Hello classmates,
1) The difference between an aerobic workout and an anaerobic workout is that with an aerobic
workout, oxygen is used to efficiently create 32 ATP's for energy. During an anaerobic workout,
only 2 ATP's are made. Furthermore, anaerobic energy systems are primarily used for short and
explosive exercises whereas aerobic energy systems are used for longer workouts.
2) The differences in exercise that one can do for aerobic exercises are Moderate Intensity and
Vigorous Intensity. During Moderate Intensity, one can burn 3.5-7 cal/min and include activities
like recreational swimming and walking at a moderate pace of 3 to 4.5 miles/hr. Vigorous
Intensity exercises can burn more than 7 cal/min and includes activities such as running and
mountain climbing.
3) If someone new was wanting to start working out, I would encourage them to start by
assessing their current cardiorespiratory level. Next, I would assess for their MHR and start them
with an activity that will get them at 50 to 60% of their MHR. Afterwards, gradually increase the
intensity of their workouts every two weeks.
4) Aerobic exercises
Anaerobic exercises