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1 Cosmology: a brief refresher course

1.1 Fundamental assumptions

• Standard model of cosmology is based on two fundamental assumptions:

– On sufficiently large scales, the Universe is isotropic – i.e. there is no preferred

– Our position in the Universe is not special – the Copernican principle

• Together, these two assumptions imply that on large scales, the Universe is homoge-

• We have good observational evidence for isotropy. For example, consider the cosmic
microwave background. Once we subtract off the dipole due to our motion through
space, we find that the remaining background is very close to flat, with inhomogeneities
only at the 10−5 level.

• Direct observation evidence for homogeneity is harder to come by, but large-scale galaxy
surveys find results consistent with a transition to homogeneity on scales ∼ 100 Mpc;
see e.g. Scrimgeour et al. (2012, MNRAS, 425, 116).

• In addition to these two key assumptions, we also typically assume that general rela-
tivity (GR) is the correct theory of gravity on large scales.

1.2 The Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric

• A key lesson from relativity: space and time are not distinct things; instead, we live
in a four-dimensional space-time.

• The geometry of space-time is described by a metric tensor gµν . Locally, we can

choose a coordinate system such that space-time appears flat (i.e. locally, space-time
is described by the Minkowski metric of SR).

• On large scales, we cannot a priori assume that space-time is flat. However, the
large-scale homogeneity and isotropy of the Universe allow us to write the metric in a
relatively simple form:

ds2 = c2 dt2 − a2 (t) dr2 + fK2 (r) dφ2 + sin2 θdθ2 .


Here, (r, φ, θ) are polar coordinates, a(t) is a (time-dependent) scale factor and fK is
a function describing the curvature of the Universe:
 −1/2 1/2

 K sin K r K>0
fK (r) = r   K =0 (2)
 |K| −1/2 1/2
sinh |K| r K<0


• Homogeneity and isotropy allow only three possibilities for the spatial curvature of the
Universe on large scales. The case K > 0 corresponds to positive curvature, the
case K < 0 to negative curvature, and the special case K = 0 to no curvature,
i.e. a spatially flat Universe. Current observations suggest that the K = 0 case best
describes the Universe we inhabit.
• The scaling factor a in the FRW metric cannot depend on our location in the Uni-
verse, but the assumptions of homogeneity and isotropy do not prevent it from being
a function of time. The case ȧ > 0 corresponds to a Universe which is expanding; the
case ȧ < 0 to one which is contracting.

1.3 Redshift
• If a is not constant, then photons propagating to us from distant sources will be red-
shifted (if the Universe is expanding) or blueshifted (if the Universe is contracting).
The fact that the light that we observe from distant galaxies is redshifted tells us that
we live in an expanding Universe.
• Consider light emitted from some source which is comoving with the expansion of the
Universe at a time te , and which is observed by a comoving observer at r = 0 at time
to . For light, we know from relativity that ds = 0, and if the direction of propagation
is purely radial then the angular terms also vanish. We therefore have
c |dt| = a(t)dr. (3)
The coordinate distance between the source and the observer is simply:
Z to
reo = dr = constant. (4)

Alternatively, we can write this as:

Z to
reo = = constant. (5)
te a(t)
• If reo is constant, then ṙeo must vanish. Therefore:
dreo c dto c
= − = 0, (6)
dt a(to ) dte a(te )
which means that
dto ao
= . (7)
dte ae
In an expanding Universe, a time interval dte at the source is lengthened by a factor
ao /ae by the time it arrives at the observer.
• If we now take dt to be the time elapsed during the propagation of a single period of
our light wave, i.e. dt = ν −1 , then it is easy to show that
νe λo ao
= =1+z = . (8)
νo λe ae

1.4 The Friedmann equations

• So far, we have not used any results from GR. Redshift is a consequence of the FRW
metric, and the FRW metric is a consequence of our assumptions of isotropy and
homogeneity. GR only enters the picture when we want to determine how the scale
factor a(t) evolves with time.

• If we assume that the Universe is filled with a perfect fluid with energy density ρ(t)
and pressure p(t), and is described by the FRW metric, then we can use GR to derive
the following equations describing the behaviour of the scale factor a(t):
ȧ 8πG Kc2 Λ
= ρ− 2 + , (9)
a 3 a 3
ä 4πG 3p Λ
= − ρ+ 2 + . (10)
a 3 c 3

Here, Λ is a dimensionless quantity known as the cosmological constant.

• We can combine these two equations to yield a third equation

d 3 2 d 3
a ρc + p a = 0. (11)
dt dt

• These three equations are known as the Friedmann equations.

1.5 Cosmological parameters

• We can divide the matter content of the Universe into two forms: relativistic and
non-relativistic (aka “radiation” and “dust”).

• For relativistic particles, the pressure is related to the energy density via
p = ρc2 , (12)
while for non-relativistic particles, p is much smaller than ρ and hence it is a good
approximation to set p = 0.

• From equation 11, we see that for non-relativistic matter we have

d 3 2
a ρc = 0 (13)
and hence
ρ(t) = ρ0 a−3 , (14)
where ρ0 is the present-day energy density and we have chosen distance units such that
a0 = 1.

• For relativistic matter we instead have

d 3 2  ρc2 d 3 
a ρc + a = 0, (15)
dt 3 dt
dρ da
a3 + 4ρa2 = 0, (16)
dt dt
and hence
ρ(t) = ρr,0 a−4 . (17)

• The energy density of non-relativistic particles is dominated by their mass, and hence
varies with redshift only because the spatial density of the particles varies. On the other
hand, relativistic particles lose energy at a faster rate due to the effects of redshift.

• At this point, it is convenient to write the Friedmann equations in a simpler form with
the help of a number of dimensionless parameters that we will now introduce.

• First of all, we have the Hubble parameter:

H(t) ≡ . (18)
The value of H(t) at the present time is given by

H0 = 100h = 3.22 × 10−18 h s−1 , (19)
s Mpc
with h ' 0.70, and is known as the Hubble constant.

• Next, we have the critical density

3H 2
ρcrit ≡ . (20)
The present day value is written as ρcrit,0 and is given by

ρcrit,0 = 1.88 × 10−29 h2 g cm−3 . (21)

• By dividing the densities of non-relativistic and relativistic matter by the critical den-
sity, we obtain the dimensionless density parameters Ωm and Ωr :
ρm ρr
Ωm ≡ , Ωr ≡ . (22)
ρcrit ρcrit

• We can rewrite the first of the Friedmann equations in terms of H, Ωm and Ωr as:

2 2 −4 −3 Λ
H = H0 Ωr,0 a + Ωm,0 a + − . (23)
3H02 a2 H02

• If we define two further dimensionless density parameters,

ΩΛ ≡ , (24)
ΩK ≡ = 1 − Ωr,0 − Ωm,0 − ΩΛ , (25)
then we can rewrite Equation 23 as

H 2 = H02 Ωr,0 a−4 + Ωm,0 a−3 + ΩΛ + ΩK a−2 .


• Suppose that ΩΛ = 0. In that case, the value of ΩK depends on the total matter
density. If this is greater than the critical density, then ΩK < 0 and hence K > 0; in
other words, the Universe is closed. On the other hand, if the total matter density
is less than the critical density, then ΩK > 0, K < 0 and the Universe is open and
has negative curvature. Finally, if the matter density is exactly equal to the critical
density, then ΩK = 0, K = 0, and the Universe is flat.
• Including a non-zero cosmological constant complicates this simple picture slightly, but
the basic principle is the same: the global geometry of the Universe depends on the
sign of ΩK and hence on the value of 1 − Ωm − Ωr,0 − ΩΛ .
• An important point to note here is that the terms on the right-hand side of Equation 26
have different dependencies on a and hence evolve at different rates. At the present-day,
Ωr,0 is dominated by the cosmic microwave background, and Ωr,0  Ωm,0 . Moreover,
it also appears that in our Universe, ΩK = 0. Therefore, at the present time, the
right-hand side of the Friedmann equation is dominated by the contributions from
non-relativistic matter and the cosmological constant; in practice, Ωm,0 ' 0.275, ΩΛ '
0.725, and hence the cosmological constant term dominates.
• As we move to higher redshift, however, the size of the cosmological constant term
does not change, while the non-relativistic matter term evolves as a−3 . Therefore, the
latter dominates for a < (Ωm,0 /ΩΛ )1/3 , corresponding to redshifts z > 0.4.
• In addition, since the radiation and matter terms also evolve at different rates, there
will come a time when both are equal. This occurs at a redshift
zeq = − 1, (27)
known as the redshift of matter-radiation equality. Evaluating this, we find that zeq ∼
• In this course, we are mostly concerned with the range of redshifts between z ∼ 1000
and z ∼ 20, the so-called Dark Ages. In this range of redshifts, the matter term
dominates, and we can write Equation 26 in the form

H 2 ' H02 Ωm,0 a−3 . (28)


However, it is important to remember that this is an approximation that breaks down

at lower and at higher redshifts.

• In the regime governed by this approximation – known as the Einstein-de Sitter

limit – there is a simple relationship between the redshift z and the time t:
2 1
t= 1/2
. (29)
3 H0 Ωm,0 (1 + z)3/2

1.6 Thermal history

• How does the temperature change as the Universe expands? The answer to this differs,
depending on whether we are considering radiation or non-relativistic matter.

• We know that for a black-body radiation field, the energy density urad scales with
temperature as urad ∝ T 4 ; this is the just the Stefan-Boltzmann law. Since the
energy density of a radiation field scales as urad ∝ (1+z)4 , this implies that T ∝ (1+z),
provided that the radiation field retains its black-body shape.

• Suppose that at redshift z1 , the Universe is filled with black-body radiation with a
temperature T1 . A volume V1 then contains

8πν12 dν1 /c3

dN1 = V1   (30)
exp kT 1

photons in the frequency range ν1 → ν1 + dν1

• Provided that photons are not created or destroyed, but merely redshifted, the same
set of photons at redshift z2 occupy the frequency range ν2 → ν2 + dν2 , where ν2 = f ν1
and dν2 = f dν1 , where f = (1 + z2 )/(1 + z1 ).

• The volume V2 at z2 corresponding to our original volume is given by V2 = V1 f −3 .

Therefore, the number of photons dN2 in the frequency range ν2 → ν2 + dν2 in a
volume V2 is simply dN1 , and is given by

V1 8πf 3 ν12 dν1 /c3

dN2 = dN1 =   (31)
f 3 exp hf ν1 − 1
kf T1

However, we can rewrite this as

8πν22 dν2 /c3

dN2 = V2   , (32)
exp kT 2
− 1

where T2 = f T1 . Since we can apply the same argument to any frequency interval in
our original spectrum, we see that an initial black-body spectrum retains its black-body
shape and simply changes its temperature as the Universe expands.

• For a non-relativistic ideal gas, we can derive the evolution of the temperature from the
relationship p = Kργ , where γ is the adiabatic index. The expansion of the Universe
is an adiabatic process, and hence K does not change as the Universe expands. Since
we can write the pressure of an ideal gas in the form
p= , (33)

where m̄ is the mean particle mass, this means that the relationship
= Kργ (34)

must continue to hold as the Universe expands.

• From this, we see that the temperature of the gas must scale with the density as
T ∝ ργ−1 , and since the density evolves with redshift as ρ ∝ (1 + z)3 , this means that
T ∝ (1 + z)3γ−3 . For an atomic (or ionized) gas with γ = 5/3, we therefore arrive at
the result:
T ∝ (1 + z)2 . (35)

• The temperature of a non-relativistic gas therefore falls off more rapidly than the
radiation temperature, in the absence of any energy transfer between gas and radiation
(or vice versa).

• In practice, the gas and radiation temperatures are strongly coupled at high redshift
by Compton scattering. When photons Compton scatter off electrons, they may either
lose or gain energy, depending on the details of the collision. However, we know from
simple thermodynamics that in the limit of a large number of scatterings, energy will
flow from the gas to the radiation field if the gas temperature Tgas is greater than the
radiation temperature Trad , and from the radiation field to the gas if Trad > Tgas .

• The energy transfer rate per unit volume can be written as

4σT asb T 4 kne

ΛComp = (T − Tgas ) , (36)
me c
where σT is the Thompson scattering cross-section and asb is the Stefan-Boltzmann

• If we compare this with the cooling rate due to the adiabatic expansion of the Universe,
we find that Compton scattering dominates when
> 1. (37)
3nkTgas H(z)
Evaluating this, we find that Compton scattering dominates at redshifts greater than
a few hundred.

• At high redshift, therefore, both gas and radiation temperatures evolve as T ∝ (1 + z).

• In this course, we will mostly be concerned with the evolution of the Universe between
redshifts z ∼ 1000 and z ∼ 10. However, it is useful at this point to remind you that
there is considerable physics occurring at higher redshifts. In particular, primordial
nucleosynthesis has already occurred.
• Protons and neutrons first form at the point where the temperature of the gas and
radiation corresponds to kT ' 1 GeV.1 At this point, the ratio of neutrons to protons
is maintained in equilibrium by the conversion reactions
p + e− ←→ n + ν (38)
p + ν̄ ←→ n + e+ , (39)
where p represents a proton, n a neutron, e− an electron, e+ a positron, and ν and ν̄
are a neutrino and an anti-neutrino, respectively.
• Once the temperature of the Universe drops to kT ' 800 keV, these reactions “freeze-
out” – the timescale associated with them becomes longer than the expansion timescale
of the Universe. At the time that this happens, the neutron-to-proton number density
is given by
nn 2 1
= e−∆mc /kT ' , (40)
np 6
where ∆mc2 = 1.4 MeV is the mass difference between neutrons and protons.
• Although it is energetically favourable for the neutrons and protons to fuse together
to form heavier nuclei, they cannot immediately do so, as immediately after freeze-out
there are still too many extremely high energy photons around, and these photo-
disintegrate any heavy nuclei that form. As the Universe expands and cools, however,
the number density of these photons falls off exponentially, and once the temperature
is kT ' 80 keV, heavier nuclei start to form in abundance. This occurs roughly three
minutes after t = 0.
• The ratio of neutrons to protons at this point is around 1/7. It is smaller than the
value at freeze-out because some of the neutrons have undergone beta decay.
• Almost all of these neutrons wind up in 4 He, while the vast majority of the remaining
protons remain free. Small fractions of deuterium (i.e. 2 D), 3 He and lithium are
also formed, but elements heavier than lithium form only in truly negligible amounts,
owing to the lack of any stable nuclei with weights A = 5 or A = 8; the process of
nucleosynthesis becomes “stuck” at helium, and cannot progress further.
• The precise abundances of the various nuclei depend on the details of the cosmological
model, and in particular on the photon-to-baryon ratio. For the currently-favoured
ΛCDM model, we have ***fill in figures here***
• At the point where we first enter the cosmological “Dark Ages” – the epoch of re-
combination – the chemical composition of the gas is therefore roughly 76% ionized
hydrogen, 24% ionized helium, and tiny traces of D, 3 He and Li.
Immediately prior to this, the Universe was filled with a so-called quark-gluon plasma.

2 Recombination

2.1 The Saha equation

• As the Universe expands and the temperature drops, there eventually comes a point
at which the reaction
H+ + e − → H + γ (41)
becomes much faster than its inverse, leading to the Universe transitioning from a
mostly ionized to a mostly neutral state. This process is known as recombination.

• The simplest possible assumption that we can make about the process of recombination
is that it takes place in thermodynamic equilibrium.

• Consider a small volume V , filled with Ne electrons, Np protons and NH hydrogen

atoms. As we have already discussed, the temperature T in this volume is set by the
interaction of the particles with the radiation field, which acts in this case as a large
heat bath.

• If the timescale for the system to reach chemical equilibrium is much shorter than the
expansion timescale of the Universe, then we can consider the reactions as taking place
at constant volume and constant temperature. Thermodynamics tells us that in this
case, chemical equilibrium is reached once the Helmholtz free energy,

F = U − T S, (42)

is a minimum.

• To see why, consider the first law of thermodynamics:

dU = dQ − pdV. (43)

Here, dQ is the amount of heat exchanged with the surrounding heat bath. If the
system is at constant volume, then the pressure work term vanishes and dU = dQ.
From the second law of thermodynamics, we know that dS ≥ dQ/T , and hence

dU − T dS ≤ 0. (44)

If the temperature is constant, we can rewrite this as

d (U − T S) ≤ 0, (45)

or in other words, dF ≤ 0. Therefore, in any spontaneous reaction, F must stay the

same or decrease, and equilibrium will only be reached once it reaches a minimum

• We can write the Helmholtz free energy for our system of electrons, protons and hy-
drogen atoms as
F = −kT ln Zc (46)
where Zc is the canonical partition function, given by
Z Ne Zp p ZHNH
Zc = e , (47)
Ne !Np !NH !

where Ze,p,H are the canonical partition functions for electrons, protons and hydrogen
atoms, respectively.

• Taking the natural logarithm of Zc yields

ln Zc = Ne ln Ze + Np ln Zp + NH ln ZH − ln Ne ! − ln Np ! − ln NH !, (48)

but for a reasonable choice of volume, our numbers Ne , Np and NH will be large enough
for us to be able to use Stirling’s approximation:

ln N ! ' N ln N − N. (49)

• Applying this, we find that:

ln Zc = Ne ln Ze + Np ln Zp + NH ln ZH − Ne (ln Ne − 1) − Np (ln Np − 1) − NH (ln NH − 1).


• We now need to minimize F as a function of Ne . After a bit of algebra, we find that:

= ln Ze + ln Zp − ln ZH − 2 ln Ne + ln (NB − Ne ) = 0, (51)
where NB = Np + NH is the baryon number, and we have used the fact that Np = Ne
and NH = NB − Ne .

• Rearranging the above, we find that in equilibrium, we have:

Np Ne Ze Zp
= . (52)

• For a non-relativistic particle of mass m and chemical potential µ, the canonical par-
tition function is
Z ∞
Z = 4πp2 e−(−µ)/kT dp (53)
(2πh̄)3 0
gV (2πmkT )3/2 −(mc2 −µ)/kT
= e , (54)

where we have used the fact that  = mc2 + p2 /2m.


• In chemical equilibrium, the total chemical potential vanishes, i.e. µe + µp = µH . Also,

the ionization potential of hydrogen can be written as χ = (me + mp − mH )c2 .

• Using these results, we can write Equation 52 as:

x2 (2πme kT )3/2 −χ/kT

= e , (55)
1−x (2πh̄)3 nB

where x = ne /nB is the fractional ionization and nB = NB /V is the number density of

baryons. This equation is known as the Saha equation.

• Using this Equation, we can try to predict when the Universe recombines. If we set x =
0.5, and assume (following our discussion in the previous section) that T = T0 (1 + z),
where T0 is the present-day CMB temperature, then we can show that z ∼ 1400.

• In reality, the ionization fraction drops to x = 0.5 at a slightly lower redshift, z ∼ 1300.
Clearly, something is wrong with our equilibrium argument.

2.2 The three-level atom

• The equilibrium approach that we took in the last section is simple, but wrong; it
predicts too large a redshift of recombination. But why is it wrong?

• The reason is that we assumed that the radiation field would act simply as a heat bath,
maintaining the temperature at a constant value (at any given redshift), but otherwise
not acting to prevent the system from reaching chemical equilibrium.

• In reality, this is an over-simplification and the radiation field actually plays a very
important role in governing the rate at which the electrons and protons can recombine.

• To see this, let’s consider a simple three-level model of the hydrogen atom: we have
our 1s ground state, the 2s and 2p excited states, and the ionized continuum. [Sketch
this at this point].

• Suppose that we have recombination occurring directly into the ground state. The
photon produced will have an energy hν > 13.6 eV, and if the local density of neutral
hydrogen is sufficiently high, it will simply find another hydrogen atom to ionize,
meaning that there is no net change in the number of neutral atoms.

• This phenomenon should be familiar to anyone who has studied the ISM. It prompts us
to distinguish between two different cases when talking about recombination: case A,
where the photons produced by recombination direct to the ground-state can escape
from the region of interest, and case B, where the photons are re-absorbed close to
their source.

• In the cosmological case, it is fairly obvious that case B applies. However, things are a
little more complicated that this. Consider what happens when the atom recombines

into the 2p state. It will try to radiative de-excite from there to the ground state,
emitting a Lyman-α photon in the process. However, the optical depth of the IGM
to these Lyman-α photons is very large. Most will therefore be re-absorbed by other
hydrogen atoms, leading to a large population of atoms in the excited state.

• At the epoch of recombination, the number of background photons with energy suffi-
cient to ionize hydrogen is small; after all, this is why the gas recombines at this point.
The number of photons capable of ionizing hydrogen from the 2p excited state, on the
other hand, is still large. Therefore, recombination into the 2p state is followed, in the
majority of cases, by re-ionization by these softer photons, rather than by a successful
transition to the ground state.

• In the case of the 2s state, a similar argument applies. In this case, the lifetime of the
state is long, as it is metastable – radiative de-excitation to the ground state occurs
only via a two-photon emission process, which is forbidden, and hence has a small
transition rate. An atom that is newly recombined into the 2s state is therefore far
more likely to be re-ionized than to successfully reach the ground state.

• There is therefore a significant bottle-neck in the recombination process. The rate

at which the number of neutral hydrogen atoms increases is set not by the rate at
which recombinations occur into the excited states of hydrogen, but rather by two
other processes: the rate at which atoms in the 2s decay to the ground-state via two-
photon emission, and the rate at which Lyman-α photons are lost from the system by
redshifting out of the line.

• We will now look at this in a more mathematical fashion. We begin by writing down
the net production rate of hydrogen atoms per unit volume:

αe n2e − βe n2s = R + Λ n2s − n1s e−hνα /kT .


• The first term on the left-hand side of this expression is the case B recombination rate,
while the second represents ionization from excited states of the atom. We can write
the latter in terms of the population of the 2s state rather than having separate terms
for each excited state because the abundance of low energy photons is large enough to
maintain the excited states in thermal equilibrium with respect to each other (although
not with respect to the ground state); i.e. n2p /n2s = 3.

• In equilibrium, the right-hand side of this expression would be zero, implying that
αe n2s
= . (57)
βe n2e eqb

However, the ratio on the right hand side is simply the Saha equation for the 2s state.
We therefore have:
(2πme kT )3/2 −B2 /kT
βe = αe e , (58)

where B2 = 3.4 eV is the energy difference between the 2s state and the continuum.
Note that since nothing on the right-hand side depends on the level populations of
the hydrogen atoms, this relationship must hold even when we are not in thermal
• On the right-hand side of Equation 56, R represents the rate per unit volume at
which Lyman-α photons are lost from the resonance, and Λ = 8.23 s−1 is the Einstein
coefficient for two-photon decay from the 2s state to the ground state. In addition
to decays from 2s to the ground state we must also account for radiative excitation
from the ground state to the 2s state, which we do by means of the second term in
• To make further progress, we need to determine R. To help us do this, we first make
a brief digression into the statistics of the radiation field. Recall that if we have a
black-body spectrum, the radiation energy density per unit volume in the frequency
interval ν → ν + dν can be written as
8πhν 3 dν 1
uν dν = . (59)
c3 ehν/kT − 1

• The number density of photons in the same frequency interval then follows us
uν dν 8πν 2 dν 1
Nν dν = = 3 hν/kT
. (60)
hν c e −1
This can alternatively be written in the form
8π hν hν 1
Nν dν = 3
d hν/kT
, (61)
h c c e −1
4πp2 dp 1
= 2× , (62)
h3 ehν/kT − 1
where p = hν/c is the photon momentum.
• In this expression, 4πp2 dp corresponds to the differential volume of momentum space
for photons in this frequency range. Since h3 is the elementary volume of phase space,
the term 4πp2 dp/h3 therefore corresponds to the number of different states available in
the frequency interval dν for a given photon polarization. Since there are two possible
photon polarizations, it then follows that 2 × 4πp2 dp/h3 is the total number of states
available for this frequency interval.
• The factor
ehν/kT −1
that relates the total number of states available to the number that are actually occu-
pied is known as the photon occupation number, which we denote as N . In the
limit where hν  kT , we can write the value for a black-body radiation field as

N ' e−hν/kT . (64)


• Within the Lyman-α resonance, the shape of the spectrum is not a black-body, owing
to the influence of the recombination photons. On the short wavelength side of the
resonance, we have a black-body spectrum, while within the resonance we have a step
in the spectrum that connects smoothly up with the continuum to the long-wavelength
side. SIMON: sketch Figure 6.7 from Peebles here.

• For simplicity, we assume that the spectrum within the resonance is flat. We justify
this approximation by noting that the scattering time of the photons is much smaller
than the Hubble time, so that each photon scatters many times (and is redistributed
in frequency-space each time) before it is lost from the resonance.

• If we denote the photon occupation number within the resonance as Nα , and make use
of the fact that during recombination, hν  kT , then we can use Equation 62 to write
R as
2 × 4πp2
pH Nα − e−hνα /kT .

R= 3
The Hubble parameter enters here because we can write the term |dp/dt| as:

dp dp
= ȧ = p ȧ = pH. (66)
dt da a

• If we introduce a new variable K, defined as

λ3α −1
K≡ H , (67)

then we can write our expression for R in a simpler form:

KR = Nα − e−hνα /kT . (68)

• To close this set of equations, we need another expression for Nα . To derive this, we
assume that the 2p and 1s levels are in statistical equilibrium: in other words, at any
particular instant of time, the number of transitions from 2p to 1s is almost exactly
balanced by the number of transitions from from 1s to 2p, with the ratio between 1s
and 2p changing only on a slower timescale as the Universe expands.

• In this case, we have

(B21 Iα + A21 ) n2p = B12 Iα n1s , (69)
where B21 , B12 and A21 are the Einstein coefficients for the Lyman-α transition, Iα
is the specific intensity of the radiation field in the Lyman-α resonance, and n2p and
n1s are the number densities of hydrogen atoms in the 2p and 1s levels respectively.
In writing down this expression, we have assumed that the influence of collisional
excitation and de-excitation is negligible in comparison to the effect of the radiation
field, which is a good approximation during the recombination epoch.

• The specific intensity Iα is related to the occupation number Nα by

Iα = Nα . (70)
(This follows trivially from our definition of the occupation number). We can therefore
write Equation 69 as
B21 (1 + Nα ) n2p = B12 Nα n1s , (71)
where we have made use of the identity
A21 ≡ B21 (72)
to eliminate A21 .

• We therefore have
n2p B12 Nα
= , (73)
n1s B21 1 + Nα
g2 Nα
= , (74)
g1 1 + Nα
where g2 and g1 are the statistical weights of the 2p and 1s levels, respectively.

• We know that the level populations of the 2p and 2s levels are in thermal equilibrium
with respect to each other, and hence
n2p g2
= . (75)
n2s g1
We therefore can write the ratio of the 2s and 1s level populations as
n2s Nα
= . (76)
n1s 1 + Nα

• In thermal equilibrium, we know that when hν  kT , N  1. Since the radiation

field in the resonance is close to a black-body, the same holds for Nα , which means
that our ratio reduces to
' Nα . (77)
• This is the final equation that we need in order to solve for R. We proceed by substi-
tuting this expression into Equation 56, which yields

αe n2e − βe n1s Nα = R + Λ Nα − e−hνα /kT n1s ,

= Nα − e−hνα /kT ×

+ Λn1s . (79)

• We can rearrange this to yield an expression for Nα :

αe n2e + e−hνα /kT × K1 + Λn1s

Nα = 1 , (80)
+ (Λ + βe )n1s
Kαe n2e + e−hνα /kT × (1 + KΛn1s )
= . (81)
1 + K(Λ + βe )n1s

• Finally, we obtain the net recombination rate (the left-hand side of Equation 78) by
substituting in our newly-derived value for Nα . After a little algebra, we find that
= αe n2e − βe e−hνα /kT n1s C,

− (82)
1 + KΛn1s
C= . (83)
1 + K(Λ + βe )n1s

• The term βe e−hνα /kT is simply the photoionization rate from the ground state that
one would derive using the Saha equation, and so the expression in parentheses is the
one that we would use to describe recombination if we could ignore the effects of the
Lyman-α resonance photons. The effects of these photons are accounted for in the
suppression factor C.

• It is clear from its definition that C < 1; i.e. the resonance photons always delay
recombination. Moreover, we see that if βe  Λ, then C ' 1, which makes physical
sense: if the photoionization rate from the 2s level is much slower than the two-photon
decay rate, then few excited atoms will be photoionized and the net recombination rate
will be very close to the value that we would obtain if we just ignored the resonance

• We can also look at whether two-photon decay or the loss of Lyman-α photons from
the line via redshift is the more important effect. We can write the ratio between the
two rates as
Loss of Ly-α R
= , (84)
Two-photon Λ (n2s − n1s e−hνα /kT )
1 Nα − e−hνα /kT
= , (85)
K Λ (Nα − e−hνα /kT ) n1s
= . (86)

• For our standard ΛCDM model, this is approximately 0.16/(1 − x), where x is the
fractional ionization. For x ∼ 1, the loss of photons from the Lyman-α resonance is
the dominant effect, but once recombination is well under way, two-photon decay from
the 2s state dominates.

• Having looked in some detail at the beginning of recombination, it is natural to turn

to the question of when recombination ends. The obvious answer to this question is
that it ends once the gas has become fully neutral, but in practice this never happens.
• We can write the recombination timescale as
trec = , (87)
krec,eff n0 (1 + z)3 x(z)
where n0 is the hydrogen number density at redshift zero and x(z) is the fractional
ionization of the gas at a redshift z, and krec,eff is the effective recombination coefficient
(i.e. the value that one gets after accounting for the effects discussed above).
• As z and x decrease, this value rapidly increases. Eventually, it becomes longer than
the expansion timescale of the Universe. Once we enter the regime where trec > tH ,
which occurs at a redshift of around 700–800, we find little further evolution in the
fractional ionization of the gas. The fractional ionization therefore freezes out at
some non-zero value. The precise value depends on the baryon density parameter Ωb
(which controls the size of n0 in the expression for the recombination timescale), the
total density parameter Ωm and the Hubble constant. The freeze-out value produced
by our simple three-level model is approximately
x ' 1.2 × 10 , (88)
which for our standard ΛCDM cosmological model yields x ∼ 2 × 10−4 .
• Finally, once we have computed x(z) for all redshifts of interest, we can compute the
optical depth of the Universe to Thomson scattering as a function of redshift:
Z l
τ (z) = n(l)x(l)σT dl, (89)
Z z
x(z 0 )(1 + z 0 )2 0
= n0 σ T c dz . (90)
0 H(z 0 )

• This expression gives the optical depth seen by a photon as it makes it way from
redshift z to redshift 0. Any particular photon will have some redshift zls at which
it scatters for the last time. We can use τ (z) to compute the probability distribution
function for zls , a quantity known as the visibility function:

−τ (zls ) dτ

p(zls ) = e . (91)
dz z=zls

• If we do this, then we find that p(z) is well described by a Gaussian distribution,

centred at z ' 1100 and with a standard deviation σz ' 80. This range of redshifts
is known as the last-scattering surface (even though it is a volume, not a surface!),
and the vast majority of the CMB photons that we see today scattered for the last
time at this point. The CMB therefore tells us about the state of the Universe at the
redshift of the last-scattering surface.

• Clearly, any uncertainty in x(z) will affect τ (z) and hence will affect the position that
we compute for the last-scattering surface. This in turn introduces uncertainty into the
values of the cosmological parameters that we can derive using information from CMB
observations. It is therefore important to understand x(z) as accurately as possible.

2.3 Improved models of recombination

• The simplified three-level atom model discussed in the previous section is actually a
pretty good approximation, and allows us to calculate the evolution of the fractional
ionization with redshift to a precision of around 10%.
• For many purposes (e.g. understanding the later chemical evolution of the IGM), this is
good enough. However, upcoming measurements of CMB fluctuations with e.g. Planck
are sensitive to differences in the recombination history of the Universe at the 1% level.
• In order to improve on the three-level calculation, we need to add a lot more atomic
physics. In this lecture, we will not discuss this additional physics in detail; instead, I
will just briefly summarise some of the main effects, and some places to find out more.
• The most obvious improvement that we can make is to include many more levels of the
hydrogen atom. Including additional levels changes our simple picture in two ways.
First, atoms can recombine into a level with n > 2 and then radiatively cascade down
to either the 2s or the 2p state, following which the routes to the ground state are the
same as before. Second, atoms can recombine into an n > 2 level and then undergo
a direct radiative transition to the ground state (e.g. via another of the Lyman series
• Recombination via the latter process is suppressed for the same reason that recom-
bination via the Lyman-α transition is suppressed, but nevertheless some atoms will
successfully recombine in this fashion owing to the loss of Lyman-series photons from
the corresponding lines via the effects of redshift.
• Including a large number of additional levels turns the problem from one which can
be attacked analytically, as above, to one which must be solved numerically. However,
the computational requirements are not great: one must solve a coupled set of a few
hundred ordinary differential equations, which can be done in a matter of minutes or
less on a modern desktop computer.
• Another important correction comes from the inclusion of helium in the calculation.
He++ recombines at a redshift z ∼ 6000 and the Saha equation provides an adequate
description of its recombination history. Because He++ recombines so early, it is es-
sentially fully recombined by the time that hydrogen recombination gets started, and
hence does not have any influence on the latter process.
• However, the same cannot be said for He+ . This recombines around z ∼ 2000, and
hence there is some overlap between the end of He+ recombination and the beginning
of hydrogen recombination.

• The presence of He+ influences the process of hydrogen recombination in two main
ways. First, it increases the electron density present in the IGM, with the result
that we can no longer assume that ne = nH+ . Second, photons produced during He+
recombination can ionize neutral hydrogen. Specifically, the allowed transition from
the 21 P state to the 11 S ground state produces a photon with an energy of 21.3 eV,
well above the hydrogen photoionization threshold. In addition, the two-photon decay
from the 21 S singlet state to the ground state also often produces photons with energy
greater than 13.6 eV.
• These two major pieces of additional physics were incorporated into calculations of
hydrogen recombination by Seager et al. (2000, ApJS, 128, 407). They found that
the main effect was to speed up recombination slightly. They also showed that this
effect could be to a great extent be mimicked in a three-level calculation simply by
increasing the effective recombination rate αe by 14%. Finally, they made available
a code called recfast that implemented all of this new physics. This is available
at http://www.astro.ubc.ca/people/scott/recfast.html and has subsequently been up-
dated a number of times to add further new physical effects.
• Calculations with recfast are sufficiently accurate that we can use the resulting
recombination histories when analyzing WMAP data without worrying about intro-
ducing uncertainty; in this case, the observational uncertainties dominate. However,
the original version of recfast was not accurate enough to allow us to do the same
with Planck data, which will have much lower observational uncertainties.
• To achieve the sub-1% errors that are necessary if we are to make optimum use of the
Planck data, a number of other effects must be accounted for. These include:
– Stimulated two-photon decay from the 2s to 1s levels
– Absorption of Lyman-α photons by the 1s–2s transition
– Partial frequency redistribution within the Lyman-α resonance (i.e. the fact that
the spectrum is not perfectly flat within the resonance)
– Two-photon transitions from levels with n > 2
– etc...
• Some of these processes have subsequently been incorporated into recfast. In ad-
dition, two other codes for computing recombination histories have become available:
CosmoRec, written by Jens Chluba2 , and HyRec, written by Yacine Ali-Haı̈moud
and Chris Hirata3 .
• Further reading:
– Peebles, 1968, ApJ, 153, 1 — the original three-level calculation; a classic paper
– Seager et al., 2000, ApJS, 128, 407 — the first n  3 treatment
– Sunyaev & Chluba, 2009, AN, 330, 657 — a good recent review
Available at http://www.cita.utoronto.ca/∼jchluba/Science Jens/Recombination/CosmoRec.html
Available at http://www.sns.ias.edu/∼yacine/hyrec/hyrec.html

3 Chemical evolution of pre-galactic gas

• Primordial gas contains only a few elements: most hydrogen and helium, small fraction
of deuterium, tiny fraction of lithium. No significant quantities of elements heavier
than lithium. Despite this, considerable chemical complexity is possible (e.g. Glover &
Savin, 2009, MNRAS, 393, 911 construct a model of primordial chemistry tracking 30
species and 392 reactions).

• Much of this chemistry is only of academic interest. In this lecture, we focus on only
a few key species and reactions.

• We start our survey with molecular hydrogen, H2 , the most common molecule in the
Universe. The most obvious way to form this is via the radiative association reaction

H + H → H2 + γ. (92)

However, because H2 has no dipole moment, this process is forbidden and proceeds at
a negligibly slow rate.

• In the local Universe, large quantities of H2 form via surface reactions on dust grains.
However, primordial gas is dust-free, so this mechanism is not available there.

• Most of the H2 that forms in the pre-galactic gas forms via one of two sets of ion-neutral
reactions. The first of these involves the H− ion as an intermediate:

H + e− → H− + γ, (93)
H− + H → H2 + e− . (94)

The rate-limiting step in this H− pathway is the formation of the H− ion via a slow
radiative association reaction. The subsequent reaction with atomic hydrogen occurs

• The other main route to H2 involves the H+

2 ion:

H + H+ → H+
2 + γ, (95)
H2 + H → H2 + H+ .

As before, the initial radiative association reaction is the rate limiting step.

• In both of these reaction chains, the H2 formation rate depends on the fractional
ionization of the gas. However, the reaction chains do not change this value: the
electrons and protons essentially act as catalysts, and are not consumed.

• Once H2 has formed in the pre-galactic gas, it is difficult to destroy. It has a binding
energy of 4.48 eV, and hence direct collisional dissociation becomes ineffective for gas
temperatures below a few thousand K, corresponding to redshifts z < 1000.

• Photodissociation of H2 by the CMB is also relatively ineffective: direct photodissoci-

ation into the continuum is a very slow process, and in general the dominant process
is two-step photodissociation via the electronically excited Lyman and Werner bands
of H2 . SIMON: draw figure here.
• The lowest energy transition from the H2 ground state to the Lyman state requires
a photon energy of around 11.2 eV. The number density of CMB photons with this
energy becomes completely negligible after the end of cosmological recombination, and
at lower redshifts H2 photodissociation is an unimportant process.
• Since destruction of H2 in the pre-galactic gas is so difficult to bring about, the main
thing limiting the amount that forms is the difficulty involved in making it. In partic-
ular, the amount of H2 that forms at high redshifts is strongly limited by the effect of
the CMB on the H− and H+ 2 ions.

• The H− ion has a binding energy of only 0.75 eV. The rate at which it is photodisso-
ciated by a black-body radiation field can be calculated, and is
Rdis,H− = 0.11Tr exp − s−1 , (97)
where Tr is the radiation temperature. Comparing this with the rate of the associa-
tive detachment reaction (reaction 94), which is of order 10−9 nH cm3 s−1 , we see that
photodissociation dominates for redshifts greater than z ∼ 100.
• The case of H+ 2 is somewhat similar, but is made more complicated by the fact that
we need to account for the vibrational and rotational excitation of the H+2 ions. In the
simple case in which all of the ions are in the ground state, the photodissociation rate
for a black-body radiation field is
1 1.59
Rdis,H+2 ,v=0 = 2.0 × 10 Tr exp − s−1 . (98)
Comparing this with the rate of reaction 96, ∼ 6 × 10−10 nH cm3 s−1 , we see that in this
case, photodissociation dominates only at very high redshift, z > 950. This is much
higher than the value we obtained for H− , a result which is due to the higher binding
energy of the H+
2 molecular ion (ED = 2.65 eV).

• In practice, the assumption that all of the H+ 2 ions are in the ground state is not a good
one. The ions formed by reaction 95 are typically formed in highly excited vibrational
states, and states with v ≥ 1 are also populated by radiative excitation of ground state
H+2 molecules by the CMB. We can get an approximate idea of how this affects the
survival of the H+ 2 ions by considering the simple case in which their rotational and
vibrational levels have their local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) level populations.
In this case  
Rdis,H+2 ,LTE = 1.63 × 10 exp − s−1 , (99)
and photodissociation dominates for z > 330. This is still significantly larger than the
value for H− , but much smaller than the v = 0 value for H+ 2.

• Detailed calculations that follow the populations of the individual H+ 2 levels show that
even in this case, the photodissociation rate is underestimated, as the ions tend to have
a super-thermal distribution, owing to the influence of reaction 95; see Coppola et al.
(2011, ApJS, 193, 7) for more details.

• We therefore see that at high redshifts, rapid photodissociation limits the H− and
H+2 abundances to a very low level, and hence almost entirely suppresses H2 forma-
tion, but that as we move to lower redshifts we will eventually reach a point at which
photodissociation becomes unimportant. This occurs first for H+ 2 . Once the photodis-
sociation rate becomes small, the H2 abundance climbs sharply, until it hits a new
equilibrium value, set by the balance between H+ 2 formation by radiative association
and H+ 2 destruction by charge transfer with atomic hydrogen:

H+ +
2 + H → H2 + H . (100)

• The peak value reached by the H+ 2 abundance is of order 10

and occurs shortly after
photodissociation has become unimportant. At lower redshifts, the decreasing temper-
ature of the gas decreases the H+
2 formation rate but does not affect the temperature-
independent destruction rate. Simon: draw sketch of H+ 2 , H2 evolution, add to
it as we go.

• Most of the H2 that forms via the H+ 2 pathway does so at this time. At lower redshifts,
the decreasing gas density greatly lengthens the H2 formation timescale, which quickly
becomes longer than the Hubble time. The amount of H2 formed by this mechanism is
therefore quite limited. We can estimate the fractional abundance by finding the value
for which tH2 ,form = tH at z = 330. The H2 formation timescale for formation via the
H+2 pathway is given by
xH 2
tH2 ,form = , (101)
kct xH+2 n
where kct = 6.4 × 10−10 cm3 s−1 is the rate coefficient for reaction 100. If we set
xH+2 = 10−12 and n = 10 cm−3 (approximately correct for z ∼ 330), then we find that

tH2 ,form ∼ 1020 xH2 s. (102)

In comparison, the Hubble time at this redshift is around tH ∼ 7 × 1013 s. The amount
of H2 that forms before tH2 ,form = tH therefore corresponds to a fractional abundance
of around 10−6 .

• Note that if we took z ∼ 1000 as the point at which photodissociation became unim-
portant, as would be the case if all of the H+ 2 was in the ground state during the
photodissociation-dominated epoch, then the value of the H2 abundance that we would
obtain from this argument would be at least a factor of 33 ∼ 30 larger. (In practice,
the H+2 formation rate would also be larger, owing to the higher temperature, so the
increase would be even larger than this, close to a factor of 100).

• Once we reach a redshift z ∼ 100, a second phase of H2 formation begins, driven

by the H− pathway. The peak H− abundance is somewhat larger than the peak H+ 2
abundance, closer to 10−11 , owing to the faster formation rate of the H− ion. However,
the lower cosmological background density at z ∼ 100 compared to z ∼ 330 limits the
amount of additional H2 that can form. For the consensus ΛCDM model, the final H2
abundance that we obtain if we treat the CMB as a perfect black-body is therefore
around xH2 ∼ 2 × 10−6 . As we shall see later, this is far less than we need to provide
efficient cooling within the first protogalaxies.

• One additional complication that has not been greatly studied as yet is the role played
by recombination photons. As we saw in our discussion of recombination, the CMB
long-wards of the Lyman-α resonance is not a perfect black-body, as it is distorted
by the Lyman-α photons emitted during the recombination epoch. Because the ratio
photon-to-baryon ratio is very large (there are ∼ 109 photons for every baryon), the
distortion from a perfect black-body is small. Nevertheless, it proves to be important
for some aspects of pre-galactic chemistry. In particular, it increases the photodisso-
ciation rate of H− at z < 100 quite significantly compared to the rate that we would
have for a perfect black-body, since there is no longer an exponential fall-off of the
number density of photons with E > 0.75 eV.

• This effect was studied in detail by Hirata & Padmanabhan (2006, MNRAS, 372, 1175),
who showed that it suppresses the amount of H2 formed in the pre-galactic gas by a
factor of a few.

4 Formation of structure: linear regime

• Up to this point in our discussion, we have assumed that the Universe is perfectly
homogeneous on all scales. However, if this were truly the case, then we would not be
here in this lecture theatre.

• We know that in reality, the Universe is highly inhomogeneous on small scales, with
a considerable fraction of the matter content locked up in galaxies that have mean
densities much higher than the mean cosmological matter density. We only recover
homogeneity when we look at the distribution of these galaxies on very large scales.

• The extreme smoothness of the CMB tells us that the Universe must have been very
close to homogeneous during the recombination epoch, and that all of the large-scale
structure that we see must have formed between then and now.

• In this section and the next, we will review the theory of structure formation in an
expanding Universe. We start by considering the evolution of small perturbations
that can be treated using linear perturbation theory, before going on to look at which
happens once these perturbations become large and linear theory breaks down.

4.1 Perturbation equations

• We start with the equations of continuity
∂ρ ~
+ ∇ · (ρ~v ) = 0, (103)
momentum conservation (i.e. Euler’s equation)

∂~v  ~  ~
+ ~v · ∇ ~v = − ~
+ ∇Φ (104)
∂t ρ
and Poisson’s equation for the gravitational potential Φ:

∇2 Φ = 4πGρ. (105)

• We next split up the density and velocity in their homogeneous background values ρ0
and ~v0 and small perturbations δρ, δ~v . If we let ~r represent physics coordinates, then
our unperturbed velocity is simply

~v0 = H~r, (106)

i.e. it is the Hubble flow.

• To first order in our small perturbations, the continuity equation becomes

∂ (ρ0 + δρ) ~
+ ∇ · (ρ0~v0 + δρ~v0 + ρ0 δ~v ) = 0. (107)
This can be simplified by noting that the unperturbed density and velocity must also
satisfy a continuity equation
∂ρ0 ~
+ ∇ · (ρ0~v0 ) = 0. (108)
Hence, our perturbation equation becomes
∂δρ ~ + ρ0 ∇
~ · δ~v + δρ∇
~ · ~v0 = 0.
+ ~v0 · ∇δρ (109)
(Note that the ∇ρ0 term vanishes due to the homogeneity that we have assumed for
our unperturbed state).

• If we define the density contrast

δ≡ , (110)
then we can write this in a more compact form as
~ +∇
δ̇ + ~v0 · ∇δ ~ · δ~v = 0. (111)

• From the momentum conservation equation, we obtain the relationship

∂δ~v  ~ δ~v = − ∇δp + ∇δΦ,
~ ~v0 + ~v0 · ∇
+ δ~v · ∇ ~ (112)
∂t ρ0
which can be simplified to
∂δ~v ~ δ~v = − ∇δp + ∇δΦ,
+ Hδ~v + ~v0 · ∇ ~ (113)
∂t ρ0

• Finally, from the Poisson equation we have

∇2 δΦ = 4πGρ0 δ. (114)

• We now introduce comoving coordinates ~x ≡ ~r/a, and comoving peculiar velocities,

~u ≡ δ~v /a. Our spatial derivative transforms as

~ r = 1∇
∇ ~ x. (115)
Our time derivative, on the other hand, transforms as
∂ ~x→ ∂ .
+ H~x · ∇ (116)
∂t ∂t

• In comoving coordinates, our perturbation equations become

~ · ~u = 0,
δ̇ + ∇ (117)
∇δp ~
~u˙ + 2H~u = − 2 + 2 , (118)
a ρ0 a
2 2
∇ δΦ = 4πGρ0 a δ, (119)

~ x simply as ∇.
where for simplicity we write ∇ ~

• To close this set of equations, we also need an equation of state linking the pressure
and density fluctuations:
δp = c2s δρ = c2s ρ0 δ. (120)

4.2 Density perturbations

• By combining our first two perturbation equations, we can derive the following second-
order differential equation of the density contrast:

c2s ∇2 δ
δ̈ + 2H δ̇ = 4πGρ0 δ + . (121)

• To solve this, we start by decomposing δ into a set of plane waves:

d3 k ~  −i~k·~x
δ(~x, t) = δ̂ k, t e . (122)

• Our Fourier amplitudes then obey the equation

c2s k 2
¨ ˙
δ̂ + 2H δ̂ = δ̂ 4πGρ0 − 2 . (123)

• In the limit k → 0 (i.e. the long wavelength limit), this reduces to

¨ ˙
δ̂ + 2H δ̂ = 4πGρ0 δ̂, (124)

which we recognise as the equation for a damped harmonic oscillator.

• In an Ωm = 1 Universe, we can write this equation as
¨ ˙ 3
δ̂ + 2H δ̂ = H 2 δ̂. (125)
(In an Ωm 6= 1 Universe, things are a little more complex, but at our redshifts of
interest, Ωm ' 1).
• We now try a solution of the form δ̂ ∝ tn . This yields the equation

δ̂ δ̂ 3
n(n − 1) 2
+ 2Hn = H 2 δ̂. (126)
t t 2
For Ωm = 1, we know that H(t) = 2/3t, and so this equation becomes

δ̂ 4 δ̂ 2 δ̂
n(n − 1) + n = . (127)
t2 3 t2 3 t2
This equation has a non-trivial solution only when n satisfies
n 2
n2 + − = 0. (128)
3 3
This equation has solutions n = 2/3 and n = −1, corresponding to a growing mode
δ̂ ∝ t2/3 and a decaying mode δ̂ ∝ t−1 .
• Convenient to express evolution of δ with redshift in terms of the current value, δ0 ,
and a term known as the linear growth factor, D+ (z):

δ(z) = δ0 D+ (z). (129)

For an Einstein-de Sitter Universe, D+ (z) = (1 + z)−1 . For other cosmological models,
we have the rather more complicated expression:
1 5Ωm 1
D+ (z) = . (130)
1 + z 2 0 a H(a)3

• Observations of the CMB show us that at z ∼ 1000, the perturbations in the gas
component have amplitudes that are of order 10−5 . If these perturbations then grow
as δ̂ ∝ t2/3 , then by the time we reach redshift zero, they will have grown by at most
a factor of 1000, and will still be of order 1%.

• Clearly, perturbations in the gas component alone cannot account for the highly inho-
mogeneous density distribution we see around us. So how does this structure form?

• Dark matter provides a resolution to this conundrum. Perturbations in the dark

matter couple to the radiation field only through their gravitational influence (rather
than by direct scattering, as is the case for the gas), and hence can be much larger
than the gas perturbations without overly perturbing the CMB. By starting with much
larger perturbations, we can reach the δ ∼ 1 regime much sooner, allowing us to form
the observed structures.

4.3 Jeans length, Jeans mass

• From Equation 123, we see that the source term for our density perturbation equation
is positive only if √
2 πGρ0
k > kJ ≡ . (131)
In other words, we will get growing perturbations only if they have wavenumbers that
satisfy this criterion.

• An alternative way to express this criterion is in terms of a critical wavelength, defined

as r
2π π
λJ ≡ = cs . (132)
kJ Gρ0
This critical value is known as the Jeans length. Only perturbations with wavelengths
greater than the Jeans length will grow.

• Physically, we can understand the existence of this critical length scale by considering
the balance between gravity and thermal pressure. If we take a small part of the pre-
galactic gas and perturb it adiabatically, its density and temperature will increase. It
will therefore be over-pressured relative to the surrounding gas, and the pressure gra-
dients that we have created will try to smooth out the perturbation. Our perturbation
will survive and grow only if its self-gravity – i.e. the gravitational force acting on the
perturbation due to the perturbation’s own mass – is larger than the pressure forces
acting to smooth out the perturbation.

• It should be plain that for very small perturbations, with very low masses, pressure
will overcome gravity. Similarly, it should be clear that on very large scales, gravity
will win. There must therefore be some intermediate scale at which we go from being
pressure-dominated to being gravity-dominated. This critical scale is just the Jeans

• We can also define a critical mass scale to go along with our critical length scale. This
mass scale is known as the Jeans mass and is given by4
4π λJ
MJ = ρ0 . (133)
3 2

• What happens if instead of gas, we consider dark matter? Most viable dark matter
candidates are effectively collisionless, and hence have no sound speed per se. Does
this mean that we can simply set cs = 0, and hence conclude that perturbations on all
scales are unstable?

• For cold dark matter (CDM), this is actually a pretty good approximation. However,
on very small scales it breaks down due to a phenomenon known as free streaming.
This refers to the fact that our collisionless dark matter particles have a non-zero
velocity dispersion. If their velocities are larger than the escape velocity of our pertur-
bation, then they will simply stream away from the overdensity before it can undergo
gravitational collapse.

• A careful analysis of this phenomenon leads one to derive an expression very similar
to that for the Jeans length, only with the velocity dispersion of the dark matter in
place of the sound speed. However, for CDM, the velocity dispersion is very small,
and hence the Jeans mass and Jeans length of the dark matter are also very small; for
instance, Diemand et al. (2005, Nature, 433, 389) show that for WIMP dark matter,
the lowest mass dark matter halos should have masses of the order of an Earth mass.

4.4 Perturbations in a radiation-dominated Universe

• Up to this point, we have implicitly been assuming that the Universe is matter domi-
nated. However, our initial density perturbations come into existence during the infla-
tionary epoch and hence spend the first part of their life growing during the radiation-
dominated era.

• In principle, correct treatment of perturbation growth during the radiation-dominated

era requires a relativistic treatment of the governing equations. In practice, provided
we are dealing with small perturbations, a non-relativistic treatment suffices.

• If we ignore pressure gradients (i.e. consider scales much larger than the Jeans length),
then the governing equation for the growth of density perturbations in the radiation-
dominated case can be derived in a similar fashion to that in the matter dominated case
Note that there is a certain arbitrariness in our choosing to compute the mass within a sphere of radius
λJ /2, and not, say, a sphere of radius λJ or a cube of side length λJ . Consequently, the Jeans mass is a
somewhat fuzzy concept, and should best be thought of as simply giving us a guide to the critical mass
of an unstable perturbation. In practice, for perturbations with M ∼ MJ , we generally need numerical
simulations in order to determine the ability of the perturbation to collapse and the timescale on which this
occurs, particularly if the latter is comparable to the current expansion timescale.

if we make the substitutions ρ → ρ+p/c2 in the continuity equation, and ρ → ρ+3p/c2

in the Poisson equation. Using the fact that p = ρc2 /3 for radiation, we find that
¨ ˙ 32π
δ̂ + 2H δ̂ = Gρ0 δ̂. (134)
• We can rewrite this equation in terms of the Hubble parameter as
¨ ˙
δ̂ + 2H δ̂ = 4H 2 δ̂, (135)
Since H = 1/2t in the radiation-dominated era, we find that we again have two so-
lutions: a growing mode with δ̂ ∝ t and a decaying mode with δ̂ ∝ t−1 . (Note that
in deriving these soluations, we have assumed that Ω = 1. This is always a good
approximation during the radiation-dominated era).
• In terms of the scale factor, our growth mode is δ̂ ∝ a2 ; hence, long wavelength
perturbations grow much faster with increasing a in the radiation-dominated era than
in the matter-dominated era, where they evolve only as δ̂ ∝ a.
• This is for perturbations on scales large enough that pressure forces are irrelevant.
What happens on smaller scales? In the case of perturbations in the radiation or in
the baryons (which are strongly coupled to the radiation at this point), the behaviour
is fairly clear. We define a Jeans length as before,
λ J = cs , (136)

but in this case our sound-speed cs = c/ 3, where c is the speed of light, and so
λJ = c . (137)
• If
p we compare this number to the Hubble radius, rH = c/H, we find that λJ /rH =
8π 2 /9 ' 3; in other words, perturbations on scales comparable to the size of the
observable Universe are suppressed during the radiation-dominated era.
• What about the dark matter? This does not couple directly to the radiation, and
hence does not feel the radiation pressure. However, the growth of perturbations on
scales λ  rH is nevertheless suppressed, for a reason that we will now explain.
• If we consider scales r  λJ , then we can ignore any perturbations in the radiation
component and treat it simply as a flat background. In this limit, the equation de-
scribing the growth of perturbations in the dark matter then becomes
¨ ˙
δ̂ + 2H δ̂ = 4πGρm δ̂. (138)
Since we are in the radiation-dominated regime, we can write H 2 = 8πG(ρm + ρr )/3.
If we now change variables to y ≡ ρm /ρr = a/aeq , we find (after considerable algebra)
2 + 3y 0 3
δ̂ 00 + δ̂ − δ̂ = 0, (139)
2y(1 + y) 2y(1 + y)
where δ̂ 0 ≡ dδ̂/da.

• If we adopt the trial solution δ̂ = Cy + D, then it is easy to demonstrate that this is a

solution to the above equation, provided that D = 2C/3. Therefore, we can write the
growing mode solution as  
δ̂ = C y + , (140)
which becomes independent of y in the limit y  1.
• We therefore see that as long as we are in the radiation-dominated regime, our small-
scale dark matter perturbations do not grow. Physically, we can understand this
effect as follows: the growth rate of the small perturbations (driven by ρm ) is much
slower than the expansion rate of the Universe (driven by ρr ), and so δ is frozen at an
approximately constant value for as long as ρr  ρm . Note, however, that this only
holds on scales smaller than λJ . On scales larger than the Jeans length for the radiation-
dominated fluid, both ρr and ρm contribute to the growth rate of the perturbations,
which therefore can still grow significantly during this epoch.

4.5 Power spectrum

• It is widely believed that the seeds of our density fluctuations were generated by quan-
tum fluctuations occurring during the inflationary epoch. If so, then so long as it
remains in the linear regime, the density contrast field δ has a very useful property:
it is a homogeneous, isotropic Gaussian random field. Its statistical properties are
therefore complete determined by only two numbers: its mean and its variance.
• Mass conservation implies that hδi = 0, where the angle brackets denote a space
• The variance of δ is conveniently described in terms of the power spectrum P (k):
D E  
δ̂(~k)δ̂ ∗ (~k 0 ) ≡ (2π)3 P (k)δD ~k − ~k 0 , (141)

where δD is the Dirac delta function.

• The initial perturbations, seeded by quantum fluctuations during the inflation epoch,
are typically assumed to have a power spectrum
Pi (k) ∝ k, (142)
known as the Harrison-Zel’dovich spectrum.
• However, this initial power spectrum is subsequently modified because perturbations on
different scales k do not all grow by the same amount during the radiation-dominated
• As we saw in the previous section, modes with wavelengths λ  rH grow as δ ∝ a2
in the radiation-dominated era, and δ ∝ a in the matter-dominated era. On the other
hand, modes with λ  rH do not grow during the radiation-dominated era, and then
subsequently begin to grow as δ ∝ a during the matter-dominated era.

• To allow us to examine the effects of this difference in growth rates, let us make two
simplifications. We will assume that the behaviour of a given mode changes instantly
once λ = rH , and we will also assume that the evolution of the Universe changes
instantly from radiation-dominated to matter-dominated at the redshift of matter-
radiation equality (i.e. the redshift at which ρm = ρr ).
• In this simplified picture, modes which have λ > rH throughout the radiation-dominated
era evolve as δ ∝ a2 throughout the radiation-dominated era, and then as δ ∝ a in the
matter-dominated era. On the other hand, modes for which λ = rH at some point dur-
ing the radiation-dominated era evolve initially as δ ∝ a2 , then “freeze” once λ = rH ,
and finally start to grow again as δ ∝ a at redshifts z < zeq . SIMON: SKETCH
THIS. Small-scale modes (with large k) therefore have their growth suppressed relative
to large-scale modes (small k).
• To quantify this, we first consider the mode that has λ = rH at z = zeq ; we speak of
this mode “entering the horizon” at this time. We can write the comoving wavenumber
for this mode as
s s
2π H0 2Ωm,0 H0 2
k0 = aeq = 2π = 2π Ωm,0 . (143)
rH c aeq c Ωr,0

• Next, consider some mode that enters the horizon at the point when the scale factor
is aenter < aeq . Up to this point, this mode has grown at the same rate as the mode
with wavenumber k0 , but during the period from aenter to aeq , it does not grow. On
the other hand, the larger mode continues to grow as δ ∝ a2 during this period.
• At aeq , the smaller mode is therefore suppressed relative to the larger mode by a factor
 2  2
aenter k0
fsup = = . (144)
aeq k

• After we enter the matter-dominated regime, the relative size of the modes does not
change (so long as we remain in the linear regime). Since the power spectrum scales
as δ 2 , the final power spectrum is therefore related to the initial power spectrum by:
 2
 fsup Pi (k) k > k0
Pf (k) ∝ (145)
Pi (k) k < k0

• If our initial power spectrum is the Harrison-Zel’dovich spectrum, we find that

 −3
 k k > k0
Pf (k) ∝ (146)
k k < k0

where we have made use of the fact that fsup ∝ k −2 . SIMON: SKETCH final P(k)
• This behaviour of the power spectrum has important consequences when we come to
consider the formation of highly non-linear structures.

4.6 Relative velocity of dark matter and baryons

• Prior to recombination, the baryons and the radiation are tightly coupled together by
Compton scattering, which allows for efficient momentum transfer from one component
to another.
• As already noted, an important consequence √ of this is that the effective sound-speed
in this coupled fluid is very high: cs,eff = c/ 3, where c is the speed of light.
• Another important consequence is the fact that small-scale perturbations in the bary-
onic component are smoothed away by an effect known as Silk damping.
• If we have an overdensity, then locally we will have a higher number density of photons
than in the surrounding gas. These photons will try to diffuse away from the overden-
sity, in order to restore the photon number density to equilibrium. Because of the high
optical depth of the Universe at this epoch, they will do this via radiation diffusion
(i.e. each photon will execute a random walk away from its initial location). As they
do so, they will drag the baryons along with them, owing to the strong momentum
coupling between baryons and photons.
• We can write the photon mean free path as
λmfp = , (147)
ne σ T
where σT is the Thomson scattering cross-section. The diffusion coefficient is then
given by
D = λmfp c, (148)
and the diffusion radius (i.e. the distance to which the photons diffuse in time t) is
given by √
rD ' Dt. (149)

• At recombination, t ∼ 1013 s and ne ' 400 cm−3 . Therefore, λmfp ' 1.2 kpc and rD '
6.2 kpc, where these distances are in physical units. In comoving units, the diffusion
length corresponds to ∼ 6 Mpc, and hence Silk damping will erase any perturbations
in the baryon-photon fluid on scales smaller than this.
• On scales r > rD , perturbations survive. As we have seen, we can consider the linear
perturbations on these larger scales to be built up of a superposition of sound waves.
Detailed analysis of the behaviour of the perturbations in this regime shows that owing
to the effects of constructive interference, we expect to get the largest effects on wave-
lengths that are harmonics of the horizon scale, i.e. λ = n1 H(z)
, where n is an integer,
provided that λ > rD .
• This is a strong prediction of the basic hot Big Bang model, and has been successfully
confirmed – these so-called “acoustic oscillations” are responsible for oscillatory pattern
that we see if we measure the strength of the CMB anisotropies on a range of different
angular scales.

• Now, what happens once the Universe recombines? Clearly, ne drops rapidly and
hence the photon mean free path increases significantly. However, at the same time,
the coupling between photons and baryons becomes much weaker, as the timescale
on which the two components can exchange momentum becomes comparable to or
greater than the expansion timescale. Therefore, at a redshift z ∼ 1000, the photons
and baryons decouple. Although some scattering events occur after this time, and
there remains a transfer of energy from the photons to the baryons, the rate at which
momentum is transferred becomes too small to significantly affect the mean momentum
of the baryons, and perturbations in the photons and in the baryons no longer evolve
in the same fashion.

• As
p a result, the sound speed of the baryons drops very sharply from c/ 3 to cs =
kT /µmH , the usual thermal sound-speed of an ideal gas. The Jeans length in the
baryons also drops sharply, and on small-scales the baryons start to fall into the small-
scale potential wells created by the dark matter. The dark matter, of course, does
not couple to the radiation, and hence the perturbations in this component are not
affected by Silk damping. Therefore, the small-scale perturbations in the baryons are
regenerated, thanks to the dark matter, while the radiation component remains smooth
on these scales.

• All of the effects that I have described so far were understood by the late 70s and early
80s. However, in 2010, Tseliakovich & Hirata pointed out another consequence of the
baryon-photon coupling that had previously been overlooked. Before decoupling, the
baryon-photon fluid has a non-zero velocity relative to the dark matter, owing to the
effect of the acoustic oscillations in the former. What Tseliakovich & Hirata realized
was that the baryons would initially retain this relative velocity even after decoupling.

• Detailed calculations (e.g. Tseliakovich & Hirata, 2010, Phys. Rev. D, 82, 083520) show
that at decoupling, the rms size of the relative velocity5 is around 30 km s−1 . This is
very small compared to the sound-speed prior to decoupling, but is large compared to
the sound-speed of the baryons after decoupling, which is ∼ 5–6 km s−1 .

• The coherence length of this relative velocity is comparable to the Silk damping scale,
i.e. a few comoving Mpc. On small scales, therefore, the motion of the gas relative to
the dark matter can be modelled as a bulk velocity. The size of this velocity decreases
as the Universe expands – as with any peculiar velocity, it falls off as vpec ∼ (1 + z).
However, the sound speed in the gas also falls off with decreasing redshift, initially as
cs ∝ (1 + z)1/2 in the regime where Tgas ' Tr , and then as cs ∝ (1 + z) in the regime
where Tgas evolves adiabatically.

• At z ∼ 100 – approximately the redshift at which the behaviour of T changes – the

rms streaming velocity is around 3 km s−1 and the sound-speed is around 1.7 km s−1 ,
and so the streaming motions are still supersonic. They remain so at lower redshift,
as from this point on both cs and vpec evolve similarly with redshift.
Note that in a homogeneous, isotropic Universe, the mean streaming velocity must be zero, but the
root-mean-squared (rms) streaming velocity need not be zero.

• The full effects of this bulk motion on the formation of structure remain to be explored,
but one obvious effect will be to increase the effective Jeans mass of the gas by a factor
finc = ∼ 10. (150)

5 Formation of structure: non-linear regime

5.1 The spherical collapse model

• Our treatment above works well in the linear regime, when |δ|  1, but breaks down
once |δ| ∼ 1, since at this point we are no longer dealing with small perturbations, and
hence can no longer use the tools of linear perturbation theory.

• The evolution of the gas and dark matter in the so-called non-linear regime is very
complicated, and in general we need to use numerical simulations, rather than analyt-
ical techniques, in order to follow it.

• However, there are a few useful approximate models that we can look at that give us
some guidance as to the behaviour of the gas and dark matter in the non-linear regime.

• The particular example that we’re going to look at here is known as the spherical
collapse model.

• Consider a spherical overdensity with uniform internal density. As this perturbation

is overdense, it will reach some maximum physical radius and then collapse due to its
own self-gravity. We denote the metric scale-factor at which the perturbation reaches
its turn-around radius as ata , and the radius of the perturbation at this point as Rta .
We then define dimensionless coordinates:
a R
x≡ , y≡ . (151)
ata Rta

• If we consider, for simplicity, an Einstein-de Sitter Universe, then we can write the
Friedmann equation as
= x−1/2 , (152)

where τ ≡ Hta t and Hta = H0 ata .

• The equation of motion for the radius of our sphere can be written as
R̈ = − , (153)
4π 3 G
= − ρta Rta . (154)
3 R2

Converting from t to τ , and defining a new overdensity parameter ζ through the equa-
ρta = ζ (155)
allows us to write this in a much simpler form:

d2 y ζ
= − 2. (156)
dτ 2y
Note that ζ is simply the overdensity of our perturbation at turn-around with respect
to the cosmological background at the same time, measured in units of ρcrit .

• To solve our equation of motion, we need to specify some boundary conditions. The
obvious choices are
= 0, y|x=0 = 0, (157)
dτ x=1
i.e. our perturbation starts with zero radius when a = 0 and reaches its maximum size
when a = ata .

• With these boundary conditions, and with the help of the Friedmann equation, we can
obtain the following solution
1 1 p π
τ=√ arcsin(2y − 1) − y − y 2 + , (158)
ζ 2 4

which cannot easily be inverted to give y in terms of τ .

• At turn-around, x = y = 1 and τ = 2/3, which means that


ζ= ' 5.55. (159)

• By symmetry, the time taken from turn-around to collapse must be the same as that
taken from the start to turn-around, i.e. in the absence of pressure forces or any non-
sphericity, our perturbation will collapse to a point at τ = 4/3, corresponding to
x = 22/3 .

• If our perturbation had not begun to evolve non-linearly, but had simply continued to
evolve following the linear solution, its overdensity at this point would be merely

δc = 22/3 δta ' 1.69. (160)

• In reality, our perturbation will never be perfectly spherical; non-spherical motions will
develop as the perturbation collapses and will eventually halt the collapse.

• We assume that after the collapse halts, the collapsed object – often referred to as a
dark matter halo, assuming we’re considering a perturbation in the dark matter –
relaxes into a state of virial equilibrium. In this case, the virial theorem tells us that
the magnitude of the potential energy of the halo is equal to twice its kinetic energy:

|Wvir | = 2Tvir (161)

Energy conservation implies that the kinetic energy of the virialized halo must be equal
to the difference between the potential energy at turnaround, Wta , and the potential
energy of the virialized halo:

|Wvir | − |Wta | = Tvir . (162)


|Wta | = Tvir , (163)

|Wvir | = 2|Wta |. (164)

Since the potential energy of a spherical perturbation of radius R scales as 1/R, this
implies that
Rvir = . (165)
• We can use this result to solve for the overdensity of the perturbation with respect
to the background density at the time that the collapsing perturbation first virializes.
Two factors contribute to this: the perturbation has collapsed (and hence increased
its density), and the Universe has expanded (and hence decreased its density). The
resulting density contrast is given by

∆= ζ = 32ζ = 18π 2 ' 178. (166)

• Up to this point, we have been assuming an Einstein-de Sitter cosmological model.

A similar analysis in the case where Ωm 6= 1 is possible, but requires us to solve the
resulting equations numerically. However, the end result is not too different from the
Einstein-de Sitter case. For example, for Ωm,0 = 0.3 and ΩΛ = 0.7, we find that at
z = 0, ∆ ' 100.

• In reality, non-linear structures forming in the dark matter are unlikely to be perfectly
spherical. Indeed, N-body simulations that model the full non-linear evolution of the
dark matter (albeit with some finite mass resolution) show that much is located in
mildly overdense filaments and sheets, with larger overdensities located within these
structures, particularly at the intersection of filaments.

• These highly overdense regions typically have an ellipsoidal morphology, and are com-
monly referred to as dark matter halos. Halos that have masses that exceed the
local effective Jeans mass of the gas can capture gas from their surroundings. If this

gas then cools and undergoes further gravitational collapse, then the formation of stars
will be the end result. In other words, these dark matter halos are the locations in
which galaxies form. It is therefore important to understand their properties and their
abundance within the Universe.
• In practice, even though these dark matter halos are far less symmetric than the ide-
alized perturbation that we have considered in this section, the results of the spherical
collapse model provide a reasonable first approximation when discussing their proper-
ties. This simple model also gives us a basis for determining the number density of
halos of a given mass that we expect to find in the Universe, as we will see in the next

5.2 The Press-Schechter mass function

• Ideally, we would like to be able to determine the number density of halos of a given
mass – the halo mass function – as a function of redshift without going to all the
trouble and expense of running a large N-body simulation.
• Fortunately, we can! There is a simple analytical argument that allows us to derive
a mass function that turns out to be a reasonable approximation to the true mass
function. This argument was first formulated by Press & Schechter in 1974, and the
resulting mass function has become known as the Press-Schecher mass function.
• We start by assigning a length scale R(M ) to each halo of mass M via
R(M ) = . (167)
4πρcr (z)Ωm (z)
(In other words, R is the radius of a uniform sphere filled with matter at the mean
density that has a total mass M ).
• We next consider the density contrast smoothed on this scale R. This is defined as
δ̄R (~x) ≡ d3 yδ(~x)WR (~x − ~y ), (168)

where WR (~x − ~y ) is a suitably chosen window function.

• If the density contrast δ is a Gaussian random field, then so is the smoothed field δ̄R .
For a Gaussian random field, the probability of finding any particular value δ̄ at a
point in space ~x is given by
1 δ̄ (~x)
p(δ̄) = p exp − 2 , (169)
2πσR 2σR
where σR2 is the smoothed density variance
Z ∞ 2
2 k dk
σR = 4π 3
P (k)ŴR2 (k), (170)
0 (2π)
and ŴR is the Fourier transform of our window function.

• The fraction of all points that have a density contrast greater than δc (the linear density
contrast for spherical collapse) is then given by
Z ∞
F = p(δ̄) dδ̄, (171)
1 δc
= erfc √ , (172)
2 2σR
where erfc is the complementary error function.

• The great insight of Press & Schechter was that this number could also be identified
as the total mass fraction in halos of masses greater than or equal to M .

• Another way of thinking about this: in the unsmoothed linear density contrast field,
any points that have δ > δc correspond to gas that is now in a collapsed structure. By
smoothing the density contrast field, we filter out those points that are in structures
with scales less than R(M ) or masses less than M ; hence, whatever is left must be in
structures with mass ≥ M .

• The mass fraction in halos with masses in the range M, M + dM is simply ∂F/∂M .
To compute this, we use the fact that we can write ∂/∂M as
∂ dσR ∂
= , (173)
∂M dM ∂σR
and also use the identity
d 2 2
erfc(x) ≡ − √ e−x . (174)
dx π
We find
∂F 1 δc d ln σR
=√ exp − 2 . (175)
∂M 2π σR dM 2σR
• If we integrate this over all masses, we find we have a normalization problem:
Z ∞
∂F (M ) 1
dM = . (176)
0 ∂M 2
Press & Schechter dealt with this by (somewhat arbitrarily) multiplying the mass
function by a factor of two. The actual resolution to this problem was recognized 17
years later by Bond et al. (1991, ApJ, 379, 440), and requires us to derive the mass
function in a somewhat different fashion, using the methods of excursion set theory.
However, this is outside the scope of the present course.

• Given the correctly normalized version of ∂F/∂M , we can then compute the comoving
halo number density simply by multiplying by ρ0 /M :
2 ρ0 δc d ln σR dM
N (M, z) dM = exp − 2 . (177)
π σR dM 2σR M

• The redshift dependence of this expression enters because σR increases as the Universe
expands and the density perturbations grow. It is therefore often convenient to write
the above Equation in terms of σR,0 , the variance of the linear density field at z = 0,
and the linear growth factor D+ (z). In this case, we have
r !
2 ρ0 δc d ln σR,0 δc2 dM
N (M, z) dM = exp − 2 2
. (178)
π D+ (z)σR,0 dM 2D+ (z) σR,0 M

• To help us understand the behaviour of this mass function, let us start by considering
the simple case in which our power spectrum P (k) is a power-law function of k, i.e.
P (k) ∝ k n . In this case, σR,0 is given by
Z ∞ 2+n
2 2 k dk 2
σR,0 = 4πσN Ŵ (k), (179)
0 (2π)3 R

where σN is some appropriately chosen normalization factor that fixes the normaliza-
tion of the power spectrum. We often choose to express this normalization in terms of
σ8 , the value of σ at z = 0 within a sphere of radius R = 8h−1 Mpc.

• If we assume, for simplicity, that our window function is a top-hat in k-space, so that

0 k > 2π/R
ŴR = (180)
1 k < 2π/R

then we find that Z 2π/R

σR,0 ∝ k 2+n dk ∝ R−3+n . (181)

Since R ∝ M 1/3 , we therefore find that σR,0 ∝ M −(3+n)/6 .

• If we consider small scales, so that we can set the exponential term in our mass function
equal to one, then we find that

N (M, z) dM ∝ M (n−9)/6 dM. (182)

We saw in a previous lecture that P (k) ∝ k −3 , and hence on small scales n = −3. We
therefore find that at the low-mass end, the mass function scales as

N (M, z) dM ∝ M −2 dM. (183)

• We therefore see that there are many more low-mass halos than high-mass halos.
Moreover, the mass found in each logarithmic mass bin is constant, demonstrating
that these low-mass halos do not only dominate the number counts but also represent
a significant fraction of the total available mass. This will have important consequences
later on, when we consider the effects of feedback from early protogalaxies.

• At the high mass end of the mass function, the exponential term generally dominates.
The presence of this term means that although, in principle, there is a non-zero prob-
ability of finding a halo of arbitrarily large mass at any given redshift, in practice the
probability soon becomes so small that the chance of finding one within the observable
Universe is tiny; i.e. we may as well consider it to be zero, for all intents and purposes.

• It is often useful to quantify the rarity of a given halo in terms of the argument of this
exponential. For instance, suppose that we are interested in a halo with a mass such
= 3. (184)
σR,0 D+ (z)
Rearranging this expression, we find that
1 δc
σR,0 = , (185)
3 D+ (z)

and hence in order to form such a halo, we need a local upwards fluctuation in the
density contrast field that corresponds to a three-sigma fluctuation. We know from
numerical integration of the Gaussian distribution that such a fluctuation occurs with
a probability of around 1%, and hence around 1% of the total mass in the Universe is
to be found in regions where δ is this large or larger.

• When we talk about the “first” objects of a given mass scale to form, we therefore need
to be careful what we mean. Do we mean the very first object to form within the ob-
servable Universe? In that case, we are talking about something that is approximately
an 8σ perturbation! Or do we just mean the first object to form within a representative
local volume, in which case considering a 3σ or 4σ perturbation may be sufficient.

5.3 How small are the first gas-rich protogalaxies?

• In the previous section, we saw how to construct the mass function of dark matter halos
as a function of redshift. As z decreases, the mass function evolves in the direction of
forming more massive halos. At some point, the characteristic mass of these halos will
become large enough to exceed the mass scale required in order to induce gravitational
collapse in the baryonic component of the Universe. Once this happens, gas will begin
to fall into these halos, heralding the birth of the first dense gas clouds in the Universe.

• In order to quantify when this occurs, we need to be precise about what we mean by
the “characteristic mass” of our halo mass function. This choice is somewhat arbitrary,
but in studies of the formation of the first stars and galaxies, it is fairly common to
take the mass corresponding to a 3σ density perturbation as a reasonable measure of
the largest non-linear mass scale, which we will hereafter refer to as MNL .

• SIMON: sketch evolution of MNL with redshift


• How large does MNL need to be in order to induce collapse in the gas? From our dis-
cussion of structure formation in the linear regime, one obvious quantity that suggests
itself is the Jeans mass
1 −1/2 −3/2 c3s
MJ = π G 1/2
6 ρ0

• Since c2s ∝ T , the Jeans mass scales with density and temperature as MJ ∝ T 3/2 ρ−1/2 .
At z  100, the gas temperature is tightly coupled to the radiation temperature via
Compton scattering, and hence evolves as T ∝ (1 + z). Therefore, in this regime the
Jeans mass evolves with redshift as MJ ∝ (1 + z)3/2 (1 + z)−3/2 ∼ constant.
• At z < 100, Compton scattering is no longer effective at maintaining Tgas = Tr , and
the gas temperature evolves as T ∝ (1 + z)2 . In this regime, the Jeans mass evolves as
MJ ∝ (1 + z)3/2 .
• If we evaluate the Jeans mass in these two regimes, we find that at z  100,
Ωm h2

MJ ' 1.4 × 10 M , (187)
while at z  100,
−1/2  −3/5  3/2
Ωm h2 Ωb h2

3 1+z
MJ ' 5.2 × 10 M . (188)
0.15 0.026 10
(Note that the Ωm and Ωb terms are normalised here such that they are ∼ 1 in our
standard ΛCDM model).
• In the regime where MJ is constant, it is clear that halos with MNL > MJ will accumu-
late gas. However, in practice, at z > 100, MNL  MJ . At lower redshifts, the Jeans
mass becomes time-dependent and this presents us with a problem: which value of MJ
do we compare with MNL ? The current value? The value at turn-around? Or some
other value?
• In practice, what we do is to look at an appropriately time-averaged form of the Jeans
mass, known as the filter mass, MF . This is given by
4π λF
MF = ρ0 , (189)
3 2
where the filter wavelength λF is given in the high redshift limit by
Z ∞ "  1/2 #
3 1 + z
λ2F = λ2J 1 − dz 0 . (190)
1+z z 1 + z0

• Evaluating this, we find that MF = MNL at a redshift of around 30–40 (depending on

the precise values chosen for our cosmological parameters, in particular σ8 ). At this
redshift, MF ∼ 3 × 104 M , around 50% larger than the instantaneous value of the
Jeans mass.

• So far, we have been assuming that the gas starts at rest with respect to the dark mat-
ter. However, as we have discussed previously, this is now understood to be incorrect:
the gas will be undergoing a bulk streaming motion with respect to the dark mat-
ter, owing to the residual effects of the strong gas-radiation coupling that was present
at high redshifts. At recombination, the RMS velocity of this bulk flow is around
30 km s−1 , but by z ∼ 30, the expansion of the Universe has reduced this to around
1 km s−1 . Nevertheless, this is still significantly larger than the sound speed at this
epoch, and hence has a significant influence on the gravitational stability of the gas.

• Detailed modelling of the effects of these streaming motions shows that the net effect
is to increase the minimum mass scale required for collapse by close to an order of
magnitude. At z ∼ 30, significant quantities of gas accumulate within the most massive
dark matter halos only once MNL > 2 × 105 M .

• So, does this mean that these objects are the sites where the first stars form? Not
quite: this is a necessary condition for star formation, but not a sufficient condition.

• As gas begins to undergo gravitational collapse within one of these halos, it starts
to heat up, owing to a combination of the effects of adiabatic compression and weak
shocks. If the gas cannot dissipate any of this energy, then its rising temperature will
lead to an increase in the pressure support that will eventually halt the collapse.

• We can use the virial theorem to estimate the mean temperature of the gas in the
absence of dissipation. From the virial theorem, we know that at virialization, the
kinetic energy of the halo is related to the potential energy by

|Wvir | = 2Tvir . (191)

For a spherical halo with an R−2 density profile, the gravitational potential energy can
be written as
GM 2
|Wvir | = , (192)
where Rvir is the virial radius of the halo. (Note: real dark matter halos do not have
R−2 density profiles, but changing from this to something more accurate only changes
the value of Wvir by a small numerical factor of order unity.

• Within Rvir , we know that for an idealized spherical perturbation, the overdensity with
respect to the mean background density is ∆ = 18π 2 . Hence, for a halo that virializes
at a redshift zvir , we have

M= ∆ρm,0 (1 + zvir )3 Rvir
, (193)
where ρm,0 is the present-day matter background density. Rearranging this, we find
that  1/3
3M 1
Rvir = . (194)
4π∆ρm,0 1 + zvir

• The largest contribution to Tvir comes from the kinetic energy of the dark matter, but
a fraction ∼ Ωb /(Ωm comes from the motion of the gas. If we assume that all of this
energy is converted into heat, then the total thermal energy of the gas is given by
Ωb |Wvir |
Utherm = . (195)
Ωm 2
(Note that we ignore the initial thermal energy of the gas, as this is typically negligible
in comparison).

• We therefore have
 π 1/3 Ωb 1/3
Utherm = GM 5/3 ∆1/3 ρ (1 + zvir ). (196)
6 Ωm m,0
We can also write the thermal energy as
Utherm = N kTvir , (197)
where N is the total number of gas particles, and where we have assumed that the
adiabatic index γ = 5/3. N is related to the halo mass via the expression
Ωb M
N= , (198)
Ωm µmp
where µ is the mean molecular weight, and so if we equate the two expressions above
and do some rearrangement, we find that
2  π 1/3 Gµmp 2/3 1/3 1/3
Tvir = M ∆ ρm,0 (1 + zvir ). (199)
3 6 k
Note that our final result is independent of Ωb : increasing the baryon fraction increases
the total amount of energy available as heat, but also increases the amount of gas that
must be heated, and hence there is no change in Tvir .

• Evaluating this for our standard cosmological parameters, we find that

M 1 + zvir
Tvir ' 400 K. (200)
105 M 30
[Note that other definitions of Tvir exist in the cosmology literature that can easily
differ by up to a factor of two from the value that we’ve derived here, depending on
the assumptions made. Tvir should best be thought of as a rough estimate of the
gas temperature prior to cooling, rather than a precise value]. Our 2 × 105 M halo
therefore has Tvir ∼ 500 K.

• After the gas has virialized, it will be able to undergo further gravitational collapse
only if it can “cool” (i.e. dissipate thermal energy – note that its temperature may still
increase, as long as the effective adiabatic index γeff < 4/3, so that the Jeans mass
decreases during the collapse).

• We know that the gas initially falling into our dark matter halo is predominantly
atomic, with an ionization fraction of around 10−4 and an H2 fraction of around 10−6 .
At a temperature of 500 K, the gas is far too cold to cool via electronic line emission
from atomic hydrogen or helium, and hence must rely on H2 cooling.

• The mean hydrogen number density in a halo virializing at redshift z is given by

∆Ωb ρcrit,0 1 + zvir
nH = 3
(1 + zvir ) ∼ 2 cm−3 . (201)
µmp 30

At this density and at a temperature T ∼ 500 K, the H2 cooling rate per unit volume
is approximately 2 × 10−25 erg s−1 cm−3 . For xH2 = 10−6 , we therefore obtain a cooling
3 nkT
tcool = ∼ 1018 s. (202)
2 Λ H 2 xH 2 n 2
For comparison, the Hubble time at z = 30 is around tH ∼ 2 × 1015 s.

• We therefore see that the amount of H2 formed in the pre-galactic gas is not enough
to produce effective cooling within the first protogalaxies. In order for the gas to cool,
it therefore must form significantly more H2 in situ.

• It is possible to construct a relatively simple model that captures the main features
of the evolution of the H2 fraction in the virialized gas. To begin, we assume that
radiative recombination is the only process affecting the electron abundance in the
gas. This allows us to write the rate of change of the electron number density as
= −krec ne nH+ , (203)
where ne is the number density of electrons, nH+ is the number density of protons, and
krec is the case B recombination coefficient.

• If we assume that ionized hydrogen is the only source of free electrons, implying that
ne = nH+ , and that the temperature remains roughly constant during the evolution of
the gas, then we can solve for the time evolution of the electron fraction:
x= , (204)
1 + krec ntx0
where x ≡ ne /n, n is the number density of hydrogen nuclei, and x0 is our initial value
of x.

• We next assume that all of the H2 forming in the gas forms via the H− pathway.6 We
also assume that the mutual neutralization reaction

H− + H+ → H + H (205)
In practice, this is a reasonable approximation, as around 80–90% of the H2 does indeed form via this
route, with H+2 contributing only at the 10–20% level.

is the main process competing with associative detachment

H− + H → H2 + e− (206)

for the available H− ions.

• These assumptions allow us to write the time evolution of the H2 fraction, xH2 ≡ nH2 /n,
= kra xnH pAD , (207)
where kra is the rate coefficient of the radiative association reaction

H + e− → H− + γ (208)

responsible for forming the H− ions, and pAD is the probability that any given H− ion
will be destroyed by associative detachment rather than by mutual neutralization.

• Given our assumptions, we can write the probability pAD as

kad nH
pAD = , (209)
kad nH + kmn nH+
where kad and kmn are the rate coefficients for associative detachment and mutual
neutralization, respectively. If ne = nH+ , x  1 and xH2  1, this expression simplifies
to  −1
pAD = 1 + x . (210)

• Our expression for the time evolution of the H2 fraction therefore becomes
dxH2 kmn
= kra xnH 1 + x . (211)
dt kad

• If the initial fractional ionization x0  kad /kmn , then the term in parentheses is of
order unity and this equation has the approximate solution
xH 2 ' ln (1 + krec nx0 t) , (212)
= ln (1 + t/trec ) , (213)

where trec = 1/(krec nx0 ) is the recombination time. Since kad ∼ 10−9 cm3 s−1 and
kmn ∼ 10−7 cm3 s−1 , this limiting solution applies provided that x0  10−2 , which is
clearly satisfied in this case.

• We see therefore that the growth of the H2 fraction is logarithmic in time. Most of
the H2 forms within the first few recombination times, while at t  trec , H2 formation
slowly grinds to a halt.

• The main factor determining the final H2 abundance is the ratio kra /krec , since for times
of the order of a few recombination times, the logarithmic term in Equation 213 is of
order unity. The two rate coefficients are given approximately by the simple power-law
kra ' 1.83 × 10−18 T 0.88 cm3 s−1 , (214)
krec = 1.88 × 10−10 T −0.64 cm3 s−1 . (215)
(More accurate fits exist, with more complicated functional forms, but for the purposes
of our current argument, these simple approximations suffice). The ratio of the two
rate coefficients can therefore be written as
' 10−8 T 1.52 . (216)

• We see from this analysis that the amount of H2 produced is a strong function of
temperature. In practice, the largest fractional abundance that can be produced is a
a few times 10−3 , as at very high temperatures, collisional dissociation of H2

H2 + H → H + H + H, (217)
H2 + H2 → H + H + H2 , (218)

etc., becomes effective and prevents xH2 from becoming large. Therefore, gas-phase
formation of H2 via the H− pathway never results in an H2 -dominated gas; atomic
hydrogen always dominates.

• We have seen already that in our 2 × 105 M halo, the temperature of the gas will be
around 500 K. Therefore, the fractional abundance of H2 produced in the virialized
gas after a few recombination times will typically be of the order of a few times 10−4 ,
i.e. a factor of 100 larger than the value in the pre-galactic gas. However, from our
calculation above, we know that this is sufficient only to drop the cooling time in our
example halo to tcool ∼ 1016 s, still a factor of a few larger than the Hubble time.

• We are therefore lead to the conclusion that the gas in this halo will not cool fast enough
to undergo further gravitational collapse within a Hubble time. Since the survival time
of a typical high-sigma dark matter halo is typically ∼ tH , this implies that the gas in
the halo will never form stars.

• We have seen that the amount of H2 produced in the gas is a strongly increasing
function of temperature. Moreover, the H2 cooling function is also a steeply increasing
function of temperature, meaning that the amount of H2 that is required in order
to cool the gas in less than a Hubble time decreases significantly with increasing T .
Therefore, at any given redshift z, we can identify a critical temperature Tcrit , such
that gas with T > Tcrit will cool within a small fractionof a Hubble time, while gas
with T < Tcrit will not. Moreover, because the amount of H2 formed in the gas and
the amount required for efficient cooling are both relatively weak functions of z, the
value of Tcrit that we obtain is also relatively insensitive to redshift.

• In practice, we find that Tcrit ∼ 1000 K over a wide range of redshifts. What does this
then imply for the mass of the halo that is required? From our expression for the virial
temperature, we see that Tvir ∝ M 2/3 , and we know also that at z = 30, a halo with a
virial temperature of 500 K has a mass of 2 × 105 M . This means that at this redshift,
the first halos in which cooling is efficient will have masses M ∼ 25/2 ×105 ∼ 6×105 M .

• These halos, with masses ∼ 106 M , physical sizes of around 100pc, and mean densities
of a few particles per cm3 are the sites in which the very first stars – the so-called
Population III stars – form. In the next section we will examine the chain of events
leading from the cooling of the virialized gas to their eventual formation.

6 Population III: formation and build-up of disc

• A useful way to think of the problem is to consider a collapsing blob of gas, where
compressional heating, cooling and other heating processes all act to alter the energy
of the gas. The rate of change of the energy per unit mass can be given as (Omukai
du d 1
= −p − Λm + Γ m (219)
dt dt ρ
where the m subscripts on the heating and cooling rates denote that these have units
of erg s−1 g−1 , and the pressure and energy per unit mass (or the “internal” energy)
ρkT 1 kT
are given by p = µm p
and u = γ−1 µmp
. We can get the above expression into a more
useful form by noting that  
d 1 d −1 dρ
= ρ (220)
dt ρ dρ dt
and that the evolution of the density with time is assumed to be controlled by gravi-
tational collapse, such that
dρ ρ 32G
≈ = ρ3/2 (221)
dt tff (ρ) 3π

du kT 32G
= ρ1/2 − Λm + Γm . (222)
dt µmp 3π
Chemical rate equations typically work in volumetric units, rather than mass units, so
we can convert the equation above to units of erg s−1 cm−3 , by multiplying through
by ρ,
de kT 32G
= ρ3/2 − ΛV + ΓV . (223)
dt µmp 3π
where e is the energy density, and the V subscripts denote heating/cooling per unit

• So how do atoms and molecules cool? Imagine a two level atom, with levels 0 (the
ground) and an excited level 1. If no radiation field, then the number density of atoms
in the excited level, is given by,
= −(A10 + C10 )n1 + C01 n0 (224)
where A10 is the spontaneous emission rate (Einstein “A” co-eff), and C01 and C10 are
the collisional excitation and de-excitation rates, respectively. The cooling rate per
unit volume can then be given by,
Λ = C01 n0 E10 (225)
A10 + C10
where E10 is the energy associated with the line transition between the two states.
There a two limiting cases for this expression.
1. A10 >> C10 : the regime when radiative decay dominates. In this case the cooling
is given by
Λ = C01 n0 E10 (226)
Since n0 ≡ n, and C01 = q01 n, where q01 is the collisional co-eff, then the above
expression shows that Λ ∝ n2 .
2. A10 << C10 : the regime when collisional decay dominates. In this case the
cooling rate can be written as,
Λ= A10 n0 E10 (227)
If the system is evolving quickly enough, then one can set dn1 /dt = 0 in Eq.224
above, yielding
C10 n1 = C01 n0 (228)
and the system can be said to be roughly in LTE, such that
n1 g1
= e−E10 /kT (229)
n0 LTE g0
and so
g1 −E10 /kT
Λ = n0 e A10 E10 (230)
Λ = n1 A10 E10 (231)
and so the cooling is proportional to n
the critical density at which this transition from non-LTE to LTE is given by ncr =
A10 /q10 .
• In our first star-forming halos, T ∼ 1000 K and n ∼ 1cm−3 . Cooling by H2 is still in
the non-LTE regime, so given by ΛV = ΛH2 xH2 n2 . Values ΛH2 (note, erg s−1 cm3 !) can
be found in Galli & Palla (1998, Fig 1A). We find that for a little above 1000K, the
cooling rate is larger than the heating rate, so the gas cools as it collapses!


• H2 fraction continues to rise from its starting value of around 10−4 , but plateaus at
round 10−3 , as the election fraction decreases due to recombination.

• However two features of H2 start to kick in, that limit the temperature of the gas. One,
the first accessible energy state is the J=2 rotational state at 512K. So H2 cooling falls
of exponentially at low T, and in practice can only cool the gas down to around few
100 K.

• Second, as the collapse proceeds, the gas density approaches the “critical density”, at
around 104 cm−4 , and the level populations start to come into LTE.

• The pdV heating is now greater than the ∼ LTE cooling, Heating (puv) ∝ n3/2 , while
LTE cooling ∝ n. As a result gas heats up as it collapses. However, even in LTE,
H2 cooling is still strongly dependent on T , so the rise in temperature with density is
actually only gradual.

• At 104 cm−4 , we have a “loitering phase”, where the collapse briefly halts. The tem-
perature is around 250K. This sets a scale for the collapsing core. Jeans mass is 300
M .

• Gas behaves like a polytrope as it collapses: p = ρkT /(µmp ) = Kργef f , so the temper-
ature and density are related via the effective polytropic index: T ∝ nγef f − 1.

• Draw both panels from Figure 3 in Yoshida et al. (2006) on the board, and label the
points. Keep the figure, as we’ll need to refer to it (or add to it) during the lecture.

• At around a density of 108 cm−3 , the conditions become favourable for H2 formation
via the following 3-body processes:

H + H + H → H2 + H (232)

H + H + H2 → H2 + H2 (233)
The rate for this reaction is incredibly uncertain, especially at low T (i.e. ≤ 500 K) and
spans 2 orders of magnitude in the literature. It is also extremely difficult to measure
in the lab. Glover (2008) rate is in the middle of the range (and is the one we adopt in
our group), with k3b = 7.7 × 10−31 T −0.464 cm6 s−1 , such that the rate of H2 formation
is (initially, when H2 is sill small),
= k3b n3H . (234)
Taking nH ≈ n, and nH2 ∼ 10−3 n, we can calculate the H2 formation time at n =
108 cm−3 and 1000K to be roughly,
tH2 ∼ 3
∼ 105 yr (235)
k3b n

If we compare this to the free-fall time at this density, we find tff (108 µmp ) ∼ 4400 yr,
which is considerably shorter. But remember that dnH2 /dt ∝ n3 , while tff ∝ n−1/2 ,
so in practice, the H2 fraction very quickly goes to 100%, over only a few decades in
density evolution. Draw this on the plot from Yoshida.
• Rapid H2 formation actually deposits energy in the gas, since the formation of each H2
molecule releases 4.4eV (the molecular binding energy). As such, this chemical heating
rate is given by,
Γ3b = 4.4 eV (236)
At around n = 108 cm−3 , Γ3b ∼ 0.01 ΓpdV , however by n = 101 0 cm−3 , Γ3b ∼ 100 ΓpdV ,
since Γ3b ∝ n3 , while ΓpdV ∝ n3/2 .
• So the formation of H2 via the 3-body reactions actually stalls the collapse, at around
n = 109 cm−3 , giving the reaction more “free-fall times” in which to complete. Once
it is over, the gas is fully molecular. Note that because the formation rate is ∝ n3 , as
we more to higher densities, it becomes much faster than the dynamical time, so if H2
is lost for any reason, it quickly reforms.
• The sudden appearance of H2 via 3-body formation was actually suggested to cause a
chemothermal instability, which could lead to tcool < tff for a very short period. This
lead to suggestion that it could lead to fragmentation. Yoshida performed a stability
analysis of this phenomenon, showing that some of the gas does indeed go unstable,
however the amount of gas in this phase, and the duration of the instability is not long
enough to promote fragmentation: only a single collapsing centre continues.
• At higher densities, above n = 1010 cm−3 , the cooling by H2 starts to become optically
thick, and the efficiency at which H2 powers the collapse decreases. How de we treat
that? Optically thick line radiative transfer is notoriously difficult, especially in 3D.
Ripamonti & Abel (2004) found an empirical fit of the form
ΛH2 ,thick (T ) = ΛH2 ,thin (T )min{1, (n/n0 )−β } (237)
with n = 8 × 109 cm−3 and β = 0.45.
• A better way to treat this in numerical calculations is to adopt an “escape probabilty”
formalism. The net cooling rate is given by,
ΛH2 ,thick (T ) = hνul βesc,ul Aul nu (238)

where nu is the population density of the H2 in the upper energy level u, Aul is the
Einstein coefficient for spontaneous trasnition, βesc,ul is the escape probability for a
photon with frequency νul to escape from the parcel of gas in question and hνul is the
energy difference between the two levels.
The escape probability is related to the optical depth via (see Stahler & Palla),
1 − exp(−τul )
βesc,ul = , (239)

where we approximate τul as

τul = αul Ls (240)
where αul is the line absorption coefficient and Ls is the Soloblev length. In the classical,
one-dimensional spherically symmetric case, the Sobolev length is given by
Ls = , (241)
|dvr /dr|
where vth is the thermal velocity, and dvr /dr is the radial velocity gradient. If the
velocity dispersion of the gas is very small, then Ls can become very large, much larger
than the size of the collapsing core. To ensure that the H2 cooling rate is not reduced
to an artificially low value, it makes sense to use the smallest of the Soloblev length
and the local Jeans length, LJ in the expression for τul .
Since the line absorption coefficient αul is linearly proportional to the number density
of H2 , we can write τul as  
τul = NH2 ,eff , (242)
nH 2
where NH2 ,eff ≡ nH2 Ls is an effective H2 column density, and where αul /nH2 is a function
only of temperature. We therefore tabulate the cooling rate per H2 molecule in the
optically thick limit as a function of two parameters: the gas temperature T and the
effective H2 column density NH2 ,eff , and compute cooling rates during the simulations
by interpolation from a pre-generated look-up table.
• Although H2 line-cooling is gradually shut-off, another cooling mechanism comes into
play: collision induced emission. At very high densities, the collisions between pairs of
molecules can temporarily form a “super molecule”, which can have a dipole. There is
small probability that this can result in a dipole-transition, and with enough collisions,
result in cooling via continuum emission. Around n = 1013 cm−3 , this starts to
become the dominant coolant – and just in time, as standard H2 line-cooling is now
very inefficient. However, at around n = 1015 cm−3 , this too starts to become optically
• Finally, the gas one possible cooling channel left: it can dissociate H2 . Each 4.4eV per
molecule that heated the gas during the 3-body formation can now be reclaimed. Acts
as a sink for the pdV heating, helping to keep the collapse going.
• When the H2 runs out, a hydrostatic core is finally born. The mass of this object is
around few 0.01 M with a radius of around 0.04 AU (around 10 R ).
• Draw the radial plots... Greif?
• So how quickly does this star grow? A simple estimate can be given by considering
the mass of the collapsing core and the free-fall time,
dM∗ mJ c3
∼ ∼ s. (243)
dt tff (n) G
For our initial collapse properties in the minihalo, this yields a rate of roughly 10−3
M yr−1 . Over two orders of magnitude greater than present-day star formation.

• A more accurate picture of the accretion onto the star can be obtained by looking at
the radial profiles of the density and radial velocity, at the point at which the central
hydrostatic core forms. The temporal evolution of the accretion rate can be given by,

= 4π r2 ρ(r) vr (r) (244)
where m(r) is the mass of a shell at radius r, and ρ(r) and vr (r) are, respectively, the
density and radial velocity in the shell. Draw this on the board. Take from the
SOM of Clark et al. 2011. Using the fact that mass enclosed at given shell R is,
menc (R) = 4π r2 ρ(r)dr (245)

one can relate the mass accretion rate to the mass that has fallen to the centre (i.e.
the star), yielding an expression for ṁ(m∗ ). Draw this too.

• However accretion doesn’t proceed directly onto star. Conservation of angular moment
results in the build-up of a disc. How quickly can a disc drain onto the star? Consider
a disc comprising circular shells at radius r, within a disc with mean surface density
Σ = Mdisc /πRdisc . The mass of a shell is then given by,

dM ' 2π r dr Σ (246)

and the flow through the disc is given by,

dM dr
' 2π r Σ ' 2π r vr Σ. (247)
dt dt
If there is no viscosity in the disc, then in a steady state disc, vr and there would be
not accretion through the shell.
Can characterise rvr as the “kinematic viscosity”, ν. Normally assumed to be a local
phenomena, such as turbulent mixing, but can also be produced via-global gravitational
torques and the associated Reynold’s stresses that they create in the gas. Shakura &
Sunyaev (1973) parameterised the viscosity in terms of α, with ν = αHp cs , where Hp
is the pressure scale-height, a measure of the disc’s thickness.
The rate of mass flow through the disc and on to the protostar, can then be estimated
' 2π αHp cs Σ. (248)
A more careful analysis will yield a pre-factor of 3, rather then 2, but then this equation
is strictly only valid for thin-discs, so our analysis is, in any case, rather rough. Our
recent work (Clark et al. 2011, Science), yields the following numbers: Σ = 5 × 103 g
cm−2 (n = 5 × 1013 cm−3 ), T = 1500 K so cs = 2.4 km/s, Hp = 2 AU (∼ Σ/ρ).
The maximum value of α that one can expect is in the range 0.1 to 1, for strongly
self-gravitating discs. Together this yields an accretion rate through the disc of around
a few 10−4 M yr−1 . Disc is unable to process infalling gas, and grows larger.

• If disc grows sufficiently large, it can become gravitationally unstable, and fragment
to form new stars. A thorough treatment of this was presented by Toomré, but a
simplified treatment can be given as follows. Consider an element of the disc with
surface density Σ and radius R. The gravitational acceleration of this element is given
by ag ' GΣ. The supporting shear term is given by as = RΩ, and the supporting
pressure is given by roughly p ' Σc2s , giving ap = c2s /R. The total repulsive force
is therefore as + ap = RΩ + c2s /R. This diverges at both large and small R, but
has a minimum at 2cs Ω. If this minimum is smaller than the gravitational term,
then this element of the disc is unstable: 2cs Ω < GΣ. This then sets the stability
Q = 2cs Ω/GΣ > 1 for a stable disc. Proper analysis yields Q = κcs /πGΣ, where κ is
the epicyclic frequency. For roughly Keplerian discs, κ ' Ω.

• We found that the discs around Pop III stars do indeed fragment, as Q < 1. Accre-
tion luminosity heating can help stabilise the inner disc, but the fragmentation occurs
futher out (20-30 AU instead of around 10 AU). Previous estimates predicted grav-
itationally stable discs, as they assumed disc would be atomic (and therefore much
hotter). Numerical simulations show that this is not the case, and the disc is H2 rich.

• Such self-gravitating discs typically display prominent spiral arms. Draw picture. In
the spirals, the density can be much larger than the ambient density in the disc (factor
of 10 or so), and it is in these arms that the fragmentation occurs. Find n = 1 × 1014
cm−3 and T ∼ 1500 K. The Jeans mass is 0.05 M : in the sub-stellar regime! If
fragmentation results in many objects, then we could get an ejection via dynamical
encounters – some of these objects could have be ejected from the mini-halo when they
were very low mass. If they have M∗ < 0.8 M , then they could still be on the MS

• Complication 1: dark-matter annihilation could provide a source of heating during the

collapse, if the DM is made up of WIMPS. Freese et al. (2008) and Spoylar et al.
(2009) proposed that this could halt the collapse entirely, forming a “Dark Star” - a
failed star, powered by DM-annihilation. Recently, Smith et al. (2012; our group) has
shown that this doesn’t work, as the collisional dissociation of H2 can keep the collapse
going until the DM-heating phase is over. However, depending on the mass of the
DM candidate, it seems that much of the fragmentation can be reduced. However the
whole mechanism relies on collapse occurring directly on around the central DM cusp.

• Complication 2: our group has done a lot of work showing that the small-scale dynamo
can amplify a small seed field during the collapse of the gas in the minihalo, with the
suggestion that the magnetic energy will saturate close to equipartition once the gas
reaches the density of the disc. However the field is initially suspected to be incoherent,
and so its dynamical effect is still unknown. This remains a hot topic in Pop III star
formation research.

7 Population III: growth of the protostar and feedback

• The goal of this section will be to describe the evolution of the central protostar as
it accretes from the natal core. In general terms, the energy released by the gas as it
shocks with the protostellar surface is given by,
G M∗ ṁ
L∗ ' (249)

• The temperature, radius and luminosity of the star are related by

L∗ = 4π R∗2 σSB T∗4 (250)

where σSB is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant.

• The aim of protostellar evolution theory is to solve for the protostar’s structure while
it is still being assembled, to self-consistently solve for R∗ and T∗ (or for Rph and Tph ).
Clearly this is difficult. Normally requires that we split the problem into two pieces: 1)
study how the protostar grows under constant accretion 2) deduce how the resulting
protostar can affect the accretion flow.

• The accretion onto a protostar is associated with two main timescales, and we start
by describing these.

1. The accretion timescale, the time over which the protostar increases its mass:
tacc = (251)

2. The Kelvin-Helmholtz timescale, the time over which the gravitational energy of
a core (or in this case a protostar) is radiated away:

tKH ≡ (252)
R∗ L∗

It is clear from the above discussion of the accretion rate that both these timescales
are changing with time. As such we shall see that protostellar evolution is divided into
distinct phases that depend on which of the above timescales dominates (i.e., is the

• Introduce the work of Stahler et al (1980; 1981, 1986), and Hosokawa & Omukai (2010).

• The basic structure that is found from solving the stellar structure equations can be
summarised by drawing Figure 1 from SPS86.

• Draw Fig. 6+17 from HO12. General outcome of the numerical studies is that the
protostellar evolution is characterised by the follow phases:

1. The Adiabatic Accretion Phase - The gas in the core is initially extremely optically
thick, resulting in a low luminosity. As such, tacc >> tKH , and the core continues
to grow as the new material is deposited at its surface in the accretion shock. Note
that as the post-shock entropy increases over time due to the increasing strength
of the accretion shock (which is a function of m∗ ), the core develops an off-centre
distribution of entropy and temperature.
The gas around the core remains optically thick, in what is termed a “radiative
precursor” (see diagram). The opacity is provided by H− , which is created in the
shock. The result is an adiabatically evolving core surrounding by a an optically
thick region (the radiative precursor). In contrast to present-day protostars, with
their lower accretion rates, the Pop III stars remain radiatively supported during
this phase.
SPS86 find the following relations during the adiabatic phase:
 0.27 !0.41
M∗ Ṁ
R∗ = 48.1R (253)
M 4.41 × 10−3 M

 0.27 !0.41
M∗ Ṁ
Rp = 66.8R (254)
M 4.41 × 10−3 M
 0.044 !−0.055
M∗ Ṁ
Tp = 5170 K (255)
M 4.41 × 10−3 M

2. The Swelling Phase - As the core gradually contracts, its temperature slowly
increases. Opacity is a strongly decreasing function of temperature in the core,
and eventually the gas becomes optically thin enough to allow a distribution of
the internal entropy in the core. As the temperature is highest in the centre,
this change in opacity begins in the deep layers of the core and works its way
to the surface in a “luminosity wave”. Once the core reaches about 5 M , this
distribution of entropy is fast enough to cause the protostar to rapidly expand
(remember that a star has a negative specific heat - core contracts, so outer layers
must expand). As the opacity at a given temperature is lower in the primordial
case than in present-day protostars, this phase can occur slightly earlier.
3. The Kelvin-Helmholtz Contraction Phase Once the luminosity wave reaches the
surface, the energy escapes the protostar - it signifies the point at which all parts of
the star are now able to lose heat. Now tKH is slightly less than tacc . The protostar
starts to contract, and the luminosity from this contraction now dominates over
the accretion luminosity.
4. The Arrival at the Main Sequence - Once the temperature in the contracting star
reaches ' 108 K, the star is finally able to form enough C via He burning, that it
can start a CN cycle, and achieve fusion support. For solar metallicity stars, which
already have C and N, this process occurs at much lower temperatures (' 107 K),
and hence Pop III stars are smaller than their present-day counterparts.

• Except for a short period during the swelling phase, the radiative precursor remains
intact. Due to the strong shock at the core surface, the gas becomes ionised (colli-
sional), and sufficient H−1 forms to provide a high (bound-free) opacity. As the H−1
abundance is a strong function of temperature, the precursor becomes more optically
thick as it heats up. As such, the entire evolution of the star is determined by two
things: how fast the entropy comes in, and how quickly it can leave the precursor.
This keeps the precursor at a roughly constant temperature of between 6000 − 7000K.
Thus, in the spherically symmetric model, the star has a roughly constant photospheric

• Tan & McKee (2004) and McKee & Tan (2008) looked at a simple model for accretion
via a disc. In this case, they found that as the accretion occurs further out, the
conditions around the shock are optically thin, and the surrounding gas will see much
more the bare stellar surface, which has a much higher temperature than the precursor
in the spherically symmetric case. Actually, they assume that most of the H2 in the
disc has been dissociated in the accretion shock that occurs at r > Rdisc , and so assume
that the disc is atomic and thus small. Neglects the rapid 3-body H2 formation rate!

7.0.1 The final fate of Pop III stars

• When do Pop III stars stop accreting? What determines their final mass? There are
many possible mechanisms for terminating the accretion onto a Pop III star, including
death (SN), HII region expansion, dissociation of H2 via Lyman-Werner radiation, and
radiation pressure. Although the current debate tends to focus on the effects of ionising
radiation from Pop III stars, it is likely that all these processes play a role. We discuss
them each in turn, highlighting their possible contribution.

• Perhaps the simplest to understand is SN feedback. The life of a massive star is only
∼ 2 Myr for M∗ > 100M . The accretion timescale in the baryons in the minihalo
is around 10 Myr (or tff at around a number density of 1 cm−3 ), so if nothing stops
the star from accreting, then it could die before the reservoir is drained. The expected
outcomes for Pop III stars of varying progenitor mass are as follows

1. 15 - 40 M → Core-collapse SN (∼ 1051 erg)

2. 40-140 M → Collapse to BH, no remnant
3. 140-260 M → PI SN (1051 - 1052 erg)
4. > 260 M → Collapse to BH!

• The binding energy of the first star-forming minihalos is around 1050 erg, and so even in
the event of no other feedback process, this could clear the halo of baryons, preventing
accretion onto siblings. Suggests a rough upper limit to Pop III stars of a few 100 M .

• Another option is that feedback from the young star can dissociate the H2 in the
collapsing gas, thus removing its coolant. This could halt the collapse, as the effective
EOS of the gas is now roughly adiabatic. According to McKee & Tan (2008), this

shouldn’t be a problem if the infall is supersonic onto a star. However this assumes
that mass is dominated by central region (the star+disk) and not the envelope. It
currently remains unclear how this will proceed. Note that the gas will heat up until
it can cool effectively via (LTE) Lyman Alpha emission.

• H2 can be dissociated by Lyman-Werner photons, i.e. those with energies in the range
11.15 to 13.6 eV. Note that not all photons will result in dissociation, as not all will
be absorbed by the Lyman-Werner lines. Those that are can they decay to lower
vibrational levels an potentially dissociate the molecule (for a discussion, see Glover &
Brand 2001). While a promising mechanism on largest scale within the halo, it is not
clear that this process can shut-off accretion close to the star. As such, by themselves
they could probably prevent the entire minihalo collapsing, but are unlikely to limit
the mass to below a few 100 M . We’ll discuss the LW photons in more detail later.

• The more promising mechanism for shutting off accretion is via the expansion of an
HII region around the central star. Massive stars can release a substantial number of
ionising photons (i.e. those with hν > 13.6 eV), especially once they have reached
the ZAMS. The basic physics of HII regions is fairly well established, however their
interaction with the complex accretion geometry that arises during star formation has
been only recently been studied. We will first summarise the basics of HII region
formation, before discussing the results from the recent numerical studies.

• We start with a neutral gas with number density n0 and ionise it, such that it has a
number density ni or ions and ne of electrons. If the gas is HI, then ni = ne . The rate
of recombinations per unit volume is then given by αB ni ne , where αB is recombination
coefficient for “case B” recombinations, which neglects those recombinations directly
to the ground state. These other recombinations are assumed to emit photons that
are absorbed elsewhere in the HII region – the so-called “on-the-spot” approximation
(if the mean-free-path of these photons is smaller than the HII region, then this is
justified). The coefficient αB for a gas of pure H has a value 3 × 10−13 cm3 s−1 . If
the gas is fully ionised, then we can write this as simply αB n20 . Now imagine we have
a source Q∗ of ionising photons (units of per second), that ionise the gas in spherical
region with density n0 . The number if ionising photons arriving at a radius R, is given
by Z Z 4π R
4π r2 J(R) = Q∗ − r2 αB n20 drdΩ (256)
0 0

where J(R) is the flux of ionising photons passing through the surface bounded by r,
and Ω is the angular dependancy. The equation simply expresses that the number of
photons reaching r is number leaving the star minus those that are required to balance
recombinations. At some radius, the integral on the RHS of the above expression will
equal Q∗ , and the flux of ionising photons will drop to zero. This radius, named the
Strögren radius, is given by
RS = (257)
4παB n20

And denotes the maximum initial radius of the HII region that a star can maintain.
However it takes time for this region of ionised gas to develop. For the ionisation
front to move a distance dr will require a certain number of photons. In fact, J(r)dt
photons are required to fully ionise n0 dr amount of gas, such that J(r)dt = n0 dr. So
the ionisation front propagates at a speed dr/dt = J(r)/n0 . We can now use this to
dr J(r) Q∗ 1
= = 2
− rαB n0 (258)
dt n0 4πr n0 3
This equation describes initial the advance of the i-front into the neutral medium.
In this phase, the i-front travels quickly (initially >> cs ), as the photons eat their
way into the surrounding gas. This type of front is termed an “R” front. Once the
total number of photons and recombinations are equal, the Strömgren sphere stage is
reached. However, at this point, the ionisation region will continue to expand, since
the gas in the region is substantially hotter (∼ 10000K) than the surroundings, while
still have roughly the same density. The result is a pressure driven shock that drives
further expansion of the i-front – this time, termed “D”-front. This phase finally comes
to end when the pressure in the HII region equals that of the surroundings.

• Taking the spectrum of a star to be that of a black-body, the rate of ionising photons
is given by, Z ∞
πL∗ B(T∗ )ν
Q∗ = 4
dν (259)
σSB Teff νmin hν

• The above expression for the Strögren sphere is found to work well when the density is
uniform. But what about when we have a steep density profile such as those found in
star formation? If n0 ∝ r−ω , we find that for ω > 1.5, solution diverges: the integral
Q∗ ∝ (3 − 2ω)−1 r3−2ω (260)
In reality what this means is that HII runs down the density profile unimpeded, re-
maining R-type as it does so, until it encounters gas with a shallower density gradient,
and can start to enter an Rs -like phase. Typically Pop III star formation has ω = 2.2
initially, which evolves to ω = 1.5 as the star grows in mass (the typical solution for
matter falling onto a point mass).

• However very close to the star, the density profile is much flatter, and so the HII region
must first “break out” of this inner region before engulfing the halo. Taking n0 = 1013
cm−3 in a region of 10 AU (i.e. the typical properties of the disc in Clark et al. 2011),
we would need a source of Q∗ = 1056 s−1 to break out. Can we get such high numbers?
The answer is actually no, and in fact the break out of the i-front takes around 104

• Hosokawa et al result present 2D simulations of the collapse of a rotating Pop III star-
forming cloud onto a central star. They follow the ionising radiation using a raytracer
and diffuse radiation using FLD (no on-the-spot approximation). The properties of
the central source are calculated self-consistently using the set-up from Hosokawa &

Omuaki (2010). However they adopt R∗ rather than Rp when calculating the stellar
spectrum. Focuses on scales > 10 AU.

• The basic result of H-etal12 is that the accretion onto the central star is terminated
when the star reaches 43 M . Sketch their Fig 1 and 2.

• Even at late times, tacc > tion in the disc, and only as the star approach 43 M can it
finally shut of the disc accretion on scales of < 100 AU. The erosion of the larger disc
is going to take significantly longer.

• Stacy et al. 2012: lower resolution, but looks at larger scales and in 3D. Uses a
simplified prescription for the PMS/MS model, roughly based on Hosokawa et al 2010,
and again adopting the stellar radius as the photosphere, rather than the radiative
precursor. They find that the Lyman-Werner radiation plays a more dominant role,
but this is likely just because they have a lower density medium. In fact, they follow
scales (and thus densities) in which 3-body H2 formation is unimportant. However
their results suggest that once the HII region has broken apart the cloud, the Lyman-
Werner radiation will be able to sterilise much of the halo.

• Note that Lyman-Werner has to keep pace with 3BH2 formation, which goes as n3 (at
least for n > 108 cm−3), while ionisation has to keep up with H2 formation, which
goes as n2 .

• Do the T (ρ) plot from Stacy et al, and show the various phases of the gas.

• Breakout of HII region? Can it clear the Halo? Whalen looked at 150+ M sources
(ie. those with ionising photon counts greater than > 1050 /s), and found that star
would typically clear the min halo, in all but the most massive halos. However if Pop
III stars have lower masses, then these arguments might not hold. The Hosokawa star
has only a few an ionising photon count of 1049 s−1 , much less than those studied by

• Finally, Hosokawa shows that final mass can depend on the rotation in the halo. Lower
rotation, leads to higher densities in the region around the star, which delays the
breakout. The accretion rates onto the star are also higher, but the extra radiation
is not enough to compensate for the faster growth of the star plus higher density
environment (note that the environment has an n2 effect).

• Can the pressure exerted by photons on the gas not blow the accretion flow away?
The Eddington Luminosity defines the point at which radiation pressure is balanced
by gravity. First consider the case of hydrostatic equilibrium:
dvr ∇p
=− − ∇φ = 0 (261)
dt ρ
In the case where the dominant source of pressure is from radiation, then
∇p κFrad
− = (262)
ρ c

where Frad is the radiation flux and κ is the opacity, given by σT /mp , and σT is the
Thompson scattering cross-section. The luminosity passing through a surface S is then
given by, Z Z
L= Frad · dS = ∇φ · dS (263)
S S κ
If κ is the same everywhere within the shell, then the Eddington luminosity is given
by, Z Z
c 2 4πGc 4πGM c
LEdd = ∇ φdV = ρdV = (264)
κ S κ S κ
Note that M here is the mass enclosed by a shell at r, so the formula can be used for
any point in the spherical geometry. A shell emitting a luminosity higher than LEdd
will be able to repel a flow that is free-falling towards it. The formulation as it stands
is for a pure H plasma, considering only scattering with free-elections, however the
basic picture still holds, and one can replace the scattering opacity with the that of
the species in question. For present-day star formation, the debate typically focuses
around the effects of dust.
• For Pop III stars, there is obviously no dust, so the most commonly discussed option
for radiation pressure is that from Lyman-α photons and from the electron scattering.
These require that the gas has already been either dissociated or ionised, and so can
be thought of as additional effects on top of those already discussed. MT08 suggest
that these effects can be almost as strong as the gas pressure in the two scenarios, and
so they should help to cut off accretion onto the Pop III star.
• So the current state-of-the-art would suggest that Pop III stars are massive (∼ 40 M ),
but not typically the monsters that would fuel PI-SN. However it would seem that they
are able to clear their halo of baryons within their lifetimes.
• Starvation induced fragmentation? Can we grow such massive stars? Note that if you
have a distributed cluster, you avoid the very high column densities that were seen in
the Hosokawa et al. study, that blocked the Lyman-Werner radiation.

7.1 The Pop III.2 channel

• Up until now, we have explored the Pop III(.1) formation channel, but there is also a
Pop III.2!
• Occurs in halos that have been exposed to the radiation field of the very first (.1) stars.
Increased ionisation produces free electrons that help catalyse H2. Allows the gas to
cool down further than in Pop III.1 case.
• x(D) = 2.6e-5 (again, relative to H).
• Reactions:
H2 + D+ → HD + H+ (265)
HD + H+ → H2 + D+ (266)

• Reaction 1 is exothermic but reaction 2 is endothermic by the time the gas reaches
462K. As a result, chemical fractionation occurs at low temperatures, enhancing the
ratio of x(HD)/x(H2 ) to x(D)/x(H). Equilibrium fraction value : x(HD)/x(H2 ) =
x(D)/x(H)e(462/T ) . At 200K, this is already a factor of 10.
• Plot the cooling plot from Glover 2008 (the conference proceedings). Show that the
cooling becomes comparable to the H2 cooling below 200K or so.
• cooling is so efficient that the gas gets cold enough to make use of HD cooling, allowing
it to cool down to the CMB temp (TCMB = 2.728(1 + z)).
• Plot the T (ρ) diagram for Pop III.2
• Note the Jeans mass (∼ 30 M ) and the star formation rate (few 10−5 M yr−1 ).
• Although colder, an thus smaller initial Jeans masses, we tend to find less fragmenta-
tion! 1) lack of structure due to stiff EOS once HD/H2 cooling goes to LTE 2) Lower
accretion rate! However, it should be stressed that the evolution of the protostellar
disc around a Pop III.2 star has never been properly followed in a full cosmological
• Hosokawa et al 2012b performed a similar simulation to their Pop III.1 case, and found
again that the feedback (ionisation) can halt the accretion when the central object has
a mass of around 15 M . Again, if the rotation is slower, then the star is larger (due
to the higher densities everywhere around the star). They conclude that ALL Pop III
stars (both .1 and .2) should be in the lower-mass range (10 - 50 M ).
• Note that this channel can also be activated when the halo has a greater mass than in
the ”typical” Pop III(.1) case, as the virial shock can also collisionally ionise enough
H to increase the election fraction.
• Not actually a good terminology, since the gas is still primordial, and there is no real
clear starting point for Pop III.2, since the importance of HD cooling is a continuous
function of the halo size.

8 Atomic cooling halos

• In yet larger halos, the virial temperature is large enough to excite Lyman-alpha cool-
ing. These are termed the ”first galaxies”, as they don’t require H2 to form, and can
survive fairly strong background radiation fields - including those from Ionising stars.
First objects that can harbour, and retain, star formation. Masses around 5e7 Msun,
Rvir ∼ kpc. Often referred to as the ’first galaxies’.
• Draw something like Fig. 1 in Greif et al 2008 to show how common these halos are
with redshift. Only form in significant numbers around z = 10, but the first objects
appear around z = 15 (roughly 140 Myr later after the formation of Pop III star-forming

• Star formation can proceed via two channels in such halos 1) Via Pop III.2: Both
the high background radiation field and the high virial temperature mean that the
electron abundance is elevated above the standard value (3e-4), and so H2 formation
can become extremely efficient. Obviously this requires the gas to become shielded from
the Lyman-Werner radiation at some point, and it is not clear whether this actually
• Via Lyman-alpha cooling in atomic gas: LA cooling is extremely efficient (if one as-
sumes that it is optically thin! However see Schleicher and Glover 2011), allowing
essentially isothermal collapse. Very high accretion rates. Proposed as a channel for
forming BH directly. Jeans mass at onset of first self-gravitating baryonic core is now
very large!
• Jeans mass is very large! At a n ∼ 1 cm−3 and T = 104 K, mJ ∼ 5 × 106 M .
Supermassive BH seed?
• However unlikely that dense core will be optically thin to Lyman-Werner which would
be required to keep the gas in H form. If rotation, then disc could form and perhaps
H2 could form that would cool the gas down Would this lead to rapid fragmentation?
Cluster, or BH?
• Even in simulations without feedback, the temperature structure of the atomic cooling
halos is extremely complicated. At the outskirts there is an accretion shock where the
gas is heated to the virial temperature (around 10,000 K). The rapid catalysiation of H2
due to the increased electron fraction then allows the gas to cool, creating cold streams
that flow to the centre of the proto-galaxy. The chaotic nature of the temperature
structure means that galaxies are born turbulent, with a wide range of Mach numbers.
• How will a BH effect such an environment. Greif et al. 2008 looked at the growth of a
BH in the centre of an atomic cooling halo. They had no feedback in the model, and
so they tried to gauge what the effect of a BH would be on its natal halo. First, there
is the question of how quickly the BH can grow. The maximum rate at which the BH
can accrete is controlled by the Eddington luminosity, giving the following “Eddington
limit to the accretion rate:
ṀEdd = , (267)
where tSalp is the Salpeter time, given by
c σT
tSalp = ' 450Myr. (268)
4π G mH
and  is the radiative efficiency (i.e. the fraction of the accretion heating that is
radiated). The mass of the BH as a function of time is thus given by,
1 −  t − t0
MBH (t) = MBH,0 exp (269)
A BH can therefore enjoy exponential growth of its mass (with e-fold time tSalp ),
provided a suitable reservoir exists.

• We have observed 109 M BHs at z ∼ 6. Can we form them simply from a stellar BH
seed? Naı̈vely, one would expect that there is no problem: a 100 M BH can grow to
in excess of 109 M in less than 109 years – the age of the Universe at z = 6.
• In practise there are several problems with this. First, assuming the BHs form in 105
M minihalos, then we’ve seen that ionisation feedback my be effective at shutting-off
accretion onto the central objects. In addition, the BHs also may have had lower (or
higher) mass companions that ended their lives in SN events. In short, stellar mass BH
seeds are born starving, and have to wait until the find themselves in atomic minihalos
before they can start to accrete again (> 100M yr).
• A further complication arises when minihalos merge (like in the formation of atomic
cooling halos) – their BHs tend to merge too. This is a two-step process with the BHs
first undergoing dynamical friction with the other stars, before forming a binary at the
centre of the new (more massive) minihalo. As the orbit of the binary decreases due to
collisions with other stellar systems, eventually the system stars to emit gravitational
waves that will rapidly drain the orbit of its energy, resulting in a merger. At first
this would seem to be a good thing for growing the BHs quickly, but GR predicts that
the merger event is accompanied by a kick, that ejects the newly merged BH from the
merger-site at a velocity > 100 km s−1 . As this is more than the escape velocity for
young galaxies, the process of BH formation and growth must start over.
• Thus the direct collapse to a supermassive BH in an atomic-cooling halo seems the
most likely way to grow the BHs to those that we see around z = 6.
• Greif et al. (2008) compared the accretion onto a sink particle at the centre of the
atomic cooling halo to the expression for MBH (t) above, finding that accretion rate is
“super Eddington, suggesting that to follow BH formation properly, requires taking
account of the feedback processes. However it also suggests that BHs could, given
favourable conditions in first galaxies, accrete close to the Eddington limit for a con-
siderable time. The BH in Getal2008 reaches a mass of 1e6 in roughly 300 Myr (and
by z = 11).
• Draw Fig 13 from Greif08. Assumes  = 0.1.
• Even in the case of no feedback, Greif08 find that the accretion rate eventually saturates
at around a few 10−3 M yr−1 due to the increasing amount of cold gas that flows to
the centre.
• In reality, the BH is unlikely to accrete at much above the Eddington-limit, and so
we can use the simple Eddington-limited accretion model to get an upper limit to the
potential feedback from a BH mini-quasar. Again, we are interested in 2 features of
the BH spectrum: the LW flux, and the ionising flux.
• The temperature profile of the accretion disc can be expressed as (Pringle 1981):
T (r) = (270)
8π σSB r3

For BHs with a high spin parameter (a ≥ 0.9), which is typical for the high-angular
momentum gas in the atomic cooling halos, the inner disc (or the radius of the “inner
stable circular orbit” – ISCO) is given by,
rinner ∼ 2km (271)

One can integrate from rinner to 104 rinner (after which the LW and ionisation contribu-
tions are negligible), assuming the disc radiates like a black-body, and derive the total
flux in the bands of interest.

• Draw the results from Greif08 for such and analysis, showing the Q∗ and JLW . They
show 100 and 500 M BHs, roughly the range expected from the direct collapse of
massive Pop III stars (Heger & Woosley 2002). Note that the ionising photon number
count in Hosokawa et al. 2008 reached few 1049 , while the BH count reach much higher,
but only at late times – at the beginning they are infact quite similar (or even lower).
The critical value of JLW for the suppression of H2 formation in halos is around 10−2 ,
which is easily exceeded by the BH. This suggests that BHs may be able to prevent
H2 and HD cooling from becoming important in atomic cooling halos.

• In conclusion, the formation of BHs due to high accretion rates makes it likely that a
halo will be forced to form stars via the Lyman alpha cooling model – favouring the
formation of even more BHs.

9 The onset of Pop II star formation

9.1 The definition of Pop II star formation?

• The definition of Pop III and Pop II would seem to be clear – either we have simply a
‘primodial’ distribution of metals in the case of Pop III (which essentially amounts to
a trace abundance of Li), or we have an elevated amount of metals, in which case the
star is Pop II. However if the amount of metals in the gas is too low to alter the way
in which the stars are formed, then can those stars still be thought to be primordial,
or metal enriched?

• A more practical definition is too ask at what point does the metallicity begin to affect
the way in which stars form. Or more precisely, at what metallicity does the IMF shift
from that dominated by high-mass stars in the Pop III case, to that dominated by
low-mass stars in the Pop II/I case.

• Which brings the question: what is the IMF of primordial stars? Currently unknown.
From what we’ve seen so far, the mass scale seems to be larger than in present-day stars,
so we assume that the characteristic mass (either the mean or the median) is larger
than we see today. However the shape of the IMF is unknown: often assumed to be
peaked at some high mass, and then either log-normal in shape, or with a Salpeter-like

power-law tail at the high-mass end. From the simulations (which have only covered
an extremely short period of the star’s life), it seems that the IMF may be flat. Draw
these different IMFs on the board.

• The current research focuses on a fairly simple question: at what metallicity does the
gas start to fragment at mass-scales smaller than in Pop III. More importantly, exactly
what feature of the enriched gas is responsible for the cooling. Before looking at this,
we will first take a brief look at how the gas is enriched via SN explosions.

9.2 Supernovae enrichment

• Atomic cooling halos have a potential energy of ∼ 1053 erg, and so the baryons can
easily survive SN (even though their constituent sub-halos may be emptied). This is
another reason why they are considered ’galaxies’ - they are the first objects that can
chemically self-enrich.

• Given the difference in the formation time between the formation of the first Pop III
forming halos and the atomic cooling halos, there is plenty time for SN, even from the
lower mass (15-40 Msun) progenitors.

• To date, only the higher-mass progenitors have been studied (i.e. those with masses
140 to 260 Msun – the PISN). Lower mass progenitor studies are currently underway.

• PISN have also very high yields. The central core of PISN can range from 65 to 130
M , and is enriched to at least solar composition in C and O, if not much above. As
we will discuss, these are the important coolants in metal enriched gas, so we will focus
our discussion on how they are distributed. Rather than using the old [F e/H] notation
to describe the metallicity, it now more common to describe the abundance of each
element with respects to the equivalent solar value. A gas with metallicity Z would
have all metals in equal abundance to those in solar composition gas. A gas with 0.1
Z would have only a tenth as much C, Si, O etc as standard solar type gas.

• Greif10 looked at the distribution of metals from a Pop III PISN with progenitor mass
∼ 200 (at the point of SN explosion) and central engine of 1052 erg. Since a star of
this mass has 100 M of metals (essentially C, Si, O), they assign 0.5 times the solar
abundance to the 200 M at the centre of each collapsing minihalo, and inject the
energy into kinetic motions. The area around the SN has already been cleared by the
ionising and dissociating flux from the parent star, and so the SN is free to expand
into the inter-halo medium (IHM), as the first galaxy is assembled.

• Their results suggest that after 300 Myr (around z = 13), the IHM has a metallicity
of around 10−4 Z . This implies that the first galaxies formed with pre-enriched gas.

• However, from these low resolution calculations, it seems that the metallicity of the high
density peaks remains low - if not zero: they start to collapse before the SN/feedback
becomes important. Draw Fig 7. from Greif2010. So although the effect of SN and

ionisation feedback is dramatic, the sites of star formation may be largely unaffected.
See also Whalen et al. (2008a,b; 2009).

• Note that this may not hold as the resolution increases. Recent results by Whalen
have demonstrated that relic HII regions can produce significant amounts of molecular
hydrogen, due to the large free electron abundance. This can create a cool layer inside
halos, that becomes buoyant, and could drive further mixing.

9.3 Cooling by metals

• The goal is to define a critial metallicity, Zcrit , above which the gas can cool more
effectively than it can in the pure primordial case.

• The most effective coolants are the CII and OI (that is, singly ionised C, and neutral
O). They are also the most abundant species after He, and have the highest yields
from SN. They emit via ‘forbidden’ transition lines (that is, from long-lived states).
As these are the most effective and abundant species, much of the research has focused
on determining at what metallicity these can be come important coolants.

• As we discussed in previous lectures, the basic condition for fragmentation is ΛX ≥

ΓpdV , where ΛX is the cooling (erg s−1 cm−3 ) for species X. Bromm & Loeb (2003)
looked at the cooling provided by CII and OI, and derived critical metallicities for the
two species by finding when,
3 n kB T
ΛCII,OI (n, T ) ' . (272)
2 tff

• Clearly we have a dependence on the temperature and density in this relation, so what
values do we use? BL03 opted for T ∼ 200 K and n ∼ 104 cm−3 , since these are the
conditions at the point when H2 starts to become inefficient in the standard Pop III(.1)
case. As such, if cooling provided by either CII or OI is greater than the pdV heating
at this point in the collapse, it would give rise to a reduction in the characteristic mass
for the fragments.

• Considering C and O cooling separately, BL03 found critical metallicities for the two
species of ZC,crit = 10−3.5 ZC, and ZC,crit = 10−3.05 ZO, . This implies that around a
metallicity of Z = 10−3 Z , the is a transition to a new regime of star formation, that
is driven by metal-line cooling, and has smaller characteristics masses than found in
standard Pop III.

• Note that in the case of CII, there is obviously the assumption that all (or at least the
majority) of the carbon has been ionised. BL03 reckon this is a good approximation
as the soft UV of 11.26 eV can keep the C ionised. And since the C abundance is low
(solar has x(C) = 1.4 × 10−4 ), these photons should have no problem penetrating the

• Clearly the two coolants can also act together, so Frebel et al. (2007) introduced a
new concept of a “transition discriminant” which defines the total amount of C + O
needed to “transition” to a new IMF. Again, we’re trying to satisfy the condition,

ΛCII + ΛO ≥ ΓpdV . (273)

At T ∼ 200 K and n ∼ 104 cm−3 , the cooling can be roughly written as (Staller & Palla
−20 −1 −3 nC nC
ΛCII ' 6 × 10 ergs cm / (274)
nH nH
−20 −1 −3 nO nO
ΛOI ' 3 × 10 ergs cm / (275)
nH nH
and the heating is given simply by,

ΓpdV ' 2 × 10−23 ergs−1 cm−3 (276)

The condition above can then be written as,

nC nC nO nO
/ + 0.3 / ≥ 0.3 × 10−3 (277)
nH nH nH nH
10[C/H] + 0.3 × 10[O/H] ≥ 10−3.5 (278)
nX nX
[X/H] = log10 − log10 (279)
nH nH
This allows Frebel et al 2007 to define the transition discriminant as,

Dtrans ≡ log10 (10[C/H] + 0.3 × 10[O/H] ) ≥ −3.5 ± 0.2 (280)

where the ± 0.2 arises from variations in n and T .

• Draw Fig 1. from Frebel et al. 2007.

• Finally, note that the CMB temperature provides a limit to how effective the metal
cooling can be: even if there is a quick transition to high metallicities at high redshifts,
the CMB temperature will regulate the mass of the objects that can form in this regime.
The fragment masses then may be not much lower than in the HD cooling case (i.e.
Pop III.2).

9.4 Cooling by dust

• An alternative route by which the gas can cool is via collisions with dust grains. The
idea is fairly simple: the gas transfers its kinetic energy to the grain during inelastic
collisions, heating up the dust grain in the process. The dust then radiates away

the energy, behaving approximately as a blackbody, with the result that much of the
radiation is lost from the cloud. This particularly effective cooling process is responsible
for maintaining the low temperatures of pre- and proto-stellar cores in present-day star
formation, and is able to dissipate the pdV work associated with their collapse to form

• The recent paper by Schneider et al. (2012) gives a good account of this processes,
and we follow their arguments (and notation) here.

• The ability of the dust to act as a coolant is controlled by two processes. The first
process is the dust’s ability to radiate away its thermal energy. The thermal dust
emission rate can be expressed as,

Λgr = 4σSB Tgr4 κP βescp ρgr . (281)

Note that density of grains can be expressed in terms of a dust-to-gas ratio D, via
ρgr = Dρ. The Planck mean opacity is given by,
Z ∞
κP = Bν (Tgr )κν dν (282)
σSB Tgr4 0

and the photon escape probability βescp is given by,

βescp = min(1, ) (283)
where the optical depth is given by κν ρλJ and λJ is the Jeans mass. The escape prob-
ability takes into account that at some density, the dust is going to become optically
thick to its own radiation and will be unable to freely radiate away the compressional

• The second process is the transfer of the kinetic energy of the gas to the dust grains.
Note that the energy transfer can go both ways, i.e. from the gas to the dust and
vice-versa, depending on the relative temperature of the gas and dust. Hollenbach &
McKee showed that the heating of the dust by the gas can be expressed via,

ngr (2kB T − 2kB T,gr )

Hgr = (284)
where T and T,gr are the gas and dust temperature respectively, and tcoll is the timescale
for collisions between gas components and the dust grains, given by (nH σgr v̄H f )−1 .
Here, ngr is the number density of grains, σgr is their cross-section, and v̄H is the
mean velocity of the hydrogen (the main collider). We assume the dust grains are
significantly heavier than the hydrogen and can be taken to be stationary, and that
the hydrogen follows a Maxwellian velocity distribution,
8kB T
v̄H = . (285)

We can relate the dust properties to the gas properties by making use of two parame-
terisations of the dust. First we define S, the grain cross-section per unit mass of dust.
Second we define D to be the dust-to-gas ratio (for present-day, solar metallicity gas,
this is around 0.01). This permits us to write the product ngr σgr that appears in the
numerator as nH mH µ SD.

• The dust temperature can be found by equating the heating rate of the dust by colli-
sions with the gas, and the rate at which the dust can radiate, Hgr = Λgr and solving
for the temperature. In equating these two relations we find that the grain temperature
becomes independent of D, depending only on T, ρ, S and the values for the opacity,
κP .

• As the density increases during the collapse, the gas transfers more and more of its
energy to the dust, increasing the dust temperate but also increasing the rate at which
the dust can radiate away the energy. Draw this on the board for different metallicities.

• Schneider et al. derive a minimum amount of dust that is required for fragmentation,
in terms of the dust to gas ratio D. To do take the requirement that the rate of grain
heating is equal to the compressional heating term Hgr = ΓpdV , such that all of the
energy created by collapse is transferred to the grain, where is assumed to be radiated
away. If one then assumes that Tgr << T , one can derive,
 −1/2  −1/2
−3 2 −1 T nH
SD > 1.4 × 10 cm g (286)
103 K 1012 cm−3

Assuming S to be roughly 3.5 × 105 cm2 g−1 , then we find

−9 2 −1 T
Dcrit > 4 × 10 cm g (287)
103 K

The dust to gas ratio and the metallicity are related through the depletion factor
fdep = Mdust /(Mdust + Mmet ), by D = fdep Z. Note here that Z is in absolute units,
where Z ∼ 0.02. Although SN are predicted to convert most of their metals into
the form of dust, much of this can be destroyed in the ‘reverse shock’ that forms as
the interior cavity starts to cool. The parameter fdep is therefore useful, as it can be
used to describe the effects of the reverse shock on the metal content. For solar-type
depletions factors of around 0.5, the above value of Dcrit would predict fragmentation
whenever the gas metallicity is > 10−6 Z .

• Indeed, in their one-zone models, Schneider et al do find that the the gas cools faster
than it heats whenever D is above the critical value, but not when the D is lower. They
also express this in terms of the range of depletion factors for a given metallicity.

• We find somewhat higher metallicities in the fully 3D turbulent simulations, of around

10−5 to 10−4 Z (assuming scaled-down solar composition dust and gas). This is due to
the spread in the rho-T diagram due to turbulent motions and shocks that effectively
washes out the small dip in the temperatures provided by the dust at lower metallicities.

• Regardless, the dust cooling suggests a transition to more fragmentation, and hence a
different IMF at much lower metallicities than we seen in the metal-line cooling case.

• However, note that this fragmentation occurs at extremely high densities compared to
those we discussed in the case of the HD and metal-line cooling. More similar to the
fragmentation found in Pop III disc case.

• Finally, note that the CMB temperature plays much less of a role here, since the
temperatures at the bottom of the dip are typically much higher than they are in
the metal-line cooling case. The main parameter dominating the Jeans mass is the
density, in the case of dust cooling. The CMB only becomes important at very high
metallicities, when the dip can be large.

9.5 The IMF: transition from Pop III to Pop II

• Focus on the Omukai plot and show the two cooling regimes.

• We see that the rho-T plot now has two clear regimes of fragmentation: one induced
by the onset of metal-line cooling and the other by dust cooling. Furthermore, they
are clearly separated in density space. So which one is more important?

• Based on a pure Jeans mass argument, we see that the dust cooling is more likely to
produce low-mass objects than the metal-line cooling.

9.6 Evidence from the observations

• The odd-even pattern predicted by PISN is not observed in the very metal poor stars
discovered so far. Favours a Pop III IMF that was dominated by CCSN. Draw the
odd-even pattern on the board.

• Summarise Frebel et al (2007). Shows that most of the stars are above the transition
discriminant and are therefore supports the line-cooling idea. Those stars which are
under the transition discriminant, in terms of [Fe/H], are often found to high very high
[C/H] or [O/H], and so are not as metal poor as their [Fe/H] value suggests.

• Most metal poor stars have low masses – considerably below the Jeans mass at the dip
in the Omukai plot for the metal-cooling regime. If these stars were representative of
the IMF at that metallicity, then they imply that metal cooling alone could not have
been responsible for setting their mass.

• However, the most conclusive evidence however comes from the ‘Leo’ star, discovered
by Caffau et al. 2012 (the group at the LSW), which has a metallicity of Z = 10−5±1 .
As this is considerably below the transition discriminant, in the “forbidden zone”. It
implies that dust-cooling was a more likely scenario for its formation. If that is true,
it implies that the fdep was at least 0.01 at Z = 10−5 Z .

10 Reionisation

10.1 Evidence for reionisation

• Perhaps the best evidence for the existence of a mainly ionised inter-galactic medium
(IGM) is via the spectra of bright, high-redshift quasars. Quasar emission is associated
with the extremely hot environment that surrounds a SMBH. The regions around the
quasar are able to emit strongly over a wide range of frequencies, including those that
coincide with the Lyman-series of hydrogen.

• If neutral hydrogen is present along the line of sight between us and the quasar, then it
can absorb the Lyman-series emission from the quasar. Now imagine the quasar is very
distant, at some redshift z, such that its spectra is shifted to wavelengths λ = λ0 (1+z).
Now, local clouds of neutral H in the Milky Way can absorb radiation that originated at
much shorter wavelengths, but that have been red-shifted into one of the Lyman-series
bands by cosmic expansion. This process is obviously not just limited to the MW: all
HI clouds along the line of sight to the quasar can absorb any photon that arrives at
the Lyman-bands. The effect is particular strong in the Lyman-α band (1216 Å), and
gives rise to the ’Lyman-α forest’. Draw this on the board.

• So how much gas is required to completely absorb the Lyman-αemission from distant
sources? To figure this out, we need to look at the effective optical depth for Lyman-α,
given by
πe2 fα λα nHI (z)
τLα = (288)
me cH(z)
where H ≈ 100hkm s−1 Mpc−1 Ωm (1 + z)3/2 , and so
  −1/2  3/2
5 Ωb h Ωm 1+z
τLα ≈ 6.45 × 10 xHI (289)
0.0315 0.3 10

for a matter dominated Universe. We see that the optical depth to the Lyman-α line is
extremely high, requiring only a small amount of HI (as expressed via the abundance
xHI ) to reach unity. At a redshit of around z ∼ 6, we get τLα ∼ 1 for xHI ∼ 10−5 .
Clearly this is much smaller than we found in the Pop III star forming minihalos, and
so it expected that much of the Universe will be able to completely absorb distant
quasar light. The fact that we do see some emission red-wards of Lyman-α peak in the
quasar spectrum tells us that the Universe is extremely well ionised. The ‘forest’ simply
represents the dense HI clumps than sit in an otherwise completely ionised Universe.
This is perhaps the most unambiguous proof that we live in an ionised Universe.

• However, if the quasar was distant enough, then we should see the complete absorption
of the Lyman-α line above the redshift at which the Universe becomes ionised. This
is referred to as the Gunn-Peterson trough. Draw on the board. In 2003, Fan et al.
found the first quasars to show the Gunn-Peterson trough, and they had redshifts of
around 6 or greater.

• Note however that there is some scatter: not all the z > 6 quasars present a GP-trough,
while some quasars just below z = 6 do. Suggests that the reionisation of the Universe
was not homogeneous, but rather patchy. As we go to higher redshifts, the number of
quasars found obviously drops, and it becomes difficult to say much more.
• So we good evidence that the Universe was, on average, fully ionised by around z = 6,
but when did it start?
• A further constraint on the onset of reionisation comes from the CMB. Clearly if the
gas is ionised at high redshift, then electrons can scatter the CMB photons that have
been unimpeded since recombination, leaving a signal in the present-day CMB. To
calculate the effect, it is common define a visibility function,

gη = −τ̇ e−τ (η) , (290)

where η is the conformal time (≡ dt/a), and τ̇ = dτ /dη. This visibility function
gives the probability that a CMB photon has been scattered out of the line of sight
between η and η + dη. The optical depth to for Thompson scattering is
Z η0 Z η0
τ (η) = − dη τ̇ = − dη a(η)ne σT , (291)
η η

where η0 is the present time. One can then integrate along each line of sight to estimate
the suppression in the temperature fluctuation due to the epoch of reionisation (i.e.
how long, in terms of z it has persisted). Clearly since the effects are expected to be
small, the optical depth is also expected to be small. Further constraints come from the
polarisation of the map: any additional scattering at z < 1068 will cause polarisation
on scales larger than the recombination horizon scale.
• From the WMAP observations, the implied that reionisation started around zi is 11 ±
1.4, and was finished around z = 7.

10.2 How was the Universe is reionised?

• In the simplest argument, one can say that the Universe is reionised when there exists
roughly 1 ionising photon per baryon. Obviously, this is a clear minimum, since it
assumes that recombinations are not important, however it does yield an order of
magnitude estimate that provides a useful insight into what is obviously a complicated
• Central to the argument is the concept of the number of ionising photons emitted per
baryon, which we will denote by A. If one consider a single star, then the definition is
total number of > 13.6eV photons (over life)
A= (292)
number of baryons in star
Obviously, the denominator is simply M∗ /mp . In principle the numerator is also fairly
simple – one simply integrates the stellar spectrum over the life of the star from the

Lyman-limit upwards – however the situation is complicated by the fact that full
evolution of the star is often uncertain.
• One can also define A for an IMF (see Ciardi & Ferarra 2005 for a summary), which
involves integrating over stars of different masses and needs to account for the different
ages of the stars, and the different stages of evolution. For non-stellar sources, such
as BH and QSOs, then one needs to consider how these objects can accrete, and so A
becomes a strong function of the star formation rate.
• For very massive Pop III stars (> 140 M ), however, the numbers are fairly well con-
strained, with A ∼ 105 . For a single population of massive Pop III stars, the total
number of ionising photons is then given by,
Nion = APopIII fSFE NBary (293)
where NBary is the total number of baryons in the Universe, and fSFE is the fraction of
those baryons that have been converted into stars. If one then sets Nion = NBary , then
we find that the star formation efficiency in Pop III required to reionise the Universe
fSFE = ∼ 10−5 (294)
So Pop III stars could reionise the Universe with a very small SFE!
• Alternatively we can look at the effects of Pop II star formation. As the majority of
the mass in a standard IMF is locked up in low-mass stars – which have very little
ionising flux – the value of A is much lower, at roughly ∼ 4000. Pop II stars also form
in galaxies, so it makes more sense to talk about the fraction of mass in the galaxy that
has been turned into stars, which we will denote as f∗ . We then also have to define the
fraction of the mass in the Universe that has collapsed into galaxies, fcoll . Finally, we
should also consider that many photons may not reach the IGM, but instead become
locked up in the high density regions within the galaxy, and do we need to introduce
fesc , the fraction of the photons that escape from the galaxy.
• From present-day star formation we see that roughly 10% of the mass in a star forming
region is converted to stars. The escape fraction is also estimated to be around 10%
(more on this below). If we adopt these values, then the total fraction of the Universe
required to be in collapsed structures for reionisation is
fcoll = ∼ 2.5% (295)
fesc f∗ APopII

• However, as noted the above estimates ignored recombinations. The recombination

timescale is given by htrec i = (αB ne CHII )−1 . The factor CHII = hn2HII i/hnHII i2 is mean
effective clumping factor of the ionised gas. If the recombination timescale is greater
than the Hubble time, tH , then the total number of photons per baryon required to
reionise the Universe is given by,
Nion /NBary ∼ max{tH /htrec i, 1} (296)

where −3
Ωb h2
1+z −1
htrec i ∼ 1.7 Gyr CHII (297)
0.02 7
 −3/2  −1
1+z h
tH ∼ 1 Gyr (298)
7 0.7
So for the Einstein-de Sitter Universe, htrec i < tH for redshifts less than around 9, and
Nion /NBary required for ionisation becomes larger than 1, and much earlier if the gas
is predominantly in dense clumps.

• Obviously, the ionising photons come at a price: metals. The question is then, for a
given stellar population, does that accompanying metal enrichment required for reion-
isation match the observations. Ricotti & Ostriker (2004) looked at this and found
that even under the most favourable conditions, such as over-estimating A and under-
estimating the metal yield), the accompanying metal enrichment from pure Pop III
stars would be extremely high, at around 0.001Z in the IGM and up to Z in the
over-dense regions.

• These results suggest that BH accretion may have played a stronger role in the early
stages of reionisation, or that PISN were not that common. Note that as we go to
lower masses of Pop III stars, value of A does not drop by that much, while the total
metal yield does. Either way, the results suggest that Pop II star formation will be
well underway by the end of reionisation.

• So how does the ionisation process proceed? The ionisation starts on the smallest
scales, as we have already discussed above: individual Pop III stars ionise the region
around them, with gradually larger and larger scales becoming ionised. Initially the
Universe is characterised by isolated regions of ionisation, until these eventually merge.

• Draw the classic sketch of the Universe as a function of redshift.

• An interesting feature of the ionisation fronts is that they behave different from those
in the classic interstellar medium once they have broken out of their collapsing over-
densities and reached the scales on which the Hubble flow dominates. The comoving
Strögren radius is given by
rS (t) = a(t) ≡ RS a(t), (299)
4παB n2H

in keeping with the notation that we used earlier in the course. If the ionisation was to
occur very rapidly, then RS is steady state solution, and then rS (t) would describe how
this region evolves as the Universe expands. A detailed analysis, as given by Shapiro
& Giroux (’87) shows that picture is actually more complicated than this, and the
ionisation region never achieves the balance that is assumed in the Strömgren volume
approach, as rS evolves faster than the ionisation front.The front therefore remains
R-type, never driving a pressure induced shock into the IGM.

• This means that the ionisation regions created by the sources remain frozen in the
volume of space, never quite reaching their maximum extent. So for the pocket of
ionisation to merge with one another requires either that new ionisation regions appears
(until all the volume is filled), or for the central engine to grow. In practice both these
processes occur.
• The large-scale topology of reionisation is ‘inside-out’, in the sense that the dense re-
gions ionise first, while the underdense voids only reionise at the end of the reionisation
process. Although the denser regions are more difficult to ionise, since recombinations
are more efficient there, they contain many more ionising sources than their lower den-
sity counterparts: a region with a density enhancement only 10 % above the mean of
the Universe can have a 50 % higher concentration of galaxies.
• Once the ionisation bubbles meet, the ionisation background increases sharply as there
is now an excess of ionising photons for much of the Universe’s volume. This changes
the Jeans mass in the baryons, and severely limits the mass of the halos in which star
formation can proceed. Before reionisation, the IGM is cold (tens of K) and neutral,
and so the Jeans mass plays a secondary role to cooling in the formation of bound
star-forming regions: the dark matter will pull the gas in, and it will eventually start
to cool once H2 formation kicks in, which drops the Jeans mass. After reionisation,
the Jeans mass is increased by several orders of magnitude to the point where halos
which previously could form stars, are now unable to drag the gas in.
• Including the gravitational effect from the DM, the ionisation results in a linear Jeans
mass corresponding to a halo circular velocity of
VJ ≈ 80 kms−1 (300)
1.5 × 104 K
Recall that the circular velocity is given by,
 1/2  1/3   1/2
GM M Ωm δc 1+z
Vc = = 23.4 kms−1 (301)
rvir 108 h−1 M 18πΩzm 10
Clearly we see that the ionisation of the IGM is able to inhibit the formation of lower
mass galaxies. In halos with Vc > VJ the fraction of infalling gas equals the uni-
versal mean (Ωb /Ωm ), but in halos below this velocity, the accretion rate is strongly
• Of course, once the IGM is ionised, it needs to be maintained. Assuming that the bulk
of the work is done by Pop II stars at z < zre−i , then the star formation rate per unit
comoving volume required to balance the recombinations is given by,
−3 −1 1+z
ρ̇∗ ≈ 2 × 10 fesc C M yr−1 Mpc−3 . (302)
From the observations, it would seem that this condition is met, and so the ionisation
of the Universe can be maintained by the current star formation.

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