Steel Industry: Dolomitic Quicklime

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Steel Industry

Dolomitic Quicklime
Lower flux cost by 20% when

you use Dolomitic Quicklime to

replace Chinese Magnesite...

Revision: 1/10/2003
...this modified flux practice Extended
demonstrates large savings in furnace refractory
manufacturing cost without reduction in life and lower
technical performance or product quality. refractory maintenance
cost achieved with the
previous use of
Chinese Magnesite
are sustained.
With dolomitic
quicklime you can
depend on

Lime, the CONSISTENCY for your

Proven Solution! MgO slag requirements.


Carmeuse North America

11 Stanwix Street, 11th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Phone: 866-243-0965 / 866-780-0974
Fax: 412-995-5515
Technical Discussion Conclusions
Industry Research: Fruehan concludes:
In a controlled study aimed at a critical evaluation of “The rate of dissolution of magnesite and dolomite are
Dolomitic Quicklime versus Chinese Magnesite*, essentially the same for similar conditions. For dolomite, it
Dr. R.J. Fruehan demonstrated equivalent chemical slag appears that the CaO is dissolved away first and the MgO
performance in the application of Chinese Magnesite-High grains enter the slag where they dissolve. No solid layers
Calcium Quicklime flux and Dolomitic Quicklime-High of calcium silicate were found for EAF conditions. For
Calcium Quicklime. For the EAF steel maker, the control magnesite, the slag penetrates into the particle and solid
of slag basicity (B3=%CaO/%SiO2+Al2O3) is critical, along layers of FeO l MgO form the MgO grains.
with maintenance of a slag saturated with magnesium
As long as the basicity is below about two, dolomite should
(8-15%) to provide protection to the refractory.
go into solution rapidly. For magnesite, the MgO content
To produce an effective flux material, any MgO and must also be significantly below saturation for rapid
CaO added to the furnace must be in solution, and dissolution. The differences are considered insignificant for
so the manner and rate of dissolution of the added the steel maker”.
fluxes is of primary concern. The Fruehan study
looks in detail at the mechanisms and rates of Equivalent product calculations:
dissolutions of the compared flux mixtures.
In addition to MgO, the use of dolomitic lime in place of
Once in the solution, the amount of MgO available Chinese Magnesite adds valuable calcium oxide to the steel
is critical in maintaining refractory life. This making process, which is taken into account when calculating
recommended procedure ensures that equivalent the relative amounts of Dolomitic Lime and High Calcium
MgO is added to the furnace, and that the MgO Lime that must added to the furnace.
and CaO chemistry is unchanged from the previous Dr. Fruehan confirms, “In addition, the CaO contributed
practice when using Chinese Magnesite. The cost from the Dolomitic Lime is obviously of the same value to
difference is easily computed. the steelmaker as the CaO derived from High Calcium Lime”.
* “Dissolution of Magnesite and Dolomite in Simulated EAF What does this mean for the steel maker
Slags”, Dr. R.J. Fruehan, Y. Li, and L. Brabie, Carnegie
in practical terms?
Mellon University.
The comparison study on the back of this brochure uses the
Carmeuse calculator tool and demonstrates the cost savings
available utilizing this approach for a typical steel maker.

Dolomitic Quicklime Dolomitic Quicklime

6 7
Magnesia + High Calcium Quicklime Magnesia + High Calcium Quicklime

5 6

4 5
Solid Dissolved, Gram
MgO, Weight %

3 4

2 3

1 2

0 1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Time [minutes] 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Time [minutes]

These graphs demonstrate the rates of dissolution of Calculate your potential savings. Let Carmeuse North
MgO, essential in providing magnesium in a form America calculate the savings available to your
available to provide protection to the furnace refractory. operations. See calculator on the back page.
Equivalent Equivalent
Magnesite Dolomitic Your Dolomitic
Practice Lime Practice Practice Lime Practice
Tons of steel per heat 92 92
Pounds of High Calcium Lime per heat 8,857 4,660
Pounds of Dolomitic Lime per heat - 7,250
Pounds of Magnesite per heat 3,061 -
Pounds of other flux per heat ( ) - -
% CaO in High Calcium Lime 97.0 % 97.0 % 97.0 % 97.0 %
% MgO in High Calcium Lime 2.0 % 2.0 % 2.0 % 2.0 %
% CaO in Dolomitic Lime 57.0 % 57.0 % 57.0 % 57.0 %
% MgO in Dolomitic Lime 40.0 % 40.0 % 40.0 % 40.0 %
% CaO in Magnesite 2.0 % 2.0 % 2.0 % 2.0 %
% MgO in Magnesite 92.0 % 92.0 % 92.0 % 92.0 %
% CaO in other flux ( )
% MgO in other flux ( )
Approximate delivered price of High Calcium Lime per ton $ 68.00 $ 68.00
Approximate delivered price of Dolomitic Lime per ton $ 84.00 $ 84.00
Approximate delivered price of Magnesite per ton $ 175.00 $ 175.00
Approximate delivered price of other flux per ton - -
Pounds of CaO per heat 8,653 8,653
Pounds of MgO per heat 2,993 2,993
Cost per heat - High Calcium Lime $ 301.14 $ 158.44
Cost per heat - Dolomitic Lime - $ 304.50
Cost per heat - Magnesite $ 267.84 -
Cost per heat - other flux - -
TOTAL FLUX COST PER HEAT $ 568.98 $ 462.94
FLUX COST PER TON OF STEEL $ 6.18 $ 5.03 $ $
Annual Savings $ 507,126

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