Codex Exodites

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Fleet of Foot: Like their cousins, the Exodites are preternaturally agile. They can
therefore run D6” in the shooting phase rather than fire. This move ignores
difficult terrain. Because Exodites rarely move under their own power, the list of
troops able to use fleet of foot is more restricted than for other Eldar. Any models
with a saving throw of 4+ or worse can use fleet of foot, except for the following:
- Megadons;
- Cavalry and vehicles;
- Models in Exo-Suits.

Cavalry: All Exodite riding creatures are referred to as cavalry, including those
such as raptors and pterosaurs which do not follow the normal rules for cavalry.
Exodite cavalry never needs to take difficult terrain tests when travelling through
woodland, though other difficult terrain (such as swamps or boulder fields) effects
them as usual for that troop type (normally infantry or cavalry, although
pterosaurs ignore the effects of terrain altogether).

Scouts: If your army contains any Exodite Scout units (Lethosaur Knights and
Raptor Knights – except Raptor Knights taken as the Baron retinue), roll a D6
before the game and consult the following table. Roll as many dice as you got
Exodite Scout units in your army. Choose the one result you see most fitting.
1- The scouts have located a favourable battleground in an area in the enemy
line of advance. Once terrain has been placed, you may place one (or rearrange
one) additional wood or area of jungle. On a jungle table, ignore this effect. In
addition, the Exodite player may choose to use the Night Fight rules for the first
turn of the game.
2- The scouts have reported on the enemy's plans and your forces are prepared.
You may take the first turn of this battle.
3- The scouts are in position to report on the enemy's position. The enemy must
deploy all of his troops before you place any. Enemy infiltrators are exempt from
this rule in missions which allow their rules to be used.
4- A random enemy unit starts the game in reserve even if the reserves rule is
not normally used in the mission.
5- The scouts isolate and harass one enemy unit. The unit is selected randomly,
and must start the game in reserve even if the reserves rule is not normally used
in the mission. In addition, the attrition that it suffers as it makes its way to the
battlefield means that the unit takes D6 wounds at the start of the battle - roll for
armour saves as normal and remove any casualties. If the randomly selected unit
is a vehicle or a vehicle unit, it may not shoot on the turn it arrives.
6- As result 5, but the Exodite player may choose the unit or vehicle.

A Baron or Visionary may have up to 100pts of wargear, mounts or weapons

chosen from the appropriate list. He may also have up to either one one-handed
and one two-handed weapon, or two one-handed weapons.
A Exodite Visionary may also have up to four of the following psychic powers. A
Exodite Visionary need not have any powers; many are more skilled in non-
combative arts of divination than battle powers.

Blast Pistol - 1pt
Close Combat Weapon - 1pt
Soulblade - 25pts
Power Weapon - 12pts
Witchblade (Visionaries only) - 15pts

Lasblaster - 2pts
Blast Carbine (Exodite cavalry only) - 1pt
Laser Lance (Exodite cavalry only) - 10pts
Singing Spear (Visionaries only) - 18pts

Haywire Grenades - 3pts
Salamander - 6pts
Plasma Grenades - 2pts
Powerblades (count as a weapon in hth) - 15pts
Spirit Field (one per army) - *pts
* The points value of the Spirit field depends on the save value that becomes
invulnerable. A 5+ save costs 10pts, a 4+ save cost 15pts while a 3+ save costs

VISIONARY WARGEAR (Visionaries only)

Ghosthelm - 5pts
Spirit Token - 5pts
Spirit Stones - 40pts

Fortune - 20pts
Executioner - 15pts
Improve - 25pts
Heal - 20pts

EXODITE MOUNTS (cavalry mounts)

Dragon - 30pts
Dragon with wraithbone helmet - 35pts
Pterosaur - 25pts
Raptor - 30pts

Weapon Range S AP Type

Blast Carbine 12” 3 6 Assault 2
Blast Pistol 12” 3 6 Pistol
Bright Lance 36” 8 2 Assault 1
Fusion Gun 12” 6 1 Assault 1
Lasblaster 24” 3 6 Assault 2
Laser Lance N/A 5 5 Assault 1
Neuro Disruptor Template (8) 1 Assault 1
Plasma Carbine 18” 4 3 Assault 1
Psychic Carbine / Blaster Template (8) - Assault 1
Scatter Laser 36” 6 6 Heavy D6
Shock Lance N/A 6 5 Assault 1
Starcannon 36” 6 2 Heavy 3
Star Lance - Single Shot 36” 9 2 Heavy 1
Star Lance - Burst 36” 4 5 Heavy 1 Blast
Tharmal Lance 12” 7 1 Assault 1
Web Carbine 12” - - Assault 1

This section describes the rules for the ancient equipment and the weapons
used by the Eldar Exodites. These rules here tend to be more detailed than
those in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and supersede them if they are

Blast Carbine, Plasma Carbine, Psychic Carbine, Web Carbine: Carbines are
a sub-class of two-handed weapon favoured particularly by Exodite cavalry. The
statistics for each type of weapon are given in the Exodite Weapons Summary.
Carbines are two-handed, but are treated as one-handed for the purposes of
taking weapons; so, a cavalry character may take a Carbine and either a two-
handed or a one-handed weapon. However, a character may not have two two-
handed ranged weapons. He does not gain an additional attack for being armed
with two close combat weapons.

Brightlance: The brightlance is used by the Eldar to destroy heavily armoured

targets, using a highly focused beam of laser energy. A brightlance has the
profile below. In addition, a brightlance treats any armour value higher than 12 as
Rng: 36” S: 8 AP: 2 Assault 1

Exodite Blast Pistol: A pistol form of the Blast

Carbine, this is an ancient weapon replaced on the
Craftworlds with the more powerful shuriken pistol.
The Exodites, who don’t have these weapons, still
favour this for close combat troops.
Rng: 12” S: 3 AP: 6 Pistol

Fusion Gun: The fusion gun is a melta-weapon, most commonly seen carried by
the Fire Dragon Aspect Warriors of the Craftworld Eldar, but also found
elsewhere. It has the following profile. In addition, as a melta weapon a fusion
gun rolls 2D6+Strength for armour penetration when fired at half range (6").
Rng: 12” S: 6 AP: 1 Assault 1

Ghosthelm: A model wearing a Ghosthelm that suffers an attack from the Perils
of the Warp while making a psychic test ignores the attack on a D6 roll of 4+. In
addition, any Daemon that is fighting the model halves its own WS (rounding up)
in close combat.

Haywire Grenades: The Eldar use haywire grenades for disabling enemy
vehicles. A haywire grenade sends out a powerful, short-range electromagnetic
pulse which shorts out electrical wiring and disrupts the energy systems of its
target. Haywire grenades may only be used against vehicles. A model attacking
with a haywire grenade may only make a single attack, regardless of their
Attacks characteristic or whether they charged. If the attack hits, roll a dice to
determine the effect of the haywire grenade: 1= no effect, 2-5= glancing hit, 6=
penetrating hit. A haywire grenade may only be used against a Dreadnought if it
has already been immobilised.
Laser Lance: A Laser Lance is used to deliver an intense short ranged laser
blast while charging into close combat. Exodites using all kinds of Lances to herd
the different Megasaurs of the maiden worlds. The Lance is fired when charging
into combat and is worked out just before you move them into close combat. It is
fired against the same unit the Exodites are charging that turn and any casualties
counts toward the combat resolution for that turn. All normal shooting rules apply,
such as roll to hit, saves for cover and so on. In addition, the Laser lance gives
S5 in hand-to-hand combat.
Rng: - S: 5 AP: 5 Assault 1

Salamander: Exodites
sometimes take smaller
Dragons called Salamanders
into battle. These are vicious
predators with razor-sharp
fangs or a poisonous bite.
These Salamanders are
specially bred and trained to
accompany an Exodite
character and attack any
enemy on command. The
Salamander must remain
within 2” (4” for Raptor Knight Leader Salamander) of the character at all times
and move at the same rate as the character. The Salamander benefits from all
the special rules that are used for the units of the character he accompanies.
E.g. a Salamander that is accompanying a Raptor Knight Leader uses the Scout,
Raptor movement, Cameleoline and Dispersed Formation rules of the Raptors.
Note that a character using a Pterosaur as a mount may not be accompanied by
a Salamander. Salamanders have the following characteristics:

Salamander 3 - 3 3 1 4 2 3 6+

Neuro Disruptor: A neuro-disruptor uses intricate psycho-

crystalline circuitry to emit a wave of particles that disrupt the
brain's neural pathways, turning the target into a drooling imbecile
or killing them outright. The neuro-disruptor uses the flame
template and is fired like any other flame weapon. However, do not
roll to wound as normal. The neuro-disruptor has a Strength of 8,
but rather than using the targets' Toughness values, their
Leadership is used. Other than this, the To Wound chart is used
as normal. For example, a Leadership 9 model is wounded on a
5+. A roll of a 1 always fails to inflict a wound. Against vehicles, roll
a D3 on the glancing hits table as the crew's brains are partially
protected by the vehicle's armour.
Rng: Flame S: (8) AP: 1 Assault 1

Plasma Grenades: Rather than the crude fragmentation grenades

used by other races, the Exodites employ advanced plasma
grenades to stun their enemies when they charge into close
combat. Plasma grenades negate the effect of cover in close
combat, so that all attacks are worked out in Initiative order.

Powerblades: Powerblades are fitted to the forearm or sometimes

to the legs when riding a mount, enabling the user to use both
hands freely. A well trained warrior can use sweeping strikes with
the powerblades in addition to their other weapons. A model
equipped with powerblades gets +1 Attack. This can be in addition
to +1 Attack for being armed with two other close combat weapons
for a total of +2 Attacks. A model with powerblades ignores armour
saves. If combined with another close combat weapon you may
only use the special rules for one close combat weapon, though
you still gain +1 attack for a second close combat weapon.

Psychic Carbine / Blaster: The

Psychic Carbine or Psychic Blaster -
originally developed as the Psychic
Lance to pacify Megasaurs - uses a
short burst of psychic energy
directed through a crystal mounted
on a carbine like storage device.
The resonance set up in the crystal acts to wipe aggressive
instincts from creatures in the area of effect. The Psychic Carbine
uses the flame template and is fired like any other flame weapon.
However, do not roll to wound as normal. It has a Strength of 8,
but rather than using the targets' Toughness values, their
Leadership is used. Other than this, the To Wound chart is used
as normal. For example, a Leadership 9 model is effected on a 5+.
A roll of a 1 always fails to cause an effect. If at least one model is
effected the unit has to pass a pinning test. For any additional
model effected after the first the Leadership value is reduced by
one. E.g. a Space Marine unit with 3 models effected has to test
against 6. Note that the effect of a Tyranid Synapse creature will
be overridden. Models that are fearless, mindless, Necrons or
vehicles are unaffected by the effects of the psychic carbine.
Rng: Flame S: (8) AP: - Assault 1 (Causes pinning)

Shock Lance: The shock lance is a heavier version of the laser

lance, only usable by stronger or more heavily armoured troops.
The laser energy released is more powerful, and at the range the
weapon is fired from the laser light can cause temporary blindness
and the force of the impact itself can even stun the target. A shock
lance is fired exactly like a laser lance, with the improved profile
below. In addition, a model wounded but not killed by a shock
lance will be unable to fight in close combat that round. A model
armed with a shock lance counts as having S6 in close combat.
Rng: n/a S: 6 AP: 5 Assault 1

Scatter Laser: The improved Eldar version of the multi laser that
shoots D6 times instead of 3. Roll each time it fires.
Rng: 36” S: 6 AP: 6 Heavy D6

Singing Spear: The Singing Spear is a weapon used by the

Visionaries, which can be thrown at enemies and returns to the
users hand. It always wounds an opponent on 2+. Against a
vehicle it has a Strength equal 3 times the users original, non
improved strength and adds +1D6 for armour penetration. Any
boost because of the psychic power improve are not used. The
Spear can also be used in close combat but cannot be used with
another weapon to gain +1 attack. A model may not throw the
spear and use it in close combat in the same turn.
Rng: 12” S: special AP: n/a Assault 1

Soulblade: These are ancient close combat weapons that come in

a wide variety of types. A model armed with a soulblade may reroll
any failed to wound rolls in close combat. No armour saves are
allowed against a soulblade.

Spirit Field: This device projects a spiritual aura similar to the

daemonic auras of warp creatures, derived from the energy of the
World Spirit. A model with a spirit field treats his save as

Spirit Token: Many Visionaries carry or wear some sort of token,

a wraithbone artefact taken from the World Spirit and taking one of
a number of forms, including amulets, necklaces threaded with
wraithbone shards, bracelets, rings, even decorations on their
helmets. Others carry small pieces of wraithbone in pouches.
These items serve as good-luck charms and are often associated
with particular rituals and revered in their own right. However, they
have a more practical purpose as repositories of spiritual energy
which the Visionary can draw upon to further protect him from the
perils of daemons and other hostile warp entities. A Visionary
using a Spirit Token rolls 3D6 and must use the lowest two rolls for
all psychic test.

Spirit Stones: A Visionary can use the power of a spirit stone to

use two different psychic powers in each turn instead of just one.
Starcannon: The starcannon is a
highly advanced plasma weapon that
uses a sophisticated electromagnetic
pulse to guide the lethal plasma bolts
to the target. Being that advanced the
starcannon does not overheat on a to
hit roll of 1.
Rng: 36” S: 6 AP: 2 Heavy 3

Star Lance: This weapon is a powerful plasma projector used by

Exodite Barons on their Exo-Suits as a substitute for solid-
projectile missile launchers. The plasma is forced through a
magnetic ‘corridor’ towards its target, conveying roughly as much
energy as an Imperial plasma cannon to a smaller target area and
therefore with greater power. The firer can choose to collapse the
corridor so that the plasma dissipates over a wider area. This
typically causes little damage, but forces troops to keep their
heads down.
Single shot : Rng: 36” S: 9 AP: 2 Heavy 1
Blast : Rng: 36” S: 4 AP: 5 Heavy 1 Blast (Causes pinning)

Thermal Lance: The thermal lance is a melta weapon used by the

Exodites. Most Craftworld Eldar favour the less powerful fusion
gun, which is easier for infantry to carry and fire on the move,
though the weapon’s origins are at least as old as that of the
fusion gun and it is known from many Craftworlds. It has survived
in use among the Exodites because it is as easy to use from
dragonback as a fusion gun is for infantry. Like other melta
weapons, the thermal lance rolls 2D6 and adds its strength for
amour penetration when firing at half range (6” or less). A model
with a thermal lance may use the weapon in close combat against
a vehicle in the turn he assaults. In addition a model using a
thermal lance in an assault against a vehicle may only make one
attack (just like a model with meltabombs). A thermal lance and
shock or laser lance can be carried by the same model in the
same way as carbines.
Rng: 12” S: 7 AP: 1 Assault 1

Web Carbine – Web Guns: (also commonly known as Webbers

and used by the Exodites to catch smaller dragons) fire a
compressed mass of thin silk-wire, produced by the giant spiders
of the maiden worlds, at the target, which explodes into a large
web on contact. An enemy model hit by a Web Carbine must roll
under their natural unmodified Strength (a 6 always fails) or be
entangled by the webbing.
E.g. a Space Marine is not entangled on a roll of 1-3. Monstrous
creatures and vehicles are unaffected by a Web Carbine. Place
the model on it’s side. Models still webbed at the end of the game
do not count towards enemy casualties for Victory Points as they
are still very much alive. A squad with at least one model webbed
counts as pinned. The unit recovers as normal at the end of its
following turn and may act as normally. A squad falling back
because of a failed break test with at least one model webbed
halves the fall back distance rounding down.
Rng: 12” S: - AP: - Assault 1 (Causes pinning)


Dragon: The most commonly used

cavalry in Exodite armies are not from a
single species, and many forms of
‘dragon’ are used as cavalry. In fact,
Exodites refer to all their mounts as
Dragons, but the Imperium classifies a
‘dragon’ as whatever the most numerous
cavalry mount in an Exodite army is.
Dragons are treated as cavalry and add
+1 to their riders’ T, A and Sv.
The Save can be even more improved by
adding a master crafted Wraithbone
helmet for the Dragon. Like many Exodite
artefacts, Spirit Armour is fashioned from
the World Spirit’s own wraithbone-
structure, and is imbued with some of the
psychic power of the spirits within. While
not as powerful as the Spirit Armour of
the Exodite Visionaries it still improves
the Save by +2 instead of the +1 of the
dragon alone.
Pterosaur: Pterosaurs are
very dangerous, carnivorous
flying dinosaurs. Pterosaur-
riding Exodites are the
equivalent of jump pack
assault troops in other
armies, and also perform
reconnaissance duties (as
indeed do all Exodite cavalry
in times of need). A model
riding a pterosaur counts as
being equipped with a jump
pack, and in addition may
deploy using the deep strike
rules even if the scenario
does not normally allow units to do so.

Raptor: Raptors are medium-sized predatory bipeds. They are

light-bodied and hence the lightest of the Exodite cavalry, but their
natural lifestyle, pursuing flying insects and small agile herbivorous
dragons, has given them exceptional reflexes, the ability to run fast
for short distances and the vicious
temperament necessary for killing
animals extremely quickly lest they
run away. A Raptor adds +1 to its
rider’s WS and I, and +2 to his A, but
since the animal lacks the necessary
weight to add impetus to his attack, a
Raptor rider may not carry a lance.
The extra attacks of the Raptor may
not be combined with the special rules
of a close combat weapon. (E.G. A
character riding a Raptor using
Powerblades has to make separate
attack rolls for his attacks and the
additional attacks of the mount.) A
Raptor moves like an infantryman, but
may add 6” to either its move or
assault move in a turn (though not
both in the same turn), declared when
the model or squad is moved. If it runs
in the assault phase, it pursues and flees 3D6” as normal.

Unless otherwise noted, these work as described in the Psychic

Powers section on page 74 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Executioner: The Visionary projects his own spirit away from his
body, to launch an attack against an enemy model within 24” and
the Visionary’s line of sight. As with Mind War this may be a
character or other model which could not normally be individually
targeted. This power is used at the start of the Exodite shooting
phase, and allows the Visionary to attack the chosen model and its
squad in close combat. The model and any models of his squad
within 2” fight back as normal in hand to hand combat. The
Visionary cannot use the power if he is already engaged in close
combat. He is treated as charging, ignores the effects of cover,
may use a second close combat weapon and any additional
attacks from wargear, psychic powers and mounts. If he is
wounded, the Visionary is unharmed but his spirit retreats to his
body and he may not make any attacks in the assault phase.
Normal saves always apply for the enemy. A unit taking casualties
from Executioner must test to avoid pinning. Any casualties taken
count towards casualties in the shooting phase.
Fortune: The Visionary looks into the near future to foresee where
the enemy will attack. The psychic power is used at the start of the
Exodite turn. Nominate one Exodite unit with a model within 6” of
the Visionary. This may be the unit of the Visionary. This unit may
re-roll any failed armour or cover saves until the start of the next
Exodite turn.

Heal: The Visionary can attempt to repair his bodies damaged

patterns. Virtually any affliction can be corrected this way.
At the start of any Exodite turn the Visionary may use this power
on himself. The Visionary restores 1 wound. The effect is
permanent. If the Visionary fails the Psychic test to use this power
he always looses 1 wound, even in addition to a “perils of the
warp” attack.

Improve: By reweaving the pattern of his own body and channel

some of the spiritual force of the World Spirit through his body a
Visionary can improve on what the World Spirit has bestowed on
him. At the start of any Exodite turn the Visionary may use this
power on himself. The Visionary may improve up to 3 of the
following characteristics until the start of the next Exodite turn:
+1 S
+1 WS
+1 A
+1 I
No characteristic may be improved more than two times.
(e.g., the Visionary can choose to improve S +2 and A +1.)



The Baron will be either the lord of a territory, or a member of his

family, often a son eager to prove himself. The Baron does not
simply lead the army; he owns it, as it consists of his retainers and
tenants on his land.

Points / model WS BS S T W I A Ld
Exodite Lord 50 5 5 3 3 3 7 3 10
Exodite Hero 30 4 4 3 3 2 6 3 9

Weapons: None.
Options: The Exodite Baron may be given weapons, mounts and
wargear as allowed by the Exodite armoury.


Independent Character: Unless

accompanied by his Household, the Exodite
Baron is an independent character and follows
the Independant Character special rules as
given in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Retinue: If he is on foot, the Baron may have

a retinue chosen from the Household Retinue
entry below. If he is mounted, he may have a
retinue chosen from the following army list
- Mounted on a Dragon: Dragon Knights;
- Mounted on a Pterosaur: Pterosaur Knights;
- Mounted on a Raptor: Raptor Knights.
This retinue does not take up a normal Troops
or Fast Attack slot but is included in the
Baron’s HQ selection. The Baron’s retinue will
never deploy using the Scout special rule.
One of the Barons retinue can carry a House
Totem for +35pts. While the model with the
House Totem is still on the table, the Baron
and his retinue may re-roll any missed close
combat attacks on the same turn that they
charge into an assault.


The Exodite Visionaries have the power of the spirits at their

disposal and are the most potent psykers in the galaxy. As a race
highly in tune with psychic energy and naturally reverent of the
spirits of the dead, Eldar of all races hold the Exodite Seers in

Points / Model WS BS S T W I A Ld
Exodite Visionary 50 5 5 3 4 3 5 1 10

Weapons: None.

Wargear: The Exodite Visionary may take weapons, mounts, and

wargear as allowed by the Exodite Armoury.


Independent Character: The Exodite Visionary is an independent

character and follows the Independant Character special rules as
given in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Spirit Armour: Like many Exodite artefacts, Spirit Armour is

fashioned from the World Spirit’s own wraithbone-structure, and is
imbued with some of the psychic power of the spirits within. Spirit
armour functions like Rune Armour, giving is user a 4+
invulnerable save. In addition, the psychic aura the armour
projects allows the Visionary to reduce his psychic test roll by -1.
An unmodified 2 or 12 will still cause a daemonic attack (but a 3
modified down to 2 will not). A Exodite Visionary riding a Dragon
with wraithbone helmet may use a 3+ save or a 4+ invulnerable
save, but not both against the same shot.

Psychic Powers: The Visionary may choose between 1 and four

psychic powers for the points cost listed in the Exodite armoury.


A Baron will maintain a small cadre of armed guards in his

household. These are trained as fighters to a higher standard than
ordinary tenants, and may have been taken from the ranks of the
Fusiliers and adopted into the Baron’s house for particular acts of

Points / Model WS BS S T W I A Ld
Household Guard 12 3 3 3 3 1 5 2 8
Guard Captain +10 4 4 3 3 1 6 2 9

Squad: The squad consists of between 5 and 10 Household


Weapons: Lasblaster.

Options: The Household Retinue may be equipped with plasma

grenades for
+2 pts per model and haywire grenades for +3 pts per model. The
entire retinue may exchange its lasblasters for Exodite blast pistols
and close combat weapons at no additional cost. Up to two models
may be armed with fusion guns for +4 pts per model.

Character: One model may be upgraded to a Guard Captain for

+10 pts. The Guard Captain may be armed with plasma grenades
for +2 pts and haywire grenades for +3 pts. The Guard Captain
may exchange his weapons for an Exodite blast pistol, close
combat weapon and powerblades for +10 pts.



The Dragoons are formed from the finest soldiers in a Baron’s

household. They are typically employed as line-breakers, charging
the enemy with their potent shock lances, but even at range they
are fearsome, firing armour-piercing plasma carbines.

Points / Model WS BS S T W I A Ld
Exodite Dragoon 35 5 3 3 4 1 6 2 9
Dragoon Leader +15 5 3 3 4 1 7 3 10

Squad: The squad consists of between 2 and 10 Dragoons.

Weapons: Plasma carbine, shock lance.

Options: Up to one in five models may replace their plasma

carbines with thermal lances for +2 pts.

Character: One model may be upgraded to an Dragoon Leader

for +15 pts. The Dragoon Leader may be armed with plasma
grenades for +2 pts and haywire grenades for +3 pts. The Leader
may exchange his weapons for an Exodite blast pistol, close
combat weapon and powerblades at no additional cost. He may be
accompanied by a Salamander for +6 pts.


Dragon Knights: Dragoons ride Dragons with wraithbone helmet,

and so count as cavalry. The characteristic increase the Dragon
provides have been included in the Dragoons’ profile.

Lethosaurs are lightly-built dragons which typically travel

quadrupedally. They are herbivores, and so frequent prey for more
aggressive dragons. This has made them extremely fast and alert.
As such, they are ridden by scouts who need to get close to the
enemy but avoid direct contact. In battle, knights will often ride the
animals into combat deliberately, and then surrender control to the
animal and let it run in panic, tricking the enemy into pursuing
before the knights regroup. Needless to say, only the best riders
can be employed as Lethosaur knights.

Points / Model WS BS S T W I A Ld
Lethosaur Knight 20 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 8
Lethosaur Leader +10 3 3 3 3 1 5 2 9

Squad: The squad consists of between 4 and 10 Lethosaur


Weapons: Blast Carbine.

Options: The entire squad may be armed with plasma grenades

for +2 pts per model and haywire grenades for +3 pts per model.
The squad may exchange its blast carbines for plasma carbines
for +3 pts per model. Up to two models may be armed with a web
carbine for +3 pts per model.
Character: One model may be upgraded to an Lethosaur Leader
for +10 pts. The Leader may be armed with plasma grenades for
+2 pts and Haywire grenades for +3 pts. The Leader may
exchange his weapon for an Exodite blast pistol, close combat
weapon and powerblades for +15 pts; or may exchange his
weapon for a neuro disruptor for +20 pts. He may be accompanied
by a Salamander for +6 pts.


Scouts: Up to one unit of Lethosaur Knights may be deployed

ahead of the main army as a scouting force. This unit is placed
after other models in both armies have deployed and must be
placed anywhere outside the enemy deployment zone and 18” or
more away from an enemy unit. If the enemy army contains
infiltrators or troops with this ability which are able to use their
deployment rules in the scenario being fought, roll a dice to see
which player deploys his units first. Note that scouts benefit from
their rule even in scenarios which do not allow infiltrators.

Lethosaurs: Lethosaurs are cavalry. In addition, Lethosaur

Knights may make a single move after both sides have deployed
but before battle begins. This is treated as a normal cavalry move.
Lethosaur Knights deployed as scouts take time to get into
position without being detected, and so cannot use this rule.

Withdraw: Lethosaurs are not built for fighting, but are adept at
evading predators. Lethosaur-riding scouts use the animals
precisely because of the high odds of surviving a surprise attack,
while in battle dedicated Knights rely on it to disengage and fire
their weapons once again before rejoining the fight.
A squad on Lethosaurs may disengage from combat at the end of
any assault phase. The squad flees 3D6” treated as a normal fall
back move (and susceptible to crossfire) and automatically rallies
at the end of the move. Enemies may only consolidate 3”.



Fusiliers are the levied troops employed by the Exodites. In civilian

life they are tenants on the Baron’s land and are obliged to repay
him by fighting in his armies whenever he deems it necessary.
Callous Barons draft civilians for every minor skirmish and regard
them as expendable, while more socially responsible ones use
them as sparingly as possible and keep them out of the worst

Points / Model WS BS S T W I A Ld
Exodite Fusilier 8 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 8
Exodite Shaman 15 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 8
Exodite Leader +8 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 9

Squad: The squad consists of between 5 and 20 Exodite Fusiliers.

Weapons: Lasblaster.

Options: Up to one in five, but no more than two per

squad, fusiliers may be armed with either a bright
lance or a scatter laser at +10 pts each.

Character: One model may be upgraded to an

Exodite Leader at +8 pts. The Exodite Leader is
armed with a lasblaster or a blast pistol and close
combat weapon, he may take powerblades for
+15 pts, but may not take a cavalry mount of any
The unit may be joined by an Exodite Shaman. The
Shaman is armed with a blast pistol and close
combat weapon. The Shaman always has the
psychic power: Healer. He may be accompanied by a
Salamander for +6 pts.

Psychic Power - Healer: A Shaman

may heal members of the unit he
accompanies. The unit may ignore
the first failed saving throw each turn
for the unit the Shaman accompanies.
A Shaman may not heal a model who
has been killed from a weapon which
causes instant death or who has been
hit by a weapon that allows no save.
The Shaman may also not attempt to
heal if he is in base to base contact
with an enemy model.
The power is available permanently,
so he does not need to take a
Psychic test to use it. The power is
otherwise treated as a psychic power in all other respects and the
Shaman is treated as a psyker.


Knights are trained soldiers; like civilians, they are tenants on the
Baron’s land, but their service to the land and its lord earns them
the right to own land of their own, parcelled out by the Baron as he
sees fit. In combat, dragon knights are mounted on the
commonest and easiest to control riding beasts as they have not
been trained with more specialised mounts.

Points / Model WS BS S T W I A Ld
Dragon Knight 25 4 3 3 4 1 4 2 8
Dragon Leader +10 4 3 3 4 1 5 3 9

Squad: The squad consists of between 3 and 10 Dragon Knights.

Weapons: Laser lance.

Options: The entire squad may be armed with blast carbines in

addition to their lances for +1 pt per model. Up to one in five
models may be armed with one of the following: thermal lance +6
pts, psychic carbine + 3 pts.

Character: One model may be upgraded to a Dragon Leader for

+10 pts. The Dragon Leader may be armed with plasma grenades
for +2 pts and haywire grenades for +3 pts. The Leader may
exchange his weapons for an Exodite blast pistol, close combat
weapon and powerblades for +7 pts. He may be accompanied by
a Salamander for +6 pts.


Dragon Knights: Dragons count as cavalry.


Warriors are the close combat infantry troops of any Exodite

Warhost, comprising warriors and hunters of the general populace,
travelling to battle at the command of their ruling Baron.

Points / Model WS BS S T W I A Ld
Exodite Warrior 8 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 8
Exodite Shaman 15 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 8
Warrior Leader +8 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 9

Squad: The squad consists of between 5 and 20 Exodite Warrior.

Weapons: Blast pistol and close combat weapon.

Options: The warriors may be armed with plasma grenades for +2

pts per model and haywire grenades for +3 pts per model. Up to
one in five models may exchange their weapons for a fusion gun
at +4 pts each or a psychic blaster at +3 pts each.

Character: One model may be upgraded to an Exodite Warrior

Leader at +8 pts. The Exodite Leader is armed with a blast pistol
and close combat weapon, he may take powerblades for +15 pts,
but may not take a cavalry mount of any kind. The Leader may be
armed with plasma grenades for +2 pts and haywire grenades for
+3 pts.
The unit may be joined by an Exodite Shaman. The Shaman is
armed with a blast pistol and close combat weapon. The Shaman
always has the psychic power: Healer. He may be accompanied
by a Salamander for +6 pts.


Psychic Power - Healer: A Shaman may heal members of the

unit he accompanies. The unit may ignore the first failed saving
throw each turn for the unit the Shaman accompanies. A Shaman
may not heal a model who has been killed from a weapon which
causes instant death or who has been hit by a weapon that allows
no save. The Shaman may also not attempt to heal if he is in base
to base contact with an enemy model.
The power is available permanently, so he does not need to take a
Psychic test to use it. The power is otherwise treated as a psychic
power in all other respects and the Shaman is treated as a psyker.


Common visitors to the

Maiden Worlds,
Rangers sometimes
find themselves in
Exodite territory when
danger threatens, and
will assist their cousins.
More usually, Rangers
still near the Maiden
Worlds will hear of
trouble and rush back
to offer their help.

See Codex: Eldar



Pterosaurs are the only true flying creatures on most Exodite

worlds. Like birds, there are massive differences in size between
species, though knights only ride the smallest they are able to
because they are easiest to manage. Pterosaur knights are
sometimes used to scout terrain other scouts have difficulty
crossing, but are more often employed to survey battlefields from
above and swoop down to provide support when necessary.

Points / Model WS BS S T W I A Ld
Pterosaur Knight 12 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 8
Pterosaur Leader +15 3 3 3 3 1 5 2 9

Squad: The squad consists of between 3 and 10 Pterosaur


Weapons: Blast Carbine

Options: The entire squad may be armed with plasma grenades
for +2 pts per model and haywire grenades for +3 pts per model.
The squad may exchange its blast carbines for Exodite blast
pistols and close combat weapons for +1 pt per model. Up to three
models may be armed with a web carbine for +3 pts per model.

Character: One model may be upgraded to an Pterosaur Leader

for +15 pts. The Leader may be armed with plasma grenades for
+2 pts and haywire grenades for +3 pts. The Leader may
exchange his weapon for an Exodite blast pistol, close combat
weapon and powerblades for +15 pts; or may exchange his
weapon for a neuro disruptor for +20 pts.


Pterosaur Knights: Pterosaurs are treated as jump packs, and

the squad may deploy using the rules for Deep Strike even if the
scenario does not normally allow units to do so.


Raptors are extremely agile bipedal insectivores, large enough for

a rider but lightly built. They are the most common scouts in
Exodite armies, and are also used extensively as fighters due to
their quick reflexes and vicious temperament.

Points / Model WS BS S T W I A Ld
Raptor Knight 20 4 3 3 3 1 5 3 8
Raptor Leader +10 4 3 3 3 1 6 4 9

Squad: The squad consists of between 4 and 10 Raptor Knights.

Weapons: Blast Pistol and close combat weapon.

Character: One model may be upgraded to a Raptor Leader for

+10 pts. The Raptor Leader may be armed with plasma grenades
for +2 pts and haywire grenades for +3 pts. He may be
accompanied by a Salamander for +6 pts. The Leader may take
powerblades for +15 pts. Note that, when equipped with
powerblades he has to make separate attack rolls for his attacks
and the 2 additional attacks of his mount.


Scouts: Up to one unit of Raptor Knights may be deployed ahead

of the main army as a scouting force. This unit is placed after other
models in both armies have deployed and must be placed
anywhere outside the enemy deployment zone and 18” or more
away from an enemy unit. If the enemy army contains infiltrators or
troops with this ability which are able to use their deployment rules
in the scenario being fought, roll a dice to see which player
deploys his units first. Note that scouts benefit from their rule even
in scenarios which do not allow infiltrators.

Raptor Knights: Raptor Knights ride Raptors, the characteristic

bonuses of which have been included in their profile. Raptors may
run up to 6” in either the movement or assault phase in addition to
their normal move, but may not run in both phases in the same
turn. Raptors are treated as cavalry for the purposes of crossing
difficult terrain.

Cameleoline: The clothing worn by Raptor Knights (and the skin

of their mounts) has chameleonic properties. A Raptor Knight
squad adds +1 to any cover saves it is allowed. If they are not in
cover then they have a 6+ cover save.

Dispersed Formation: Raptor Knights can react quickly to

trouble, and so can safely maintain a greater distance from one
another than many troops, allowing them to cover more ground in
their scouting forays. Raptor Knights count as being in coherency
distance if they are within 4” rather than 2” as normal.



Megadons are massive, stocky herbivorous reptiles. Exodites are

using these species because of the relative high intelligence of the
animals. The Megadon responds to simple commands from
handlers in a howdah on the creature’s back. The military
applications of such an beast are obvious, and in combat they
make excellent mobile heavy weapon platforms, combining long
range artillery capability with fearsome close combat ability. One
problem with the Megadon is that they are just animals, and if they
get badly
hurt or
they will
not always
react as
may wish.
Points / Model WS BS S T W I A Ld
Megadon 55 3 3 6 6 4 1 2 10

Squad: One Megadon and three riders in a howdah.

Weapons: Two Megadon riders are equipped with a Lasblaster or

Psychic Carbine for no additional cost. The third operates the
heavy weapon.
The Megadon must be armed with one of the following:
- Starcannon for 35 pts;
- Scatter Laser for 25 pts;
- Bright Lance for 35 pts.

Options: For +10pts the Megadon may be equipped with

additional Wraithbone armour plates. The armour gives the
Megadon and its riders a 3+ save.

Slow to React: The Megadon never falls back and passes all
Leadership test automatically. It cannot be pinned and never falls
back, even if it would automatically do so. The Megadon can move
6” and assault 6”. All movement must be straight ahead and the
creature may only make a single pivot of up to 45° at the end of its
normal move. It may only assault if the enemy it is to assault is
directly ahead. It cannot perform a sweeping advance.

Stable platform: The Megadon crew can fire any number of

weapons wether moving or not.

Monstrous creature: The Megadon is a huge and fearsome

opponent. It is treated as a monstrous creature and therefore rolls
2D6 for armour penetration and ignores opponents armour saves
in close combat.

While many Exodite Barons are using only Dragon Knights to herd
there saurus some more wealthy or eccentric Barons can effort to
let their Knights use Scout Walker. In times of great need these
precious vehicles are even put to war.

Armour :
Points / Model WS BS S Front Side Rear I
Scout Walker 30 3 3 5 10 10 9 4

Number: A squadron consist of between 1 and 3 Scout Walkers.

Type: Walker, Open-topped.

Weapons: The Scout Walker is armed with one of the following:

- Starcannon for 35 pts;
- Scatter Laser for 25pts;
- Bright Lance for 35 pts.

Options: The Scout Walker may be equipped with an targeting

device. The BS is increased to 4. The weapon costs are an
increase to 45 pts for the Starcannon, 40 pts for the Bright Lance
and 30 pts for the Scatter Laser.


Exo-Suits are used by Exodite Barons both for herding dragons

and to joust with one another. For this reason they are designed to
allow weapons to be mounted on and fired from them. He suit
encases its wearer in a wraithbone structure resembling a
Dreadnought, though usually more slender and taller even than
the Eldar Wraithlord.

Points / Model WS BS S T W I A Ld
Exo-Suit 85 4 4 7 7 3 5 3 10
Weapons: The Exo-Suit is armed with a Dreadnought close
combat weapon with a lance attachment strapped to the glove.
In addition the Exo-Suit is armed with one of the following:
- Starcannon for 45 pts;
- Scatter Laser for 30 pts;
- Bright Lance for 40 pts;
- Star Lance for 40 pts.


Exo-Suit lance attachment: This is a unique weapon found only

on Exo-Suits. All the rules from the laser lance apply. The Exo-Suit
lance attachment has the following improved profile:
Rng: n/a S: 7 AP: 5 Assault 1

Fast: Exo-Suits move 9” in the movement phase and can make an

assault move of up to 9”. When rolling for distance moved through
difficult terrain, add + 3” to the highest roll. It also rolls 3D6 for fall
back and pursuit distances. May fire one heavy weapon in the
shooting phase wether moving or not. Note that the lance
attachment may be fired in addition in the assault phase.

Leader: Under exceptional circumstances some Barons take their

highly priced Exo-Suits to lead their retainers and tenants into
battle. To represent this, the Exo-Suit counts as both a HQ unit
and a Heavy Support unit. During deployment of a battle the Exo-
Suit is treated as a Heavy Support unit.

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