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LOCAL TAXATION measure of power to impose and collect taxes as

may be deemed expedient. Thus, municipalities

Source of Tax Powers may be permitted to tax subjects which, for
 Basco vs. PAGCOR. Local Governments do not reasons of public policy, the State has not deemed
have the inherent power to tax except as may be wise to tax for more general purposes.
delegated to them.  The tax powers of local government units are to
 Article X, Constitution. Section 5. Each local be liberally construed but a doubt on the
government unit shall have the power to create application of a tax ordinance shall be construed
its own sources of revenue and to levy taxes, fees strictly against the LGU except tax exemptions.
and charges subject to such guidelines and Incentive or relief which shall be construed strictly
limitations as the Congress may provide, against the grantee.
consistent with the basic policy of local autonomy.  LGU and their officials are not exempt from
Such taxes, fees and charges shall accrue liability for death or injury to persons or damage
exclusively to the local governments. to property.
 Section 6. The local government units shall have a  The enactment of tax ordinances and revenue
just share as determined by law, in the national measures requires public hearings to be first
taxes which shall be automatically released to conducted.
them.  Tax exemption privileges, except those provided
in the Code itself, have been withdrawn.
Limitations of Local Tax Powers  LGU have a share in the proceeds of National
1. The taxpayer will not be over-burdened or internal revenue taxes.
saddled with multiple and unreasonable  Agricultural product – includes the yield of the
impositions; soil, such as corn, rice, wheat, rye, hay, coconuts,
2. Each local government unit will have its fair share sugarcane, tobacco, root crops, vegetables, fruits,
of available resources; flowers and their by-products; ordinary salts; all
3. The resources of the national government will not kinds of fish; poultry; and livestock and animal
be unduly disturbed; and products whether in their original form or not.
4. Local taxation will be fair, uniform and just.  Amusement – pleasurable diversion and
 The principle of local autonomy under the  Amusement places – include theaters, cinemas,
Constitution simply means decentralization. It concert halls, circuses and other places of
does not make local governments sovereign amusement where one seeks admission to
within the state or an imperium in imperio. entertain oneself by seeking or viewing the show
 Local Government has been described as a or performances
political subdivision of a nation or state which is  Business – trade or commercial activity regularly
constituted by law and has substantial control of engaged in as a means of livelihood or with a view
local affairs. of profit.
 Banks and other financial institutions – includes
Scope of Local Taxation non-bank financial intermediaries, lending
 Two major parts: investors, finance and investment companies,
1. Local Government Taxation – covers the pawnshops, money shops, insurance companies,
imposition of license taxes, fees, and other stock markets, stockbrokers and dealer in
impositions, including the community tax securities and exchange.
2. Real Property Taxation – a system of levy on  Capital investment – the capital which a person
real property imposed on a country-wide employs in any undertaking, or which he
basis but authorizing, to a limited extent and contributes to the capital of a partnership,
within certain parameters, local governments corporation, or any other juridical entity or
to vary the rates of taxation. association in a particular taxing jurisdiction.
 RA 7160, Local Government Code of 1991  Charges – refer to pecuniary liability, as rents or
fees against persons or property.
LOCAL GOVERNMENT TAXATION  Contractor – includes persons, natural or juridical,
not subject to professional tax, whose activity
The Local Structure consists essentially of the sale of all kinds of
 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. vs. Municipality of services for a fee, regardless of WON the
Tanauan. In delegating the authority, the State is performance of the service calls for the exercise
not limited to the exact measure of the power or use of the physical or mental faculties of such
which is exercised by municipalities and the like; it contractor or his employees.
is meant that there may be delegated such
 Corporation – includes partnerships, no matter  Operator – includes the owner, manager,
how created or organized, joint-stock companies, administrator, or any other person who operates
joint accounts, associations or insurance or is responsible for the operation of a business
companies but does not include general establishment or undertaking.
professional partnerships and a joint venture or  Peddler – any person who, either for himself or
consortium formed for the purpose of on commission, travels from place to place and
undertaking construction projects or engaging in sells his goods or offers to sell and deliver the
petroleum, coal, geothermal, and other same.
operations pursuant to an operating or  Persons – every natural or juridical being,
consortium agreement under a service contract susceptible of rights and obligations or of being
with the government. the subject of legal relations.
 Countryside and barangay business enterprise –  Retail – a sale where the purchaser buys the
refers to any business entity, association, or commodity for his own consumption, irrespective
cooperative registered under the Magna Carta for of the quantity of the commodity sold.
Countryside and Barangay Business Enterprises  Vessel – includes every type of boat, craft, or
(kalakalan 20). other artificial contrivance used, or capable of
 Dealer – one whose business is to buy and sell being used, as a means of transportation on
merchandise, goods, and chattels as a merchant. water.
 Fee – charge fixed by law or ordinance for the  Wharfage – a fee assessed against the cargo of a
regulation or inspection of a business or activity. vessel engaged in foreign or domestic trade based
 Franchise – a right or privilege, affected with on quantity, weight, or measure received and/or
public interest which is conferred upon private discharged by vessel.
persons or corporations, under such terms and  Wholesale – a sale where the purchaser buys or
conditions as the government and its political imports the commodities for resale to persons
subdivisions may impose in the interest of public other than the end user regardless of the quantity
welfare, security and safety. of the transaction.
 Gross sales or receipts – the total amount of
money or its equivalent representing the contract Notable Rules
price, compensation or service fee.  A revenue ordinance may only be imposed
 Manufacturer – every person who, by physical or through an appropriate ordinance and requires
chemical process, alters the exterior texture or prior to its enactment a public hearing.
form or inner substance of any raw material or  The legislative intendment appears to limit
manufactured or partially manufactured product provinces and municipalities, respectively, to the
in such manner as to prepare it for special use or imposition of taxes that the other may levy under
uses to which it could not have been put in its its specific authority; hence, municipalities may
original condition. levy taxes not otherwise levied by provinces and
 Marginal farmer or fisherman – an individual the latter, upon the other hand, would be
engaged in subsistence farming or fishing which prohibited from levying taxes that municipalities
shall be limited to the sale, barter or exchange of may impose under the enumeration of its specific
agricultural or marine products produced by authority.
himself and his immediate family.  Cities have the broadest tax powers, embracing
 Motor vehicle – any vehicle propelled by any both such specific and general tax powers as
power other than muscular power using the provinces and municipalities may impose.
public roads, but excluding road rollers, trolley  Barangays may, under certain conditions:
cars, street sweepers, sprinklers, lawn mowers, 1. Levy taxes on stores and retailers;
bulldozers, graders, forklifts, amphibian trucks 2. Fees and charges on billboards and
and cranes if not used on public roads. signboards, and cockpits, gamecocks and
 Municipal waters – includes not only streams, cockfights; and
lakes, and tidal waters within the municipality, not 3. Impose service charges.
being the subject of private ownership and not  Smart Communications Inc. vs. City of Davao.
comprised within the national parks, public forest, Aside from the national franchise tax, the
timber lands, forest reserves or fishery reserves, franchisee is still liable to pay the local franchise
but also marine waters included between 2 lines tax, unless it is expressly and unequivocally
drawn perpendicularly to the general coastline exempted from the payment thereof under its
from points where boundary lines of the legislative franchise.
municipality or city touch the sea at low tide and a
third line parallel with the general coastline and General Provisions
15 kilometers from it.
 The levy must not be unjust, excessive, Common Limitations
oppressive, confiscatory or contrary to a declared  The following taxes may NOT be imposed by any
national economic policy. LGU:
 Legislative in nature. The LGC has made it explicit 1. Income tax, except when levied on banks and
that a tax, fee, or charge or to generate revenue other financial institutions;
under this code shall be exercised by the 2. DST;
Sanggunian of the LGU concerned through an 3. Taxes on estates, inheritance, gifts, legacies
appropriate ordinance. and other acquisitions mortis causa, except as
 General limitations. The following fundamental otherwise provided in the LGC (transfer of
principles must be observed: real property ownership by provinces);
1. Taxation shall be uniform in each LGU; 4. Customs duties, registration fees of vessel
2. Taxes, fees, charges and other impositions (except the fee that may be imposed on the
shall: issuance of licenses for the operation of
a. Be equitable; fishing vessels of 3 tons gross or less by
b. Be levied and collected only for public municipalities and cities), and wharfage on
purposes; wharves, tonnage dues and all other kinds of
c. Not be unjust, excessive, oppressive or customs fees, charges and dues except
confiscatory; wharfage on wharves constructed and
d. Not be contrary to law, public policy and maintained by the LGU concerned;
national economic policy, nor in restraint 5. Taxes, fees, charges and other impositions
of trade. upon goods carried into or out of, or passing
3. In no case shall the collection of local taxes though, the territorial jurisdictions of local
and other impositions be let to any person; governments in the guise of unreasonable
4. The revenue collected under the Code shall charges for wharfage, use of bridges, or
inure solely to the benefit of, and subject to otherwise, or other taxes in any form
disposition by, the local government imposing whatever upon such goods or merchandise;
the tax or fee, unless otherwise specifically 6. Taxes, fees and charges on agricultural and
provided in the Code; and aquatic products when sold by the marginal
5. It shall be the responsibility of each local farmers or fishermen;
political subdivision to evolve a progressive 7. Taxes on business enterprises certified by the
system of taxation. BOI as pioneer or non-pioneer for a period of
 Equality and uniformity in local taxation means 6 and 4 years, respectively, from such
that all taxable articles or kinds of property of the registration;
same class shall be taxed at the same rate within 8. Excise taxes on articles enumerated under the
the territorial jurisdiction of the taxing authority NIRC and taxes, fees, or charges on petroleum
or LGU and not necessarily in comparison with products, but not a tax on the business of
other units although belonging to the same importing, manufacturing or producing said
political subdivision. products;
 Uniformity is required only within the 9. Percentage taxes on sales, barters or
geographical limits of the taxing authority. exchanges of goods or services or similar
 Classification to be reasonable: transactions thereon;
1. It is based upon substantial distinctions which 10. Taxes on the gross receipts of transportation
make the real differences; contractors and persons engaged in the
2. These are germane to the purpose of the transportation of passengers or freight by hire
legislation or ordinance; and common carriers by air, land or water
3. The classification applies, not only to present except as provided by the Code;
conditions but also to future conditions 11. Taxes on premiums paid for reinsurance or
substantially identical to those of the present; retrocession;
and 12. Taxes, fees or charges for the registration of
4. The classification applies equally to all those motor vehicles and for the issuance of all
who belong to the same class. kinds of licenses or permits for the driving
 Public purpose requires that the proceeds of thereof, except tricycles;
taxation are used to support the existence of the 13. Taxes, fees, or other charges on Philippine
local government or the pursuit of its products actually exported except as provided
governmental objectives. by the Code.
 A voiding of ordinances by courts is taken only 14. Taxes, fees or charges on countryside and
when the rates imposed are shown to be barangay business enterprises and on
oppressive, excessive and prohibitive.
cooperatives duly organized and registered 7. Annual fixed tax per delivery truck or van of
under RA 6810 and 6938; manufacturers or producers of certain
15. Taxes, fees or charges of any kind on the products, such as distilled spirits and soft
National Government, its agencies and drinks in an amount not exceeding P500. Said
instrumentalities, and Local governments. manufacturers and producers are exempt
from the tax on peddlers by cities and
SPECIFIC TAX POWERS municipalities.

Provinces Municipalities
 Authorized to impose the ff taxes:  May levy taxes, fees and charges not otherwise
1. Tax, not exceeding ½ of 1% of the total levied by provinces.
consideration or the fair market value if the 1. Business tax.
monetary consideration is not substantial, a. Minimum of P165 to a maximum of ½ of
whichever is higher, on the transfer of 1% based on the gross sales or receipts
ownership of real property, except transfers during the preceding calendar year of
pursuant to the Land Reform Code. manufacturers, assemblers, repackers and
 Real property, for purposes of this tax, processors of any commerce.
refers only to land, buildings, and b. Minimum of P18 to a maximum of ½ of
machineries intended by the owner for an 1% on the gross sales or receipts of
industry or work which may be carried on wholesalers, distributors, or dealers of
in a building or on a piece of land and any article of commerce;
which tend directly to meet the needs of c. A fixed annual tax on exporters, and on
said industry or work. manufacturers, millers, producers,
 It shall be the duty of the seller, donor, wholesalers, distributors, dealers or
transferor or executor or administrator to retailers of certain essential commodities
pay the tax within 60 days from the date at a rate not exceeding ½ of the rates
of the execution of deed. stated in a and b;
2. Tax on business of printing and publication of d. 1% or 2% of the gross sales or receipts of
books, cards, posters, leaflets, handbills, retailers, provided, however, that
certificates, receipts, pamphlets and similar barangays have exclusive power to levy
items, except books and materials prescribed taxes if the gross receipts of retailers fo
by the DepEd as school texts, at a rate not not exceed P50,000 in the case of cities
exceeding ½ of 1% of gross annual receipts. and P30,000 in the case of municipalities;
3. Franchise tax, notwithstanding any exemption e. Minimum of P27.50 to maximum ½ of 1%
granted by any law or other special law, of ½ of gross receipts of contractors and other
of 1% of gross receipts realized within its various other independent contractors.
jurisdiction. f. ½ of 1% on the gross receipts of banks
4. Tax on sand, gravel and other query resources and other financial institutions, including
of not more than 10% of market value intermediaries, pawnshops and stock
thereof. markets, brokers and dealers in Securities
5. Professional tax on individuals engaged in the and on insurance premium;
practice or exercise of his profession. In no g. Not exceeding P50 on peddlers engaged
case to exceed P300. in the sale of ay merchandise or article or
 Professionals exclusively employed in the commerce;
government shall be exempt from the h. A tax on business; provided, however,
payment of the tax. that in the case of any business subject to
 The payment of the tax in any province or the excise tax, VAT or percentage tax
city entitles the person to practice his under the NIRC, the rate of the tax shall
profession anywhere in the Philippines not exceed 2% of gross sales or receipts
without being further made subject to any for the preceding calendar year.
local or national tax therefor.  Fixed annual tax – those whose tax base is the
6. Amusement tax on admission to be collected amount of gross sales or receipts for the
from proprietors or operators of places of preceding taxable period of the taxpayer.
amusement at the rate of not more than 10%  The business is paid by the person conducting the
of gross receipts. Exempt from the tax is the business. In case he operates two or more
holding of operas, concerts, art exhibitions, businesses which are subject to the same rate of
literary and oratorical presentations, except tax, the tax shall be computed on the combined
pop, rock or similar concerts. total gross sales or receipts of said two or more
related businesses; otherwise, the tax liabilities Common Revenue-Raising Powers
accrue and shall be reported separately.  LGUs may exercise the power to levy taxes, fees
 Municipalities may also impose: or charges on any base or subject not otherwise
a. Reasonable fees and charges on business and specifically enumerated in the LGC or taxed under
occupation or calling, as well as the practice the NIRC.
of profession except those reserved to the  Legislative intent:
province, commensurate with the cost of 1. A specific enumeration of tax powers to a
regulation, inspection and licensing. local government unit should be understood
b. Reasonable fees for the sealing and licensing to be to the exclusion of the other LGUs
of weights and measures; 2. No LGU may impose taxes which are already
c. Fishery rentals, fees and charges, including imposed under NIRC.
the authority to grant fishery privileges within  LGUs are authorized to adjust tax rates not
municipal waters, as well as issue licenses for oftener than once every 5 years but such
the operation of fishing vessels of 3 tons or adjustment shall not exceed 10% of the rates
less. fixed by the LGC.
 LGUs are likewise authorized to:
Cities 1. Impose and collect reasonable fees and
 Authorized specifically to impose taxes, fees and charges for services rendered;
charges that provinces and municipalities may 2. Fix rates for the operation of public utilities
levy, at rates that may be above the maximum owned, operated and maintained by them
established for provinces and municipalities but within their jurisdiction; and
not exceeding 50% of such maximum rates except 3. Prescribe the conditions and fix the rates for
the rates of professional and amusement taxes. the imposition of toll fees or charges. No such
 Bagatsing vs. Ramirez. A subsequent general law toll fees shall be collected from officers and
similarly applicable to all cities prevails over any enlisted men of the AFP and PNP, post office
conflicting charter provision for the reason that a personnel delivering mail and disabled
charter must not be inconsistent with the general citizens who are 65 years or over.
laws and public policy of the State.
 May levy, to the exclusion of the other LGUs, the On business taxes
following taxes, fees and charges;  Two categories of taxes on business
1. Taxes on stores or retailers with fixed 1. Fixed annual taxes
business establishment whose gross sales or a. Imposed at unitary rates such as those
receipts for the preceding calendar year foes levied on retailers and peddlers, as well as
not exceed P50K in cities and P30K in banks and financial institutions; and
municipalities, at a rate of not exceeding 1% b. Under a schedule of graduated tax rates
on such gross sales or receipt. based on gross sales or receipts of
2. Service charges for services rendered in manufacturers, dealers, exporters or
connection with the regulation of the use of products of various articles of commerce
barangay-owned properties or service and independent contractors.
facilities such as palay, copra or tobacco dryer 2. VAT or percentage taxes on sales such as
and the like. those levied under NIRC
3. Reasonable fees and charges a. Fixed annual taxes may be imposed by
a. On commercial breeding of fighting cocks, cities and municipalities but excluding, in
cockfights and cockpits; the case of municipalities, business taxes
b. On laces of recreation which charge which provinces may collect under their
admission fees; and specific authority.
c. On billboards, signboards and outdoor b. VAT and percentage taxes on sales or its
advertisements. equivalent may not be imposed by any
 No city or municipality may issue any license or LGU.
permit for any business or activity unless a
clearance is first obtained from the barangay On specific taxes
where the business is to be conducted. For such  A specific tax is one levied on an article rather
clearance, the barangay may impose a reasonable than on the person engaged in its production,
fee. If the clearance is not issued within 7 days, manufacture, importation or sale that
the license or permit may be issued. distinguishes it from a tax on business.
 The LGC does not prohibit the LGU from imposing 1. Diplomatic and consular representatives;
such a tax except on articles subject to excise tax. 2. Transient visitors when their stay in the Phil
 A LGU may impose a tax which is not among the does not exceed 3 months.
taxes that the LGC had not specifically  Estates of deceased persons, being neither
enumerated, provided the ff conditions ocncur: corporations nor individuals, are not subject to
1. The tax measure is not violative of any of the the tax, but the heirs must declare their
fundamental principles of local taxation; proportionate shares of the income.
2. The tax is not among those explicitly
prohibited by the Code; Place and time of payment
3. A public hearing is conducted.  Paid in the place of residence (individual) or
principal place of business (juridical).
Community Taxes  Liability for community taxes accrues on the first
 Persons liable day of January of each year as regards persons
1. Individuals liable to residence tax then residents of the Philippines and liable for the
 Every inhabitant of the Philippines 18 and taxes. The CT shall be paid not later than the last
above who has been regularly employed day of February.
for at least 30 consecutive workings days  Those who come to reside in the Philippines on or
during any calendar year, or who is before the last day of June, and those who reach
engaged in business or occupation, or the age of 18 or otherwise lose the benefit of the
who owns (naked or beneficial) real exemption on or before that day, shall pay the
property with an aggregate assessed residence taxes within 60 days from arrival in the
value of P1,000 or more or who is Philippines or reach the age of 18 or from the
required by law to file an income tax time they lose the benefit of exemption.
return shall pay an annual community tax  Persons who come to reside in the Philippines or
of P5 and annual additional tax of P1 for arrived at the age of 18 on or after the first day of
every P1,000 income regardless of July of any year, or who cease to belong to an
whether from business, exercise of exempt class on or after the same date, shall not
profession or from property which in co be subject to the taxes for that year.
case shall exceed P5,000.  Corporations which may be established or
 In case of husband and wife, the organized on or before the 30 th of June shall pay
additional tax shall be based upon the the CT within 20 days from the date of
total property owned by them or upon incorporation. Those which are established on or
the total gross receipts or earnings after July 1 shall not be subject to the tax for such
derived by them. year.
2. Entities liable – every corporation, including  If not paid, pay an interest of 24% from the due
joint stock company, partnership, joint date until it is paid.
account, association, or insurance companies,
but excluding GPPs and joint ventures for Community Tax certificates
undertaking construction projects or engaging  Issued upon payment of the basic and additional
in energy operations under service contract residence tax.
with the government, no matter how created  Also issued to any person, not subject to the tax,
or organized, whether domestic or resident upon payment of P1.00.
foreign, engaged in or doing business in the  The proceeds of the tax accrue to the general
Philippines shall ay an annual community tax funds of the province, cities, municipalities and
of P500 and annual additional tax which, in no barangays except a portion thereof which shall
case, shall exceed P10,000, in accordance accrue to the general funds of the National
with the following schedule: Government to cover the cost of printing and
a. For every P5,000 worth of real property in distribution of the forms and other incidental
the Phil.- P2.00 expenses.
b. For every P5,000 of gross receipts or  The provincial or city treasurer shall remit to the
earnings, derived by it from its business in National treasurer the tax within 10 days after the
the Phil, P2.00. end of each quarter.
 The dividends received by a corporation  Proceeds of the tax collected thru the barangay
from another corporation shall, for the treasurers, deputized by the city or municipal
purpose of additional tax, be considered treasurer shall be divided equally between the 2
as part of the gross receipts or earnings of LGUs concerned.
said corporation.
 The following are exempt from CT: Enactment and Effectivity of Local Tax Ordinances
1. Passage – power to impose may be exercised only Civil Remedies for Collection
be the sangguniang panlalawigan, panlungsod,  The tax period of local taxes, fees and charges is
bayan or barangay concerned thru appropriate the calendar year, except when otherwise
ordinance. provided in the Code, and such levies may be paid
2. Approval – shall be approved and signed by the on quarterly installments within the first 20 days
local chief executive concerned, but if he of each quarter.
considers such ordinance to be ultra vires or as  The time for payment may be extended by the
prejudicial to the public welfare, he may veto such Sanggunian concerned, without surcharges or
ordinance by signifying his disapproval thereof in penalties, at a rate not exceeding 2% per month
writing. The sanggunian may override the veto by until the delinquent amount is fully paid but not
2/3 vote of all its members, in which case it shall to exceed a total interest corresponding to 36
be deemed approved without the local chief months.
executive’s signature. If he neither approves or  In determining the amount due, the local
vetoes the ordinance within 15 days in the case of treasurer may, by himself, or through his deputies
a province, or within 10 days in the case of a city duly authorized in writing, examine the books,
or municipality after its passage, it shall likewise accounts, and other pertinent record of a
be deemed approved. Ordinances passed by the taxpayer.
sanggunian barangay shall, upon approval by the
majority of all its members, be signed by the Tax Lien
punong barangay.  The LGC creates on any unpaid tax, fee or charge,
3. Effectivity - 10 days from date of posting. a lien, superior to all liens, charges or
4. Accrual – generally, local taxes, fees and charges encumbrances in favor of any person.
accrue on the first day of the calendar year;  The lien may only be extinguished upon full
however, in case the effectivity of any new tax payment of the delinquent local tax, fee or
ordinance falls on any date other then the charge, including related surcharges or interest.
beginning of the quarter, the same shall be  The tax lien does not extend to other revenues,
considered as falling at the beginning of the next such as those arising from contracts or from laws
ensuing quarter and the new tax levy or revised of general application.
rate due shall begin to accrue therefrom.  Distraint
5. Publication – within 20 days from approval, be 1. Seizure – upon failure of the person to pay,
published for 3 consecutive days in a newspaper the treasurer or his deputy may, upon written
widely circulated with the local government’s notice, seize and confiscate any personal
jurisdiction or in the absence thereof, posted in 2 property belonging to the person or any
conspicuous places. Copies of the ordinance shall personal property subject to the tax lien in
be furnished to the local treasurer for public sufficient quantity to satisfy the tax.
dissemination.  The treasure or his deputy shall issue a
6. Review – within 3 days after approval, copies of duly authenticated certificate based upon
the approved tax ordinance of the municipality or the records of his office showing the fact
city shall be furnished to the provincial of delinquency and the amount of the tax
sanggunian; and in the case of barangay and penalty due.
ordinances, within 10 days from enactment copies  Shall be sold at public auction.
thereof shall be forwarded to the sanggunian  A tax lien is distinguished from distraint in
bayan or the city sanggunian, for the review of the that in the latter, the property must be
ordinance. that of the taxpayer, although it need not
7. Declaration of Invalidity or Suspension of Tax be the property in respect to which the
ordinances – review within 30 days after receipt tax is assessed; a tax lien is generally
of copy. If within the 30 days, no action was directed to the property subject to the tax
taken, the ordinance shall be deemed consistent regardless of its owner.
with law and therefore valid. 2. Accounting of distrained goods – a copy of
8. Remedies upon Declaration of Invalidity or such accounting shall be signed by the officer
Suspension executing the distraint, leave such with the
 Any question on the constitutionality or legality owner.
of tax ordinances or revenue measures may be 3. Publication – not less than 3 public places in
raised on appeal within 30 days from the the territory of the LGU where the distraint is
effectivity thereof to the Secretary of Justice. made, specifying the time and place of sale
 Such appeal shall not have the effect of and the articles distrained. One place shall be
suspending the effectivity of the ordinances. at the office of the chief executive.
 Certiorari
4. Release of distrained property upon payment 6. The professional libraries of doctors, engineers,
prior to sale. lawyers and judges;
5. Procedure of sale – at the time and placed 7. One fishing boat and net, not exceeding the total
fixed in the notice, the officer shall sell the value of P10,000, by the lawful use of which a
goods or effects so distrained at public fisherman earns his livelihood;
auction to the highest bidder for cash. Within 8. Any material or article forming part of a house or
5 days after the sale, the treasurer shall make improvement of any real property.
a report of the proceedings in writing to the
chief executive of the LGU concerned. Prescriptive periods of Assessment and Collection
 Should the property be not disposed of  On assessment – 5 years from the date they
within 120 days from the date of distraint, become due. In case of fraud or intent to evade
the same shall be considered as sold to tax, the same shall be assessed within 10 years
the local government for the amount of from discovery of the fraud or intent to evade
the assessment made. payment.
6. Disposition of proceeds – applied to satisfy  On collection – within 5 years from the date of
the tax, together with the increments thereto assessment.
incident to delinquency, and the expenses of  Suspension of Prescriptive Periods
the distraint and sale. Residue will be 1. The treasurer is legally prevented for making
returned to the owner. If proceeds are the assessment or collection;
insufficient, other property may be distrained. 2. The taxpayer requests for reinvestigation and
 Levy executes a waiver in writing before expiration
1. Real property may be levied after the of the period within which to assess or collect;
expiration of the time required to pay the and
delinquent tax, fee or charge 3. The taxpayer is out of the country or
2. Publication – within 30 days after levy. otherwise cannot be located.
Advertisement shall cover a period of at least
30 days. It shall be effected by posting a Tax Exemptions
notice at the main entrance of the municipal  LGUs may, thru ordinances duly approved, grant
building or city hall, and in a public and tax exemptions, incentives or reliefs under such
conspicuous place in the barangay where the terms and conditions are they may deem
real property is located, and by publication necessary.
once a week in three weeks in a newspaper of  The LGC has withdrawn, except for those
general circulation in the province, city or provided therein, tax exemptions or incentives
municipality where the property is located. granted to, or presently enjoyed by all persons,
3. Stay of sale – at any time before the date including GOCCs, except local water districts,
fixed for the sale, the taxpayer may stay the cooperatives duly registered under RA 6938, non-
proceedings by paying the taxes, fees, stock and non-profit hospitals and educational
charges, penalties and interests. institutions.
4. Sale – within 30 days from the sale, the local
treasurer shall make a report of the sale to Tax Condonation
the sanggunian concerned.  LGUs may condone or remit taxes.
5. Right of redemption
Remedies of Taxpayers.
Property exempt from distraint, levy, attachment or  Prior to an assessment
execution 1. Administrative appeal to the SOJ;
1. Tools and implements necessarily used by the  Within 30 days from effectivity.
delinquent taxpayer in his trade or employment;  SOJ shall render a decision within 60 days
2. One horse, cow, carabao or other beast of from the date of receipt of the appeal.
burden, such as the delinquent taxpayer may  The appeal shall not have the effect of
select, and necessarily used by him in his ordinary suspending the effectivity of the
occupation; ordinance.
3. His necessary clothing, and that of his family;  Within 30 days after receipt of the
4. Household furniture and utensils necessary for decision or the lapse of the 60-day period
housekeeping and used for that purpose by the without the SOJ acting upon the appeal,
delinquent taxpayer, such as he may select, of a the aggrieved party may file appropriate
value not exceeding P10,000; proceedings with a court of competent
5. Provisions, including crops, actually provided for jurisdiction.
individual or family use sufficient for 4 months;
2. Action for declaratory relief as and when
 Within 2 years form payment.
 If no action was taken by the treasurer,
the taxpayer shall consider such inaction
as a denial and initiate court action so as
not to foreclose the statute of limitation.
 After assessment
1. Protest the assessment;
 Within 60 days from receipt of
assessment, the taxpayer may file a
written protest with the local treasurer
contesting the assessment.
 If the assessment is contested, the local
treasurer shall decide within 60 days from
 If protest is denied, may file within 30
days from receipt of the decision an
appeal with the court of competent
 The collection will be held in abeyance.
2. An action for refund.
 Within 2 years from payment.
 The payment must be made before the
lapse of the 60 day period.
1. Real property shall be appraised at its current and
fair market value;
REAL PROPERTY TAXATION 2. Real property shall be classified for assessment
 The changes in the law were designed to increase purposes on the basis of its actual use;
government revenues from the realty tax, 3. Real property shall be assessed on the basis of a
upgrade assessment procedures and practices, uniform classification within each local political
and bring about an equitable distribution of the subdivision;
tax burden. 4. The appraisal, assessment and levy of real
 The Real property taxation covers the levy, property for taxation purposes and the collection
assessment and collection of: of the real property tax shall not be let to any
1. An annual ad valorem tax that may be levied private persons; and
on real property such as land, building, 5. The appraisal and assessment of real property
machinery and other improvements affixed or shall be equitable.
attached to real property; and  In preparing a general schedule of value for a
2. Special levies by the same LGUs on said province or city and in determining the classes of
property such as: property for assessment levels, real property shall
a. An additional 1% tax for the Special be assessed on the basis of its actual use
Educational Fund; regardless of where located and whoever uses it.
b. An additional 5% tax on idle lands;  For purposes of assessment, real property shall be
 Idle lands – agricultural lands at least ½ of classified as residential, agricultural, commercial,
which remain uncultivated or unimproved industrial, mineral, timberland or special.
by the owner or owners thereof and non-  The city or municipality within MM, through their
agricultural lands, regardless of area, of respective sanggunian, shall have the power to
more than 1,000 square meters at least ½ classify lands.
of which remain unutilized or unimproved  All lands, buildings, and other improvements
by the owner or owners thereof. thereon actually, directly and exclusively used for
c. Special levy or assessment that may be hospitals, cultural or scientific purposes, and
imposed on property especially benefited those owned and used by the local water districts,
by certain infrastructure developments or and GOCCs rendering essential public services in
improvements undertaken by LGUs to the supply and distribution of water and/or
hold defray a part, not exceeding 6%, of generation and transmission of electric power
the cost thereof, including the cost of shall be classified as special.
acquiring land and other real property in  Real property shall be classifies, valued and
connection therewith. assessed on the basis of its actual use regardless
of where located, whoever owns it, and whoever
Property Subject to Tax uses it.
 Only real property within the meaning of the Real  The provincial, city or municipal assessor shall
Property Taxation. undertake a general revision of real property
 Lands, buildings, machinery and other assessments within 2 years after the effectivity of
improvements. this Code and every 3 years thereafter.
 Machinery embraces machines, equipment,  The provincial, city or municipal assessor or his
mechanical contrivances, instruments, appliances duly authorized deputy shall make a classification,
or apparatus which may or may not be attached, appraisal and assessment of the real property
permanently or temporarily to the real property. listed and described in the declaration
 Improvement – a valuable addition made to a irrespective of any previous assessment or
property or amelioration in its condition. taxpayer’s valuation thereon, in cases where:
Amounting to more than a mere repair or a. Real property is declared and listed for
replacement of parts involving capital taxation purposes for the first time;
expenditures and labor which is intended to b. There is an ongoing general revision of
enhance to value, beauty or utility or to adopt it property classification and assessment; or
for new or further purpose. c. A request is made by the person in whose
 SC. Article 415 of the Civil Code could be name the property is declared.
controlling.  Real property declared for the first time shall be
assessed for taxes for the period during which it
Fundamental Principles for the appraisal, would have been liable but in no case for more
assessment, levy and collection of real property for than 10 years prior to the date of initial
taxation assessment.
 If such taxes are paid on or before the end of the 1. Provinces – not exceeding 1% of the assessed
quarter following the date of notice of assessment value of real property; and
was received by the owner or his representative, 2. Cities and municipalities in MM – not more
no interest for delinquency shall be imposed than 2% of the assessed value.
thereon; otherwise, such taxes shall be subject to  Exemptions from Real Property Tax
an interest at the rate of 2% per month or a 1. Real Property owned by the RP or any of its
fraction thereof from the date of the receipt of political subdivisions except when the
assessment until such taxes are fully paid. beneficial use thereon has been granted, for
 When real property is assessed for the first time consideration or otherwise, to a taxable
or when an existing assessment is increased or person;
decreased, the provincial, city or municipal 2. Charitable institutions, churches, parsonages
assessor shall within 30 days give written notice of or convents appurtenant thereto, mosques,
such new or revised assessment to the person in non-profit or religious cemeteries, and all
whose name the property is declared. The notice lands, buildings, and improvements actually,
may be delivered personally or by registered mail directly and exclusively used for religious,
or through the assistance of the punong barangay charitable or educational purposes;
to the last known address of the person to be 3. All pieces of machinery and equipment that
served. are actually, directly and exclusively used by
 The fair market value of a brand new machinery local water districts and GOCCs engaged in
shall be the acquisition cost. In all other cases, the the supply and distribution of water and/or
fair market value shall be determined by dividing generation and transmission of electric
the remaining economic life of the machinery by power;
its estimated economic life and multiplied by the 4. All real property owned by duly registered
replacement or reproduction cost. cooperatives as provided for under RA 6938;
 For purposes of assessment, a depreciation and
allowance shall be made for machinery at a rate  Classification to be reasonable must
not exceeding 5% of its original cost or its a. Rest on substantial distinction;
replacement or reproduction cost, as the case b. Be germane to the purpose of the
may be, for each year of use. The remaining value law;
for all kinds of machinery shall be fixed at not less c. Not to be limited to existing condition
than 20% of such original, replacement or only; and
reproduction cost for so long as the machinery is d. Apply equally to all members of the
useful and in operation. same class.
Duty to Declare Real Property 5. Machinery and equipment used for pollution
 It shall be the duty of the owner or administrator control and environmental protection.
or their representatives to declare, under oath,  Every person by or for whom real property is
the true value of real property, taxable or exempt, declared, who shall claim tax exemption for such
within 60 days after the acquisition or upon the property shall file with the provincial, city or
completion or occupancy of the improvement. municipal assessor within 30 days from the date
 The sworn deduction shall be filed once every 3 of the declaration of real property sufficient
years. the failure or refusal to make that documentary evidence in support of such claim.
declaration within the prescribed period would  If the required evidence is not submitted within
authorize the provincial or city assessor to himself the prescribed period, the property shall be listed
declare the property in the name of the defaulting as taxable in the assessment roll.
owner if known, or against an unknown owner, as
the case may be, and to assess the property for Special Levies
taxation.  For the special Education Fund – the special levy
of 1% may be imposed on real property, in
Imposition of Real Property Tax addition to the basic real property tax.
 The real property tax has been considered and  On idle lands – additional annual tax of not
held to be national, not local. The realty tax has exceeding 5% of the assessed value of the real
always been imposed by the national law-making property. Imposed on:
body. The real estate tax is enforced throughout a. Agricultural lands, more than 1 hectare in
the Philippines and not in a particular political area, suitable for cultivation, dairying, inland
subdivision, although the bulk of the tax proceeds fishery, and other agricultural uses, ½ of
accrue tot eh various LGUs where the property is which remain uncultivated or unimproved by
located. the owner or owners thereof, such land which
 Rates of levy is planted with at least 50 fruit-bearing trees
to a hectare as well as lands actually used for the title on real property taxation shall from the
grazing purposes, is not considered idle land; date of accrual, constitute a lien upon the
b. Lands, other than agricultural, located in a city property subject to such tax. Said lien shall be
or municipality more than 1,000 square superior to all other liens, mortgages, or
meters in area, including, regardless of area, encumbrances of any kind whatsoever shall be
residential lots in subdivisions duly approved enforceable against the property, by
by proper authorities, the ownership of which administrative or judicial action, whether in the
has been transferred to individual owners and possession of the delinquent or any subsequent
½ of which remain unutilized and unimproved owner or possessor, and shall be removable only
by the owner or owners thereof. Individual by the payment of the delinquent taxes and the
lots of such subdivisions, the ownership of related interest and expenses.
which has been transferred to the buyer shall  Real property taxes may, in the discretion of the
be considered as forming part of the taxpayer, be paid without penalty in 4 equal
subdivision, and shall be subject to the installments, except the special levies which shall
additional tax payable by the subdivision be governed by the local ordinance imposing the
operator. levy.
 The LGU concerned may exempt idle lands from  In case of delinquency in the payment of the real
additional levy by reason of force majeure, civil property tax or any other tax on real property
disturbance, natural calamity or any cause or taxation, an interest at the rate of 2% per month
circumstances which physically or legally prevents on the unpaid tax or portion thereof is imposed
the owner of the property or person having legal until it shall have been paid. The total interest on
interest therein from improving, utilizing or such unpaid tax or portion hereof shall not exceed
cultivating the same. 36 months.
 On Lands or Special Assessments as then known  If the basic real property tax and the additional
under Old Assessment laws. tax accruing to the Special Educational Fun are
 The provincial, city or municipal sanggunian paid in advance, the Sanggunian may grant a
may, by ordinance, provide for the imposition discount not exceeding 20% of the annual tax due.
and collection of a special levy on the lands  Payments by a taxpayer shall first be applied to
comprised within the province, city or delinquencies, interest and penalties due in prior
municipality or parts thereof specially years; the excess, if any, may then be credited to
benefited by public works projects or the current period.
improvements funded by the LGU.
 The special levy shall correspond only to a Civil Remedies for Collection
part not exceeding 60% of the costs of said  Collection shall be the responsibility of the
improvements or infrastructures financed by treasurer of the city or municipality where the
the province, city or municipality, as the case property is situated.
may be, including the cost of acquiring land  Remedies:
and other real property in connection 1. Extrajudicial remedy of levy; and
therewith. 2. Judicial action.
 The special levy does not apply to lands  The collection of tax may be enforced through
exempt from the real property tax and the either or both administrative and judicial
remainder of the land portions of which have remedies, alternatively or simultaneously, and the
been donated tot eh LGU for the construction use or non-use of one remedy shall not bar
of such projects or improvements. against the availment of the other.
 Remedies against a special levy  A formal demand for the payment of the
 An owner of real property, or any person delinquent tax is not required for the initiation of
having a legal interest therein, affected by a either remedy. It is enough that a notice of
special levy may, upon receipt of the written delinquency is caused to be posted and published.
notice of assessment thereof, avail himself of  The remedy of levy can be pursued by putting up
the same remedies of appeal that may be for sale only the real property subject to tax.
taken from assessments of the provincial, city  The personal liability for the tax delinquency is
or municipal assessor calling for the payment generally whoever is the owner of the property at
of the ad valorem real property tax. the time the tax accrues; where, however, the tax
liability is imposed on the beneficial use of the
Accrual, Tax Lien and Payment real property such as those owned but leased to
 The real property tax for any year shall attach and private persons or entities by the government or
become due and payable on the 1 st day of January when the assessment is made on the basis of the
and the said basic and any other tax levied under actual use thereof, the liability is on any person
who has such beneficial or actual use at the time owner of the property or person having legal
of the accrual of the tax. The personal liability interest therein.
may be enforced by judicial action.  The final deed conveying the property to the
 While Section 254 of the LGC on the subject of purchaser shall be executed by the local treasurer
notice of delinquency mentions distraint of after the expiration of the one-year period of
personal property, the Code failed, however, to redemption without the right of redemption
elaborate on the matter that can raise doubts on having theretofore been exercised.
the continuing availability of that remedy.  In case there is no bidder at the public auction of
the delinquent real property, or if the highest bid
Levy of Real Property id for an amount not sufficient to pay the taxes,
 Procedure: penalties or costs of sale, the local treasurer shall
1. Issuance of notice of delinquency; buy the delinquent real property in the name of
2. Issuance of a warrant of levy; the local government concerned to satisfy the
3. Advertisement; and amount due and the costs of sale. The ROD, upon
4. Auction. such declaration of forfeiture, shall transfer the
 Notice of delinquency – to be posted at the main title of the forfeited property without the
entrance of the provincial capital or city or necessity of a court order.
municipal hall and in a publicly accessible and  Redemption of Real Property After Sale
conspicuous place in each barangay of the LGU, as  Within the one year from the date of the
well as to be published once a week for 2 registration of sale or of the forfeiture of the
consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general property, the delinquent taxpayer or person
circulation in the province, city or municipality. having legal interest therein, or his
 The notice shall state that unless the tax, representative, shall have the right to redeem
surcharges and penalties are aid before the the same by paying the local treasurer or his
expiration of the year for which the tax is due, deputy the total amount of taxes and
except when the notice of assessment or special penalties due up to the date of redemption,
levy is contested administratively or judicially, the the costs of sale and interest at the rate of 2%
delinquent real property will be sold at public per month on the purchase price from the
auction. date of sale to the date of redemption, and
 Within 30 days after service of the warrant of such payment shall invalidate the sale
levy, the provincial or city treasurer shall advertise certificate issued to the purchaser and shall
the sale at public auction of the real property or a entitle the person making the same certificate
usable portion thereof as may be necessary to of redemption from the treasurer.
satisfy all the taxes and penalties due and costs of  Possession and Usufruct of Real Property within
sale. Such advertisement shall be made by posting One year from the date of sale
a notice at the main entrance of the provincial,  After the sale and before redemption, the real
city or municipal building and in a public and property shall remain in the possession of the
conspicuous place in the barangay where the delinquent taxpayer, who shall have the right
property is situated and by publication once a to the usufruct thereof.
week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper  Suits Assailing validity of Tax sale
of general circulation published in the province,  No court shall entertain any suit assailing the
city or municipality. validity of a tax sale of real estate until the
 The announcement shall state the amount of taxpayer shall have deposited with the court
taxes, penalties and costs of sale; the date and the amount for which the real property was
place of sale; the name of the taxpayer against sold, together with interest of 2% per month
whom the tax was assessed; and the description upon that sum from the date of sale to the
of the property to be sold. time of instituting the suit. The money so paid
 At any time before the date of sale, the taxpayer into court shall belong to the purchaser at the
may stay all proceedings by paying the taxes and tax sale if the deed is declared invalid, but
penalties due on the real property. shall be returned to the depositor if the action
 Levy may be repeated as and when necessary fails.
until the full amount due, including all expenses,  Neither shall a court declare a sale invalid by
is collected. reason of irregularities or informalities in the
 The local treasurer or his deputy shall make a proceedings unless it shall have been proven
report on the sale to the sanggunian concerned that such irregularities or informalities have
within 30 days after such sale. He shall deliver to impaired the substantial rights of the
the purchaser a certificate of sale. The proceeds in taxpayer.
excess of the amount due shall be remitted to the
Civil Action
 Shall be filed by the local treasurer within 5 years, TAXPAYER’S REMEDIES
if based on fraud or intent to evade tax payment,
within 10 years. On Assessments
 Payment of delinquent taxes on property subject  Any owner or person having legal interest in the
of controversy property who is not satisfied with the action of
 In any suit involving the ownership or the provincial, city or municipal assessor may,
possession of, or succession to, real property, within 60 days from the date of receipt by him of
the court may, on its own motion or upon the written notice of assessment, appeal to the
presentation of the provincial, city or Local Board of Assessment Appeals of the
municipal treasurer or his deputy, award such province or city concerned by a petition under
ownership, possession or succession to any oath together with the supporting documents
party to the controversy upon the payment to therefor.
the court of the taxes and penalties due on  An appeal does not suspend the collection of the
the property and all the cost that may have tax as assessed without prejudice to a later
accrued subject to the final outcome of the adjustment depending on the outcome of the
action. appeal.
 Prescriptive period  The board shall decide the appeal within 120 days
 Collect within 5 years from the date they from receipt of the appeal.
become due.  The decision of the Board may be appealed within
 No action for the collection of the tax, 30 days from receipt thereof by the taxpayer to
whether administrative or judicial, shall be the Central Board of Assessment Appeals.
instituted after the expiration of such period.  The decision of the CBAA shall be final and
 In case of fraud or intent to evade payment of executory.
the tax, such action may be instituted for the  The special civil action of certiorari would be
collection thereof within 10 years from the proper to question the decision of the CBAA.
discovery of such fraud or intent to evade  CTA and CA has no jurisdiction to entertain
payment. appeals from the decision of the CBAA.
 The period of prescription shall be suspended  When the CTA was created, CBAA was not yet
during which: created.
a. The local treasurer is legally prevented Payment Under Protest
from collecting the tax;  No protest shall be entertained unless the tax is
b. The owner of the property or the person first paid.
having legal interest therein request for  When a taxpayer desires for any reason to pay his
reinvestigation and executes a waiver in tax under protest, he shall indicate the amount or
writing before the expiration of the period portion thereof which he is contesting and such
within which to collect; and protest shall be annotated on the tax receipts by
c. The owner of the property or the person writing thereon the word “paid under protest”.
having legal interest therein is out of the  The protest shall be confirmed in writing, with a
country or otherwise cannot be located. statement of the ground therefor, within 30 days.
 Real property declared for the first time shall have  File with the local treasurer who shall decide the
back taxes assessed against it for the period protest within 60 days from the receipt of the
during which it would have been liable if assessed protest.
in proper course but in no case for more than 10  The amount or portion of the tax contested shall
years prior to the year of initial assessment. be held in trust by the treasurer and the
difference shall be treated as revenue.
Remission of Tax  If decided in favor of the protestant, the amount
 Condonation or reduction of tax by the President may be either refunded or applied as tax credit to
of the Philippines. any other existing or future tax liability of said
 The Pres of the Philippines may remit or protestant.
reduce the real property tax for any year in  If the protest is denied or upon the lapse of 60
any city, municipality within the MM area or days without the protest being finally decided, the
province if he deems that public interest so tax payer may appeal the same tot eh Boards of
requires. Assessment appeals.
 Remission of Tax by the Sanggunian  The RTC has no jurisdiction to issue a writ of
 In case of a general failure of crops or prohibition which seeks to set aside the warrant
substantial decrease in the price of products, of garnishment over petitioner’s bank deposit in
or calamity. satisfaction of real property taxes without first
under protest the tax assessed and without
exhausting available administrative remedies.

When Protest is Excused

 Protest is not a requirement in order that a
taxpayer, who paid under a mistaken belief that it
is required by law, may claim for refund.

Refund on Over-payments
 When it appears that an assessment of real
property or the tax levied is illegal or erroneous
when made and the same is accordingly reduced
or adjusted, the taxpayer may file a written claim
for refund or credit for taxes and interest with the
treasurer within 2 years from the date the
taxpayer is entitled thereto.
 If the claim is denied, or it is not decided within 60
days, the taxpayer may avail himself of the
remedy of appeal to the board of assessment
appeals as in protest cases.
5. Exclusive original jurisdiction over tax
collection cases where the amount involved is
 The CTA was created under RA 1125 in order: 6. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction over tax
1. To entrust tax cases technically qualified men collection cases where the amount is less than
in the field of, or those with specialized P1M.
knowledge in, taxation; and  Commissioner vs. Joseph. A notice of tax following
2. To help expedite the proper disposition of tax distraint and levy would be appealable to the CTA
cases. if the issue relates to the validity of such notice as
 The CTA is a court of special appellate jurisdiction. when it is not in accord with the assessment but
The proceedings therein are judicial in nature not when the assessment but not when the
although the court is not bound by the technical assessment itself, after it has become final, is
rules of evidence. questioned such as by prescription thereof.
 The Rules of Court applies only by analogy or in a  Commissioner vs. Villa. The taxpayer should have
suppletory character. first exhausted his administrative remedies, and it
is only after his protest is denied that a petition
Jurisdiction of the CTA may be entertained by the CTA.
A. Decisions of the CIR in cases involving:
1. Disputed assessments; Injunctions
2. Refunds of internal revenue taxes, fees or  Section 11, RA 1125 gives the CTA authority to
other charges; order the suspension of tax collection when in its
3. Penalties imposed in relation thereto; and view, such collection would work to the serious
4. Other matters arising under the NIRC or other prejudice of either the taxpayer or the
laws administered by the BIR. Government. This ancillary remedy is available
B. Decisions of the Commissioner of Customs in only when there is appending appeal over which
cases involving: the CTA has jurisdiction.
1. Liability for customs duties, fees, or other  Blaquera vs. Rodriquez. No court has authority to
money charges; grant a writ of injunction to restrain the collection
2. Seizure detention or release of property of any internal revenue tax, fee or charge
affected thereby; imposed by the NRC refers to courts other than
3. Fines, forfeitures or other penalties imposed the CTA.
in relation thereto; and  An appeal to the CTA does not automatically
4. Other matters arising under the Tariff and suspend the collection of taxes except when so
Customs Code or other laws administered by enjoined by the CTA at any stage of the
the BIR. proceedings and when the circumstances so
C. Decision of the SOF, in automatic review cases warrant.
where such decision is adverse to the taxpayer;
D. Decisions of the Secretary of Trade and Industry in Issues Cognizable by the CTA
case of non-agricultural products and Secretary of  Once the CTA properly acquires jurisdiction by the
Agriculture in case of agricultural products, filing of a petition for review, it can consider
involving dumping and countervailing duties various issues that are either essential for or
imposable under the Tariff and Customs Code and incidental to the full and complete resolution of
safeguard measures pursuant to RA 8800. the case.
 Expanded Jurisdiction:  The defense of prescription of the assessment
1. Exclusive jurisdiction overall criminal offense should be raised while the case is still pending
under the NIRC and TCC and other laws with the BIR whereas the defense of prescription
admissible by the BIR and BOC where the of action could be raised for the first time with the
amount of taxes and fines is P1M or more; CTA, but not for the first time on appeal to the SC.
2. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction in criminal
offense over appeals from the RTC whether in Rules of Procedure
the exercise of original or appellate  The decision of the CTA division is no longer
jurisdiction over tax cases where the amount appealable to the CA, nut to the CTA en banc.
involved is less than P1M.  Before filing an appeal by way of petition for
3. Appellate jurisdiction over decisions of RTC on review to the CTA en banc, file first a motion for
local taxes; reconsideration or new trial with the division
4. Appellate jurisdiction over decisions of the which renders the adverse decision.
Central Board of Assessment Appeals on real  Within 15 days from the receipt of the resolution
estate tax cases; denying the motion for new trial or
reconsideration, an appeal by way of petition for
review must be filed with the CTA en banc.
 From the en banc decision, the losing party may
file with the SC a verified petition for review on
certiorari via Rule 45.

Period for CTA decisions

 The requirement that cases brought before the
CTA shall be decided within 30 days after
submission thereof for decision is merely

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