J1037 - 201504-Windshield Washer Tubing

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STANDARD Issued 1973-09

Stabilized 2015-04

Superseding J1037 MAR2006

Windshield Washer Tubing


This document has been determined to contain basic and stable technology which is not dynamic in nature.


This document has been declared "Stabilized" by the SAE Non-Hydraulic Hose Committee and will no longer be
subjected to periodic reviews for currency. Users are responsible for verifying references and continued suitability of
technical requirements. Newer technology may exist.

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1. Scope—This SAE Standard covers nonreinforced, extruded, flexible tubing intended primarily for use as fluid
lines for automotive windshield washer systems which conform to the requirements of SAE J942.

1.1 Rationale—This document has been reaffirmed to comply with the SAE 5-Year Review policy.

2. References

2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of the specification to the extent specified
herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest revision of SAE publications shall apply.

2.1.1 SAE PUBLICATIONS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Tel:
877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) or 724-776-4970 (outside USA), www.sae.org.

SAE J942—Passenger Car Windshield Washer Systems

SAE J1231—Formed Tube Ends for Hose Connections

2.1.2 ASTM PUBLICATIONS—Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
Tel: 610-832-9585, www.astm.org.

ASTM D 380—Methods of Testing Rubber Hose

ASTM D 573—Test for Rubber—Deterioration in an Air Oven
ASTM D 925—Test Method for Rubber Property—Staining of Surfaces
ASTM D 1149—Test Method for Rubber Deterioration—Surface Ozone Cracking in a Chamber
ASTM D 2240—Test Method for Rubber Property Durometer Hardness

3. Dimensions—Typical available sizes are noted in Table 1. The Nominal Tube Size is for reference purposes
only. Tubing should be made to the ID Dimensions and Tolerances shown in Table 1.
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Nominal Nominal
Tube Size Tube Size ID Dimension Tolerance
mm in mm mm
3 1/8 2.54 ±0.25
4.5 3/16 3.96 ±0.40
6 1/4 5.56 ±0.40
1. Dimensions and tolerances, others than those shown in Table 1, must be agreed upon by
both the manufacturer and customer.

4. Requirements—The following tests shall be conducted on full sections of tubing, except when noted
otherwise. All test values indicated herein are based on samples conditioned at standard laboratory test
conditions of 23 °C ± 2 °C and 50% ± 5% relative humidity for not less than 24 h prior to testing and tested
under the same conditions unless otherwise specified.

4.1 Hardness Durometer A (ASTM D 2240)—70 points ± 5 points.

4.2 Tensile Strength

a. Tensile Strength—7.0 MPa, minimum

b. Elongation—200%, minimum

4.2.1 TEST METHOD—Tubing 250 mm long is fastened to the jaws of a tensile tester by means of knots tied in both
ends with two washers located between the knots and the washers fastened in the jaws. The jaw separation
rate shall be 500 mm ± 25 mm per minute until failure occurs. If the tubing fails in the knots or within 25 mm
of the knots, then the tests should be rerun until failure occurs in the section between the knots. To obtain
the cross-sectional area of tubing, an optical comparator or similar instrument may be used.

4.2.2 ALTERNATE TEST METHOD—If the tubing continues to fail in the knot, the tensile strength and elongation may
be obtained by testing of cured slabs according to ASTM D 380. The test method used should be recorded
with the results.

4.3 Burst Pressure (ASTM D 380)—0.70 MPa, minimum

4.4 Formed Tube End or Connector Pull-Off Force


Beaded Tube Beaded Tube
Fitting Dimension Fitting Dimension
SAE J1231 SAE J1231
Nominal Fitting OD Fitting Bead Diameter
Tube Size Dimension E Dimension F Pull-Off Force
mm mm mm N
3 3.17 3.77 22
4.5 4.78 5.59 44
6 6.35 7.37 66
1. For Tube Sizes other than the ones in Table 2, refer to SAE J1231. If the Tube Size is not included in
SAE J1231, it is recommended that the Beaded Tube Fitting OD should be 20% greater than the Tube
ID Dimension and the Bead Diameter should be 35% greater than the Tube ID Dimension. For Tube
Sizes other than those in Table 2, the manufacturer and customer shall agree upon the Pull-Off Force.
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4.4.1 TEST METHOD—150 mm specimen lengths of tubing shall be installed on the respective size beaded tube or
plastic connector fitting as described in SAE J1231. The beaded tube ends or plastic connectors used shall
be clean and dry. The tubing specimens shall be as received with no preparation of the bore. If a lubricant is
required to facilitate installation, only isooctane or similar evaporative petroleum derivative may be used.
After installation, the specimens shall be allowed to stabilize at standard laboratory test temperature for 48 h.
Using a suitable tensioning device at a pull rate of 500 mm per min ± 25 mm per min, the rubber tubing shall
not be pulled from the fitting with less than the specified force in Table 2.

4.5 Vacuum Collapse Test—30%, maximum.

The collapse of the OD of the tubing under internal vacuum of 610 mm of mercury for 5 min shall be 30% max.
The test shall be made with the tubing curved to a radius equal to five times the maximum OD.

4.6 Wax Bloom—There shall be no visible evidence of wax or any other contaminants exuding from the inside or
outside diameter of the tubing.

4.6.1 TEST METHOD—Condition a 150 mm section of tubing for 45 min at –40 °C. Remove the specimen from the
cold chamber and permit recovery to room temperature for 1 h. The tubing shall then be twisted
360 degrees for 10 successive cycles, after which the center 50 mm section shall be compressed
10 successive cycles by finger pressure or utilization of a compression device to full closure of the ID. The
tubing shall then be sectioned longitudinally and examined for evidence of wax bloom or other contaminants.

4.7 Tear Test—The tubing shall not tear when expanded to a minimum internal diameter of two times the nominal
ID by forcing the tubing over a 30 degree tapered, clean metal rod which has been lubricated with a silicone
parting agent. The metal rod shall have a finish of 20 rms maximum.

4.8 Formed Tube End Pull-Off Force After Sequential Heat Aging/Ozone Exposure

4.8.1 TEST METHOD—150 mm specimen lengths of tubing shall be installed on formed tube ends or plastic
connector as described in Table 2. The tubing shall be heat aged as in accordance with ASTM D 573 for
70 h at 125 °C. After 24 h stabilization period at standard laboratory test conditions, the heat aged tubing
shall be exposed in an ozone test chamber as described in 4.10. At the end of the exposure, the specimens
shall be allowed to cool to standard laboratory test conditions for minimum of 16 h. Using a suitable
tensioning device at a pull rate of 500 mm per min ± 25 mm per min, the rubber tubing shall not be pulled
from the formed tube end with less than the specified force in Table 3.


Tube Size Pull-Off Force
mm N
3 18
4.5 35
6 53
1. For dimensions other than those in Table 3,
the Pull-Off Force should be 80% of the
unaged Pull-Off Force as agreed upon by the
manufacturer and customer.
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4.9 Cold Resistance—Shall not show fractures, cracks, checks, or breaks.

4.9.1 TEST METHOD—The tubing shall be subjected to a temperature of –40 °C for a period of 5 h. After aging, the
tubing shall be flexed in the cold chamber through 180 degrees from the centerline in each direction to a
diameter 10 times the maximum OD of the tube at each extreme of the cycle for five cycles. The rate of
cycling shall be approximately one cycle in 4 s.

4.10 Ozone Resistance (ASTM D 1149)—Rating of 0.

4.10.1 TEST METHOD—Elongate the specimen around a wooden or aluminum mandrel of random selection to attain
approximately 25% elongation. Condition the specimen on the mandrel 24 h at room temperature in an
ozone-free atmosphere. Then hang the specimen(s) in an ozone box with an ozone partial pressure of
50 mPa ± 5 mPa for 70 h at 40 °C ± 1 °C. Examine for rating using 7X-power glass.

4.11 Heat Aging—After being subjected to dry air aging in accordance with ASTM D 573 for 70 h at 125 °C, the
tubing must then meet the following test requirements:

a. Vacuum Collapse: 30% max (tested to 4.5)

b. Cold Resistance: Shall not crack, etc. (tested to Method 4.9.1)
c. Hardness: Durometer A Change: +15 points, max
d. Tensile Change: –20% max
e. Elongation Change: –50% max
f. Tear Resistance: Must not tear (tested to 4.7)
g. Ozone Resistance: ASTM D 1149 – Rating of 0

4.12 Stain Test (Water Solution)—When tested as described as follows, slight staining of the paint is permitted,
providing it can be removed by employing the usual cleaning materials.

4.12.1 TEST METHOD—Cut a 150 mm length of tubing into small pieces and place in 200 ml of a 50% aqueous
solution of windshield washer solution and reflux for 4 h. Cool the resulting liquid to room temperature. Pour
out on a surface of a freshly prepared white paint panel, convertible and vinyl top materials of your
production, covering about 6.45 cm2 surface of each specimen. Expose specimens to ultraviolet radiation
(RSM Sunlamp per ASTM D 925-Method B) for 24 h. Cool and examine. Make a visual assessment of the
degree of staining relative to a reference sample (protected from irradiation).


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