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Applied Energy 233–234 (2019) 71–85

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Optimal active and reactive power allocation in distribution networks using T

a novel heuristic approach
A. Bayata, A. Bagherib,

Zanjan Electric Distribution Company, Zanjan, Iran
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Zanjan, P.O. Box: 45371-38791, Zanjan, Iran


• AThenovel heuristic approach is proposed for optimal active and reactive power allocation in distribution systems.
• The proposed method is easy to implement, fast, accurate, and applicable to large distribution systems.
• The presented approach is applied to 33, 69, and 119-bus distribution networks.
• results are compared with Global Search, PSO, IA, hybrid analytical-PSO, TLBO, QOTLBO, and CTLBO algorithms.


Keywords: A wide range of solution methodologies has been presented in the literature for the siting and sizing of active and
Distribution network reactive power sources in radial distribution systems. The solution techniques are mainly classified into math-
Optimal siting and sizing ematical programming algorithms, heuristics, meta-heuristic methods, and the analytical approaches. This paper
Distributed generation proposes a novel heuristic method for optimal allocation of distributed generation (DG) and capacitor banks. The
Capacitor banks
conducted approach is easy for implementation and does not suffer from the complicacy of the other methods.
New heuristic method
Based on some mathematical calculations, two main formulations are derived. Then, the resulting formulations
are employed to site and size capacitor bank and DG unit in the 33-bus distribution network to verify its per-
formance by comparing the obtained results with those of global search method. Afterward, the proposed
method is used to allocate a specified number of DGs and capacitors in the 33 and 69-bus systems. Finally, the
conducted approach is employed to allocate multiple DGs and capacitors, and also multiple DGs with optimal
power factor in the 119-bus distribution network. The recently presented methodologies including particle
swarm optimization (PSO), improved analytical (IA), hybrid analytical-PSO, Teaching Learning Based
Optimization (TLBO), Quasi-Oppositional Teaching Learning based optimization (QOTLBO), Comprehensive
Teaching Learning-Based Optimization (CTLBO), and LSF-BFOA algorithms are used for investigating the effi-
ciency of the developed method. The simulation results demonstrate that the presented heuristic approach is
robust in finding the optimal results, very fast and easy to implement, applicable to large distribution systems
and it give better results than the algorithms presented so far.

1. Introduction techniques [6,7]. In the reconfiguration, the tie switches are closed or
opened to change the topology of the distribution network, and con-
Traditionally, distribution systems are operated in the centralized sequently, the direction of power flow, in order to reduce the power loss
and vertical manner due to the simplicity of control and protection and improve the voltage profile. In this process, the radial structure of
operations. These networks mainly include radial topologies or weakly- the network should be maintained. With the aim of power loss reduc-
meshed structures having high value of R/X ratio which results in im- tion and voltage profile improvement by the injection of reactive
proper voltage profile and high power losses [1–3]. The prevailing power, the shunt capacitor banks having proper sizes can be connected
actions taken by the network operators to settle this problem include to the appropriate nodes of the distribution system.
the “feeder reconfiguration” [4,5] and “capacitor banks allocation” By development of distributed generation (DG) in the power system,

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Bagheri).
Received 14 April 2018; Received in revised form 25 August 2018; Accepted 9 October 2018
0306-2619/ © 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
A. Bayat, A. Bagheri Applied Energy 233–234 (2019) 71–85

there has been another alternative to tackle with the poor voltage the proposed method are justified by comparing them with those of
regulation and high power losses in distribution systems [8]. DG units, conventional grid search method based on successive load flows. This
with several technological types, have potential advantages such as research finds the location and size of only one DG unit. In addition, the
power loss reduction, voltage profile improvement, reliability en- considered DG has the unity power factor, i.e., it injects only the active
hancement, and investment deferral of the system equipment. If the DG power. Analytical expressions have been proposed in [43] to find the
units’ location and size are appropriately determined, they can play a optimal size and power factor of four types of DG units for the sake of
key role in minimizing the power loss and improving voltage profile of highest power loss reduction in distribution networks. The presented
distribution networks [9,10]. expressions are based on the modifications made on the method of [44]
The problem of DG placement and sizing is, in principle, a complex that was limited to the DG delivering only the active power. The four
non-linear optimization problem. The implemented researches in this types of considered DGs include those capable of injecting active power
field fall into several categories regarding the considered objectives, (P) only, injecting reactive power (Q) only, injecting both P & Q, or
constraints, and solution algorithms [11]. The objective functions in- injecting P and consuming Q. The obtained results confirm that the
tended by the researchers include power loss minimization [12–14], proposed method can find the optimal solution as verified by the
voltage profile improvement [15–17], network reinforcement cost comprehensive load flow method. This research has concentrated on
minimization [18,19], reliability enhancement [20,21], and reduction the allocation of just a single DG, not multiple DG units. A heuristic
of environmental emissions [22]. method based on UVDA (Uniform Voltage Distribution Algorithm) is
The owner of DG may be the private investors or the distribution developed in [45] which is used for the optimal DG siting and sizing
company [23,24]. In the case of utility-owned DGs, the utility has to simultaneous with the feeders’ reconfiguration for the aim of maximum
optimally plan the location and size of the DG units in order to improve loss reduction. The algorithm is very fast and robust in finding the
the network technical and economic benefits [25]. optimal solutions, but, it is not appropriate for the optimal allocation of
A wide range of solution methodologies has been proposed in the reactive power sources, i.e., the capacitor banks. In [46], a hybrid
literature for the utility-owned DG siting and sizing problem. The so- analytical and meta-heuristic methodology is developed for the optimal
lution techniques are mainly classified as mathematical programming placement of multiple DGs with different types for the sake of power
algorithms, heuristics, meta-heuristic methods, and the analytical ones. loss reduction in distribution network. The locations of DGs are de-
The methods of the first category use mathematical formulations like termined by the PSO algorithm, while the sizes are adjusted using an
mixed-integer linear and non-linear programming [26,27]. These analytical method. The optimal power factor for the DG units and the
methods have some limitations such as unsuitability in application to voltage profile are also addressed. The results indicate the superiority of
large-scale systems and introducing errors when linearization of the the hybrid approach compared to PSO and other analytical methods.
non-linear characteristics of the problems. The heuristic methods are Due to using PSO which is an iteration-based optimization method, the
based on engineering experience such as researches done in [28,29]. convergence speed and accuracy of the algorithm can be affected by
These methods always find feasible solutions, but the obtained solu- increasing the number of variables and extent of the network. A Bac-
tions may not be optimal. The meta-heuristic techniques, also known as terial Foraging Optimization Algorithm (BFOA) is presented in [47] to
population-based optimization methods, include the algorithms like simultaneously allocate DG and distribution static compensator (DST-
genetic algorithm (GA) [30], particle swarm optimization (PSO) [31], ATCOM) in order to minimize power loss and operational costs, and
improved PSO (IPSO) [32], harmony search (HS) [33], artificial bee also, enhance the voltage profile of the distribution system. To pre-
colony (ABC) [12], Big Bang-Big crunch (BBBC) algorithm [34], grey determine the location of DG and DSTATCOM, the loss sensitivity factor
wolf optimizer (GWO) [35], and hybrid algorithms such as GA-PSO (LSF) is used, and then, the BFOA is employed to determine the optimal
[36], genetic algorithm-tabu search (GA-TS) [37], PSO and shuffled size of DG and DSTATCOM for different load models. The obtained si-
frog leaping algorithms (PSO-SFL) [38] etc. The above-mentioned po- mulation results are better than the existing methods; however, the
pulation-based techniques have been widely applied to optimize the DG execution time of the algorithm is relatively high. A new quasi-oppo-
planning studies, and they have obtained satisfactory results. However, sitional teaching learning-based optimization (QOTLBO) has been
these methods require long running time due to their iterative solving presented in [14] for optimal placement of DG with three objective
process, and they need tuning a great number of parameters. On the functions: power loss reduction, voltage deviation minimization, and
other hand, the convergence trend of these algorithms worsens when voltage stability improvement. The presented method is superior to
applied to the large-scale networks. original teaching learning-based optimization (TLBO) algorithm in
The analytical approaches are the fourth type of the solution terms of convergence speed and optimality of the results. This method
methodologies used for the DG siting and sizing problem. Due to their is from the family of meta-heuristic approaches and retains their ad-
simplicity, easy implementation, and low computational time, the vantage and disadvantages. A more advanced algorithm named com-
analytical methods have attracted great attention in DG planning pro- prehensive teaching learning-based optimization (CTLBO) has been
blems [39–43]. presented in [17] to settle the deficiencies of QOTLBO method such as
The power loss minimization and voltage profile improvement of parameter dependency and trapping in the local optima. This algorithm
distribution networks are the most common objectives of the researches finds better results than the TLBO and QOTLBO.
done in the area of DG allocation. A genetic algorithm in [30] seeks for The review of the literature reveals that several methodologies of
the optimal locations of DGs for minimizing the total active power loss different types have been proposed for the optimal DG siting and sizing
of the radial distribution systems based on loss sensitivity to the change problem. Each methodology has its own advantages and disadvantages.
of the active power. The authors in [39] employed phasor current in- In total, the following drawbacks can be found in these methods:
jection method to derive an analytical approach for optimal DG pla-
cement in radial distribution networks in order to minimize the power • Some approaches consider only the active power injection, i.e., DG
loss. For simplification, it is assumed that the load distribution in the with unity power factor;
network is in central, uniform, and increasing manner. In this study, • Some methodologies are appropriate for allocation of single DG
only, the location of DG is optimized, and its size optimization is not unit;
taken into consideration. Gozel and Hocaoglu [42] proposed an ana- • The computational time of some methods is so high;
lytical approach for determining the location and size of DGs aiming at • The results found by some presented methods are not optimal.
the minimization of the total power loss. Based on equivalent current
injection, a loss sensitivity factor is formulated which does not require To settle the above-mentioned shortcomings, the current paper
the admittance matrix, its inverse, or the Jacobian matrix. The results of proposes a novel heuristic method for the optimal allocation of active

A. Bayat, A. Bagheri Applied Energy 233–234 (2019) 71–85

and reactive power sources, i.e., distributed generation (DG) and ca-
pacitor banks. As the optimal use of energy resources, this problem is an
important subject in “Applied Energy”. In this regard, the conducted
approach in this paper is easy to implement and program, and does not
require complicated mathematical formulations which are seen in the
other methods. Based on some mathematical calculation, two main
formulations are derived indicating the best location and capacity of
active & reactive power injection. Then, the obtained formulations are
employed to site and size capacitor bank and DG unit in the 33-bus
distribution network. For verifying the performance of the presented
algorithm, the obtained results are compared with those of the global
search method. Then, the proposed method is used to allocate a spe-
cified number of DGs and capacitors in the 33 and 69-bus systems.
Finally, the conducted approach is employed to allocate multiple DGs
and capacitors, and also multiple DGs with optimal power factor in the
119-bus distribution network. Comparing the simulation results of the
proposed method with the recent methodologies of PSO, IA, hybrid
analytical-PSO, TLBO, QOTLBO, CTLBO, and LSF-BFOA algorithms
demonstrate that the presented heuristic approach is very powerful in
finding the optimal results, very fast and simple, and applicable to large
distribution systems. The man contributions of this paper can be out-
lined as the following:

• The conducted heuristic approach is easy to implement and program

and does not engage in complicated mathematical formulations;
• The algorithm finds the optimal value of active and reactive power
injection, and active-reactive power injection with the optimal
Fig. 1. A typical radial distribution network with active power injection at jth
power factor; node.
• The algorithm also provides a proper range for the injection of ac-
tive and reactive powers at each node;

The presented method is very fast and applicable to large distribu- Before (Pi2 + Qi2 )
PLoss = ri
tion systems; Vi'2 (1)

The proposed approach is superior to the recent algorithms.
j n
After (Pi P0 ) 2 + Qi2 (Pi2 + Qi2 )
PLoss = ri + ri
i=1 Vi2 i=j+1 Vi2
2. Problem formulation n j
(Pi2 + Qi2 ) (P02 2P0 Pi )
= ri + ri
In this section, the proposed heuristic approach for the optimal i=1 Vi2 i=1 Vi2 (2)
active and reactive power allocation in radial distribution networks is
described and formulated mathematically. It is aimed to determine the
After Before (P02 2P0 Pi )
Ploss = PLoss PLoss ri <0
location and capacity of both active and reactive power sources, i.e., Vi2 (3)
DGs and capacitor banks in order to minimize the power loss and im-
prove the voltage profile in distribution networks. yields
(3) ri (P0 2Pi ) < 0 0 < P0 < 2Pi i {1, 2, , j}
i=1 (4)
2.1. Description of the proposed approach for the active power allocation The power loss before and after the installation of DG can be ex-
pressed in terms of the current flow of the branches as (5) and (6),
Fig. 1 depicts the schematic view of a typical distribution. The where, IP and IQ represent the active and reactive parts of the current Ii .
feeding substation, as the source node, supplies the load nodes (buses) The difference between (5) and (6) represents Ploss as (7). In order to
through the lines (branches) configured in a radial structure. Suppose a have the power loss reduced, Ploss must be a negative value. According
power source (such as DG) connected to the jth node of this network to (8), minimization of Ploss results in maximization of the sum of
injecting the active power P0. The node j on which DG is installed is voltage drops from the substation to the jth node. This means that j (at
located in a path between the ending node and the source node. This which DG is installed) should be selected as the node having the
path has n nodes in total. minimum voltage in the path. In radial distribution networks, j is the
The active power loss in this network can be calculated by summing ending node of the path.
up the power loss of all branches as (1). According to (2), by installing n n
the DG at node j, the power loss of some lines (i.e., the lines located Before
PLoss = ri |Ii |2 = ri (IQ 2 + IP 2)
between DG and the feeding substation) is reduced, and the other lines’ i=1 i=1 (5)
power losses are not affected by the DG installation. If we ignore the
small difference between Eq. (1) and the first term of Eq. (2), the
j n j n
PLoss = ri ((IP I0 )2 + IQ 2) + ri |Ii |2 = ri (I02 2I0 IP ) + ri |Ii |2
change of power loss due to the DG installation can be approximately
i=1 i=j+1 i=1 i=1
expressed by (3). In order to have the power loss reduced as results of
the DG installation, the necessary condition of (4) must be satisfied. (6)
In the radial networks, for the powers flowing through the branches j j
After Before
we have: P1 > P2 > > Pj 1 > Pj . Therefore, for the satisfaction of re- Ploss = PLoss PLoss = ri (I0 2 2I0 IP ) = ri I0 (I0 2IP )
lation (4) for all of i values, it is sufficient to have P0 < Pj . i=1 i=1 (7)

A. Bayat, A. Bagheri Applied Energy 233–234 (2019) 71–85

Fig. 2. (a) Power flow results for 33 bus network with the duplicated active power of loads (2Pi) when the reactive parts are removed, (b) optimal location for the
injection of active power for the given range (from 0 up to 7828.7 kW).

Fig. 3. Power loss resulted from the proposed and global search methods for the active power injection from 100 kW to 8000 kW (for each 100 kW increment in
active power, the optimal locations obtained by the proposed and global search methods are shown, proposed: up, global search: down).

A. Bayat, A. Bagheri Applied Energy 233–234 (2019) 71–85

Fig. 4. Power loss resulted from the proposed and global search methods for the reactive power injection from 100 kVAr to 4600 kVAr (for each 100 kVAr increment
in reactive power, the optimal locations obtained by the proposed and global search methods are shown, proposed: up, global search: down).

j j
branches brings about some active power loss, and this may slightly
max ( Ploss ) max ri IP = max VP increase 2Pi of the nodes. These negligible differences are near the zero
i=1 i=1
in the ending nodes, and they increase gradually as we close to the
= max (1 Vj ) min (Vj ) (8) source node.

From (4) and (8), it can be concluded that for the sake of power loss 2.2. Description of the proposed approach for the reactive power allocation
minimization, the DG should be located at the node having the highest
voltage drop resulted from the real part of Ii (the bus having minimum A procedure similar to the one described in Section 2.1 can be
voltage as (8)) provided that the DG’s size (P0) is smaller than the du- employed to extract two necessary conditions for the maximum power
plicated value of the active power (2Pi) flowing at its upstream branch loss reduction using the injection of the reactive power source (e.g.
(relation (4)). To calculate the voltage drop resulted from the real part using the installation of capacitor bank). The first condition is same as
of Ii , all the reactive parts of the loads are removed during the DG siting (8), and the second one is considered according to (9):
and sizing process.
0 < Q0 < 2Qi i {1, 2, , j} (9)
Based on the above explanations, the following algorithm can be
employed to determine the location of DG unit in radial distribution Consequently, the following steps can be implemented for optimal
networks: reactive power sizing and placement:

(1) Remove all the reactive parts of the loads from the network data (1) Remove all the active parts of the loads from the network data and
and perform load flow; perform load flow;
(2) Sort the nodes of the network according to their voltage magnitude; (2) Sort the nodes of the network according to their voltage magnitude;
(3) calculate the active power flowing at the upstream branch (Pi); (3) Calculate the reactive power flowing at the upstream branch (Qi);
(4) The node with the minimum voltage which satisfies P0 < 2Pi is the (4) The node with the minimum voltage which satisfies Q0 < 2Qi is the
best node for the DG installation. best node for the capacitor installation.

To verify the performance of the proposed approach in the optimal For different values of reactive power injection (from 100 kVAr to
placement of active power injection, it is applied to the 33-bus dis- 4600 kVAr), the optimal location of capacitor and the corresponding
tribution network to find the best location of DG units. This network power loss resulted from the proposed method is depicted in Fig. 4 and
whose data has been given in [48] has a total load of 3.72 MW and compared with the global search algorithm. As it can be seen, the
2.3MVAr. The four steps mentioned above are implemented on the 33- proposed method, except in few cases, has obtained the same solution
bus network in Fig. 2. of the global search method.
For different values of active power injection (from 100 kW to
8000 kW), the optimal location and its corresponding power loss re- 2.3. Optimal placement of multiple active power sources with the given sizes
sulted from the proposed method and also by using the global search
algorithm are depicted in Fig. 3. As shown, of the 80 cases for the DG For multiple DGs (active power sources) allocation, the DGs are
size, in 76 cases, the developed approach has obtained the same solu- placed one after another so that the steps 1 to 4, described in Section
tion of the global search method. Only, in four cases, there are negli- 2.1, are performed at each DG placement stage. To verify the effec-
gible differences between the two methods. For example, in 4500 kW tiveness of the proposed method, it is applied to the 33-bus network to
case, the difference is 2 kW, or in the other words, 1.33%. This minor site three DG units with the sizes of 900 kW. The three DGs’ allocation
difference may arise from the fact that the reactive parts of load cur- stages using the proposed method are illustrated in Fig. 5. Based on the
rents have been disregarded in the calculations while their flow at the described methodology, the nodes are sorted according to their

A. Bayat, A. Bagheri Applied Energy 233–234 (2019) 71–85

Fig. 5. The procedure of siting three DG units on the 33-bus network, (a), (b), and (c) are respectively for the first, second, and third DG allocation.

voltages, and by considering the active power range of all buses, the third DG is located at bus 24 (Fig. 5(c)). The results for the three DGs
first DG is located at bus 13 of the network (Fig. 5(a)). Then, by con- allocation are the same as the results of Ref. [41] which have been
sidering the first located DG, the procedure is re-performed so that the determined by using the exhaustive load flow (ELF) method, i.e., the
second DG is placed at bus 30 of the network (Fig. 5(b)). In the end, the nodes 13, 30 and 24. This arrangement of DGs yields 74.27 kW active

A. Bayat, A. Bagheri Applied Energy 233–234 (2019) 71–85

Fig. 6. (a) Single-line diagram for part of distribution network; (b) phasor diagram of voltages and currents.

power loss in the 33-bus radial distribution network. It should be

mentioned that the power loss of this network before the installation of
any DG units is 211 kW.

2.4. Optimal placement and sizing of multiple active and reactive power

2.4.1. Active power injection model for bus voltage compensation

Consider a part of the distribution network (Fig. 6(a)) including
buses i and j having the voltages of Vi and Vj. Before any compensation,
due to the current flow (IL) in series impedance of lines, bus j is sub-
jected to high voltage drop. It is aimed to improve the voltage of bus j
form Vj to Vjnew (ideally to 1p.u) by injecting an adequate value of active
power, P0 , with the active current of IA .
The line’s current flow after the injection of active power will be
IL' = IL IA . The phasor diagram of voltages and currents corresponding
to Fig. 6(a) is illustrated in Fig. 6(b). This figure is actually the vector
representation of Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL) as (10). The phase
angle of old and new voltages of bus j before and after the compensa-
tion are old and new , respectively.
Vjnew new = Vi 0 (R + jX ) IL (R + jX ) IA (180 new ) (10)
By considering x = RIA and y = XIA , and according to Fig. 6(b), we
can say that:
= A = L =k
x RIA RIL (11)

Vj sin new = y = kx (12)

Vj cos new + x = Vjnew = 1 (13)

Vj 2cos 2 = (1 x )2

Vj 2 Vj 2sin2 new = x 2 2x + 1 (15)

Vj 2 k 2x 2 = x 2 2x + 1 (16)
(1 + k 2)x 2 2x + (1 Vj 2 ) = 0 Ax 2 + Bx + C = 0
A B C (17)
By solving the quadratic equation of (17), the proper value of active
current (IA ) and the corresponding active power (P0 ) is determined as
P0 = Vjnew IA (18)
Eq. (18) should be used in the iterative process of AC power flow for
distribution network until the convergence condition is satisfied. In this
paper, the backward-forward method has been employed for the power
flow calculations [49]. Fig. 7 shows the power flow procedure con- Fig. 7. Power flow process of radial distribution network considering active
sidering the active power injection model for improving the voltage of power injection model.
bus j to the desired value (1 p.u).

A. Bayat, A. Bagheri Applied Energy 233–234 (2019) 71–85

Fig. 8. Flowchart of the proposed method for siting and sizing of DG with optimal power factor.

2.4.2. Reactive power injection model for bus voltage compensation Step 3) Determine the ending node with the lowest voltage mag-
The procedure described above for the active power compensation nitude;
can be extended for compensating the bus voltage using the reactive Step 4) Determine the upstream nodes (the nodes located between
power injection. For this aim, the active parts of loads are removed the ending node and the source node);
from the network data, and the load flow calculation is performed just Step 5) Allocate DGs having unity power factor on the acceptable
for the reactive powers. nodes (Stage A) in order to enhance the voltage of acceptable nodes up
to 1pu.
2.4.3. Description of the proposed method for optimal active and reactive After performing the steps 1 to 5, the location and size of active
power allocation power injection (DGs with unity power factor), are determined, and the
Based on the explanations given previously, the following stages are active power loss of the network (Ploss
) is calculated.
performed to site and size a desired number of DG units with the op- A procedure similar to steps 1 to 5 is implemented to determine the
timal power factor: location and size of reactive power injection (capacitor banks). In this
Step 1) Remove the reactive part of loads; condition, active power loss of the network (PlossB
) is again calculated.
Step 2) Calculate 2Pk of nodes by performing the power flow; Afterward, the power losses corresponding to active and reactive

A. Bayat, A. Bagheri Applied Energy 233–234 (2019) 71–85

Table 1
Comparison of the obtained results of the proposed approach with the existing methods on the 33-bus network.
Number of DG/capacitor Techniques Details Total capacity (kW/kVAr) Power loss (kW)

Original network —— 0 211

1 DG IA [41] Bus 6 2600 111.1

Size 2600
Hybrid [46] Bus 6 2490 111.17
Size 2490
Proposed method Bus 6 2593.6 111.03
Size 2593.6

2 DG IA [41] Bus 6 14 2520 91.63

Size 1800 720
Hybrid [46] Bus 13 30 1940 87.28
Size 830 1110
Proposed method Bus 13 30 1974 87.19
Size 840 1134

3 DG TLBO [14] Bus 10 24 31 2742 75.54

Size 825 1031 886
QOTLBO [14] Bus 12 24 29 3010 74.10
Size 880 1059 1071
CTLBO [17] Bus 13 24 30 2946 72.79
Size 802 1091 1053
IA [41] Bus 6 12 31 2520 81.05
Size 900 900 720
Hybrid [46] Bus 13 24 30 2870 72.89
Size 790 1070 1010
Proposed method Bus 13 24 30 2887 72.84
Size 792 1068 1027

1C Hybrid [46] Bus 30 1230 151.41

Size 1230
Proposed method Bus 30 1190 151.55
Size 1190

2C Hybrid [46] Bus 12 30 1470 141.9

Size 430 1040
Proposed method Bus 13 30 1457 141.9
Size 405 1052

3C Hybrid [46] Bus 13 24 30 1890 138.37

Size 360 510 1020
Proposed method Bus 13 25 30 1769 138.65
Size 383 386 1000

powers compensation, i.e., Ploss

and Ploss
are compared. If Ploss
< Ploss , the comparison (it should be mentioned that it is not reported any results
locations of active power injections (DGs with unity power factor) are for other scenarios in [14,17]). As it can be seen, in some cases (1DG,
regarded as the optimal places; then, for these locations, the reactive 2DG, 3DG), the proposed approach obtains lower power loss while the
power injection (capacitor banks) is again allocated (i.e., the active obtained sizes are near the sizes found by the other methods. In other
parts of loads are removed, and the optimal value of reactive power cases (1C, 2C, 3C), the proposed approach yields nearly the same power
injection is determined in a way that the voltages of the selected lo- loss of other methods while the installed capacity is lower, and this can
cations (nodes) are regulated to1p.u). If Ploss A B
> Ploss , the locations of be a significant advantage from the viewpoint of installation cost and
reactive power injections (capacitor banks) are regarded as the optimal economical aspects.
places; for these locations, the active power injection (DGs with unity To see the convergence of bus voltages toward the desired value,
power factor) is again allocated (i.e., the reactive power are removed, namely 1 p.u, it has been depicted in Fig. 9 for 1-DG case in the 33-bus
and the optimal value of active power injection for the voltage reg- network. The different colors in this figure are related to different lo-
ulation of 1p.u is determined). The overall structure of the proposed cations of DG in the process of moving toward the optimal location. It is
approach for the optimal active and reactive power allocation can be seen that after three movements (nodes 18, 13, 10) the algorithms finds
depicted as the flowchart of Fig. 8. the optimal location of DG which is the node number 6. In total, 140
iterations in load flow equations are required to find the optimal lo-
2.4.4. Applying the proposed method to the 33-bus network cation and size of DG. In fact, four complete load flows are executed
To verify the effectiveness of the developed approach, in this sec- that each one takes some iterations to be converged (each one has been
tion, it is applied to the 33-bus distribution network, and the obtained distinguished by a different color). The whole procedure is im-
results are compared with the results of the recent works. For this aim, plemented in about 1 s. This is while if the global search algorithm is
six scenarios are considered as Table 1. Three scenarios are related to employed, there are 33 possible locations with lots of possible sizes
siting and sizing of 1, 2, and 3 DG units with the unity power factor leading to millions of states to be evaluated which undoubtedly will
(1DG, 2DG, and 3DG), and the other three scenarios correspond to take a long time to find the optimal location and size.
siting and sizing of 1, 2, and 3 capacitor banks (1C, 2C, and 3C). In each
scenario, the results are compared with the results obtained from the 2.4.5. Applying the proposed method to the 69-bus network
improved analytical (IA) method [41] and the hybrid approach pro- The six scenarios mentioned in the previous section are also con-
posed in [46]. Also, for 3DG case, the results of TLBO and QOTLBO sidered in this section to evaluate the performance of the conducted
[14], and also CTLBO [17] algorithms have been reported for approach in application to the 69-bus distribution network as Table 2.

A. Bayat, A. Bagheri Applied Energy 233–234 (2019) 71–85

Fig. 9. Convergence curve of bus voltages for 1-DG case in the 33-bus network.

The 69-bus system has a total load of 3.80 MW and 2.69 MVAr. The found by the PSO algorithm, i.e., 83.2 kW [31]. In 2DG case, the result
complete data for this system has been given in [49]. The effectiveness is the same for the hybrid method, but better than PSO. The similar
of the proposed approach is also verified in this study. In 1DG case, it is result of case 1 is also seen in case 3, i.e., 3DG in which TLBO, QOTLBO,
seen that by the lower size of installed capacity (1823 kW compared to and CTLBO methods are also compared. In 2C scenario, the proposed
1870 kW), the presented approach yields nearly the same power loss approach finds the minimum power loss by the lower size of the

Table 2
Comparison of the obtained results of the proposed approach with the existing methods on the 69-bus network.
Number of DG/capacitor Techniques Details Total capacity (kW/kVAr) Power loss (kW)
Original network 0 225

1 DG PSO [31] Bus 61 1870 83.2

Size 1870
Hybrid [46] Bus 61 1810 83.4
Size 1810
Proposed method Bus 61 1823 83.3
Size 1823

2 DG PSO [31] Bus 61 17 2310 71.7

Size 1780 530
Hybrid [46] Bus 61 17 2253 71.8
Size 1733 520
Proposed method Bus 61 17 2253 71.8
Size 1733 520

3 DG TLBO [14] Bus 15 61 63 2310 72.4

Size 591 819 900
QOTLBO [14] Bus 18 61 63 2299 71.62
Size 533 1199 567
CTLBO [17] Bus 11 18 61 2622 69.39
Size 527 379 1716
PSO [31] Bus 61 17 11 2600 69.5
Size 1700 440 460
Hybrid [46] Bus 61 17 11 2560 69.6
Size 1670 380 510
Proposed method Bus 61 21 12 2472 69.7
Size 1689 312 471

1C Hybrid [46] Bus 61 1290 152.1

Size 1290
Proposed method Bus 61 1310 152.1
Size 1310

2C Hybrid [46] Bus 61 18 1590 146.5

Size 1240 350
Proposed method Bus 61 17 1580 146.5
Size 1224 356

3C Hybrid [46] Bus 61 18 11 1770 145.2

Size 1190 250 330
Proposed method Bus 61 21 12 1756 145.3
Size 1210 226 320

A. Bayat, A. Bagheri Applied Energy 233–234 (2019) 71–85

Fig. 10. Description of the proposed method for allocation of one DG in 69-bus network.

Table 3
Detailed steps of the proposed method for allocation of one DG in 69-bus network.
Steps of the proposed method (according to Section 2.4.3) Implemented operations Consumed time from the
beginning (seconds)

Step 1) Remove the reactive part of loads. Performing the required commands for eliminating the reactive power from the —
network data
Step 2) Calculate 2Pk of nodes by performing the power flow; Performing some MATLAB commands and execution of a conventional load flow t = 0.0345
Step 3) Determine the ending node having the lowest voltage
Step 4) Determine the upstream nodes (the nodes located between the Performing some MATLAB commands (the results have been shown in Table 3. As
ending node and the source node); seen, the node no. 65 has the lowest voltage and it is selected as the first node to
calculate the required capacity of DG for adjusting its voltage to 1pu in load flow
program using the proposed method)
Step 5) Allocate DGs having unity power factor on the acceptable
nodes (Stage A) in order to enhance the voltage of acceptable
nodes up to 1pu;
5–1) Perform the load flow by calculating the required The required capacity is 1421 kW t = 0.074
power injected to node 65 in order to adjust its
voltage to 1pu.
5–2) If 2Pk of node 65 is higher than the obtained No (2Pk = 117.94 < 1421) —
5–3) Select the first node among the upstream nodes Node no. 61 is selected t = 0.0811
whose 2Pk is higher than 1421 kW
5–4) Perform the load flow by calculating the required The required capacity is 1823 kW t = 0.176
power injected to node 61 in order to adjust its
voltage to 1pu
5–5) If 2Pk of node 61 is higher than the obtained Yes (2Pk = 3123.92 > 1823) t = 0.21
5–6) Consider the reactive power of the loads and Performing the required commands for addition of the reactive power of loads to
execute a conventional load flow the network data and executing the conventional load flow
5–7) Output the results Print the results and the required figures

A. Bayat, A. Bagheri

Table 4
Comparing the results of the proposed approach with the existing methods in 119-bus network.
Method Base case Proposed method LSF-BFOA [47] Proposed method LSF-BFOA [47] Proposed method LSF-BFOA [47]

Scenarios — 5 capacitor 5 DG with unity PF 5 DG with optimal PF

Value of active and reactive power to be injected to the given locations at each scenario — Q Bus Q Bus P Bus P Bus P Q Bus P Q Bus
(kW/kVAr) 2665 52 2514 38 1295 44 2750 38 1295 833 44 2696 2480 38
1521 77 1425 47 2769 52 2000 47 2769 2621 52 1945 1300 48
1658 83 1521 76 2422 76 2800 73 2422 1718 76 2412 1580 76
1098 100 1715 94 1812 100 2160 94 1812 1446 100 2186 1700 94
2560 115 2021 122 2780 115 2950 113 2780 2560 115 2984 2400 113
Total active & reactive power — 9502 9196 11,078 12,660 11,078 9178 – 12,223 9460 –
Power loss (kW) 1298 861.6 871.4 580.74 578.97 227.5 227.9
Reduction in power loss (kW) 0.00% 33.5% 32.9% 55.2% 55.4% 82.5% 82.4%
Minimum voltage (p.u.) 0.869 0.9094 0.9062 0.9558 0.9536 0.9662 0.964
Computational time (seconds) 0 2 23.21 2.5 23.24 5.4 24.65

Method Base case Proposed method CTBLO [17] QOTLBO [14] TLBO [14] LSF-BFOA [47] Proposed method LSF-BFOA [47]

Scenarios — 7 DG with unity PF 7 DG with optimal PF

Value of active and reactive power to be injected to the given locations at each — P Bus P Bus P Bus P Bus P Bus P Q Bus P Q Bus
scenario (kW/kVAr) 1802 20 1817 20 1246 24 1755 8 1545 32 1802 1120 20 1756 1300 19
1267 44 1276 44 732 42 591 10 1968 39 1267 822 44 2645 2510 39
2731 52 2767 52 3539 47 1536 36 2073 48 2731 2613 52 2042 1165 48
2287 77 2533 75 2679 74 2686 49 2670 74 2287 1521 77 2391 1520 72
2080 83 2095 83 1248 78 2501 71 1534 87 2080 1658 83 1536 1000 87
1667 100 1663 100 1086 94 2494 79 2106 94 1667 1098 100 2012 1640 94
2780 115 3120 114 3243 108 2663 110 3118 113 2780 2562 115 2815 2400 113
Total active & reactive power — 14,614 15,271 13,773 14,226 15,014 14,614 11,394 – 15,197 11,535 –
Power loss (kW) 1298 515.7 516.25 576 590.697 526.34 128.8 132.1
Reduction in power loss (kW) 0.00% 60.2% 60.1% 55.6% 54% 59.45% 90.1% 89.9%
Minimum voltage (p.u.) 0.869 0.9558 — — — 0.9497 0.9753 0.9761
Computational time (seconds) 0 4.1 — 20.83 25.292 24.96 6.2 25.96
Applied Energy 233–234 (2019) 71–85
A. Bayat, A. Bagheri Applied Energy 233–234 (2019) 71–85

Fig. 11. Voltage profile of the 119-bus network in the case of five DGs installation.

capacitor (1580 kVAr). It is noteworthy to mention that the results of all results of the proposed and LSF-BFOA methods in the second and third
the scenarios of 33 and the 69-bus systems have been obtained in less scenarios are almost the same. For example, in 5-DG with optimal
than 1 s which is a short execution time. The simulations have been power factor scenario, the power loss and minimum voltage are
programmed and executed in MATLAB 2014a, on a PC Intel Core 2 Duo 227.9 kW and 0.964p.u. for the LSF-BFOA, and 227.5 kW and
3 GHz, 4 GB RAM. 0.9662p.u. for the proposed method. These results certificate the va-
In order to elaborate the operation of the proposed heuristic ap- lidity of the obtained results and the effectiveness of the developed
proach, the implementation steps required for the allocation of one DG approach. The robustness of the proposed method can be observed in
unit in 69-bus network (1-DG scenario in Table 2) have been detailed in the last two scenarios where the number of variables is high (there are 7
Fig. 10 and Table 3. The steps given in Table 3 are according to the DGs, 7 capacitors, and 7 locations, totally 21 variables). In 7-DG with
flowchart of Fig. 8. The steps have been executed one by one, and for unity power factor case, the power loss obtained by the proposed
each step, the consumed time from the beginning is calculated and method is 515.7 kW which is 10.64 kW less than the power loss of LSF-
given in the Table. For the allocation of one DG with the aim of max- BFOA algorithm. This is while the total size of DGs is 14614 kW which
imum power loss reduction, as it is described in this table, two con- is 400 kW less than LSF-BFOA. Also, the power loss reduction by the
ventional load flows and two load flows using the proposed approach proposed approach is more than TLBO, QOTLBO, and CTLBO methods.
have been executed to determine the required capacity of DG in nodes A similar behavior can be observed in the last scenario, i.e., 7-DG with
61 and 65 so that their voltage is adjusted to 1pu. As seen, the required optimal PF case.
time from the beginning to the end of the program is about 0.2 s. In the The voltage profile of the 119-bus network in 5-DG and 7-DG cases
other words, as the proposed heuristic method is not based on the for the unity and optimal power factors have been depicted in Figs. 11
creation of population and updating it in an iterative process, it quickly and 12. As seen, in both cases, the voltage profile has been appro-
finds the optimal solution in a very short period of time. priately improved compared to the case in which there is no DG in-
stalled in the network. In the optimal power factor case, the voltage
profile is more flat, and the voltages of DG buses have been enhanced to
2.4.6. Applying the proposed method to the 119-bus network and 1p.u.
determining the optimal power factor Fig. 13 compares the voltage profile of the proposed method with
In the previous case studies, only active (DG with unity power other algorithms in 7-DG with unity power factor case. As it can be
factor) or reactive power (capacitor bank) allocation was considered. seen, the proposed method (blue curve with circle markers) and CTLBO
By using the proposed approach demonstrated in the flowchart of algorithm (yellow curve with square markers), which is the most recent
Fig. 8, in this part, it is aimed to optimally allocate DGs injecting both algorithm, are like each other in most of the buses; this is while the total
active and reactive powers. Also, the optimal power factor of the allo- size of the installed DGs by the CTLBO algorithm is 15271 kW and it is
cated DG units is determined. This optimal power factor determines the 14614 kW for the proposed method. This means 657 kW lower installed
best value of the injected active (P) and reactive power (Q) for the sake capacity compared to CTLBO. Also, it is observed that the minimum
of acquiring the minimum power loss. For this purpose, the proposed voltage of the proposed method is more than LSF-BFOA, TLBO, and
approach is tested on a 119-bus radial distribution network as a large- QOTLBO algorithms.
scale system [14,17]. Five scenarios have been considered including As noted before, the execution time of the proposed method is sig-
sizing and siting of: (1) five capacitors, (2) five DGs with the unity nificantly lower than the other methods. As an example, in 7-DG case
power factor, (3) five DGs with optimal power factor (PF), (4) seven with the unity power factor, the simulation time is 4.1 s while it is
DGs with the unity power factor, and 5) seven DGs with optimal PF. The 24.96 s for the LSF-BFOA algorithm.
results of these scenarios are given in Table 4 to be compared with those
of TLBO and QOTLBO [14], CTLBO [17], and LSF-BFOA [47].
In the first scenario, siting and sizing of five capacitors by the 3. Conclusion
proposed method have reduced the power loss from 1298 kW to
861.6 kW and enhanced the minimum voltage of the network up to It has been presented a wide range of solution methodologies such
0.9094p.u. This is while the power loss obtained by the LSF-BFOA al- as mathematical, heuristic, meta-heuristic, and analytical algorithms
gorithm is 871.4 kW and the minimum voltage is 0.9062p.u. [47]. The for optimal siting and sizing of active and reactive power sources in

A. Bayat, A. Bagheri Applied Energy 233–234 (2019) 71–85

Fig. 12. Voltage profile of the 119-bus network in the case of seven DGs installation.

Fig. 13. Voltage profile of the 119-bus network in the case of 7-DG with unity power factor for different methods.

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