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Navisphere Storage Management Server Troubleshooting Guide

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EMC ControlCenter Navisphere

Storage Management Server

Troubleshooting Guide
P/N 069001201

November 19, 2002

This document contains troubleshooting information about the EMC

ControlCenter™ Navisphere® Storage Management Server. Topics
◆ Overview ................................................................................................2
◆ Troubleshooting .....................................................................................2


Use this troubleshooting guide to set up your system’s configuration
and manage it using Navisphere 6.X. It includes information about
specific problems, workarounds, and recovery suggestions; for
example, what to do if you have forgotten your password and how to
recover from domain inconsistencies.
For more information about using the Management Server setup
page, see the on-line help, which you can access through a link on the
setup page.

The following table lists limitations you may encounter while using
Navisphere 6.X. It describes the symptom and the issue and offers a
possible solution to the problem. Many of these workaround
solutions direct you to access the setup page. To do so, enter /setup
after the IP address in the URL, for example,

Symptom Issue Solution

You are unable to log in due to A valid username and password are Connect serially to the domain’s master storage system.
forgotten username/password. required for access. Enter the setup page, and select Create New Account.
You can create a new account only on the setup page of
the storage system that is the master of the domain;
setup pages on other storage systems in the domain do
not display the Create New Account option.
Note: Do not click Reset Security to eliminate all
passwords; this will destroy the domain.

When adding a system to a A problem may exist with the internal If you have EMC ControlCenter Navisphere 6.1 or
domain, the system is domain identifier. greater, select Reset Domain Node ID on the setup
automatically and immediately page of the node you are trying to add. Do not select
removed from the domain. Reset Domain Node ID on nodes that are already part
of the domain.
A unique identifier is assigned to the system, so that it
can be added to the domain. If you have Navisphere 6.0
or 6.0.5, contact your Service Provider for assistance.

Users added to one SP do not The domain is not fully configured. Select the SP that has the account set to be the domain
propagate to the peer SP. You set a password for one SP, but master. This assigns the peer SP to that domain. If the
Logging into the peer SP did not select a domain master. peer SP has been pulled into another domain, you must
indicates that security is not Therefore, the information did not remove it from that domain before adding it to the
initialized. propagate to the peer SP. If the peer domain you want.
SP is not part of the domain, the
security risk is that it can be pulled
into another domain.

2 EMC ControlCenter Navisphere Storage Management Server Troubleshooting Guide


Symptom Issue Solution

The user interface content does Possible issues are: For caching: Make sure the cache is cleared on the
not load correctly, or indicates • Use of cached files. client. In the control panel, double-click Java Plug-in,
an incorrect version. • Use of proxy server in select the Cache tab, and click Clear JAR Cache. From
configuration. IE’s Tools menu, select Internet Options, and on the
General tab, click Delete Files. In the dialog box, select
• Internet Explorer (IE) security Delete all offline content, and click OK.
settings should not be more
restrictive than default
permissions. For proxy server: You cannot use a proxy server in the
• VPN client is incorrectly configuration. To bypass the proxy for a particular IP
configured. address, do the following:
On the Connections tab click LAN Settings, and in the
dialog box that appears, if a proxy server is being used,
click the Advanced tab. In the Exceptions section of the
Advanced dialog box, add the IP address to prevent that
system from communicating through, and caching in the
proxy server.

For IE security settings: Select the default security

permissions by clicking Default Level on the Security
tab on IE’s Internet Options dialog box.

For VPN client: Make sure that the VPN client is

configured to allow the use of ports 80 and 443.

You cannot connect to the Either initial setup did not occur, or Verify that you have performed the installation setup as
Management Server using the there is a collision on the standard documented in the installation guide. (You must assign
Windows (off-array) user port 80. the IP address that the server will use to communicate
interface (UI). by entering http://localhost/setup in the URL.) If the
problem still exists, determine if you have another web
server running on the system. If you do, it is also
communicating on port 80. Use the Navisphere defined
ports to connect to the server (2162), as indicated in the
Release Notes.

You see persistence provider The peer SP does not recognize the If the IP address was changed, restart the Management
errors in the error log during SP’s new IP address. The system Server on the peer by entering the setup page and
domain operations after was physically removed from the clicking Reset Management Server.
changing the SP’s IP address. domain, but the global information If the system was physically moved from the domain,
still contains the system in its domain use the UI to remove the system from the domain to
list. correct the global information.

The error Security not There is some delay in propagating Wait a few moments and re-open the setup page.
initialized appears information.
when entering the setup page
on a system for which security
has been initialized.

EMC ControlCenter Navisphere Storage Management Server Troubleshooting Guide 3


Symptom Issue Solution

1. In the Management Server You must always remove a system To recover from changing the IP address of a system
setup screen, new values from the domain before changing its that has not been removed from its domain, contact your
entered for the IP Address or IP address. If that system is the Service Provider to correctly initialize the domain.
Peer IP Address do not master, assign another system as
remain after clicking Apply the master before removing it.
2. In the Manager UI, when
starting a new client session,
a message Cannot
communicate with
master... appears instead
of the login window.
3. In the Manager UI of a
system on which security
has been successfully
initialized, a message
Global security
is not
appears instead of the login
window. The message may
appear on one SP, but not on
the other.

You cannot manage the storage The network port settings file has Contact your Service Provider to restore the file.
system through the GUI. Every become inaccessible.
30 seconds, the log includes the
entry, The network
could not
successfully be
started. The port
settings could not
be determined,
CIMOM exiting.

When opening the setup page, a You cannot open the setup page. Contact your Service Provider to correctly set the
message indicates that it cannot network settings on a new storage system.
obtain subsystem information
and to try again later.

4 EMC ControlCenter Navisphere Storage Management Server Troubleshooting Guide


EMC ControlCenter Navisphere Storage Management Server Troubleshooting Guide 5


Copyright © 2002 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to
change without notice.
Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this publication requires an applicable software
Trademark Information
EMC2, EMC, CLARiiON, and Navisphere are registered trademarks and PowerPath, Access Logix, ControlCenter, MirrorView, and SnapView are
trademarks of EMC Corporation.
All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.

6 EMC ControlCenter Navisphere Storage Management Server Troubleshooting Guide

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