Lotto Crusher System

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1 – copy@lotterycrusher.

Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER 2 ........................................................................................................................... 9
Why is this important to know? ................................................................................................... 10

CHAPTER 3 ......................................................................................................................... 11
Adjust Your Budget .............................................................................................................. 11
Form Lottery Pools ................................................................................................................ 12
Play Less Often and Let the Jackpots Build ........................................................................... 12
Play Scratch Tickets or Daily Lottery Number Draws ......................................................... 13

CHAPTER 4 ......................................................................................................................... 14
Charting the Numbers ........................................................................................................... 15
Playing Your Lucky Numbers ............................................................................................... 17
Machine Quick Picks versus Player Picks............................................................................. 17

CHAPTER 5 ......................................................................................................................... 19
38.7% 2 Consecutives ................................................................................................................... 25
40.0% 2 Consecutives ................................................................................................................... 25
37.7% 1 Repeat ............................................................................................................................. 26
39.3% 1 Repeat ............................................................................................................................. 26
32.0% 1 Repeat ............................................................................................................................. 26
Long-Term and Short-Term Considerations ................................................................................ 27

CHAPTER 7 ......................................................................................................................... 28
Numbers that have not hit in a while .................................................................................... 28
Frequently Drawn Numbers ................................................................................................. 30
A steady flow of minor dividends that will help to pay for your entry and .......................... 36

CHAPTER 10 ...................................................................................................................... 38
Modified Master Players System 8 STEP 1 ............................................................................. 39

2 –
Modified Master Players System 8 STEP 2 ............................................................................. 40
Modified Master Players System 8 STEP 3 ............................................................................. 40
Modified Master Players System 8 STEP 4 ............................................................................. 41
Modified Master Players System 8 STEP 5 ............................................................................. 42
Search & Replace Method ............................................................................................................. 42

CHAPTER 11 ...................................................................................................................... 49
CHAPTER 12 ...................................................................................................................... 51
SO, let’s take STEP BY STEP ...................................................................................................... 55
A3 Strategy Makes you a Winner ................................................................................................ 64
B2 Strategy for Guaranteed Success............................................................................................. 65

CHAPTER 13 ...................................................................................................................... 69
Why is it important to play System Entries? ............................................................................... 69
SYSTEM ENTRY WINS TABLE ............................................................................................... 69
SYSTEM ENTRY PAYBACK %'s ............................................................................................. 71

CHAPTER 14 ...................................................................................................................... 74
CHAPTER 15 ...................................................................................................................... 77
MASTER PLAYER SYSTEM 10 ................................................................................................ 77
THE 45-BALL LOTTERY SYNDICATE ENTRY. .................................................................. 77
THE 25-NUMBER SYNDICATE ENTRY. .............................................................................. 78
VARIATIONS ON A THEME .................................................................................................. 79
THE 45 NUMBER SYNDICATE ENTRY ................................................................................ 79
STEP ONE - Insert the 5 numbers being used twice ............................................................. 81
STEP THREE - Insert the numbers 11-20 ................................................................................ 83
STEP FIVE - Insert the numbers 31-40 .................................................................................... 84
FINISHING THE ENTRY ......................................................................................................... 88

CHAPTER 16 ...................................................................................................................... 89

3 –
THE MASTER PLAYER SYSTEM 12, x 10 SETS, GROUP ENTRY ..................................... 89
THE 45 NUMBER SYNDICATE ENTRY ................................................................................. 89
THE FREEHAND 45’s CONCEPT ............................................................................................ 92
BLANK TEMPLATE ................................................................................................................... 94

CHAPTER 17 ...................................................................................................................... 97
MATRIX FOR 10 SETS OF 12 NUMBERS .............................................................................. 99

CHAPTER 18 .................................................................................................................... 100

STRATEGY ................................................................................................................................ 100
MASTER’S LOTTO WHEELING STRATEGY ...................................................................... 101
Pointer Numbers: 01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-10-11 ............................................................. 103
Pointer Numbers: 12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22 ............................................................. 103

CHAPTER 19 ...................................................................................................................... 106

Pointer Numbers: 01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-10-11-12 ........................................................ 109
PLUS! ......................................................................................................................................... 110
Pointer Numbers: 01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-10-11-12 ........................................................ 110

CHAPTER 20 .................................................................................................................... 112

CHAPTER 21 .................................................................................................................... 116
CHAPTER 22 .................................................................................................................... 124
In Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 129

“Winning isn’t everything. It’s the only


- Vince Lombardi

4 –

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Individual results may vary.

5 –

There are huge lotteries that are run in almost every modern and progressive
country. Even most countries that are not as developed as the bigger western
economies typically offer some type of lottery. Lotteries offer the average
person a shot at a dream that most likely they otherwise would not have had
even if they worked hard every day of their lives.

This book is going to teach you how to

play the lotteries in your country with an
increased chance of success. It’s not
about luck when it comes to winning
the lottery; it’s about your strategy,
your consistency in your playing and
the odds. This book will teach you
how to use these in your favor to
greatly increase your chances of

It will also teach you why not to listen to those so called ‘street experts’ that
say you cannot win. There are a lot of millionaires around the world today
because of their country’s lotteries that will tell you just how wrong those
people are. An estimated one of every three people in the world’s most
prosperous country, the USA, believes that hitting the lottery is the only way to
become financially secure. If they feel that way in the America, then imagine

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how they feel in less prosperous countries in the world. And those people
may be absolutely right about it being the only chance they will ever have to
get financially ahead for good.

This book will also teach you how to ignore what the perceived exact odds are and
tell you how to look at things that skew these odds more in your favor. There is
always a right and a wrong way to look at everything in the world and
lotteries are no different in this respect. There are some formulas in here too
which have been used to successfully win the lottery. Use all the information
or just some to give you a better chance of success, it up to you.

So read on to give yourself what we feel is a better shot at winning the lottery
by playing in a way that we feel changes the perceived odds in your favor.
This book will change your attitude from what happens if I win the lottery
to when I win the lottery. It will also help you take a look at playing the
different types of lotteries using common sense; you would be surprised
how obviously simple things that change your odds of winning are often
overlooked when it comes to playing the lottery.

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A Brief History of the Lottery

The first evidence of lotteries being held were the finding of Keno game type
slips from the Han Dynasty in China dating all the way back to somewhere
between 205 and 187 BC; these were even thought to have played a major
role in the financing the Great Wall (many lotteries even today finance
government projects and education). The Romans were responsible for
introducing the first lotteries in Europe.

The first time that lotteries were held with the prizes being in the form of money was
in the 15th century in what is now known as Belgium and the Netherlands.

The largest jackpot ever recorded was 656 million dollars in an American
Mega Millions game and the largest individual jackpot ever won was 590
million dollars in an American Powerball game.

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American Powerball as a Lottery Example

Let’s take a look at American Powerball; the world’s richest lottery:

It is available to be played in 44 of the 50 States in America.

The winning draw starts by obtaining 5 numbers out of a possible 59

numbered balls. After that there is another 35 balls to draw from which the
number drawn then becomes the Powerball; hence the name of the lottery.
You must have the Powerball to win the grand prize or any of the (+) prizes
which add money to their set value depending on how many winners there

A lot of people simply don’t play this lottery because the odds are so great
they feel it is a waste of money, even though the jackpot can be in the
hundreds of millions of dollars. They actually could not be more wrong. There
is a greater than 1 in 32 chance that you will at least win some money back
on a $2 lottery ticket. That is not too bad considering that most of us can
easily afford $2 or $4 once or twice a week to play the lottery.

Here are the actual odds of winning the possible prizes:

Grand Prize 1 in 175,223,510.00 $1,000,000 1 in 5,153,632.65

$10,000 1 in 648,975.96 $100 + 1 in 19,087.53

$100 1 in 12,244.83 $7+ 1 in 360.14

9 –
$7 1 in 706.43 $4+ 1 in 110.81

$4 1 in 55.41

The exact overall odds of winning a prize are 1 in 31.85.

So if you play the lottery 32 times then most likely you will at least win some
money back.

Why is this important to know?

This has one of the lowest odds of winning of any lottery in the world, which
is why we chose it as an example. If we can show how to help you lower the
odds on this lottery, then we can show you how to give yourself a better chance to
win any lottery in the world.

Don’t listen to the doubters that say it is impossible to win any lottery so
don’t play. There are over 1,200 new millionaires as a direct result of the
Powerball lottery alone. On the November 29, 2014 drawing, there was over
8 million dollars in non-jackpot prizes awarded to some 395,733 players. So
try telling these people they should not have wasted their money; especially
the millionaires who have seen their very lifestyles change overnight.

10 –

Overlooking the Obvious – Instantly Improve

Your Odds of Winning

We told you that improving your odds of winning can be done easily, and it
can. It is not always about playing number schemes or doing something else to
change the odds. Here are a few ways to increase your odds of winning very
simply. It does not take a rocket scientist to see how these things work.

 Adjust Your Budget

This is the simplest and easiest way to improve your chances of winning the
lottery. Make adjustments to your budget that allow you to play more tickets which
in turn instantly increases your odds of winning.

Your odds of winning the American Powerball Lottery when purchasing a

single ticket are approximately 185,000,000 to 1. If you by a second ticket you
increase your chances of winning to 92,500,000 to 1. So as you can see the
more tickets you buy, the more chances you have to win because your odds
just simply improve.

So if you are serious about winning the lottery, then adjust your budget so
you can purchase more plays each time the lottery is held. Cut out some things
that may be frivolous in your budget and put them toward additional tickets.
Cutting out of your expenses such things as soda and chips will not only

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help you be able to buy more lottery tickets, but it will help you win the
health lottery as well.

 Form Lottery Pools

A lot of the biggest lotteries in history were not won by individuals, but were
won by groups of people who pooled their money together to increase their chances
of winning. Sure you will cut down on the amount each person can win of
the total, but would you rather split a 200,000 million dollar jackpot with 20
people or have nothing at all. That is a pretty easy question to answer.

So look to form a ticket buying group with family, friends, or trusted

coworkers to greatly increase your chances of winning the lottery. It is a good
idea to have some kind of agreement between the parties written down; money has
been known to make more than one person get greedy and selfish and not
want to share it when they are the one in possession of a winning ticket.

 Play Less Often and Let the Jackpots Build

After a jackpot has just been hit you

may not want to play the lottery right
away again if your budget for the
lottery is say $40 a month. Instead of
playing $10 a week on each lottery
draw, let the prize money build over a few
weeks then play $40 worth of tickets all at
once to go after the bigger jackpot. Your

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odds of winning are theoretically the same despite the size of the jackpot so
it pays to go after the bigger ones instead of just playing them all.

 Play Scratch Tickets or Daily Lottery Number Draws

Daily number games and scratch tickets have better odds of winning than
the other type of lotteries such as Powerball; the drawback here is that although
the odds of winning this type of lottery are much better, they typically pay drastically
lower amounts. Most of us would not be upset at hitting a $7000 dollar daily
number draw or scratching off a $100,000 lottery instant winner. So
sometimes the wise choice is to go after the smaller jackpots that have the
better chance of paying off. Again you don’t have to be a rocket science to
see the logic in this method.

Here are some revealing

statistics from the South
Carolina Educational
Lottery when comparing
jackpot winners of
scratch tickets versus
jackpot winners of the
regular draw lotteries. From 2009 thru 2013 there have been 170 jackpot
winners in lotteries in South Carolina. Of those winners, 127 of them where
the direct result of winners from so called scratch-off tickets. So yes the payoffs
are smaller, but in this case a person who played a scratch ticket in South

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Carolina had a 75% better chance of winning a jackpot than did a person
who played a typical draw lottery.

So if you choose to use any one of the methods in this chapter you will
instantly improve your odds of winning the lottery dramatically with one
simple step. And you did not think it was possible to improve your odds of
winning. The best thing is we are just getting started.

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By The Numbers

There are certain trends that develop over time with lotteries and certain
things that are just inherent in the odds when it comes to what numbers are
drawn. Experts will tell you that the odds of a number being drawn are the
same for each individual lottery game regardless of past draws; we will tell
you why that is true, but statistically speaking is also very wrong.

 Charting the Numbers

Some people like to chart the lottery numbers

statistically. They like to see if they can find some
patterns that form in the lotteries they play. This,
although it might be considered highly unreliable, does
reveal some interesting trends that occur. Here are
some statistics on the UK 45 ball lottery that were
charted over a few years’ time. They are pretty interesting to say the least.

Do the same numbers repeat themselves often? The answer here is a very
emphatic no if you are going by the percentages, but it does happen. Here
are some number facts that were charted over a hundred or so draws for
various lotteries.

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In Powerball the numbers most often drawn during the game were 2,20,29
and 33, but it is important to note that these were not randomly drawn a significant
amount of times more than any other numbers, so in Powerball you would not
want to employ choosing them in your strategy.

In Mega Millions the numbers most often drawn statistically during a

number of charted games were 2,36 and 48, but it is important to again note
that these were not randomly drawn a significant amount of times more than
any other numbers, so in Mega Millions you would not want to employ
choosing them in your strategy either.

Unless that is you want to use the number 2 because it was statistically shown to be
drawn more in both games.

Could there be a ghost in the machine or a mechanical anomaly that makes

one number chosen significantly more often than others in the lottery you
play? There is a chance for sure and charting the numbers over a period of
draws would reveal this to you, but this would take a lot of effort on your
part. Then again how much is a lot of effort when it comes to winning
millions of dollars?

In some countries with lesser advanced technologies used in their draws,

there certainly could be some glitches that result in a number being chosen more
often than another. Maybe one of the balls is lighter and tends to get sucked
up the chute easier during the draw. You never know; so charting the
numbers could reveal such things if you are inclined to take the time and
effort to do it.

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 Playing Your Lucky Numbers

Is it ok to play your lucky numbers? Yes, but probably not for the reasons you
think. Luck does not have as much to do with this as statistics. We have
already told you that the numbers come up randomly on an almost equal
basis. So what you are doing when you play your lucky numbers is making
your plays consistent and consistency means that your numbers will
eventually come up; you just don’t know whether they will all come up at the same
time or not. So go ahead and play them if you feel better about that and totally
disregard the next statistic we are about to give you (or not).

 Machine Quick Picks versus Player Picks

Ok, we told you that statistics wise the chances of your lucky numbers being
drawn were just as good as any other number being drawn and that is true,
but there is a catch. Statistics also show that
there is a much larger number of games
that are won by people who use quick
picks to select their numbers as opposed
to people who chose their own numbers.
The actual figure is in the 60% - 70% range
of winners so it is something you may
definitely want to consider before taking a lot of time to carefully figure out
what picks you want to make on your own.

Don’t play consecutive numbers such as 5,6,7,8,9,10 in large lotteries. Even

though it can happen that six numbers can come up in a row in a lottery

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draw, there is no known evidence that this has ever happened. That alone
tells me that if you want to increase your odds of winning, then avoid these
types of plays with sequential numbers. You not only have to be lucky when
playing the lottery, you have to be smart about it too.

A lot of times when you consider how you will play your numbers it is up
to you to decide if you will go by statistics or go with the feeling that you will be

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If You Can’t Improve

The Chances of Winning the Jackpot,

Improve the Chances

You Don’t Share It with Anyone Else

If you can’t improve the chances of winning the jackpot, then improve the
chances you don’t share it with anyone else. How is this possible you ask? By
picking the numbers that are less popular than others. Below is a sample of
a 49 ball draw lottery game where the numbers picked by players were
actually charted over a years’ worth of games. They are definitely some
patterns that you can distinguish here that show that some numbers are just
more popular than others when people pick specific numbers themselves.

This chart clearly shows a lot of patterns of numbers that people tend to use
when picking the numbers themselves as opposed to when a machine does
the picking.

Let’s examine some of the patterns here that you want to avoid if you don’t
want to share your jackpot win with a lot of other people.

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 Birth date Picks

You can clearly see here that the numbers 1 – 31 are chosen a lot more often
than the numbers 32 – 49, this is what is known as the birthday effect. The
numbers 1 – 31 are all found on the calendar and the rest of the numbers are
not. People love to choose the numbers of significant dates in their lives
when picking lottery numbers; it goes along the lines of having lucky
numbers. So stay away from these numbers if you don’t want to split the jackpot in
several ways.

You can also see here that certain numbers such as ‘7’, which is considered a
lucky number by many, have a tendency to be played a lot more often than
other numbers. Double numbers such as 11, 22, 33 and 44 also tend to be
more popular than the other numbers around them if you look at the chart
closely. So consider these things when picking numbers yourself.

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 The Bingo Effect

When you are playing the game of Bingo it is a lot more important to have
numbers in the center of the board than on the edges; apparently the people who
play lotteries have some of this notion in their blood too. It is a known fact
that people who play large lotteries tend to play numbers that are in the
middle of the board on the lottery number picking sheet. They also tend not to
pick numbers in the same columns too. Because of this, many tickets are then
placed that have a large number of picks concentrated in the center of the
number picking sheet but in different columns. This is just another thing to
be aware of when picking your numbers and trying to avoid sharing

So even though your chances of winning the lottery are very small; if you
are going to win, then why not WIN BIG?!

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Number Picking Strategies

Here are some strategies for dramatically improving your luck when picking

The argument is
frequently raised that
when it comes to lotteries
there is no way you can
forecast anything
because of the endless
amount of possibilities.
Well this is true, but only to
a certain point as we have discussed before.

Our argument is that while anything certainly is possible some things are
more probable than others if you chart statistics and results over a long
period of time. That is definitely the type of information we have used to
come up with the following types of number picking strategies to increase
your chances of winning the big lottery as you have always dreamed of.

So take a close look at some of these points we are about to make. Keep them
in mind when it comes time to making those all-important lottery picks that
will get you that small fortune that will change your life.

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Here is an example of what we are talking about. Remember we just told you
that it was extremely improbable for six consecutive numbers to be drawn in a single
lottery game. No large game worldwide has ever drawn six consecutive
numbers; and thousands of these games have been played over the years. So
why would you play six consecutive numbers then? The answer is you
shouldn’t. We are trying to teach you ways here to increase your chances of
winning the lottery, not to teach you how to lessen those chances. So quite
simply, do not play six numbers consecutively at any time.

If you look at the statistics on the number results of games played you will
also find that four and five consecutive number draws are almost
nonexistent also, so it’s best to stay away from them to increase your chances
of winning. You wouldn’t bet on snake eyes very often in a Krap game even
though it can happen, so use similar thinking here when you make your
picks to keep what is known and most likely to happen in play.

This is why an entry that is said to be “balanced” in terms of short-term

trends and plays as many numbers as possible in a highly organized manner
is the most logical way to play.

So how do we achieve balance in our sets?

1. Keep the Odds and Evens balanced. In theory, roughly one-third (33.30%)
of the 13,983,816 possible combinations in a 49-ball Lotto are 3even-3odd (if
you wrote out all 13,983,816 possible combinations, 4,655,200 (33.30%)
would be 3even-3odd). In practice, over 300 draws to June 2010, the
following results emerged:

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 UK 49-ball Lottery – 32.0%
 Florida 49-ball Lottery – 33.7%
 Canadian 49-ball Lottery – 35.3%

Taking games that ended 3-3, 2-4 or 4-2 covered between 77.0% and 80.7 for
the three Lotteries above. As you can see, putting 9 odd numbers or 9 even
numbers in your 10 would be a disaster. All odd or all even get drawn less than
twice in every 100 draws (on average).

Keep around 50% of the numbers in each set even and 50% odd. If you play
10 numbers that include 5 odd numbers and 5 even numbers - then no game
can be all even numbers and no game can be all odd numbers. You maximize
the 3-odd/3-even and 2-4 / 4-2 games; which is the smartest way to play,
because it imitates what happens in the real world.

2. Keep the Highs and Lows balanced. Again, in theory, one-third (33.30%)
of the 13,983,816 possible combinations in a 49-ball Lotto are 3high-3low. In
practice, over 300 draws to June 2010, the following results emerged:

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 UK 49-ball Lottery – 33.0%
 Florida 49-ball Lottery – 36.0%
 Canadian 49-ball Lottery – 32.0%

The variation in the total games that ended 3-3, 2-4 or 4-2 was between 78.7%
and 80.7% for the three Lotteries above. Whether we are talking Odds and
Evens or Highs and Lows, clearly around 80% of the winners are either 3-3,
2-4 or 4-2. Keep around 50% of the numbers in each set high and 50% low.

You can take this concept further if you wish. For a 49-ball game, keep
roughly 1/3 of the numbers in the 1-16, 17-32, 33-49 segments.

3. Consecutive Numbers. In theory, a 49-ball Lottery will have slightly over

50% of the combinations with no consecutive numbers and almost 39% have
only two consecutive numbers.

Of the 13,983,816 combinations, 12,489,092 are either no consecutive

numbers or only two consecutive numbers.

In practice, over 300 draws to June 2010, the following results emerged:

 UK 49-ball Lottery – 54.0% No Consecutives

38.7% 2 Consecutives

 Florida 49-ball Lottery – 52.0% No Consecutives

40.0% 2 Consecutives

 Canadian 49-ball Lottery – 47.3% No Consecutives

25 –
44.3% 2 Consecutives to keep balance in your games limit how many
consecutive numbers you have.

4. Repeats from the previous Draw. If you are playing the same numbers every
week, there is not much that you can do about this. If you are playing one-
off entries (ex: a SuperDraw or a large Jackpot) it is a factor to be taken into
account. The following results can be obtained from our chosen 49-ball

 UK 49-ball Lottery – 46.7% No Repeats

37.7% 1 Repeat

 Florida 49-ball Lottery – 46.7% No Repeats

39.3% 1 Repeat

 Canadian 49-ball Lottery – 43.0% No Repeats

32.0% 1 Repeat

No repeats, one repeat and two repeats account for over 95% of the 300
draws in all three of the above Lotteries.

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Long-Term and Short-Term Considerations

By now you may have recognized that:

o Some trends are Short-Term, ex: How many weeks between Draws
that have, for example, no consecutive numbers and
o Some trends are more Long-Term, ex: The frequency of individual

It is a little like playing a roulette wheel. Backing Odd or Even gets you very
low odds because both come out so often. Back individual numbers and you
get the longest odds, because they come out far less frequently (compared to
Odd or Even). In Lotto, players tend to follow numbers.

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Chart the Numbers

If you are going to chart numbers when you play the lottery it is important to
decide which strategy you will play in terms of the results you come up with. There
are two ways you can go about this:

1) You can play numbers that have not hit in while because the percentages
and odds say they will come up


2) You can use a strategy that employs playing numbers which seem to
come out more frequently in a particular lottery for some unknown

You may even want to play a

combination of both of these approaches
if you have the time to chart them and the
money necessary to make several plays
on each lottery game draw.

 Numbers that have not hit in a while

In other parts of this book we will tell you that it has been proven through
the use of data and frequency formulas (I can’t even begin to explain these) that
it has been determined that numbers that have been drawn with a lower

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frequency often get drawn in the next game and the results are significant.
At the same time there was no correlation found between numbers that were drawn
often and regularly drawn numbers in the next draw. So there is definitely
something to the theory of playing numbers that have not been drawn in a

Charting numbers can be done by simply getting a piece of graph paper from
your local office supply store. Once you have the graph paper, you then
write the numbers of how many balls the lottery game you are interested in
playing has across the top or bottom of the paper. Down one of the sides you
then write down the dates of the previous draws. You should probably look
online to get the information of which balls were drawn over the last 50 – 100 games
to get a good statistical sample size.

Once you have gotten this information then take a close look at it. Write
down the numbers of the 10 balls that have been drawn the least and play
several different number combinations of these. Play as many as your budget

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will allow to cover as many possibilities as you can. If the low frequency theory
holds true then you just might nab yourself a big winner.

 Frequently Drawn Numbers

You can also use this very same system to figure out which numbers are
drawn the most often if that type of strategy appeals to you. Just pick out the
10 numbers that are drawn the most often this time and again play as many possible
combinations of these as fits into your budget.

You can also be creative and play some of each on your individual tickets,
play tickets that use each theory individually or get really creative and come
up with your own mix and match strategy.

If you win will it be luck? Maybe; but I can guarantee you will try this strategy
again if you do win or come close, luck or no luck.

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Are There Patterns to Lotteries?

Are there patterns to be found that can help you to win the lottery, some
mathematicians would say yes to this and are constantly trying to come up
with ways to prove this. It would be quite the golden ticket if a mathematician or
statistician had figured out a formula for success. Short of inventing a time
machine to go forward in time and then come back with the winning
numbers, it would be the next way to have big success and make a fortune.

Some would argue that these patterns had already been found, but they are
being kept secret by those who are making money with this knowledge.

There is a seven time winner in Florida on scratch ticket jackpots and he has
not kept this a secret. He claims his
method is just simple reinvestment, but
many people feel he has figured out a
pattern that no one else has been able to
replicate. Whatever he is doing it has
grossed him over $300,000 in

There was a Canadian geological

statistician who claimed he had
found some non-random patterns in the winning jackpots in that country.

31 –
The man was not involved in any winning jackpots, but he nonetheless gave
his findings to some Canadian lottery officials to take a closer look at. He
must have been convincing because a short few days later that particular
scratch game was pulled from stores all across Canada.

There was also a report that a statistician in Texas had figured out something
about that states lottery system. It was said, but never proved, that this woman
had her hands in on not one, but 4 multi-million dollar jackpots. She all but
confessed in a report later on, as if bragging, that she knew something that
nobody else did. Enough people were convinced she had figured out
something that the state subsequently changed the system for lottery draws.

Officials of the American Powerball lottery suspected foul play after a

drawing that was held on March 30, 2005. Over 100 people came forward to
claim the second place prize. Each of these players had picked 5 numbers
correctly, but missed the Powerball. This resulted in an unprecedented 19
million dollar payout in second place prize money. A record 89 tickets were paid
the $100,000 second place prize, but an additional 21 tickets had selected the
Powerball multiplier option which gave them $500,000 each.

Fraud was initially suspected by the Powerball officials, but it just so

happens that after an investigation it turned out that every winner had
played their numbers because they ate at Chinese restaurants. Each winner
had received their numbers from a fortune cookie that were all made by the same
manufacturer. The same number combinations were printed on thousands of
the same fortunes and these people chose to play those numbers that day. So

32 –
the next time you eat at a Chinese restaurant don’t be so quick to dismiss
those silly little fortunes found in the cookies they give you before you leave.

So there certainly has been some evidence that people have been able to
figure out some lottery patterns and win, but the last example shows you
that sometimes it’s just coincidence. If you have the time and you are smart
enough, then maybe you will be the next person to figure out a pattern than wins.

33 –

The Best 5 Known Secrets Held by Lotto Companies

The Lottery Companies themselves are unanimous in the best advice for
playing the Lottery successfully - play System Entries and play a Group
Entry (Syndicate or Lotto Club). We will take it a bit further. Our advice:

1. Play either:


 A COMBINATION OF BOTH (we will explain later)

2. Play a group entry in a syndicate/lottery club

The only way most of us can afford to play Systems or larger MASTER
PLAYERS -Guarantee Systems. It doesn’t have to be expensive, as you will
see further in our book. A Syndicate/Lottery Club is any number of people
from 2 upwards. We favor 4-10 people – that way individual shares are
worth having. For a large Jackpot or Superdraw, up to 20 people can be worthwhile.

3. Play as many numbers as possible – preferably all of them

Is there a simpler way to guarantee getting ALL THE WINNING NUMBERS?

If you play multiple MASTER PLAYERS Guarantee System entries

(preferably in a small Syndicate), then –

34 –
Just FIVE separate MASTER PLAYERS - Guarantee System 10’s = 50
numbers. Over your 5 x MASTER PLAYERS - Guarantee System 10’s you
MUST have ALL the Winning Numbers*.

Just FOUR separate MASTER PLAYERS - Guarantee System 12’s = 48

numbers. Spread over your 4 x MASTER PLAYERS Guarantee System 12’s
you MUST have ALL the Winning Numbers*.

Your success depends on how many winning numbers fall into one
individual set of 10 or 12 numbers.

*Assuming, of course, you have played all the numbers in your Lottery and it does
not have more than 48 numbers in total!

We call this strategy the

"Master players guaranteed winning numbers strategy"

35 –
We will go into it in more detail in subsequent chapters.

This strategy can be applied also to Full System Entries. Five Full System 9's
= 45 numbers; Five Full System 8's = 40 numbers. If you are playing a 45 or
40 ball Lottery, these are smart plays. The problem is that after 9 numbers,
multiple systems become very expensive. This is where Modified-guarantee
systems come into play.

The most basic problem is trapping all six numbers regularly. Until you do
that - it doesn't matter what System you play.

4. Be in it for the long term

A System entry is NOT a magic bullet. Many Syndicates play large System
entries, especially for large Jackpots. If it was easy, they would win every
week. They don’t.

MASTER PLAYERS Guarantee System in this book will greatly increase

your chances of winning, especially if you play multiple systems in a group
entry. It could happen the first week, but this is highly unlikely.

What you can expect is:

 A steady flow of minor dividends that will help to pay for your entry
 A much better chance of a major dividend through using the "Play
Smart" Strategies.

36 –
5. Do not try to buy a dividend

Let us repeat - Do not try to buy a Dividend. It does not work. The only System
that guarantees a first Dividend is playing ALL the combinations. In
Australia's 45-ball Oz Lotto, for example, this takes over 8 Million Games
and costs over $8 Million to enter. Just to win $1 Million? Not a smart bet.
Respect the Lottery organizers - they know what they are doing. Even if the
draw has jackpotted to $10 Million - two winners and you're in big trouble!

We have already advised “Be in it for the long term.” Your weekly investment
needs to be an amount you can afford to lose. Most weeks, that’s just what
will happen. If you desperately bet a week’s wages trying to “buy” the big
one, all you will buy is misery. Don’t do it.

When you have MASTER PLAYERS - Guarantee System that you can
comfortably afford, preferably playing all the numbers in a Group Entry,
Lotto is a lot of fun. Keep it that way. It could bring you the big one, and should
bring you regular small ones.

37 –
Modified Master Players System 8

Follow our Step-by-Step instructions. This directions can be slightly

confusing at first so read them a few times to make sure that you are doing
it the right way.

Two alternatives are possible:

♦ Manual Conversion


♦ Using "Search & Replace" in any word processor

Let's deal with converting by hand first. This will give you a better
understanding of the process, but "Search & Replace" is easier especially for
larger Systems. To make it simple to follow, a 5-from-6 System 8 is used for
illustration. This requires just four games to give a minimum 5-from-6
Guarantee. The full System 8 requires twenty-eight games to give a full 6-
from-6 Guarantee.

The procedure is exactly the same for any size System.

Note the numbers 1) to 8) in the boxes, representing your chosen 8 numbers.

38 –
These represent the four games you will play. Each number 1) to 8) is
matched with the numbers 1) to 8) in your chosen numbers. This creates the
4 sets of six numbers required.

The procedure is illustrated, step-by-step, on the next few pages.

Modified Master Players System 8 STEP 1



39 –
The 4 Combinations are:

1) 1= 6 2 3 4 5 6
2) 1= 6 2 3 4 7 8
3) 1= 6 2 5 6 7 8
4) 3 4 5 6 7 8

5) Modified Master Players System 8 STEP 2



The 4 Combinations are:

1) 6 2 = 8 3 4 5 6
2) 6 2 = 8 3 4 7 8
3) 6 2 = 8 5 6 7 8
4) 3 4 5 6 7 8

Modified Master Players System 8 STEP 3



40 –
The 4 Combinations are:

1) 6 8 3 = 13 4 5 6
2) 6 8 3 = 13 4 7 8
3) 6 8 5 6 7 8
4) 3 = 13 4 5 6 7 8

Modified Master Players System 8 STEP 4



The 4 Combinations are:

1) 6 8 13 4 = 21 5 6
2) 6 8 13 4 = 21 7 8
3) 6 8 5 6 7 8
4) 4 = 21 5 6 7 8

41 –
Modified Master Players System 8 STEP 5



The above numbers are an example only – please use your own numbers!

Search & Replace Method

Now let's deal with "Search & Replace" Conversion. This is the easier way,
especially with larger systems, provided you follow the rules carefully. We
will use a MASTER PLAYERS 5 from 5 System this time.

MASTER PLAYERS 5 from 5 System

Games: 12

42 –
Numbers: 8

43 –
Step 1


As long as you preserve your original book, you can always start over again
if you make a mistake.

Step 2

Next enter your eight numbers FROM HIGHEST TO LOWEST in the boxes
below 8 to 1. It is important they are in reverse order.

Step 3

Select (highlight) all the games (between the two lines =====)

Step 4 In MS Word, select Edit/Replace. Click "More" and TICK "FIND

WHOLE WORDS ONLY." It is important you tick this box.

Step 5

In the "Find What" box, enter 8. In the "Replace With" box, enter

44 –
45. Select "Replace All." When asked, "Do you want to search the rest of the
document, answer "NO."

Step 6

Now change the "Search and Replace" to the next two numbers - in our
example, 7 and 44. Select "Replace All." When asked, "Do you want to search
the rest of the document, answer "NO."

Step 7

Continue doing this until you have searched and replaced all the numbers.

Step 8

Do this example as an exercise. The finished result should be as follows

45 –

If you follow the instructions exactly, this is a simple exercise.

If you don't, you will probably get in mess. For example, if you do not work in
reverse order - You could change your first number to 5; guess what happens
when you get to the 5th number? Also, if you use 43 as one of your numbers
- it includes 4 and 3 - if you don't tick "Find whole numbers only" it will

46 –
change 3, 4, and 43. Please follow the instructions carefully and you will find this
is a very easy exercise.


The ORDER of your numbers creates different

Systems. You can create many different Systems -
all with the guaranteed result - simply by changing
the order of the numbers. If you think the numbers
could be better, try again using a different order for
your 10 numbers. You can create several systems if you wish and choose to
play the one that appeal to you most. I do this personally, as do most lotto
experts. Instructions for Manual Conversion of Your Numbers appear below
- To personalize your numbers manually is simply a matter of substitution.

Mark your 8 numbers in the Template, in any order. For your 1st number,
you have chosen 48. Put a “48” everywhere “1” appears in the 48 individual
games Template.

For your 2nd number, you have chosen 35. Put a “35” everywhere “2”
appears in the 48 individual games. Continue this until you have substituted
all 8 of your numbers for the numbers 1-8 appearing in the Template.

47 –
48 –
Tips and Strategies from Master Players

2.1 Masters’ Secret System

Most Pick 3 Systems and Strategies offered online and offline base their
systems on some sort of combinations of wheels, hot/cold numbers, overdue
numbers, number frequencies, odd/even, high/low numbers, from a period
of 7 to 90 days.

You have to enter the following information yourself by hand or in the

computer program:


Most of the Pick 3 Systems that are selling on the Internet have some or all
of the above categories as part of their System. The computerized systems
are attractive because they suggest less work. You put in all your
information… the computer sorts it out and filters the categories you have
entered… and gives you the results.

49 –
The results may vary in size from 10 to 220 numbers to play. YOU MUST

Other systems leave all the work for you to do, even if it is just entering all
the sorted information you have spent time researching into their computer
system that produces a list of 60 to 220 playable numbers.

Once you get that list of numbers even if the computer does all the work for
you, then you are expected to pull out your “magic wand” and pick the one
“Winning Number” that should come in within a week’s time, or even
worse, the very next draw.

This is time consuming and won’t help you to win the BIG POT…

50 –
We Present Our New and Improved Masters’ System

Here is a recent example from the May 2011 California – CA Daily 3 Midday
Lottery. The first set of the computerized generated playable Pick 3 Numbers
uses the last 50 draws from April 2, 2011 to May 21, 2011, inclusive…

The determined top three (3) hot digits from these draws are 0, 2, 5.

The top three (3) cold digits are 4, 1, 9.

The top three (3) overdue digits are 7, 6, 4.

The first thing you notice is that eight (8) of the ten (10) digits are used, “3” & “8”
are missing.

The computer creates sets of new Pick 3 numbers using combinations of

digits from each of the three categories, “hot” digits (numbers), “cold” digits
(numbers), and “overdue” digits (numbers)… based on the information
entered into the computer from the 50 previous Pick 3 draws of winning
numbers and some criteria or formula programmed into the computer.

Next, they present you a set of numbers to play. One particular Pick 3 website
offers a set of 10 newly created Pick 3 numbers. The ten new numbers are:
651, 671, 977, 644, 556, 444, 212, 222, 904, 029.

If you don’t like these 10 Pick 3 numbers you can get a different set of ten
(10) numbers to play. The next set of ten (10) Pick 3 numbers are: 425, 541,

51 –
420, 711, 642, 464, 665, 560, 419, 900. Now you have 20 new numbers to

And… that’s not all… there is a third set of numbers: 116, 297, 429, 575, 145,
112, 112, 015, 441, 245.

As a matter of fact, using the same hot, cold & overdue digits, there are 6
more sets of 10 possible Pick 3 numbers you are offered for a TOTAL of 90
Pick 3 numbers to play.

So, you ask yourself WHICH 3 PICK NUMBER DO I PLAY??

DO I USE, and you are still left to pick the numbers yourself, even if it is
1/90. In reality, the System does not give you any numbers to play, but list
of numbers to choose from.

While you are researching all the data from the past 50 drawings of the
California Daily 3 Midday drawing… here are the May 2011 California
Evening 3 Results produced by OUR SECRET SYSTEM.

52 –

In our American culture and every western European country as well as the
rest of the world we count from 1 to 10. Rarely do we refer to it as “Base 10”,
but mathematically that is what it is called.

53 –
Historically, its roots stretch back in time to the Ancient Arabic counting
system as an alternative to the Roman Numerals of I, V, X, L, C, and M. (A
little piece of free information and education.)

In every base “N”, there are “N” digits. For our everyday counting in Base
10, there are ten digits [“N” = 10]: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

In Base 5, there are only five digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. The Base System
translation converts any number higher than 4, namely 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 back
>> to 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Our system is unique because no one used it before, so YOU HAVE THE

ALSO, we offer you Strategies that point you to a group of numbers to play.
We introduce you to a “Base” Number System that represents just eight
numbers to play. This is the first of its kind.

54 –
Translate the drawn Pick 3 number into the base number, learn the
Strategies, Number Trends, and develop your “Keen Eye” to spot the next
potential winning number(s) through the use of a simple tracking system.

SO, let’s take STEP BY STEP

 FIRST, write down the drawn number and translate it into a “Base
Number” in your recording book. For this first step you have to learn
how to translate a drawn number into a base number (see top of the
 SECOND, you have to choose a STRATEGY
 THIRD you need to decide how much to invest, and
 FORTH, play the “Base Number Group” of eight numbers from the
following list, which WE CREATED FOR YOU.

55 –
56 –
57 –
58 –
59 –
60 –
61 –
62 –
The first column is the BASE NUMBER. The following eight numbers are the
drawn numbers. In this chart Pick 3 Triples (red) can only be played
STRAIGHT. All other Pick 3 numbers can be played Straight and/or Box.
For recording purposes, the numbers in columns 2 through 9 represent the
potential winning drawn Pick 3 numbers and translate back into the

BASE NUMBER found in the first column.

For example, if 378 is the winning Pick 3 number, in your 12-column

recording book in the first column you would enter in black or blue ink 378.
In the second column you enter 323 to indicate in red ink which digits were

For example, if you wanted to play the Base Number of 343, then you would
play the following eight numbers: 343, 843, 393, 348, 893, 848, 398 and 898.

63 –
A3 Strategy Makes you a Winner

The A3 Strategy or Add 3 Strategy adds a value of three (+3) to one of the
three digits of the most recently drawn Base Number while retaining the
same ORDER.

With this strategy you convert one Base Pick 3 number by adding a value of “three”
to one of the digits while retaining the same order. For example, 102 become the
new Base Pick 3 numbers of 402, 132, or 100.

Base Number to Base Number formulas are:

 +/s/s
 s/+/s
 s/s/+

S = same digit and (+) = add a value of 3.

The Big Question that everyone asks is “How do I Know What (Base)
Number to Play?”

To answer your question, let’s have a look at the following drawings:

On Sunday, The winning numbers are 125/120. On Monday, winning

number 125/120 indicates the beginning of a “trend” using the A3 Strategy.

64 –
The Base Number 120 (s/+/s) becomes 420.

120 120 620 170 125 670 625 175 675

420 420 920 470 425 970 925 475 975

Now, a “TREND” is identified… the A3 Strategy is the Strategy to PLAY!

Apply the A3 Strategy to 975/420 to discover your playable BASE

numbers….420 >> 220, 400, & 423.

220 220 720 270 225 770 725 275 775

400 400 900 450 405 950 905 455 955

423 423 923 473 428 973 928 478 978

B2 Strategy for Guaranteed Success

The B2 Strategy beams up the “2 Factor”. You are applying the strategies to
the BASE Number only. This “2 Factor” is applied to just one of the three

65 –
digits in the BASE Pick 3 Number. You either increase the Base digit by a
value of two (+2) or you decrease the digit by a value of two (-2).

The remaining two digits remain the same, and the order remains the same.
(NOTE: If there is a “double”, then [+2] or [-2] can be applied to each of the digits)
Here are the different formulas for this B2 Strategy:


Before we give you examples we have to remind you how the math works
for the BASE Numbers … 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.

For the increased (+2) factor here are the

results. The first digit is the actual Base
Number digit you are applying the B2
Strategy to. The digit after the equal sign
(=) is the newly created digit that is part of
the new BASE number you will play >>

 0 + 2 = new 2
 1 + 2 = new 3
 2 + 2 = new 4
 3 + 2 = new 0
 4 + 2 = new 1

66 –
South Carolina‘s Pick 3 shows how this B2 Strategy pays off. On the evening of
March 10 the 809 with the Base number of 304 was drawn. Applying the B2
Strategy (0 [+2]) produces the new BASE number of 324. Two evening draws
later on March 12 the winning number was 824 with its Base number 324 for

New York Numbers Game added to the B2 Strategy Success! In NY Numbers the
July 2011 Midday Lottery provided this winning formula. On July 23, 2011,
the winning number was 446 with its BASE number of 441. Adding [+2] to
the BASE number 441 creates a new Base number of 443. The very next
Midday draw winning number on July 24 was 943/443. For one $2 level
investment, each $16 investment on the Base number group of 443 paid
$1,000. Thank you, Big Apple!

A week before the Maryland Pick 3 players got treated with a one draw
Midday B2 Strategy Win on July 18. With the July 17, 2011 Midday draw of
283/233, the B2 Strategy converted it (233 [+2]) to 230, which was the
Winning Base number from 280/230.

Earlier in the year, in the Ohio Pick 3 in May 2011, the B2 Strategy bundled
up some more hundred dollar bills to be given to faithful followers when the
May 27 Evening Pick 3 Winner 872/322 became the 897/342 , which came
from this formula >> 322 [+2] = 342.

Here are the results for the decreased (-2) factor. The first digit is the actual
Base Number digit you are applying the B2 Strategy to.

67 –
The digit after the equal sign (=) is the newly created digit that is part of the
new BASE number you will play >>>

 0 - 2 = new 3
 1 - 2 = new 4
 2 - 2 = new 0
 3 - 2 = new 1
 4 - 2 = new 2

68 –
Masters’ System Entries

Why is it important to play System Entries?

What benefits do you get?

To understand this, let us look at the maximum wins paid out for different
full System entries. The table below shows how effective – or otherwise – full
systems are at paying out for winning games if you have all six winning
numbers and your Lottery pays out on 3 winning numbers.


System 6-No. 5-No. 4-No.

3-No. Wins

Type Wins Wins Wins

System 7 1 6 0 0

69 –
System 8 1 12 15 0

System 9 1 18 45 20

System 10 1 24 90 80

System 12 1 36 225 400

System 15 1 54 540 1680

System 18 1 72 990 4400

System 20 1 84 1365 7280

* Assuming you have all 6 Winning Numbers, without a bonus number, and that
your Lottery pays out on 3 winning numbers.

Not only does a System 7 pay out for every game you pay for, it does so at a
very high level. Similarly, all the wins for a System 8 are 6-number, 5-number
or 4-number wins. If you think about it, if a System 8 has 6 winning numbers, it
can only have - at most - two losing numbers in any game played. Therefore every
game played must have at least 4 winning numbers.

70 –
Similarly, a System 9 pays out on 100% of the games you pay for in a Lottery
that pays out on 3 balls (Payback percentages table appears below).

System entries – whether Full or Reduced Guarantee – maximize the winnings

possible from any given entry. But how efficient are Full System Entries
anyway? Let’s look first at “Payback %’s.”


By Payback, I mean the number of games that will payout if you have all 6
winning numbers - compared to the total games required for that System
Entry - and expressed as a %.

Numbers Total Winning % of Winning % of

Played Games Games* Winning Games* Winning

Games Games

Results Based on: *Payout on 3 *Payout on 4

Winning No's Winning No's

71 –
7 7 7 100% 7 100%

8 28 28 100% 28 100%

9 84 84 100% 65 76.2%

10 210 195 92.8% 115 54.8%

12 924 662 71.6% 262 28.3%

15 5,005 2275 45.4% 595 11.9%

18 18,564 5463 29.4% 1063 5.7%

20 38,760 8730 22.5% 1,450 3.7%

* Assuming you have all 6 Winning Numbers, without the bonus number.

A System 12 pays out on 71.6% of the games played – but 60% of the winning
games are 3-number wins. If your Lottery payouts start from 4 winning
numbers, only 28.3% of the games you have paid for are winners.

72 –
For a System 15, less than 50% of the games you pay for, end up paying you.
This drops to below 12% for a lottery paying out on 4 or more winning

A system 20 pays out 8,730 times out of 38,760 games in total, or 22.5%.
Looked at another way, 30,030 games you pay for cannot possibly win. It gets real
scary if your Lottery only pays out from 4 winning numbers onward; over
96% of the games you pay for cannot possibly be winners - even when you
have 6 winning numbers among your 20.

Note also that the increases from System 7 to System 20 are all 5-number, 4-
number or 3-number wins. No matter how big your System Entry is – it can
only include one 6-number win.


73 –
System Entry “Winning Number Spread Factor”

Now let’s look at the “Spread Factor.” By this we mean the number of
Systems you can play for a given amount of money - and the number of times
they can be used to cover the full spread of numbers in that Lottery.

‘Cos there’s only ever a maximum of 8 numbers drawn, including bonus

(supplementary) numbers. Seriously, think about it. A System 20 has to
include a MINIMUM of 12 totally useless numbers - 14 in a Lottery that
draws only 6 main numbers and no bonus numbers! Most people think they
could win Lotto if they could afford a System 20. There are lots of high-
rolling Syndicate members that will tell you, ‘taint so. But look at the
alternatives to a normal System 20.

The Table below uses multiple Systems that roughly equate to the 38,760
games in a System 20 and is based on a 45-ball Lottery –

Number of System Maximum Times 45 No's

Total Games
Systems Type Numbers Covered

One System 20 38,760 20 -

Two System 18 37,128 36 Almost 1

Seven System 15 35,035 105 Over 2

Thirteen System 14 39,039 182 FOUR

Forty Two System 12 38,808 504 ELEVEN

74 –
Hundred & System 10 38,220 1,820 FORTY

Eighty Two


Thousand, TWO

Three System 8 37,660 10,760 HUNDRED &


Forty Five

Assuming for a moment you play all 45 numbers evenly, then -

 13 x System 14’s guarantees 32 Winning Numbers overall;

 182 x System 10’s guarantees 320 Winning Numbers overall;
(Based on an Australian Lottery drawing 6 main balls + 2
bonus balls)

Obviously, this Strategy can be adapted to any Lottery.

Champions of the System 20 will tell you "It gives you twice the chance of
getting all six winning numbers, compared to a System 10." This is the truth,
but not the whole truth. To effectively compare a System 20 with a System
10, you have to take account of cost.

The absolute truth is that you have to compare a System 20 (38,760 games) with
over 1801 System 10's (210 games each).

75 –
Assuming 180 System 10's, you mark 1,800 numbers. Dividing 1,800
numbers by 45 you can play all 45 numbers 40 times. With 8 balls drawn in
total (6 main + 2 bonus / supplementary), you end up with 320
GUARANTEED WINNING NUMBERS in your overall entry.

1 184 System 10's if you divide 38,760 games by 210 games. However, if you
divide the cost of a System 20 by the cost of a System 10, it becomes 182
System 10's, due to extra agent’s commission.

76 –
Master Players System for Multiple Sets


Five different Master Player System 10’s will give you 50 numbers to play
with. With 5 different Systems, each requiring 15 games, the total entry is 75
games. At 50 cents a game this would cost $37.50 - a nice small Syndicate entry
covering all the numbers. At $1 a game the cost is $75.

This system can be applied to any Lottery worldwide. The possibilities for
using 50 numbers (or more) are limited only by your imagination. To
illustrate how to use them we will demonstrate two examples, using a 45-
ball Lottery.


With 50 numbers to choose from, you can play every number once and five
of them twice. This means YOU MUST HAVE ALL THE WINNING

For the UK's 49-ball Lottery, you can still play every number, plus one twice.
You can apply "The Master Player System" to ANY Lottery worldwide.

If one set has no winning numbers, you must have all the winning numbers spread
over the remaining four sets - giving you a good chance of enough numbers in

77 –
one set to win a prize of some kind and significantly improving your chances
of First Prize.



This entry is fun to play. You start knowing you have ALL the winning
numbers, which makes for exciting checking.


With this entry, you play only 25 numbers, but each one of them twice. The
downside is that it is possible you may not have a single winning number
anywhere in your entry - although this worst-case scenario is highly unlikely.

The big advantage is the possible spread of winning numbers. If your 25

numbers included all six winning numbers, then you have 12 winning
numbers spread over just 5 Lotto Master Player System 10’s. Dividing 12 by

If you move up to playing six sets of 10 numbers - you can play 30 numbers
twice. The big question is:

"How Many Numbers Do You

Need To Pick To Regularly
Trap ALL SIX Winning

78 –

As we have said, the possibilities are endless. If, for example, you have always
played the same 12 numbers, you might enter these 12 numbers into the 50
three times, leaving you 14 numbers you could enter once. Any combination
that adds up to 50 numbers is fine, but be careful not to enter the same
number twice in one game. The professionally designed Syndicate Entries
marketed by Lotto Masters Players use a Database, giving priority to
numbers that come out more often, but usually including all numbers once.
If, for example, the number 8 had been out 20 times in the last 50 Draws we
might include 8 as many as 5 times.

If the number 23 had been out 15 times we might include this 3 times. If the
number 1 had only been out 5 times in the last 50 Draws we might include
it only once. We look at frequency over 50, 30, 20 and 10 Draws, drawing up
a Matrix, and modifying that by viewing the number of Draws since a
number last came out.

Below is a blank Template. Over the page we look at how you go about preparing the
two Syndicate entries.


Game Played

No. Twice

1 46 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

79 –
2 47 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

3 48 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

4 49 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

5 50 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

Please see over for step-by-step instructions.

80 –

STEP ONE - Insert the 5 numbers being used twice

Game Played

No. Twice

1 46) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2 47) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

3 48) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

81 –
STEP TWO - Insert the numbers 1-10

82 –
STEP THREE - Insert the numbers 11-20

1 46) 3 1) 1 2) 3) 4) 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 20

2 47) 8 10) 11) 12) 13 14 15 16 17 18

2 3 14

3 48) 20 19) 20) 21) 22) 23 24 25 26 27

4 6 15 16

4 49) 28 28) 29) 30) 31) 32 33 34 35 36

5 12 13 17

5 50) 45 37) 38) 39) 40) 41) 42 43 44 45

7 8 9 18 19

STEP FOUR - Insert the numbers 21-30

Game Played

No. Twice

1 46) 3 1) 1 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7 8 9

10 11 20 22 23

83 –
2 47) 8 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16 17 18

2 3 14 21 24

3 48) 20 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25 26 27

4 6 15 16 25 26

4 49) 28 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34 35 36

5 12 13 17 29 30

5 50) 45 37) 38) 39) 40) 41) 42) 43) 44 45

7 8 9 18 19 27 28

STEP FIVE - Insert the numbers 31-40

Game Played

No. Twice

1 46) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

3 1 10 11 20 22 23 33 39 40

2 47) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18

84 –
8 2 3 14 21 24 31 32 36

3 48) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26 27

20 4 6 15 16 25 26 34

4 49) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35 36

28 5 12 13 17 29 30 35

5 50) 37) 38) 39) 40) 41) 42) 43) 44) 45)

45 7 8 9 18 19 27 28 37 38

STEP SIX - Insert the numbers 40-45

Game Played

No. Twice

1 46) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

3 1 10 11 20 22 23 33 39 40

2 47) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18)

85 –
8 2 3 14 21 24 31 32 36 41

3 48) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27)

20 4 6 15 16 25 26 34 44 45

4 49) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36)

28 5 12 13 17 29 30 35 42 43

5 50) 37) 38) 39) 40) 41) 42) 43) 44) 45)

45 7 8 9 18 19 27 28 37 38

Now check that the numbers played twice do not appear TWICE in a single set of
ten numbers.

86 –


1 2 7 8 9 18 28 30 33 36 40

2 7 10 12 15 19 35 39 41 42 43

3 2 3 9 20 23 27 28 36 39 42

4 3 12 15 20 23 30 33 35 38 45

5 8 10 18 19 27 38 40 41 43 45

Note that Game 1 contains 4 numbers in the 1-10 range; game 2 contains 4
numbers in the 10-19 range; Game 3 contains 4 numbers in the 20-29 range:
Game 4 contains 4 numbers in the 30-39 range and Game 5 contains 4
numbers in the 40 - 45 range. This is a personal preference of us - you do not
have to use it. Alternatives are:

 A balanced distribution of numbers

 Featuring your favorite numbers together in one of the games
 Featuring high numbers together in one of the games
 Featuring low numbers together in one of the games
 Featuring odd numbers together in one of the games
 Featuring even numbers together in one of the games
 Any other combination YOU choose!

87 –

No matter how you get your 5 sets of 10 numbers, they now need to be
translated into five different Lotto Master Player System 10’s, each of 15

Enter your 10 chosen numbers and then transcribe them into the 15 games, either
manually or using "search & replace."

This must be done for each one of the five sets of numbers. Finally, copy
these games onto your Lotto coupon - and may the POWER be with you!

88 –
Master Player System 12


Ten different Master Player System 12’s will give you 120 numbers to play
with. With 10 different Systems, each requiring 40 games, the total entry is
400 games. At 50 cents a game this would cost $200 - a nice small Group Entry
covering all the numbers more than once.

To illustrate the basic principle, we will show you how we played the
Australian Lottery. 120 Numbers is very convenient for a 45-ball Lottery - it
divides into 8 different sets of 15 numbers. Our Master Player System
divided the 45 Lotto numbers into the best 15, the worst 15, and the middle
15, in terms of the frequency with which numbers come out. We then played
each set a different number of times. You can also play 30 numbers 4 times
each, or you can have a totally “free” structure. The examples below
illustrate how to use 120 numbers. This system can be applied to any Lottery
worldwide - simply adapt the structure. For example, you could play all the balls
in a 49-ball or 54- ball Lottery twice, with some favorite numbers played a
third time.




89 –
Set of Numbers Times Played Total Numbers


Best 15 No’s 4 60

Middle 15 No’s 3 45

Worst 15 No’s 1 15



Best 15 No’s 3 45

Middle 15 No’s 3 45

Worst 15 No’s 2 30



Best 15 No’s 5 75

Middle 15 No’s 2 30

Worst 15 No’s 1 15


90 –
All the preceding examples guarantee all 8 winning numbers (Australian
Lotto has 6 main numbers plus two bonus numbers) in your overall entry. You
can use any combination that adds up to 120 numbers. Note that example
two guarantees at least 16 Winning Numbers (12 in a Lottery with no bonus
numbers) because all numbers are played at least twice.

With 30 numbers played three times, you could have up to 24 Winning

Numbers (18 in a Lottery with no bonus
numbers). This would give you an average
of 2.4 (or 1.8) Winning Numbers. If 2 of the
10 sets had no Winning Numbers, then
you divide 24 (or 18) by 8 sets, and things
begin to look promising.



The guarantee for each individual Master Player System 12 is a minimum of

5 Winning Numbers together in one game IF you have all 6 Winning
Numbers. The 6th is one of the remaining 7 numbers, so there is a fair chance
of all six.

Okay, it’s not as grand as a full System 12 - but you can play TWENTY THREE
different Master Player System 12’s (at 40 games each, total 920 games) for the
cost of a full System 12 (924 games).

91 –

The 10 x 12 entry is fun to play. You start knowing you have ALL the
winning numbers, which makes for exciting checking.



CAVEAT: We do not guarantee you will make a profit. However, you can expect
regular returns. Whether or not you make a profit depends on the Divisions
you win.


An example of how you can choose individual weighting for numbers

appears below:

Number Weighting Number Weighting

1 1 23 4

2 3 24 3

3 4 25 1

92 –
4 3 26 3

5 1 27 3

6 3 28 4

7 5 29 3

8 4 30 1

9 4 31 3

10 2 32 2

11 1 33 1

12 4 34 2

13 2 35 3

14 3 36 3

15 3 37 2

16 1 38 2

17 3 39 2

18 5 40 3

19 4 41 1

20 2 42 3

21 1 43 3

22 3 44 1

93 –
45 5


Basically, you have complete freedom to decide how many times any individual
number will be played, subject to an overall maximum of 120. A blank template is
provided to record your numbers.


Remember, if you include all numbers at least twice - you guarantee at least
TWELVE Winning Numbers overall!

Number Weighting Number Weighting

1 29

2 30

3 31

4 32

5 33

94 –
Number Weighting Number Weighting

6 34

7 35

8 36

9 37

10 38

11 39

12 40

13 41

14 42

15 43

16 44

17 45

18 46

19 47

20 48

21 49

95 –
22 50

23 51

24 52

25 53

96 –
The 30 Number Syndicate Entry

With this entry, you play only 30 numbers, but each one of them is played
several times. The downside is that it is possible you may not have a single winning
number anywhere in your entry – although this worst-case scenario is unlikely.

The big advantage is the possible spread of winning numbers. If your 30

numbers included all SIX winning numbers, then you have 24* winning
numbers spread over just 10 Master Player System 10’s, ASSUMING you
have put each number in 4 times. This gives you an average of 2.4* winning
numbers in each of the 10 games – but some games will be better than average,
some worse.

*(Assuming a 6-ball Lottery with no supplementary- if your Lottery draws

supplementary, you have even more Guaranteed Winning Numbers).

Can you pick ALL the Winning Numbers in your Lottery regularly if you
pick 30 numbers?

The above assumes your 120 numbers have been input as 30 x 4 times. You
do not have to do this. The possibilities for combinations are endless. If, for
example, you have always played the same 10 numbers, you might enter
these 10 numbers into the 120 six times, leaving you 20 numbers you could
enter three times. Any combination that adds up to 120 numbers is fine, but
be careful not to enter the same number twice in one game.

97 –
As mentioned before, the professionally designed Syndicate Entries
marketed by Master Players use a Database, giving priority to numbers that
come out more often, but usually including all numbers once.

If, for example, the number 8 had been out 20 times in the last 50 Draws we
might include 8 as many as 6 times. If the number 23 had been out 15 times
we might include this 3 times. If the number 1 had only been out 5 times in
the last 50 Draws we might include it only once.

We look at frequency over 50, 30, 20 and 10 Draws, drawing up a Matrix,

and modifying that by viewing the number of Draws since a number last
came out.

Below is a blank Template.

Simply enter all 120 numbers in your preferred combinations, then create the
Master Player System 12’s for each combination. A Blank Template follows
for creating the Master Player System 12’s.

98 –

99 –
Master’s Lotto Wheeling


Have you ever considered starting your own lotto club at work or just want
to play like a club? The main reason of pooling resources is to get greater coverage
and yet most clubs play only a few numbers on a full wheel. It takes 81
combinations to play a Pick-6, 9 number full wheels, and it takes 924 to play
a 12 number full wheel.

Lotto players often tell us they don't like open cover wheels. The thinking
seems to go, ". . . if there is a way to lose it will happen." Even though the odds
of winning are 90% or better if conditions are met, they believe fate will reach
out and snatch away their win for having tempted fate in the first place.

Of course this is nonsense, not that it is impossible to lose, but if you are so
unlucky as to lose (more often than 1 time in 10) when the odds are 90% in
your favor, well you shouldn't be playing the game.

100 –

However, for those of you who are still wary of playing an open cover, we
have made a special wheel just for you!

The Master’s Lotto Wheeling Strategy guarantees a prize worth winning as well!!!

Check this out . . .

If all six of the winning numbers are among the 18 being wheeled there is a
13.19% chance you will have a 5# winning ticket and if you don't, there is an
83.69% chance you will have at least 1, 4# winning ticket and possibly as
many as 5 and if you don't there remains a 100% chance you will have at
least 10 and possibly as many as 16, 3# winning tickets. This is accomplished
in only 34 combinations instead of 42.

Now there are those who would tell you, playing 34 tickets instead of 42 is 6
fewer chances to win the grand prize. This is technically true therefore we
suggest the following. On six additional tickets, mark on each, one of the six
winning numbers from the previous drawing, then randomly pick or Quick
Pick the remaining 5 numbers for each ticket. Odds are about 55% one or
more of those prior numbers will repeat in the next draw.

How to Use This Wheel: Write out the Pointer Numbers 01-18, write your
numbers below in any order you prefer, and then use that as you would a
child's code wheel to replace our numbers with yours in the combinations

Pointer Numbers: 01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09

101 –
Pointer Numbers: 10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18

01) 01-02-03-11-16-18 02) 01-02-05-06-08-12

03) 01-02-08-09-10-15 04) 01-03-04-05-16-17

05) 01-03-07-08-14-18 06) 01-04-06-11-14-18

07) 01-04-07-09-12-13 08) 01-05-10-11-13-15

09) 01-06-09-10-14-16 10) 01-06-12-15-17-18

11) 01-07-11-14-15-17 12) 02-03-07-09-15-16

13) 02-03-10-13-14-17 14) 02-04-05-14-15-18

15) 02-04-06-09-11-17 16) 02-04-10-12-16-18

17) 02-05-07-08-11-13 18) 02-06-07-10-13-18

19) 02-07-12-14-16-17 20) 03-04-05-07-12-15

21) 03-04-08-09-10-11 22) 03-05-06-09-13-18

23) 03-05-08-10-16-18 24) 03-06-07-10-11-12

25) 03-06-13-14-15-16 26) 03-08-09-12-15-17

27) 04-06-07-08-15-16 28) 04-08-10-12-13-14

29) 04-10-13-15-16-17 30) 05-06-08-10-14-17

31) 05-07-09-10-17-18 32) 05-09-11-12-14-16

33) 08-11-13-16-17-18 34) 09-11-12-13-15-18

As a basis of comparison, a 4 if 6 in 22 number wheel would require at least

121 combinations to close the cover at 100% However, this is far more then
an economical way to get 93% of the coverage at half the price for this wheel
has a secret. If you don't get the 5# winning ticket or the 4# winning ticket, then

102 –
you are 100% guaranteed to have at least 10, 3# winning tickets and possibly as
many as 19, if all six winning numbers are among the 22 being wheeled.

How to Use This Wheel: Write your numbers below our Pointer Numbers,
then exchange our pointer numbers for yours in the combinations below,
just as you would use a child's code wheel. This is a balanced wheel so the order
you place your numbers does not matter, though if you want certain
combinations to appear among those being played, you can map the pointer
number positions so you can position your numbers below our pointer
numbers to insure the appearance of certain combinations without affecting
the overall guarantees of the wheel.

Pointer Numbers: 01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-10-11

Pointer Numbers: 12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22

01) 01 02 05 07 08 12 02) 01 02 05 13 15 17

03) 01 02 06 18 19 21 04) 01 02 09 11 16 21

05) 01 03 04 05 16 19 06) 01 03 06 11 13 14

07) 01 03 07 12 17 18 08) 01 03 08 10 21 22

09) 01 03 08 12 16 20 10) 01 04 07 10 14 18

11) 01 04 08 09 13 17 12) 01 04 11 13 20 22

13) 01 04 12 13 15 21 14) 01 05 06 09 10 20

103 –
15) 01 05 09 15 18 22 16) 01 05 11 14 19 22

17) 01 06 07 16 17 22 18) 01 10 15 17 19 20

19) 02 03 04 14 15 19 20) 02 03 05 20 21 22

21) 02 03 06 07 14 16 22) 02 03 08 10 11 13

23) 02 03 09 10 12 17 24) 02 04 06 09 13 22

25) 02 04 06 11 12 17 26) 02 04 07 10 20 21

27) 02 05 08 09 16 19 28) 02 05 09 14 17 18

29) 02 06 10 15 21 22 30) 02 07 11 13 17 19

31) 02 08 11 15 18 20 32) 02 10 16 18 19 22

33) 02 12 13 14 16 20 34) 03 04 05 07 09 11

35) 03 04 13 17 18 21 36) 03 05 06 10 15 18

37) 03 06 08 09 16 18 38) 03 06 17 19 20 22

39) 03 07 09 13 15 20 40) 03 07 12 13 19 22

41) 03 11 14 18 20 21 42) 03 11 15 16 17 22

43) 04 05 08 12 15 22 44) 04 05 14 16 17 20

45) 04 06 07 08 10 19 46) 04 06 10 11 16 20

47) 04 08 11 19 21 22 48) 04 09 12 18 19 20

49) 04 09 14 15 16 18 50) 05 06 08 13 19 20

51) 05 06 10 12 14 22 52) 05 07 13 14 21 22

53) 05 07 15 16 19 21 54) 05 08 10 11 17 21

55) 05 11 12 13 16 18 56) 06 07 08 11 18 22

104 –
57) 06 07 12 18 20 21 58) 06 08 14 15 17 21

59) 06 09 11 12 15 19 60) 07 08 09 14 20 22

61) 07 08 10 13 15 16 62) 07 10 11 12 14 15

63) 08 09 10 12 18 21 64) 08 12 14 17 18 19

65) 09 10 13 14 19 21 66) 09 12 16 17 21 22

67) 10 13 17 18 20 22

Bonus combinations: The inclusion and use of the following additional four
sets of pointer numbers will bring the 3 if 4 = 99.82% guarantee to 100%.

68b) 01 04 07 09 12 15 69b) 05 06 08 14 16 21

70b) 01 02 09 11 17 22 71b) 01 04 05 13 15 18

4 if 6 is 100% guaranteed if you match one winning number from each of the
Six Number Groups. A standard 4 if 6 wheels would require 42 combinations
for 100% coverage.

3 if 5 and 3 if 6 are 100% guaranteed with the addition of the three extra
credit place holder pointer number lines and all the winning numbers are
among those you are wheeling in any position.

105 –
Positional Wheel

Positional Wheel means your numbers link to a position in the combination.

Group One supplies numbers for the first position, group two supplies
numbers for the second position, group six goes to last position, etc.

How to Use This Wheel: Write your numbers below our Pointer Numbers,
then apply them as you would a child's code wheel to exchange your
numbers for mine in the combinations below. This is a Positional Wheel, so
you want to put numbers you believe will appear in the first position in group one,
those you believe will appear in the second position in group two, etc.

Pointer Numbers Group 2: 04-05-06 2nd combination position Pointer Numbers

Group 3: 07-08-09 3rd combination position Pointer Numbers Group 4: 10-11-
12 4th combination position Pointer Numbers Group 5: 13-14-15 5th
combination position Pointer Numbers Group 6: 16-17-18 6th combination

01) 01-04-07-10-13-16 02) 01-04-08-11-14-17

03) 01-04-09-12-15-18 04) 01-05-07-11-15-16

05) 01-05-08-12-13-17 06) 01-05-09-10-14-18

07) 01-06-07-12-14-16 08) 01-06-08-10-15-17

09) 01-06-09-11-13-18 10) 02-04-07-12-15-17

11) 02-04-08-10-13-18 12) 02-04-09-11-14-16

106 –
13) 02-05-07-10-14-17 14) 02-05-08-11-14-17

15) 02-05-08-11-15-18 16) 02-05-09-12-13-16

17) 02-06-07-11-13-17 18) 02-06-08-12-14-18

19) 02-06-09-10-15-16 20) 03-04-07-11-14-18

21) 03-04-08-12-15-16 22) 03-04-09-10-13-17

23) 03-05-07-12-13-18 24) 03-05-08-10-14-16

25) 03-05-09-11-15-17 26) 03-06-07-10-15-18

27) 03-06-08-11-13-16 28) 03-06-09-12-14-17

29) 03-06-09-12-15-18 30) 02-08-09-15-20-23

31) 02-08-10-16-19-24 32) 02-08-11-13-18-21

33) 02-08-12-14-17-22 34) 03-05-09-15-20-22

35) 03-05-10-16-19-21 36) 03-05-11-13-18-24

37) 03-05-12-14-17-23 38) 03-06-09-16-18-24

39) 03-06-10-15-17-23 40) 03-06-11-14-20-22

41) 03-06-12-13-19-21 42) 03-07-09-13-17-23

43) 03-07-10-14-18-24 44) 03-07-11-15-19-21

45) 03-07-11-15-19-23 46) 03-07-12-16-20-22

47) 03-08-09-14-19-21 48) 03-08-10-13-20-22

49) 03-08-11-16-17-23 50) 03-08-12-15-18-24

51) 04-05-09-16-18-23 52) 04-05-10-15-17-24

53) 04-05-11-14-20-21 54) 04-05-12-13-19-22

107 –
55) 04-06-09-15-20-21 56) 04-06-10-16-19-22

57) 04-06-11-13-18-23 58) 04-06-12-14-17-24

59) 04-07-09-14-19-22 60) 04-07-10-13-20-21

61) 04-07-11-16-17-24 62) 04-07-12-15-18-23

63) 04-08-09-13-17-24 64) 04-08-10-14-18-23

65) 04-08-11-15-19-22 66) 04-08-12-16-20-21

67) 04-08-12-16-20-24

Include the following for extra credit:

68) 01-02-03-04-10-15 69) 01-04-21-22-23-24

70) 02-03-17-18-19-20 71) 03-05-06-07-08-12

72) 09-10-11-12-17-19 73) 13-14-15-16-18-20

Sometimes when you are looking for one thing, you find something else. Here we
were making and testing various wheels to try to bring down the cost of
playing for a 5 number win when I found I had 94% coverage of the 42
combination wheel in only 30 tickets and a real extra kicker in additional
coverage to boot!

The following 94% open cover of 5 if 6 in 12 number 30 combinations also

covers . . . 3 if 3 100%, 3 if 4 100%, 3 if 5 100%, 3 if 6 100%, 4 if 4 78%, 4 if 5
100%, 4 if 6 100%. Plus and now get this! If you have all 6 of the winning

108 –
numbers among your 12 on the wheel and you fail to get the 5# winning
ticket (a mere 6% possibility) you will get at least 10, 4# winning tickets

How to Use This Wheel: simply replace our pointer numbers with your best
12 numbers.

Pointer Numbers: 01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-10-11-12

01) 01 02 03 04 10 11 02) 01 02 03 05 08 12

03) 01 02 04 06 07 12 04) 01 02 04 06 08 09

05) 01 02 05 07 09 11 06) 01 02 05 07 10 12

07) 01 02 06 08 10 12 08) 01 03 04 05 06 07

09) 01 03 04 05 08 09 10) 01 03 06 09 11 12

11) 01 03 07 08 09 10 12) 01 04 05 09 10 12

13) 01 04 07 08 11 12 14) 01 05 06 08 10 11

15) 01 06 07 09 10 11 16) 02 03 04 05 08 11

17) 02 03 04 07 09 12 18) 02 03 05 06 09 10

19) 02 03 06 07 08 11 20) 02 04 05 06 11 12

21) 02 04 05 07 08 10 22) 02 04 06 07 09 10

23) 02 08 09 10 11 12 24) 03 04 06 08 09 11

25) 03 04 06 08 10 12 26) 03 05 07 08 11 12

27) 03 05 09 10 11 12 28) 03 06 07 10 11 12

109 –
29) 04 05 07 09 10 11 30) 05 06 07 08 09 12

Let's see now, 30 combinations giving us 94% of the same prize winning
coverage as 42 combinations at 2/3 rd's the cost to play, this is why open covers
are the best kept secret of the lottery.

Fellow lottery enthusiast Nickolas Koutrasis decided to do this wheel one

turn better and created the following 88% 5 if 6 cover in only 24
combinations, which (thanks to a bit of redundancy) we were able to further
reduce to 22 combinations.

The following 88% open cover of 5 if 6 in 12 number 22 combinations also

covers . . . 3 if 3 100%, 3 if 4 100%, 3 if 5 100%, 3 if 6 100%, 4 if 4 67%, 4 if 5
100%, 4 if 6 100%.


If you have all 6 of the winning numbers among your 12 on this wheel and
you fail to get the 5# winning ticket (a 12% possibility) you will get at least
9, 4# winning tickets instead!

Pointer Numbers: 01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-10-11-12

01) 01 02 03 09 11 12 02) 01 02 03 04 06 10

03) 01 02 04 07 08 11 04) 01 02 05 06 08 09

05) 01 02 05 07 10 12 06) 01 03 04 05 08 12

07) 01 03 05 06 07 11 08) 01 03 07 08 09 10

110 –
09) 01 04 05 09 10 11 10) 01 04 06 07 09 12

11) 01 06 08 10 11 12 12) 02 03 04 05 07 09

13) 02 03 05 08 10 11 14) 02 03 06 07 08 12

15) 02 04 05 06 11 12 16) 02 04 08 09 10 12

17) 02 06 07 09 10 11 18) 03 04 06 08 09 11

19) 03 04 07 10 11 12 20) 03 05 06 09 10 12

21) 04 05 06 07 08 10 22) 05 07 08 09 11 12

111 –
Track Winning Lotto Numbers for a Better Chance of Success

There are OVER 8 MILLION combinations of six numbers in any 45

numbers. This probably explains why you are having trouble winning Lotto!

Play a 44-ball Lottery (just one number less) - and the odds drop by over a
million. For the perfectionists amongst you - from 8,145,060 (45 balls) to
7,059,052 (44 balls).By the time you get down to 32 numbers, you have ONE-
IN-A-MILLION CHANCE, with 906,192 combinations of six numbers.

After that the odds start to fall dramatically. With only four numbers less - 28
numbers - your chances are 1-in-376,740.

By the time you get down to 22 numbers there are less than 100,000
combinations of six numbers - 74,613 to be exact. Let’s ponder these facts for
a while – Halving the numbers played (From 45 to 22) causes a reduction (in
combinations of six numbers) from 8,145,060 to 74,613 - or - MODIFIED

Of course there are larger Lotteries. The 49-ball Lottery, in UK, has 13,983,816
different combinations of 6 numbers. The massive 59-ball New York Lottery
has 45,057,474 combinations of 6 numbers. All very interesting you might
say - but what can I do with it? Lots!!!

The first question is, "How Many Numbers Do You Need to Choose to
Regularly Trap ALL Six Winning Numbers?"

If you don't know, it's time you found out! The most basic problem is trapping
all six numbers regularly. Until you can do that - it doesn't matter what
System you play.

112 –
Start by choosing two-thirds of the total numbers in your Lottery. For
example, if you play UK's 49-ball Lottery, choose 32 numbers. Monitor the
results for 10 weeks. What do you get? All six Winning Numbers every
week? Five most weeks? Four most weeks?

For a 45-ball Lottery, choose 30 numbers and monitor those, and so on. Once
you have some results from your ten week trial - experiment. Choose 75%,
80% or even 90% and see what results you get from that. Keep experimenting
until you get results you are happy with.

The results will probably surprise you. Even with several sophisticated
Lottery programs, I could not trap all six Winning Numbers every week, for
a 45-ball Lottery, in 30 numbers. At 32 numbers chosen, the results were not
too bad; at 36 numbers chosen I was getting good results.

While dropping the numbers from 45 to 36 may seem uninspiring, consider

this: If I trap all six numbers amongst 36, the odds of those 6 numbers lining
up are 1-in-1,947,792 - over four times better than for 45 numbers.

If I could trap all six numbers amongst 30, the odds

of those 6 numbers lining up are 1-in-593,775 - over
THIRTEEN times better than for 45 numbers. Your
Syndicate / Lottery Club needs to make a judgment
call here. Is it better to:

♦ Trap all six numbers amongst 30, with the odds of those 6 numbers lining
up at 1-in-593,775, 2-3 weeks in 10,


♦ Trap all six numbers amongst 36, with the odds of those 6 numbers lining
up at 1-in-1,947,792, 7-8 weeks in 10?

113 –
Regardless of which Lottery you play worldwide – ESTABLISH HOW

After that, the trick is to find a way you can afford to play your pool of
numbers. The techniques illustrated in this book are the answer. For example:

If you have 30 numbers - play each one twice in either 6 different

MASTER PLAYERS - Guarantee System 10’s or 5 different MASTER

PLAYERS - Guarantee System 12’s , or

If you have 36 numbers, use 3 MASTER PLAYERS - Guarantee System 12’s

- or 4 MASTER PLAYERS - Guarantee System 10’s

If you have 40 numbers - play 4 different MASTER PLAYERS - Guarantee

System 10’s, etc.

Whatever the size of your total Lottery numbers and your "pool" of chosen
numbers, there are systems and strategies in this book to suit your needs.

The next choice is the level of guarantee - versus - the cost. Will you play
Systems with:

• All 5-number combinations guaranteed (good guarantee, but more expensive);

• All 4-number combinations guaranteed (reasonable guarantee, but less


• Any 5-numbers guaranteed together from 6 Winning numbers (good value-

for-money, but not the tightest guarantee);

MASTER PLAYERS GUARANTEE SYSTEM gives you greater choice and

flexibility – but there will always be a trade-off between the tightness of the
guarantee and the cost involved.

114 –
Getting 50% of the Winning Numbers – GUARANTEED!!!

For any Lottery world-wide, we can construct for you an inexpensive plan that:

♦ uses a mathematically precise arrangement of ALL the numbers in your

Lottery to absolutely guarantee 3 OR MORE Winning Numbers will be
together every week you play;

♦ therefore leaving only 3 Winning Numbers to Luck; Using Science to get

50% of the Winning Numbers is a lot smarter than leaving all 6 Winning
Numbers to Luck.

Examples for specific Lotteries are:

• NEW ZEALAND* and any other 40-ball Lottery requires you to play just
120 games to absolutely guarantee AT LEAST 3 Winning Numbers.

• For SWITZERLAND, and any other 45-ball Lottery, it takes only 160 games
to absolutely guarantee AT LEAST 3 Winning Numbers.

• For US, UK, CANADA and any other 49-ball Lottery - the system requires
you to play only 198 games to absolutely guarantee AT LEAST 3 Winning

*Three Winning Numbers does not pay out in New

Zealand. However, the 120 games often produce 4
Winning Numbers. A win every week can be guaranteed
by playing TWO Systems, one for 22 and one for 23
numbers, each guaranteeing all 4-number combinations.
This system is available, but since it costs far more to
play, we still recommend the 3-numbers-guaranteed system.

Even though these systems are not large, we still urge you to play a group
entry, sharing the cost between friends, family or co-workers. Lotto is meant
to be fun - keep it that way!

115 –
We have plans for ALL Lotteries worldwide – the above are simply to give you

Every single week you play, you START with at least 50% of the winning
numbers - no matter what numbers are drawn. How good a start is that?

Lottery Test Designed for Any Lottery in the World

Over the page is a 49-number example you can test. It is designed for any
Lottery using 49 balls, but can be applied to bigger lotteries as well:

The 100 games below would guarantee a win of some kind every single
week. Since there are 3 draws per week, you can copy the 100 lines below
and check FUTURE results.

At least one line (often more) will produce at least three winning numbers.
Or, of course, you can choose six random numbers between 1 & 35 yourself
and test for them.



1 2 7 13 22 27

1 2 18 23 25 30

1 2 20 23 27 28

116 –
1 3 4 13 16 28

1 3 5 23 26 29

1 4 5 18 22 23

1 4 7 10 19 24

1 4 8 14 24 30

1 4 11 14 15 27

1 6 8 16 26 33

1 6 9 18 24 35

1 9 12 16 19 32

1 10 12 14 17 32

1 10 15 20 25 33

1 11 21 28 31 34

1 17 18 19 20 35

1 25 28 29 33 34

2 3 4 33 34 35

2 3 6 10 14 24

2 4 6 16 29 32

117 –
2 5 6 14 32 34

2 5 12 16 20 28

2 5 19 22 24 28

2 7 9 13 23 32

2 8 11 17 23 30

2 8 12 15 18 31

2 9 19 21 25 26

2 9 20 26 27 31

2 10 11 29 33 35

2 17 20 21 30 31

3 4 10 12 27 31

3 6 7 25 29 31

3 6 8 13 20 34

3 6 18 21 27 30

3 7 9 17 28 35

3 7 10 18 25 32

118 –
3 8 11 19 22 32

3 9 16 17 24 31

3 11 15 20 29 30

3 12 14 25 28 30

3 12 14 32 33 34

3 15 19 21 33 34

3 16 18 21 22 26

4 5 10 11 18 21

4 5 13 15 19 31

4 6 9 11 15 22

4 6 17 22 25 28

4 7 12 17 21 29

4 8 23 24 28 29

4 9 20 23 25 32

4 13 19 20 26 30

119 –
4 14 16 18 26 27

5 6 7 21 24 25

5 6 7 30 31 32

5 7 15 20 30 35

5 8 9 10 17 26

5 8 13 14 21 35

5 9 12 22 30 33

5 9 14 18 19 27

5 11 16 23 24 35

5 15 17 25 27 34

6 9 13 15 21 29

6 11 12 18 28 34

6 11 14 16 26 31

6 12 19 23 27 35

6 14 17 19 20 23

7 8 12 23 26 34

120 –
7 8 16 18 20 33

7 9 11 14 20 34

7 10 15 23 24 33

7 11 16 25 29 35

7 14 22 27 28 33

7 15 19 24 26 28

8 9 10 27 28 29

8 10 13 14 15 33

8 15 25 31 32 35

8 16 21 22 25 31

9 10 16 27 30 34

10 11 12 14 22 23

10 13 16 19 30 34

10 17 21 23 28 34

10 19 21 30 32 33

10 20 22 26 31 35

11 12 13 24 25 26

121 –
11 13 17 27 32 33

12 13 20 22 29 35

12 15 16 17 24 33

13 14 17 18 26 29

13 17 19 25 27 28

13 18 23 28 31 33

14 15 16 21 22 23

14 19 25 29 31 33

15 26 28 30 32 35

17 22 26 29 30 34

18 19 25 26 28 31

18 20 22 24 29 31

18 22 24 29 32 34

20 21 24 27 32 33

23 24 27 30 31 35

122 –
23 25 31 33 34 35

For example, if the six Winning Numbers were: 7 10 13 16 19 20, the results
(fairly typical) would be: Game 7 (1 4 7 10 19 24) contains 3 winning numbers;
Game 51 (4 13 19 20 26 30) contains 3 winning numbers; Game 68 (7 8 16 18
20 33) contains 3 winning numbers; Game 80 (10 13 16 19 30 34) contains 4
winning numbers.





123 –
Secrets and Strategies Used by Past Lottery Jackpot Winners

As we have mentioned before, 60% - 70% of large lottery jackpot winners

come from using so called machine ‘quick pick’ tickets, so with that in mind
I am not sure why anyone would want to go to all the trouble to formulate a
strategy to make their own picks with? But then again 30% - 40% of those
stubborn people were successful. Here are some of the strategies those
winners employed.

1) The number one strategy is a no brainer, it’s just dumb luck. Either they played
their children’s birth dates, lucky numbers or some other bizarre strategy
to come up with numbers that produced a winner. The book preaches
against this, but we are not there to slap your hands when you get to the
counter to make your picks to keep you from doing this. For the people
who do take advice then these types of strategies have been used by past
2) Use a mathematical theory to create a model for your picks. Some of these
people do not even know if they used the formula’s right but they were
able to come up with winning tickets. One of the more interesting theories
we have seen someone come up with is that of the mathematician Renato Gianella
from Brazil. He said that his mathematical model uses a colored template
that he said can be used to help people identify possible combinations of
numbers with an improved chance of winning.

124 –
More about his theory can be found at
win/. It is very interesting if you want to check it out and it’s similar to
what past winners have said they used to come up with their winning
3) We have already gone over how to chart numbers and use them to your
advantage based on probabilities and odds. Several past winners claimed to
have used this strategy successfully
4) Low Frequency Lottery Strategy – this is the successful strategy that was
used by some using historical data to pick out numbers that have not
come up in the draw in a while and are termed to be ‘due’. When these
numbers are compared with numbers that come up frequently or numbers that
come up randomly, they are shown to come up in the next draw much more
often. An interesting finding when these
numbers are used based on a perceived low
frequency strategy, is that the actual draw
performance on these lottery numbers seems
to show a statistically important and slightly
upward trend when looked at over several draws of a specific lottery
game. Results show that when compared to using random or frequently
drawn number statistics, this low frequency strategy yields a
significantly higher amount of matches than the other two methods
when a large amount of drawing data is used to make the numbers

125 –
picked for the next draw. Also the amount of historical data used seems to
have a positive impact when using a low frequency strategy to pick winning
lottery numbers.

Of course doing this type of number plotting and getting relevant data
takes some time, but then again, winning several million dollars can make
all that seem like a small price to play.

5) Staying the course – this is a strategy that several winners have used to
win. They play the first set of numbers they used when they first started
picking the lottery each and every time. Not only does this make the
purchasing process each week quick and simple, but it also plays into the
law of averages and probability for those lucky few whose time spent
patiently waiting for their numbers to hit came to fruition and made
them millionaires.
6) The Double Edged Sword method – this is a strategy used by winners on
numerous occasions much to our surprise. It has to do with playing the
higher winning percentage scratch tickets on a regular basis and then
putting large winning ticket amounts ($100 or more) into the next big
lottery draw. This not only gives you a lot more chances to win the big
draw lottery, but you are not playing it with your own money so there is not
so much monetary risk to you.
7) Scratch Ticket Reinvestment – A Florida man who has won at least 20,000
seven times on the Florida Education Lottery (scratch tickets) says he
secret is reinvesting the money he wins (up to a certain point of course). He
thinks people who spend $1 to make 10 and then put it in their pocket

126 –
are crazy; why not make $20,000 to $1 million instead. He suggests
reinvesting all the small and medium dollar ticket winners to go after the
big money. He points out that the little bit of money you lose to start with
anybody can absorb, but only the big money can free you up financially
a little bit. I guess if you have won over $300,000 playing scratch tickets
then he must know what he is talking about.
8) The clear #1 Choice for success – Lottery Pools or Syndicates

We have already discussed this once and it is worth bringing up again

because of the huge success rate people have had with it compared to
other lottery winning strategies. From what we can tell based on what
statistics are available, more winners come from lottery pools than any
other method of success. It makes sense too because the more plays you
have at a lottery game, the better your odds are of winning. So getting
together with fellow TRUSTED friends, family members, or coworkers to form
a large lottery pool can really increase your chances of winning each draw, while
at the same time minimizing your financial commitment to the lottery. Sure
you will split the winnings several ways, but 5% of 200 million dollars is
much better than 100% of nothing. So at least consider joining a lottery
pool to increase your chances of hitting that big jackpot you always
dreamed of. If you do join in a lottery pool it is wise to protect yourself
against the group member who holds the tickets (or better yet be that
group member yourself). Make sure that you get clear photocopies of all
the groups’ tickets in play and get the holder to acknowledge in writing
on that paper that he indeed is acting on behalf of the group. The person

127 –
that holds the tickets must be one who is considered very trustworthy in
the group. Be sure to check your photocopy against the published results of the
winning lottery numbers. The group must also know that the person
cashing the ticket will take a big tax hit and must put some of their
winnings toward covering that expense.

128 –
In Conclusion

For most people it’s well worth the risk to spend a few dollars a couple of
times a week on the local lottery. The upside is a standard of living that most
people could never even imagine; total financial freedom for the first time in
their lives. Even a lottery jackpot win for as little as $1 million dollars can
last you the rest of your life living of the interest alone if you invest it
properly. That is not too shabby if you think about it.

Many will also make the argument based on odds that the law of averages means all
numbers drawn will even out over time. And one can make a valid argument
that this is true, but the “over time” theory can get a bit interesting. If you
play a lottery game that has a weekly draw, which means there are 52 draws
of that lottery game in a calendar a year, the following is how the numbers
work: If it’s a typical 49 ball draw game then if you divide the 13,983,816
possible combinations in a 49 ball game by the 52 weeks they are played a
year, it will take over 250,000 years to draw all the possible combinations.

So you have a choice. You can take the advice and suggestions we give you to work
with about things which are well known about lotteries and their trends and
statistics, or you can be foolish and think you may be lucky enough to live
250,000 + years to see all the possible combinations finally play out.

Take our advice. It will get you closer to where you want to be when it comes
to hitting that big lottery jackpot.

129 –
What is the most important advice that we can give you? It’s simple.


So make a lottery budget for yourself, even if it’s a small amount only once
in a while. There are a lot of lottery millionaires who did not think they had
a chance of winning either!

130 –
Read on to give yourself what we feel is a better shot at winning the
lottery by playing in a way that we feel changes the perceived odds in
your favor. This book will change your attitude from what happens if I
win the lottery to when I win the lottery.

It will also help you take a look at playing the different types of lotteries
using common sense; you would be surprised how obviously simple
things that change your odds of winning are often overlooked when it
comes to playing the lottery.

131 –

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