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Abstract— This paper presents a novel particle swarm opti- and solar energies. The DG technologies available in the
mization based approach to optimally incorporate a distribution market are diesel and gas reciprocating engines, microturbines,
generator into a distribution system. The proposed algorithm photovoltaic systems, wind energy conversion systems, gas
combines particle swarm optimization with load flow algorithm to
solve the problem in a single step, i.e. finding the best combination turbines, and fuel cell systems [4], [5].
of location and size simultaneously. In the developed algorithm, Incorporating DG into the distribution system may have
the objective function to be minimized is the total network power positive and/or negative impacts on the customer and on the
losses while satisfying the voltage constraints imposed on the utility equipment depending on the operation condition of the
system. It is formulated as constrained mixed integer nonlinear DG and the distribution system. Negative issues might be
programming problem with the location being discrete. The
69−bus radial distribution system has been used to validate the instability of the voltage profile due to the bi-directional power
proposed method. Test results demonstrate the effectiveness and flows, quality of supply and/or harmonics [6], [7]. Positive
robustness of the developed algorithm. impacts and benefits could be summed as follows [8], [9]:
Keyword: Distributed Generation, Particle Swarm Optimiza- • Line loss reduction,
tion, Distribution System. • Reduced environmental impacts,
• Peak shaving,
• Relieved transmission and distribution congestion,
Distribution systems usually encompass distribution feeders • Reducing fossil fuel emissions,
configured radially and exclusively fed by utility substation. • Postponing transmission and distribution upgrade costs
The 1978 Public Utilities Regularitorty Policy Act (PURPA) by providing electric power at a site closer to the cus-
legislation revamped the 1935 legislation of the Public Utilities tomer,
Holding Company Act (PUHCA) to allow qualified facilities • improving the distribution feeder voltage conditions,
to generate and sell electricity to utilities [1]. Due to advances • Improved utility system reliability.
in small generation technologies, electric utilities began to Optimal locating and sizing of the DG that minimize the
change their electric infrastructure and start adapting on-site, radial distribution network loses is one area that is attracting
multiple, small, and scattered Distribution Generations (DGs). more researchers recently. Installing the DG does not always
Typically, their power output ratings ranges from 1 kW to minimize the distribution network losses efficiently. Some
20 MW [2]. important factors such as DG rating, location and operating
Distribution Generation (DG) is expected to gain more power factor have to be considered carefully when analyzing
popularity in future generation system as a result of several the distribution system.
factors like the liberalization of the electricity market, recent Rahman et al. [10] and Jurado et al. [11] discussed the
developments in distribution generation technologies, grow- placement of the DG and the size in two seperate steps, i.e.
ing interest toward environmentally friendly energy sources, not simultaneously. In both cases, the authors determined the
transmission lines congestion and increased electricity costs. optimal location first, then solved for the optimal sizing of
Recent studies predicted that in the near future DG will play the DG second. Studies conducted by Griffin et al. [12] and
a vital role in the electric power system. An Electric Power Gandomkar et al. [13] investigated only the location aspects of
Research Institute’s (EPRI) study forecasted that by the year DG with respect to network real power losses. Willis applied
2010, 25% of the newly installed generation will be DGs, and the 2/3 rule that is commonly used in capacitor placement
a similar study by Natural Gas Foundation believes that the studies to the DG optimal sizing and placement problem [14].
share of DG in new generation will be 30% [3]. That is to install a DG with a rating of 2/3 of the applied load
DG technologies include a variety of conventional (fuel- at 2/3 the radial feeder length. However, this rule assumes
based) and green energy sources. Conventional sources for uniformly distributed loads in a radial configuration. This
DG include gas and diesel, while green sources are the assumption limits its applicability to real distribution system.
renewable energy sources like wind, biomass, geothermal, This paper presents a novel particle swarm optimization
0840-7789/07/$25.00 ©2007 IEEE
based approach to optimally incorporate distribution generator The DG can be treated as PV or PQ models in the
into a distribution system. The algorithm is utilized to search distribution system. The PV model represents a DG which
for the optimal DG size and bus location simultaneously that delivers power at a specific terminal voltage; while the DG PQ
minimize the total network power losses while satisfying the model delivers power at a designated power factor [15]. The
voltage constraints imposed on the system. latter DG model representation is adopted in this paper. It is
This paper is organized as follows: section 2 states the customary for the DGs to operate at a power factor between
problem formulation and model constraints. Then, a brief 0.85 and unity [8]. The proposed DG delivers constant real
overview of PSO algorithm and development is presented in power with a lagging power factor of 0.85. Such source will be
section 3. Simulation results and discussion are presented in modeled as a negative load delivering a real and reactive power
section 4 and finally concluding remarks are summarized in to the distribution system regardless of the system voltage.
section 5.
II. M ATHEMATICAL F ORMULATION Kennedy and Eberhart first introduced Particle Swarm Op-
The problem investigated in this research is to find the timization (PSO) in 1995 as a primitive optimizer [16], [17].
optimal DG power rating and bus location simultaneously that They adopted a nonlinear stochastic model developed by
make the radial distribution network real losses a minimum. Heppner that mimics bird flocking movement. They realized
The real power losses are given as: that, with some modifications, the model can serve as an
optimizer. The first version of PSO was meant to handle
PLoss = |Ibri |2 Ri (1) only nonlinear continuous optimization problems. However,
i several versions of PSO were subsequently proposed to cope
where with constrained and combinatorial optimization problems.
• Ibri is the current in branch i,
PSO is a population-based evolutionary technique capable of
• N is the total number of branches in the system,
handling a wide class of optimization problems. It has many
• Ri is the branch resistance.
key advantages over other optimization techniques like:
• It is a derivative-free technique.
Based on equation 1, the line power losses could be reduced
• It does not make assumptions about the nature of the
by lowering the branch currents in the distribution network.
One way to reduce the current in certain parts of the network objective function, i.e. convexity or continuity.
• It has few parameters to tune when compared to other
is to introduce the DG.
The problem is formulated as one of constrained mixed evolutionary techniques.
• It has the capability of detecting global solutions.
integer nonlinear programming with the location being discrete
• It uses simple mathematical and logic operations.
and the size being continuous. In the developed algorithm,
the objective function to be minimized is the total network In PSO, numbers of particles or “possible solutions” fly as
power losses while satisfying certain constraints imposed on a swarm or “group” in the problem feasible hyperspace. Each
the system variables. particle i is associated with two vectors namely the position
The objective function is as follows:- (xi ) and velocity (vi ) vectors. The size of these vectors is
determined by dimension of the problem at hand. Information
Minimize PLoss (2) about the best solution achieved throughout the optimization
• The equality constrains are the non-linear power flow process is being shared among different particles. The strength
equations of the radial distribution system. They can be of PSO rises from its balance between individuality and
written in vector form as follows:- sociality interaction. Each particle updates its position and
velocity vectors according to the following equations:
H(x,u) = 0 (3)
vik+1 = wvik + c1 r1 (pbesti − xki ) + c2 r2 (gbesti − xki ) (6)
– x is the state vector which represents the dependent xk+1
i = xki + vik+1 (7)
variables. where
– u is the control vector that represents the independent • c1 and c2 are two positive acceleration constants.
variables. • r1 and r2 are two randomly generated numbers with a
• The inequality constraints are the voltage limits imposed range of [0, 1].
on the radial distribution system as follows:- • w is the inertia weight.
Vjmin ≤ Vj ≤ Vjmax , j = 1, . . . , K (4) • pbest is the best solution achieved by individual particle.
• gbest is the best solution achieved among the entire
where j is the distribution bus number. swarm.
• The inequality constraint associated with the DG real The PSO algorithm can be summarized in the following steps:
power output is as follows:-
1) Randomly initialize a swarm with feasible discrete posi-
min max
PDG ≤ PDG ≤ PDG (5) tion vectors.
2) Randomly assign a suitable velocity vector to each par- angle before the DG inclusion.
ticle. Case 2 Repeat case 1 with the DG included once its optimal
3) Record the fitness of the entire population. location and sizing are determined.
4) Determine the best particle performance among the Results for both cases are reported in Table I. It is clear from
group. the obtained results that the DG placement has significantly
5) Update velocity and position vectors according to (6) improved the distribution network performance in terms of
and (7) for each particle. power losses, voltage magnitudes and phase angle deviations.
6) Discretize the position vector. The voltage profiles before and after the DG inclusion are
7) If any particle flies outside the feasible solution space, shown in Table II. DG addition has released about 52% of the
restore the particle to its best previously achieved feasible substation capacity allowing future expansion to take place
solution. without the need to upgrade the existing infrastructure.
8) Repeat steps 1 − 7 until maximum number of iterations To study the DG sizing impact on a network’s power losses,
is reached. the real power output of a DG installed on bus 61 is varied
IV. T EST R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION between its rating limits and the distribution network power
losses are calculated for each given power output. Fig.2 shows
Simulations were carried out within MATLAB computing that once the DG power output exceeded the optimal value,
environment to test the proposed algorithm. The 69−bus power losses will tend to increase beyond the minimal value.
distribution test system shown in Fig.1 was used to validate
our approach with a total real and reactive power demand of TABLE I
3802.19 kW and 2694.60 kVAR respectively [18]. R ESULTS FOR C ASES 1 AND 2
Case 1 Case 2 % Improvement
1 Real Power Losses 225.006 23.867 89.39
2 (kW)
Minimum Bus
28 4 36 0.9092@65 0.9725@27 6.51
29 47 5 37
Voltage (p.u.)
30 48 6 38 Voltage Angle
31 49 7 39 Deviation 1.36◦ 0.6411◦ 52.86
32 50 8 40 ∆θ = θmax − θmin
33 9 51 41
34 53 10 52 42
35 54 11 43
55 12 66 44
56 13 67 45
57 14 46 Power Losses vs DG Real Power Output
58 15
59 16 250
60 17
61 18 200
Power Losses (kW)
62 19
63 20 150
64 21
65 22 100
24 50
26 0
27 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
DG Power Output (kW)
Fig. 1. 69-bus radial distribution system
The PSO parameters used in this study are 20 particles and Fig. 2. Total network losses as a function of the DG power output installed
at bus 61.
c1 = c2 = 2.0. They were selected based on our experiments
conducted on this given system to ensure proper convergence
characteristics. The DG real power output ranges from 10 to V. C ONCLUSION
2500 kW while all network bus voltage magnitudes are kept This paper presents solving the optimal DG allocation and
within 0.9 − 1.00 per unit. After conducting 20 independent sizing problem through applying novel hybrid particle swarm
runs, the algorithm selected bus 61 to be the optimal location optimization based approach algorithm. By combining the
with an optimal DG power output of 1904.2 kW. particle swarm optimization with the load flow algorithm
To study the impact of the DG installation on the system the problem was solved in a single step, that is finding the
performance, the following two cases are considered: best combination of location and sizing simultaneously. The
Case 1 Calculate the distribution network losses, minimum effectiveness of the PSO was demonstrated and tested. The
bus voltage magnitude, and deviation in bus voltage results show that incorporating the DG in the distribution
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system can reduce the total line power losses. The proposed
algorithm was tested on 69−bus distribution system to solve
the DG mixed integer nonlinear problem with both equality
and inequality constraints imposed on the system. The hybrid
PSO significantly minimized the distribution network real
power losses and converged to the same bus for the DG to
be installed in every single run.
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