Hazwaste Generator Registration Application - Blank

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DENR Hazardous Waste Registration

Form A: Registration form for HW Generator

Section A1. General Information of Generator
1. DENR ID: *1 2. Date of issued (D/M/Y): / /
3. Name of Firm:
4. Plant Address:
5. Date of Establishment:
6. Tel: 7. Fax:
8. Office Address:
9. Tel: 10. Fax:
10. Pollution Control Officer:
11. 12. Fax: 13. Email:
14. General Description of
Philippine Standard Industrial Classifications 15. Primary: 16. Secondary:
16. Major Products: 1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.
17. Authorized Capitalization (Pesos/year)
18. Paid-up Capitalization (Pesos/year)
19. Approximate Annual Turn-over (Pesos/year)
20. Total No. of Employees: 21. Admin. Employees: 22. Plant Employees:

23.ECC Number: 24. Date Issued: 25. Place Issued:

26. P/O Number/Date 27. Place Issued: 28. PCO Accreditation:

Please append the following:

 (1) Process flow diagram all waste streams
 (2) Mass balance of manufacturing process
 (3) Description of existing waste management plan
 (4) Analysis of waste(s)
 (5) Other relevant information e.g. planned changes in production processes or output, comparison
with related operations.
 (6) If on-site treatment is present, submit the A4 form for every TSD facility:
I certify that the enclosed information is a true and accurate record as available.

Pollution Control Officer:

DENR Hazardous Waste Registration

Signature: Date (D/M/Y):

*1: to be filled up by EMB
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN before me, a Notary Public, this _____ day of
___________ affiants exhibits to me their Community Tax Receipts:
Name CTR No. Issued at Issued on
_________________ ______________ ___________________ _______________
DENR Hazardous Waste Registration 3/4

Section A2. Waste Generation Per Year by Type of Waste (Approximately)

HW Cataloging 8. Total Volume
1. HW No. 2. Waste Name & Description 3. HW Nature
4. Toxic 5. Corrosive 6. Reactive 7. Flammable (ton/year)
I 101 Used/wastes oil Liquid 
400 liters per
Approximately 50
D 407 Busted Fluorescent Bulbs Solid 
pieces per year
Approx 20 tons
Putrescible waste Sludge
per year

HW Nature: Lq = Liquid, So = Solid, Sl = Sludge, Ga = Gases

DENR Hazardous Waste Registration 4/4

Section A3. Waste Storage, Transport, Treatment and Disposal

Transporter Treater Disposal
2. TSD 3. Volume 4. Storage
1. HW No. 12.
Location*1 (ton/year) Method*2 5. ID No. 6. Name 7. ID No. 8. Name 9. Method 10. ID No. 11. Name
400 Stored in
I 101 On-site
liters/yr drum
Stored on- 50 container
Stored in
D 407
site pcs./yr fiber drum
Putrescibl 20 setting
e tons/yr ponds
DENR Hazardous Waste Registration 5/4

*1 TSD Location: On-site or Off-site

*2 Storage Method:D
DENR Hazardous Waste Registration

Process Flow Diagram of Generated Hazwastes


Engine Undergoing Replacement of Busted bulbs

Change Oil

Busted bulbs to stored in fiber

Used oil recovered from Engines drum container
placed in container

Accumulated volumes of busted

Used oil to be place in metallic drum bulbs to be disposed of thru EMB
containers properly covered/labeled accredited transporter/recyclers
proper labeling

Used oils to be use as machine lubricants

in the equipment maintenance and Reporting/ Documentation
disposed off thru EMB accredited




DENR Hazardous Waste Registration



 To protect human health and the generally the environment.

 To reuse rather making it a wastes, anything is a valuable resource
 Protection against liability for environmental damages

Used Oil Management

Used oils are generated from the change oil activities of the equipments used in the
project operation such as service cars, delivery trucks and others. Change oil activities of the
equipments are undertaken twice a year. A motor pool area is designated within the project
where the maintenance activities for the equipments are conducted. Only minimal volume is
generated of which under the provisions of DAO 29 Implementing Rules and Regulations of
RA 6969, this only covers establishments or firm generating 50 gallons of waste oil per day.
Recovered used oils are put in metallic drum containers properly covered. Some amounts of
the generated used oils are re-used as lubricants of the equipments. Containment pond within
the motor pool area is likewise provided to contain unavoidable spillage and possible leaks.
Spilled used oils are also properly collected and put in drum containers.

Busted Assorted Lighting Bulbs

All monitored and detected flickering and or busted bulbs are immediately replaced
new bulbs. Removed busted bulbs are stored in fiber drum container and stored on a
designated area within the building project. Accumulated volume of generated busted bulbs
in time will be commissioned to EMB accredited transporter and treater to appropriate

*** Note that the containers of chemical containers are not included in our generated
hazwastes; container for our mite shampoo product are returned to our supplier which is the
Northfield Laboratories. Likewise our injectable medicines like complexor are directly sent
to Northfield Laboratories for packing into vials.

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