Hydroclassifier (2020-CH-6)

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Submitted to: Dr. Shahzad

Submitted by: 2020-CH-6

University of engineering and technology, Lahore

Particle technology lab
Zahra Batool 2020-CH-6
Table of Contents:
1.1 Abstract 2
1.2 Related Theory 2
1.2.1. Introduction to Hydro-Classifiers 2
1.2.2. Types of Hydro-Classifiers 4
1.2.3. Construction and Working Principle 7
1.2.4. Performance Indicators 8
Cut Size: 8
Sharpness of Separation: 9
1.2.5. Parameters Affecting Performance 9 Design Parameters 9 Operating Parameters 9 Feed Characteristics 10
1.2.6. Applications and Limitations 10
1.2.7. Specifications of Common Industrial Models 10
1.3. Procedure 11
1.4. Observations, Calculations and Related Graphs 11
1.5. Discussions 13
Efficiency: 13
Experiment: 13
1.6. Conclusions 14
References 15

List of Tables
Table 1: Specifications of Laboratory Hydro-Classifiers 10
Table 2: Industrial Specifications of Hydro-Classifier
Table 3: Calculations Table 12

List of Figures:
Fig 1 Principle of Classification 3
Fig 2 Hydraulic Classifier 4
Fig 3 Settling Cone 5
Fig 4 Mechanical Classifier 5
Fig 5 Rake Classifier 6
Fig 6 Spiral Classifier 6
Fig 7 Hydro Classier 7
Fig 8 Construction of A Hydrocyclone 7
Fig 9 Schematics of A Hydrocyclone 7
Fig 10 Working of Classifier 8
Fig 11 Principle Flows in a Hydrocyclone 8

List of Graphs:

Zahra Batool 2020-CH-6
Graph 1: % underflow distribution coefficient against aperture size

1.1 Abstract: Classifiers are important separating devices for fine size particles where screens
cannot work efficiently. They are also important in mineral separations using gravity
concentrators. The main objectives of the experiment are to study the various parts of laboratory
hydro classifiers, especially its functions., to perform a screening test and to calculate the
performance of hydro classifiers by measuring sharpness of separation and cut size Separation is
done using the principle of free falling of particles under the influence of gravity. Distribution
coefficient for the classifier is calculated which comes out to be less than 1 which shows the
inefficiency of the process. The calculated values for cut size and sharpness of separation for this
experiment are comes out to be 0.106mm and 0.61 respectively.
1.2 Related Theory:
1.2.1 Introduction: The product coming from the grinders has a lot of variations in it with
respect to particle size. We cannot allow the particles greater than the upper limit to enter in the
next processes such as chemical reaction chamber, chemical separation etc. for example if the
limit is of 150mm we cannot allow particles of size greater than 150mm to enter. In such cases
we use classifiers. Screens do not work properly when the sizes become too small. If we want
efficient screening, it will take a lot of time and industries do not have time. So, classifiers are
employed for separation.
Principle of classification: if a solid particle falls freely in a vacuum, there is no resistance
to the particle's motion. If this particle falls under gravity its velocity goes on increasing
independent of size and density. As a result, a block of lead and a feather falls exactly at the
same rate in a vacuum. But in real cases, where a fluid such as air or water is present, the particle
feels resistance to its motion (called as drag force). When equilibrium is reached between drag
force acting upward and the gravitational force acting downward, the particle achieves its
terminal velocity. At this point, the acceleration of the particle becomes zero. Particles having
higher density have greater terminal velocity. We try as much as possible to eliminate the factor
of density but it is not completely possible because the raw material has impurities in it which
causes the difference of density within the material. Classifiers are designed and operated so that
the absolute velocities, resulting from the total net force, cause particles to be carried into
separable products. An example of a classifier is a sorting column. In this column the fluid is
introduced at uniform rate. Particles introduced into the sorting column either sink or rise
according to whether their terminal velocities are greater or smaller than the upward velocity of
the fluid. This column thus separates the feed into 2 products
⮚ Overflow: consisting of particles with terminal velocities smaller than the velocity of the
⮚ Underflow/spigot product: consisting of particles with terminal velocities greater than the
velocity of the fluid.

Zahra Batool 2020-CH-6

Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1:

Figure 1: principle of classification

Free settling: it refers to the sinking of particles in a volume of fluid which is large with
respect to the total volume of particles, hence particle-particle interaction is negligible. But this
condition is only fulfilled when the percentage by weight of solids is less than 15. Beyond this
value, cohesive forces dominate which causes hindered settling. One particle interacts with the
other and disturbs its settling. If a particle is heavier (greater density), it will affect the settling of
smaller particles. Industrially, we take percentage solids from 8-12.
● For determining the terminal velocity of the particle, in case of steady flow, stokes law is
o V=gd2(ρs-ρf)/18ղ
o Applicable for less than 50 micrometer particles
● While in case of turbulent flow, Newton's law is applied.
o V= [3gd(ρs-ρf)/ρf]0.5
o Applicable for greater than 5mm particles.
Hindered settling: if the concentration of solids in the pulp increases from 15, which is
common in all mineral classification units, cohesive forces dominate and the falling rate of
particles start to decrease. This situation is called hindered-settling as one particle hinders the
settling of another particle.
Design problem: Let’s say we two part particles A and B. Their diameters be da and db while
their densities are represented by Da and Db. from stokes law:
If the 2 particles achieve the same terminal velocity. Then the ratio of diameter is given by:
da/ db = {(Db-Df)/(Da-Df)}0.5
Assume particle 1= Quartz
Assume particle 2= Galena
da/ db= 1.99
The design problem is such that if this ratio is disturbed it will affect the separation. If the
particle of quartz is less than 1.99 times the particle of galena, it will go upward instead of going
downwards. The same is the case for galena that if the ratio is disturbed for it, it will go
downward instead of going upwards. So, we take the velocity of the fluid considering this whole
Effect of size, density and shape:

Zahra Batool 2020-CH-6
● Size: if two particles have the same density, then the particle with the larger diameter has
the higher terminal velocity. Moreover, if two particles have the same diameter, then the
heavier particle has the higher terminal velocity. In general, particles having large size
and greater density have higher terminal velocity.
● Shape: Spherical particles settle more quickly than irregular shaped particles. Spherical
particles experience lesser resistance. As a result, they achieve higher terminal velocity.
While irregular shaped particles experience greater drag force which causes relatively
lesser terminal velocity.
● Density: particles having higher density have greater terminal velocity. We try as much
as possible to eliminate the factor of density but it is not completely possible because the
raw material has impurities in it which causes the difference of density within the
1.2.2 Types: The major types of classifiers include:

● Vertical current classifiers

● Horizontal current classifier
❖ Settling cones
❖ Mechanical classifiers
⮚ Rake classifiers
⮚ Spiral classifiers
● Hydrocyclone
A brief description of each type is given below:
Vertical current classifiers:
● The direction of flow of fluids is vertical
● Hindered-settling type
● Promotes the effects of density
An example of this type is the hydraulic classifier in which the feed is entered in the sorting
column and water is introduced from the bottom. The direction of flow of water opposes the
settling of particles. A series of spigot products are obtained including the coarse size in the first
column, medium size in the latter one and fine size from the last column.

: Figure 2: Hydraulic classifier

Horizontal current classifier:

● The direction of flow of fluid is horizontal
● Free-settling type

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● Promotes the effects of sizing
● Further classified into 2 types
● Settling cones:
✔ Simplest form of classifiers
✔ Sometimes used as water-removing units for small scale processes.
✔ Mostly used in the aggregate industry
✔ Generally used for the separation of solids from liquids
✔ Its disadvantage is the difficulty to maintain the balance between feed
flow and discharge of products.
✔ It is limited to a narrow particle size range.

Figure 3: Settling cone

● Mechanical classifiers:
✔ Consists of a settling tank and a mechanism to remove the settled solids
from the bottom of the tank.
✔ Settled solids are conveyed by some discharge system. while overflow is
collected in launders.
✔ Further classified into 2 types.
❖ Rake classifiers
❖ Spiral classifier

Figure 4: Mechanical classifier

A brief description of both types of mechanical classifiers is given below:

❖ Rake classifier:
▪ Less common than spiral classifiers
▪ Rakes consists of one or more parallel lines of steel plates that hang from a central

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▪ The plates have a reciprocating motion.
▪ The plates agitate the settling solids and drag the deposited particles up the
inclined base of the tank
▪ At the end, the plates rise sharply and then are lowered back into the tank after an
eccentric movement to its initial position.
▪ On repeating the operation, the settled matter is discharged into the sands launder.
▪ The larger industrial sized rake classifier tanks are around 3.7-13m in length
while 4.5-5m in width.

Figure 5: Rake classifier

Figure 5: Rake classifiers

❖ Spiral classifier:
▪ Shape of the classifier tank is usually rectangular
▪ Feed is introduced at a position about halfway along the length of the settling
▪ The tank slope ranges from 14-18 degrees.
▪ The spirals impede the downward slurry movement resulting in build-up of the
▪ The feed size of particles to spiral classifiers is in the region of 150µm and
▪ Further classified into H-type and S-type classifiers.

Figure 6: Spiral classifier


Zahra Batool 2020-CH-6
❖ Rapid settling and classification is achieved by increasing the force acting on the particles
by replacing the gravitational force by centrifugal forces.
❖ Hydrocyclone is based on this principle,
❖ It has no moving parts and is easy to operate.
❖ Feed entry is either tangential to the center line of entry or forms an involuted entry.
❖ Cross section of entry pipe is usually circular, oval or rectangular
❖ The top of the feed chamber is covered with a plate through which a pipe known as a
vortex finder passes.
❖ The body of a cyclone is shaped like an inverted cone which converges to a smaller cone.
❖ The feed chamber and the cones are lined with rubber or synthetic lining.
❖ They are sometimes provided with nozzles just above the apex for injecting water to
compensate for water loss and loss of fines.


1.2.3 Construction: These schematics will clear the idea about the construction of a

Figure 8: Construction of a Hydrocyclone

Zahra Batool 2020-CH-6

Figure 9: Schematics of a Hydrocyclone

Working: The feed is introduced under pressure through the tangential entry, which imparts
swirling motion to the pulp. This creates a vortex in the cyclone, with a low pressure zone along
the vertical axis. An air core develops along the axis, normally connected to the atmosphere
through the apex opening, but in part created by dissolved air coming out of the solution in the
zone of low pressure. Particles within the hydrocyclone flow patterns are subjected to centrifugal
as well as drag forces. The centrifugal force accelerates the settling rate of the particles. Faster
moving particles move to the walls of the cyclone and migrate down to the apex opening. Due to
the action of drag force, the slower settling particles move towards the region of low pressure
along the axis and are carried upward through the vortex finder to the overflow.

Figure 10: Working of classifier

Figure 10: Working of classifier

Figure 11: Principle flows in a hydrocyclone

Figure 11: Principle flows in a hydrocyclone

Zahra Batool 2020-CH-6
1.2.4 Performance indicators: There are mainly 2 performance indicators, but capacity is
also included sometimes.
❖ Sharpness of separation:
It is related to the efficiency of classifiers. The sharpness of
separation can be measured using this equation.
C = 1-exp(-kdm) where m is the sharpness of separation, k is a constant and d is
the mean particle size. The value is determined by the slope of the central section
of the partition curve. The closer the slope is to vertical, the higher the value of m
and thus higher the efficiency of the classifier. Perfect classification would give
m=infinity. But in reality m values are rarely above 3. The sharpness of
separation is also called imperfection and is given by the formula
● I = d75-d25/2d50
❖ Cut size: it is defined as the size for which 50% of the feed particles report to underflow,
i.e., particles of this size has an equal chance of going either with the overflow or the
underflow. This point is usually referred to as the d 50 size. Cut size is inversely related to
solids recovery. There are two types of cut size
⮚ Design cut size
⮚ Operating cut size

These are some points for design cut size:

● It decreases with the flow rate.
● Increases with cyclone inclination to vertical.
● Increases with small apex or large vortex finders.
● Increases with viscosity.
● Increases with cyclone diameter.
❖ Capacity: The capacity of the classifier decides how much valuable material it can
separate from the gange or other undesirable particle in unit time. It is also dependent on
the size and geometry of the classifier.
1.2.5 Parameters Affecting Performance: Design parameters: A number of design parameters are given below:
o Cylinder diameter
o Inlet diameter
o Vortex finder diameter
o Apex diameter
o Length or angle of cone
All these parameters are discussed below in such a way that the parameter discussed is only
changing while all the other parameters are constant.
❖ Cylinder diameter: By increasing the cylinder diameter cut size decreases because in this
case only very fine size particles will go upward while others will go downward and if
the diameter decreases the case goes in the reverse manner. But design cut size increases
with increasing cylinder/cyclone diameter.
❖ Inlet diameter: By increasing the inlet diameter the cut size increases because more feed/
particles can now enter the classifier and vice versa.

Zahra Batool 2020-CH-6
❖ Length or angle of cone: By increasing the length of cone the chances of more and more
particles to come down increases and hence cut size decreases. While design cut size
increases with increased inclination of cyclones.
❖ Vortex finder diameter: By increasing the vortex finder diameter cut size increases as
more particles can go upward while design cut size also increases with increasing vortex
finder diameter.
❖ Apex diameter: By increasing the apex diameter cut size decreases as chances of more
and more particles to go downward increases.
⮊ For case of sharpness it is not like cut size i.e. changing one and taking others
constant can show the relation between the two. Sharpness is interdependent on many
factors and it is a blend of different parameters. Operating parameters: The two operating parameters include:
✔ Feed pressure
✔ Feed percent solids
The brief description of both is given below:
▪ Feed pressure: Feed pressure is directly related to the cut size as more by increasing the
pressure more particles get the chances of going upward and vice versa.
▪ Feed percent solids: Cut size decreases with increasing feed percent solids because as the
percentage of solids increases cohesive forces increases. Feed characteristics:
◆ Particularly suited for the removal of slimes
◆ Mainly for very small particles such as clay or silt
◆ Feed size varies from coarse (150µm and more) down to fines
1.2.6 Applications and Limitations:
⮊ Classification in grinding circuits
⮊ Dewatering and thickening
⮊ Enrichment of heavy minerals
⮊ Desliming and washing
⮚ Due to the high velocity motion of slurry/feed various parts of the machine such as
pipes, cylinder gets wear and tear.
⮚ Not efficient as screens for coarser particles
⮚ Setting of fluid velocity is a difficult job because of design problem discussed above
⮚ Operation is very sensitive since a little change in conditions can cause roping
1.2.7 Specifications:
Table 1: specifications of laboratory hydroclassifier
Name of machine Centrifugal hydro classifier

Motor power 0.25 hp

Motor rpm 500-2500

Size of classifier 9 inch

Zahra Batool 2020-CH-6

Table 2: Specifications of industrial hydroclassifier

Model Feed size (mm) Feed density Increase in Sieve size(mm) Capacity(
water pressure

240*240 0-3 20%-26% 150-200 240*240 5-8

200*200 20%-26% 150-200 200*200 4-5


240*260 3-5 14%-18% 170-220 240*260 5-6

1.3 Procedure:
● First of all, take an overview of the machine in the laboratory and study each part of the
machine which will be helpful in understanding the process more precisely which
machine will perform.
● Now, obtain the feed sample which is to be analyzed and using the sieve kit, perform
sieve analysis on it. By doing so, different sized particles will separate in a specific
distribution range.
● After sieve analysis, each sieve will have a sample of feed particles on it. Collect these
particles and mix them carefully.
● Before entering the feed into the machine, make sure that the spigot valve located at the
bottom of the hydro classifier is closed.
● Open the hydro classifier's water supply valve and let the water enter into the tank until it
is filled up to the experimental requirements.
● Flow Rates at underflow and overflow ends should be consistent. For consistency
checking, open the spigot valve and centrifuge it and make sure that the flow rates are
● Storage launders are installed at the discharge of underflow and overflow for the research
sample collection.
● Turn ON the machine. Give input of mixed feed samples to the hydro classifier at
standardized feed rate.
● Underflow and overflow materials will come to the launders which were inserted at the
bottom. Leave these launders for the particles settlement.
● Keep removing the transparent water from the launder tanks but in this step, don't allow
the particles to flow out with water.
● Then, take the dewatered underflow and overflow and put them in an oven at the
value of almost 110°C. Perform sieve analysis on these products.
● Measure total weights and draw a graph between aperture size on x-axis and %
distribution coefficient on y-axis.
1.4 Observations and Calculations:
Pan weight= 53g

Zahra Batool 2020-CH-6
Total feed mass = 200g
Table 3: Observations and calculations
Sr # Aperture Feed Overflow Underflow Corrected Corrected % Oversized
Size Overflow Underflow Distribution

1 0.25 30 2 17 6 24 93.32

2 0.21 26 2 12 6 20 84.62

3 0.18 20 1 11 5 15 80.00

4 0.13 24 6 18 8 16 70.82

5 0.09 28 15 12 19 9 32.14

6 0.054 20 9 10 16 4 30.00

7 0 52 37 13 44 8 25.00

8 Pan 200 72 93 200


% Underflow Distribution Coefficent Against Aperture Size

Percentage Underflow Distribution Coefficent

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Aperture Size (mm)

Cut Size:
From the graph, the cut size value is:
d50 = 0.106mm (Cut Size)

Zahra Batool 2020-CH-6

Sharpness of Separation:
d25 = 0.01mm
d75 = 0.14mm
 I = d75-d25/2d50
By using this formula:
Sharpness of Separation = 0.61 (It is unit less because it’s a ratio of two cut sizes)

1.5 Discussions:
Efficiency Discussion:
Efficiency is defined as the ratio of the output of a machine to the input of the machine. In hydro
classifiers, efficiency is calculated by using the sharpness of separation. From the graphical
plotting of data available, efficiency of hydro classifiers can be predicted. If the graphical slope
value is smaller, greater will be the efficiency and vice versa.
The efficiency of the hydroclassifier is the key factor for the classification of the process. The
value of the sharpness of separation indicates the performance of the hydroclassifier. If the value
of the sharpness of separation is approximate with the ideal case then our efficiency would be
higher and hydroclassifier is giving a good performance. The value of distribution coefficient is
plotted against aperture size and from the graph cut size and sharpness of separation is
calculated. The value of our sharpness of separation is 0.61. It is deviating from the ideal case
when all the underflow and overflow materials should completely go to their respective
compartments. The possible reasons of deviation can be the design problem which is discussed
in the report i.e, the ratio of respective particle’s diameters causes the material (should go to
underflow) to go to overflow due to the effects of density and same is the case for underflow.
Moreover, if the value of feed percent solids is greater than 15% cohesive forces between the
particles became so strong that it adversely effects the separation process. Efficiency of the
process decreases because of this. Specifically, operation of the machine and operating
conditions especially the feed volume is important factor in this regard. A little bit of disturbance
can cause roping which highly decreases the efficiency and affects the performance of the
machine. The possible solutions of these problems can be to maintain the feed percent solids
upto the industrial range of 8-12%. Operating of the machine should be carefully done and all
the diameters as well as the operating conditions should be perfectly calculated and employed.
The design problem can be eliminated as much as possible by carefully selecting the fluid
velocity in the classifier.
Slope will only give the maximum value when ideal conditions are considered because the
factors such as handling of viscous fluids, wear and tears of machine are neglected which can
affect the hydro classifiers' efficiency and this effect is always in the form of a deviation.
Maximum value of efficiency for an ideal case should be 1 or 100%.
However, in the real case, efficiency can never be 1 or 100%. The main reason behind this
deviation is that the factors which were excluded in the ideal case are involved here and

Zahra Batool 2020-CH-6
producing such conditions which can decrease efficiency of the hydro classifiers from the
expected value and these conditions are known as real conditions.
In this experiment, the drawn graph is for real conditions which is showing a considerable
deviation from the graph which can be drawn for an ideal case. Main reason for this deviation
can be that oversized and undersized particles may move to the underflow and overflow and vice
Experimental Discussion:

Any experiment is based on a series of steps and whenever these steps vary, the calculations also
change. Calculations of cut size and sharpness of separation are the main target in this
experiment. Factors which can affect the experimental calculations may include:
● Methodology: Experimental techniques which are being used for performance are
summarized as methodology. When experiment is performed under such states where
feed samples can be contaminated by undesirable or unnecessary particles whether from
air or any other source. Personal and systematic error will also come under this domain.
● Flow Conditions: To obtain a precise cut size, underflow and overflow pressure are
maintained constant because pressure variation can introduce abrupt changes which make
calculations unfavorable at industrial level.
● Feed Quantity: In hydro classifiers, law of conservation of mass is applied on the
overflow and underflow to balance feed mass with product mass (feed mass = product
mass). This mass reduction is because the products of screens are taken as feed samples
for hydro classifiers. Might be possible that some particles are stuck into holes of screens
and not collected for the feed sample of hydro classifiers.

1.6 Conclusions:
The principle of hydro classifiers is mainly based on the law of conservation of mass. According
to this law, the inputs or outputs of a system should be equal. Therefore, in the hydro classifier it
can be expressed as, in the underflow and overflow, the feed size of particles should be equal to
the product size. However, this statement is only true if we assume the ideal conditions, hence,
not all the time results come under this statement. The hydro classifiers operate when the particle
size range varies in between the 50millimeter to 1 micrometer and whenever, graph is plotted
from the experimental observations, the slope value from optimum conditions comes out to be
almost 2-3.
But in this experiment, graphical slope is 1. From the expected trend, the designed cut size is
greater than the operating cut size. The oversized and undersized particles have the tendency to
flow into the respective flows, which means that oversized particles can move in the underflow
and overflow can attain undersized particles.
Some parameters also affect the cut size causing the cut size to vary from calculated value and
giving the value, which does not match with expected value. These parameters are given below:
● Cone length
● Feed percent solid

Zahra Batool 2020-CH-6
● Diameter of apex
● Feed fineness
Sharpness of separation is affected by following factors:
● Density of particle
● Shape of particle
● Feed pressure
● Feed percent solid effect sharpness of separation as well as cut size.

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