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Challenges Extent Manageability

Safety of all students, Disseminating Online means of

teachers and other information. communication.
school staff from Covid Partnership of the school
-19 virus. to the local barangay to
help the parents and the
students who do not have
enough access of the
Internet connection Slow internet access. Manageable even though
most of the people today
use internet access.
Limited resources Use of modules Release photocopy of
Help from stakeholders

Month Activities Justification

May ADM module Online Seminar on ADM
LR Standard
June ADM/ PowerPoint Output/pictures
July Training and online -

Partners Support Legal Bases/ Reference

LSB Laptop for online class
Parents Online access and
support on providing
modules to students
Other stakeholders Donations of school
supplies that are needed.
PTA and LGUs Collaborative efforts of
parents and LGU’s to
provide students with the
proper and accessible
educational support.

TLE-Teacher 1

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