Design and Fabrication of Solar Powered Treadmill Bi-Cylce
Design and Fabrication of Solar Powered Treadmill Bi-Cylce
Design and Fabrication of Solar Powered Treadmill Bi-Cylce
Abstract—As a part of dissertation work, the solar wheels by suitable arrangement so that when the
assisted bicycle is fitted with a dc hub motor on front person walks, the wheels of the bike moves and the
axle of a bicycle with power rating of 250W and with a bike attain motion. Also with the help of the battery
traveling speed of around 20-25 kmph. It is provided and the motor, the vehicle can be operated as an
with a pair of lead acid batteries of 35— our project electric bicycle. “We aspired to build a vehicle that is
deals with the design and the fabrication of solar faster than walking and easier to ride than a bike.”
powered treadmill electric bicycle. This is a simple
project which may be used for traveling for a shorter Keywords : Treadmill , Solar Powered Bicycle ,Eco-
distances. As a humongous steep increase in global friendly bike
warming and major novice health concern which are
caused due to combustibles, are in linkage to INTRODUCTION: The treadmill bike is totally
transportation facilities as humans are dependable, new way of moving it is done by the combination of
which cannot eradicate it. Solar power, a non- electric and Mechanical part i.e. battery and gear
conventional or renewable energy source and some .Motion of bike from one place to another place will be
fitness components are used in this project which is done by human effort. The electric assist in the
feasible. So we took up an opening in combining these combination with the gear has three gear pair boosting
two major concerns and developed a new treadmill your walking pace up the regular bike. With the
electric bicycle using solar energy, which consists of a electric assist it takes no more efforts than a walk in
tread mill belt and a 12V brushless dc motor, motor the park. Treadmill bike is basically a new concept for
controller, a sealed lead ion battery, throttle valve and traveling and exercisingBi cycles are one of the most
motor controllers. So by this Unorthodox design, ubiquitous forms of transportation in the world. Most
human can achieve in minimizing the rise on effect in children remember their first bike; with it came the
global warming and major health theme such as chance to explore their world with more freedom than
obesity, heart attack etc. and can also attain short ever before. As we grow, however, bicycling becomes
distance travel to homage, office, etc. thereby reducing more than just a childhood rite of passage. Wind in our
the pollution, as well as a great results in physical hair and feet on the pedals, we have several good
fitness by using this E-bicycle. The sun-rays falling on reasons to climb on and take a trip. Much of the world
the solar panel is directly converted to the electrical uses bicycles as a primary form of daily transportation.
energy and is stored up in the battery which drives a What would take several hours of travel on foot
motor and the motion to the machine is achieved. The becomes faster and more efficient on two wheels.
power from the treadmill setup is transmitted to the Some cyclists take trips across entire states or cross-
country solely on a bicycle. Reaching speeds of 15
miles or 30 km an hour is achievable by even regional demand. The placement of electric motors for
beginning cyclists, while more experienced riders can e-bicycles is also receiving increased consideration. E-
reach speeds equivalent to automobile travel. "Century bicycle can have motors in one of three locations: the
riders" travel 100 miles or more within a typical day. front wheel hub, mid-mounted at the bottom bracket
Not to be constrained by simple transportation, (pedals), or the rear wheel hub. The rear wheel hub is
bicycles (stationary and otherwise) have helped people the most popular location, and most of the large
become healthier by losing excess weight and Chinese market is utilizing rear hub motors. Rear
improving cardiovascular fitness. The exercise benefits wheel hubs are thought to be best for throttle-
of cycling are well known. Using the largest muscles in controlled bikes, whereas the other locations work well
the body, bicycling allows riders to reach aerobic heart with e-bicycles that only provide electric power when
rates that drive up metabolism, and give a good the pedals are being used (pedal assistance). The mid-
workout. With the relative newcomer in the bicycle mount motor is the fastest growing segment, in part
world, mountain bikes, this form of transportation is due to strong competitors like Panasonic and relatively
taking us on rugged terrain once thought impassable by new competitors including Bosch and AEG. The
anything other than hiking boots or pack animals. mechanism used in solar powered electric bi-cycle is
versatile of its kind in which, the cycling pedals are
Extreme sport enthusiasts have adapted the bicycle replaced a treadmill belt. The prototype design requires
to perform gravity defying stunts, such as flips and a treadmill belt, shafts, the frame of treadmill, the free
mid-air acrobatics, in a style known as BMX (Bicycle wheel gears, chain drive and gear chain .The platform
Motor cross). In short, bikes remain a popular way to on which the treadmill belt is placed is fabricated. All
get people between points A and B, whether those the links are made up of normal MS (mild steel)
destinations are found on a map, from one state of including the head which has a direct contact with the
health to another, or to explore the unknown. Bicycles treadmill belt. The system is expected to move as
have become an important part of the landscape"as heavy weights up to 150 KGs approximately. The aim
easy as riding a bike." Or we understand that some of the project work is to design and fabricate a solar
dormant skill is easy to pick back up if it's "just like walking cum cycle mechanism that makes much easier
riding a bike." Likewise, many immediately think of to move. People from one place (section) to the other
bicycles when we make an allusion to "coasting", even while processing in the factories, industries, etc.
"picking up speed", or "going downhill". Because of
technological advances in storage cells and electric
propulsion systems in recent years and in response to
the growing demand for clean, efficient methods of GLOBAL SCENARIO ABOUT FUEL ON 2030:
transportation in our urban communities, electric The study published by Stanford University says that
bicycle development and marketing has surged ahead, fossil-fueled cars will vanish within eight years and the
especially in Asia and Europe... E-bikes are not a people who want to buy cars will have no choice but to
replacement for conventional bicycles. However, they invest in electric vehicles or vehicles working on
allow a greater number of people to travel on two- similar technologies. This is because the cost of the
wheeled vehicles. In the future, they could even electric vehicles; which includes cars, buses and even
become a means of locomotion that could substitute for trucks will decrease and this will result in the collapse
the automobile, particularly in warmer weather. E- of the petroleum industry.Car companies like
bikes are for everybody, especially those who are not AUDI,VOLKSWAGEN ,BENZ and VOLVO have
very active in sports, those with physical disabilities already started working on autonomous technology and
and seniors. They are also for veteran cyclists who electric cars and probably the 'no internal combustion
commute to work on conventional bicycles to save engine scenario' has been already envisaged by them.
money on fuel but wish to avoid arriving at the office As electric cars takecenter stage, it looks like we might
covered in perspiration. Growth in e-bike use has
skyrocketed since the electrically assisted bicycle
(EAB) was introduced in 1997 by the Japanese firm
Yamaha. This version of the e-bike has a small motor
mounted on the back wheel to double the power
generated by the cyclist. In 1998, the company scored
a major commercial success by selling 500,000 units
worldwide, making Japan the e-bike market leader.
The European market is growing as well, with more
than 100,000 units sold in 1999. The electric bicycle
(e-bicycle) market varies greatly by product type and
have to coin a new word for people like us as well. MATERIAL SELECTION
A. Mild Steel
C. PVC(Polyvinyl chloride)
Electrical energy generated goes to battery via PVC pipes are used as a supportive roller in
charge controller and voltage regulator treadmill frame. PVC pipes are used because
those are light in weight, easily available, cost
is less and also having a smooth surface finish
which gives smooth motion of belt on the
Energy stored in battery is given to the motor surface of supporting rollers
load current to the starter motor is typically greatest torque at startup, making them ideal
200 to 400A. One cell has a nominal output of for vehicles as they need the most torque at
2.1V, but lead-acid cells are often used in a startup too. The idea of "revving up" so
series combination of three for a 6-V battery common with internal combustion engines is
and six for a 12-V battery. The lead acid cell unnecessary with electric motors. Their
type is a secondary cell or storage cell, which greatest torque occurs as the rotor first begins
can be recharged. The charge and discharge to turn, which is why electric motors do not
cycle can be repeated many times to restore require a transmission. A gear-down
the output voltage, as long as the cell is in arrangement may be needed, but unlike in a
good physical condition. However, heat with transmission normally paired with a
excessive charge and discharge currents combustion engine, no shifting is needed for
shortens the useful life to about 3 to 5 years electric motors. Wheel hub motors are
for an automobile battery. Of the different increasingly common on electric bikes and
types of secondary cells, the lead-acid type electric scooters in some parts of the world,
has the highest output voltage, which allows especially Asia.
fewer cells for a specified battery voltage.
Throttle is used for speed controlling. This project work has provided us an excellent
opportunity and experience, to use our limited
knowledge. We gained a lot of practical knowledge
regarding, planning, purchasing, assembling and
machining while doing this project work. We feel that
the project work is a good solution to bridge the gates
between the institution and the industries. Solar
powered health bicycle is modification of existing
walking bicycle. In this we have made a shear
modification of treadmill and cycle running through
solar assisted energy, which is a non-conventional and
DESIGN METHODOLOGY renewable energy. It has a great variable resistance
feature which means people of young and old age can
In our attempt to design a walking bike, we have ride this bike with great pleasure as well can attain
adopted a very careful approach. Total design work has great body fitness and also can travel to their short
been divided into two parts mainly, System Design. from destination . It has also played a predominant role
Mechanical Design. System design mainly concern in global warming and also took up some part in fuel
with the various physical concern and ergonomics, less transportation method. It is completely eco-
friendly and emission free with no running cost and [8] Kisan, Ravikiran, et al. "Treadmill and bicycle
less maintenance. This cycle can be an adaptable mode ergometer exercise: cardiovascular response
of transportation for rural and urban areas. comparison." Global Journal of Medical Research12.5