Hydrometallurgy: D.M. Puente-Siller, J.C. Fuentes-Aceituno, F. Nava-Alonso
Hydrometallurgy: D.M. Puente-Siller, J.C. Fuentes-Aceituno, F. Nava-Alonso
Hydrometallurgy: D.M. Puente-Siller, J.C. Fuentes-Aceituno, F. Nava-Alonso
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/hydromet
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this research, an analysis of the effect of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), thiosulfate and cupric
Received 25 April 2012 ions on the silver leaching kinetics was performed. For that purpose leaching experiments with pure metallic
Received in revised form 31 January 2013 silver were carried out at different concentrations of these reagents at room temperature. The results of this
Accepted 14 February 2013
study showed that small amounts of EDTA accelerate the leaching of silver more efficiently than higher con-
Available online 27 February 2013
centrations due to an increase in the oxidation potential of the leaching solution. These results were in accord
with Pourbaix diagrams and redox potential measurements. A synergistic effect was found in the silver
Leaching leaching kinetics when the thiosulfate and EDTA concentrations were both decreased. On the other hand,
Thiosulfate the silver leaching kinetics was reduced at low Cu(II) concentrations due to the decrease in the oxidizing abil-
EDTA ity of the leaching solution.
Silver Characterization by SEM and EDXS of the silver in the first minutes of leaching revealed that the silver parti-
cles were coated by a layer of copper sulfides and copper oxides. Furthermore, characterization of the solid
residue during the precipitation of silver in the leaching experiment was performed by the same analytical
techniques, showing the presence of silver sulfide on the unreacted silver surface. The mechanism by
which the silver sulfide is precipitated was found to be related to the copper sulfide formation. It was also
observed that an increase in the concentration of EDTA promotes the silver dissolution avoiding the forma-
tion of copper sulfides or oxides; in these cases the process is controlled by the chemical reaction. These ob-
servations were also supported with Pourbaix and species distribution diagrams.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0304-386X/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D.M. Puente-Siller et al. / Hydrometallurgy 134–135 (2013) 124–131 125
investigations have been carried out to find an additional reagent for the possible redox reactions that could take place. The diagrams
complexing cupric ions with the aim of increasing the silver and gold were constructed considering the equilibrium data contained in the
leaching kinetics but avoiding the thiosulfate oxidation (Alonso-Gómez Hydra database of the Medusa© suite software (Puigdomenech, 2004),
and Lapidus, 2009; Feng and Van Deventer, 2010). complemented with thermodynamic data reported by Aylmore and
Several studies have shown that EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic Muir (2001). Table 1 presents the Gibbs free energy data complemented
acid) is an effective complexing agent for increasing the extraction and used in this work. The software is based in an algorithm developed by
kinetics of heavy metals such as Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd (Manouchehri et Eriksson (1979), which minimizes the Gibbs free energy of reactions in
al., 2006). EDTA is more efficient than other complexing agents like cit- equilibrium that can occur in the aqueous leaching systems, and deter-
rate (Labanowski et al., 2008). mines the predominating species under specific solution conditions.
In the precious metals leaching with the thiosulfate system it has
been demonstrated that the presence of EDTA decreases the thiosul- 3. Results and discussion
fate oxidation rate by the formation of complexes of EDTA with the
Cu(II) ions; the oxidizing potential of the leaching solution decreases The results of this study are discussed in four parts; in the first part
(Alonso-Gómez and Lapidus, 2009; Feng and Van Deventer, 2010). It appears the effect of the thiosulfate and EDTA concentrations on the
has been also established that the addition of small amounts of EDTA silver leaching; the second section analyzes the kinetic data with
improves substantially the thiosulfate leaching of gold (Feng and Van the shrinking core model; the third section presents the thermody-
Deventer, 2011); however, there is very little information as well as a namic analysis of the studied systems, and the fourth, the effect of
lack of understanding about the phenomena that controls the silver the Cu(II) concentration on the silver leaching.
leaching kinetics with EDTA as cupric ion complexing agent.
The objective of this study is to elucidate the phenomena involved in 3.1. Effect of EDTA and thiosulfate concentrations on the silver leaching
the kinetics of silver dissolution with the thiosulfate–copper–ammonia–
EDTA system, in an attempt to increase the silver recovery and to mini- Fig. 1 illustrates the effect of three different EDTA concentrations
mize the reagent consumption. (1.25 × 10−4 M, 0.025 M and 0.05 M) on the silver dissolution kinetics
at room temperature. The thiosulfate and copper concentrations were
2. Materials and methods kept constant at 0.2 M and 0.05 M respectively. From these experi-
ments it was observed that the leaching system with the lowest EDTA
For the leaching tests the composition of the solution was changed concentration (1.25 × 10−4 M) enhanced the silver leaching kinetics.
in order to study the effect of thiosulfate, EDTA and copper on the sil- This behavior was also observed in the leaching experiments for
ver leaching. Pourbaix and species predominance diagrams were 0.1 M and 0.3 M thiosulfate and the same EDTA concentrations
constructed for the system, and the kinetic model of shrinking core (Figs. 2 and 3 respectively). The leaching solution with 0.1 M thiosulfate
was applied to the results obtained. and 1.25 × 10−4 M EDTA reached a silver extraction of 100% in the first
20 min (see Fig. 2); after this time the silver extraction decreased to
2.1. Leaching tests 90%, probably due to the precipitation of silver, which suggests an un-
stable leaching system. All the leaching experiments carried out with
All the silver leaching experiments were performed in an agitated solutions containing 1.25 × 10−4 M and 0.025 M EDTA showed some
batch reactor (250 mL glass beaker), magnetically stirred at 400 rpm. oscillations in the silver extraction curves (Figs. 1, 2 and 3) indicating
The reactor was provided with a pH electrode (SENSOREX) and a reprecipitation and, in some cases, redissolution of the silver. A possible
redox potential electrode with calomel reference (Cole-Parmer). The explanation to this phenomenon is proposed by Abbruzzese et al.
general procedure for the leaching experiments was as follows: (1995): in the initial stage of the leaching process the dissolution of me-
200 mL of the solution containing cupric sulfate, thiosulfate, EDTA tallic silver (Eq. (1)) occurs simultaneously with the reduction of cupric
and ammonium were placed in the reactor at 25 °C. The concentra- ions to cuprous species (Eq. (2)).
tions of cupric ions, thiosulfate and EDTA were varied as follows:
7.87 × 10 −4 M and 0.05 M for the cupric sulfate; 0.1 M, 0.2 M and Ag þ 3S2 O32− →AgðS2 O3 Þ35− þ e ð1Þ
0.3 M for thiosulfate; and 1.25 × 10 −4 M, 0.025 M and 0.05 M for −
EDTA. All solutions were prepared with reagent grade chemicals CuðNH3 Þ42þ þ 3S2 O32− þ e →CuðS2 O3 Þ35− þ 4NH3 ð2Þ
and deionized water, and the pH value was adjusted to 10.2 with am-
monium hydroxide. After adjusting pH, 0.125 g of metallic silver (Alfa Besides these reactions, other simultaneous reactions may occur
Aesar, 99.999%) (1.3–3.2 μm) was placed in the reactor while stirring. such as the oxidative decomposition of thiosulfate involving the for-
The pH and redox potential were measured before the silver addition mation of additional sulfur compounds such as tetrathionate, as
and during the leaching experiments. Samples of the leach solution well as the precipitation of copper sulfides species such as CuS or
were withdrawn at different times during the leach period for analy- Cu2S (Eqs. (3) and (4)).
sis of silver by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (VARIAN Spec- 2þ 2− 2− þ
tra AA 240). All samples for silver analysis were analyzed at the end Cu þ S2 O3 þ H2 O→CuS þ SO4 þ 2H ð3Þ
of the experiment, and before the analysis they were kept in dark ves-
sels to prevent the precipitation of silver by light. Once the experiment Table 1
Gibbs free energy for thiosulfate and silver species used in the con-
was concluded, the residue was filtered, rinsed with deionized water struction of thermodynamic diagrams (25 °C, Aylmore and Muir,
and left to air dry. The solid residues were characterized chemically 2001).
and morphologically by SEM (Phillips XL30ESEM). The local chemical
Chemical species ΔG°298 (kJ/mol)
composition of the residues was determined by EDXS (EDAX Genesis).
S2O32−(a) −532.2
Ag2S −40.5
2.2. Elaboration of the thermodynamic diagrams
Ag2+(a) 268.2
Ag+(a) 77.2
In order to elucidate the predominant species in each leaching sys- Ag(S2O3)35−(a) −1598.3
tem, Pourbaix and species distribution diagrams were constructed Ag(S2O3)23−(a) −1058.6
using the Medusa© Software. These diagrams are also useful for de- Ag(S2O3)−(a) −506.3
Ag2O3(c) 87.0
termining the oxidizing ability of the leaching systems, as well as
126 D.M. Puente-Siller et al. / Hydrometallurgy 134–135 (2013) 124–131
Fig. 1. Effect of EDTA concentration on silver leaching for a solution of 0.2 M thiosulfate
Fig. 3. Effect of EDTA concentration on silver leaching for a solution of 0.3 M thiosulfate
(0.125 g silver, 200 mL solution, 0.05 M Cu(II), 0.6 M NH4OH, pH = 10.2, room tem-
(0.125 g silver, 200 mL solution, 0.05 M Cu(II), 0.6 M NH4OH, pH = 10.2, room tem-
perature and 400 rpm).
perature and 400 rpm).
with the shrinking core model. It was found that in some cases the
process was controlled by the chemical reaction.
Eq. (7) is proposed for a process whose kinetics is controlled by a
chemical reaction (Levenspiel, 1972):
t bks C Al =Rp ρB ¼ 1–ð1–XÞ ð7Þ
Fig. 6. Silver leaching data fitted to Chemical Reaction Control Model, shrinking core in
spherical particles. Silver dissolution during the first 30 min of the leaching experi- Fig. 8. Distribution of copper species at different pH values for the Cu–NH3–EDTA–H2O
ment (0.125 g silver, 200 mL solution, 0.2 M thiosulfate, 0.05 M EDTA, 0.05 M Cu(II), system. The conditions for the diagram construction were 0.05 M EDTA, 0.05 M Cu(II),
0.6 M NH4OH, pH = 10.2, room temperature and 400 rpm). 0.6 M NH4OH and EH = 0.32 V at 25 °C.
D.M. Puente-Siller et al. / Hydrometallurgy 134–135 (2013) 124–131 129
Fig. 9. Pourbaix diagram for the Ag–S–EDTA–H2O system. The conditions for the dia- Fig. 11. Pourbaix diagram for the Ag–S–EDTA–H2O system. The conditions for the dia-
gram construction were 0.2 M thiosulfate, 0.025 M EDTA and 1 × 10−5 M Ag at 25 °C. gram construction were 0.3 M thiosulfate, 0.025 M EDTA, and 1 × 10−5 M Ag at 25 °C.
of copper sulfides can occur by the oxidative degradation of the thiosul- Contrary to the 0.025 M EDTA system, the leaching system with
fate in the leaching solution. On the other hand, the Pourbaix diagram for 0.05 M EDTA did not show oscillations in any case (Figs. 1, 2 and 3).
the Cu–S–NH3–EDTA–H2O system at 0.2 M thiosulfate and 0.025 M This can be explained thermodynamically: for the leaching solution
EDTA presented in Fig. 12a shows that the equilibrium potential for the containing 0.2 M thiosulfate and 0.025 M EDTA the Pourbaix diagram
redox couple Cu(EDTA)2−/Cu2S is −0.0632 V vs SHE at pH 10.2 approx- of Fig. 9 predicts an equilibrium potential of −0.089 V vs SHE at
imately. These results indicate that it is possible that the reduction of pH 10.2 for the redox couple Ag(S2O3)35−/Ag; on the other hand, the di-
Cu(EDTA)2− to Cu2S and the oxidation of Ag to Ag(S2O3)35− occur simul- agram for the same thiosulfate concentration and 0.05 M EDTA shows
taneously; therefore, the copper sulfide species is also probably formed that the equilibrium potential for the redox couple Cu(EDTA)2−/Cu2S
by this reduction reaction in addition to that mentioned in Eqs. (3) and is −0.112 V vs SHE at pH 10.2 (Fig. 12b). These results indicate that
(4). Once this copper sulfide species is formed during the leaching
process, the silver complex Ag(S2O3)35− can precipitate to form Ag2S
according to Eq. (5).
Two solid samples corresponding to the leaching experiment at
0.2 M thiosulfate and 0.025 M EDTA at 10 and 50 min (Fig. 1) were
characterized by SEM and EDXS (Fig. 13a, b, c and d). Fig. 13a shows a
spherical morphology of the silver particles after 10 min leaching. The
EDXS analysis (see Fig. 13b) revealed the presence of silver, copper, ox-
ygen and sulfur; these last three elements could be related to the forma-
tion of copper sulfides and copper oxide species on the silver surface.
These results are in accordance with the thermodynamic predictions
and support the proposed idea that the silver particle is being coated
by copper sulfides and oxides.
Fig. 13c shows the silver particles coated by a precipitated solid
after 50 min of the leaching process. The EDXS analysis (Fig. 13d) re-
vealed the presence of silver and sulfur, which could be the result of
the precipitation of the silver sulfide (Eq. (5)). Fig. 13d did not
show any copper sulfide on the residue, which was expected as the
copper sulfide had reacted in order to form the silver sulfide.
Fig. 12. Effect of the EDTA concentration on the copper sulfide formation at 25 °C. a)
Pourbaix diagram for the Cu–S–NH3–EDTA–H2O system with 0.2 M thiosulfate,
Fig. 10. Pourbaix diagram for the Ag–S–EDTA–H2O system. The conditions for the dia- 0.025 M EDTA, 0.6 M NH4OH and 0.05 M Cu(II). b) Pourbaix diagram for the same sys-
gram construction were 0.1 M thiosulfate, 0.025 M EDTA, and 1 × 10−5 M Ag at 25 °C. tem with 0.05 M EDTA.
130 D.M. Puente-Siller et al. / Hydrometallurgy 134–135 (2013) 124–131
Fig. 13. Effect of leaching time on the chemical composition of the solid residue. Experimental conditions: 0.2 M thiosulfate, 0.025 M EDTA, 0.6 M NH4OH and 0.05 M Cu(II). a) Morphol-
ogy at 10 min leaching, b) chemical composition of the residue at 10 min, c) morphology at 50 min leaching, d) chemical composition for the residue at 50 min.
the reduction of Cu(EDTA) 2− to Cu2S cannot occur simultaneously with Fig. 6: the silver leaching under these conditions is controlled by the
the oxidation of Ag to Ag(S2O3)35−. In addition, the redox potential mea- chemical reaction in the initial stage.
surements showed that an increase in the EDTA concentration de-
creases the redox potential of the solution and hence the oxidation 3.4. Effect of copper concentration on the silver leaching
ability of the system. Eqs. (3) and (4) show the possibility to form cop-
per sulfide species as a consequence of the thiosulfate oxidative de- In the previous sections it was observed that a decrease of the
struction; however the decrease in the oxidation ability of the system thiosulfate and EDTA concentrations enhances the silver leaching
makes the formation of these copper sulfides less probable. These re- kinetics. This section deals with the effect of decreasing the cupric ion
sults are consistent with the findings mentioned when discussing concentration from 0.05 M to 7.87 × 10−4 M. Fig. 14 presents the silver
Fig. 15. Silver leaching data fitted to Diffusion Control Model, shrinking core in spherical
Fig. 14. Effect of the thiosulfate concentration on the silver extraction. Experimental particles. Silver dissolution during the first 30 min of the leaching experiment (0.125 g sil-
conditions: 0.125 g silver in 200 mL thiosulfate solution 1.25 × 10−4 M EDTA, 0.6 M ver, 200 mL solution, 0.1 M thiosulfate, 1.25 × 10−4 M EDTA, 7.87 × 10−4 M Cu(II),
NH4OH, 7.87 × 10−4 M Cu(II) at room temperature and 400 rpm. 0.6 M NH4OH, pH = 10.2, room temperature and 400 rpm).
D.M. Puente-Siller et al. / Hydrometallurgy 134–135 (2013) 124–131 131
leaching for the systems containing 0.1 M, 0.2 M and 0.3 M thiosulfate, tion reaction: there is no formation of a copper oxide layer on the
1.25 × 10−4 M EDTA and 7.87 × 10 −4 M Cu(II). All experiments metallic silver particle surface.
showed low silver leaching values: less than 12% in 6 h. If these results 3.- In the leaching systems with EDTA concentrations lower than
are compared with those of Fig. 2 for 1.25 × 10−4 M EDTA, it is clear 0.025 M, the precipitation of copper sulfides species also occurs.
that the decrease in cupric ion concentration affects significantly the These copper sulfide species proceed from the silver–thiosulfate
leaching of silver. This behavior is associated with the decrease in the complex.
oxidizing ability of the leaching solution, and is in accord with the find- 4.- Finally, the slowest silver leaching kinetics was found when the cupric
ings of Abbruzzese et al. (1995), who observed that the presence of a ion concentration was decreased from 0.05 M to 7.87 × 10−4 M. This
high concentration of cupric ions promotes fast leaching kinetics. behavior is related to the precipitation of copper oxides on the silver
Some oscillations also appear in these silver extraction curves, re- particle surface, as well as to the decrease in the oxidizing ability of
lated to the silver precipitation as silver sulfide, as mentioned in the the leaching system.
last section. The experimental data for the silver leaching with solu-
tions 0.1 M, 0.2 M and 0.3 M thiosulfate, 1.25 × 10 −4 EDTA and Acknowledgments
7.87 × 10 −4 Cu(II) were fitted to the shrinking core model in the
same way as in the cases of Figs. 5 and 6. The results for the first The authors are grateful to CONACYT (Mexico) for the postgradu-
30 min are presented in Fig. 15. This range of time was chosen to ate scholarship awarded to Damaris M. Puente-Siller. The authors also
avoid the interference of any silver precipitation (passivation phe- wish to thank Dr. Alejandro Uribe-Salas, Dr. Roberto Pérez-Garibay
nomena). From Fig. 15 it can be said that during the initial stage of and M.Sc. Juan Antonio González-Anaya for their continued support
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