fwctCoP Part 1 PDF
fwctCoP Part 1 PDF
fwctCoP Part 1 PDF
(DEC 2016)
2016 Edition i
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
This Code of Practice was prepared to promote the proper use of fresh water cooling
towers with guidelines for cooling tower design, installation, testing, commissioning,
operation and maintenance in order to meet the energy efficiency objective with due
consideration of the environment and health issues. It was developed by the Task Force
on Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers.
Part 1 of this series of Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers (previously known
as Code of Practice for Water-cooled Air Conditioning Systems) provides details on the
design, installation and commissioning of cooling towers. It should be read in conjunction
and made cross-reference with the followings:
Part 2 – Operation and Maintenance; and
Part 3 – Water Treatment Methods.
2016 Edition ii
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
Foreword ii
Definitions v
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Scope 1
1.2 Objectives 1
1.3 Applications 1
4.1 General 16
4.2 Cooling Towers installed on Building Roof 18
4.3 Cooling Towers installed on Podium Roof 18
4.4 Cooling Towers installed indoors with Vertical Discharge 19
through Roof or Horizontal Discharge through Side Wall
4.5 Cooling Towers installed at Other Locations 19
4.6 Minimum Separation between Cooling Towers 19
4.7 Minimum Separation from Physical Barrier 19
4.8 Installation Location at a Composite Building (Residential and 20
4.9 Installed Location not fulfilling the Required Minimum 20
Appendix 1A – Typical Schematic Diagram of Fresh Water Cooling Towers 30
Condensing Water Circuit
Appendix 1B – Guidance Notes on Minimum Separation Requirements for 31
Cooling Towers
Appendix 1C – Samples of Notices and Labels for Cooling Tower System 38
Appendix 1D – A Standard Risk Management Plan for Fresh Water Cooling 39
Tower System
Appendix 1E – A Sample Checklist for Minimum Testing and Commissioning 42
Procedures of Fresh Water Cooling Tower System
Appendix 1F – A Recommended List of Personal Protective Equipment 44
2016 Edition iv
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
Bleed off : The removal of water from a cooling tower system to maintain the
(blowdown) concentration of total dissolved solids and suspended solids in an
acceptable level.
Corrosion : Small strip of metal, usually placed into water circuits so that they
coupon can easily be removed, to enable the corrosion characteristics of the
water to be assessed.
2016 Edition v
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
Corrosion : Chemical which protects metals by: (a) passivating the metal by
inhibitor the promotion of a thin metal oxide film (anodic inhibitors); or
(b) physically forming a thin barrier film by controlled deposition
(cathodic inhibitors).
Dead leg : Water pipe with length equal to or larger than one diameter of the
pipe, ending at a fitting through which water flows only when the
fitting is opened. These extra areas of the cooling tower system
contain stagnant water, which can cause building up of bacteria
and sludge in recirculating system, and can then contaminate the
Decontamination : A process used when a cooling tower system is found with a level
of bacterial count which involves a series of actions to disinfect,
clean and re-disinfect the cooling tower system.
Drift : Water lost from the cooling tower as liquid droplets or aerosols
entrained in the exhaust air, excluding condensation.
2016 Edition vi
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
Fan : A rotary machine which propels air continuously. This is used for
moving air in a mechanical draft tower. The fan may be of induced
draft or forced draft application.
Fill (packing) : Material placed within cooling tower to increase heat and mass
transfer between the circulating water and the air flowing through
the tower.
Heterotrophic : The number of viable units of bacteria per millilitre of water sample.
colony count It is also known as Total Bacteria Count (TBC), Total Plate Count or
(HCC) Viable Bacteria Count.
Oxidising biocide : Agents capable of oxidising organic matter, e.g. cell material
enzymes or proteins which are associated with microbiological
populations resulting in death of the micro-organisms.
Plume : The visible discharge of air and moisture from a cooling tower due
to condensation. It is usually most visible in cool and humid days
when water vapour emanates from the cooling tower exhaust.
Slug dosing/ : The process of adding in a single dose a much higher amount of
Shock dosing chemical biocide than is normally applied, with the intention of
rapidly raising the concentration of biocide in the water to a level
expected to kill most of the organisms in the water.
Spray nozzle : A device used in an open distribution system to break up the flow
of the circulating water into droplets, and effect uniform spreading
of the water over the wetted area of the tower.
Stagnant water : Pockets of motionless water within the cooling tower system that
can allow microorganisms to grow.
Total legionella : The number of legionella colony-forming units (CFU’s) found in one
count millilitre of the water sample.
2016 Edition ix
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
1. Introduction
1.1 Scope
This Part of the Code of Practice specifies the minimum requirements and good practices
for the design, installation and commissioning of cooling tower systems. This outlines
the prescriptive requirements to minimise health risk posing to the public by using
cooling towers, and to maximise the system operating performance and reasonable
energy efficiency in both design and construction stages. Emphasis has been put on the
a) System design and construction;
b) Minimisation of water loss;
c) Installed location of towers; and
d) System commissioning.
1.2 Objectives
This Part of the Code of Practice aims at providing technical guidelines to every party
involved in the design, installation and commissioning of cooling tower system so as to
achieve the following objectives:
a) A
ssure the public health and safety by preventing any potential risk associated with
cooling towers system;
b) A
chieve better/maintain energy efficiency and operational performance of cooling
tower system;
c) M
inimise nuisances caused by cooling tower system to the public;
d) Prevent pollution and misuse of water;
e) A
ssure occupational safety and health of the staff concerned.
1.3 Applications
1.3.1 This Code of Practice is intended for use by personnel who are responsible
for the design, installation and commissioning of cooling tower systems, etc.
It should be applied to the newly installed systems, as well as the addition,
alteration and improvement work of the existing systems.
2016 Edition 1
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
1.3.2 This Code of Practice should be read in conjunction with any additional
recommendations provided by suppliers/ manufacturers of the water treatment
chemicals/ cooling tower equipment and any relevant specification and
applicable ordinances and regulations in Hong Kong.
1.3.3 EMSD reserves the right to interpret the contents of this Code of Practice.
1.3.4 In case of conflict between the requirements of this Code of Practice and any
other requirements, the following order of priority should apply:
2016 Edition 2
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
2.1 General
Proper design of cooling tower system helps in reducing operational and maintenance
problems as well as environmental impacts arising from system operation.
Cooling Tower
Direct-contact Indirect-contact
Cooling Tower Cooling Tower
2016 Edition 3
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
Cooling Tower
2016 Edition 4
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
Figure 1.3: Typical configuration of induced draft counter flow cooling tower
Figure 1.4: Typical configuration of induced draft cross flow cooling tower
2016 Edition 5
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
Figure 1.5: Typical configuration of forced draft counter flow cooling tower
Figure 1.6: Typical configuration of forced draft cross flow cooling tower
2016 Edition 6
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
2016 Edition 7
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
2016 Edition 8
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
2016 Edition 9
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
2016 Edition 10
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
3.3 Fill
3.3.1 Fill is a major component in cooling tower to enhance heat and mass transfer
and should be designed to provide maximum surface area for heat transfer
process as the efficiency of cooling tower depends on the contact surface
arrangement and contact time between air and water.
3.3.2 Fill must promote air-water contact while imposing the least possible restriction
to air flow. Material used for fill should be durable, inert to chemical attack and
fire-retardant. Fills should also be designed to facilitate cleaning and do not
support bacteria growth.
2016 Edition 11
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
3.5.4 Basin should have sufficient water depth of at least two velocity head measured
above the top level of water outlet in order to prevent vortex forming at the
water outlet and inducing excessive quantities of air. Alternatively, anti-vortex
plate, sparge pipe or large diameter outlet may be used to reduce velocity below
the free surface.
3.5.5 Screen should be installed at the bottom level of the sump to filter large
impurities, such as leaves, so as to prevent blockage of the pump. Installation
of side-stream filtration is a good practice to allow cleaning during continuous
3.5.6 Condenser water pipework above the level of the basin should be kept to a
minimum to avoid air ingress and loss of water when system is temporarily shut
2016 Edition 12
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
3.6.6 The drift loss performance of the drift eliminator should remain at its design
level within its life cycle.
2016 Edition 13
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
3.9.3 Water sampling tap can also be located at the cooling water return line, but not
adjacent to make-up water inlets or dosing points.
3.10 Deflector
Deflector is to divert exhaust air to a specific direction. It is recommended to install
deflector on cooling tower located in the area, where the exhaust from cooling tower may
directly affect the adjacent air intakes and openings, creating a short-circuit problem of
cooling tower air flow or causing nuisance to nearby sensitive receivers.
3.11 Silencer
Silencer should be provided if the noise emitted during operation of cooling tower
exceeds the limit stated in the Noise Control Ordinance and Technical Memorandum
for the Assessment of Noise from Places other than Domestic Premises, Public Places or
Construction Sites issued by the Environmental Protection Department.
2016 Edition 14
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
2016 Edition 15
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
4.1 General
4.1.1 The cooling tower should be installed at an optimum location to minimise any
nuisance causing to nearby occupants. The works of cooling towers shall be in
full compliance with the Buildings Ordinance.
4.1.2 Any cooling tower should not be placed to protrude beyond the boundary of
the lot.
4.1.3 Cooling tower should not affect the floor loading, natural lighting and
ventilation, escape access to alternate staircases and be of no contravention of
the Buildings Ordinance.
4.1.4 Minimum Separation Requirements
Horizontal Separation Distance
The minimum horizontal separation measured from the cooling tower exhaust
and cooling tower intake to the nearest critical outdoor air intake, exhaust air
outlet, operable window and public accessible area on its own building and
adjacent buildings should comply with the horizontal separation requirements as
shown in Table 1.1. Illustration of horizontal separation measurement could be
referred to Appendix 1B - Figure B1 & Figure B2.
1. C
ritical outdoor air intake refers to fresh air intakes of the building air conditioning systems (e.g.
primary air unit, air handling unit, lift vent) or any intake that draws fresh air into the occupied
2. C
ritical exhaust air outlet refers to kitchen exhaust, toilet exhaust, car park exhaust, food
processing exhaust, laboratory exhaust or any exhaust that can contaminate the cooling water
or pollute the cooling air.
3. O
perable window refers to window that has moving parts, such as hinges, and can be
opened. (Refer to definitions.)
4. R
efer to Section 4.1.5 for detail description of public accessible area.
5. O
pening and natural outlet are regarded as exhaust.
2016 Edition 16
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
Vertical Separation Distance
If the minimum horizontal separation distance stated in Table 1.1 cannot be
compiled, minimum vertical separation requirements listed in Table 1.2 and 1.3
should be followed. Illustration of vertical separation measurement could be
referred to Appendix 1B - Figure B3 & Figure B4.
1. If the critical exhaust air outlet is interlocked with non-return damper, or alike, to prevent
infiltration when the exhaust system is not in operation, the exhaust outlet should be distant
from the cooling tower exhaust with a minimum of 7.5m separation.
1. 1
.8m above ground is counting for breathing zone for pedestrian. Examples could be referred
to Appendix 1B – Figure B4.
4.1.5 No public accessible area should be located within 7.5m horizontal separation
distance from the cooling tower exhaust and 5m horizontal separation distance
from the cooling tower intake. Special arrangement for the cooling tower
installation could be considered for satisfying the separation requirements.
Examples could be referred to Appendix 1B – Figure B5 to B7.
4.1.6 If the exhaust air from a cooling tower system discharges towards a louvre or an
opening, a deflector or an air ductwork should be provided to divert the exhaust
air from cooling tower to an appropriate direction.
2016 Edition 17
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
4.1.7 If the cooling tower is installed outdoors with an extended ductwork for
exhaust air, measurement should be taken from the exhaust termination of the
ductwork. If the cooling tower is installed in an enclosed cooling tower plant
room, measurement should be taken from the exhaust/intake termination of
the cooling tower plant room. Illustration of separation measurement could be
referred to Appendix 1B - Figure B8 & Figure B9.
4.1.8 If cooling tower is installed below an extended podium, a minimum horizontal
separation of 7.5m between the edge of the extended podium and the nearest
edge of plant room’s opening/ louvre should be maintained. Otherwise, the
building blocks and accessible area on the podium should be distant from
the edge of the podium with a minimum of 7.5m separation. Illustration of
separation measurement could be referred to Appendix 1B - Figure B10.
4.1.9 The prevailing wind condition should be considered to determine if the cooling
tower exhaust will create nuisance to the third party (including the occupants
inside a building and the surroundings).
2016 Edition 18
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
2016 Edition 19
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
2016 Edition 20
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
2016 Edition 21
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
2016 Edition 22
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
2016 Edition 23
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
7.1 General
If cooling tower system is installed in medical and health premises and any other premises
which are considered necessary, a risk management plan for the cooling tower system
should be developed and the risk management plan should be endorsed by the owner of
the cooling tower system.
2016 Edition 24
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
7.2.3 Risk management plan should be submitted along with the application to use
cooling towers in the air conditioning system or whenever requested by EMSD.
7.2.4 A standard risk management plan is shown in Appendix 1D for reference.
7.2.5 Risk management plan is required to be reviewed under the following
a) Results of checks indicate that mitigation measures are ineffective; or
b) If a case of Legionnaires’ disease is associated with a building.
2016 Edition 25
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
2016 Edition 26
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
2016 Edition 27
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
2016 Edition 28
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
11 Reference Information
11.1 The following Ordinances, Technical Memorandum and Code of Practice should
be compiled with in the design, installation and commissioning of cooling
• Waterworks Ordinance (WWO) (Cap. 102)
• Buildings Ordinance (BO) (Cap. 123)
• Sewage Services Ordinance (SSO) (Cap. 463)
• Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO) (Cap. 358)
• Air Pollution Control Ordinance (APCO) (Cap. 311)
• Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) (Cap. 400)
• Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance (OSHO) (Cap. 509)
• Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (PHMSO) (Cap. 132)
• Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance (BEEO) (Cap. 610)
• Technical Memorandum on Standards for Effluent Discharged into Drainage
and Sewerage System, Inland and Coastal Waters, EPD
• Technical Memorandum for the Assessment of Noise from Places other
than Domestic Premises, Public Places or Construction Sites, EPD
• Fresh Water Cooling Towers Scheme, EMSD
• Code of Practice for Prevention of Legionnaires’ Disease, PLDC
11.2 It is advised that designers should check other relevant statutory requirements
and seek the professional advice from a Licensed Plumber, an Authorized
Person (AP) and a Registered Professional Engineer (RPE) of Building Services or
Mechanical disciplines when they have queries in the standard of work required.
2016 Edition 29
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
Appendix 1A
Typical Schematic Diagram of Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Condensing Water Circuit
2016 Edition 30
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
Appendix 1B
Guidance Notes on Minimum Separation Requirements for
Cooling Towers
2016 Edition 31
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
2016 Edition 32
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
2016 Edition 33
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
B3 – Reference Cases
2016 Edition 34
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
2016 Edition 35
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
B3.2 – C
ooling Tower installed at enclosed plant room
(refer to Section 4.1.7)
2016 Edition 36
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
B3.3 – C
ooling towers below extended podium
(refer to Section 4.1.8)
2016 Edition 37
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
Appendix 1C
Samples of Notices and Labels for Cooling Tower System
2016 Edition 38
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
Appendix 1D
A Standard Risk Management Plan for Fresh Water Cooling
Tower System
A. System Description
Record Details
*To include company name, contact person’s business and after hours telephone numbers
2016 Edition 39
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
HCC count
Legionella Count
G. Other Risks
Types of Risk Assessment Mitigation
2016 Edition 40
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
H. Attachments
□ Operation programme based on the above risk assessment result.
ommunication plan in case the cooling tower system is required to be attended
urgently, such as positive legionella testing results, complaints from the public, etc.
□ Procedure for monitoring and reviewing the Risk Management Plan.
2016 Edition 41
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
Appendix 1E
A Sample Checklist for Minimum Testing and Commissioning
Procedures of Fresh Water Cooling Tower System
Building Name :
Cooling Tower :
Manufacturer/Model No. :
Location :
A. Physical Check
Items Accepted Not Accepted
2. Cleanliness of basin
4. Fixing of Fill
7. Noise/Vibration
2016 Edition 42
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
1. Fan Type -
2. Fan Diameter m
4. Fan Power kW
5. Fan Pressure Pa
1. Supply Voltage V
2016 Edition 43
Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers
Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning
Appendix 1F
A Recommended List of Personal Protective Equipment
Testing and commissioning Aerosol Half face piece, capable of filtering smaller
than 5μm particulates, ordinary work clothing
Chemical treatment with Spray mist and very low Half face piece, acid gas and particulate
sodium hypo-chlorite solution in concentration chlorine respirator, goggles or face shield, overalls,
ventilated space gloves, and boots
As above, in confined space Unknown chlorine To comply with the requirement under
concentration, high the Factories and Industrial Undertakings
mist, possible lack of (Confined Spaces) Regulation
2016 Edition 44
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Energy Efficiency Office
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
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