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Details of CC Pavement Design

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All road pavements shall be designed in consideration of design traffic loadings and evaluation of subgrade materials, environmental factors and available materials. Typical pavements types are as follows: Unbound granular flexible pavement which may contain one or more modified layers Bound granular flexible pavement Segmental block pavements Rigid pavements (concrete)

A pavement design for all new roadworks shall be prepared for approval, subject to a geotechnical engineers report. The report shall utilise 4 day soaked Californian Bearing Ratio (CBR) testing undertaken on the relevant subgrade in accordance with AS 1289 and shall recommend a design CBR and a pavement design, determined using the methods outlined in Austroads Pavement Design, and Austroads Pavement Design for Light Traffic APT36/06, and the ARRB Special Report No. 41, or their equivalent revision or replacement within the nominated authorities/bodies based on Councils minimum standard Equivalent Standards Axle (ESA) requirements. The full goetechnical report shall be submitted with the engineering plans. The engineering plans shall show the details (including the nominated ESA and design CBR parameters) of an approved pavement design based on that report. In deep cuttings, fills or other instances where testing of subgrade is not possible until completion of bulk earthworks, pavement design or re-evaluation of a design, may be required upon examination at subgrade level. Records of actual pavement construction, together with any subgrade replacement or modification, shall be collated as a final report to accompany the WAE plans.

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The design traffic loadings of Equivalent Standard Axels (ESA) are given in the following table. The nominated values may be subject to increment, subject to an assessment of any special circumstances for subdivision or development, where an adopted value is based on ultimate traffic generation for the catchment area, originating from: strategic planning for future rezoning of land ultimate development of current zoned land staging of works and the resultant development and construction traffic Design Traffic Loadings
Road type Access Place Local - Minor Local - Secondary Local - Primary Collector Distributor - Secondary Distributor - Primary Arterial or Sub-Arterial Rural Residential Rural - Minor Industrial - Minor Industrial Max No. Lots 10 20 50 100 200 400 800 > 800 per above 50 10 > 10 ESAs 1x10 5 1x10 2x10 5 5x10 1x10 6 2x10 5x10 6 1x10 min per above 5 1x10 5x10 6 1x10 min.
7 7 6 5 5

Notes: Where it is deemed that traffic type and volume demands are or may be significantly different, ESA values may be increased, at Councils discretion. Cross reference should be made to the table at section 4.2.1 for relevant explanatory notes. For purposes of determining an adequate pavement design, attention is drawn to Section 7.12 for construction requirements to satisfy characteristic deflection. 5.3 SUBGRADE EVALUATION

Investigation and testing of existing subgrade materials shall be performed by a practicing geotechnical engineer through a NATA registered laboratory. A pavement design report, including subgrade investigation and 4 day soaked CBR test results establishing a design CBR, shall accompany the Construction Certificate (and engineering design), and be submitted to Council or the Accredited Certifier for approval.
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Assessment of the supporting subgrade strength shall be in accordance with APRG Report No. 21 or Austroads Pavement Design. For minor works within a public road (such as short lengths of shoulder, kerb & gutter in-fill, or access works) full testing described above may not be necessary, subject to an engineers assessment. Minimum requirements may be as follows: 30mm AC10 over a 10mm primer seal or a 2 coat bitumen seal 300mm compacted thickness of a granular base course material (200mm may be considered for very minor traffic loadings) a compacted and stable subgrade

Alternatively, the developer may submit a geotechnical design report for alternative pavement treatments. All pavement investigations and design by the Geotechnical Engineer shall provide comment in respect to APRG Report No. 21 with reference to extent of testing, site investigation and assessment and pavement design. 5.4 SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE

Subsurface drainage must be provided to protect the subgrade and pavement in locations that necessitate its use such as boxed construction, cuttings or areas with high water tables or in areas where subsurface moisture requires treatment. Subsoil drainage pipes shall be provided on both sides of road pavements and where required by design, at new-to-existing pavement joints (see section 5.5.8 & SD032) 5.5 PAVEMENT PROFILE TYPES

Public road pavements shall comprise of at least one subbase layer and one basecourse layer with a sealed wearing surface. Pavement layers may be combined into a single layer of base course material subject to section 5.5.1 5.5.1 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT

Pavement thickness designs shall be based upon assessed subgrade strength and the following tables, being consistent with Figure 8.4 in Austroads Pavement Design Guide, and for minor rural roads, (other than designated state and regional roads) table 13.8.2(B) of A Guide

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to the Design of New Pavements for Light Traffic (APRG report 21 or fig.8.5 of AP-T36/06), or their equivalent revision or replacement within the nominated authorities/bodies.


The minimum pavement thickness for flexible pavements will be derived as follows: Basecourse shall be determined from the Pavement Thickness Design Chart, where the minimum thickness is 100mm. Subbase thickness shall be determined from the Pavement Thickness Design Chart, using the relevant CBR curve by subtracting the basecourse layer thickness from the required total pavement thickness. Irrespective of the foregoing, the minimum subbase thickness shall not be less than 170mm. Asphaltic concrete thickness shall be a minimum of 30mm and may be included as pavement "depth" in determining the pavement thickness. Two coat flush bitumen seals shall not be considered part of the pavement thickness. The pavement designer should be satisfied that the design will meet the requirements of this manual in respect to permissible deflection and pavement life. Where a combined subbase/base single-layer (with for example bound materials) pavement is proposed, a geotechnical engineer shall report on the proposal, nominating the materials (source) and relevant compaction and testing methods.
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5 x 10 5




Rigid pavements on public roads shall be jointed reinforced concrete paving in accordance with the following documents: Concrete Pavement Design for Residential Streets - Cement and Concrete Assoc. of Aust. Pavement Design - Austroads RTA Form No. 76 (supplement to the Austroads Guide) and relevant RTA Directory notes. RTA Concrete Pavement Manual. Sub-base concrete thickness- 150mm minimum Base concrete thickness - 170mm minimum

Details prepared by an engineer, are required of (but not limited to): a. a proposed sub-base concrete mix adopting 5MPa minimum characteristic strength b. a proposed base concrete mix adopting 32MPa minimum characteristic strength c. a nominated maximum slump and testing procedure (see section 7.12.2) d. proposed thickness of sub-base and base courses e. steel reinforcement
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f. joint types and locations g. interface treatments between layers h. placement, compaction, surface texture and curing methods i. subgrade preparation for a design CBR 5.5.3 SEGMENTAL BLOCK PAVEMENT

Segmental block pavements, where permitted, shall be constructed of concrete or clay pavers. Such pavements shall be designed in accordance with the following: Clay segmental block pavements:Up to 106 ESAs Clay Segmental Pavements Design manual, Clay Brick and Paver Association. Between 106 ESAs and 107 ESAs The design will involve the above document and Austroads Pavement Design Manual with the method producing the thicker design to be adopted. Over 107 ESAs Austroads Pavement Design Manual. Concrete segmental block pavements:Up to 106 ESAs Cement and Concrete Association Technical Note 35. Over 106 ESAs Austroads Pavement Design Manual. Concrete pavers shall be 80mm thick Shape A with clay pavers being 65mm thick Class 4 being laid in a herring bone pattern. All areas of block paving are to have a suitable concrete edge restraint. Large paved areas shall be laid/bedded in accordance with the suppliers guidelines. Allowance must be made for an adequate number of expansion joints and restraining beams. Shape C concrete pavers may be permitted in small infill areas such as residential street thresholds. (see section 5.5.7) 5.5.4 ACCESSWAY PAVEMENTS

Accessways to special areas or facilities such as public utility plant, parks, pollution control devices etc, that provide access for heavy vehicles, shall be constructed in concrete in accordance with the publication by the Cement and Concrete Association of Australia Concrete Pavement Design for Residential Streets.

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Generally the following parameters shall be maintained: 150mm thick 32 MPa 28 day strength Two layers of SL72 mesh fabric Sub-base, 100mm compacted thickness of road-base material

Pavements that provide eductor truck/backhoe access to Gross Pollutant Traps shall be a minimum of 3.0 metres wide. 5.5.5 ROUNDABOUTS

All roundabout pavements shall be constructed in fibre-reinforced concrete, designed with reference to rigid pavement RTA standard design and construction requirements. The minimum concrete design mix specification shall provide 32MPa characteristic strength, 4.25 Flex, with 50kg/m3 of steel fibre (Reo Pave 25 or equivalent). Consideration may be given to alternative pavements, such as deep-strength asphalt or similar, in special circumstances, where justifiable. (See also 4.2.8) 5.5.6 CYCLEWAYS

Cycleways shall be constructed of reinforced concrete in accordance with Council's standard drawing SD012 5.5.7 INTERSECTION THRESHOLDS

Where intersection thresholds are approved they shall be provided as per the following options: a) in accordance with standard drawing SD025 sheet 1, as a heavy duty plain concrete pavement as shown on SD012, with reference to SD026 where a dished drain is necessary, or b) with interlocking pavers (see section 5.5.3) on an approved concrete sub-base including integral edge restraints. Coloured concrete is not considered a satisfactory long-term treatment, but where approved, colour additive must include hardener (75-90MPa), be applied as two coats and be sealed with a polymer solvent based sealer. Texture may be applied to a maximum depth of 5mm.

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All vertical pavement joins (new-to-existing), whether longitudinal or transverse joins, shall be benched a minimum of 300mm. Unless the adjoining pavements consist of the same material, and satisfactory compaction bonding of those materials can be achieved, subsoil drainage shall be installed in accordance with RTA QA Spec R37 Intra-pavement Drains at the direction of Council or the geotechnical engineer. (see SD032) Where new works abut an existing natural gravel pavement, the new pavement materials shall be an approved natural gravel in accordance with the specifications of this Manual. 5.6 WEARING COURSE

For bituminous surfacing, refer to Chapter 11. For alternative decorative finishes, Councils approval is required to use such finishes in public roads. Smooth and/or irregular surfaces for roads and footway crossings, such as deepstamped or exposed river gravel paving is not permitted. Supporting documentation shall be submitted with any request to decorative finished products and shall include: Full specifications of the product. Durability and colour fastness Skid/abrasion resistance.

Refer also to section 5.5.7. Final approval rests with Council. 5.7 EXISTING PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION

Where required by Council, existing road pavements shall be reconstructed, subject to an approved design, and where new works abut an existing natural gravel pavement, the new pavement materials shall be an approved natural gravel in accordance with the specifications of this Manual. Circumstances where reconstruction may be necessary are: Where either the existing pavement or surface quality are assessed by Council as incapable of sustaining the additional traffic loads from the development
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Where vehicle turning movements occur, such that an asphalt wearing surface is appropriate to control premature deterioration of the existing wearing surface Where a longitudinal surface profile is significantly irregular Where surface shape (eg. crossfall) does not conform to standard design parameters Where small local patching type pavement failures are required by Council. Where works coincide with Councils Management Plan.

The limits of such works shall be determined by Council, but will normally be applied to development that: creates new intersections onto an existing road requires shoulder or parking lane works warrants new or replacement kerb and gutter has frontage to, or requires vehicle access along an existing road that exhibits stress and/or has significant surface deterioration, and (subject to geotechnical testing) exhibits a failure to meet design requirements in this Manual. Best design practice shall be employed such that a holistic approach is achieved, eliminating partial (patchwork), or single or part-lane pavement sections.

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