Narrative Report-Inset Dec-2020
Narrative Report-Inset Dec-2020
Narrative Report-Inset Dec-2020
The old Fort Bonifacio High School formerly known as Fort Andres Bonifacio
College during the supervision of Military Personnel looks differently now from the New
Fort Bonifacio High School in the New Normal System. As it faces new and big challenges
in distance and flexible learning, FBHS believes that “Education is what remains after one
has forgotten what one has learned in school.” It also believes that “Any investment in
knowledge pays the best interest.”
Understanding the concept of distance learning is the first step and since there are
various definitions that exist, it is only safe to say that distance learning is a mode of
education in which the teacher and students are separated in time and place. And now that
that the world is in the middle of pandemic, the use of technology has added fuel to the fire
and given distance learning a boost.
Figure 1The Old Fort Bonifacio High School formerly Fort Figure 2 Fort Bonifacio High School in the New Normal
Andres Bonifacio College (FABC) System
1. Provide information and assistance to teachers in adapting to the New Normal School
and Classroom.
2. Create an Instructional system that aids teachers, parents, and students to be aware and
adjust to the New Normal School in terms of access, quality, and governance.
3. Strengthen the involvement of all stakeholders
1. Use of Google Meet in conducting online classes and Facebook for posting
announcements, links, messaging.
2. Formation of ICT Coordinator /Technical Assistance Team
3. Facilitate Pre-Online Class orientation for parents and students for proper information
4. Conduct Online Class simulation
5. Provide online survey and interpret results to aid students and parents during the
conduct of the regular online classes
6. Prepare Learners’ Development Monitoring Plan and Students’ Demographic Profile
It all started with the conduct of Virtual Classroom Teaching Simulation held in July 20-
25 and 27, 2020 which was followed by Focus Group Discussion Feedback held on July 28,
A. Identify the areas of strengths and improvements of the virtual classroom conducted
B. Address parents, students and teachers’ issues and concerns.
The results of the discussion guided the Administration together with the Parents and Teachers
to make possible adjustments to improve the delivery of teaching and learning.
The following are the general feedback from Parents and Teachers:
1. Good teacher-parent partnership was developed.
2. Online distance learning was a good measure to take to ensure safety among
teachers, parents, and students.
3. Everyone needed time to adjust to the new normal educational system
4. Students learned to become more responsible in their own learning.
The following information presents the issues and concerns of both teachers and parents in
Transferring files to students Students who lack knowledge in using
gadgets and cannot catch up with the
teacher’s instructions
Schedule and Loading Cell phone storage is low and cannot
accommodate the applications to be
OTG and printed Module delivery Small house to a family who has 4-or
more children attending online classes
Internet connection
Loaded assignments and time
management /scheduling
Accommodation of students in the
virtual classroom
Distractions in the environment
Grading system for Full-offline and
online students
Orientation on How to Use OTG
Some items in the assessment were
not discussed
The following points aimed to take up some of the issues and concerns mentioned above:
1. ICT coordinators and Technical Team Support were formulated
2. Checking and validating printed Modules by teachers before sending to students
3. Tapping parents and students who can give technical assistance
4. Conducting workshops, webinars, and tutorials to cater the needs of parents, teachers
and students
5. Conducting walkthrough of the module to students before the class opening
6. Giving not more than 5 hours online classes for students and adjustments must be made
7. Collaborating with all subject areas on the scheduling of assignments and outputs
submission to avoid conflict and lessen the burden of students.
Many stakeholders will contribute to the effective implementation of this Distance Learning
Plan if each one is aware in their roles and responsibilities.
Support teaching staff and students/families
shifting to a distance learning environment
Help teachers implement DLP and ensure high-
quality learning experience for all students
Help brainstorm and encourage research on
models and examples of outstanding distance
learning units and lessons
Recommend new methods techniques for
School Administration Team providing feedback to students
Support teachers as they design new methods to
assess student learning
Ensure all teachers feel confident in using the
tools to assign materials for distant learning. If
not, provide training options.
Collaborate with other members of your team or
department to design distance learning
experiences for students
Create a forum for communication.
Communicate frequently with students and
Teachers parents
Provide timely feedback to support your
students’ learning
Prepare teaching materials for distant learning
to be collected by families (copying/scanning/
lesson plans)
Parents Provide support to their children in all aspects
Communicate with teachers to be updated with
their children’s class standing
Technical Team Review and develop how-to tutorials, ensuring
teachers, students, and parents have the
necessary manuals to excel in a distance
learning environment
Continually monitor the needs of teachers,
students, and parents and troubleshoot their
challenges, as needed
Be available remotely to provide on-demand
tech support help