Chiral Modulations and Reorientation Effects in Mnsi Thin Films
Chiral Modulations and Reorientation Effects in Mnsi Thin Films
Chiral Modulations and Reorientation Effects in Mnsi Thin Films
surface effects offer control of the magnetic anisotropies over magnetization M(r) and its gradients1,2
a wide range of energies, which should influence the chiral c
magnetic textures in thin layers of cubic helimagnets. w(M) = Ms2 (∇m)2 + bMs2 m · (∇ × m)
In contrast to bulk crystals, there has been relatively little
work on the magnetic properties of MnSi thin films.30–33 We + Ku (m · n̂)2 − μ0 H · M − μ0 Hd · M , (1)
have shown that the helical magnetic order is preserved in 2
MnSi(111) films grown on Si(111), which makes this material where m = M/Ms is a unit vector along the direction of
attractive for spintronics studies of helical magnets. We cal- the magnetization M (Ms = |M|). The magnetic stiffness
culate the magnetic phase diagram for the phenomenological associated with the exchange interaction c is related to the spin-
Dzyaloshinskii model1 with easy-plane uniaxial anisotropy wave stiffness A by c = AS/(Ms2 a 3 ), where S = 0.8 is the
in applied magnetic fields transverse to the axis in order to spin per unit cell in units of h̄ and a = 0.4558 nm is the lattice
predict the stable modulations of the magnetic order that can be constant. The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya constant D is related to
observed in the chiral magnetic thin films. These calculations the b coefficient describing the Lifshitz invariant through b =
display existence regions for stable helicoids and skyrmion DS/(Ms2 a 3 ). Aside from these two major exchange couplings
lattices with tubular skyrmion strings running along the applied that are present in isotropic or cubic chiral magnets,1 this
field in a direction perpendicular to the anisotropy axis. Dzyaloshinskii model only considers Zeeman energy (H is the
In this paper, we show that it is possible to induce an easy- applied magnetic field) and demagnetization energy with stray
plane-type magnetic anisotropy in epitaxial MnSi(111) thin field Hd .34
films with a positive and isotropic in-plane strain. Although The cubic anisotropy and the anisotropic exchange are
Si has a lattice constant of 0.5431 nm that is 16% larger than omitted in functional (1) because these terms are small. Adding
that of MnSi, a = 0.4558 nm, the Si(111) surface unit cell these terms recovers the model used by Bak and Jensen to
is only 3.1% larger than that of MnSi(111) for an epitaxial explain the magnetic structure and magnetization processes
relationship of [110]MnSi [112]Si. The noncentrosymmetric in bulk MnSi and related chiral cubic helimagnets.2 Enhanced
MnSi crystal structure results in inversion domains in films uniaxial anisotropy can arise in magnetic nanolayers as a result
grown on Si(111) (Ref. 30) that result in both left- and of elastic strains induced by a lattice mismatch between the
right-handed helical magnetic domains,31 which explains the magnetic layer and the overlying or underlying layers.35,36 In
glassy magnetic behavior observed in these films. Polarized addition, anisotropies may be introduced by symmetry break-
neutron reflectometry (PNR) and superconducting quantum ing at the layers boundaries, and due to physical and chemical
interference device magnetometry (SQUID) results show that modifications at the surfaces and interfaces.37,38 Depending
the pitch vector is along the film normal, and that the helical on material and geometrical parameters, the surface-induced
wavelength 2π/Q = 13.9 ± 0.1 nm is smaller than measured anisotropy can vary from cases when it is strictly confined to
in bulk material.31 Here, we present a study of the response the surfaces or interfaces to cases when it smoothly extends
of MnSi thin films to a magnetic field that is transverse to into the depth of magnetic layers.39 An inhomogeneous
Q displaying interesting reorientation of the helical magnetic distribution of the induced anisotropy across the thickness
order, which is significantly different than in bulk crystals. of the film may stabilize specific spatially inhomogeneous
SQUID magnetometry studies of the magnetic reorientation magnetic states, so-called twisted phases.39,40 However, their
are complemented by PNR measurements to obtain a depth existence regions are restricted to specific relations between
profile of the magnetization in the films. To understand material and external parameters.39,40 In this paper, we neglect
the origin of these differences, we measure the uniaxial effects imposed by spatial inhomogeneity of the induced
magnetocrystalline anisotropy in the films as a function of anisotropy and describe the induced uniaxial anisotropy by
thickness by SQUID magnetometry. A comparison of the an energy contribution with constant Ku [Eq. (1)]. We show
anisotropy with the strain determined by x-ray diffraction and in this paper that the MnSi films have an induced anisotropy
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) gives the magnetoe- that is of easy-plane type. For this case, Ku > 0 in functional
lastic coupling coefficients. These results are compared to a (1), and the ground state of the system is a single harmonic
fully relativistic electron-structure calculation using density helix with a wave number Q = b/c that propagates along n̂.
functional theory (DFT) of magnetocrystalline anisotropy in An applied magnetic field perpendicular to the film surface
rhombohedrally distorted MnSi bulk. transforms the helix into the conical phase [Fig. 1(a)] with
analytical solutions
II. MAGNETIC PHASE DIAGRAM OF CHIRAL CUBIC ψ(ξ ) = ξ/LD , cos(θ ) = H /HC2 , (2)
where θ is the polar angle of the magnetization with respect
to n̂ and ψ is the azimuthal angle, ξ is a spatial variable
To model the magnetic states in epitaxial MnSi films, along the propagation direction, and LD = 2π c/b = 2π/Q is
we add an additional uniaxial magnetic anisotropy to the the wavelength of the modulation. The out-of-plane saturation
phenomenological free energy for a noncentrosymmetric cubic field HC2 can be expressed as
ferromagnet, which is appropriate as long as the films are 2K0 2Ku
strained homogeneously and are not too thin, so that specific μ0 HC2 = + + μ0 Ms ,
surface-induced effects can be neglected. This phenomeno- Ms Ms
logical model can be written as a functional W = w(M)dV b2 Ms2 1 AQ2
K0 = = Ms ,
with the energy density w written in terms of a slowly varying 2c 2 gμB
LD the transition between the helicoid and the saturated states. Triangles
Km = μ0 Ms2 [1 − exp (−2π d/LD )] , (4) and squares show experimental values of critical fields HC2 ||
and Hα
4π d
for MnSi films of different thickness d.
where Km (d/LD ) is the stray field contribution and d is the
film thickness. phase diagram (Fig. 2) demonstrates that H ⊥ n̂ can induce
The equations that minimize the energy functional (1) with skyrmion phases in noncentrosymmetric magnets with an
an in-plane magnetic field also include solutions for two- easy-plane-type uniaxial anisotropy when Ku is above a
dimensional modulations in the form of hexagonal skyrmion threshold value. However, the helicoids propagating along
lattices with elliptical distortions caused by the uniaxial the axis of the uniaxial anisotropy retain thermodynamical
anisotropy [Fig. 1(d)]. We have studied the magnetic phase stability over a wide range of magnetic fields and transform by
diagram that results from model (1) for a bulk system with a first-order process, either into the distorted conical phase
periodic boundary conditions by using numerical methods, at a critical field H1 (Ku /K0 ) (for Ku < Ku∗ = 0.12K0 ) or
as in previous work.6,13 We have calculated stable solutions into the skyrmion lattice. In the magnetic phase diagram
rigorously of one- and two-dimensional modulated states (Fig. 2), critical lines HS1 (Ku /K0 ) and HS2 (Ku /K0 ) separate
for H ⊥ n̂ by direct energy minimization and testing their the skyrmionic states from the regions with one-dimensional
stability. By comparing the energies of these solutions, we modulations.
determine the thermodynamically stable states and the first- The results of the model apply to the strained MnSi films
order transition lines between them. The resulting magnetic investigated in this work. However, the neglected effects of
E. A. KARHU et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 85, 094429 (2012)
FIG. 4. The in-plane saturation field (filled squares) and the out- (c)
of-plane saturation field (open circles) determined from M-H curves
measured at T = 5 K, like those shown in Fig. 3
anisotropy of the form Kus /d cannot fit the data in Fig. 5(a).
From the magnetoelastic free energy, expressed in terms of the
components of the directional cosines mi and the strains ij ,
defined with respect to the cubic axes of MnSi,46
wme = B1 xx m2x + yy m2y + zz m2z
+ B2 ( xy mx my + yz my mz + xz mx mz ), (7)
one can show that a trigonal distortion of the (111) planes pro-
duces an isotropic magnetoelastic stress energy contribution
B1 . However, the magnetoelastic shear stress contribution to
the free energy of the film is anisotropic:
E. A. KARHU et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 85, 094429 (2012)
E. A. KARHU et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 85, 094429 (2012)
150 in the field direction than in the antiparallel direction. This
difference contributes to the net magnetization, and is in
ΔE ( meV / unit cell )
40 100
agreement with M(H ) plotted in Fig. 3(c).
20 -50
In the following two sections, the experimental information
-100 is discussed using additional insights from theoretical calcula-
tions. The first section reports ab initio calculations to assess
the induced uniaxial anisotropy in strained cubic helimagnets.
ε_|_ ε|| ε_|_ - ε|| The results corroborate the basic magnetic model of a chiral
0.05 10 x (ε_|_ + 2 ε|| ) magnet with a homogeneous easy-plane uniaxial anisotropy
1.3 -0.123 A. Comparison with electronic-structure calculations
In order to ascertain the character and origin of the
1.2 uniaxial anisotropy in strained epitaxial MnSi films, we have
spin moment ( μB / f.u. )
performed electronic-structure calculations. The calculations
1.1 for rhombohedrally distorted MnSi provide theoretical esti-
mates for the magnetoelastic coupling coefficient B2 and the
induced uniaxial anisotropy, which is a bulk effect present
-0.125 in homogeneously strained films. Density functional theory
Mn 1a calculations of the electronic structure are useful to understand
Mn 3b and evaluate the properties of d-electron-based metallic mag-
Si 1a
netic systems.57 In particular, trends in magnetic properties
Si 3b
of metallic nanostructures can be understood from such
calculations, even though the exact quantitative determination
of small spin-orbit effects such as magnetic anisotropies or
magnetostriction coefficients still poses severe problems (see
orbital moment ( 0.01 μB / Mn )
E. A. KARHU et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 85, 094429 (2012)
The skewed cone cants in the direction of the field, while the one-dimensional lattice at the nucleation transition Hh . This
wavefronts of the spin density wave remain perpendicular to means that the helicoid and the competing conical state,
n̂, in contrast to a conical phase where the wavefronts are propagating transverse to it, have wide ranges of coexistence
perpendicular to the ĉ direction. For the case of μ0 H = 0.5 in applied fields, and during the transformation process, it
T, a first harmonic μ1 = 0.42μB /Mn and second harmonic is impossible to destroy domains with kink-like structures
μ2 = 0.12μB /Mn with θ = 56◦ and φ = 40◦ are able to even in high applied fields. The characteristic field Hα in the
accurately reproduce the magnetic SLD profile. Field-induced experiments may be explainable by such a process, which may
second harmonics have been observed in bulk MnSi,43,64 and involve skewed helices instead of flat helicoids. Most likely,
were also predicted by Plumer and Walker.65 However, such a transitions from a helicoid into free kinks and a transformation
skewed conical phase has not been seen previously. into a conical phase at higher fields takes place in many of
The one-dimensional skewed conical phase rationalizes the the films. The first process is exactly the type of nucleation
experimental observations and is one of the possible structures transition of helicoidal kinks, predicted by Dzyaloshinskii in
to explain the unusual magnetization processes. It is clear from his seminal work.1 The second process seems to proceed by a
an unrestricted search for one-dimensional static magnetic domain process at higher fields.
states that skewed conical helices do not exist as solutions The existence of a skyrmion lattice is a possible explana-
in the basic magnetic model with a homogeneous easy-plane tion for the unusual magnetization process and the unusual
uniaxial anisotropy [Eq. (1)]. However, it is equally clear magnetic depth profiles from the PNR data. However, the
that epitaxial thin films may possess a number of additional magnetic anisotropy for the film with thickness d = 26.7 nm is
interactions stemming from the surfaces, which could even- found to be too low in the magnetic phase diagram (data point
tually stabilize such distorted modulated structures. There is #2 in Fig. 2) in comparison to the theoretical threshold for
ample choice of possible competing and inhomogeneously stable skyrmion phases in the basic model, so that additional
distributed anisotropies, e.g., the intrinsic cubic anisotropies, magnetic couplings would be required to stabilize such states.
that may cause anharmonicities, and competing easy-axis On the other hand, the demagnetizing field makes it difficult
surface anisotropies. Moreover, in the strained films, the to transform a helicoidal or a conical structure into a phase
isotropy of the chiral DM interaction may be lost, so that with skyrmion axes running along the direction of an applied
the in-plane and out-of-plane helical modulations become in-plane magnetic field.
energetically different. Therefore, it is possible that in all experiments done so
The phase diagram, Fig. 2, enumerates the basic confor- far, the skyrmion lattices are kinetically suppressed, although
mations of the possible magnetic modulations in an almost the estimated anisotropies of the MnSi films cover a range
isotropic chiral magnet with an easy-plane anisotropy: the where the basic model displays thermodynamically stable
flat helicoidal structure in the field plane, the conical helices, skyrmions in applied fields, as shown in Fig. 2. There are
and skyrmion lattices. It also shows that there is a close clearly additional effects that may confound the formation of
competition between these states around a triple point, where such a state and favor either the helicoidal order or other types
these three structures can coexist. All transformations between of spiral order, even in equilibrium. A surface anisotropy may
these states are expected to be first-order processes. Moreover, also be present with an easy axis that may distort any of these
this indicates the possibility of severe history dependence modulated phases. Moreover, it is possible that the isotropy
and hysteresis in the magnetization processes. Weaker in- of the Lifshitz invariants m · ∇ × m is broken by the strain in
teractions, e.g., intrinsic cubic anisotropies2 and additional the films since the DM interaction and the uniaxial anisotropy
surface effects, are not considered in the phase diagram. These may have the same origin of a pairwise anisotropic exchange
couplings could lead to modifications or distortions of the basic in a band ferromagnet.49
modulated structures. Quantitative agreement with experiment Based on the experimental observations, it is not possible to
is expected for the saturation of the conical phase at field HC2 conclusively decide the question of which magnetic structures
because this transition is continuous and starts out from the are responsible for the anomalous field-driven evolution in the
unique saturated state. This field is used to determine the experiments. It is clear that different MnSi films may even
induced anisotropy Ku of the films in Fig. 2. For all other show different sequences of states. The fact that some films
transition lines and transformation processes between these display two transitions at lower fields is suggestive of different
different states, a quantitative agreement is not to be expected magnetization processes. Be that as it may, a comparison of
as their energies are very close and relative thermodynamical the magnetic profiles from the PNR data with depth profiles
stability may be shifted by minor additional effects. of the layer-averaged component of the magnetization in field
The thicker films that show a lower easy-plane anisotropy direction Mx for different structures allows some conclusions
display a hysteretic transformation process at the characteristic on the possible magnetic modulations. Figure 13 shows
field Hα , which is just below the field Hh , for transformations profiles from numerical solutions to Eq. (1) that correspond
from flat helicoids into the saturated state. It is important to the 26.7-nm-thick film in a 0.5-T field reported in Fig. 9.
to understand the peculiar nature of this transformation, The skewed anharmonic conical helix yields a good fit to
which does not destroy the helical kinks (360◦ rotations) the magnetic depth profile. In particular, the modulation falls
of the magnetization in an infinite system. Rather, the short of the saturation magnetization in the negative direction.
transformation retains the localized core of these kinks In contrast, Mx (z) of the flat helicoids covers the full
while their tails are stretched to infinity, so that the period of range of the magnetization, from +Ms to Ms , albeit with a
the helicoid diverges. The reverse transformation requires the strong anharmonicity. The distorted conical helix has constant
nucleation of single kinks, which then assemble into a periodic value of magnetization in field direction. Finally, the profiles
average magnetization <Mx / Ms> (z)
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