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( 12 ) United States Patent ( 10) Patent No.: US 11,114,927 B2

Beyerl et al . (45 ) Date of Patent : *Sep. 7, 2021
( 54 ) BRUSHLESS DIRECT CURRENT MOTOR ( 58 ) Field of Classification Search
FOR POWER TOOLS CPC HO2K 1/146 ; HO2K 3/12 ; HO2K 3/345 ;
HO2K 7/145 ; HO2K 9/00 ; HO2K 11/215 ;
( 71 ) Applicant: MILWAUKEE ELECTRIC TOOL (Continued )
CORPORATION , Brookfield , WI (US )
( 72 ) Inventors: Andrew T. Beyerl , Pewaukee , WI ( 56 ) References Cited
(US ) ; Keith Boulanger , Kenosha, WI U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
(US ) ; Matthew R. Bailey , Racine , WI
(US ) ; Carl B. Westerby, Menomonee 4,926,075 A 5/1990 Fushiya et al .
Falls , WI (US ) 4,952,830 A 8/1990 Shirakawa
( 73 ) Assignee : MILWAUKEE ELECTRIC TOOL ( Continued )
( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this CN 2733729 10/2005
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 CN 201185382 1/2009
U.S.C. 154 (b ) by 0 days. (Continued )
This patent is subject to a terminal dis
( 21 ) Appl. No .: 17/095,484 Sakata et al . , English Machine Translation of JP 2005-287240 (Year:
2005 ) . *
(22 ) Filed : Nov. 11 , 2020 (Continued )
( 65 ) Prior Publication Data
Primary Examiner Tulsidas C Patel
US 2021/0067018 A1 Mar. 4 , 2021 Assistant Examiner Rashad H Johnson
Related U.S. Application Data (74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Michael Best &
Friedrich LLP
( 63 ) Continuation of application No. 15 / 894,386 , filed on
Feb. 12 , 2018 , now Pat . No. 10,848,042 . ( 57 ) ABSTRACT
(Continued )
A brushless electric motor includes a stator and a rotor. The
(51 ) Int. Ci. stator includes a core defining a plurality of stator teeth , a
HO2K 23/02 ( 2006.01 ) first end cap proximate a first end of the core , a second end
HOCK 3/12 ( 2006.01 ) cap proximate a second end of the core , and a plurality of
( Continued ) coils disposed on the respective stator teeth . The stator also
(52) U.S. Ci. includes a plurality of coil contact plates overmolded within
CPC HO2K 23/023 (2013.01 ) ; H02K 1/146 one of the first end cap or the second end cap that short
( 2013.01 ) ; HO2K 3/12 (2013.01 ) ; HO2K 3/345 circuit diagonally opposite coils on the stator.
( 2013.01 );
(Continued ) 23 Claims , 21 Drawing Sheets
165 160


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Page 2

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120 M O T R 115
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FIG . 5 -180
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FIG . 8
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FIG . 9
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245 255



FIG . 10 240




FIG . 11
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205 255



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FIG . 31
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FIG . 32
US 11,114,927 B2
1 2
BRUSHLESS DIRECT CURRENT MOTOR FIG . 3 is an exploded view of the motor assembly of
FIG . 4 is a perspective view of the brushless DC motor in
CROSS - REFERENCE TO RELATED the motor assembly of FIG . 3 .
FIG . 5 is a front perspective view of the motor of FIG . 4 .
FIG . 6 is another front perspective view of the motor of
This application is a continuation of U.S. patent applica- FIG . 4 with portions removed .
tion Ser. No. 15 / 894,386 filed on Feb. 12 , 2018 , now U.S. FIG . 7 is another front perspective view of the motor of
Pat . No. 10,848,042 , which claims priority to U.S. Provi- 10
FIG . 4 with portions removed .
sional Patent Application No. 62 /458,367 filed on Feb. 13 , FIG . 8 is a plan view of a stator lamination of the motor
2017 , the entire contents ofwhich are incorporated herein by of FIG . 4 .
reference . FIG . 9 is a front perspective view of a front end cap of the
motor of FIG . 4 .
15 FIG . 10 is a rear perspective view of the front end cap of
FIG . 9 .
The present invention relates to brushless DC motors , and FIG . 11 is a front view of a rear end cap of the motor of
more particularly to brushless DC motors used in power FIG. 4 .
tools .
FIG . 12 is a rear view of the rear end cap of FIG . 11 .
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 20 FIG . 13 is a perspective view of the rear end cap of FIG .
11 with coil contact plates overmolded therein .
The invention provides, in one aspect , a brushless electric FIG . 14 is a front view of the rear end cap and coil contact
motor including a rotor and a stat in which the rotor is plates of FIG . 13 , illustrating the rear end cap in a trans
received . The stator includes a core defining a plurality of parent state .
stator teeth , an end cap coupled to the core , the end cap 25 FIG . 15 is a perspective view of the coil contact plates of
including a plurality of guiding tabs, a plurality of coils FIG . 13 .
disposed on the respective stator teeth , and a plurality of coil FIG . 15A is a perspective view of an alternative embodi
contact plates overmolded within the end cap . Each of the ment of the rear end cap of FIG . 13 .
coil contact plates includes a first terminal and a second FIG . 15B is a rear exploded view of a portion of the rear
terminal, and the first terminal and the second terminal each 30 end cap of FIG . 15A .
include a hook connected to one of the plurality of coils . The FIG . 16 is a perspective view of a rear end cap and coil
hook protrudes from the guiding tab. contact plates according to another embodiment, illustrating
The invention provides, in another aspect , a brushless the rear end cap in a transparent state .
electric motor including a rotor and a stator in which the FIG . 17 is a plan view of the coil contact plates shown in
rotor is received . The stator includes a core, an end cap 35 FIG . 16 with the rear end cap removed.
coupled to the core , a first stator coil coupled to the core , a FIG . 18 is a perspective view of the coil contact plates of
second stator coil coupled to the core , and a third stator coil FIG . 17 .
coupled to the core . The second stator coil is positioned FIG . 19 is a rear perspective view of a motor housing of
between the first stator coil and the third stator coil . The the motor assembly of FIG . 2 .
stator further includes a first coil contact plate and a second 40 FIG . 20 is a front perspective view of the motor housing
coil contact plate overmolded within the end cap . The first in accordance with some embodiments.
coil contact plate short- circuits the first stator coil with the FIG . 21 is a rear view of the motor housing of FIG . 19 .
third stator coil ; and wherein the second coil contact plate is FIG . 22 is a front view of the motor housing of FIG . 19 .
coupled to the second stator coil . FIG . 23 is a perspective view of a PCB assembly in
The invention provides, in another aspect , a brushless 45 accordance with some embodiments.
electric motor including a rotor and a stator in which the FIG . 24 is a side view of the PCB assembly of FIG . 23 .
rotor is received . The stator includes a core defining a FIG . 25 is a perspective view of the PCB assembly of
plurality of stator teeth , an end cap proximate an end of the FIG . 23 , with portions removed .
core , a plurality of coils disposed on the respective stator FIG . 26 is a perspective view of a heat sink of the PCB
teeth , and a plurality of coil contact plates overmolded 50 assembly of FIG . 23 .
within the end cap that short- circuit diagonally opposite FIG . 27 is a front view of a power PCB of the PCB
coils on the stator. assembly of FIG . 23 .
Other aspects of the invention will become apparent by FIG . 28 is a rear perspective view of the power PCB of
consideration of the detailed description and accompanying 55 FIG . 27 .
drawings. FIG . 29 is a rear perspective view of a motor assembly
according to another embodiment, illustrating a PCB assem
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS bly exploded from the remainder of the motor assembly.
FIG . 30 is a perspective view of the PCB assembly of
FIG . 1 is a block diagram of a power tool including a FIG . 29 .
brushless DC motor in accordance with an embodiment of 60 FIG . 31 is a side view of the PCB assembly of FIG . 30 .
the invention . FIG . 32 is a perspective view of a multi-piece heat sink of
FIG . 2A is a perspective view of a motor assembly, the PCB assembly of FIG . 21 .
including the brushless DC motor, in accordance with Before any embodiments of the invention are explained in
another embodiment of the invention . detail, it is to be understood that the invention is not limited
FIG . 2B is a rear perspective view of the motor assembly 65 in its application to the details of construction and the
of FIG . 2 , illustrating a PCB assembly exploded from the arrangement of components set forth in the following
remainder of the motor assembly. description or illustrated in the following drawings. The
US 11,114,927 B2
3 4
invention is capable of other embodiments and of being outward - extending ribs 190 on the outer surface of the stator
practiced or of being carried out in various ways . core 235 that extend the entire length of the stator core 235 .
Adjacent ribs 190 define a concave channel 295 through
DETAILED DESCRIPTION which the fasteners 170 extend . In addition , the stator 180
5 also includes recesses 195 , the purpose of which is described
FIG . 1 illustrates a simplified block diagram of a power below, that extend parallel with the ribs 190 and that are
tool 100. The power tool 100 includes a power source 105 , rotationally offset from the ribs 190. With reference to FIG .
field effect transistors (FETs) 110 , a brushless electric motor 8 , each stator lamination 185 includes a rim 210 having
115 , Hall - effect sensors 120 , a motor controller 125 , user multiple radially outward - extending protrusions that collec
input 130 , and other components 135 ( such as current / 10 tively define the ribs 190 when the laminations 185 are
voltage sensors, work lights (LEDs ) , etc. ) . The power source stacked , and recesses 195 defined on the outer surface of the
105 provides DC power to the various components of the rim 210. The stator 180 also includes inwardly extending
power tool 100 and may be a power tool battery pack that is stator teeth 215 and slots 220 defined between each pair of
rechargeable (e.g. , a Lithium - ion battery pack) . In some adjacent stator teeth 215. An insulating member 225 ( FIG . 7 )
instances, the power source 105 may receive AC power 15 is provided in the slots 220 to insulate the stator teeth 215
( e.g. , 120V / 60 HZ ) from a tool plug that is coupled to a from coil windings (not shown ).
standard wall outlet. The AC power may then be converted With reference to FIG . 4 , the motor 115 also includes a
into DC power and provided to the components of the power permanent ring magnet 305 mounted on the rear of the rotor
tool 100. The power source 105 provides operating power to shaft 150. The ring magnet 305 is affixed to the rotor shaft
the motor 115 through the FETs 110 ( e.g. , an inverter
bridge ).
20 150 and co - rotates with the rotor shaft 150, emanating a
rotating magnetic field that is detectable by the Hall- effect
The Hall- effect sensors 120 output motor feedback infor- sensors 120. The ring magnet 305 is rotationally aligned
mation , such as an indication ( e.g. , a pulse ) when the with the magnets of the rotor 175 .
Hall -effect sensors detect a pole of a magnet attached to a The stator 180 includes a front end cap 200 adjacent a
rotating shaft 150 of the motor 115. Based on the motor 25 front end of the stator core 235 and a rear end cap 205
feedback information from the Hall -effect sensors 120 , the adjacent a rear end of the stator core 235. With reference to
motor controller 125 may determine the rotational position , FIGS . 9-14 , the front end cap 200 and the rear end cap 205
velocity, and / or acceleration of the shaft 150. The motor each include rim portions 240 and end cap teeth 245
controller 125 also receives control signals from the user extending radially inward from the rim portions 240. The
input 130. The user input 130 may include , for example, a 30 end cap teeth 245 include projections 250 that prevent the
trigger switch , a forward / reverse selector switch, a mode respective coil windings from slipping off the stator teeth
selector switch, etc. In response to the motor feedback 215 and the end cap teeth 245. Each of the front end cap 200
information and user control signals , the motor controller and the rear end cap 205 additionally includes tabs 255
125 transmits control signals to the FETs 110 to drive the extending transversely from the rim portions 240 , with each
motor 115. By selectively activating the FETs 110 , power 35 tab 255 including a radially inward extending projection 260
from the power source 105 is selectively applied to opposed (FIG . 12 ) that is received in a respective recesses 195 of the
coils of the motor 115 to cause rotation of a shaft 150 . stator core 235 to rotationally align the front end cap 200 and
Although not shown , the motor controller 125 and other the rear end cap 205 relative to the stator core 235. The front
components 135 of the power tool 100 may also be electri- end cap 200 includes concave recesses 265 ( FIGS . 9 and 10 )
cally connected to the power source 105 to receive operating 40 that are aligned with the channels 295 in the stator core 235
power from the power source 105 . through which the fastener 170 extend. The rear end cap 205
With reference to FIGS . 2A to 3 , a motor assembly 140 is includes recessed portions 270 (FIGS . 11 and 12 ) that
shown including a motor housing 145 , the motor 115 posi- receive respective poles 330 ( FIG . 17) of the motor housing
tioned within the motor housing 145 , and a PCB assembly 145 to rotationally align the rear end cap 205 relative to the
155 coupled to an end of the motor housing 145 opposite the 45 stator core 235 .
end from which the shaft 150 protrudes. The PCB assembly During assembly of the stator 180 , stator windings are
155 is fastened to the motor housing 145 by fasteners 170 wound around the stator teeth 215 and the end cap teeth 245 .
( FIG . 3 ) equally spaced about the periphery of the motor The stator windings are guided between adjacent stator teeth
housing 145. The PCB assembly 155 includes a heat sink 215 by wire guiding tabs 230 on the rear end cap 205 (FIG .
160 , a power PCB 165 disposed on a rear side of the heat 50 13 ) . The stator 180 also includes coil contact plates 275a ,
sink 160 , and a position sensor PCB 355 disposed on an 275b , and 275c (also referred interchangeably herein as coil
opposite side of the heat sink 160. The power PCB 165 contact plates 275 ) that short - circuit diagonally opposite
includes the FETs 110 and a connection terminal that is pairs of coil windings ( FIGS . 14-15 ) . With reference to
connected to the power source 105 and the Hall- effect FIGS . 14 and 15 , the coil contact plates 275 are generally
sensors 120. In the illustrated embodiment, the power PCB 55 semi- circular in shape and staggered to avoid contact
165 is coupled to the heat sink 160 by fasteners 167. In some between adjacent coil contact plates 275. In particular, the
embodiments, rather than being attached to the motor hous- first coil contact plate 275a is positioned radially inward of
ing 145 , the power PCB 165 may be located on a casting the second coil contact plate 275b , and the first coil contact
elsewhere within the power tool 100. For example, the plate 275a is positioned radially outward of the third coil
power PCB 165 may be located in a handle portion of the 60 contact plate 275c . Each of the coil contact plates 275
power tool housing or adjacent the motor assembly 145 in a includes a first terminal 280 and a second terminal 285
motor housing portion of the power tool . diagonally opposite the first terminal 280. Stator windings
With reference to FIG . 7 , the motor 115 includes a rotor are connected to hooks 290 on the respective terminals 280 ,
175 from which the shaft 150 extends and a stator 180 ( FIG . 285. With reference to FIG . 2A , the first terminals 280
4 ) surrounding the rotor 175. The stator 180 includes indi- 65 extend through the heat sink 160 and are electrically con
vidual stator laminations 185 that are stacked together to nected to the power PCB 165 , while the second terminals
form a stator core 235. The stator 180 includes radially 285 do not protrude through the heat sink 160. Particularly ,
US 11,114,927 B2
5 6
the terminals 280 of the coil contact plates 275a , 275 , 2750 numerals appended with an ( 1 ) . In particular, the rear end cap
are connected , respectively, to the U , V , W phases of the 205 ' includes three coil contact plates 275a ' , 275b' , and
inverter bridge ( i.e. , FETs 110 ) . The first and second termi- 275c ' . In this embodiment, there are no spacers ( similar to
nals 280 , 285 and the hooks 290 protrude from the guiding spacers 293 ) included .
tabs 230. In some embodiments , where the power PCB 165 5 With reference to FIG . 15A , another embodiment of a rear
is located elsewhere within the power tool 100 as described end cap 205 ", whichmay be used in place of the end cap 205
above , the coil contact plates 275 may be connected to the of FIG . 13 , is shown with like reference numerals with two
power PCB 165 by lead wires. Lead wires may be connected appended prime markers (" ) being associated with like
to the first terminals 280 ( e.g. , to holes in the first terminals components in the end cap 205. In the rear end cap 205 " of
280 ) and routed to the power PCB 165 within the power tool 10 FIG . 15A , the coil contact plates 275 " are first positioned in
housing a pre - molded annular carrier 294 prior to being positioned in
With continued reference to FIGS . 14 and 15 , a plurality a mold for applying an outer resin layer 296 to the pre
of spacers 293 are coupled to the coil contact plates 275. At assembled carrier 294 and coil contact plates 275 " .
least some of the spacers 293 are positioned between adja- The carrier 294 includes a single circumferential groove
cent coil contact plates 275 in order to create and maintain 15 297 defined in a side of the end cap 205 " facing the stator
an insulating gap (e.g. , a space) between the adjacent coil core 235 in which the coil contact plates 275 " are positioned
contact plates 275. In some embodiments, the plurality of (FIG . 15B ) . A plurality of ribs 298 are located in the groove
spacers 293 are equally spaced circumferentially around the 297 for maintaining an air gap between adjacent coil contact
coil contact plates 275. The spacers 293 are pre -molded onto plates 275 " , thereby preventing relative movement between
the coil contact plates 275 before the coil contact plates 275 20 the plates 275 " during an injection molding process to apply
are overmolded as discussed in further detail below. In the resin layer 296 that might otherwise cause two adjacent
particular, each of the spacers 293 are molded on one of the plates 275 " to come into contact and short.
coil contact plates 275. In the illustrated embodiment, the With reference to FIGS . 19-22 , the motor housing 145
spacers 293 include a first spacer positioned between the includes a cylindrical portion 310 that houses the motor 115 .
first and second adjacent coil contact plates 275a , 275b , and 25 Mounting bosses 320 are provided along the cylindrical
a second spacer 293 positioned between the adjacent first portion 310 through which the fasteners 170 extend to
and third coil contact plates 275a , 275c . As such, insulating interconnect the PCB assembly 155 to the motor housing
gaps are created between the adjacent coil contact plates 145. The motor housing 145 also includes a hub portion 340
275 . coaxial with the cylindrical portion 310 and axially spaced
The pre - molded spacers 293 prevent internal shorts 30 from the cylindrical portion 310 , posts 330 extending axially
between coil contact plates 275 and portions of the coil from a rear end of the cylindrical portion 310 , and radially
contact plates 275 being exposed . In other words , the extending spokes 335 interconnecting the hub portion 340 to
relative spacing between adjacent coil contact plates 275 the posts 330. With reference to FIG . 20 , the cylindrical
may be difficult to adequately control during an injection portion 310 of the motor housing 145 also includes radially
molding process, and the coil contact plates 275 may deform 35 inward -extending ribs 315 extending the entire length of the
during the molding process from the injection pressure. This cylindrical portion 310 , with each pair of adjacent ribs 315
deformation of the coil contact plates 275 can cause internal defining a channel 325 therebetween . When the motor 115 is
shorts or exposure. By adding the pre - molding spacers 293 , inserted into the motor housing 145 , the adjacent ribs 190 on
deformation of the coil contact plates 275 while being the motor 115 are slidably received within the respective
overmolded is prevented. 40 channels 325 defined in the cylindrical portion 310 , thereby
With reference to FIGS . 13 and 14 , the coil contact plates rotationally orienting the motor 115 relative to the motor
275 and the spacers 283 are overmolded in the rear end cap housing 145 .
205. In some embodiments, the front end cap 200 and the With reference to FIGS . 19-22 , the hub portion 340
rear end cap 205 may be manufactured separately from the defines a central aperture 345 into which a bearing 300 (FIG .
stator core 235 , positioned relative to the stator core 235 45 5 ) for supporting a rear of the rotor shaft 150 is interference
using the tabs 255 and the recesses 195 , and then retained to fit and the ring magnet 305 (FIG . 4 ) is received . In some
the stator core by the coil windings. In such an embodiment, embodiments, the motor housing 145 ' may include a
the coil contact plates 275 may be overmolded by the rear recessed portion 350 ' ( FIG . 29 ) formed in the hub portion
end cap 205 using, for example, an insert molding process . 340 ' and partially along one of the spokes 335 ' into which a
In other embodiments, the stator core 235 and the coil 50 position sensor PCB 355 ' is at least partially received . The
contact plates 275 may be insert molded together, for recessed portion 350 ' allows the position sensor PCB 355 ' to
example , using an injection molding process . In such an be located in close proximity and in facing relationship with
embodiment, the mold material defining each of the end caps the ring magnet 305 ' for accurate readings by multiple
200 , 205 may also overlie one or multiple of the laminations Hall - effect sensors 120 ' on the position sensor PCB 355 ' .
185 in the front and the rear of the stator core 235. In both 55 With reference to FIGS . 23-26 , the heat sink 160 is
embodiments , because the coil contact plates 275 are sandwiched between the power PCB 165 and the position
molded within the rear end cap 205 , separate means of sensor PCB 355 at the rear of the motor housing 145. In the
attaching the coil contact plates 275 to the end cap 205 is illustrated embodiment, the position sensor PCB 355 is
unnecessary. Also , the entire circumferential length of the coupled to the heat sink 160 by fasteners 357. In the
coil contact plates 275 is insulated within the non - conduc- 60 illustrated embodiment, there are three Hall- effect sensors
tive mold material comprising the rear end cap 205 , thereby 120 on the position sensor PCB 355. Alternatively, there
reducing the likelihood of corrosion of the coil contact plates may be other numbers of Hall - effect sensors 120 ( e.g. , two ,
275 if the motor 115 is exposed to wet or damp environ- four, etc.). With reference to FIGS . 27 and 28 , the power
ments . PCB 165 includes a first, generally flat surface 360 facing
With reference to FIGS . 16-18 , a rear end cap 205 ' 65 the heat sink 160 and a second surface 365 opposite the first
according to another embodiment includes features similar surface 360. The FETs 110 and capacitors 370 associated
to the rear end cap 205 identified with the same references with the power PCB 165 are positioned on the second
US 11,114,927 B2

7 8
surface 365 (FIG . 28 ) . The first surface 360 is held in contact 405 to form the molding 400. The molding 400 covers the
with the heat sink 160 so that heat generated by the power recess 402 , the tracks 403 , and the holes 405. The heat sink
PCB 165 is transferred by conduction to the heat sink 160 , 160 may also be hard - coat anodized or carbon coated to
where it is subsequently dissipated. provide electrical isolation from the terminals 280 .
A connection terminal 375 connecting the FETs 110 to the 5 With reference to FIGS . 29-32 , a motor assembly 140
power source 105 is also positioned on the second surface according to another embodiment, includes an alternative
365. Connections between the FETs 110 , the capacitors 370 , PCB assembly 155 ' . The PCB assembly 155 ' includes fea
and the connection terminal 375 may be routed on the first tures similar to the PCB assembly 155 identified with the
surface 360 or the second surface 365 , for example, by a same references numerals appended with an (' ) . The low
wiring substrate (e.g. , printed electrical traces on the power 10 pressure molding 400 shown in FIG . 30 does not encase the
PCB 165 ) . The power PCB 165 also includes holes 380 position sensor PCB 355 , but rather encases only an end of
through which the terminals 280 of the coil contact plates the position sensor PCB 355. In addition, the position PCB
275 protrude. The terminals 280 are connected to the U , V, 355 is mounted to the heat sink 160 without any recess .
and W terminals of the inverter bridge (i.e. , FETs 110 ), Various features of the invention are set forth in the
respectively, via printed electrical traces on the power PCB 15 following claims .
165. Accordingly, individual electrical wires are not required What is claimed is :
to electrically connect the FETs 110 to the coil contact plates 1. A brushless electric motor comprising:
275. Additionally , recesses 385 are provided on the outer a rotor; and
circumference of the power PCB 165 through which the a stator in which the rotor is received, the stator including
fasteners 170 extend . 20 a core defining a plurality of stator teeth ,
With reference to FIG . 25 , the Hall - effect sensors 120 on an end cap coupled to the core , the end cap including
the position sensor PCB 355 detect the rotating magnetic a plurality of guiding tabs ,
field emanated by the ring magnet 305. A connection ter a plurality of coils disposed on the respective stator
minal 390 is provided at one end of the position sensor PCB teeth , and
355 to connect with a mating connection terminal 425 on the 25 a plurality of coil contact plates overmolded within the
first surface 360 of the power PCB 165. In this manner, end cap , each of the coil contact plates includes a
power is provided to the position sensor PCB 355 via the first terminal and a second terminal;
mating connection terminals 390 , 425 , and the motor infor wherein the first terminal and the second terminal each
mation feedback from the Hall - effect sensors 120 is trans include a hook connected to one of the plurality of
mitted to the motor controller 125 via the power PCB 165. 30 coils and wherein the hook protrudes from the guid
The connection between the power PCB 165 and the posi ing tab , wherein the first terminal extends in an axial
tion sensor PCB 355 is made around an outermost edge of direction of the motor and wherein the hook is
the heat sink 160. In some embodiments, the power PCB 165 radially outward of the first terminal.
and the position sensor PCB 355 may be combined on a 2. The brushless electric motor of claim 1 , wherein the
single motor controller PCB (not shown ). The motor con- 35 end cap includes a plurality of end cap teeth adjacent the
troller PCB may include the Hall - effect sensors 120 on the respective stator teeth , and wherein the coils are wrapped
side facing the ring magnet 305 and the FETs 110 on the side around the respective stator teeth and the end cap teeth .
opposite the side with the Hall -effect sensors 120 . 3. The brushless electric motor of claim 1 , wherein the
With reference to FIG . 26 , the heat sink 160 includes plurality of coil contact plates contact at least two coils on
holes 405 aligned with the respective holes 380 in the power 40 the stator.
PCB through which the terminals 280 pass and connect to 4. The brushless electric motor of claim 1 , further com
the power PCB 165 as mentioned above . Recesses 410 are prising a power printed circuit board and a heat sink coupled
also provided on the outer circumference of the heat sink to the power printed circuit board , wherein the first terminals
160 through which the fasteners 170 extend . With reference of the respective coil contact plates extend through the heat
to FIGS . 23 and 24 , a low -pressure molding 400 provided 45 sink and are electrically connected to the power printed
with the heat sink 160 supports the end of the position sensor circuit board .
PCB 355 proximate the connection terminals 390 against the 5. The brushless electric motor of claim 1 , wherein the
heat sink 160 , while the position sensor PCB 355 is also one of the plurality of coils is received between the hook and
fastened to the heat sink 160 (via fasteners 357 ) to ensure the first terminal.
that the position sensor PCB 355 remains in contact with the 50 6. The brushless electric motor of claim 1 , wherein the
heat sink 160 and to reduce tolerance stack- up back to the hook is integrally formed with the first terminal .
ring magnet 305. In other words , the molding 400 supports 7. A brushless electric motor comprising:
the connection terminal 390 on the position sensor PCB 355 a rotor; and
and the mating connection terminal 425 on the power PCB a stator in which the rotor is received, the stator including
165 . 55 a core,
In the illustrated embodiment, the position sensor PCB an end cap coupled to the core ,
355 is received within a recess 402 formed in the heat sink a first stator coil coupled to the core ,
160 , and the low -pressure molding 400 encases the position a second stator coil coupled to the core ,
sensor PCB 355. The low -pressure molding 400 also insu a third stator coil coupled to the core , wherein the
lates solder joints for power leads and a ribbon cable 60 second stator coil is positioned between the first
connector from contamination . In the illustrated embodi stator coil and the third stator coil , and
ment, the low -pressure molding 400 extends to the holes 405 a first coil contact plate and a second coil contact plate
in the heat sink 160 to provide electrical insulation between overmolded within the end cap ;
terminals 280 and the heat sink 160. In other words, the wherein the first coil contact plate short - circuits the first
molding 400 electrically insulates the holes 405 in heat sink 65 stator coil with the third stator coil , and wherein the
160. Specifically, the heat sink 160 includes a plurality of second coil contact plate is coupled to the second stator
tracks 403 extending between the recess 402 and the holes coil,
US 11,114,927 B2
9 10
wherein the first coil contact plate includes a terminal 15. The brushless electric motor of claim 12 , wherein the
extending in an axial direction of the motor, wherein end cap includes a plurality of guiding tabs , and wherein the
the terminal contacts the first stator coil , wherein the first and second terminals protrude from the guiding tabs .
hook is radially outward of the first terminal. 16. The brushless electric motor of claim 12 , wherein the
8. The brushless electric motor of claim 7 , wherein the 5 end cap includes a plurality of guiding tabs , and wherein the
stator further includes a fourth stator coil coupled to the first and second hooks protrude from the guiding tabs .
core , and wherein the fourth stator coil is positioned between 17. The brushless electric motor of claim 12 , wherein the
the first stator coil and the second stator coil . coil contact plates include a first coil contact plate , a second
9. The brushless electric motor of claim 8 , wherein the coil contact plate , and a third coil contact plate ; wherein the
stator further includes a third coil contact plate overmolded 10 first coil contact plate is radially inward of the second coil
within the end cap , and wherein the third coil contact plate contact plate, and wherein the first coil contact plate is
is coupled to the fourth stator coil .
10. The brushless electric motor of claim 9 , wherein the radially outward of the third coil contact plate.
first coil contact plate is radially inward of the second coil comprising abrushless
18. The
electric motor of claim 12 , further
of spacers coupled to the coil contact
contact plate , and wherein the first coil contact plate is 15 plates ; wherein the spacers are positioned between adjacent
radially outward of the third coil contact plate .
11. The brushless electric motor of claim 7 , further between the adjacent coil contactcreating
coil contact plates, thereby an insulating gap
comprising a hook integrally formed with the terminal, the coil contact plates within the end cap . overmolding
plates , before
wherein the first stator coil is received between the hook and
the terminal. 20 19. The brushless electric motor of claim 18 , wherein each
12. A brushless electric motor comprising: of the spacers are molded on one of the coil contact plates.
a rotor; and 20. The brushless electric motor of claim 18 , wherein the
a stator in which the rotor is received, the stator including spacers include a first spacer positioned between first and
a core defining a plurality of stator teeth , second adjacent coil contact plates, a second spacer between
an end cap proximate an end of the core , 25 the first coil contact plate and an adjacent third coil contact
a plurality of coils disposed on the respective stator plate , thereby creating an insulating gap between the adja
teeth , and cent first and third coil contact plates, before overmolding
a plurality of coil contact plates overmolded within the the coil contact plates within one of the first end cap or the
end cap that short - circuit diagonally opposite coils second end cap .
on the stator, 30
21. The brushless electric motor of claim 12 , wherein the
wherein each of the coil contact plates includes a first end cap comprises:
terminal and a second terminal diagonally opposite the a carrier defining a circumferential groove in which the
first terminal, coil contact plates are positioned; and
wherein the first and second terminals include first and
second hooks , respectively, and wherein the first and 35 an outer resin layer covering at least a portion of each of
second hooks are connected to a first coil and a second the coil contact plates and the carrier;
coil , respectively, of the plurality of coils, wherein the carrier includes a plurality of ribs positioned
wherein the first and second terminal extend in an axial in the circumferential groove to separate two adjacent
direction of the motor and wherein the first and second coil contact plates and to provide an air gap therebe
hooks are radially outward of the first and second 40 tween .
terminal, respectively. 22. The brushless electric motor of claim 12 , wherein the
13. The brushless electric motor of claim 12 , wherein the first and second hooks are integrally formed with the first
coil contact plates are semi- circular in shape. and second terminals , respectively.
14. The brushless electric motor of claim 12 , further
comprising a power printed circuit board and a heat sink 45 first23.coil
The brushless electric motor of claim 12 , wherein the
is received between the first hook and the first
coupled to the power printed circuit board ; wherein the first terminal and the second coil is received between the second
terminals of the respective coil contact plates extend through hook and the second terminal.
the heat sink and are electrically connected to the power
printed circuit board .

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