASS - Vh <= Pvh - Horizontal shear capacity adequate (UF2 = 0.025 - low shear)
Vertical bending capacity (cl. 4.2.5)
Vertical bending capacity of composite section; Mcx = py min(Zxxtop,Zxxbtm) = 709.7 kNm
PASS - Mv1 <= Mcx - Vertical moment capacity adequate (UF3 = 0.677)
Effective length for buckling moment (Table 13)
Length factor for end 1; KL1 = 1.00
Length factor for end 2; KL2 = 1.00
Depth factor for end 1; KD1 = 0.00
Depth factor for end 2; KD2 = 0.00
Effective length; Le = L (KL1 + KL2)/2 + (Dbm + tch) (KD1 + KD2)/2 = 6000 mm