Skaven Codex

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Skaven Bestiary 7ed/v1.

SPECIAL RULES Scurry Away!: All models in the Skaven army add +1 to the total rolled to determine the distance they flee. Strength in Numbers: All units in the Skaven army add their current rank bonus to their Leadership value for any Leadership-based test. Verminous Valour: Skaven characters with this rule can refuse a challenge with no loss of honour. Place model at the back of the unit. Warpstone Weapon: Attacks with this special rule count as magical. THE SCAVENGE-PILE WARPMUSKET...............15 points A warpmusket is a move or fire weapon that has a range of 24 and is Strength 5. A warpmusket is Armour Piercing, use Unstable Ammunition and is a Warpstone Weapon. POISONED ATTACKS.........15 points All close combat attacks made by the model count as Poisoned Attacks. This will affect a tail weapon, but not any magic weapons or a Rat Hound Bodyguard. TAIL WEAPON...............8 points A model with this additional blade, spike or mace can make an additional S3 attack at the user's WS and Initiative. It can be used in addition to other attacks including an additional hand weapon or even a magic weapon, although it gains no magical properties. WARPLOCK PISTOL...........8 points A warplock pistol follows the rules except it has a range of 10. A warplock pistol is Armour Piercing, uses Unstable Ammunition, and is a Warpstone Weapon. RAT HOUND BODYGUARD.......5 points A model with a Rat Hound upgrade can make an additional WS3, S3 attack. This attack is made at the owner's Initiative, however, on a To Hit roll of 1 the rat hound will instead inflict an automatic hit on its owner. CLANRATS SPECIAL RULES Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers. Clanrat Clawleader M5 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 LD5 M5 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I4 A2 LD5 SKAVENSLAVES SPECIAL RULES Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers. Expendable: All Skaven, except other Skavenslaves, automatically pass Panic tests caused by Skavenslaves. Also, Skaven can voluntarily target ranged attacks at enemy units engaged in close combat with Skavenslaves (but no other friendly troops). As combatants are constantly in motion, all successful hits must be randomised between the fighting units (1-3 friend, 4-6 foe). If there are multiple units, further randomise to determine exactly which one is struck. Cornered Rats: Desperate Skavenslaves can be vicious. Should a Skavenslave unit break from combat, all units within D6" (friend or foe) immediately take D3 S3 hits. Another hit is added to the total rolled for each additional rank of slaves after the first one. The broken unit, including any characters that joined them, are then removed, just as if they had been wiped out in close combat. Skavenslave Pawleader M5 WS2 BS2 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 LD2 M5 WS2 BS2 S3 T3 W1 I4 A2 LD2

RAT SWARMS SPECIAL RULES Unbreakable (Swarm). Small: Rat Swarms do not block line of sight. Rat Swarm M6 WS3 BS0 S2 T2 W5 I4 A5 LD10

WARLORDS & CHIEFTAINS SPECIAL RULES Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers, Verminous Valour. Warlord Chieftain M5 WS6 BS4 S4 T4 W3 I7 A4 LD7 M5 WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W2 I6 A3 LD6

PACKMASTERS SPECIAL RULES Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers. Packmaster M6 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 LD5 Master Moulder M6 WS5 BS3 S4 T4 W2 I5 A2 LD6 Mixed Unit: Packmasters and Master Moulders lead units of Giant Rats or Rat Ogres. They cannot leave their unit or join another one. Missile Hits and Impact Hits against Mixed Units are randomised as follows: roll a D6: on a 1-4 a Giant Rat is hit, on a 5-6 a Packmaster is hit. If there is a Master Moulder or any differently equipped beasts, then hits must be further randomised to determine exactly where hits should be allocated. Running with the Pack: while leading Rat Orgre packs with at least a single Rat Ogre alive, Packmasters and Master Moulders are immune to Fear. Verminous Valour: Although they are champions and not characters, Master Moulders have Verminous Valour.

STORMVERMIN SPECIAL RULES Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers. Stormvermin Fangleader M5 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I5 A1 LD5 M5 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I5 A2 LD5

Skaven Bestiary 7ed/v1.6_JANUARY13

PACKMASTER TOOLS OF THE TRADE Whip: A whip counts as an additional hand weapon if the bearer is in base contact with a foe. In addition it can be used from rear ranks, allowing the bearer to make a single attack (regardless of the models number of Attacks) through a rank of Rat Orges or over up to three ranks of Giant Rats. Things-catcher: These polearms are a staple amongst the beast-handling and creature-catching crowd. A things-catcher requires two hands to wield and confers to the Killing Blow ability. RAT ORGES SPECIAL RULES Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers, Fear, Frenzy, Mixed Units. Rat Ogre M6 WS3 BS1 S5 T4 W3 I4 A3 LD5 Master-bred RO M6 WS4 BS1 S5 T4 W3 I5 A4 LD5 Beast Pack: As long as at least a single Packmaster or Master Moulder is alive a unit of Rat Orgres can use his Leadership and Strength in Numbers rule. Additionally, if a unit of Rat Orgres begins a friendly turn without at least one Packmaster or Master Moulder they must test for Stupidity. WARLOCK ENGINEERS SPECIAL RULES Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers, Verminous Valour. Warlock Eng. MAGIC Can be upgraded to Lv1/2 Wizard. Uses Skaven Spells of Ruin list. Can substitute one spell for Warp Lightning. WEAPON TEAMS SPECIAL RULES Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers. Weapon Team M5 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD5 M5 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W2 I4 A1 LD5 WARPFIRE THROWER MISFIRE CHART 1-2 Whompfff!The diabolic device explodes. Place the large round template over the Weapon Team, resolve hits as normal. 3-5 Fuel Leak. Highly explosive fuel leaks amd ignites. Roll 2D6 and the scatter dice to determine the team runs before exploding. They will stop if thet touch a unit or impassable terrain. Go to 1-2 to resolve. 6 Pppphhtt! Something has been sprayed but not warpfire. The crew may not fire this turn. POISONED WIND MORTAR (Warpstone Weapon) Range: 6-24 Save: none SPECIAL RULES May move and fire. Can fire at any visible target or, if within 3 of parent unit can use their line of sight to fire. If target not visible then the shot will scatter double the distance rolled on the artillery dice unless a hit is rolled. Any single model that lies under the direct centre of the template takes a wound on a dice roll of 4+ with no armour saves allowed. All other models touched by the template take a wound on a roll of 5+ with no armour saves. The crew wear protective gear and only suffer a wound on a roll of 5+ when touched by any part of the template. POISONED WIND MORTAR MISFIRE 1-2 Foomph! The bomb explodes prematurely in the tube, enshrouding the area in an instant green fog. Place large template centred on Weapon Team. Models touched by the blast are wounded on a 4+, no armour saves allowed. Remove PWM. 3-5 Wildly off Target. The opponent can place the template any where they likes within 3D6 of the intended position. Resolve hits as normal. 6 Clogged. No firing may take place this turn. SKAVEN SPELLS OF RUIN D6 1 SPELL DIFFICULTY Strength: See below Damage: 1

Attached Unit: A Weapon Team must be deployed at the same time and within 3 of the unit it was bought with. Free to move, counts as normal unit. When within 3 of its parent unit it can use that units rank bonus to modify its own Leadership, and has a +4 ward save against ranged attacks. A destroyed, fleeing or broken Weapon Team never causes Panic tests in friendly units. WARPFIRE THROWER Range: Artillery dice Save: -2 Strength: 5 Damage: D3

Is a move or fire weapon but can pivot on the spot. All models touched by the template are hit automatically (Flaming Attack). A unit suffering any casualties must take a Panic test. Rapid Reaction: The Warpfire Thrower can stand & shoot if it is charged.

Skitterleap 5+ Transport any friendly infantry character within 12. Place model anywhere and at least 1 away from enemy models. 2 Warp Lightning 6+ Is a magic missile with range of 24 and causing D6 Strength 5 hits. If number of hits rolled is 1, then caster suffers Strength 5 and not the target. 3 Howling Warpgale 7+ Flying creatures may not fly and use basic move. All missile weapons that roll To Hit suffer a -1 penalty in addition to any other penalties.

Skaven Bestiary 7ed/v1.6_JANUARY13

4 Death Frenzy 9+ Can be cast on any friendly unit within 18. If successfully cast the unit will go into a state of Death Frenzy, adds +2 attacks. Unit remains in state until it loses in close combat. Units that are DF'zied suffer D6 automatic wounds, no armour saves. (distributed as per shooting). 5 Scorch 10+ Place small template anywhere within 24. Any model touched suffers a Strength 4 Hit, all wounds caused count as Flaming Attacks. Any unit that suffers an unsaved wound must take a panic test. 6 Cracks Call 11+ A crack appears in the ground at the casters feet, running 4D6 in a straight line, any direction in the characters arc of sight. Any model in path must make an Initiative test to leap clear. Models that fail are removed as casualties. War machines must instead roll a 5+ or be destroyed. Buildings collapse on a roll of 5+. Any models inside must pass an Initiative test or be removed as casualty. Replace building with difficult terrain and place survivors in a unit so that at least one model is touching the newly formed rubble. If any models cannot fit, they are removed as casualties. SKAVEN SPELLS OF PLAGUE D6 1 SPELL DIFFICULTY 6 Plauge 13+ Choose one enemy unit, within 18 of caster. Models in the affected unit must take a Toughness test. On a fail the model suffers a single wound with no armour save allowed. After working out the effects of the spell and removing casualties, roll a dice on chart below and apply results until the spell ends or no targets in range. 1 The spell backfires, the opponent can decide to end the spell or choose any one unit within 12 of a unit affected by the spell during this Magic phase and pass it on as per the 5-6 result. The unit selected suffers as above. 2-4 The spell ends.

5-6 The casting player can decide to end the spell or pass it to another target within 12 of a unit affected by the spell. The unit selected suffers as above. Units cannot be affected twice by this spell in the same Magic phase. THE DREADED THIRTEENTH SPELL Curse of the Horned Rat 25+ This spell can affect a single infantry unit within 24 and line of sight of the caster. Turns 4D6 of targeted unit's models into Clanrats. Remove enemy models and replace them with Clanrats. No saves of any kind are allowed.

Pestilent Breath 5+ Place the Flame template with the narrow end in base contact with the caster. Any models touched by the template suffer a Strength 2 hit with no armour save allowed. May be used in close combat, one enemy in base contact takes D6 Stength 2 hits with no armour saves allowed. 2 Bless with Filth 7+ Causes friendly units within 12 to have Poisoned Attacks in close combat. The spell lasts until the end of the next player turn. If the unit already has Poisoned Attacks then it causes an automatic wound on a To Hit roll of 5+ instead of the normal 6. 3 Wither 8+ The caster may choose any single unit within 12, including a unit in close combat to have the Toughness value of the unit reduced by -1. Lasts for the rest of the game and any creatures reduced to a Toughness of 0 are removed as casualties. 4 Vermintide 8+ Place large round template in base contact with caster and move template in a straight line 4D6 away from the caster (not impassable terrain or water). All units touched suffer 3D6 Strength 2 hits. Can be cast while the Sorcerer is in combat, however, no template is used. Instead choose a single enemy unit in base contact with caster. Hits are distributed as per shooting. 5 Cloud of Corruption 11+ Roll a dice for every unit within 12 of caster. Enemy units are affected on a roll of 4+, models from Clan Pestilens on a roll of 5+. Affected units suffer D6 strength 5 hits, no armour saves allowed. Roll separately for each unit.

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