IB Economics Extended Essay May 2016 Wha PDF
IB Economics Extended Essay May 2016 Wha PDF
IB Economics Extended Essay May 2016 Wha PDF
What market structure best represents international school tuition centers in Hong Kong?
The assumption that international school tuition centers experience high barriers to entry and
have the possibility of earning abnormal profits suggest that this industry might result in welfare
loss within the Hong Kong economy. Hence, I am interested to find out “What market structure
Surveys were conducted with international school students. Results indicate that the industry has
a CR3 = 85.8% with NTK, ITS and HKExcel as the three dominant firms, relying on non-price
competition. In order to discover how these firms established brand loyalty and what are the
different rules and barriers to entry involved, interviews were conducted with former and current
employees of the dominant centers. Locations of the tuition centers were also investigated.
Geographical patterns suggested that Hotelling’s Law is applicable to this industry, therefore
suggesting an oligopolistic nature. However, the PED for tuition services seems to be elastic and
the prices charged for the courses across the three main firms show minimal evidence of price
competition. Little evidence of collusive behavior implies that the industry has minimal risk of
Overall, the international school tuition center industry is an oligopolistic market showing
demonstrates that there is market failure. Since tuition is taking resources away from mainstream
education, financial resources going into tuition can perhaps be redirected into school education
Table of Contents
1. Abstract ............................................................................................................................2
2. Contents ...........................................................................................................................4
3. Introduction ......................................................................................................................6
4. Methodology ....................................................................................................................8
6. Findings .........................................................................................................................13
7. Discussion ......................................................................................................................22
8. Conclusion .....................................................................................................................26
9. Bibliography ..................................................................................................................28
According to The Hong Kong Institute of Family Education, 95% of students in Hong Kong
attend tuition centers (The Hong Kong Institute of Family Education, 2013). This demonstrates
that tuition is in high demand among the Hong Kong population and the market shows economic
significance in the country. The market is divided between tutoring centers focusing on local
school curricula and international school curricula with the former significantly larger than the
latter. There is also significant informal tutoring on a private basis – an aspect that is impossible
to accurately measure, however, one that would impact the behavior of firms in the market.
As an International school student, I have attended tuition centers that focus on International
school education over the years. From my observation, the service provided seems to require
minimal variable costs, since the product being sold is knowledge. It therefore seems that this
market is a lucrative market with firms wanting to enter this market facing many barriers such as
high rent and high labour turnover. Due to my familiarity with international school tuition
As an economics student, I have been exposed to imperfect market structures and how they lead
to short run and long run profits. If my assumption of high barriers to entry is true, it would
suggest that there may be abnormal profits in the market and therefore welfare loss within the
Hong Kong economy. Furthermore, after the HKDSE was introduced in 2012 (HK Exchanges
and Clearing Limited, 2011), some local school students decided to study either the IB Diploma
or GCE A-Level to avoid the HKDSE Chinese exam because half of all candidates fail the
subject annually and stops them from entering local universities (Yau & Chau, 2015). Hence,
more local schools are starting to introduce the IB Diploma Programme (Yau, 2015). This has
led to increasing demand in the international tuition market with some local schools moving to
IB and therefore, any anti-competitiveness of the tuition centers that already created some
welfare loss to the society may suddenly get much worse. Hence, there is a broader relevance to
the Hong Kong economy, as government has recently created regulations in all markets. The
Competition Ordinance was passed by the Legislative Council in June 2012 and ha commenced
full operation since December 2015 (Competition Commission, 2015). This means that it is now
illegal to collude, fix prices or to abuse market power. If the international school tuition center
industry is established as a concentrated market, and that the market does have some level of
anti-competitive behavior through collusion, then there may be legal implications, such as
be looking at the shadow education environment to see if it falls within the scope of the
legislation. This has led me to the research question of “What market structure best represents
In order to develop an answer to this question, I am looking at the following three specific sub
3) What is the relationship between the price and non-price factors in the market?
This essay will focus on answer the research question through a combination of primary and
Secondary Research
Relevant economic theory will be reviewed to understand the characteristics of different market
structures and how firms in different markets tend to behave and exercise their power. Other
economic theories will also be reviewed as it may add relevance to the way that the market is
structured. In addition, articles and journals from community and government websites will be
used as references to understand the role of international school tutoring in the Hong Kong
market so analysis about the industry can be carried out more in depth. The price list of the three
main international tuition centers will be compared and analyzed to find out if price competition
exists. The Competition Ordinance will be analysed to discover what the consequences are if
Since tuition is offered throughout Hong Kong because of location of different schools, it is
unlike many other markets, which maybe geographically concentrated. I am interested to find out
if there are any forms of clustering or imperfect distribution of the tuition centers or are they just
distributed randomly. I will use online mapping software to see how well it fits in with the idea
of geographical and physical concentration of centers. I will be looking at where they are located
to see if there are any kind of correlation between where they are located and any other market
Primary Research
Cluster sampling will be conducted with a sample of 50 students. Surveys will be given out to
current high school students who study in three international schools in Hong Kong. The aim of
the survey is to find out how tuition centers differentiate themselves to establish brand loyalty,
the nature of the price elasticity in the industry and to determine the estimated market share. A
I will then interview past and current employees of the three largest firms. The interviews will be
recorded and transcribed. Respondents to both surveys and interviews will be offered
confidentiality to encourage participation. All interview questions will be the same for
consistency, comparison and contrast (see Appendix B). The aim of the interviews is to
understand the characteristics of the main firms in the market and the relationship between price
I will then compare results to the theory and decide which market structure best represents the
Economic Theories
A market structure describes the characteristics of market organization that influence the
behavior of firms within an industry (Tragakes, 2011). The four main types of market structures
As shown later under the geographic results, it emerges that certain centers seem to cluster near
to each other, I further researched to identify why this might be the case. Hotelling’s Law might
be appropriate to explain the market structure phenomenon. It states that there is an ‘undue
tendency for competitors to imitate each other in quality of goods, in location, and in other
Hotelling’s law is considered the opposite of product differentiation and is an observation that
states firms in many markets usually locate close together and produce their goods and services
with minimal differentiation (Ahlin & Ahlin, 2013). In Hotelling’s Law, the assumption is that
two competing firms each locate at one end of the same street and sell identical products, with
same pricing and customers evenly dispersed. Since everything is homogenous, convenience will
become the only factor that which firm will attract the most customers. Hence, both firms will
move closer to the midpoint of the street to maximize the amount of customers they can attract
and eventually both firms will be located in the midpoint of the street with high proximity and
having customers evenly dispersed again (Ridley, 2012). This is where the Nash Equilibrium is
achieved. Nash Equilibrium occurs when no participant can gain advantage by a unilateral
change of strategy if the strategies of the others remain unchanged (Chang, 2015).
Seemingly Hotelling’s Law illustrates a perfect competitive market, meaning if one firm
increases the price of its products, the other firm will capture the entire market. However in
reality, this is not the case as Hotelling stated that ‘some buy from one seller, some from another,
in spite of moderate differences of price’ (Hotelling, 1929, p. 41). This is further supported when
firms actually differentiate their products to reduce the intensity of price competition “retailers
with greater ability to differentiate their products are more likely to strategically cluster.”
(Picone, Ridley, & Zandbergen, 2009, p. 1) Showing the nature of an oligopolistic market (Weyl,
Operating as an oligopolistic market suggests that firms might collude. Any forms of collusive
behavior in a market could be at risk of being prosecuted under the Competition Ordinance
First Conduct Rule has occurred, they will take action against undertakings that engaged in
collusion (Competition Commission, 2015, p. 4). The First Conduct Rule prohibits businesses
from making any decisions that the effect is to harm competition in Hong Kong (Competition
Commission, 2015).
Market Share
A total of 50 surveys were sent out with a response rate of 70%. The 35 samples received
represent students from three schools in Hong Kong: Elsa High School, Yew Chung
International School and Victoria Shanghai Academy. The results suggest NTK has the largest
estimated market share at 34.3%, followed by ITS with 28.6% and HKExcel with 22.9% (Figure
1). These results imply the international school tuition center market is dominated by NTK, ITS
and HKExcel with CR3 = 85.8%. Further analysis will focus on the largest three firms only to
NTK HKEXCEL ITS THE EDGE OTHERS represent both international school
tuition centers operating at a
To determine market structures, price rigidity is another important factor. Figure 3 shows the
price charged per session for the same courses in the dominating firms (Appendix C). Data
shows 1 on 1 tuition is the most expensive across all three centers, as student will receive highest
Figure 2. Prices charged by the three dominant firms for IB/SAT/GCE AL courses
Figure 2 shows NTK charging the highest prices ($920 - $1400), followed by ITS ($356 - $720)
and HKExcel ($300 - $550). The data does not suggest significant price competition between the
three firms since NTK charges nearly twice the price of ITS and HKExcel who do seem to have
similar prices. However, NTK uses creative pricing such as early bird benefits (NTK Academic
Group, 2015) and loyalty bonuses, where differing discounts are given to students depending on
their monthly spending at NTK (NTK Academic Group, 2016). This suggests the published
prices of NTK can be different from the actual prices that consumers are paying.
Since all the three firms offer courses for the same curricula, it shows that these three firms do
not solely rely on price competition because if they do, the assumption becomes HKExcel will
receive the largest proportion of market shares since the prices of their subject courses are the
lowest and hence will attract all the customers. The fact which NTK charges significantly higher
prices than ITS and HKExcel but remains as the firm with the largest market shares in the
industry shows that firms hugely depend on non-price competition as well, which will be
From the 35 samples received, students who are attending the largest three firms are asked why
Results show the majority of the students choose NTK because of reputation. NTK was
ITS is mainly associated with peers’ referral and the quality of tutors because it is a partner
with Pearson and therefore particularly attached to the Edexcel Exam Board. Also, ITS is the
only tuition center in HK that can offer public exams, this helps to create credibility. Moreover,
of peers’ referrals.
Hotelling’s Law
Since HKExcel and NTK use non-price competition and are both located in Causeway Bay,
Hotelling’s Law seems to be applicable to this industry. A major characteristic in Hotelling’s law
NTK, HKExcel and ITS are located in various parts of Hong Kong. However, upon further
research, I found that other centers seem to be located very close (figure 7 and 8); showing high
proximity. They are located so close to each other suggests Hotelling’ Law may apply here. This
indicates they are seeing each other as equally competitors and according to Hotelling’s Law it
indicates there is likely to be an oligopolistic nature in the industry. The reason that centers tend
to be clustered together means they do not want to lose any customers that are closer to the other
centers. If centers are closer to each other, then they can be attracting other than the convenience
of where they are. However, it must also be noticed that in reality, the extent of strategic
clustering might have overstated location (Picone, Ridley, & Zandbergen, 2009, p. 1). Hong
Kong is a city that is densely populated (Yeh, 2011) and the rent is among the highest in the
world due to land scarcity (InterNations, 2015). Therefore, while it may seem on the surface that
Hotelling’s law applies here, it is possible that the clustering of centers has other explanations
such as the rental prices, limited location options and convenience to the MTR line rather than
clustering together.
MTR Line
In order to discover if there are other explanations for the clustering of centers, I further
investigated the geographical areas of the tuition centers locations. It appears that many tuition
centers are located very close to the MTR line, which is the most convenient transportation in
Hong Kong (Information Service Department, 2015). Hence, areas around MTR stations always
have the highest population in a district. This implies firms also use this as a strategy to establish
Using NTK, ITS and HKExcel as examples, it takes less than five minutes walk from the
tuition centers to their closest MTR stations (figure 9). Even though Hotelling’s Law also
locations. Locating near MTR lines shows firms do consider convenience as one of the most
important non-price factors as it is a place with higher population and hence can increase the
probability of more customers visiting their centers. Since many tuition centers have already
taken into the account of the importance of convenience, so it will not be a characteristic that
differentiates between them, it actually becomes a necessary element for them to locate near
MTR stations. This explains why the majority of surveyed students did not choose convenience
Figure 8. Maps showing the distance between the tuition center and the closest MTR station for NTK, HKExcel and ITS
Surveyed students are asked if they will continue to attend the current tuition center if the tuition
fee increases by 10%, 20% and 30% respectively, to find out the price responsiveness in this
industry. These percentage changes are chosen for consistency. PED is calculated using the
equation below:
Based on the representing sample, the PED is larger than 1 with a Δ%𝑃 = 20% or above, this
Barriers to entry
Tuition centers are required to register under the Article 13 of the Education Ordinance
(Department of Justice, 1997) if they are teaching more than 8 students at a time or more than 20
students in a day. The registration is a form of legal barriers to entry, as one of the interviewees
mentioned “ It takes more than a year to get registered. We need to prepare our own registered
documents and to get approvals from the Fire Services Department, Land and Building
Clearance and the Education Bureau in terms of factors such as safety and proximity.”
Other types of barriers to entry also exist in this industry. As mentioned previously in section 5.4
Hotelling’s Law, Hong Kong is city with significantly high rent. Therefore, the cost for setting
contract and cannot work in other tuition centers within 1 year after I left” and another
interviewee also mentioned “It is the restraint of trade. Tutors are restricted for a period of six
months to teach in other tuition centers”. This implies the number of tutors that can actually be
employed may become scarce and hence tuition centers may need to hire tutors from overseas.
This may largely increase human resources costs. Therefore, financial barriers in this industry
Moreover, restraint of trade creates a reputational barrier as well because if a tuition center is
searching for well-known or experienced tutors, then the tuition center may not be able to hire
From the findings shown above, it clearly explains that the international tuition center market is
not a perfectly competitive market because it has a CR3 = 85.8%, also the services provided are
not homogenous; there is level of differentiation. Hence, firms in this market are not price takers.
Neither is the market a monopoly as there is more than one dominant firm in the industry. This
The barriers to entry for setting up a tuition center are fairly high. Legal barriers exist, as
approvals from the Education Bureau and other government departments are required. Also,
different regulations must be followed by the potential tuition center in order to be registered as a
school. Rent and human resources costs can be significant as well so financial barriers are high.
Contract rules and restraint of trade create reputational barriers since tuition centers may find it
difficult to hire qualified tutors. Furthermore, the three dominant tuition centers all provide fairly
homogenous products and use non-price strategies. Even though these findings shows the market
demonstrate the features of an oligopolistic market, it does not mean the market is a definite
Even though legal barriers described above seem to be high in terms of money and time invested
in getting registered, for investors with a lot of capital and a long-term view of growth, these
barriers to entry might not considered to be significantly high. The dominant centers established
brand loyalty not only through building trust and a good relationship between tutors and
students, but also using non-price factors. NTK is associated with long history, ITS is the only
tuition center that can offer public exams and HKExcel specialized in the IB curriculum.
However, even though product differentiation and brand loyalty do exist, results show that
PED is elastic because the services provided have many close substitutes. These show features of
monopolistic competition.
As the findings show, NTK charges significantly higher for the same courses that are also
offered by both ITS and HKExcel, showing that the firms tend to use strategic pricing. NTK,
however, also uses complex pricing including offering different levels of discounts and rewards,
which reduces the likelihood of this industry to represent a collusive oligopoly. However, there
exists the possibility of minimal tacit collusion because the price differences between ITS and
HKEXCEL is significantly smaller than the price differences with NTK. Since the prices of the
courses charged are public, there will be no necessary communication required, one firm can
simply charge a similar price as another dominant firm in the industry. The structure seems to
suggest a blond of monopolistic competition and oligopoly. However, there is seems to be little
evidence of collusive behavior. This would imply the industry is currently not at risk of being
Furthermore, this industry satisfied Hotelling’s Law as the centers are located very close to each
other, suggesting the tuition centers do consider each other as rivals, taking into consideration of
the competitors’ actions. They are clustered together to attract more customers, to create
convenience so they will not lose any customers that are closer to the other centers and
eventually achieve Nash equilibrium in Game Theory, where both firms receive the same level
of benefits as their outcome with neither of them having an advantage over the other. Even
though the distribution of the tuition centers satisfied Hotelling’s Law, the reason that they
cluster together might also depend on other factors such as limited location options and
convenience to the MTR stations. Hence, it again suggests that industry has characteristics of an
While one of the criteria that need to be assessed is the existence of abnormal profits in the short
and the long run, it does seem that the firms are privately owned firms. Therefore, it is difficult
to assess this area. However, I would assume that there maybe abnormal profits because it
statements, I could never determine whether these are in the short and long run. Table 3
summarized the characteristics that apply to the international school tuition center industry.
Therefore, with a CR3 = 85.8%, legal barriers not considered to be significantly high for
investors, firms differentiate their services through non-price competition to establish brand
loyalty suggesting that the market structure that best represents the international school tuition
The research question “What market structure best represents international school tuition
centers in Hong Kong?” is answered by identifying the characteristics of the main firms in the
industry; it suggests the market structure that best represents the international school tuition
Students were surveyed from only three international schools in Hong Kong. Therefore, the
sample may not be fully representative of international school students. Further research could be
Financial data is difficult to acquire in this industry, as it is confidential. Economic profit levels
are key evidences to show which market structure the industry follows since oligopoly can earn
The reliability of the PED calculations maybe questioned as elasticity is usually based on real
life changes in price rather than hypothetical changes. People’s beliefs on what they do might not
Furthermore, this research only focused on the existence of firms in the market but not the
private tutors. It is impossible to measure this aspect because there are no formal records for
theirs transections. However, they can be potential competitors of the existing tuition centers,
which may impact the behavior of firms in the market. The industry may actually be even
Since the results from the analysis supports this industry is an imperfect competitive market, it
implies there is market failure. Production differentiation leads to neither productive nor
alloctive efficient and consumer surplus reduces because higher price needed to be paid for
Education is a merit good and tuition centers also fulfill this criterion. However, this can be
challenged because tuition is taking resources away from mainstream education. Hence, it is
certainly not considered a merit good by the government since the government should provide
sufficient education. The financial resources going into tuition can perhaps be redirected into
Ahlin, C., & Ahlin, P. D. (2013). Product differentiation under congestion: Hotelling was right.
Chang, K. (2015, May 24). Explaining a Cornerstone of Game Theory: John Nash's Equilibrium.
Competition Commission. (2015). Guideline on the First Conduct Rule. Retrieved from
Competition Commission. (2015). The Competition Ordinance (Cap 619). Retrieved from
HK Exchanges and Clearing Limited. (2011). Overview of the Hong Kong Education System.
Information Service Department. (2015). Hong Kong Fact sheets. Retrieved from
NTK Academic Group. (2015, January 1). Early Bird Offer. Retrieved from
NTK Academic Group. (2015, August 30). Introduction to NTK Academic Group. Retrieved
from http://www.ntk.edu.hk/en/
NTK Academic Group. (2016, January 7). NTK Rewards Club. Retrieved from
Picone, G., Ridley, D. B., & Zandbergen, P. A. (2009). Distance Decreases with Differentiation:
Tragakes, E. (2011). Economics for the IB Diploma with CD-ROM. Cambridge University Press.
Weyl, E. (2011). ECON 20100 Elements of Economic Analysis II. Retrieved from
Yau, E. (2015, April 14). IB or DSE? Pros and cons of Hong Kong secondary school
Yau, E., & Chau, R. (2015, November 30). Hongkongers' university dreams dashed by
Yeh, A. G. (2011). High density living in Hong Kong. In Proceedings of the Cities, Health
and Well-being conference, London School of Economics and Alfred Herrhausen Society
in partnership with the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (pp. 31-32).
Appendix A - Survey
☐ Expensive
☐ Convenience (Location)
☐ Quality of tutors
☐ Peers’ referral
☐ Reputation
☐ Others (Please specify)
3. Would you still attend your tuition center if there is a percentage change in price of 10%?
☐ Yes
☐ No
4. Would you still attend your tuition center if there is a percentage change in price of 20%?
☐ Yes
☐ No
5. Would you still attend your tuition center if there is a percentage change in price of 30%?
☐ Yes
☐ No
I am a student studying in Elsa High School and is doing research for my Economics Extended
Essay, with the aim of finding out what market structure best represents the international school
tuition centre industry in Hong Kong. I would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to fill
out this survey. Thank you. I would like to conduct an interview with you to understand more
1. What qualities does your tuition center have that differentiate/ stand out from other
tuition centers?
2. Why is your tuition center located in this area?
3. What are the advantages/disadvantages of having braches for tuition centers?
4. Do you know any tutors who teach in other International School tuition centers?
5. What is the proportion of students who come to your tuition center because of peers’
6. Does your tuition center do online tuition? If yes, why?
7. What is the proportion of students who do two or more subjects in your center?
8. Are there any concerns if you need to close down your tuition center?
9. What strategies do you use to attract more students or preventing them to switch centers?
10. Are there rules that tutors must follow in your tuition center?
(All the prices are obtained through phone calls to NTK, ITS and HKExcel)