09 Site Investigations III
09 Site Investigations III
09 Site Investigations III
and s’ is in MPa
• Schmertmann (1970) indicated that the
modulus of elasticity of sand may be
given by: ________________________
• Schmertmann (1975) provided a
correlation between SPT N-value, σ 'v
and f’ is given as
where pa is the ambient air pressure (101.3 kPa)
• More recently, Hatanka and Uchida (1996) provided a simple correlation between f’
and (N1)60 where (N1)60 is the raw N index
corrected for both SPT test conditions and for effective stress f
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φ’ = [15.4(N1)60]0.5 + 20
Friction Angle, φ’ (deg) 45
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Normalized (N1 )60
• The drained modulus of the soil (stiffness) can be roughly estimated using the (N1)60
and the degree of overconsolidation using the following:
where, pa is the atmospheric pressure (101.3 kPa)
§ Alternatively, the modulus can also be calculated using the equation below:
ES = equivalent Modulus of Elasticity
b0 & b1 are correction factors for soil type
b0 =2,500 kPa (SM, SC) to 5,000 kPa (SW, SP)
b1 = 600 kPa (SM, SC) to 1,200 kPa (SW, SP)
• When the standard penetration resistance values are used in the preceding
correlations to estimate soil parameters, the following qualifications should be noted:
1. The equations are approximate.
2. Because the soil is not homogeneous, the (N1)60 values obtained from a given
borehole vary widely.
3. In soil deposits that contain boulders and gravel, standard penetration numbers
may be erratic and unreliable.
• Although approximate, with correct interpretation the standard penetration test
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CB can be taken to be 1.0 for borehole diameter 65-115mm, CB=1.05 for diam
150mm and
CB=1.15 for diameter 200mm.
CS can be taken to be 1.0 for a standard sampler.
CR can be taken to be 0.75 for rod length 3-4 m, CR =0.85 for length 4-6 m,
CR =0.95 for rod length 6-10m and CR =1.0 for rod length > 10m.
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where (N1)60 = N value corrected and normalized for energy ratio of 60% and
normalized for effective overburden pressure of 96 kPa
N60 = corrected blow count at depth at which vertical effective stress is σ 'v and
σ 'v > 24kPa
• This has the effect of INCREASING the blow counts in the upper few metres of soil
• Warning: the correction factor should never be > 1.5
3.9 Cone Penetration Test (CPT)
• The Cone Penetrometer is a cone with a standard base area of 10 cm2 and cone angle
60° that is attached to a rod. A standard outer friction sleeve with an area of 150 cm2
is located immediately above the cone point. A Piezocone is a cone penetrometer that
has provision for pore pressure measurement
§ The use of standard indicates that there are actually a number of different cone
areas and diameters used for differing soils. It is in fact very flexible and
applicable for a wide range of soils
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Gregg, 2012
• Use different cone sizes based on the type of material expected and whether or not
you are to be conducting PPD tests.
§ Smaller diameters work best for PPDs in clay (much smaller area affected)
§ Larger cones work best for softer soils
• The thrust required to drive the cone and sleeve into the ground @ 2cm/s are
measured independently and cone resistance and side friction estimated
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Conetec, 2012
• Two types: Mechanical cone penetrometer & Electrical cone penetrometer
• Measured quantities: (a) Cone resistance (qC) (OR penetration resistance) and (b)
Sleeve resistance (fsc) (OR side friction)
• Electrical piezocones are extremely strong at indicating very minute changes in
stratigraphy with depth
• Because they can measure the pwp with advancement, they are also very good at
indicating the development of excess pwp and how they dissipate with time
qt (bar) fs (bar) Rf (%) u (m) SBT
0 400 800 0 5 10 15 20 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 0 250 500 0 6 12
0 Silty Clay
Clayey Silt
Silty Clay
Silty Clay
Clayey Silt
Sandy Silt
Silty Sand/Sand
Sandy Silt
Sandy Silt
Silty Sand/Sand
Sandy Silt
Sandy Silt
Sandy Silt
Sandy Silt
10 Sand
Stiff Fine Grained
Depth (meters)
Sandy Silt
15 Sandy Silt
Clayey Silt
Stiff Fine Grained
Clayey Silt
Stiff Fine Grained
Silty Sand/Sand
20 Silty Sand/Sand
Silty Sand/Sand
Silty Sand/Sand
Stiff Fine Grained
Sandy Silt
Max Depth: 23.000 m / 75.46 ft File: 111SP08.COR SBT: Lunne, Robertson and Powell, 1997
Depth Inc: 0.050 m / 0.164 ft Unit Wt: SBT Chart Soil Zones Coords: UTM 12U N: 5936059 E: 335004
Avg Int: 0.200 m Sounding: SCPT10-08
Cone: 280:T1500F15U500
3.10.1 Application / Measurement of Torque
• Torque wrench - torque wrench may bend rods with very poor control on rate of
• Fish scales / T-bar measured in moment in kg.m/2 (two sides) - user error and uneven
loading rates placed next to the resultant shear stress
• Geared drive – ideal case, may allow for measurement of torque versus rotation.
• For higher accuracy measurements may be taken of torque resulting from friction
between spacers and casing (if used)
• Ideally the test is conducted with a constant rate of rotation of 0.1° /s. (0.05 to 0.2 ° /s).
§ This generally requires a time to failure of 2 to 5 min.
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§ Very soft clays where the time to failure may be as much as 10 to 20 min.
§ In stiffer materials, which reach failure at small deformations, it may be desirable
to reduce the rate of angular displacement so that a reasonable determination of
the stress- strain properties can be obtained.
Bjerrum, 1972
• The test interpretation is based on the simplified assumption of a cylindrical failure
surface corresponding to the periphery of the vane blade.
• Measurement of undrained shear strength (su) is based on the assumption that the
shear strength on the horizontal and vertical planes are equal
Where su = undrained shear strength
T = maximum applied torque
H = vane height
D = vane diameter
a = factor which is a function of the assumed shear distribution along the top and
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3.11 Borehole log and symbols
• Colour and Oxidation refers to the soil colour at its natural moisture content by
common colours and quantitatively in terms of the Munsell colour notation. The
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notation combines three variable, hue, value and chroma to describe the soil colour.
The hue indicates its relation to red, yellow, green, blue and purple. The value
indicates its lightness and the chroma indicates its strength of departure from a
neutral of the same lightness.
• Each company has their own structure, however most tend to stick to the following
Silty CLAY, some sand, trace gravel…(descending gradation percentages), firm
(consistency / relative density), brown with grey mottling, moist, moderate
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