Cookery Ii Name: Grade / Section

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  Fair Good Excellent

2 pts Participated with only minimal 3 pts Practiced good teamwork skills, 4 pts Shows leadership skills
effort, tendency to wander, minimal completed all personal, pre-prep, and within group and class, shows
cleanup effort, skill level needs prep skills, completed kitchen duties, professionalism, mastered
improvement shows professionalism, good attitude, techniques, shows creativity,
shows creativity, practices good completes assigned jobs and
techniques kitchen duties.
Preparation mise en Poor Fair Good Excellent
Measuring, chopping, and Did not measure out all the Student completed most of Student completed all the steps but did Student practiced excellent time
otherwise preparing the ingredients and have them lined up in preparation steps but missed one or not use time management management in preparation
ingredients, job assignments, order of use, Did not read recipe more of the procedures. Did not procedures and completed all steps
rubric before beginning preparation, missed participate in all the preparation successfully.
a preparation step steps or wandered out of group
during the process.
Cooking Poor Fair Good Excellent
Follows and completes recipe
instructions or instructions as Student did not focus on task at hand, Student attempted tasks but got Student showed proper cooking Student demonstrated proper
demonstrated by the teacher, left equipment on stove unattended, distracted or did not complete methods and techniques, but did not cooking technique, showed
resulting in a food product. did not control heat, did not follow assigned task, followed only part of practice good time management. professionalism, completed all
instructions. the instructions. instructions successfully, and
finished within the allotted time.
Time management & Poor Fair Good Excellent
Preparing the kitchen and Student does not complete all the Student completed most of tasks, but Student completed all the steps but did Student practiced excellent time
him/herself for the lab, and necessary preparation techniques missed one or more of steps not use time management management in completing each
gathering all things necessary such as hand washing, tying hair personal and pre-preparation task.
to carry out the lab. back, aprons, reading recipe, getting
out equipment and ingredients, and
sanitizing the lab.
Safety & Sanitation Poor Fair Good Excellent
Practiced proper safety and
sanitation techniques Students did not demonstrate proper Student only demonstrated some Student demonstrated proper safety and Student demonstrated safety and
safety and sanitation practices such as safety and sanitation practices. sanitation practices most of the time. sanitation practices and ensured
using equipment in the appropriate they were practiced by others in
manner, handwashing, sanitizing, the group.
cleaning up as needed, dishwashing,
and final clean-up.
Final Product Poor Fair Good Excellent
burnt/ undercooked, inedible, poor Poor final product, several mistakes Good final product but slightly off Excellent final product. Turned
product. apparent. out just as expected.
Clean up Poor Fair Good Excellent
5 or lower in clean up evaluation. Fair clean up but missed 3-4 items. Good clean up but missed 1-2 items. Excellent clean up.
Oven or burner left on. Oven hood fan and or light left on.

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