St. Joseph Academy San Jose, Batangas First Quarter S.Y. 2018 - 2019 Diary Curriculum Map Inpeix
St. Joseph Academy San Jose, Batangas First Quarter S.Y. 2018 - 2019 Diary Curriculum Map Inpeix
St. Joseph Academy San Jose, Batangas First Quarter S.Y. 2018 - 2019 Diary Curriculum Map Inpeix
San Jose, Batangas
S.Y. 2018 – 2019
Subject Description:
Unit 1 provides the students activities that will develop their understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote community fitness. The active participation to such undertakings
will make them improve their fitness level and realize on the importance of a well -balanced meal that should be part of their careful planning to achieve their desired fitness goal. The different
health-related and skill-related fitness tests will determine their areas of strengths and weaknesses which will also serve as their basis in identifying their lifetime physical involvement. This unit
also offers introductory skills in Volleyball such as proper risk factors of physical inactivity and poor nutrition which may lead to lifestyle-related diseases. And lastly, they will be equipped on the
basic first aid to be applied for injuries and emergency situations, thus making them show concern with the members of the community.
GOAL: To learn how to balance community sports involvement and healthy eating habits to attain lifetime fitness.
ROLE:. You are a Fitness Instructor / health advocate
AUDIENCE: Your classmates/teachers
SITUATION: You will propose your project considering the best physical activity involvement that matches the need of the people in order to attain lifetime fitness
PRODUCT: The knowledge on lifestyle and weight management will encourage them to become fitness instructor, sports coach, or health advocate which supports community fitness.
STANDARDS: The activity will be assessed based on the following standards: relevance, appropriateness, creativity and accuracy.
Components of Health
Related Fitness
Four components of health are -Three components are
represented in the program. -One component is - Two components are represented in the program All components are
-Cardiorespiratory represented in the program represented in the program. represented in the program.
-Muscular strength
-Muscular endurance
The learner . . . The learner . . . 1. determines risk factors Direct Illustrating the Self –
LESSON 2 3-4 1. maintains an active (obesity, physical Teaching Philippine Food discipline
IMPORTANCE OF WEIGHT lifestyle to influence the inactivity, poor nutrition, Pyramid
understanding of
MANAGEMENT physical activity smoking) for major non- Cooperative (Knowledge
lifestyle and weight
participation of the communicable diseases Learning Booth, pages 16
management to Grouping and 17)
promote community community lifestyle-related(e.g.
diabetes, heart disease, Self /Peer
fitness Assessment
stroke, cancer)
2. practices healthy 2. officiates practice and Think-Pair- eating habits Justice
eating habits that support competitive games Share Strategy based on the
an active lifestyle . Divergent Philippine Food
Discovery Pyramid/ My Acceptanc
Formative Food Plate (The e and
Tests Concrete Finale assertiven
page 18) ess
Summative Recognizing the Enthusias
3. distinguishes facts Tests needs of others m and
from myths and Reflection and in real life and in excellence
misinformation Documentatio meaningful
associated with eating n ways (Come to
habits Suggested Think of It, page Rapport
Activities/ Mini- 17) and
Performance Making a daily respect
Task meal plan that
reflects on a
healthy meal that
can resolve health
Music, Arts,
Education and
Health (MAPEH
for GRADE 9)
3. Monitors Jigsaw e and
periodically one’s Learning Recognizing the assertiven
progress toward needs of others ess
fitness goals. Team Games in real life and in
Tournament meaningful Enthusias
ways (Come to m and
Executing think of it, page excellence
Demonstrating and
the skills of a respect
volleyball sports
official (What If?
Page 28
Teacher Acceptan
2. practices healthy 2.Recognize the
Feedback Examining ways ce and
eating habits that support importance of first aid to
on how to assertive
an active lifestyle . reduce the occurrence of Self/ Peer handle ness
serious injury Assessment emergency
situations for Enthusias
common sports m and
Convergent injuries (Come excellenc
Discovery to Think of it, e
pages 35 and
3.Perform appropriate Recognizing the
3. the student participates first aid for injuries and Summative needs of others Rapport
in community sports to emergency situations in Tests in real life and in and
attain lifetime health goals physical activity and meaningful respect
sports settings. Reflection and ways (What if
Documentatio page 36)
Suggested appropriate first
Activities/ Mini- aid for injuries
Performance and emergency
Task situations in
physical activity
and sport
settings (The
Concrete Finale,
page 36)