2020summer-2510 - CourseOutline-Post v3.2

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Faculty of Liberal & Professional Studies

School of Administrative Studies

Course Outline [Updated May 17, 2020]

AP/ADMS2510 3.0
Introduction to Management Accounting
Summer 2020

COURSE WEBSITE: https://moodle.yorku.ca

Please note: You need to be registered and have a York Passport ID for site access.

Section Day Meeting Time* Location Course Directors

Class C Tuesday 4:00pm-7:00pm* Remote
location Amy Kwan /
and A Wednesday 11:30am-2:30pm* Remote
Keith Yuen
B Thursday 7:00pm-10:00pm* Remote

*This course will have both synchronous and asynchronous elements – please read:
 Pre-recorded Lecture and Tutorial videos will be posted on the course Moodle site.
 Test-taking will take place on the scheduled dates and will be on either the course’s
Connect site and/or Moodle site.
 Weekly virtual meetings via Zoom will be within/during the scheduled course meeting
times; exact start times will be announced on the course Moodle site.
 It is important to ensure you keep on top of the announcements posted on Moodle.
 Since pre-recorded lecture and tutorial videos will be posted, you have the flexibility and
option of learning the course material by following the schedule in this course outline. It is
recommended to attend the weekly live sessions to help enhance your understanding
and have the opportunity to engage, participate, and ask questions.

Instructor Email**
**Include “ADMS2510” + “Section Letter” at the beginning of the email subject line
Contact Keith Yuen keithy@yorku.ca
Info Amy Kwan
(Area Coordinator)
Marcela Porporato porpomar@yorku.ca
(Area Coordinator)

Day Time Location

Tutorial time
N/A N/A Remote
and location
Please refer to the Weekly Tutorial Schedule for details

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Prerequisites* MATH 12U or equivalent, and
ADMS 2500 3.0, and
ECON 1000 3.0

*Students who do not fulfill the pre-requisite requirements will be de-enrolled from the
course during any point of the term, once the Registrar’s Office detects the missing
pre-requisite(s). Students are solely responsible for financial loss or any other losses
as a result of de-enrolment due to lack of prerequisites.

1. Textbook + Connect package*

Required Blocher et al. Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis with Connect
Course Access Code Card, 8th edition, 2019, McGraw-Hill Education
Materials ISBN: 978-1-260-09172-4
2. Connect* (with eBook/SmartBook)
Blocher et al. Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis, 8th edition, 2019,
McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN: 978-1-260-09172-4
3. Connect eBookless* (Assignments only – without eBook/SmartBook)
Blocher et al., Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis, 8th, 2019,
McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN: 978-1-260-09172-4

*Connect is required to complete the online course assignments. Students can

purchase Connect Access Codes through the York Bookstore or online when they
register in their Connect Course (see Connect Registration Instructions. Students
have access to Connect for 1 year from when they register. The step by step
purchase and registration videos are provided below.

https://youtu.be/Rgv4qubhaZc - Digital Only Purchase Direct from MHE

https://youtu.be/amuBNCjVWGo - Purchase with Access Code via Bookstore

More information regarding your Text Book Options will be covered during your first
class from a representative of the publisher. If you are unsure of the best option for
you, it is advisable to wait until your first class.

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Note 1
ADMS2510 is one of the largest enrolment classes on campus (approximately 1,500 students
per year). This regrettably necessitates a very legalistic and inflexible approach to course
administration. This course outline has been designed to provide you in advance with detailed
guidance on every virtually conceivable rule and regulation in the course. It represents a contract
between you as a student and the Course Director, and there should be no deviations from
these rules by either party. There will be no exceptions to assignment requirements,
examination dates, and grade weighting. You should print out this document and keep it
handy for reference throughout the course.

Note 2
When you experience a conflict in your agenda, you may attend any sections. However, you
must write your examinations in your assigned section.

Note 3
From the beginning of the term, you should keep in mind the due dates for Connect LearnSmart
and Assignments. The schedule of the Connect due dates is listed in this course outline under
section heading Connect LearnSmart and Homework Assignments Schedule. The weight from
missed Connect LearnSmart and Assignments cannot be transferred to the midterm examination
and/or final examination. There is no extended deadline for missed Connect LearnSmart
and Assignments, as the solutions will be posted right after the due dates. It would be wise
to review the solutions right after due dates to reinforce learning and to take timely corrective
action on questions not successfully completed. Student’s lowest score of the assigned
LearnSmart chapters as well as their lowest homework assignment score will be dropped when
calculating the final Connect grade.


All sections for this course normally fill months in advance so early registration is important. If
you did not get into the course before classes start, your chances of successfully enrolling are
very slim. However, you can request the Receptionist at room 282 Atkinson to add your name to
a list that is maintained with the only purpose of estimating the unsatisfied demand for the
course, but students are not contacted when vacancies occur. The Course Director is not
involved in the registration process in any way and cannot assist you with this process. Due to
the high volume of material covered (five chapters in the first two weeks) and because of early
dates of examinations, no registration is permitted after the “last date to enroll without

Be aware of the important dates that apply to this course by checking the following site:

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Course Description
This first course in management accounting introduces students to the use of management
accounting information for decision-making, planning and control in a wide range of
organizations. Specifically, students learn the basic techniques of management accounting and,
to a lesser extent, learn to apply those techniques through quantitative methods.

Course Objectives
The overall objectives of the course are to:
1. Meet the academic requirements of an honours level course as part of a business degree
program at university.
2. Meet requirements to be counted by CPA Ontario towards professional certification.

In particular, this course aims to:

1. Help students learn to gather and develop information.
2. Help students learn to draw conclusions and form opinions from a set of data.
3. Introduce students to an entity's strategic plan and its planning process.
4. Assist students in understanding how to evaluate the entity's performance management
and the internal reporting systems.
5. Introduce students to the concept of the entity's risk management process.
6. Help students understand and be able to identify management information sources and
7. Assist students in understanding how to prepare an entity's budget and how to relate this
to the entity's planning process.


Grades are a measure of the performance of a student in individual courses. Each student shall
be judged on the basis of how well they have command of the course materials.

Connect LearnSmart Assignments 5%
Refer to Connect schedule
Connect Homework Assignments 10%
Refer to Connect schedule
Mid Term Test 1** Fri June 12, 2020 10am-1pm 25%
Mid Term Test 2** Fri July 10, 2020 10am-1pm 25%
Final Examination (cumulative) Final Exam Period 35%
Total 100%

**Room locations will be posted on the course website closer to the midterm date.

Alternative Midterms (for religious accommodation/conflicts with main scheduled sitting)

Midterm 1: Friday June 12, 2020 8:00am-11:00am
Midterm 2: Friday July 10, 2020 8:00am-11:00am
Alternative midterms are available for students who are unable to attend the regular midterm
sitting. Please see for instructions under University Regulations and Procedures on how to apply
to write during an alternative sitting.

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There is a three-hour lecture each week. On-campus sections will have their lecture in the
designated lecture hall at York. Attending class lectures is essential to help you better
understand class materials and provide you chances to ask course directors course-related
questions face to face.

Weekly Connect Assignments – LearnSmart and Homework (15%)

Please carefully read Connect step by step registration instructions.

The Connect LearnSmart (5%) and the Connect Homework Assignments (10%) are part of your
course work and are located in Connect, which is an adaptive learning tool that pinpoints critical
concepts you need to learn and maps out a personalized study plan to ensure success.

When working in Connect, students can also access SmartBook. SmartBook provides an
adaptive reading experience that reinforces what students need to learn and ensures they retain
the information. For another short video on SmartBook and how to improve your performance in
the course, visit www.improveyourgrades.ca.

The Connect due dates are available in this course outlne and in Connect and each assignment
is due at 11:59 pm on the due date which cannot be extended.

Connect LearnSmart (5%) include quiz-type questions for you to self-assess your understanding
after finish reading each chapter. Students have unlimited attempts for LearnSmart questions.
Student’s lowest score of the assigned chapters will be dropped when calculating the final grade.

Connect Homework Assignments (10%) include quantitative and algorithmic questions. Students
are allowed 3 attempts to finish assignments #1 to #10 and only your best attempt will be
recorded by the professor when exporting your Connect Assignment grades. There is no time
limit for each attempt. Students can work on these assignments over time and their work and
progress will be saved. Student’s lowest score of the homework assignments will be dropped
when calculating the final grade. The following feedback will be provided for each attempt:

 First attempt: total scores, question scores, correct/incorrect indicators

 Second attempt: total scores, question scores, correct/incorrect indicators
 Final attempt: total scores before the due date, and detailed feedback after the due date

In order to access the detailed feedback after the due date, you must complete 3 attempts
OR score 100% (remember only your BEST score will be recorded):
1. Click “See Report” next to any submitted assignment
1. On the next screen, find the assignment for which you would like to view feedback
2. Click into your final attempt
3. You should see each question with detailed feedback

Midterm Tests (two midterms 25% each)

As a multi-section course, the midterm tests in ADMS2510 are scheduled outside of scheduled
lecture times. The midterm tests will consist of 4-5 questions. Questions will be based on
exercises and problems from the assigned textbook chapters. You should not take this course if
you are unable to attend the midterm tests.

Important: Once a midterm test begins, you are considered a sitting writer (your midterm will be
marked and your grade recorded). Your midterm grade is not eligible to be transferred or

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reweighted due to poor performance, or if you choose to not continue to write or leave early. For
in-person sittings, students are not permitted to leave the test location during the first 30 minutes
and last 15 minutes of the test. Students who arrive more than 30 minutes late for the midterm
test will not be allowed to write. You must sign in and out of the test location. Please remember
to bring your YorkU Student ID or Canadian Government Issued ID.

If you are unable to attend the regular midterm sitting, then you should make arrangements to
write the alternative sitting, typically the day before. To do so, please email your Course Director
at least two weeks in advance of the midterm test.

If you miss a midterm test, there is no make-up test. The full weight of only one midterm test can
be transferred to the Final Exam. If you miss a second midterm examination, you will need to
write a midterm examination in the next term, this requires written approval of your course
director. The Final can be a maximum of 70% of the course. Please refer to policies and
procedures for missed exams under University Regulations and Procedures for more

Tutorial Sessions
Please refer to the Weekly Tutorial Schedule for details.

Attendance at tutorial sessions is not mandatory. Tutorial sessions are designed to cover a set of
problems and exercises, but beyond them, they are largely unstructured. In general, after the
mandated exercises have been covered during each tutorial session, the TA is available to
address questions you have in person. When the TA is getting multiple questions on a single
theme, this will usually turn into a group teaching moment.

There will be a two-hour weekly tutorial. The TA will go through worked examples of textbook
problems and assist students in areas where they have concerns. Tutorial sessions are
unstructured as there is no prepared agenda beyond the list provided below and TA’s are there
simply to help you with any questions you have on accounting theory, study techniques, and
practice problems. The best feature of these tutorials is that if you wish to get extra help, you are
invited to attend all the sessions offered each week. With 2 hours of tutorials a week, there is no
need to spend money on expensive outside tutors.

Practice Problems
There are lots of practice problems and solutions in your textbook. As you will be tested with
questions comparable to exercises and problems from assigned textbook chapters, all textbook
exercises and problems are good practice for the midterm and final examinations. The formula
for success in a “problems” course such as accounting is always to work as many exercises and
problems as time permits. Whenever a student asks their accounting professor how to improve
their grade, the automatic answer is to work more exercises and problems. You are expected to
spend substantial amount of time on problems. For problems you are still confused after
understanding textbook materials and reviewing solutions, you could seek help by asking your
course director in class, attend tutorial sessions, or email your course director.

Final Examination (35%)

The final exam is scheduled by the York University Registrar Office for the formal examination
period, and thus the date of the final exam is not known when this course outline is issued. The
final exam will consist of 4-5 questions. Questions will be based on exercises and problems from
the assigned textbook chapters. Part of a question may test the material covered in the week
covering data analysis. You should not book travel plans in this period. The exact date, time and
location are published by week 10. Consult the York University website for official timetable
information. You will not be allowed to write the exam if you are more than 30 minutes late.

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If for any reason you will have to miss the final exam, you need to submit a formal request to the
school (not to the course director) by following procedures specified in the “Relevant University
Regulations” section of this course outline, before the stated deadline.

Bonus Mark (1%)

At the course director’s discretion, students in this course may receive a 1% bonus if 70% or
more of them complete the online course evaluation. The course director will explain the
importance of evaluations and provide time in class for completing the evaluation.


All computing issues - contact: helpdesk@yorku.ca

All administrative questions, textbook materials, and chapter problems – contact the Course
Director. Course Directors answer all administrative questions and questions related to the
textbook materials and end-of-chapter questions. If you want help with a problem, please email it
to your course director. It is important that your email be properly labeled and show the
calculations you have made. Make sure you send your message from your yorku.ca email
account. For security reasons, we might not respond to Gmail/Hotmail etc. Make sure to include
your name, student number, and section number in all your emails. This course has many
students, it is important for you to follow the email protocol. Messages that do not follow the
above email protocol might be returned to you asking for re-submission or might be recognized
as junk mail and will not be addressed.

When do I contact the Course or Area Coordinator?

Email the Course or Area Coordinator if you do not hear from the email Course Director within
72 hours (excluding weekends and holidays), or if you feel your questions/concerns are not
properly addressed by the Course Director.

Course Website
All course materials are contained on the Moodle website under the course code ADMS2510.
The website has restricted access; you will have to log in with your York Passport account.

The website contains:

 This course outline
 Announcements on all important matters in the course. You should check these several
times a week and especially before class in case there is a class cancellation
 Lecture slides to print as course notes
 Examination information
 Solution for all even numbered exercises and problems from the textbook. Due to
copyright requirements, not all solutions can be posted on the course website. If you
would like to review solutions for odd numbered exercises and problems, you need to
email your course director and share your attempt or bring it to the tutorial session. Your
attempted solutions will then be used to provide guidance on how to solve the problem.

Computing Requirements
This course has an extensive computer interface and you will need access to a multi-media
computer with a high-speed Internet connection. The most recent versions of Adobe Reader and
Apple QuickTime are required to view course materials, available by free download from
www.adobe.com and www.quicktime.com, respectively. A computer and speakers (or
headphones) will be required to read and listen to the recorded material that complements the
text. ‘Adobe Reader’ and ‘QuickTime’ are needed to view the multimedia clips that illustrate and

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explain the concepts. There are free computer labs on campus for registered students who do
not possess these computing resources. Campus computers do not have speakers, so you will
have to supply your own headphones.


Missed Tests and Assignments (including midterm examinations)

If you miss a midterm test, the weight can be transferred to the Final Exam. An Attending
Physician’s Statement (APS) form is not required for one missed midterm test. The Final can be
a maximum of 70% of the course; therefore, it is not advised to miss both midterm tests.
Connect assignments and quizzes CANNOT be transferred.

If you have a prolonged illness that prevents you from writing both midterm tests, you need to
submit the APS to the main office within 7 calendar days of the second missed midterm. In such
case, you will have to write a deferred midterm exam in the following term, subject to approval of
your APS(s). Note you cannot defer both your midterm tests and final exam. If this happens,
either your midterm or final exam grade will be recorded as zero.

You could find the APS from the following link:

If you are from an online section, you could email your Course Director within 7 calendar days
after the regular exam with an attachment of your APS and mail the original APS to the main
office (the date stamped on the envelop must be on or before the designated deadline).

Concerns with Marking

If you have any concern with the marking of your work, contact your course director in class or
through email to have your concern addressed. Note, as there is a certain amount of judgment in
marking, the entire exam or assignment may be re-marked, and the overall mark could go up,
stay the same, or fall. Please note, if you wrote in pencil the midterm test may not be re-marked
if the course director cannot decide if the writing is original.

Deferred Exams
Deferred standing may be granted to students who are unable to write their final examination at
the scheduled time or to submit their outstanding course work on the last day of classes. Details
can be found at http://myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/deferred-standing

Any request for deferred standing on medical grounds must include an Attending Physician's
Statement form; a “Doctor’s Note” will not be accepted.

DSA Form: http://www.registrar.yorku.ca/pdf/deferred_standing_agreement.pdf

Attending Physician's Statement form: http://registrar.yorku.ca/pdf/attending-physicians-

To apply for deferred standing, students must register at: https://sas-app.laps.yorku.ca/

Followed by handing in a completed DSA form and supporting documentation directly to the
main office of the School of Administrative Studies (282 Atkinson Building) and add your ticket
number to the DSA form. The DSA and supporting documentation must be submitted no later
than five (5) business days from the date of the exam. These requests will be considered on
their merit and decisions will be made available by logging into the above-mentioned link. No
individualized communication will be sent by the School to the students (no letter or e-mails).
Students with approved DSA will be able to write their deferred examination during the School's
deferred examination period. No further extensions of deferred exams shall be granted. The

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format and covered content of the deferred examination may be different from that of the
originally scheduled examination. The deferred exam may be closed book, cumulative and
comprehensive and may include all subjects/topics of the textbook whether they have been
covered in class or not. Any request for deferred standing on medical grounds must include an
Attending Physician's Statement form; a “Doctor’s Note” will not be accepted.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Any request for deferred standing on medical grounds must comply with
University regulations. At the time of writing of this outline, the requirement for APS forms
had been suspended due to COVID-19. If it resumes, the University will inform you of such
resumption, and you would include an Attending Physician's Statement form; a “Doctor’s Note”
will not be accepted. Students who submit a request in compliance with University regulation or
with approved DSA will be able to write their deferred examination during the School's deferred
examination period. No further extensions of deferred exams shall be granted.

Academic Honesty
The Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies considers breaches of the Senate Policy on
Academic Honesty to be serious matters. The Senate Policy on Academic Honesty is an
affirmation and clarification for members of the University of the general obligation to maintain
the highest standards of academic honesty. As a clear sense of academic honesty and
responsibility is fundamental to good scholarship, the policy recognizes the general responsibility
of all faculty members to foster acceptable standards of academic conduct and of the student to
be mindful of and abide by such standards. Suspected breaches of academic honesty will be
investigated, and charges shall be laid if reasonable and probable grounds exist.
Students should review the York Academic Honesty policy for themselves at:

Students might also wish to review the interactive on-line Tutorial for students on academic
integrity, at:

Grading Scheme and Feedback Policy

The grading scheme (i.e. kinds and weights of assignments, essays, exams, etc.) shall be
announced, and be available in writing, within the first two weeks of class, and, under normal
circumstances, graded feedback worth at least 15% of the final grade for Fall, Winter or Summer
Term, and 30% for ‘full year’ courses offered in the Fall/Winter Term be received by students in
all courses prior to the final withdrawal date from a course without receiving a grade, with the
following exceptions:

Note: Under unusual and/or unforeseeable circumstances which disrupt the academic norm,
instructors are expected to provide grading schemes and academic feedback in the spirit of
these regulations, as soon as possible. For more information on the Grading Scheme and
Feedback Policy, please visit: http://www.yorku.ca/univsec/policies/document.php?document=86

Tests and Exams – the 20% Rule

For all Undergraduate courses, except those which regularly meet on Friday evening or on a
weekend, tests or exams worth more than 20% will not be held in the two weeks prior to the
beginning of the official examination period. For further information on the 20% Rule, please
visit: http://secretariat-policies.info.yorku.ca/policies/limits-on-the-worth-of-examinations-in-the-

Students may, with sufficient academic grounds, request that a final grade in a course be
reappraised (which may mean the review of specific pieces of tangible work). Non-academic
grounds are not relevant for grade reappraisals; in such cases, students are advised to petition

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to their home Faculty. Students are normally expected to first contact the course director to
discuss the grade received and to request that their tangible work be reviewed. Tangible work
may include written, graphic, digitized, modeled, video recording or audio recording formats, but
not oral work. Students need to be aware that a request for a grade reappraisal may result in the
original grade being raised, lowered or confirmed. For reappraisal procedures and information,
please visit the Office of the Registrar site at: http://myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/grade-

Accommodation Procedures
LA&PS students who have experienced a misfortune or who are too ill to attend the final
examination in an ADMS course should not attempt to do so; they must pursue deferred
standing. Other students should contact their home Faculty for information. For further
information, please visit: http://ds.info.yorku.ca/academic-support-accomodations/

Religious Accommodation
York University is committed to respecting the religious beliefs and practices of all members of
the community and making accommodations for observances of special significance to
adherents. For more information on religious accommodation, please visit:

Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities (Senate Policy)

The nature and extent of accommodations shall be consistent with and supportive of the integrity
of the curriculum and of the academic standards of programs or courses. Provided that students
have given sufficient notice about their accommodation needs, instructors shall take reasonable
steps to accommodate these needs in a manner consistent with the guidelines established
hereunder. For more information, please visit the Counselling and Disability Services website at

York’s disabilities offices and the Registrar’s Office work in partnership to support alternate exam
and test accommodation services for students with disabilities at the Keele campus. For more
information on alternate exams and tests please visit http://www.yorku.ca/altexams/

Please alert the Course Director as soon as possible should you require special

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To register for Connect (or purchase online); go to your section’s Connect web address listed
below. Note: You will not be able to register until May 1, 2020, when registration opens.

When registering in Connect please ensure that your profile includes the following: Where it asks
for last name, type your student number, leave a blank space, and then type your last name.
Where it asks for your first name, only type your first name. For example, if your name on your
YorkU Student ID is John Smith and your Student ID is 999888777, enter “John” for your first
name and “999888777 Smith” for your last name. Should the information not be accurate or
complete, the grade will not be extracted from Connect and merged with your marks. Students
who do not provide their correct YorkU student ID number in their Connect profile may receive a
mark of zero for their final Connect grade.

Section Connect URL

All https://connect.mheducation.com/class/adms2510-summer2020

*If you do not include your YorkU student ID after your last name, we may not be able to properly
identify you and assign a grade to you for the Connect assignments. Please ensure that you
register on Connect using the exact name as you are registered with York, paying attention to
last name and first name order. Failure to enter your correct name and YorkU student ID in the
correct profile boxes may result in a mark of zero for your final Connect grade.

Connect step by step registration instructions:

If you are new to this course:
1. Go to the Connect Web Address provided by your course director.
2. Click on “Register Now.”
3. Enter your York email address (this will become your Connect username). If you already
have a McGraw-Hill account, you will be asked for your password and will not be required
to create a new account.
4. Enter your Connect registration code or purchase it online here.
5. Follow the on-screen directions.
6. When registration is complete, click on “Go to Connect Now.”
7. You are now ready to use Connect.
If you have taken this course before and purchased a license in a prior term:
1. Please ensure you are signed out of Connect, clear your browser history and cache
2. Go to the Connect Web Address provided by your course director
3. Click on “Register Now”
4. Enter the same email address you previously used and your password when prompted
5. Connect will recognize you have a valid license and you will be registered into the new
Connect section

Connect Support
For any questions or issues related to Connect, submit a support ticket with the McGraw-Hill
Care Centre by going to www.mhhe.com/support. You will be issued a case or reference
number. Please keep for your records. Please include in your email, what course you are taking,
your section and course director name, and the email address you used to register for Connect.

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Connect LearnSmart and Homework Assignments Schedule (subject to revision)

Week LearnSmart Start Due Homework Start Due

of Quizzes Date Date Assignments Date Date
May 11 Ch. 1, 2, 3 May 9 May 27* Assignment 1 May 14 May 27*

May 18 Ch. 9 May 9 May 27* Assignment 2 May 21 May 30

May 25 Ch. 4, 8 May 16 May 27* Assignment 3 May 28 Jun 6

Jun 1 Ch. 5 May 23 Jun 1 Assignment 4 Jun 4 Jun 13

Jun 8 Ch. 6 May 30 Jun 8 Assignment 5 Jun 11 Jun 20

Jun 15 Ch. 7 Jun 6 Jun 15 Assignment 6 Jun 18 June 29*

June 23-26: No Connect Learn Smart Quizzes or Assignments Due (Reading Week)

Jun 29 Ch. 10 Jun 20 Jun 29 Assignment 7 Jul 2 Jul 11

Jul 6 Ch. 11 Jun 27 Jul 6 Assignment 8 Jul 9 Jul 18

Jul 13 Ch. 13 Jul 4 Jul 13 Assignment 9 Jul 16 Jul 25

Jul 20 Ch. 14 Jul 11 Jul 20 Assignment 10 Jul 23 Aug 1

Important Notes:
LearnSmart Quizzes are due before the topic is covered in lecture.
Homework Assignments are released after the topic is covered in lecture.
*Exceptions - No due dates before the last day to add the course or during reading week.

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ADMS2510 WEEKLY CLASS SCHEDULE (subject to revision)

Class Week of Topic Readings Class Work

Ch1: 48, 50
Cost Management and
1 May 11 Chapters 1-3 Ch2: 61, 63
strategy implementation
Ch3: 43, 3-56
Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis,
2 May 18 Chapter 9 Ch9: 37, 42, 50
excluding LO9-4
Ch8: 39, 42, 50
3 May 25 Cost Estimation Job Costing Chapter 4, 8
Ch4: 48, 52
Activity-based Costing, plus
4 June 1 Chapter 5 Ch5: 27, 28, 36

5 June 8 Process Costing Chapter 6 Ch6: 34, 50, 51

Common Midterm Test; Ch. 1-5, 8, 9

June 12 Regular Sitting: Fri June 12, 2020 10am-1pm
Alternative Sitting: Fri June 12, 2020 8am-11am

6 June 15 Cost Allocation Chapter 7 Ch7: 34, 39, 48

June 23-26: No Classes (Reading Week)

7 June 29 Budgeting Chapter 10 Ch10: 30, 38, 43

8 July 6 Decision Making Chapter 11 Ch11: 30, 34, 36

Common Midterm Test; Ch. 6, 7, 9, 10

July 10 Regular Sitting: Fri July 10,2020 10am-1pm
Alternative Sitting: Fri July 10, 2020 8am-11am
13: 32, 40, 45,
9 July 13 Product costing, etc. Chapter 13
Operations Performance 14: 23, 25, 43,
10 July 20 Chapter 14
Measure, Variance, Analysis 51

11 July 27 Data Analytics and Review Data Analytics: See notes on Moodle

12 Aug 3 Review

Aug 14-21 Final Examination, Comprehensive

Please visit https://registrar.yorku.ca/enrol/dates/su20 for course drop dates.

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ADMS2510 WEEKLY TUTORIAL SCHEDULE* (subject to revision)

Session # Date Time Location Tutorial Questions

1 May 23 1-38, 1-45, 2-44, 2-51, 3-49
2 May 30 9-30, 9-31
3 June 6 8-38, 8-42, 4-44, 4-49
4 June 13 5-40, 5-42
5 June 20 6-32, 6-41
Reading Week N/A
N/A Remote
6 July 4 7-40, 7-44
7 July 11 10-25, 10-31
8 July 18 11-23, 11-38
9 July 125 13-29, 13-49
10 Aug 1 14-28, 14-47
11 Aug 8 Review

*Links for weekly tutorials will be posted to Moodle.

AP/ADMS2510 3.0 (Summer 2020) Page 14 of 14

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