Thesis: To Be Filled by The Candidate
Thesis: To Be Filled by The Candidate
Thesis: To Be Filled by The Candidate
5 Nationality Religion Community SC/ST MBC BC OC
6 Address with Phone Numbers (in BLOCK letters
to which communications should be sent)
E-mail :
Mobile : Landline:
7 Register number, month and year of passing the
PG Degree, M.Phil. Degree Examination
together with the Branch offered and Name
of the University
Email :
Mobile: Landline:
16 Signature of the Co-Guide with Seal
(Only if it is approved by the University)
Date :
For further instructions please see next page
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1. The application form marked “THESIS” should be submitted not less than three months and not
later than six months after the submission of the synopsis together with the following :-
i) Four Copies of thesis along with a soft copy in CD.
Note: The maximum length of the thesis should not exceed 250 pages (Printed in
both sides) excluding bibliography, tables and diagrams and annexures. If the
candidate desires he/she may include published papers or monographs along with the
thesis. Exemption from the restriction on page limit will not be granted in normal
ii) A certificate from the Supervisor under the thesis represents independent work on the part
of the candidate.
2. If the thesis submitted has formed in part the basis for the award of a previous research degree,
the candidate shall clearly set forth in a preface or written statement the portion or portions
which have formed the basis for the award of the previous degree.
3. Candidate should write clearly in BLOCK letters his/her name as in the PG Degree certificate and
the title of thesis in the relevant columns of the application.
4. N u m be r of P u b l ic at io n s of p u b l i s he d b y t he c an d i d ate ( U G C l i st e d j ou r n a ls ) .