This document contains a registration form for hazardous waste generators in the Philippines. It requests information about a company's general details, hazardous waste generation amounts and types, storage and treatment methods, and details on any on-site treatment facilities. The form has multiple sections requesting specific data points around waste streams, mass balances, existing waste management plans, waste analyses, and other relevant production or operational details. It requires a pollution control officer's certification and signature.
This document contains a registration form for hazardous waste generators in the Philippines. It requests information about a company's general details, hazardous waste generation amounts and types, storage and treatment methods, and details on any on-site treatment facilities. The form has multiple sections requesting specific data points around waste streams, mass balances, existing waste management plans, waste analyses, and other relevant production or operational details. It requires a pollution control officer's certification and signature.
This document contains a registration form for hazardous waste generators in the Philippines. It requests information about a company's general details, hazardous waste generation amounts and types, storage and treatment methods, and details on any on-site treatment facilities. The form has multiple sections requesting specific data points around waste streams, mass balances, existing waste management plans, waste analyses, and other relevant production or operational details. It requires a pollution control officer's certification and signature.
This document contains a registration form for hazardous waste generators in the Philippines. It requests information about a company's general details, hazardous waste generation amounts and types, storage and treatment methods, and details on any on-site treatment facilities. The form has multiple sections requesting specific data points around waste streams, mass balances, existing waste management plans, waste analyses, and other relevant production or operational details. It requires a pollution control officer's certification and signature.
Section A1. General Information of Generator 1. DENR ID: *1 2. Date of issued (D/M/Y): / / *1 3. Name of Firm: 4. Plant Address: 5. Date of Establishment: 6. Tel: 7. Fax: 8. Office Address: 9. Tel: 10. Fax: 10. Pollution Control Officer: 11. Tel: 12. Fax: 13. e-mail: 14. General Description of Business/Operation Philippine Standard Industrial Classifications 15. Primary: 16. Secondary: 16. Major Products: 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. 17. Authorized Capitalization (Pesos/year) 18. Paid-up Capitalization (Pesos/year) 19. Approximate Annual Turn-over (Pesos/year) 20. Total No. of Employees: 21. Admi. Employees: 22. Plant Employees:
23. ECC Number: 24. Date Issued: 25. Place Issued:
26. P/O Number/Date 27. Place Issued: 28. PCO Date of Accreditation:
Please append the following:
(1) Process flow diagram all waste streams (2) Mass balance of manufacturing process (3) Description of existing waste management plan (4) Analysis of waste(s) (5) Other relevant information e.g. planned changes in production processes or output, comparison with related operations. (6) If on-site treatment is present, submit the A4 form for every TSD facility. I certify that the enclosed information is a true and accurate record as available. Pollution Control Officer:
Signature: Date (D/M/Y): / /
*1: to be filled up by EMB DENR Hazardous Waste Registration APPENDIX A 2/4
Section A2. Waste Generation Per Year by Type of Waste (Approximately)
HW Nature: Lq = Liquid, So = Solid, Sl = Sludge, Ga = Gases
DENR Hazardous Waste Registration APPENDIX A 3/4
Section A3. Waste Storage, Transport, Treatment and Disposal
2. TSD 3. Volume 4. Storage Transporter Treater Disposal 1. HW No. Location*1 (ton/year) Method*2 5. ID No. 6. Name 7. ID No. 8. Name 9. Method 10. ID No. 11. Name 12. Method
*1 TSD Location: On-site or Off-site
*2 Storage Method: D DENR Hazardous Waste Registration APPENDIX A
A4. Information of HW Treatment Premises
1. DENR ID: 2. Date of issued (D/M/Y): / / 3. Name of Firm: 4. Address of TSD: 5. Treatment method and Capacity: A: Physico-Chemical treatment B: Thermal treatment C: Solidification D: Storage E: Disposal F: Recycle Method Date of permit to Treatment Capacity Type of HW can be treated operate (ton/day) / / / / / / / / / / Please append the following: (1) Process flow Diagram and detailed description of each treatment/recycling process identifying all/by-products, end-products and residues (2) Storage management plan for raw materials, residues, by-products and end-products (3) Photograph/s of the facilities showing processing areas, storage areas