St. Joseph Academy San Jose, Batangas Fourth Quarter S.Y. 2018 - 2019 Diary Curriculum Map in Arts Ix
St. Joseph Academy San Jose, Batangas Fourth Quarter S.Y. 2018 - 2019 Diary Curriculum Map in Arts Ix
St. Joseph Academy San Jose, Batangas Fourth Quarter S.Y. 2018 - 2019 Diary Curriculum Map in Arts Ix
San Jose, Batangas
S.Y. 2018 – 2019
Subject Description:
In this unit, you will understand the importance of western musical play such as the basic elements and artistic expressions in drama, theatre, cinema, photography, and printmaking and
how they are interrelated. In addition, the students will learn on how to plan and participate in any performance of an excerpt from a selected musical play from any western musical play.
The students will identify how theatrical elements and principles of art are manifested in Western Classical plays and opera. They will perform as a group applying the elements of art in
Western Classical plays and opera.
GOAL: Confidently present their plays and demonstrate proper behaviour when watching a play.
ROLE: You are a stage actor/ actress
AUDIENCE: Your classmates / teachers/ and other students
SITUATION: The students will take part in a performance of a selected piece from Western classical plays and opera that adapt Filipino culture.
PRODUCT: The performance must be committed, cooperated and concentrated.
STANDARDS: Your performance must set based on the following standards: Clarity of voice, costumes and props and good adaptation. They will be graded based on the following rubric.
Voice was loud and clear; Student spoke clearly but it was Voice and language were not Could not understand what was being
Voice words were easily understood. difficult to understand some of very clear; could’ve been much said due to unclear and low speech
the script; could’ve been louder. louder.
Good use of stage and Almost used entire stage; Could have used more of the Need more blocking; always face
Audience movement; did not turn back to turned away from audience only stage; must concentrate on audience and use the stage.
audience. once or twice. facing forward.
Enticing vivid detail used in Script/ dialogue was well- Some detail used in script/ Script/ dialogue contained no purpose
Script / Purpose script/ dialogue; evident written; considerable detail with dialogue; needed more of a and very little detail
reasons for the performance. good purpose. purpose.
Script was fully memorized; Script was almost fully Script was partially memorized; Script was not at all memorized; no
Memorization/ students improvised in place of memorized; some improvised to student did not attempt improvisation used
Improvisation (When lines. make up for missed lines. improvisation.
Great use of gestures; facial Contained some facial Needed more facial Contained little to no facial expression,
Facial Expression / Body expression and body expression, gestures and body expressions, gestures and gesture or movement.
Language movement. movement. movement.
Props and costumes were well Costumes and props were used Minimal props and costumes. No props or costumes used.
Costumes and Props made and authentic. adequately.
Play is well adapted to Filipino Play shows some adaptation to Play shows no adaptation to Play shows no adaptation to Filipino
Adaptation taste and yet faithful to the Filipino taste and is somewhat Filipino taste but is faithful to taste and is not faithful to the source
essence of the source material. faithful to the source material. the source material. material.
Committed, cooperated and Semi- committed, concentrated Almost committed, cooperative No commitment; cooperation or
Overall concentrated and cooperative. and concentrated concentration.
LESSON 1 The learner… The learner… The learner… Brainstorming Giving examples Simplicity
1-2 1. identify selected theatrical Discussion of ritual that
WESTERN 1. how theatrical 1. create appropriate forms from different art periods students have
CLASSICAL PLAYS elements (sound, theatre play/opera watched that had
AND OPERAS music, gesture, costume and theatrical qualities.
Greek: movement, and accessories and Sharing
Oedipus Rex, Medea costume) affect the improvise appropriate experiences with
Renaissance: creation and sound, music, gesture, the class (I
Shakespeare Plays communication of movements, and Achieve Activity 1,
Romantic: meaning in Western costume for a chosen page 134)
Carmen Classical plays and theatrical composition
opera as influenced by
history and culture
2. theatre and 2. take part in a 2. research on the history of Graphic Drawing the plan Self –discipline
performance as a performance of a the theatrical forms and their Organizers of the Theatre of
synthesis of arts selected piece from evolution Guided Epidaurus;
Western Classical plays Activity labelling the parts
and opera . of the
amphitheatre (I
Achieve Activity 2,
page 136 )
Media Enthusiasm
I. Elements of Art as 3. identify the elements and Analysis Using a Venn and
Applied to Western 3-4 principles of arts as Diagram to Excellence
Classical Theatre manifested in Western compare and
and Opera: Classical plays and opera contrast the Greek
1. Sound & Music and Roman
2. Gesture, theatre.
Movement and Dance Comparing the
3. Costume, Mask, different elements
Make-up, and of theatre (music,
Accessories theatre plan,
Spectacle stage, topics, etc ) Rapport and
(Learning Guide) Respect
4. define what makes selected Explanation
western classical plays and
operas unique through visual
representation Acceptance
5. design the visual elements Creating a comic assertiveness
and components of the Role Playing strip telling the
selected Western classical Simulation story of Oedipus Justice
theatre play and opera through Rex (Learning
costumes, props, etc. Guide)
8. choreograph the
movements and gestures
needed in the effective
delivery of a selected piece
from Western Classical plays
and opera
9. improvise accompanying
sound and rhythm needed in
the effective delivery of a
selected piece from Western
Classical plays and operas
1. create appropriate
theater play/opera
costume and
accessories and
improvise appropriate
sound, music, gesture,
movements, and
costume for a chosen
theatrical composition
The learner…
4. define what makes selected Analysis Comparing and Rapport and
western classical plays and contrasting theatre Respect
operas unique through visual of the Italian
representation Renaissance and
that of the English
through a Venn
Diagram (Learning
III. Principles of Art Guide)
8. Rhythm, Movement 7-8 Oral Acceptance
9. Balance Explanation and
10. Emphasis Drawing a concept assertiveness
11. Harmony, Unity, 5. design the visual elements design of
and Variety and components of the costumes for a
12. Proportion selected Western classical play about clowns
theater play and opera through (I Achieve Activity
IV. Process costumes, props, etc. 1, page 149)
13. Designing for Role Playing Justice
stage, costume, Simulation
Oral discussion on
the Neoclassical
6. analyze the uniqueness of Think- Pair- and restoration
each group’s performance of Share comedies
its selected Western classical Strategy (Learning Guide)
theater play and opera
Answering the
questions in the
7. show the influences of the task sheet about
selected Western Classical the influence of
play or opera on Philippine Western theatre
theatrical performance in on Philippine
terms of form and content of theatre (Learning
story Guide)
Creating a
programme for a
8. choreograph the theatre play
movements and gestures (Learning Guide
needed in the effective Formative
delivery of a selected piece Tests
from Western Classical plays
and opera Explaining art
terms (I Achieve
9. improvise accompanying Activity 2, page
sound and rhythm needed in 152.)
the effective delivery of a
selected piece from Western Making a research
Classical plays and operas on Greek,
Shakespearean, or
10. perform in a group a French opera
showcase of the selected and adapt that
piece from Western Classical play into a Filipino
plays and operas setting, with
Filipino names,
characteristic, etc.
(I Achieve Activity
3, page 152)
Performance Task;
Reimagined Play
(I Create, page