Gujarat Technological University: Page 1 of 3
Gujarat Technological University: Page 1 of 3
Gujarat Technological University: Page 1 of 3
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3150505
Semester –V
Subject Name: Particle and Fluid Particle Processing
Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of fluid mechanics and particles are required to study the course. However, the
course gives insight of both fluid and particles processing in detail.
The main objective of this subject is to study the basic fluid particle processingto understand the basic physical unit
operations in a chemical process industry. It also provides platform to study and analyze various properties
associated with the solid when it is in flow condition.
70 30 20 30 150
3 0 2 4
1 Introduction: 6
Solid- Fluid operations, characterization and classification
2 Mixing and agitation: 8
Mixing, Agitation, Different types of agitators and their selection criteria, Calculation of
power required for agitation, Scale up of agitated vessel, static mixers, intensive mixers,
heating and cooling mixers.
3 Fluidization and Transportation: 11
Fluid flow in porous solid beds, Conditions for Fluidization, Types of fluidization,
Applications of fluidization
Mechanic, Slurry, hydraulic and pneumatic transport, conveyors
4 Filtration and sedimentation: 8
Cake filters, Constant rate filtration, constant pressure filtration,Filter press, Shell and leaf
filters, vacuum filters, Centrifugal filters, Filter media, Filter aids, Clarifying filters, Gravity
classifiers, Sink and float method, Clarifiers and thickeners, Batch sedimentation, Rate of
sedimentation, Thickeners, Cyclones, Hydrocyclones, Centrifuges.
5 Solid- Fluid Mass Transfer: 12
Leaching, Crystallization, Nucleation, Growth of crystals, Drying, Solid- Fluid Reactors:
Fluidized bed reactor, moving bed reactor, slurry bed reactor, fixed bed reactor.
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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3150505
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Reference Books:
1. Foust A. S. & associates, “Principles of Unit Operations” John Wiley and Sons (1980).
2. McCabe Smith, “Unit Operation in Chemical Engineering” 5th ed. McGraw Hill (1985).
3. Perry R.H. & Chilton C.H., “Chemical Engineers Hand Book”, 7th ed. McGraw hill.
4. Badger and Bencharo, “Introduction to Chemical Engineering”. Tata McGraw hill.
5. Coulson and Richardson: Chemical Engineering, Vol. 2.Butterworth Heinemann Pub
6. Welty, Wicks, Wilson &Rorrer, Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer, 4th ed. Wiley Narayanan
C.M.& Bhattacharya B.C. “Mechanical Operations for Chemical engineers”, Khanna Publishers. 3 rd Ed.1999
CO-1 To characterize particles and perform size reduction and size analysis of particles to meet the need of 20
chemical industries
CO-2 To understand the performance of solid-fluid reactors 20
CO-5 To identify the different types of mixing, agitation and conveying of solids and estimating the power 15
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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3150505
1. To determine the screen efficiency for the given sample by sieve analysis
2. To determine the screen efficiency for the given sample by vibrating screen
3. To determine nip angle, Reduction Ratio, Ribbon Factor, Rittinger’s constant, Bond’s constant, Kick’s
constant , Work Index as well as Theoretical & Actual Capacity using roll crusher.
4. To determine Rittinger’s constant, Bond’s constant, Kick’s constant and Work Index using jawCrusher
5. To calculate the overall efficiency of the cyclone separator.
6. To carry out the batch sedimentation tests.
7. To carry out gravity filtration test
8. To determine Rittinger’s constant, Bond’s constant, Kick’s constant and Work Index for ball mill
9. To study filter press
10. To study size reduction of material by drop weight crusher
11. To determine separation efficiency by using magnetic separator
12. To determine separation efficiency by using froth flotation cell
Major Equipments
Jaw crusher, Gyratory crusher, Roll crusher, Ball mill, Cyclone separator, Plate & Frame filter press, Sieve shaker
apparatus etc.
Reference to NPTEL lectures can be made for a better understandingregarding mechanical operation done in
industriesunder different conditions.
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