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P.Madhu Raghava. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.

ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 4, ( Part -6) April 2017, pp.25-31


Design and Fabrication of Pneumatic Powered Two Wheeler

P.Madhu Raghava1, Asst Prof, T.Lokesh,(B.Tech)2 , M.Ravichandra3,
Dept.of Mechanical Engineering SREC, NANDYAL

This project is design, fabrication and development of a design and fabrication of pneumatic bicycle it is rear
wheel drive. The conceptual design of this model is taken from manually operated bicycle. The complete body
looks like a bicycle in which manual operation followed .this product is a pneumatic vehicle, useful for
handicapped people, and also normal persons. The power transmission takes place from rear wheel through
chain drive. The entire arrangement of power transmission by means of connecting rod of the actuator is taken
along with the chain sprocket. When the cylinder is connected to, it would give a driving force due the pressure
at which air is sent. Only one person is allowed on the bicycle at any time. The material, mild steel is choose as
a main structure fastening by joint, and main components of this project is , air cylinder, solenoid valve,
electrical control unit, pneumatic actuator, power transmitting chain, sprocket wheel, two wheeler rear wheel
components of model attach by welding, part by part create then be fabricating together. At the end of the
project, the model is tested by several people and their comment then being recorded and performed some tests.
The concept of compressed air bicycle in practice reduces the air pollution to large extend as its exhaust is
nothing but air.
Key words: bicycle, solenoid valve, mildsteel, pwer transmission, cylinder, compressed air.

I. INTRODUCTION for outdoor use. A tricycle is different from a

Fossil fuels (i.e., petroleum, diesel, natural manually operated wheel chair as source of supply
gas and coal) which meet most of the world's is air motor which utilize freely available air as the
energy demand today are being depleted rapidly. working medium that is to transmit power from the
Also, their combustion products are causing global source to destination.
problems, such as the greenhouse effect, ozone
layer depletion acid rains and pollution which are III. CONCEPT DESIGN
posing great danger for environment and eventually A tricycle have 2 wheels powered by a 1.3
for the total life on planet. These factors are leading hp pneumatic Ratchet which is fixed at bottom of
automobile manufactures to develop cars fuelled by the main frame. A tricycle is rear wheel drive get
alternatives energies. Hybrid cars, Fuel cell the power from ratchet by sprocket and chain drive.
powered cars, Hydrogen fuelled cars will be soon This tricycle provides all the controls for driving to
in the market as a result of it One possible the driver. Some people are a little worry about
alternative is the air powered vehicle. Air, which is purchasing a automated tricycle as compared to
abundantly available and is free from pollution, can manually operated tricycle because it will be
be compressed to higher pressure at a very low difficult to operate. In fact, the control console
cost, is one of the prime option since atmospheric makes it quite simple, once a person gets the feel
pollution can be permanently eradicated. We for it. Power scooters are also equipped with disc
hereby present Design and fabrication of pneumatic brake system, so stopping is simple, safe and
bicycle and proceed with sense of awakening ideas comfortable. There is no automatic tricycle
on ECO FRIENDLY VEHICLES believing that available in market for handicapped people, which
only we engineers can bring such an optimizing can reduce their manual effort, this core idea makes
product in the world, so get ready to Change your the project unique. The problem is, most of that
future with today energy. tricycle is not flexible.


A tricycle is an air-operated one-person There are two categories in which tricycle
capacity vehicle that is specially designed for low is divided.
mobility. It is generally used by those who have i. Human powered tricycle
difficulty walking or moving frequently from one ii. Motorized tricycle
place to another (Handicapped people). Tricycles The main categories of bicycles in relation to their
are available in variety of designs, those intended intended use are:

www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0704062631 25 | P a g e

P.Madhu Raghava. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 4, ( Part -6) April 2017, pp.25-31

i. Road are designed for traveling at speed on exhaust fumes of or other harmful by products
paved roads. when compressed air is used as a utility. It is a non-
 Touring bicycles are designed for bicycle combustible, non-polluting utility. When air at
touring and long journeys. They are durable atmospheric pressure is mechanically compressed
and comfortable, capable of transporting by a compressor, the transformation of air at 1 bar
baggage, and have a wide gear range. (atmospheric pressure) into air at higher pressure
 Randonneur or Audax bicycles are designed (up to 414 bar) is determined by the laws of
for randonnées or brevet rides, and fall in thermodynamics. They state that an increase in
between racing bicycles and those intended for pressure equals a rise in heat and compressing air
touring in terms of frame geometry and creates a proportional increase in heat. Boyle's law
weight. explains that if a volume of a gas (air) halves
 Hybrid bicycles are a compromise between the during compression, then the pressure is doubled.
mountain and racing style bicycles which Charles' law states that the volume of a gas changes
replaced European-style utility bikes in North in direct proportion to the temperature [4].the air
America in the early 1990s. They have a light expands outward with so much energy that the
frame, medium gauge wheels, and derailleur balloon explodes. Compressing a gas into a small
gearing, and feature straight or curved-back, space is a way to store energy. When the gas
touring handlebars for more upright riding. expands again, that energy is released to do work.
 Flat bar road bikes are road bikes fitted with That's the basic principle behind what makes an air
mountain bike-style shifters, brake levers and a cargo[5]. in which the importance of the impact of
flat handlebar. They fit into the continuum the fossil fuels in the present and future generations
between hybrids and road bikes. is explained which led them to design a new
vehicle which runs by renewable energy sources.
Motorized tricycle Compressed air vehicle are more suitable for low
A motorized bicycle is a bicycle with an speed, short range and flammable environment [6,
attached motor and transmission used either to 7].The first compressed-air vehicle was devised by
power the vehicle unassisted, or to assist with Bompas, a patent for a locomotive being taken out
pedalling. Since it always retains both pedals and a in England in 1828. There were two storage tanks
discrete connected drive for rider-powered between the frames, with conventional cylinders
propulsion, the motorized bicycle is in technical and cranks. It is not clear if it was actually built.
terms a true bicycle, albeit a power-assisted one.
However, for purposes of governmental licensing VI. HISTORY
and registration requirements, the type may be There were several unverified, claims for
legally defined as a motor vehicle, motorcycle, the invention of machines like bicycle. In 1493, the
moped, or a separate class of hybrid vehicle. earliest comes from a sketch which being attributed
Powered by a variety of engine types and designs, to Gian Giacomo Caprotti. Primitive version of a
the motorized bicycle formed the prototype for bicycle sketch was surfaced in 1974 by Leonardo
what would later become the motorcycle. da Vinci. The Celerifere was built by Comte de
Sicrac, in 1791. The Celerifere, purportedly was a
V. LITERATURE REVIEW hobby horse with two wheels instead of a rocker. A
The simplicity in design, durability and rider would power forward by running or walking
compact size of pneumatic systems make them well with their feet and then glide on the celerifere. In
suited for mobile applications. Pneumatic control 1817, German Baron, Karl Drais Von Sauerbronn
system plays very important role in industrial invented a laufmaschine, means a running machine,
system owing to the advantages of low cost, easy an improved two-wheel version of the celerifere,. It
maintenance, cleanliness, readily available, and was variously called the running machine,
cheap source, etc. [1]. A particularly well suited velocipede, Draisienne and Dandy horse. It had a
application for vehicle operating on compressed air steer-able front wheel directing the front wheel a
is material handling and for visitors in industry. bit. In 1839, Kirkpatrick MacMillan built the first
Compressed air storage energy (CASE) is a mechanically propelled 2-wheel vehicle. In
promising method of energy storage, with high Velocipedes, the system of driving levers and
efficiency and environmental friendliness [2].The pedals that allows rider to propel the machine with
moped has top speed of about 18 mph and could go feet off the ground was introduced by him. In 1817
7 miles before its air pressure ran out .An inventor, Baron von Drais invented a walking machine that
JemStansfield, has been able to convert a regular would help him get around the royal gardens faster:
scooter to a compressed air moped [3]. Behavior two same-size in-line wheels, the front one
of compressed air Compressed air is clean, safe, steerable, mounted in a frame which you straddled.
simple and efficient. There are no dangerous The device was propelled by pushing your feet

www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0704062631 26 | P a g e

P.Madhu Raghava. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 4, ( Part -6) April 2017, pp.25-31

against the ground, thus rolling yourself and the 2. Solonoid Valve
device forward in a sort of gliding walk. The 3. Electrical Control Unit
machine became known as the Draisienne or hobby 4. Pnemautic Acctuater
horse. It was made entirely of wood. This enjoyed a 5. Poewr Transmiting Chain
short lived popularity as a fad, not being practical 6. Sprocket Wheel
for transportation in any other place than a well 7. Two Wheeler Rear Wheel
maintained pathway such as in a park or garden.
I. Fabrication model development of single rider
automatically operated tricycle.
II. By some modification and improvement inside
the engine increase the power and efficiency of

I. Literature study
Make review on other model and focusing on how
to make it simple
and relevance to the project title.

II. Conceptual design

Sketching several type of design based on concept
that being choose.
State the dimension for all part.


Selected the true material based on model design
and criteria.
Light, easy to joining and easy to manufacture.
Assemble all the part to the design.

IV. Fabrication model refinement.

Fabricate the tricycle according to the main frame
and design.
Refinement at several part of joining and sharp

V. Performance testing.
Speed.Power developed.

VI. Documentation
Preparing a report for the project.


1. Air Cylinder

www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0704062631 27 | P a g e

P.Madhu Raghava. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 4, ( Part -6) April 2017, pp.25-31

XII. SPROCKET WHEEL Both hydraulic and pneumatic power may be

A sprocket or sprocket-wheel is a profiled wheel used to drive an actuator, usually the larger and
with teeth, cogs, or even sprockets that mesh with a more powerful types. As their internal construction
chain, track or other perforated or indented is generally similar (in principle, if not in size) they
material. The name 'sprocket' applies generally to are often considered together as fluid
any wheel upon which radial projections engage a power actuators. Fluid power actuators are of two
chain passing over it. It is distinguished from a gear common forms: those where a linear piston and
in that sprockets are never meshed together cylinder mechanism is geared to produce rotation
directly, and differs from a pulley in that sprockets (illustrated), and those where a rotating
have teeth and pulleys are smooth. Sprockets are asymmetrical vane swings through a cylinder of
used in bicycles, motorcycles, cars, tracked two different radii. The differential pressure
vehicles, and other machinery either to transmit between the two sides of the vane gives rise to an
rotary motion between two shafts where gears are unbalanced force and thus a torque on the output
unsuitable or to impart linear motion to a track, shaft. Vane actuators require a number of sliding
tape etc. Perhaps the most common form of seals and the joins between these seals have tended
sprocket may be found in the bicycle, in which the to cause more problems with leakage than for the
pedal shaft carries a large sprocket-wheel, which piston and cylinder type.
drives a chain, which, in turn, drives a small
sprocket on the axle of the rear wheel . Early XIV. ELECTRICAL CONTROL UNIT:
automobiles were also largely driven by sprocket
and chain mechanism, a practice largely copied
from bicycles.
Sprockets are of various designs, a
maximum of efficiency being claimed for each by
its originator. Sprockets typically do not have a
flange. Some sprockets used with timing belts have
flanges to keep the timing belt cantered. Sprockets
and chains are also used for power transmission
from one shaft to another where slippage is not
admissible, sprocket chains being used instead of
belts or ropes and sprocket-wheels instead of
pulleys. They can be run at high speed and some
forms of chain are so constructed as to be noiseless
even at high speeds
chain or bush roller chain is the type of chain
drive most commonly used for transmission of The electrical controller unit is used to
mechanical power on many kinds of domestic, controller the speed of the vehicle under micro
industrial and agricultural machinery, including controller and two rechargeable batteries with the
conveyors, wire- and tube-drawing machines, help of transformer ,relay ,voltage regulator,
printing presses, cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. It capacitor , bridge rectifier.
consists of a series of short cylindrical rollers held
together by side links. It is driven by a toothed XV. DESIGN CALCULATIONS
wheel called a sprocket. It is a simple, reliable, and Maximum pressure – 10 bar
efficient means of power transmission. Atmospheric pressure – 1.013 bar
Operating pressure – 5.3 bar
XIII. FLUID POWER ACTUATORS: Discharge – 0.00191 m3/sec
Maximum power = 2πNT/60
= 2π x 300 x 61/60
=1916.37 watt
Required Power = Q x Δp
= 0.00191 x 5.3x10^5
= 1012.3 wattTION


It consists of chassis, pneumatic ratchet
which is fixed on the bottom of chassis with help of

www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0704062631 28 | P a g e

P.Madhu Raghava. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 4, ( Part -6) April 2017, pp.25-31

c clamp. 12V DC air compressor used to 3) Vibration

compressor to the atmospheric air which is Vibration occurs in the tricycle due to the
operated on 12 V batteries. The air storage tank is transmitting the power from ratchet to rear axle.
mounted at the frame of chassis. The shaft or axle
are fixed on the chassis with the help of pedestal, XIX. ADVANTAGES
which consist of bearing enclosed in the casing. 1. It is flexible and easy to drive and control due to
The chain drive are used to transmit the power its simple construction as that of a bicycle and
from ratchet to rear axle. light weight.
2. It is automatic as well as manual in operation.
Working 3. In case if the automatic operation fails or
In this pneumatic cycle initially the person discontinues in case of inadequate air supply, the
will start the cycle with the slight push and operation can be switched to manual mode
compression lever in pressed position and the 3. It has compact structure and aesthetic shape.
ratchet will start. As the ratchet starts the 4. It is intended for indoor and outdoor
compression lever is pressed. It works on the
energy conversion principle the air is compressed Disadvantages
and stroke in the tank. It contains potential energy 1) It cannot be used for long distance.
and this potential energy of air is converted into 2) It cannot be used effectively in uneven road
kinetic energy and power is developed. conditions due to the possibility of
Once the power is to be developed the disturbances in the alignments.
sprocket will start rotating by using chain drive 3) Lack of braking system.
which transmits the power from sprocket to rear 4) Vibrations in the system can cause
axle. Axle rotates the rear wheel and tricycle start disturbances in the running mechsnism.
running. By using accelerator we increase and
decrease the speed of tricycle. Driving Guidance
1. Before starting, please check the following
The main function of pneumatic tube is to Check the pressure in the air tank, fill up the tank if
carry compressed air from air storage tank through it is not enough.
the pressure regulating valve and material is nylon. Check the pressure regulator, rear brake to make
available reliable.
Check the transmission system.
Check whole body to make sure that all the parts
are fixed tightly .
. Fill up the tank with air at pressure up to6.5 bar.

2. After checking, the pneumatic circuit starts.

Open the needle valve for starting the
Open FRL or pressure regulator and fixed it to
required pressure.
XVIII. PROBLEM FACED WHILE Pull the clutch cable for compress the ratchet lever.
DESIGN AND FABRICATION  When compressed lever ratchet starts rotating
1) Axle and transmitting the power.
At the time of first design of axle, when  3. Driving and parking;
we apply the brakes the axle get unwound by  When the tricycle start running apply pressure
braking force. Then at the next design, there was a as per requirement.
minute ply between the split axle due to which the  When the clutch cable was released the ratchet
thread get weared. should stop working.
 Close the needle valve and shut down the air
2) Brake compressor.
In the initial stage, we are looking for the
disc braking system. But it is very costly and not
easily available in the market, so we think about its
alternative and use band braking system.

www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0704062631 29 | P a g e

P.Madhu Raghava. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 4, ( Part -6) April 2017, pp.25-31

XX. MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Generally, new mechanisms should be developed

1. Start the air compressor fill the air and drive it. such that the design should be eco- friendly and
2. Maintain the lubricant in FRL or pressure more energy efficient. The project presented has
regulator. involved the development and implementation of
3. If the pneumatic ratchet has abnormal noise, automatic transmissions for bicycles. The
get it check by professional service provider. motivation of this work is to implement this idea in
4. Front and rear brake adjustment Adjust rear pneumatic featured bicycles with a suitable air
brake using adjusting screw. When fasten hold control. The automatic transmission can be also
the brake bar, the wheel should not be turned used in 3 and 4 speed versions by altering few
around. The brake rubber should be back to its changes in the program. Therefore from the above
position at once when unfold the brake bar. If calculations it is evident that the forces exerted by
the surface of the rubber is worn hardly, the cylinders are optimum to move the shifting
change it. levers (pedals). According to the achieved results,
5. Keep the vehicle clean, and to avoid, higher the suggested mechanism is realizable and
temperature and corrosive air places. workable. Using the simplest mechanism and
required hardware enables to convert the old
Environmental Condition traditional gear shifting mechanism to semi
 When tricycle is not in use at that time, tricycle automatic one. The application of this mechanism
should be kept away from rain water, leads to make the driving process easier, reduces
combustible and chemical corrosive products. the risk of destabilizing the car, the lap/stage time,
 When there is no use of tricycle for long time and the chance of miss shifting.
then drain the air tank.
 When there is no use of tricycle XXIII. FUTURE SCOPE
 In future we can use flexible seating
1) The pneumatic ratchet does not start  In this pneumatic Bicycle we can use high
 Check the air tank. power motor.
 Check the battery connections.  We can use suspension system.
 Make sure needle valve is in open position.  This bicycle is very flexible and can be
2) Pneumatic ratchet starts but fail to run at high modified according to once interest.
speed.  In future this bicycle can used for normal
 Check if the lever is fully compressed. people.
 Adjust FRL or pressure regulator.
 Adjust pressure as per requirement. REFERENCES
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ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 4, ( Part -6) April 2017, pp.25-31

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