9.0-8 Fuses-Medium Voltage: Technical Ratings (Continued)

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0-8 Fuses—Medium Voltage

September 2011
Sheet 09 008
Technical Ratings

Technical Ratings (Continued)

i Table 9.0-7. Transformer Primary Fuse Application (Continued)
System Fuse Maximum Transformer kVA  Fuse Family/Characteristics
ii Voltage Type Self-Cooled Forced Type Current Maximum Interrupting
Air Range kV Rating Amperes
1 12,000 Current 371 432 CLE 10–150 15.5 63,000
limiting 1484 1731 HLE 10–125 63,000
2226 2597 CLE 175–300 63,000
2 4452 5195 HLE 150–250 63,000
1484 1731 CXN 45–100 50,000
2597 3030 CXN 120–175 50,000
3 Expulsion 2970
15.5 14,400
RBA-800 450–720 29,400
DBU-17 10–200 14,000
4 13,200 Current 408 476 CLE 10–150 15.5 63,000
limiting 1632 1905 HLE 10–125 63,000
2449 2857 CLE 175–300 63,000
5 4898 5715 HLE 150–250 63,000
1632 1905 CXN 45–100 50,000
2857 3333 CXN 120–175 50,000
6 Expulsion 3265 3810 RBA-200 10–200 15.5 14,400
6530 7620 RBA-400 5–400 29,400
RBA-800 450–720 29,400
DBU-17 7–150 14,000
7 13,800 Current 426 497 CLE 10–150 15.5 63,000
limiting 1707 1991 HLE 10–125 63,000
2560 2987 CLE 175–300 63,000
8 5121 5975 HLE 150–250 63,000
1707 1991 CXN 45–100 50,000
5855 3485 CXN 120–175 50,000
9 Expulsion 3415 3985 RBA-200 10–200 15.5 14,400
6830 7970 RBA-400 5–400 29,400
3415 3985 RBA-800 450–720 29,400
10 DBU-17 7–150 17.1 14,000
23,000 Expulsion 5690 6635 RBA-200 10–200 25.5 10,500
8535 9950 RBA-400 5–300 21,000
5690 6635 RBA-800 450–540 21,000
11 DBU-27 3–200 27.0 12,500
34,500 Expulsion 8535 9950 RBA-200 10–200 38.0 6,900
12800 14925 RBA-400 5–300 16,800
12 8535 9950 RBA-800 450–540 16,800
DBU-38 3–200 10,000
 Maximum transformer kVA ratings are based on ratios of maximum fuse current rating to transformer full load current (IF/IT) as listed.
13 For a 55°C rise liquid-filled transformer, use the kVA rating for 65°C rise (55°C rating x 1.12). For suggested minimum fuse applications,
see Tables 9.0-9, 9.0-10 and 9.0-11.
 The type RBA interrupting ratings shown are those of the discharge filter type, in which the noise is minimized and deionization of
14 expulsion gases is ensured.

These applications are subject to Caution: Primary fuses must not be

15 modification when specific factors
such as transformer characteristics,
relied upon for clearing secondary
ground faults.
other protective devices, coordination
16 requirements and load variations may
indicate a different IF/IT ratio.

17 Table 9.0-8. Selection of Minimum Primary Fuse for Transformer Protection

Instructions: Multiply the transformer primary full load current For self-cooled For forced air
(FLA) times the multiplier shown in the table to determine transformers transformers
18 suggested minimum size fuse. Use fan-cooled primary FLA
with forced air transformer multiplier. See Tables 9.0-9 thru 9.0-11
for suggested minimum fuse size.
Type CLE current limiting fuses All ratings 1.4 x FLA 1.2 x FLA
19 Type RBA, DBU expulsion type fuses of XFMR of XFMR



For more information, visit: www.eaton.com/consultants CA08104001E

Fuses—Medium Voltage 9.0-9
September 2011
Sheet 09 009
Technical Ratings

Interrupting Ratings of Fuses Step 3—Construct the sequence For single line-to-ground fault;
Modern fuses are rated in amperes
networks using reactances and i
connect properly for the type of fault XI = XI(+) + XI(-) + XI(0)
rms symmetrical. They also have a under consideration and reduce to a
listed asymmetrical rms rating, which E ii
single equivalent reactance. I f = ----- × 3
is 1.6 x the symmetrical rating. XI
Step 4—Same as above except using
Refer to ANSI/IEEE C37.48 for fuse
interrupting duty guidelines.
resistances (omit if a symmetrically Step 6—Select a fuse with a published 1
rated fuse is to be selected). interrupting rating exceeding the
calculated fault current.
Calculation of the fuse required Step 5—Calculate the E/XI value,
where E is the prefault value of the Table 9.0-10 should be used where 2
interrupting rating:
voltage at the point of fault normally older asymmetrically rated fuses
Step 1—Convert the fault from assumed 1.0 in pu. For three-phase are involved.
the utility to percent or per unit on faults E/XI is the fault current to be 3
a convenient voltage and kVA base. used in determining the required The voltage rating of power fuses
interrupting capability of the fuse. used on three-phase systems should
Step 2—Collect the X and R data of all equal or exceed the maximum line- 4
the other circuit elements and convert Note: It is not necessary to calculate to-line voltage rating of the system.
to percent or per unit on a convenient a single phase-to-phase fault current. This Current limiting fuses for three-phase
kVA and voltage base same as that current is very nearly 3/2 x three-phase systems should normally be applied 5
used in Step 1. Use the substransient fault. The line-to-ground fault may exceed so that the fuse voltage rating is equal
X and R for all generators and motors. the three-phase fault for fuses located in
generating stations with solidly grounded
to or less than 1.41 x nominal system
neutral generators, or in delta-wye trans- voltage. However, the insulation 6
formers with the wye solidly grounded, levels on 2.4 kV systems normally
where the sum of the positive and negative allow 4.3 or 5.5 kV rated fuses to
sequence impedances on the high voltage be used. 7
side (delta) is smaller than the impedance of
the transformer.

Table 9.0-9. Suggested Minimum Current Limiting Fuse Current Ratings for Self-Cooled 2.4–15.5 kV Transformer Applications—E-Rated Fuses
System 2.4 4.16 4.8 7.2 12.0 13.2 13.8 14.4
Nominal kV 9
Fuses Maxi- 2.75 5.5 5.5 8.3 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5
mum kV
Transformer Full Fuse Full Fuse Full Fuse Full Fuse Full Fuse Full Fuse Full Fuse Full Fuse 10
kVA Rating Load Rating Load Rating Load Rating Load Rating Load Rating Load Rating Load Rating Load Rating
Self-Cooled Current Amps E Current Amps E Current Amps E Current Amps E Current Amps E Current Amps E Current Amps E Current Amps E
Amps Amps Amps Amps Amps Amps Amps Amps
112.5 27.1 50E 15.6 25E 13.5 20E 9.0 15E 5.4 10E 4.9 10E 4.7 10E 4.5 10E
150 36.1 65E 20.8 30E 18.0 25E 12.0 20E 7.2 15E 6.6 10E 6.3 10E 6.0 10E
225 54.1 80E 31.2 50E 27.1 50E 18.0 25E 10.8 15E 9.8 15E 9.4 15E 9.0 15E 12
300 72.2 125E 41.6 80E 36.1 65E 24.1 40E 14.4 20E 13.1 20E 12.6 20E 12.0 20E
500 120.3 200E 69.4 125E 60.1 100E 40.1 65E 24.1 50E 21.9 30E 20.9 30E 20.0 30E
750 180.4 300E 104.1 150E 90.2 150E 60.1 100E 36.1 65E 32.8 65E 31.4 65E 30.1 65E 13
1000 240.6 350E 138.8 200E 120.3 175E 80.2 125E 48.1 80E 43.7 80E 41.8 80E 40.1 80E
1500 360.8 600E 208.2 300E 180.4 250E 120.3 175E 72.2 100E 65.6 100E 62.8 100E 60.1 100E
2000 481.1 750E 277.6 400E 240.6 350E 160.4 250E 96.2 150E 87.5 125E 83.7 150E 80.2 125E
2500 601.4 1100E 347.0 600E 300.7 450E 200.5 300E 120.3 200E 109.3 175E 104.6 175E 100.2 175E
3000 721.7 1100E 416.4 600E 360.8 600E 240.6 350E 144.3 250E 131.2 200E 125.5 200E 120.3 200E
3750 902.1 1350E 520.4 750E 451.1 750E 300.7 — 180.4 250E 164.0 250E 156.9 250E 150.4 250E
5000 1202.8 — 693.9 1100E 601.4 1100E 400.9 — 240.6 — 218.7 300E 209.2 300E 200.5 300E
7500 1804.2 — 1040.9 — 902.1 1350E 601.4 — 360.8 — 328.0 — 313.8 — 300.7 —
10,000 2405.6 — 1387.9 — 1202.8 — 801.9 — 481.1 — 437.4 — 418.4 — 400.9 —
Note: Fuse ratings represent the fuse that will withstand transformer inrush (12 x FLC for 0.1 second and 25 x FLC for 0.01 second) and be able
to handle temporary overloads (133% of FLC, 150% for 15.5 kV).





CA08104001E For more information, visit: www.eaton.com/consultants

9.0-10 Fuses—Medium Voltage
September 2011
Sheet 09 010
Technical Ratings

Table 9.0-10. Suggested Minimum RBA Expulsion Fuse Ratings for Self-Cooled 2.4–15.5 kV Transformer Applications—E-Rated Fuses
i System 2.4 4.16 4.8 7.2 12.0 13.2 13.8 14.4
Nominal kV
Fuses Maxi- 2.75 5.5 5.5 8.3 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5
ii mum kV
Transformer Full Fuse Full Fuse Full Fuse Full Fuse Full Fuse Full Fuse Full Fuse Full Fuse
kVA Rating Load Rating Load Rating Load Rating Load Rating Load Rating Load Rating Load Rating Load Rating
1 Self-Cooled Current Amps E Current Amps E Current Amps E Current Amps E Current Amps E Current Amps E Current Amps E Current Amps E
Amps Amps Amps Amps Amps Amps Amps Amps

2 112.5
225 54.1 80E 31.2 50E 27.1 40E 18.0 25E 10.8 15E 9.8 15E 9.4 15E 9.0 15E
300 72.2 100E 41.6 65E 36.1 50E 24.1 40E 14.4 20E 13.1 20E 12.6 20E 12.0 20E
3 500 120.3 175E 69.4 100E 60.1 80E 40.1 65E 24.1 40E 21.9 30E 20.9 30E 20.0 30E
750 180.4 250E 104.1 150E 90.2 125E 60.1 80E 36.1 50E 32.8 50E 31.4 50E 30.1 50E
1000 240.6 400E 138.8 200E 120.3 175E 80.2 125E 48.1 65E 43.7 65E 41.8 65E 40.1 65E
4 1500 360.8 450E  208.2 300E 180.4 250E 120.3 175E 72.2 100E 65.6 100E 62.8 100E 60.1 80E
2000 481.1 720E  277.6 400E 240.6 350E 160.4 250E 96.2 150E 87.5 125E 83.7 125E 80.2 125E
2500 601.4 — 347.0 540E  300.7 400E 200.5 300E 120.3 175E 109.3 150E 104.6 150E 100.2 150E
5 3000 721.7 — 416.4 720E  360.8 540E  240.6 350E 144.3 200E 131.2 175E 125.5 175E 120.3 175E
3750 902.1 — 520.4 720E  451.1 720E  300.7 400E 180.4 250E 164.0 250E 156.9 250E 150.4 200E
5000 1202.8 — 693.9 — 601.4 — 400.9 540E  240.6 400E 218.7 300E 209.2 300E 200.5 300E
6 7500 1804.2 — 1040.9 — 902.1 — 601.4 — 360.8 540E  328.0 450E  313.8 450E  300.7 450E 
10,000 2405.6 — 1387.9 — 1202.8 — 801.9 — 481.1 720E  437.4 720E  418.4 720E  400.9 540E 
 Two 300E-ampere fuse refill units in parallel with 10% derating.

Two 400E-ampere fuse refill units in parallel with 10% derating.
Two 250E-ampere fuse refill units in parallel with 10% derating.
Note: Fuse ratings represent the fuse that will withstand transformer inrush (12 x FLC for 0.1 second and 25 x FLC for 0.01 second) and be able
8 to handle temporary overloads (133% of FLC, 150% for 15.5 kV).

Table 9.0-11. Suggested Minimum RBA Expulsion Fuse Ratings for Self-Cooled 25.8–38 kV Transformer Applications
9 System 22.9 23.9 24.9 34.5
Nominal kV
Fuses 25.8 25.8 24.8 —
10 Maximum kV
Transformer kVA Full Load Fuse Rating Full Load Fuse Rating Full Load Fuse Rating Full Load Fuse Rating
Rating Self-Cooled Current Amps Amps E Current Amps Amps E Current Amps Amps E Current Amps Amps E
11 750 18.9 30E 18.1 25E 17.4 25E 12.6 20E
1000 25.2 40E 24.2 40E 23.2 40E 16.7 25E
1500 37.8 65E 36.2 50E 34.8 50E 25.1 40E
12 2000 50.4 80E 48.3 65E 46.4 65E 33.5 50E
2500 63.0 100E 60.4 100E 58.0 80E 41.8 65E
3000 75.6 125E 72.5 100E 69.6 100E 50.2 80E
13 3750 94.5 150E 90.6 125E 87.0 125E 62.8 100E
5000 126.1 175E 120.8 175E 115.9 175E 83.7 125E
7500 189.1 300E 181.2 250E 173.9 250E 125.5 175E
14 10,000 252.1 450E  241.6 450E  231.9 450E  167.3 250E
 Two 250E-ampere fuse refill units in parallel with 10% derating.
Note: Fuse ratings represent the fuse that will withstand transformer inrush (12 x FLC for 0.1 second and 25 x FLC for 0.01 second) and be able
15 to handle temporary overloads (133% of FLC, 150% for 15.5 kV).







For more information, visit: www.eaton.com/consultants CA08104001E

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