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TASK : HH513


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Student was in a complete and clean
Student was not in uniform when class Student was in uniform at the beginning of
uniform at the beginning of class. (Hat,
A. UNIFORM begin. Parts were missing from it and/or it class but was missing parts to it and/or it
white chef coat, chef pants, closed toe
was dirty. was dirty.
shoes, scarf & apron.

Student did not pay attention while recipe Student paid sporadic attention to the Student attended to the entire recipe
was previewed. recipe preview. preview.

Student failed in one or more of the Student washed hands properly at the
Student did not wash hands; kept pushing
C. HYGIENE following: hand-washing; handling hair, beginning and throughout the lab; avoided
stray hair back, touching face, clothing, etc.
face, clothing, etc. handling hair, face, clothing, etc.
Ingredients partially collected had to
Ingredients, insufficiently collected or not Ingredients either collected in advance or
D. INGREDIENT COLLECTION interrupt procedure to get items that
readily available when needed. readily available when needed.
should have been available.

Insufficient equipment collected to Most equipment collected to complete all All equipment collected to complete all
complete all facets of the practical class. facets of the practical class facets of the practical class

Ingredients partially prepared had to

F. MISE EN PLACE/ Ingredients, insufficiently prepared or not interrupt procedure to complete a Ingredients either collected in advance or
PREPARATION readily available when needed. preparation task that should have already readily available when needed.
been completed
Recipe or proper procedure was somewhat Recipe or procedure was followed
Recipe or proper procedure was not
G. PROCEDURE followed, but errors in measuring or order commendably. No errors in measuring or
of steps occurred. order of steps occurred.
Preparation, cooking and clean-up were
Preparation, cooking and clean-up were
Preparation, cooking and clean-up were completed in a somewhat timely manner,
H. TIME MANAGEMENT completed in a timely manner. Activities
not completed in a timely manner. but could have "dovetailed" to avoid
"dovetailed" to make efficient use of time.
wasting time.
Student only worked with constant Student needed some supervision,
Student willing to complete all tasks
supervision, prodding, or encouragement. prodding, or encouragement; tended to
including clean-up. Worked steadily
I. COOPERATION Didn't complete all tasks, didn't quit before all tasks complete. Focused on
through the lab; participated in all kitchen
demonstrate a willingness to work "fun" stuff. Avoided thorough clean-up.
tasks. Displayed willingness to cooperate.
cooperatively. Slow to cooperate.
TASK : HH513

Food product was edible, but lacked flavor; Correct preparation of food product
J. FINISHED FOOD PRODUCT Food product was inedible. or errors were made in the recipe during resulted in appropriate taste, texture,
the cooking process. appearance.
Tried to use equipment safely and
Didn't follow safety rules. Didn't use safe Demonstrated safe and correct use of all
correctly. Careless at times; didn't always
K. SAFETY food handling techniques. Didn't use kitchen equipment used for the lab. Careful
follow the rules. Occasionally followed safe
kitchen equipment in a safe manner. to follow safe food handling procedures.
food handling procedures.
Kitchen clean and orderly; equipment
Dishes, utensils, equipment left unwashed; Dishes, utensils washed; but
washed/put away. Dishes/utensils washed.
tables/floors not cleaned well; used towels equipment/tables unwashed. Laundry and
L. CLEAN UP Tables/ floors cleaned and swept. Laundry
and cleaning buckets left lying around. cleaning buckets may or may not be picked
and cleaning buckets taken care of
Equipment not put away. up. Some equipment not put away.
properly. Cleaning assignments finished.

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