AVEVA Hull & Outfitting 12.1.SP4.56 Partial Fix Release 80460 Windows 7
AVEVA Hull & Outfitting 12.1.SP4.56 Partial Fix Release 80460 Windows 7
AVEVA Hull & Outfitting 12.1.SP4.56 Partial Fix Release 80460 Windows 7
The separately licensed products or product components installable from or upgraded by this
release are as follows:
Product Version
Product Name
Code Number
V00FN517 AVEVA Initial Design Geometry 12.1.SP4
V00FN518 AVEVA Initial Design Hydrostatics 12.1.SP4
V00FN519 AVEVA Initial Design Hydrodynamics 12.1.SP4
V00FN510 AVEVA Hull Structural Design 12.1.SP4
V00FN520 AVEVA Hull Detailed Design 12.1.SP4
V00FN957 AVEVA Hull Panel Line Control 12.1.SP4
V00FN951 AVEVA Hull Profile Cutting Interface 12.1.SP4
V00FN953 AVEVA Hull Plate Cutting Interface 12.1.SP4
V00FN954 AVEVA Hull Genauigkeit - GSD Marking Triangles 12.1.SP4
V00FN952 AVEVA Hull Dotori - Variable Bevelling 12.1.SP4
V00FN959 AVEVA Hull Robot Interface 12.1.SP4
V00FN960 AVEVA Hull Robot Interface 2 (STEP Based) 12.1.SP4
V00FN90nn AVEVA Hull Postprocessors 12.1.SP4
V00FN542 AVEVA Hull Weld Planning 12.1.SP4
V00FN531 AVEVA Marine Drafting 12.1.SP4
V00FN545 AVEVA Outfitting 12.1.SP4
V00FN539 AVEVA Room Design 12.1.SP4
V00FN538 AVEVA Cable Design 12.1.SP4
V00FN522 AVEVA Laser Model Interface 12.1.SP4
V00FN425 AVEVA Engineering ( incorporates Schematic Model Manager) 12.1.SP4
For further information please contact your local AVEVA support office, which can be found at
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Product Release Letter
Product Version
Product Name
Code Number
V00FN536 AVEVA Diagrams 12.1.SP4
V00FN537 AVEVA Schematic 3D Integrator 12.1.SP4
V00FN541 AVEVA Assembly Planning 12.1.SP4
V00FN540 AVEVA Multi-Discipline Supports 12.1.SP4
V10FN806 AVEVA Area Based Automatic Drawing Production 12.1.SP4
V00FN978 AVEVA Mechanical Equipment Interface - Export 12.1.SP4
V00FN977 AVEVA Mechanical Equipment Interface - Import 12.1.SP4
V00FN546 AVEVA Hull Finite Element Modeller 12.1.SP4
V00FN543 AVEVA Space Management 12.1.SP4
V00FN547 AVEVA Surface Manager 12.1.SP4
V00FN549 AVEVA Design Reuse 12.1.SP4
V00FN814 AVEVA Isometric Automatic Drawing Production 12.1.SP4
V30FN527 AVEVA Pipe Stress Interface 12.1.SP4
*1 Please note that a Windows Platform Update (Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1) is a pre-requisite for accurate
2D rendering (for example Text graphics) in the 3D canvas (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2670838 ).
*2 Microsoft has announced that support for Windows XP has now ended : please refer to:
*3 AVEVA supports the use of Windows Server 2012 R2 as a file server for projects deployed with AVEVA Hull and Outfitting
12.1.SP4, AVEVA Engineering 12.1.SP4, AVEVA Diagrams 12.1.SP4 & associated products.
*4 AVEVA supports the use of Windows Server 2016 as a file server for projects deployed with AVEVA Hull and Outfitting 12.1.SP4.
*5 Please note that recommended/supported hardware and software configurations are constantly subject to review, so please consult
the AVEVA support web pages for the latest recommendations.
Release 80454 - AVEVA Hull and Outfitting 12.1.SP4.55.
Please note that there is now a combined installer for Hull & Outfitting and the associated products
listed above. This can be configured by using the check boxes to install a selection of products; it
may also be used to add additional ones or remove them at a later date.
• Simple installations (using setup.exe) will install to C:\ but the individual .msi files will use the
default drive.
• If you require sample projects, please ensure that you check the ‘Hull & Outfitting models’ box.
• The Global tick-box installs the necessary support for Global use of Hull & Outfitting for Global
Client. There is a separate installer for the Global server. It will be installed, by default, under
C:\Program Files (x86)\AVEVA. Please note that Global Server should not be installed in the
same folder where Hull & Outfitting has been installed.
To overcome this issue there was a switch to the new faceting engine in 12.1.SP4 fix 27 where user set
tolerances once again are available, except for the aspect ratio setting which is now obsolete.
Compatibility Issue
After the Marine installation has completed an installation of the AVEVA Database Cache Service
is started automatically. A prerequisite for AVEVA Database Cache Service is that the Microsoft
Message Queuing (MSMQ) is enabled. For a description of enabling the MSMQ and the use of
AVEVA Database Cache Service, please refer to chapter AVEVA Database Cache Service in the
Marine Software Installation Guide.
The database upgrade framework is extended with a concept of optional upgrades. The software
requires a database to be upgraded to a certain level to be granted write access to the database.
But beyond that mandatory upgrade level it is now possible to apply further optional upgrade levels
to acquire new enhanced features. For more information please see the Data Management and
Database Administrator User Guide / Database Upgrade.
PML developers using the new Forms and Menus libraries, may discover unacceptable changes to
the layout of some existing forms when upgrading from earlier releases. The fix for the layout
changes is usually straight forward. For further information please see item KB4453 in the
Knowledge Base .
List of Enhancements
This release includes the following functional enhancements:
In this release:
No Enhancements.
Run mode for Hull PPI
When starting a Hull job in PPI it is always sent to the LogViewer.
An addition has been made to be able to run the job in the same session as the main session.
This can be switched I nthe PPI main menu with that “Run Mode…” button.
By click that function it will toggle between “In LogViewer” and “In Session”.
“In LogViewer” will send the job to the log viewer and “In Session” will run the job in the main session.
This will make it possible to quickly get a result for production parts.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
AVEVA Marine
API for Hull PPI
An API has been added to help customers to setup and run the Hull Production Programs.
This is the short name of the program to run. It is the same short name that can be found in
marjobs.xml in the installation catalogue. Currently the following applications are implemented:
This is a name of a panel (planar/curved) or a filename (including full path) containing a list of panels in
the format for PPI.
Certain applications may have their default file (ip) divided into one or several groups. This parameter
may then contain the group to use.
This will make it possible for customisations in the production support.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
AVEVA Marine
Additions for Right Click on Hull Panel
Additions has been made to the Right Click on a Hull Panel.
For Planar Panels, the “Generate Parts” has been available for some time. This is now also available
The added functions works for both Planar and Curved Panels.
This will make it possible quickly run a Planar or Curved panel through the production programs.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
AVEVA Marine
Marine Drafting – New MarAPI functions FormInsert and SubpictureTransfer
In Marine Drafting 12.1 SP4 Hotfix, two new MarAPI functions have been introduced:
Convenient tools for inserting forms and transferring subpictures in Marine Drawing.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design, Marine Drafting
Weld, defined in hull panels along traces, can now be detailed to also suspension
The scheme syntax uses the new keywords SUS with two parameters for suspension in start and end
of trace. The new keyword is used in statements WELD and STIFFENER.
A more accurate definition of welds
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
AVEVA Marine Planar Hull
Weld Methods
Weld methods can now be defined in hull modelling on along panel boundaries and on stiffeners (along
trace and at ends), on flanges (at ends), on pillars (at ends), on brackets (along bracket legs) and on
doubling plates.
The weld methods to be used are defined in the bevel control file and assigned as possible methods on
selected bevel codes.
The Statement Wizard in hull modelling is updated allowing the user to select weld methods from drop
down lists.
The panel syntax is updated with keyword controlling the setting of weld methods.
The assigned weld methods are presented in the generic files for plates and profiles.
Weld details can be defined by the production designer
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
AVEVA Marine Planar Hull
The Shell Plate Symbolic View can be used to inspect a developed plate.
It is now added also a possibility to visualize the strips used to develop the plate to help the user to
inspect and possible modify the development process.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Modelling.
Marine Drafting – Dynamic Feed-Back when Creating/updating Dimensionings
In Marine Drafting 12.1 SP4, dynamic feed-back has been implemented in functions creating or
updating dimensionings:
• When locating the dimension line in Linear 2d/3d/Axis Parallel Dimensioning creation
• Snapping to cardinal axis during "Modify/Dimension/Slant Witness Line" now also in 3D.
• When checking placement for “text outside” in Linear 2d/3d Dimensioning creation, no need for
user to indicate side explicit (during location of dimension line, the hair-cross position gives the
wanted side)
• When creating Axis Parallel dimensioning, side for text is now derived when locating the
dimension line.
Improved user feed-back when creating/updating dimensionings (WYSIWYG)
Affected Programs
Hull Design, Marine Drafting
Marine Drafting – Moving texts in Radius/Diameter Dimensionings
In Marine Drafting 12.1 SP4 it is now possible to move the text in Diameter and Radius dimensionings
also parallell to the reference line in the interactive function Modify Dimensioning/Move Dimension Text.
This means that the text can be moved "freely". However, for dimensionings of type Straight, Knuckled
and Cross with text outside, the offset cannot be negative (while it can for type Cross with text inside).
During positioning of the text, the user is guided by dynamic highlighting..
In PADD, the “offset text along reference line” is preserved by the u-component of attribute DTOF of
PDIM element. The offset when creating new dimensionings is zero (like in previous versions).
Possibility to move dimension text freely, with dynamic feed-back.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design, Marine Drafting
Marine Drafting – Available Space for Dimension Texts using Default Keyword
In Marine Drafting 12.1 SP4 it is now possible to safely control the strategy for deriving available space
for dimension texts.
In case the dimension text does not fit, the size of it will optionally be reduced in order to fit within the
available space. The reduction involves primarily decreasing the aspect and if that is not enough, the
height is also decreased. This behavior is controlled by the default keywords DIM_TEXT_ASPECT_FIT
A drawback is that the height of the dimension text might be reduced unnecessarily much, making it
hard to read the text.
To get better readability of dimension texts in narrow sections, user can make system ignore the arrows
during available space calculation, by setting DIM_FAC4 to -1.0. This approach has always been
possible but the result has not always been reliable.
Possibility to safely control the available space for dimension texts
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design, Marine Drafting
The State of Hull Component
Hull component stiffeners, plates and brackets now have new attributes to support checking quality and
maturity of the hull model.
Modelling state is captured in attribute MODSTY and can be set manually using a pseudo attribute
MODSTA to values “Preliminary”, “ByRule” or “Manual”. Typically, if customer creates/modifies hull
components with own software, state can then be set to “ByRule”.
“Preliminary” is set by system when thickness of plate or bracket is set to zero and when stiffener is
defined without endcut. Once these properties are given, state will be changed to “Manual”.
If component is set “ByRule” and component is changed using AVEVA standard functions, then state is
set to “Manual”.
Hull components with position numbers assigned are normally in a state where it is important to
understand if changes have occurred. If a stiffener, a plate or a bracket with position number defined is
changed by the user, then the new attribute ISCHGD is set to true. Comparison criteria is geometry and
properties affecting the actual manufacturing part that will be the result of the hull component.
The automatic generation of position numbers can look for changed parts, resort them and eventually
give them new position numbers.
Better possibilities to check the quality of the model
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
AVEVA Marine Planar Hull
New API for Planar Panel Customizations
A new API, Aveva.Marine.Planar, is introduced to edit hull element properties efficiently. The API is
based on the scheme statement syntax and statement keywords that can be queried and set using
dedicated objects and methods. Furthermore, topologically related elements, e.g. going from bracket
arm to related stiffener, can be found by reference methods supplied by the new API.
More easier access and editing planar panel components via customization add-ins.
This will lead to more easier execution of Rule Based Design principals.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
AVEVA Marine Planar Hull
Enhanced for handling of Hull Text
When a Hull Text is to be projected, the Hull Text drawing must be organized in a correct way. This can
be achieved with help of the functions Split Subpicture. It is, however, a complicated task to get this
Hull Text drawing in perfect shape with respect to its internal organisation.
Each level in the picture must also have specific and correct attributes.
For this, there is now introduced a new function to help organising the drawing.
Before invoking the function, the Hull Text should be reorganised with help of Split Subpicture and each
element that should be projected, placed on Component level:
When this is done, invoke the Hull Text → Verify function and the system will automatically reorganise
the drawing to be in a correct state and ready for projection, as in the first picture above.
An example:
This will make the projection of the Hull Text, when made as plates, more accurate.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
AVEVA Marine
Marine Drafting – New MarAPI function PlatePartInsert
In Marine Drafting 12.1 SP4 Hotfix, a new MarAPI function PlatePartInsert has been introduced. The
function is used to insert a Plate Part View in the Marine drawing, given the name of the plate part
Convenient tool for creating a Plate Part view in the Marine Drawing.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design, Marine Drafting
Marine Drafting – User Confirm of Layer Status Report
Whenever a drawing is opened or a new one is created, the current status of layer settings is reported
in the message window (e.g. “The following layers are hidden …”).
In Marine Drafting 12.1 SP4 it is now possible to control if the Layer Status Report should be confirmed
by user. The intention is to force user pay attention to the report.
For this purpose, a new Drafting Default Keyword has been introduced.
System default value:
When a drawing is opened or a new one is created (also via Marapi functions DwgNew and DwgOpen),
this keyword controls if the Layer Status Report should be confirmed by user.
Possibility to force user pay attention to layer status report
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design, Marine Drafting
Copy Assistant API
A new .NET class is defined with two methods (Export and Import) and marked as PMLNetCallable and
can thereby be called from PML.
This enabled for customized development using utilizing two exposed methods Export and Import.
Import 'CopyAssistAddin'
The CopyAssist object expose two methods, Export and Import where both take a string argument.
The string argument is meant to refer a file describing input data for Export and Import operations. Such
a file is denoted as a Copy Suite consisting of a number of Copy Sets where each Copy Set contains a
selection of elements. A Copy Suite file is used for both Export and Import operations but the selection
of elements is used only at Export and ignored at Import. Following example of a Copy Suite file shows
two Copy Sets (CopySet1 and CopySet2) both with selection of three elements for export. At Import
only the name of Copy Set is fetched from the Copy Suite while element information is retrieved from
the Copy Set folder (CopySet1 alt CopySet2). There is no schema definition to validate the correctness
of data so preparing a Copy Suite file requires accuracy. However, a logging mechanism is provided to
<copyset file="C:\Temp\CSets\CopySet1">
<copyset file="C:\Temp\CSets\CopySet2">
The mechanism provided through the Options function in graphical User Interface of Copy Assistant to
find dependencies (follow references to connected elements) is not supported in the functionality
This enabled for customised development utilising these two methods in interface.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Marine Drafting and Hull Design.
The default text alignment in Marine Drafting has so far been Horizontal "Left" and Vertical "Base Line"
without possibility for user to control.
In Marine Drafting 12.1 SP4 Hotfix, a user interface for controlling the alignment while placing a text in
the drawing has been introduced.
A new toolbar "Text Alignment", offering horizontal alignments "Left", "Centre" and "Right", and vertical
alignments "Top", "Half Height", "Middle", "Base Line" and "Bottom", will be enabled whenever a text is
about to be positioned in the drawing.
- Annotate/Label
- Annotate/Markup
- Insert/Text
- Dimension/Area
- Dimension/Distance
- Modify/Label/Move
- Modify/Move/Text
- Modify/Copy/Text
At start-up of Marine Drafting, the default text alignment is "Left" and "Base Line" as before.
Note that when changing text status during multi-row text insertion, the “Text Corner Reference” choice
has been removed (now covered by alignment functionality). Also note that when aligning multi-row text
horizontally, all rows will be justified according to selected alignment.
The alignment is useful also when aligning to other texts in the drawing, e.g. when using the "2D Lock"
toolbar options while moving the text.
Improved functionality and user control while positioning text in the drawing.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design, Marine Drafting
Marine Drafting – Model type and Draw Code Selection in Exchange Model View
In Marine Drafting 12.1 SP4, the User interface in Exchange Model View function has been somewhat
The “Model type” selection dialog has been removed, in order to obtain consistency with the
corresponding “Update Design” command. By default, all types of models will be exchanged.
The “Model Draw code” selection dialog will only appear if necessary (if there are Hull models the view)
Better consistency and productivity
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design, Marine Drafting
In Marine Drafting 12.1 SP4 it is now possible to control the initial target view the first time the function
Insert/Model is invoked. After that, system will remember last option used (like today).
For this purpose a new Drafting Default Keyword has been introduced.
After system start up, first time Insert/Model is used, the View dropdown menu will initiated to this value
Legal values:
Possibility to control the initial behaviour in Insert/Model function
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design, Marine Drafting
In previous versions of Marine Drafting, model subviews without a valid DESI reference has been
deleted when Update Design is performed (via command prompt or any Drafting function updating a
model view). In Marine Drafting 12.1 SP4 it is now possible to control the behaviour: delete or preserve
with a warning.
For this purpose a new Drafting Default Keyword has been introduced.
When Update Design is performed (via command prompt or any Drafting function updating a
model view), model subviews without a valid DESI reference will either be deleted or
Legal values:
Possibility to control how to treat invalid model subviews during Update Design
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design, Marine Drafting
In Marine Drafting 12.1 SP4 Hotfix, the “Automatic Symbol Positioning” concept has been introduced in
MarApi function symbol_new (giving same behavior as in interactive function “Insert/Symbol”). Note
that this will change the behavior of symbol_new function when “Automatic Symbol Positioning” is
Improved functionality in symbol_new MarApi function
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design, Marine Drafting
In Marine Drafting 12.1 SP4 Hotfix, a blanking group (similar to the one in Label creation dialog) has
been incorporated in the following dimensioning dialogs:
- Linear 2D
- Radius
- Diameter
- Angle
- Linear 3D
- Axis Parallel
A check button Blank Out, controlling whether model geometry obscured by the dimensioning should
be blanked-out (see Drafting default keyword DIM_AUTO_BLANKING)
A text field Margin, denoting the margin used when blanking-out (see Drafting default keyword
Note that “Advanced” and “Mould Line” buttons has been moved slightly to make room for the blanking
Convenient User interface for blanking control when creating a dimensioning.
Affected Programs
Hull Design, Marine Drafting
A number of new profile end cut types have been added to the number of currently available.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design.
Code, parameters R1 R2
10910, a, b, [α1] 35 5
10920, a, b, [α1] 50 10
Code, parameters R1
5300, a, b, [α 1] 50
5310, a, b, [α1] 50
5320, a, b, [α1] 50
5330, a, b, [α 1] 50
Type 54:
Code, parameters R1 R2
5410, a, b, [c, α1] 30030 20045
5420, a, b, [c, α1] 30045 20030
R1 1000*R1 + V1
R2 1000*R2 + V2
Type 78:
Code, parameters R1 R2 α2 α3
Type 55:
Code, parameters R1 α2
5500, a, b, [c, α1] 50 90
5510, a, b, [c, α1] 50 30
5520, a, b, [c, α1] 50 30
5530, a, b, [c, α 1] 50 18
Type 56:
Code, parameters R1 R2
5610, a, b, [c, α1] 30030 20045
5620, a, b, [c, α1] 30045 20030
R1 1000*R1 + V1
R2 1000*R2 + V2
For T-bars:
Type 169:
Code, parameters R1 R2 α2
16900, b, [α1] 0 10 18
16910, b, [α1] 35 10 18
16920, b, [α1] 50 10 18
16930, b, [α1] -10 10 18
Type 170:
Code, parameters R1 R2 α2 α3
17000, b, c, [α1] 0 10 18 18
17010, b, c, [α1] 35 10 18 18
17020, b, c, [α1] 50 10 18 18
17030, b, c, [α1] -10 10 18 18
Type 171:
Code, parameters R1 R2 α2 α3
Type 51:
Code, parameters R1 α2 α3
5100, a, b, [c, α1, α4] 50 90 90
5110, a, b, [c, α1, α4] 50 30 90
5120, a, b, [c, α1, α4] 50 30 30
5130, a, b, [c, α1, α4] 50 18 18
Type 52:
Code, parameters R1 R2
5210, a, b, [c, α1, α4] 30030 20045
5220, a, b, [c, α1, α4] 30045 20030
Type 149:
Code, parameters R1 R2 α2 α3
14900, a[,b, c, α1, α2] 30 30 30 30
14910, a[,b, c, α1, α2] 20 60030 18 18
14920, a[,b, c, α1, α2] 15 80040 45 30
14930, a[,b, c, α1, α2] 30 80050 30 45
The 3D view is available on both Hull Design/Outfitting Design and Marine Drafting/Outfitting Draft
modules. However when selecting an element in the 3D canvas the result is different in the design
modules compared to the draft/drafting modules. For example, when picking a flange on a pipe:
• In Hull Design/Outfitting design the flange will be selected in the 3D view and the flange will also
become the current element in the design explorer.
• In Marine Drafting/Outfitting Draft the whole pipe branch is selected and it is also the pipe branch
that will become the current element in the design explorer.
There has now been some improvements to support the “Design” picking mode in in Marine Drafting
and Outfitting Draft. Please note that the other way around is not possible: Design can only have design
picking mode.
In Marine Drafting this new picking option is controlled by a new Drafting default keyword
“VIEW3D_PICK_MODE“. It may be assigned to any of the two values:
1. Design - The picking mode should be “as in Design”. This is the only legal when you are in a
design module. When in marine drafting, this value can activate the “design” way of picking.
2. Drafting - The picking mode should be the default drafting mode. This is not a legal value working
in a design module.
(The pre-selected value of the default keyword depends on the module. In Marine Drafting it is
“Drafting” and in design it is “Design”)
In Outfitting Draft the design pick mode can be activated by unchecking the option “Draft Pick Mode”
that can be found in the menu “3D View\Settings”. This is only available when the 3D view is opened
and the setting will only apply to the current instance of the 3D view. (This is different to Marine Drafting
where all instances of the 3D view will apply to the current drafting default setting.)
The drafting and design picking result is the same which can be less confusing for the user.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Marine Drafting/Outfitting Draft
New possibility to modify and customise the information presented in the “Model Info” window. This is
now also available for outfitting models, and the name of the indicated outfitting component is
presented in the information window. The PML object ModelInfo is available to use for the
customisation of the information. This includes adding and removing properties as well as editing
existing ones. The customisation is made using the PML Trigger function trigdraftmodelinfopre.pmlfnc
and the script is provided with this release, including an example customisation for some outfitting
models and thus changing the default behaviour of the “Model Info” function. If this is not wanted, the
script can be removed from the PMLLIB folder, and the only notable change is that the name of an
indicated outfitting component is presented in the information window, as described above.
Methods available on the ModelInfo PML object:
Name Result Purpose
DBREFGET() STRING The DB Reference of the
indicated object as a STRING.
ADDPROPERTY(STRING, REAL Add new property with title and
STRING) value given as STRING,
STRING. Return the allocated
property number.
REMOVEPROPERTY(REAL) REAL Remove given property number
(REAL), return the same value.
currently available properties as
property numbers.
PROPERTYTITLE(REAL) STRING Get the property title as
STRING from input property
number as REAL.
PROPERTYVALUE(REAL) STRING Get the property value as
STRING from input property
number as REAL.
EDITPROPERTYTITLE(REAL, STRING Change the property title to
STRING) input STRING and property
number REAL. Return the new
title as STRING. The property
title needs to be unique.
EDITPROPERTYVALUE(REAL STRING Change the property value to
, STRING) input STRING and property
number REAL. Return the new
value as STRING.
Improved possibility to modify and customize the information presented in the “Model Info” window, also
available for outfitting models.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
AVEVA Marine Drafting
Slicing of Hull Symbolic View
Changed behaviour for slicing a Hull Symbolic View. Now it is possible to slice a Hull Symbolic View in
the sense that the depth before and behind the Hull Symbolic View plane are redefined according to
user input. The view is recreated once the method finishes.
Improved meaning of slicing a Hull Symbolic View.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
AVEVA Marine Drafting
Create RSO from Panel
The existing function “Create RSO from Panel” is generating a RSO with geometry following an
indicated panel, but without any definition data. An alternative way of creating an RSO from a panel is
now available. This new function creates an RSO in the same plane as a selected panel and the limits
defined in the panel (if surfaces or RSOs) are used to limit the RSO where possible. The selected
envelope is used to create the final shape of the RSO. The new function is activated using “RSO
Sketch 2D” as shown in picture below.
The created RSO will get all definition data and can be updated and used as any other RSO.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Structural Design
Surface Manager Enhancements
Some new rendering options have been added to the Surface Manager.
The rendering style Outline allows the user to draw only the bounding edges of the faces in a B-rep
model. Edges between two faces are coloured yellow, the remaining ones blue.
When the option Show normals is enabled the normal of each face in a B-rep model is drawn.
Better error detection and control of imported data
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Surface Manager
Marine Drafting – Defining owner in Multi-Select Copy function
In Marine Drafting 12.1 SP4 Hotfix, the “Multi-Select” Copy function has been improved by letting the
user define the target owner for the copies.
In previous releases, the selected elements were always copied to the same owner as the source.
If the selection contains elements below view level, the system will now ask the user to indicate the
target owner for those elements:
• If a target owner is indicated by user, each element in the selection will then be copied
below appropriate level in that owner structure.
• By clicking “Operation Complete”, the same owner will be used. Each element will then
be copied within the same owner (default behaviour in previous releases).
• By clicking “Options”, a new owner view will be created. Each element will then be
copied below appropriate level in that owner structure.
Moreover, a check for model information within the selection is done in the same manner as in the
Modify/Copy/Subpicture function (the drafting default keyword
MODEL_SUBPICTURE_2DREGROUP_ALLOW is used to decide if model information should be
Possibility to control what target owner to use in the Multi-Select Copy function
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design
Marine Drafting
Marine Drafting – Multi-Selecting Drawing Reference information disabled
In Marine Drafting 12.1 SP4 Hotfix, information belonging to drawing reference views will no longer be
possible for user to add to the multi-selection.
Information in drawing reference views is now protected
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design
Marine Drafting
Additional Defaults for Hull Position Number Function
To be able to control the various check boxes in the Hull Position Number function, additional default
keywords has been added.
POS_PRO_POS = <value>
POS_PLA_POS = <value>
POS_BRA_POS = <value>
And also an additional key word to control the Pro symb check box:
POS_PRO_PRO_SYMB = <value>
Note if all check boxes are set to N and all Symb is set to NONE, the system will present the Position
number of the part as if the Posno box is checked.
Possible to define the start-up values for the different check boxes.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
AVEVA Marine Hull applications
Separate Knuckled Panel
In the function Panel – Knuckled it is possible to make a knuckled panel from several normal panels.
The function has been enhanced to allow the user to indicate a main knuckled panel and (after a
question about it) get the subpanels separated into normal panels.
The panels will be placed in the same block as the main knuckled panel had and will also get the same
data type.
If the Main knuckled panel is defined as SBP, P or S the panels will get the same storing code.
If the panel is stored over centre line (SP) the panels will be checked if they are S, P or SP.
An easy way to separate a knuckled panel.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design
New varying bevel types
Three new bevel types are added. They are variants of already existing types with the only difference
that the nose is instead of being vertical height, it is parallel to the connection surface.
The three basic types are varying types 17, 39 and 49 and the new variations are 117, 139 and 149.
All parameters are the same as its original bevel type.
Bevel type 117
Some yards measure the nose height parallel to the surface. With those new types, both variations of
nose height are available.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
AVEVA Marine
Marine Drafting – ”Depth of Analyse” in MarAPI function DwgPurge
Possibility to speed up performance if necessary.
Compatibility Constraints
• Dwg_purge
• DwgPurge
Affected Programs
Hull Design
Marine Drafting
Marine Drafting – MarAPI function DwgPurge vs 2d Restriction
In Marine Drafting 12.1 SP4 Hotfix, one optional parameter has been added to the MarAPI function
DwgPurge (and DwgPurgePML).
The parameter “Preserve2DRestriction” controls if model subviews totally outside the 2d Restriction
Frame (and therefore empty) should be preserved or not.
Possibility to control how to handle model subviews, empty because totally outside the 2d restriction
frame of the view.
Compatibility Constraints
• DwgPurge
Affected Programs
Hull Design
Marine Drafting
Marine Drafting – Selecting presentation by short-cut key in Dimension Layout dialog
In Marine Drafting it is now possible to use keyboard keys 1-4 to select the wanted layout in the
Modify/Dimension/Presentation dialog
Improved user interface
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design
Marine Drafting
Marine Drafting – Updating Note text
In Marine Drafting, the Drafting default keyword DENY_UPDATE_OF_NON_PERSISTED_GEOM now
also controls the behavior when updating text belonging to a Note component.
When updating a text element belonging to a note component (not persisted in PADD, but still possible
to re-evaluate) the system can react in two ways:
• Allowing the update, keeping in mind that the modification will be lost at the time the Note is re-
evaluated (e.g. when moving the Note by Modify/Move/Reference)
• Deny the modification on geometry level but instead applying it on Note level (forcing a re-
evaluation of the whole Note) if this is possible
The system will apply the modification on Note level if and only if
• The text belongs to a Note component
• The modification makes sense on Note level
• This default keyword is set to YES
The text modifying functions that now trig the default keyword are:
• Edit/Text and Mouse Right-Click Text / Edit
• Modify/Move/Text and Mouse Right-Click Text / Move
• Modify/Properties/Text/Properties
Note that in previous releases, the above mentioned functions always apply the modification on Note
level (as if default keyword is set to YES)
Possibility to control the behaviour also when updating texts in Note components.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design
Marine Drafting
In Marine Drafting 12.1 SP4 Hotfix, an optional parameter has been added to the MarAPI function
DwgPurge (and DwgPurgePML). The parameter “PreserveSlice” controls if model subviews totally
outside slice planes (and therefore empty) should be preserved or not.
Possibility to control how to handle model subviews, empty because totally outside slice planes (this
control is already implemented in the interactive function Tools/Inspect Drawing/Purge).
Compatibility Constraints
• Dwg_purge
• DwgPurge, DwgPurgePML
Affected Programs
Hull Design
Marine Drafting
Marine Drafting – New MarAPI functions & new implementation of “Refresh” function in
Marine Drawing Explorer
In Marine Drafting 12.1 SP4 Hotfix, five new MarAPI functions have been introduced. The functions are
used to identify elements in the Marine drawing, referring to a given element in PADD.
Moreover, the “Refresh” function in Marine Drawing Explorer has been re-implemented to clear the tree
view in order to force synchronization with the drawing. Once selected, the tree will now be collapsed.
Convenient tools for finding the Marine Drawing element referring to a given element in PADD.
Expected behaviour in Marine Drawing Explorer “Refresh” function.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design
Marine Drafting
Placing Components at a Selected Snap Point
In addition to the place3D button on the component editor form the place in line functionality has been
extended to use any graphical feature as a positioning point.
Previously the user would need to pick the appropriate tube element in which to insert components and
the components would be positioned at the exact picked position along the tube. This functionality still
works as before, but now it is possible to pick any item as a positioning point using graphical tools.
The next two views show the current situation where the user picks a component position in tube and
the component is placed accordingly.
The following shows the result of picking an alternate design element. This time it is necessary to pick
the insert component so that the system knows which tube to insert into so now we are positioned at
the elbow.
The system now asks if it is ok to extend the tube. If you answer yes, the component is positioned as
requested. If you answer no, the tee will be deleted.
Disable NSBC Detail Plot production (SI-79862, SI-80769)
The TEXTPOSITION command has been enhanced to allow the production of Non-Standard Branch
Connection detail plots to be disabled :-
This option may be set via the Detail Plots Options form :-
The WELDNUMBERS command has been extended to allow Additional Welds to be displayed in boxes
(for example) :-
This option may be set via the Weld Numbering Options form :-
New Pipe Settings Form Added
Piping Settings/Defaults
The main purpose of the new pipe settings form is to add control of how Pipe tappings are used but it
also includes basic default settings for the component creation form and tube insertion values which
can now use Datacon tube ranges.
The new form can be controlled or uncontrolled depending on the project requirements. If the form is
controlled, the form will be read only for normal users displayed for reference only. If it is controlled it
can be accessed by designated users and free users
Where the piping defaults form is uncontrolled the piping defaults file will be in the PDMSUSER area
and there will be a RW file for each user in the form:
The Piping settings form has two main areas, the component creation and Non Standard Branch
The component creation area contains some settings which were once stored in a file in the
PDMSUSER area with a name component creation_<username>. This file is now superseded by a new
file with a name piping settings_<username> which contains more user preferences.
When a component is inserted into tube in the Component Creation form there is a process which
determines where the component will be inserted. Basically two values are considered; Snap Distance
and Minimum Tube length.
If the picked position is less than the current Snap distance away from a component the process will try
to connect to the previous component. The minimum tube distance can be different to the snap
distance and works to ensure that the minimum tube between welds is a practical value. Unfortunately
Snap and Minimum Tube values are single values and the default is 100mm.
There is another way of setting these values by introducing a factor for example 2 times the outside
diameter with a text of “2 * OD’ for snap Distance and/or Min Tube Length.
Neither option is ideal because one provides a single value for all sizes and the multiple method
provides an odd length on which to base a measurement.
For this development two extra fields have been added to provide a means of using pre-set Datacon
tube lengths based on bore size.
Previously Snap Dist and Min.Tube these values were stored in a user defaults file but now they are set
using the piping settings form as shown below. Both values can be a value or a bore based expression
as shown:
Any tube bores not covered by the ranges will get the default 100mm tolerance
The mid part of the form relates to settings on the component creation form itself and simply define how
the form is first displayed. Auto align, Auto Create, Select Adjacent Out of Spec and Skip Connected
Comps will all appear as defined by these default settings. However once the form is in use during a
design session the defaults will not be applied again.
The Descriptions pulldown controls how the component creation form displays component choice.
The Full option displays a combination of Catalogue texts - STYPE, RTEXT and MTXX. For example:
Note in the example below S text, T Text and Catalogue Reference the tables are the same because
there are no values set in the standard catalogue for STEXT and TTEXT and the default is to use the
catalogue reference if no other value can be found.
The Non Standard Branch defaults area contains some options to configure where and how NSBC
connections may be made.
How NSBC connections are used are controlled by the Non Standard Branch Connections box on the
piping Settings form
The From Specification option means that NSBC connections are available on pipes whose PSPEC
has reference to a tapping table and the current bore size is valid. If a user tries to select a pipe which
does not have a valid tapping spec, the following is displayed:
The No Restriction option, as the title suggests, allows any combination on any pipe with no
The final option allows you to use a tapping table. Although only one table is shown in the list, it will
show all of the tables available and allow you to select any one.
If multiple tables are in use, it’s probably better to assign them to the piping specs using the tap
reference attribute.
The final option is the Not Allowed in Tube toggle. Ticking this prevents NSBC connections from being
used in tube, thus forcing the user to use conventional tees or olets from the piping spec.
Project Data updates
In order to enable the control of tappings and part of a bug fix, there is a macro which needs to be run
into the MAS project before this development will work properly. The is located in:
To run this, go to Paragon in the MAS project with mdb /ALLMAS
If the macro is located in the correct place it can be run by:
CALLDEF data\SP4Update\Update.pmldat from the Paragon module
Note this macro creates a new tapping table then goes to Propcon to create some weights, the returns
to Paragon to finish. If everything loads ok savework and go to design.
The SP4Update directory is contained in a zip file which will be supplied.
New 3-D Component Creation Button
Traditionally there have been two methods for inserting components into a branch, connect and place.
Both methods insert new components into an existing pipe route but always in line with the current
constrained centreline. For this development a new insertion method has been introduced (Place3D) to
allow a new component to be inserted using the event driven graphics picking mechanism.
This works by inserting a new component after the current element in the branch but its position is
determined by an event driven pick. The actual position can be derived by any of the EDG pick options
and the component is placed at the picked Position. At this point the model editor is invoked to allow
further position adjustment.
Below is an example of placing a valve:
Changes to Non-Standard Branch Connection functionality
When creating branches using NSBC the user was not able to change the bore size after fixing the
position. This was an unnecessary restriction and has now been removed. Additionally the bore size
option is moved to the top of the panel to improve workflow and make it more noticeable. The forms
changes are shown below:
As well as the changes to the Layout, you can now change the size of an unconnected branch
providing it has no components. Connection options and insert depths are re calculated to suit.
Pipe Tapping Tables in Paragon
The Tapping Table lists combinations codes and bore sizes to control which options are available at
specific bores. A practical table called /TAPPINGS-Default-Table is included in the data section of this
release and provides an example of the size ranges often used.
A new tapping table is created via the branch table functionality and is achieved by creating a table with
New values can be pasted into multiple rows and columns using select and paste.
When using the quick pipe router it is possible to either use elbows, or bends for changing pipe
direction. Quick Pipe Router used to apply a default radius to bends if it could not find a suitable radius
from the specification.
Now the user has a choice of how bend radius is calculated based on a new bend radius selection
form. This can be initiated by right clicking on the quick pipe router direction handle or it appears
automatically if Quick Pipe Router cannot find a default.
To select bends in Quick Pipe Router, select Component Choice then Use Bends
If the bend radius has been set in the specification, then this radius will always be used.
If you select use bends and there is no radius set in the specification, then you have the option to set a
bending machine or a defined radius.
If neither of them are set when you select use bends, the default radius selection form will show
New screenshot
At the top of the form, the current creation options are shown. This shows you the branch that the quick
pipe router is modifying.
If the form is being displayed when using the specification, the form will be entirely greyed out when
opened and it will specify that it is using a specification at the top of the form.
Bending Machine
If the user selects bending machine, then the bending machine options will be made available.
Within the drop down box is the complete list of bending machines that are available in the MDB.
It is possible to set either a bending machine, a bending machine group, or a bending machine world.
You can set the bending machine at either branch, pipe or zone level.
When the bending machine is set, the bending machine is first validated against the current branch, if
the bending machine cannot be used on the current branch, the user is asked if they wish to proceed.
If the user clicks no, the bending machine is not set and the form closes. If the user clicks yes, the
bending machine is set at the level selected on the form.
The quick pipe router will always use the bending machine that is set at the lowest level,
If the user attempts to set the bending machine at an upper level, e.g. PIPE, then a check will be done
to see if a different bending machine has been set at the branch. If it has the user will be asked if they
wish to remove the bending machine at the lower level.
It is also possible to unset the bending machine at a particular level by selecting unset from the drop
down list.
Naming and Colour Rules Enhancement (SI 59072, 59073, 59074)
Naming Rules
Naming rules are critical on a project, and access to change rules that could change element naming
should be restricted to users with certain privileges. This is already implemented for Autonaming rules
on the Naming Settings form, where users without Administration privileges are not permitted to open
the Define Rules form.
Users with access to change Naming Rules:
• Any Free user
• Any user in MASTER team or a team with name <Module Key>ADMIN, e.g. DESADMIN.
• In Paragon - users belonging to team CATADMIN
• In Draft - users belonging to team DRAFTADMIN
Autocolour Rules
Element colouring rules are not as critical as naming rules on some projects, depending on project
working practices. Ordinary users (i.e. users not in an ADMIN team) may be permitted to change colour
The problem highlighted is that Element Rules are stored in PDMSUSER or project defaults or system
defaults folders under the name MARODES-ELEMENT-RULES.PMLDAT (in Marine). This file can be
modified from the Naming Rules GUI only if logged in as an ADMIN user. However, this same file can
be modified from the Auto Colour Rules GUI by a user without ADMIN privileges. The same level of
ADMIN protection to the Element Rules file when modifying Auto Colour Rules and Naming Rules is
Resolution SI 59074: Restrict Access to Element Rules from the Auto Colour Setting Form
Access is still available to all users to add or modify auto-colour rules, but access to the Element Rules
is restricted. [Note that some existing 12.1.SP4 Marine and Plant users who are currently able to
modify their Auto Colour rules and Element rules will have restricted access following this hot-
From the Auto Colour Rules form, any user can still show the Element Rules form. They need to be
able to see the details of each Element Rule so that they can judge whether the rule is useful to be
used as part of an Auto Colour rule definition.
On the element rules form they can still add new rules, but they can only add them to their own
PDMSUSER area. They cannot modify or add to project or company rules. They cannot override
company or project rules with a local version of a rule because rule names cannot be duplicated.
For a user without administration privileges the option to save Element Rules to any location other than
PDMSUSER is denied.
Resolution SI 59073: Store Auto Colour rules to Defaults from the Auto Colour Setting Form
The requirement is to be able to store changes back to the Colour Rules file that was opened.
Currently, opening the PDMSDFLTS file to edit colour rules writes the result back to PDMSUSER. Then
the user has to manually copy the file to the project defaults folder or to the system defaults folder. It
can be argued that it is good practice to encourage new rules to be checked locally before being shared
with other users.
The changes made to meet this requirement are as follows:
A new paragraph has been added to the Graphics Settings form Colour tab to indicate which set of
rules had been opened (User defined, Project defined or System defined):
Any user opening colour rules in PDMSUSER will be allowed to store changes back to PDMSUSER.
A user without Administration privileges can open a project or system defined colour rules file, but
cannot overwrite it, so they will be prompted to ask if they want to save their changes to PDMSUSER.
A user with Administration privileges can open a project or system colour rules file and store changes
back to that file if:
• They have write access to the file
• They have not use locally stored Element Rules in their colour rules, because these rules might
not be accessible by other users.
In both cases a warning message will be issued, and the user given the opportunity to save their
changes to their PDMSUSER folder.
Resolution SI 59072: Store Auto Naming rules to Defaults from the Auto Naming Setting Form
The requirement is to be able to store changes back to the Naming Rules file that was opened.
Currently, modified naming rules loaded from a system or project naming rules file are written back to
PDMSUSER. Then the user has to manually copy the file to the project or system defaults folder. It can
be argued that it is good practice to encourage new rules to be checked locally before being shared
with other users.
The changes made to meet this requirement are as follows:
A new paragraph has been added to the Naming Settings form to indicate which set of rules has been
opened (User defined, Project defined or System defined):
Only users with Administration privileges can proceed to the Define Naming Rules form, so there is no
change in behaviour for most users. Only users with Administration privileges can use the File > Save
command on the File menu.
A user with Administration privileges can open a system or project naming rules file, and store changes
back to that file if:
• They have write access to the file
• They have not used locally stored element rules in their naming rules, because these rules
might not be accessible to other users.
In both cases a warning message will be issued, and the user given the opportunity to save their
changes to their PDMSUSER folder.
Marine Drafting – Transforming Model Subviews
In Marine Drafting 12.1 SP4 Hotfix, a new function Tools/Model/Transform has been introduced. The
function is used to transform model subviews, where the “high design” level is controlled by the default
Improved control of Outfitting “definition level” when transforming model subviews
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design, Marine Drafting
Marine Drafting – Sectioning of Models in “Wireline Hidden Line” View Type
There has been a changed in how model views with section planes (VSEC elements) are handled in
12.1.SP4.26. Previously the view type “wireline hidden line” meant that no sectioning was performed at
all on Outfitting Models, i.e. the whole model was presented, disregarding if it was inside or outside the
sectioning planes.
Typically Hull Symbolic Views will have section planes where the planes are created automatically to
map the limits defined for the symbolic view. There will also be section planes if the Marine Drafting
function Tools\Model View\Slice have been used.
In Marine Drafting/Hull Design the change will primarily affect Outfitting Models and assemblies. Hull
models have sometimes a “slicing” functionality of its own applied:
• When the view type is not global hidden line or universal hidden line
If sectioning is not desired on the view, the view type used should be “wireline” or the section planes
should be removed.
Better performance when creating sliced/sectioned model views compared to the use of view type
“modelled wireline” which is slower.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Marine Drafting/Hull Design/Outfitting Draft
By using the new word “PINS_OUTSIDE_PLATE,<Number Of Pins>,” it’s now possible to define the
number of pin heights that will be added to table of pin heights list that is outside the plate on each side.
PINS_OUTSIDE_PLATE,1, = ”This will give one pin height outside plate edge on each side of plate”
PINS_OUTSIDE_PLATE,0, = “This will only add pin heights that are located on the plate to the table of
pin heights list”
User can remove unnecessary pin heights from table of pin heights list
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Bending Template Application
Improved Cutout Welding Control
The existing environment variable SBH_CUTOUT_TIGHT specifies a tolerance to be used when
checking whether a part of a cutout should be welded against a profile or not. There has been a
demand for being able to specify this tolerance for the web and flange part of the profile individually.
SBH_CUTOUT_TIGHT_WEB defines the maximum distance between the cutout and the web part of
the profile, when the cutout is welded against the profile web.
SBH_CUTOUT_TIGHT_FLA specifies the corresponding maximum distance between the cutout and
the profile flange, when the cutout is welded against the profile flange.
Affected Programs
Hull Design.
Pipe Fabrication - User Feed Excess Form Feedback Required (SI 64096)
The Feed Excess form that allows the user to set the User Feed Excess between two bends now
provide a feedback of the current Grip length.
This is obtained from the Bend Mac Ref that is currently set.
This will just be text on the form and supplied as guidance because often when feed excess added it
does not necessarily have to be the same as the Grip dimension.
See attached screen shot suggestion. The actual wording is:-
'Current Grip = 150.0mm'
In the event that no Bend Mac Ref is set the value states 'unset'.
The 12.1.SP4.25 Fix Release includes an IsoDraft enhancement that allows control of the Pipe
Fabrication generated Pspool Names tagged on an isometric.
The Pspool Name parameters may be set via the Material List Options form :-
This invokes the following command to tag the isometric with the section of the Pspool Name after the
3rd hyphen delimiter :-
Set Mode to Local if the source data is to be from a product installed on the same computer.
Set Mode to Service if the source data is to be from the AVEVA Integration Services. The window
changes to show fields for Server Name, Port and Source. These should be set according to the
Service configuration.
AVEVA Integration Services is available as a separate install. For more information refer to its
Installation and User Guides.
Where the comparison includes a parent/child hierarchy, individual levels can be expanded or
collapsed by clicking on the "+" and "-" cells.
Note: The integration UDA pmg-design-ai should have its element list extended to include types
Cable, Equipment, Instrument and SubEquipment.
Groups of Configurations
Compare/Update can now run a group of configurations as a single operation. The Administrator can
define groups of configurations using the new Manage Groups option.
The Manage Groups form can be used to create groups and allocate configurations to those groups.
A configuration can be in more than one group. A setting on the Define Rule Set page of the
Configuration Wizard allows the administrator to define if a configuration can be run standalone.
Unless Make this Configuration standalone is checked, the configuration can be run only as part of a
group. Configurations set to be available standalone may also be in groups.
The expression can be tested by selecting an object of the appropriate source type and pressing the
Test button.
During the Update Database process, the precedence of determining the owner for an inserted object
will be:
1. From the parent/child hierarchy if updating using a child configuration
2. From a PML callback if defined
3. From the owner expression if defined
4. From the setting in the Update Database dialogue
Note that the older UI style retains the simple Accept All button.
The PML methods have been expanded to be consistent with the accept options:
• acceptAllDisplayed() accepts all available changes.
• acceptAllLinked() accepts all linked objects.
• acceptAllMatched() accepts all matched objects.
• acceptAllUnmatched() accepts all unmatched objects.
• updateLink() now updates attributes for linked objects for consistency with the Update
Database dialogue default settings.
PML Callbacks
The upgrade will not overwrite any configurations already defined in the later version. It will first
upgrade available configurations from Engineering 14.1 and then from earlier versions of 12.1.SP4.
Note that configurations with source AVEVA P&ID will require a service port number to be added
Further Information
For more information refer to the Compare/Update User Guide.
The BENDRADIUS command has been extended to allow the Bend Radius to be expressed in
multiples of the Outside Diameter :-
The MATERIALLIST command has been extended to allow the User to switch the ISODRAFT Bill Of
Material Gridlines to be ON or OFF e.g.:-
This may be accomplished via the Material List Column Definitions Options form :-
The export function is available from Analysis | Export FE Model to MAESTRO MNF.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
In a case where a boundary limit is defined as a reference to an RSO face that face is supposed to be
adjacent to the face of the same RSO defining the panel plane.
However if the RSO is modified it may be that the faces are renumbered and limits defined this way
may get the wrong face number reference giving unpredictable results when regenerating.
A coordinate pair in the global coordinate system is given, either (X,Y) or (X,Z) or (Y,Z). These
coordinate pairs will geometrically describe a ray in space. From the intersection between this ray and
the panel plane a point is created that is compared with the RSO face limits defining the panel plane.
Provided that the closest face limit is common to another face, this face is the chosen to form the
boundary limit.
From now on the system will automatically update the boundary definition provided the panel plane is
defined via an RSO face number on a multi face RSO. When storing the panel a ray definition will be
created and added to the boundary definition. The direct face number will be kept as information, but
the ray will take precedence.
At storing, if the face number is out of date it will be updated from the ray. Single face RSOs are not
affected by this development.
Boundary limits defined by an RSO face reference will be insensitive to RSO face renumbering.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design
There is a new function in the File\Databank menu, “Copy Drawings”. This function can be used to copy
drawings within a project. The drawings will be copied to a specific location pointed out by the user, for
example to a DEPT or a REGI in another database. Normally when you create new drawings in Marine
Drafting they will be automatically placed in a REGI depending on the drawing type and the project
setup. This handling is overridden by this “Copy Drawings” function.
The function can be run interactively or started as a batch job, the latter is recommended for many
drawings or big drawings since the copy function can be a rather heavy operation.
For a complete description please refer to the attachment provided in the Knowledge Base Item 5350 in
AVEVA Helpdesk. Updated user documentation will follow in the next 12.1.SP4 User Documentation
Compatibility Constraints
The Hull production software has been updated to allow manufacturing of plates and profiles released
into the manufacturing database from Bocad 3D. The following updates are made in Hull:
• Plates and profiles are allowed to be stored with names containing both upper and lower case
characters. PPI and related dialogues are changed accordingly
• The PPI dialogue is updated allowing selection from the work packages available in the
manufacturing database.
• Profiles in the manufacturing database can be stored without a marine end cut code, but
instead with the end cut geometry and significant parameters. The specific information will be
used and transferred into relevant document such as sketches and generic files.
• Plates and profiles in the manufacturing database can be stored without a marine specific bevel
code for edge preparation, but instead with the significant parameters describing the bevel. The
specific information will be transferred into relevant documents used for manufacturing.
• Holes and notches can now exist also on flanges of profiles. Furthermore, holes can be
described as drilled, threaded and sink.
• Profile sketches can be customized to display also the flanges of a profile in orthographic
A possibility to use the same manufacturing process for both marine and structural models.
Compatibility Constraints
If old input files with manufacturing part names given with lower-case characters are used, then these
needs to be updated with correct names.
Affected Programs
Hull Structural Design has been updated to better handle complex shapes. The user can now decide if
RSO faces shall be made planar and allow the automatic generation of the RSO geometry to subdivide
faces where it is needed. Furthermore, the process to make faces planar is made in a way that points
are moved only in the direction given by the rows in the shape definition. If this is not geometrically
possible, the sub-division of faces will take place.
Compatibility Constraints
The geometry of recreated RSOs with complex geometry may change to better follow the definition
data given by the user
Affected Programs
The CONTNOTES command has been extended to allow the value of a Pipe UDA to be included in the
Continuation Notes e.g. :-
The Pipe UDA may be set via the Annotation Options form :-
New attribute IGNBRK has been added to the SPEC element in order to control Spec Break tagging on
an isometric.
The IGNBRK attribute should be set to true to suppress the Spec Break tag.
Before when listing “General drawings” in the “Open Drawing” dialog you could get a long list of
elements that are not “”true” General drawings. The reason for that is that also drawings with an
undefined Marine drawing type were listed under “General drawing”. These were typically drawings
generated via Outfitting Draft. In more detail it meant that SHEET elements with attribute
MARPTYPE 1 (General drawing) or 0 (Outfitting Draft generated drawing)
This has now changed. The system will only list SHEET elements where the attribute
MARPTYPE=1 under “General drawing” .
In case you still what to access the “Outfitting Draft” generated drawings (with MARPTYPE=0) you
will now have to use the “All Drawings” option, preferably with a name filter since “All Drawings” will
list any SHEET element in the MDB disregarding of drawing type.
It is easier to list all general drawings without disturbance from “Outfitting Draft” generated
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Marine Drafting/Hull Design
1. The “Element Type” text area used to be prepopulated with “[ALL]” which allows the user to search
for all element types. This has been removed to try and discourage this kind of search, but it is still
possible to do by selecting it or typing it in.
3. The “In Volume” checkbox under the “Within Volume” expander group is now only enabled if the
selected database type is “Design”.
The Pipe Piece Name parameters may be set via the Material List Options form :-
This invokes the following command to report the section of the Pipe Piece Name after the 3rd hyphen
delimiter in the Cut Pipe table :-
The Cut Pipe Report Format accessed from the Reports and Symbol File Options form now also
includes Pipe Piece Names.
Marine Drafting – Default Purge behaviour
Note that the current way of handling empty model views in explicit Purge will be replaced by this
configuration tool.
For this purpose two new Drafting Default Keywords have been introduced.
Controls how the ‘Purge” operation should treat empty model subviews
Legal values:
"SDB" Remove empty model subviews in drawing only (the models will come back
when the ID-list is re-evaluated).
"PADD" Remove empty model subviews in drawing and also remove the model from
the PADD View definition
Controls how the ‘Purge” operation should treat empty model views
Legal values:
"PADD" Remove empty model views in drawing and also remove the view definition in
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
The cut information for elbows can now be added to the Pipe Sketch drawing.
The cut length is calculated according to the following equation:
Inside Arc Length (Li) = 2πri x ( Ѳ / 360˚ ) ͦ ͦͦ ͦͦ
Centre Arc Length (Lc) = 2πrc x ( Ѳ / 360˚ ) ͦ ͦͦ ͦͦ
Centre Arc Length (Lo) = 2πro x ( Ѳ / 360˚ ) ͦ ͦͦ
The Cut Information Table is created in the drawing if a trim able elbow’s angle is not 90 deg or at least
different from its catalogue standard angle.
In order to use this table, the user needs to create a NOTE in the outfitting draft module and set the
function of the NOTEs to ELBOCUTINFO as shown:
The method to create these notes is same is according to standards so please refer the Position and
Populate Backing Sheet in the user guide.
In PDMS and Marine 12.1.SP4.Fix17, the Integrator link references have been made no claim.
The reference attributes deslnk, schlnk and englnk are set on the CYMLNK object which is normally
hidden from the end user, and these appear as pseudo attributes on the individual 3D, schematic and
engineering objects.
This enhancement resolves the scenario such as where the engineering user links their object to the
schematic object and then the 3D designer links their object to the schematic object, only to find this
rejected because the CYMLNK was claimed by the other user. The second link action no longer require
a claim of the CYMLNK, and the 3D object will now be linked to both the schematic and engineering
Note that it is still necessary for the concurrent users to save and get work in order to see each other’s
When used in a global project, we recommend that the project administrator creates a variant extract of
the Ref-DESI database for the CYMWRL (Integrator link world) at each location. This will remove the
global extract claim for linking.
The impact with linking is that the last update wins. Following consultation with representative users this
was accepted as reasonable, given that real world scopes of work were unlikely to result in a conflict
from this change.
This enhancement will also be delivered in the future AVEVA Diagrams 14.1, AVEVA Engineering
14.1.SP1 and AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1 releases.
A new option has been added that exports ANSYS APDL commands to create a mesh (nodes and
elements) instead of geometry from the Hull Finite Element Modeller output.
More flexible ANSYS interface.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Structural Design
FEM – DNV Sesam Input Interface File Export
A new export option has been added to export nodes and elements together with material and element
properties from FE models as Sesam Input Interface files which can be imported by DNV’s Sesam FEA
The export function is available from Analysis | Export FE Model to Sesam FEM.
Direct interface to DNV’s FEA software
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Structural Design
The FE modelling process is now more adaptive and runs recursively until no further operations
(connecting, combining, dividing elements) are left to be done.
Compatibility Constraints
On customer request the number of section derived properties for beam elements in the FE model has
been increased. Therefore it is not possible to open new FE models with versions prior to 12.1.SP4.14.
Affected Programs
Hull Structural Design
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Product Release Letter
FEM – Nastran Bulk Data File Export
A new export option has been added to export nodes and elements together with material and element
properties from FE models as Nastran Bulk Data files (BDF) which can be imported by a number of
FEA software packages.
The export function is available from Analysis | Export FE Model to Nastran BDF.
Nastran BDF files can be imported by a number of FEA software packages.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Structural Design
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Product Release Letter
FEM – Patran PCL Export
A new option has been added that exports Patran PCL commands to create a mesh (nodes and
elements) instead of geometry from the Hull Finite Element Modeller output.
More flexible Patran interface.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Structural Design
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Product Release Letter
After store is chosen the functions moves from the multiple choice menu.
Stable system behaviour.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design
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Product Release Letter
In this hot fix there are some important changes to admin regarding the admin database operation
REVERT. The fix is improves how external files linked to database element are handled. Before this fix
it was difficult to use REVERT successfully in a PADD database where you store Marine Drafting
drawings. This documentation states what you need to consider if you want to use the new REVERT
Drawings created in Marine Drafting are special in that sense that they not only have data in the PADD
database they have additional information stored in the Marine Drawing object. This object normally
has a lot of data NOT stored in the PADD database. The Marine Drawing object is stored outside
PADD in an external file with .SDB extension. It is crucial that the SDB-files are properly maintained
otherwise the drawings will be corrupted.
In case you want to use the database operations REVERT you must pay attention to the setting of the
Marine Drafting default keyword “KEEP_SESSION_FILES”. Every time you do “Save Drawing” in
Marine Drafting you will save a new version of the SDB-file. If you want to be able to REVERT you must
make sure you keep every version of the SDB-file by setting KEEP_SESSION_FILES to YES. You
must have used this consistently since you started to save drawings in the database. (For old database
where you don’t know how this setting has been used throughout the lifetime of the database, you
should MERGE CHANGES to get a fresh start).
Keeping all versions of the SDB files may bloat you disc storage. There are ways to clean up among
the SDB-files see below in section “Clean-Up of SDB-files”.
To be able to use the REVERT you must have run Marine Drafting with the drafting default setting
If you have done reverts with old version of Admin to your PADD databases the result is unpredictable
with respect to SDB-files. If you have database for which you don’t know the history with regarding
reverts, you should MERGE sessions to get a fresh start.
Clean-Up of SDB-files
1. When using the MERGE CHANGES command in Admin. Merge Changes means that some
session will be deleted and thus some versions of external files connected to the deleted
sessions will be obsolete. The merge command has an option to delete these obsolete external
files: FILEPURGE. See details the admin documentation: Administration\Reference
Manual\Command Details\Detailed Descriptions of Commands\ MERGE CHANGES (Project
Administration) >
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Product Release Letter
Compare/Update Changes
Compare/Update now supports compare and import of Instruments from AVEVA Instrumentation to
Design element types Instrument, Equipment and Subequipment. This gives the capability, for
example, to separate instruments into inline, offline mounted, and offline non-mounted.
In order to use this new capability in existing projects it is necessary to replace one of the configuration
files. Delete the file DesignAIConfiguration.xml from the project folder <xxx>dflts\ModelManagement.
The system will subsequently copy the updated file in from the release folder. Any previously defined
configurations based on that combination of source and destination databases will need to be
configured again.
The integration UDA pmg-design-ai should have its element list extended to include types Cable,
Equipment, Instrument and Subequipment.
Compare/Update and Integrator Changes
Merging of partially populated links
In Compare/Update and Schematic 3D Integrator, the Manage Links function to validate links will now
merge partially populated links, e.g. 3D object “A” is linked to schematic object “A” by one link and
schematic object “A” is linked to engineering object “A” by another link, as can occur when links are
created in separate extract databases.
A new PML method has been provided so that links can be validated from the command line. This can
be run using the following syntax:
import 'MMservices'
using namespace 'Aveva.Pdms.MMServices'
!!mmManageLinks = object mmManageLinks()
Dabacon Performance Enhancement
Title: Dabacon Performance enhancement, read multiple pages in one go.
Benefits: Database access will do fewer reads across the network reading more data at each time.
Activation: The performance improvement will activate automatically for Marine 12.1.SP4 applications
if the DbCacheService is installed and started.
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Product Release Letter
Compare/Update Changes
• The user is no longer prompted automatically to enter a filter on selecting a data source (for the
case where a filter has not already been defined). The Filters button is now active as soon as a
data source is selected, so a filter can be defined if required, prior to selecting a configuration to
run for comparison.
• On the Update Database form, the defaults for the two check boxes labelled “Update attributes
for linked items” have been changed to be on, so attributes will be updated by default.
• In the Configuration Wizard, attribute mapping can now include PML expressions in place of
source attributes. On the Attribute Mapping screen the source side can now consist of:
Marking Statement – Additions
The marking statement used on planar panels has been extended to define and handle texts to be
labelled on plate parts in production. The contents of the label, the text height, the text rotation and the
side of the plate can be controlled by the user. The picture below shows the updated statement wizard
dialogue used for marking with the modifications related to the labelling encircled.
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Product Release Letter
The corresponding scheme syntax for marking is updated with new keywords, TXT and THGT, as
shown below.
Labels can be shown in symbolic views if requested. This is controlled by new entries in the dialogue
controlling the properties of the symbolic view (Symbolic View -> Planar Hull View -> Properties).
Labelling of texts can be defined and maintained by the production engineer using Planar Hull
Compatibility Constraints
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Product Release Letter
See Manual Hull Detailed Design – Design Language of Hull Modelling and Hull Detailed Design –
User’s Guide
Affected Programs
AVEVA Marine Planar Hull
A new option has been added to the SHEE element of a drawing template as described below.
This option is used to make same scale views.
Show always four views. All four views are displayed even if the spool is located in one plane.
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Product Release Letter
FOUR_VEWS_OFF (Default):
Show only one view if the spool is located in one plane.
All views will be merged to just one view.
If the value of function has no definition about “FOUR_VIEW_OFF”, the “FOUR_VIEW_OFF” will
be applied as default.
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Product Release Letter
But, if the spool is not located in one place, this option is set to “FOUR_VIEWS_ON” automatically.
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Product Release Letter
Planar Hull - Marking Functionality Enhancement
For a complete description please refer to the attachment provided in the Knowledge Base Item 4997 in
AVEVA Helpdesk.
Marine Drafting – WCOG for Outfitting Models
The dimension function “Weight and COG” in Marine Drafting can be used to calculate WCOG for all or
some models in the view. You select models by selecting subviews in the drawing. A problem is that
the subview levels for outfitting models are not always a level that is relevant for WCOG calculation. For
example: for equipment, the subview can correspond to a TEMPL and not the equipment itself. For
pipes it is the BRAN that is the subview level.
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Product Release Letter
CWAY. So for the examples given above: WCOG
will be calculated for the equipment and the pipe
although the actual subviews represent something
else (TEMPL and BRAN).
The new keyword also has a similar effect on the function “Tools/Model/Copy”: For outfitting models
you will copy an EQUI, STRU, PIPE, ROOM, VENT or CWAY disregarding what the subview level
It is now easier to create WCOG dimensions for outfitting models and to copy outfitting models between
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Marine Drafting/Hull Design
Piping components and their insulation drawn in the same graphical view
Over the years there have been many requests to provide functionality that allows for both piping
components and their insulation to be drawn in the same graphical view. This has not previously been
possible because insulation is not a separate entity and insulation parameters merely change the
physical size of the component.
In resolving this, we have changed the way in which the attribute ‘Insulation’ of the Representation
Style is used for the Piping Insulation.
• The Insulation flag does not now solely toggle Pipe Insulation On and Off
• The insulation flag continues to work as it did for all other insulation types
• There are two new Representation Style attributes that are used solely for Pipe Insulation.
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Product Release Letter
Fig1. The Tube Flag is ON, the FFSTYLE is set to Solid, the Insulation flag is OFF and PINSSTYLE
is OFF. The result would be the same if the PINSSTYLE was set because the Insulation flag
still controls the toggling of all insulation.
Fig2. The Tube Flag is ON, the FFSTYLE is set to Solid, the Insulation flag is ON, the PINSSTYLE is
set to Dashed and the PINSCOLOUR is set to Blue
Fig3. The Tube Flag is ON, the FFSTYLE is set to Dashed, Insulation flag is ON, the PINSSTYLE is
set to Solid and the PINSCOLOUR is set to Blue.
Notice that the tube is dashed for only those that have insulation. To produce this type of
display, you will need to use two rules, one for the dashed tube and another for the solid tube.
The rule for the dashed tube shown here would contain a criterion such as the following;
Otherwise, the result would be that all tube were displayed dashed.
Please Note: Drawing both Pipe and Pipe Insulation in the same view means more graphics processing
and it will take longer to produce such a view compared to one that contains just Pipe or just Pipe
Please Note: For examples of DRAFT styles and rules that take advantage of the new features, please
see release 52212.
Marine Drafting – Capturing Subpictures in Regroup and Split Functions
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Product Release Letter
In Marine Drafting 12.1 SP4 Hotfix 1, an alternative to explicitly picking subpictures during Regroup and
Split operations has been implemented.
• When splitting subpictures (views or subviews) by picking subordinates, all subpictures totally
inside a user defined rectangle/polygon can now be captured by clicking the Options button when
the user is asked to indicate a subordinate.
Improved UI for subpicture selection during Regroup and Split operation.
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design
Marine Drafting
Marine Drafting – Drafting Default Keyword for Modal Text Height
In Marine Drafting 12.1 SP4 Hotfix 1, a new Drafting Default keyword has been introduced, controlling
the modal text height for ordinary texts.
Legal values:
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Product Release Letter
NOTE: TEXT_HEIGHT should not be confused with TEXT_STD_HEIGHT! The latter is used
as a selectable choice in certain situations when changing the modal text height in interaction
with the user.
Possibility to control the modal text height via the Drafting Default file
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design
Marine Drafting
Marine Drafting – Lock to Cardinal Axis by <Shift>
In Marine Drafting 12.1 SP4 Hotfix 1, a more efficient alternative to the LockU and LockV commands
has been implemented. By pressing the <Shift> key while giving a position in the drawing canvas, the
resulting line/chord will be locked along the closest cardinal (horizontal or vertical) axis.
The "lock to cardinal axis by pressing <Shift> key" has been implemented in all situations
where defining
- a line segment
- an arc segment by three points
- an arc segment by end points and amplitude/radius
Also see documentation of Drafting default keyword LINE_HV_CODE for automatic locking to cardinal
axes (without using LockU/LockV functions or pressing <Shift> key).
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Efficient UI for locking to cardinal axis
Compatibility Constraints
Affected Programs
Hull Design, Marine Drafting
Compare Update
In Compare/Update the setting to Use advanced configuration has been moved from the Options
dialogue to a new screen in the Configurations Wizard. This means that end users no longer see this
option and it is controlled by the administrator to ensure consistent use on the project.
If advanced rules are required for this particular configuration, select a Project Configuration File (this
will usually be the default filename for the project, e.g. for Sample project this would be
%SAMDFLTS%\ModelManagement\ProjectConfiguration.xml). Then select a Rule Set and check Use
Advanced Rules.
Check Restrict the Configuration to Admin Users only if you want to test this configuration before
publishing it for general use on the project.
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Product Release Letter
Multi-Discipline Supports Enhancements
A number of product enhancements have been introduced in MDS at this release. As a result of this,
user application data stored in the MDS/APPDEFAULTS database needs to be updated to take
advantage of these enhancements.
This can be achieved simply by an administrator in the Paragon module by using the “Check MDS
Application Defaults” utility provided in the Utilities menu.
See section entitled: Update Existing Client Project Application Defaults Databases in the Multi-
Discipline Supports Administrator Guide.
MDS has been enhanced to allow the Unique Naming of Supports, the Designer is prompted to Name
each Support Ancillary. This can be turned off In Paragon by unselecting Unique Support Names on the
Options (2) Tab of the Modify > Application Defaults Form.
Documentation for these enhancements is provided within the following product manuals;
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At release 12.1.SP4 the method in which MDS reference databases (i.e. MDS/CATA) are delivered has
been altered such that the MDS project is no longer supplied with the product.
MDS reference databases are now contained within the MAS project that forms part of the standard
product installation. This change was necessary to ensure on-going compatibility with the core product.
MDS users will need to reset the pointers to the MDS reference databases within their projects and re-
establish these databases within individual MDB’s
User definable content databases such as MDS/APPDEFAULTS and template databases do not need
to be re-associated.
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Product Release Letter
List of Fault Corrections
This release addresses the following defect reports:
In this release:
Planar Hull:
The knee of X-bevel with the variant 9 is not centred in the middle of the plate.
Instead it is assymetrical.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: This is now adjusted so the X-bevel is correctly centered.
124494 280796 Title: An System error WA201(0)=1005 occur when open or running the scheme
in knuckled panel.
Symptoms: The error is there if a sub-panel contains a welded flange.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the scheme of the knuckled
panel is running without error.
141818 336001 Title: When Copy the panel, SUS=0; is added to target panel after copy the
Symptoms: See title
Previous/Known workaround: Remove SUS=0 using schema editor.
Solution: Corrected so the SUS=0 keyword will not appear.
145284 347703 Title: In the syntax 8 bracket, if the bracket name starts with the letter G, the
bracket toe is not generated.
Symptoms: See title
Previous/Known workaround: Rename the bracket so the first letter is not a
Solution: Corrected so the letter G will not influence the bracket toe.
149406 360962 Title: GEN_VIEW=Single does not work in Hull Design
Symptoms: Using GEN_VIEW=SINGLE has no effect. All views are updated
Previous/Known workaround: This is a problem introduced in 12.1.SP4 Fix.51
and there are no known workarounds for this.
Solution: Corrected so GEN_VIEW=SINGLE will work as expected.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
362130 Title: An error occurs when defining a boundary using Profile Crosssection
Symptoms: Using the option "Profile Crossection" in the Statement Wizard will
fail and give the system response: Error Message: Can not interpret scheme
string with profile references!)
Previous/Known workaround: Manually change in the schema.
Solution: Corrected so the crossection boundary will be used.
149902 363240 Title: Stiffener End Symbol is different between AM12.1 SP4.37 and SP5.
Symptoms: Wrong endcut symbols for sniped endcuts in symbolic views.
Previous/Known workaround:
A change in the code has made the system to draw the wrong endcut symbol. To
get arround the problem the default keyword NOENDCUTSYMB has to be unset
from the beginning of the session (Is probably like this at the customer).
Further the environment variable SBH_PROF_END_SYMBOL_TAB has to be set
to any value.
This is a temporary workarround. We will adjust the code to work correctly again.
Solution: The error has been corrected so the correct endcut symbol is set.
142815 366154 Title: MAT_SYMB_SYMBNO_OFF does not work properly when stiffener is
referenced to the flanges of the panel.
Symptoms: When stiffener is created between two T-bar profile types, then the
stiffener material is displayed correctly. However, if the same stiffener is created
between two panels + flanges, that represents T-bar profiles, result is different. In
that case, material symbol is not correctly displayed.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the flange reference will also be recognised when the
material symbol is set.
150582 366163 Title: An error occurs when defining a boundary using Profile Crosssection
Symptoms: Using the option "Profile Crossection" in the Statement Wizard will
fail and give the system responce: Error Message: Can not interpret scheme
string with profile references!)
Previous/Known workaround: Manually change in the schema.
Solution: Corrected so the crossection boundary will be used.
150852 366796 Title: Chamfer symbol is not correct only on section view from aft.
Symptoms: In some cases, the chamfer symbol is not displayed correctly in the
symbolic view.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaound exists.
Solution: Corrected so the chamfer symbol is correctly displayed in all views.
151193 367818 Title: In symbolic view draw line for chamfer defined on the other side of the
Symptoms: Until know a short-dashed normal line has been drawn along the
plate edge for bevel with chamfer defined for the side of the plate the user is
looking at. If the chamfer is on the far side no line is drawn.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaound exists.
Solution: A new default value CHAMFER_OTHER_SIDE has been added. If set,
a dashed and double dotted normal line is drawn along the plate edge if a
chamfer is defined for the bevel on the other side.
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
86101 183801 Title: Error of ppapanparts - excess in the inner seam(REX=1)
Symptoms: Adding excess to an inner seam as in the below example (red text) will
fail when trying to create he part via ppanparts.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
128994 295919 Title: Ppanparts error occur if excess is applied to only one limit on two consecutive
panel limits.
Symptoms: The plate is not created in this case:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
145798 349189 Title: If set the SBH_WIDE_CHAMFER, Bevel Type30 has strange value with variant
in Gen.file.
Symptoms: If wide chamfer is used with bevel type 30, variant 1, the chamfer width
this side is not correct.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected calculation of chamfer width and height for bevel type 30 variant
147230 353897 Title: The hole position on PLDB is strange, When using Prof to PLDB.
Symptoms: See title
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The position for standard hole, notch and cutout markings on web plate
parts created from double curved shell stiffeners has been corrected.
147236 353924 Title: The hcofg/mancog of clips are strange with Cstiffener.
Symptoms: The CoG for a clip defined in a cutout for a shell stiffener is not correct.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected calculation of centre of gravity for clip parts.
148593 358251 Title: Enhancement request V/CMARK direction with swage.
Symptoms: When swage is used then marking on abutting plates are not following
the mould line. It is sometimes moved the plate thickness.
Previous/Known workaround: Set GMS in the planar panel PAN statement to force
the system to use a specific markingside.
When markingside is decided in this priority order.
1. If GMS is given in the panel statement of the planar panel, then this will be priority.
2. If any swage is found in the panel, then markingside will be set to the opposite of
the first found swage.
If (3) or (4) then the system counts number of stiffeners and brackets on each side of
the panel.
Finally, if still no markingside is set, the markingside will be on the positive w side of
the plate.
If this is given in ppanparts.ip, then swage will not be taken in consideration when the
system determits the marking side of the plate parts. I.e. step no 2 above will be
149939 363620 Title: The weight and area(PlArea) are not correct for the knuckled panel which
created by 3 points.
Symptoms: In case of shrinkage is added to a knuckled panel, the shrinkage factor is
not handled for the weight calculation of the plate parts.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so that shrinkage is considered when calculating weight of parts
created from a knuckled panel.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
150223 365015 Title: A lack and unnecessary the attach_angle on Mplate in sp4.55
Symptoms: Some attachment angles are missing or incorrect on the shell plate.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Adjustments to Attach angles for both planar panels and shell profiles
attached to the shell plate.
151772 369348 Title: The result of Ppanparts is strange, if plate has 450mm or less in width.
Symptoms: If a plate width is 450 mm or smaller, ppanparts failes to create the
MANU plate part.
This is from version 12.1.SP4 Fix.53.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Fixed so the plate will be properly created.
151689 369612 Title: Curved part generation has a problem
Symptoms: Adding more than 100 MARK_CURVE statements for SPanParts will
have no effect. Only the first 100 are used.
Previous/Known workaround: The limit of 100 MARK_CURVE is noted in
Solution: The limit of 100 MARK_CURVE has been increased to 500.
152913 373238 Title: Marking name of stiffener and that of attaching angle in gen. file is different
when panel
Symptoms: The MARKING_NAME in the generic file does not match for
stiffenermarking, GSD and Inclination angle markings for Knuckle panel plates.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Correctedd so the marking names for stiffeners, GSD's and Inclination
angle marking gets the same name reference also for knuckled panels.
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
147539 355175 Title: Design - Unwanted messages in console and multiple calls to DB server in
Model Editor
Symptoms: Message PDMS_Element :: getIsMovable (1) in console
Previous/Known workaround: n/a
Solution: The message is removed. Regarding the DB access, its purpose is to
check if any parts of the current selection are claimed by another user. It cannot
be removed. A workaround to reduce the DB impact is to avoid selecting too
many elements for Model Editor manipulation.
146119 359783 Title: Isodraft - Incorrect tube MTO when tee offleg connected to branch tail
Symptoms: Tube MTO does not match material list in PDMS-VPRM Gateway MTO file
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Isodraft fix to correct -39 reference record for Tee offleg connected to
branch tail.
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
145293 347704 Title: Enhancement request for penetration symbol of the profile.
Symptoms: Need a possibillity to only get exact match for the penetrating
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: We have added a new default value HOLNOT_MATCH_EXACT that
makes it possible to control what symbols should be put on the drawing. When it's
set, the type and size of the holes and notches must match exactly to what is in
the control file. Otherwise the funtionality is as before.
Curved Hull:
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
148875 359140 Title: The attached angles of longi are strange on SB mplate.
Symptoms: Some Shell Stiffener attachment angle marking are strange on SB side
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The attachment angle markings are corrected.
Hull Nesting:
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
74647 152974 Title: Structures - The 'Align secondary nodes' functionality does not produce
correct results
Symptoms: When connected SCTNs are moved and 'Align secondary nodes'
functionality is applied to the secondary nodes on the owning SCTNs, their nodes
got updated to the wrong positions of their owning SCTNs.
Known workaround: Manually correct the ZDistance of the secondary node of
the SCTN
Solution: The cause of this issue is from a functionality within the section
connection manager to calculate new ZDistance of the secondary node, which
uses the wrong type of P-line. The resolution for this involves the right type of P-
line being used.
91173 195694 Title: Isodraft - #Iso Generation Error #PDMS12.0.SP6 #Fix54,55,56 #Slope Tee
Symptoms: If a tee is part of a 3-d skew, sometimes causes a kink in the skewed
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: If a tee is part of a 3-d skew, do not add on the truncation offset - it can
cause a kink in the skewed tee.
317058 Title: Isodraft - SUPVFA pseudo attribute not working correctly in some
Symptoms: Orientation flag false when it should be true.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The orientation flag is evaluated correctly now.
109384 319838 Title: Isodraft - Spec name changes not highlighted when text repositioned
Symptoms: Spec name changes not highlighted.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Highlight any spec names changes.
140944 337479 Title: Isodraft - Cut pipe spool number and bore size does not match
Symptoms: Cut pipe spool number and bore size does not match
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Handle the case of a portion of tube which has been nominated as to
be 'dotted and dimensioned' and 'not to be included on the Material List'. This
portion of tube, however does not form a separate cut length, but is still part of
the header tube.
145486 348647 Title: Piping - Error message would appear when Placing piping component
using 3D pick
Symptoms: Error message would appear when Placing piping component using
3D pick.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: The error has now been resolved.
147022 353146 Title: Cable - In Paragon, SREV elements are displayed in the wrong place.
Symptoms: With the graphics set to use translucent obstruction, SREV element
are drawn in the wrong place although they appear correctly with the solid
obstruction setting.
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: A transform used to position the graphics was being applied twice
instead of once. This has been corrected.
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Product Release Letter
PML Hull:
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
141163 334161 Title: Incorrect hull texts
Symptoms: Hull texts incorrectly translated if local origin not the same as the
global. This imay be the case on 3 point panels
Previous/Known workaround: Adjust origin
Solution: This is now corrected.
Curved Hull:
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
142726 338943, Title: Hull PPI API
337937 Symptoms: Two known problams.
1. When using te PPI for "partslist", the API will end with an error.
Hull Nesting:
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Product Release Letter
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
PML Hull:
import 'marAPI'
using namespace 'Aveva.Marine.Design'
!obj = object MarUtilDexPan()
Initial Design:
Planar Hull:
d80460 16-Apr-2020 © Copyright 2020 AVEVA Solutions Limited Page 133 of 517
Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
133583 305024 Title: MarDrafting.ViewSectionModify does not work properly.
Symptoms: When create a new view by coping an existing view via MARAPI,
MarDrafting.ViewSectionModify does not work properly.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Shell profiles and the filters have been fixed. Only Current is actually only existing in
the GUI. It is a quick way to set up the following settings:
This is visible if you create a view using only current and then create a new one by
picking the just created view. Only Current is then not checked, but the result is the
134286 308475 Title: How to control panel name text size, Seam symbol size, Swage Symbol in
Symbolic View
Symptoms: Enhancement request to be able to control the size of the swage
symbol height.
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: The following keywords are now implemented. When set they will control
the height and colour of the swading symbols. When the value is 'NOT SET' this will
behave as before.
137072 318939 Title: If define the CUTOUT on profile, the trace position of profile is moved.
Symptoms: If define the CUTOUT on large profile, the trace position of profile is
moved on D views.
Other views are correct.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The prolem has been solved so that the stiffeners are on the correct
138637 324371 Title: The C length of syntax bracket will be removed if designating with negative
Symptoms: C-measure on a bracket is lost in the Statement Wizard in case the
measure was a negative value.
Previous/Known workaround: Add the negative c-measure in the schema for the
Solution: Corrected so also the negative values will be handled in the Statement
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Product Release Letter
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Inciden Issue Description
t Numbe
Numbe r
134834 310035 Title: FEM Idealisation with incorrect result: Stiffener ends
Symptoms: -----
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: The option "simplify endcuts" has been added for Stiffener, Pillar, Flange
(faceplate) in the idealisation settings dialogue.
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
127069 286091 Title: Notch of P (S) only defined on SBP knuckled panel is output on both sides.
Symptoms: If the notch is supposed to be valid on only one side of a symmetrical
defined knuckled panel, it is still present on both manufacturing parts.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the notch will only be included on the valid part.
129712 293900 Title: Hull Mark corrections and improvements
Symptoms: Different results depending on the font used, text height and defined
reference position, left, middle, right etc…
Also defined the variable SBH_HOLEMARK_PART as 50, to increase accuracy of
resulting parts as described in user guide.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround
Solution: Arc tolerance is changed for hull marks to get better representation in
The marking of hull marks is changed. In case hull marking is plate, then a
projection is made, not development of individual curves within the hull mark.
The generation of the hull mark needs to be redone. New data is added to handle
the process.
Furthermore, in case hull mark name is given as <block>-<name>, the” block” is
picked up from the name and used when creating part names.
Part names are also given a position number automatically, based on the plate
Marking on plate now has a correct identification as hull mark and can be
highlighted with colour (and later on with labelling).
The ppanpart process is modified to give correct labels and names. Furthermore,
not necessary messages are removed from the log file.
Interactive ppanparts (right-click in hull modelling) is now working as expected.
Previously it made changes to the hull mark object, preventing it from e.g. being
presented in canvas.
134940 310601 Title: Doubling plates not generated
Symptoms: Doubling plates not generated when without bevel definitions
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Doubling plates are now generated correctly.
135914 315559 Title: The comment of hole in stiffener does not output to Gen.file.
Symptoms: The comment in the hole of a stiffener in Planar Hull is not included in
the generic file of the profile.
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: New keyword COMMENT added to profile generic file to be used for
profile hole comments.
136578 317683 Title: Attachment angles on inclined stiffeners
Symptoms: was marked only on one of the plates (in case stiffener was marking
more than one plate)
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Now marked on all plates.
136481 317813 Title: Parameter D in profile sketches
Symptoms: A customer uses endcut 2000 with parameters 0, 0, 50, 50 to create
endcut for profile type 30. On detail view we can see right image but in profile
sketch we get wrong information.
The fourth paramenter is always shown as V1, but V1 is an angle and not a length.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so that parameters A, B, C, D for endcut types 10 and 20 and
parameters A, B, C, D, E, F for endcut type 30 are shown in the profile sketch.
Generic file is not changed.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
136941 318705 Title: In list file, the side of template is incorrect
Symptoms: List file always show number of templates OUTSIDE even if the
templates is inside
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: The output will now show if the number of templates is "OUTSIDE" or
137889 321221 Title: Problem for the planar hull makring line on the curved plate part to be
Symptoms: When a planar panel is attached to the shell plate, the alignment of the
pmarking line is not correct.
Previous/Known workaround: The system is using the first planar panel plate (the
one defined as no=1) to get the thickness to adjust for. Make sure that plate number
one is the one that are attached to the surface.
Solution: Corrected so the marking will be aligned to the plate abutting the surface.
138648 325306 Title: Unexpected result after parts splitting
Symptoms: In some cases planar plates are not split correctly and an error was
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Internal tolerances used during the splitting process have been adjusted
to produce a correct result.
138800 325594 Title: Incorrect angle of marking of abutting panel
Symptoms: Marking on a shell profile of an abutting panel has the wrong angle in
the profile sketch.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: The marking for an abutting panel is now correct.
139014 325648 Title: Roll axes of developed plate is wrong dimenstion after running Bending
Template of PPI.
Symptoms: The distance to the roll axis 1 is not the same in the Bending Template
sketch as it is in the Shell Plate sketch after Cpanparts..
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The distance as it is, is correct but calculated from the same corner as
the other end of the roll axis.
The calculation is now changed to give the same result as in the Shell Plate sketch.
139083 325862 Title: Problem for the side of the bevel of the builtup shell stiffener to be upside
Symptoms: Problem for the side of the bevel of the builtup shell stiffener to be
upside down.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Bevel side calculation corrected in curved panel parts generation.
139299 326326 Title: When ppanpart, Marking of flange of I-bar is offset.
Symptoms: Marking of I-bars abbuting a planar plate is not at the correct location.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the marking on the plate will be at the correct location.
140159 330105 Title: Wrong hole position in curved profile sketch
Symptoms: A hole in a curved stiffener is drawn at the wrong position in the profile
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Holes are now drawn at the correct positions.
140202 330148 Title: Wrong marking side of panel and stiffener
Symptoms: The marking side of panel and stiffener is wrong in the profile sketch
for portside profiles.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: The marking side is now correct.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
140210 330183 Title: Wrong jig plane for SB curved panel
Symptoms: When generating pin jigs for a SB specific curved panel the calculated
jig plane is wrong.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: The jig plane calculation is now right also for SB specific curved panels.
141375 335320 Title: Attachment angles on knuckled plates
Symptoms: Attachment angle marking sometimes missing.
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: Use this new fix release.
Hull Nesting:
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Product Release Letter
Hull Weld Planning:
Marine Drafting:
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
123408 276478 Title: Spool Fabrication Info not match with actual spool
Symptoms: NA
Previous/Known workaround: NA
Solution: Modified the code for the calculation of TURN value and resolved the
138062 322049 Title: Pipe Spool Failed in Marine Drafting
Symptoms: Creation of pipe sketches failed with an array error
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: This was an error which wasn't handled correctly.
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Product Release Letter
Assembly Planning:
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Curved Hull:
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
117436 259391 Title: How to control flange marking with endcut 1302?
Symptoms: There is a gap for the marking of the web on the flange when using
endcut 1302.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
132678 301288 Title: Unnecessary line is created when applying GSD for edge-reinforced stiffener.
Symptoms: A curved stiffener parallel to outer contour at a small distance procudes
one extra marking line that sometimes are outside the part.
Hull Nesting:
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Product Release Letter
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
81716 181747 Title: Isodraft - Fault dimension in isometric when using reference dimensions
Symptoms: Fault dimension in isometric when using reference dimensions
positioned between tubes.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Handle Reference Dimension positioned between tubes.
89510 191655 Title: Isodraft - Isodraft mto part list error
Symptoms: Incorrect bores against Y-type Tees.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Cater for 'nested' Y-type Tees.
122728 274943 #ATTA
Symptoms: Generated Iso drawing is different information, depends on change
highlighting option (Comment Atta - Stext / Ptno positions are not same)
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Handle highlighting records correctly when processing hangers.
110543 240403 Title: Piping - Error when creating a component with no leave tube available in
the specification
Symptoms: An error would occur when creating a component in the component
creation piping form when there was no leave tube available at the leave bore
size in the specification.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Handled the error and displayed an appropriate warning allowing
creation to continue.
110598 240676 Title: Piping - Error occurred in Component Creation form when no suitable
adjacent components are available.
Symptoms: There were no suitable adjacent components available for example
when creating a valve with adjacent components tick box selected then an error
would be displayed and creation would terminate.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: The error has been handled, an appropriate error message is
displayed and creation continues as normal.
121468 271169 Title: Piping - Error creating BEND if TAIL different bore than HEAD
Symptoms: If you tried to create a bend in the component creation form when
the head and tail of the branch had different bore sizes and there was no LSTU
for the tail bore size in the specification then an error would display.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: The error has been handled correctly and creation is allowed to
128804 290929 Title: Piping - Shop attribute not being set correctly when using the word FALSE
in the spec instead of FALS
Symptoms: When re-selecting a piping component using the component
selection form the shop attribute was not being set correctly if the user had set
the shop flag to 'FALSE' in the spec instead of 'FALS'
Previous/Known workaround: Change the spec to say 'FALS'
Solution: Made it so the component selection form now recognises both 'FALS'
and 'FALSE'.
133207 303391 Title: Spooler - Mitred bend weights not included in Brweight and Nweight
Symptoms: Mitred bend weights not included in Branch weight
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Calculate mitred bend weights.
132317 304864 Title: Piping - Component creation slow when branches with many ATTAs are on
the screen
Symptoms: Slow performance.
Previous/Known workaround: Remove branches with many ATTAs from the
Solution: Restrict ATTABREAK refresh to current branch.
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Product Release Letter
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
134168 307382 Title: If an error occurs CUTOUT statement, the hole is removed for an unknown
Symptoms: When run all statements and an error occur in the cutout, some
holes are removed.
Previous/Known workaround: Run statements one by one.
Solution: Corrected so hole stays even after erroneous cutout statement.
Hull Production:
Steps to get profile names in the profile nesting receipt sketch created when the
Profile Cutting Interface is run:
- Create a name rule for TBRPROF_CUTINT (tb_partname_level.def)
- Define the rule in the partname control file and run inithull (tb_partname_ctrl.dat)
- Customise the partname in _TBhook_CustPartname.py in directory
- Run planar panel parts generation, profile nesting and profile cutting interface.
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Product Release Letter
Hull Nesting:
Marine Drafting:
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
105439 226457 Title: If Input decimal point to first place for seam bevel, but the decimal part of
bevel is ignored.
Symptoms: When specifying the bevel for an internal seam as Code, Variant
and e-measure where the e-measure contains a decimal e.g. 10.5, the decimal
part is ignored and truncated (in the example to 10).
Previous/Known workaround: Manually update in the schema file and rerun the
Solution: The decimal will now remain also after modify etc.
127446 287267 Title: Wrong position of profile types 60 and 70 modelled as stiffeners.
Symptoms: Difference in profile location appear between hull symbolic view and
3D view.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: For profile types 60 and 70 modelled as stiffeners there are no
defintion or location point in contrast to pillars. So what is correct in
this case is unclear. Normally those types are made as pillars. The change
made takes into consideration of making least harm to existing customers.
For them the symbolic view is most important and is not changed.
129216 292431 Title: A fatal error occur when deleting the planar panel through Plane Panel
Selection Tool.
Symptoms: The Fatal error only happens when indicating a block that is empty.
Previous/Known workaround: Make sure that the block to indicate contains at
least one panel.
Solution: Corrected so empty blocks will be handled in selection tool.
130917 297283 Title: An error occur if running the scheme in CUTOUT that refer to the other
panel after panel split.
Symptoms: Cutout statements for a panel that has been split gives error.
Previous/Known workaround: The reference is not correct for this profile in the
cutout stmt. Manually change to correct profile reference.
Solution: Corrected so references are correctly updated by the system when a
panel is split into two panels.
131601 298831 Title: VUG Notch is not correct on slant case.
Symptoms: When making an VUG corner notch and the corner is not a 90
degree corner, the C measure is not correct in the resulting notch.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The VUG notch will get the correct dimension also in case of inclined
boundary condition.
129315 299234 Title: A fatal error occurs when running scheme on WEL statement.
Symptoms: After reverting a knuckled panel into ordinary panel, a refering panel
may crash if only the weld statemetn is executed.
Previous/Known workaround: AS the references are changed, the boundary of
the abutting panel must be changed. As a consequense, also the weld statement
may have to be changed. After the panel has been updated, it will run without
Solution: If not the workaround is used, an error, 6047 - Panel missing, will be
132574 301019 Title: Long quality name causes an error using statement wizard. Valid for clips
Symptoms: See title
Previous/Known workaround: Use shorter quality names.
Solution: The quality name for clips can now be as long as in other places.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
133702 305435 Title: The weight is not calculated correctly accoding to endcut of curved
Symptoms: The weight of the HSTIFF is to correctly calculate for curved
stiffeners. However, the MPROF weight is correct for the curved stiffener.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the endcuts will also be taken in consideration when the
stiffener (HSTIFF) is a curved stiffener.
Curved Hull:
Hull Production:
By adding this to ppanparts.ip, the fictious holes and notches will be drawn in the
specified colour.
129713 293933 Title: Problem that the position of the holes to be compensated for shrinkage is
Symptoms: If SHRINK_HOLES are not included in ppanparts.ip, the holes are
moved in the plate in case of shrinkage is applied.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: When the hole is not to consider any shrinkage, the reference position
was previously as the starting position of the geometry but is now changed to be
the center of hole area which means the hole will keep the position and not be
moved. This is if the ip SHRINK_HOLES is missing in the ppanparts.ip file.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
130836 296998 Title: Profile sketch rule text $4046 does not show value in Imperial Units
Symptoms: Profile sketch rule text $4046 does not show value in Imperial Units
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The profile sketch rule text $4046 corrected so that it will show weight
in imperial units if keyword WEIGHT_UNIT=LB in SBH_SKETCH_RESTRICT file.
131715 299047 Title: How to remove GSD Marking for center line
Symptoms: System autmatically adds GSD's for the center line in parts crossing
the center line. Request is to be able to surpress those GSD markings.
Previous/Known workaround: No known worksround.
Solution: A new keyword, MARK_CL, has been introduced to the GSD default
The keyword may have one of the two values:
YES GSD's will be marked for the intersecting center line (this is default if
keyword is not given)
NO No GSD's will be marked for intersecting center line.
300457 Title: SHI- Weld Estimation. For more information see section Enhancements
132625 301110, Title: SBH_PROF_EXC_MOVE incorrectly changed
303598 Symptoms: A fix in 12.1.SP4.47 for SBH_PROF_EXC_SHRINK accidently also
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Updates made to revert the changes for SBH_PROF_EXC_MOVE.
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
132345 300308 Title: System freezes due to addition click into symbolic view by user
Symptoms: Immediately after pressing the "OK" button of the symbolic view form
to change the content of a symbolic view, by mistake the designer clicked once
again into the the symbolic view. The system then "freezes", which means that it
is afterwards not possible anymore to call any function except exit.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the "by mistake" click will not freeze the application.
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
112829 246231 Title: Isodraft - Missing break on crossing lines/branches
Symptoms: Missing break on crossing lines/branches
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Allow Tee/Bend Elbow to be stretchable if not preceded or followed by
298242 Title: Design, Cats & Specs - When SDTE with SKEY 'RESW' Shows error
message on modifying in catalogue
Symptoms: When SDTE with SKEY 'RESW' Shows error message on modifying
in catalogue
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Need to add 'RESW\Socket Weld Eccentric Reducer' to file
131714 299247 Title: Piping - Large nominal bore tables cause fatal errors in Paragon
Symptoms: If the nominal bore table contains more than 200 entries, using the
Specification form in Paragon will crash.
Previous/Known workaround: Use nominal bore tables with less than 200
Solution: The fatal error has been prevented but the values returned by
nombmm and nombin are truncated after the first 200 entries.
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
129532 293317 Title: Excess given as Imperial units
Symptoms: Previously not accepted.
Previous/Known workaround: Use metric.
Solution: Accept imperial units when adding excess.
129687 293862 Title: Imperial units when adding hooks in hole
Symptoms: Percentage handled as imperial unit
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Hooks in holes now correctly handled in imperial unit project.
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Surface Manager:
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
289070 Title: Dynamic highlighting when creating/updating dimensionings
When creating or updating dimensionings interactively there is a need for
dynamic highlighting of the result.
E.g. when creating a linear dimensioning, the resulting dimensioning should be
highlighted during each user supplied measure point. This will make it clear for
the user what the result will be.
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Dynamic highlighting has been implemented
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
89813 192332 Title: Isodraft - If Bendtable is ON, even set BENDRADI became OFF as well
Symptoms: Bend angle on isometric is suppressed if bend table active
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Do not suppress bend angle on isometric if bend table active.
93106 199320 Title: Cats & Specs - In Paragon, obstruction translucency does not work
Symptoms: Geometry with obstruction set is always appears completely opaque
irrespective of the translucency setting.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Translucency now works.
126989 287443 Title: Cats & Specs - Paragon - obstrruction translucency settings does not work
128488 290381 Title: Cats & Specs - Autonaming of specification components.
Symptoms: Single specification components added to a specification are not
Previous/Known workaround: Manually rename the components
Solution: Fixed in the specification form.
128213 290429 Title: Isodraft - The component creation form behaves differently depending on
where you try to insert a component.
Symptoms: Some components are flipped in the design resulting in incorrect
flow arrows on piping isometrics.
Previous/Known workaround: Flip the component back.
Solution: The code no longer flips things automatically.
128783 291457 Title: Isodraft - Isodraft crashes when HREF/TREF are Unknown Refs
Symptoms: Isodraft crash
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Allow for unknown HREF/TREF refs when checking for closed loop
spec breaks.
129391 292948 Title: Piping - Area expressions not be used in the component
weight (CWEI) attribute of a component data element (CMPD).
Symptom If CWEI is set to an expression involving NSRF (nett surface area),
evaluating the nett weight in model will crash the program due to an
inifinite recursion.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Special case code has been added to prevent the recursion.
129558 293485 Title: Isodraft - Incorrect bolt spec shown in material list
Symptoms: Incorrect bolt spec in item code.
Previous/Known workaround: Revert to Fix 41.
Solution: Restore state after closed loop spec break search.
129600 293608 Title: Isodraft - Cuttinglist Word Wrap
Symptoms: Cuttinglist Word Wrap
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: If there is no item code on the BOM, then find length of longest pipe
item code and use that.
129398 293956 Title: Isodraft - ISOMETRIC OUTPUT IS NOT SHOWING SKEW
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Relax limit when testing for skew.
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Planar Hull:
Hull Production:
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
109433 237172 Title: Enhancement to Add Ppanpart tracing control
Symptoms: When ppanparts aborts, therr is noway to fine out what panel or
component that was the reason for the abortion.
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: A new keyword to ppanparts.ip is introduced.
By adding this to the file ppanparts.ip information of which panel and which
component oin the panel that is currently handled will be printed in the log file.
THis can then be used in case the program aborts to help find out what may have
gone wrong.
112505 244944 Title: The attachment angle value of a specific location is incorrectly applied.
Symptoms: Attachment angles, marked on curved plates, are not always correct
for attached planar panels and shell profiles.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the attachment angles will be correct for both planar
panels and shell profiles.
120872 269660 Title: Problem for the user defined endcut not to apply to the gen file into the
flange of built-up profile
Symptoms: When the flange of built-up profile will be converted to profile. the
user defined endcut does not apply into the gen file and shape
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Changed to analyse geometry and presenting end cut type and
parameters. Currently translation can generate end cut types 11, 12, 14, 103, 17,
18, 19, 61 and 62 based on the geometry that is generated from the UDE.
121177 272483 Title: Assembly Selection doesn't work for PPI > Cross Bending Template
Symptoms: There are nothing selected when using Assembly as input for Cross
Bending Templates. Ordinary templates are ok.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so also Assemblies can be used as input for Cross Bending
124685 279865 Title: The attachment angles of SB panel displayed on plate parts is strange.
Symptoms: The attachment angles of planar panels on shell plates are not
always correct on SB shell plates.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exits.
Solution: Corrected so the attachment angles on SB plate will be correct.
125576 282219 Title: Enhancement to Add Ppanpart tracing control
Symptoms: When ppanparts aborts, therr is noway to fine out what panel or
component that was the reason for the abortion.
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: A new keyword to ppanparts.ip is introduced.
By adding this to the file ppanparts.ip information of which panel and which
component on the panel that is currently handled will be printed in the log file.
This can then be used in case the program aborts to help find out what may have
gone wrong.
125631 282373 Title: Position of bend template would be strange.
Symptoms: A five side shell plate with excess on the limits gets strange
positions of the bending templates.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The calculation of template positions on plate with excess has been
127172 286397 Title: Cannot be extract the all of Pinjig information in only STB'D curved panel.
Symptoms: No jig information can be extracted via Data Extraction for a side
specific curved panel.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the information can be extracted.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
127440 287241 Title: Problem for the name of the brackets into the knuckled panel to be
identically generated to ATX
Symptoms: Brackets on knuckled panels all get the same name in the ATX file.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the bracket names in the ATX file will be correct for
brackets on Knuckled Panels.
Marine Drafting:
Pipe Fabrication:
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
104571 224464 Title: Design - Error when running Building Applications Concrete Quantities
Symptoms: Running Concrete Quantities on a wall with a sub-component with a
gtype of TUBE that does not have DATA with a dkey of PROF or EPAI, results in
a calculation error.
Previous/Known workaround: Add a DATA element with a dkey of PROF or
EPAI to the catalogue sub-component
Solution: A default value of 1mm is applied if DATA with a dkey of PROF or
EPAI cannot be found. This default value existed before but did not have units
(mm) and so caused a calculation error.
106453 228860 Title: ISODRAFT: the Overall dimension is strange.
Symptoms: Overall dimensioning is incorrect for a fitting which has 'plain' end
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: If fitting has 'plain' end connections, correct dimensioning.
114011 249502 Title: Idodraft - PSKEY causes incorrect orientation for user-defined SKEY.
Symptoms: PSKEY causes incorrect orientation for user-defined SKEY.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Check for 'FLSC' when checking for flange orientation.
120246 267980 Title: Isodraft - Wrong direction shown for mitred bend isometric
Symptoms: Direction inverted after mitred bend.
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: Ignore zero-length tube direction.
125044 281446 Title: Isodraft - Wrong coordinates type on ISODRAFT
Symptoms: Wrong coordinates type on ISODRAFT - should be SHIP.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Accommodate Ship Reference Coordinates within Isodraw.
125487 282009 Title: Total Length of Pipe
Symptoms: User wishes to specify that imperial Pipe Lengths on BOM are to be
shown in decimal feet.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Allow User to specify that imperial Pipe Lengths on BOM to be shown
in decimal feet.
126633 284986 Title: Design - SP4.46_'OutOfRangeException' on Fabrication Check form
Symptoms: NA
Previous/Known workaround: NA
Solution: Handled the exception in the code which arises when only one
component exists in the branch/if it is the first component. resolved the issue.
Also checked few other scenarios related to spool breaks.
127048 286079 Title: Isodraft - Non-existing tube displayed on the isometric
Symptoms: Non-existing tube displayed on the isometric
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: If Flange start + weld only do not insert tubeoutput.
127450 287358 Title: Isodraft, problems with field welds
Symptoms: Problems with dimensioning at FIELD welds
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Always dimension at a field weld which sits between a SHOP
component and a FIELD component.
127518 287480 Title: Isodraft - Incorrect and Inconsistent reprting of Cut Pipe lengths
Symptoms: Incorrect and Inconsistent reprting of Cut Pipe lengths
Previous/Known workaround: Use set-on tees correctly.
Solution: Detect rogue tees with zero length.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
127596 287641 Title: The ISO Drawing does not generated properly #iso symbol error
Symptoms: Two tapped tees overlap.
Previous/Known workaround: Ensure two tapped tees do not point to the
same segment of a PCOM
Solution: Detect if two tapped tees point to the same outer segment of a PCOM.
If so, if there is a midpoint tee point available, point the tee which is nearer to the
midpoint to that tee point.
Initial Design:
Planar Hull:
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
119478 266244 Title: Hook definitions in holes not working properly
Symptoms: When trying to extend the number of hooks, the system sets an error
and the hole is not updated.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the total of 10 values can be handled for hole hooks.
Curved Hull:
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
125570 190813, Title: An fatal error occur when run the Idealise Model if added the same panel
282209 twice in the same block.
Symptoms: Trying to idealize an already existing panel into the same idelized
block will make the system to abort.
Previous/Known workaround: Remove the idealized panel before new
idelization begins.
Solution: It is now possible to idealize a panel that is already in the idealized
124318 279065 Title: Profile references of Bracket syntax 2 not updated after BLOCK splitting
Symptoms: See title
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Bracket now refers the correct panel after panel split and block divide.
Hull Production:
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
282962 Title: Profile Nesting wrong with profiles with Excess, robot cuts wrong profiles
Symptoms: When using SBH_PROF_EXC_AS_SHRINK, excess is added both
to mould and total length.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Problem relates to usage of SBH_PROF_EXC_AS_SHRINK. In this
case excess is added BOTH to mould and total length, meaning that excess shall
not be handled once this is done. Code is now corrected.
126657 285045 Title: Problem for the stiffener to be defined by end not to generate the endcut's
bevel at generic file
Symptoms: When Automatic Bevel is active and a bevel code is given to a
stiffener end, the bevel is not properly handled and sometimes missing in generic
Previous/Known workaround: When a bevel is given for the end e.g. for the
web, make sure also NABW is given at the same time (NABF for flange part).
Solution: Corrected so the bevel at stiffener ends will be properly handled when
autobevel is active and an actual bevel code has been given.
126193 285193 Title: Problem not to generate the bevel data of the clip with negative bevel
Symptoms: Giving a bevel to a user defined clip (collar plate) for the keyword
BCS works only if the bevel code is positive. A negative bevel code will not be
transfered to hte resulting plate part.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the bevel will remain also when defined as negative.
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
124378 279213 Title: Profile Mounting Angle is wrong
Symptoms: Using the function "Shell Profile Mounting Angle" and making a
measurement on SB side, the result is not correct. No problem on PS side.
Previous/Known workaround: Add manually a tangent line at the footpoint of
the shell profile and measure with help of this line.
Solution: Corrected so measure on SB side will show the mounting angle.
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Planar Hull:
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
120974 269972 Title: The shape of SB-curved stiffener is displayed incorrectly in 3D-view.
Symptoms: If create by curved stiffener on the symmetric model (P & S),
the shape of SB-curved stiffener is displayed incorrectly in 3D-view/Shaded
viewport. However, there are no problem with Profile sketch and Symbolic
View/Insert model.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the SB-curved stiffener is
displayed correctly in 3D-view.
121500 271685 Title: Double bulb settings
Symptoms: Enhancement to control angle in a double bulb profile.
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: A new environment variable, SBH_DOUBLE_BULB_ANGLE, has been
This will control the angle of the lowar part of the flange in a double bulb profile.
It will not affect other double bulb profiles such as Fundia.
122663 274843 Title: Even if define the SB-side model, panel is displayed on the PS-side.
Symptoms: Modeling a Planar Panel at Y=-1 (to -12.5, only SB) will be displayed
at PS.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the panel is displayed on the
correct side.
Panels generated at this location may have to be regenerated in order to be
displayed at the correct side. This affects drawing only.
123555 276871 Title: The symbol of material side is disappeared from sectional view of swage
Symptoms: When making a section view where there is a swage panel included,
not intersecting the drawing plane, there is no material symbol indicating the
material sade of the panel.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so swage panels will get material symbol.
124217 278831 Title: Application exit to indicate the wrong objects at the boundary statement
Symptoms: When user tryes to indicate a curve for a boundary but indicates
wrongly, the program aborts.
Previous/Known workaround: Make sure a proper curve is indicated.
Solution: Corrected so the program will not exit when the user indicates wrongly.
Curved Hull:
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
113529 248095 Title: Cplate disappears from model view if it is removed from Curved Panel
Symptoms: When a Cplate is removed from a Cpanel it also disappears from
other model view. The user needs to add the Cplate using "Insert Model".
Previous/Known workaround: Manually add the CPlate where it was removed
by the system.
Solution: The problem have been solved so that plates are only removed in the
curved panel view.
114534 251105 Title: XML Batch generation of Curved Hull panels - error messages
Symptoms: A curved panel containing shell plates and shell stiffeners is created
from XML file. The job log file contains error messages:
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Hull Structural Design:
Hull Production:
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
112155 244135 Title: The Width of Clip is incorrect in Plate part.
Symptoms: When defining a cutout with a clip, where the clip is set with an offset
to be in line with the plate material and also using automatic varying bevel, the
size of the resulting clip part is not correct.
Previous/Known workaround: Specify the vbevel intervalls with fixed bevel
Solution: Corrected so clip size will be correct also when varying bevel is used
for clips defined with an offset.
Panels with these clips must be resplit to get the correct size.
117637 260150 Title: Excess for shell plates not included in material ordering of plates (PPI HUll)
Symptoms: See title.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected, So if the shell plate has 4 limits it will assign the excess
value either to LE or BR.
The reason that limits other than 4 is not implemented is the ambigiuty of length
and breadth information to represent.
119393 267027 Title: MCONTOUR and NCONTOUR have different NO_OF_SEG in generic file.
Symptoms: In the generic file there is a segment of zero length.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually remove the zero seg,emt from the
generic file.
Solution: Redundant very short segments will now be removed from the trace
contour and from the neutral line contour. This means that the number of
segments for the MCONTOUR and the NCONTOUR in the generic file will be
120237 268623 Title: After Profile Sketch and List, in case of OVER/CL panel the end of profile is
Symptoms: See title
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Planar panel parts generation corrected so that the direction of flange
curves on starboard on over centre-line panels will be correct.
121498 271321 Title: Cpanparts crashes with SB plate with many holes and bending templates
Symptoms: Making a Curved Panel with many holes and then add bending
templates, will make the marking (cppanparts) to abort.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: An internal error was set and not handled correctly.
This is not handled correctly. It does not affect the end result.
271863 Title: Corrections for Hullmarks
Symptoms: When Hullmarks, produced as plates, are checked, the shape is not
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the resulting shape will be ok.
272354 Title: The shape of HullCurve is strange with Jig Pillars.
Symptoms: A knuckled curve is not presented correctly in the Jig pillar receipt
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: A method has been added to detect knuckles in curves and see to that
the curve is divided in that point to get good result.
121871 272760 Title: matlist of bars with errors
Symptoms: When running Material Ordering of Bars, the endcut 2 is not correct
in the resulting list. It is always the same as endcut 1.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Endcut 1 was written for both ends. This is now corrected.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
122020 273109 Title: Fatal Error while execute ppanparts for the panel with tap at seam and limit
Symptoms: Fatal error occured while executing the ppanparts for the panel with
tap pieces to be defined at intersection between seam and limit
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the parts will be created including the tap.
124213 278824 Title: Problem for the bevel type 41 to change the depth on this side and other
Symptoms: Variant 4 of bevel type 4 gives wrong values for depth_ts and
depth_os. Depth_ts should have the values of depth_os and vice verca.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Correctd for bevel type 41, variant 4 so the depth on both sides are
Hull Nesting:
Marine Drafting:
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
118932 264633 Title: After replace the existing view with name, the name info. is different on
drawing view.
Symptoms: After replace the existing view with name e.g. "FR.1 SEC.", but It is
displayed "VIEW#1" on drawing view.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Fixed so correct name is displayed.
120765 269349 Title: Blanking of labels does not work for 12.1.SP4.fix43
Symptoms: Label blanking in Marine Drafting or Hull Design does not work if
label frame (Lframe) is not used.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected.
120944 269915 Title: The shape of flange endcut is strange with degree 90 over in Insert/3D
Symptoms: Using endcut type 14 where a1 parameter is set to more than 90
degrees is not correctly presented in 3D views.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the endcut looks OK for over 90
degrees angle.
121047 270206 Title: VSEC information for Slice is lost after SDB Export & Import
Symptoms: See title
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Problem solved.
When importing SDB drawings, the view slice information is now persisted in
PADD drawing (VSEC and PPLA elements are created).
121481 271191 Title: Selected models for Model Copy are highlighted in all views, which makes
low performance.
Symptoms: When many views are present in the drawing, the highlighting of
selected models will slow down the system.
Previous/Known workaround: Keep the number of views to a small number (<
Solution: Performance problems during highlighting of models solved.
122121 273490 Title: An fatal error occur when using Slice.
Symptoms: Fatal error occurs when using Slice on curved panel, (SBP). There is
no problem if view have only port panel.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so no fatal error will happen when using slice on Curved
122128 274129 Title: Usage of Drawing References crashes drawings
Symptoms: Opening a drawing as "Read Only" when the drawing containd
drawing references will crash the system.
Previous/Known workaround: A work-around is to avoid opening drawings as
read-only if they contains drawing references.
If You still open such a drawing as read-only, to get things in sync, just close the
drawing, open the referred drawing and then close it again.
Solution: Corrected so the drawings can be safely opened.
275172 Title: Initial state of a Multo View project in Marine Dtafting
Symptoms: When Marine Drafting is started up, there is no way to control the
mode in case the project is a multi view project.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: We have now implemented a new drafting default keyword to control
the initial view mode in Marine Drafting (and also E3D Draw).The keyword will
only have effect for multi-view projects:
Possible values are "AUTO", "PRODUCTION" or "DESIGN".
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
123902 277988 Title: CWBRAN disappears if head is not in the 2d view
Symptoms: If the CWBRAN RPATH head is outside the 2d view boundary, or
sectioned out of the view, the whole CWBRAN disappears (although the dressed
cableway if any will remain OK)
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: CWBRANs where the head is sectioned out of the view, or outside the
view boundary, are now still drawn like other design elements.
Pipe Fabrication:
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
115118 253322 Title: Piping - NSBC unexpected result when adding a boss connection
Symptoms: connecting an NSBC branch and then selecting a boss connection
results in the connected end switching to the other side of the main and swapping
the head and tail.
Known workaround: Add a boss manually.
Solution: This was cause by a previous small fix which has now been removed.
115564 254494 Title: Isodraft - Flanged side wrong showed on isometric symbol for PCOM
Tundish (Funnel) TUFL
Symptoms: Flanged side wrong showed on isometric symbol for PCOM Tundish
(Funnel) TUFL
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Code now adds in "slip on" flange before TUFL if TUFL is reversed or
after TUFL if not.
117574 259872 Title: Isodraft - Missing connection weld
Symptoms: Missing weld
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Show connection weld.
122185 273678 Title: Spooler - Error when adding item to a spool drawing after undoing the
addition of an ATTA in component creation form
Symptoms: Spooler (83:499) - Error message
Previous/Known workaround: Delete and recreate Pipe
Solution: Set ATTABREAK ON when undoing the ATTA addition.
123714 277439 Title: Crash searching for MESH
Symptoms: Crash if DESP[] added to search column.
Previous/Known workaround: Avoid adding DESP[] containing WORDs.
Solution: Check for WORD parameters.
Planar Hull:
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Curved Hull:
Hull Production:
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
122373 274124 Title: The inverse bending curve of the Shell Profile is incorrect after Profile
Sketch and List.
Symptoms: See title
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround. This error was
introduced in 12.1 SP4 Fix 44.
Solution: Corrected reflection of inverse bending curve.
Marine Drafting:
Pipe Fabrication:
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
98890 212045 Title: Design - EventPoint for Track |DBCHANGE|issues.
Symptoms: EventPoint for Track |DBCHANGE| is different in recent versions
when an element is dropped to a new position with the Model Editor.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Track[DBCHANGE] event fires when an element is dropped at a new
position with the Model Editor.
103072 221181 Title: Isodraft - RADIUS column of the iso bending table has wrong information
Symptoms: RADIUS column of the iso bending table has wrong information
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Allow for Overall Diameter bend radius specification.
109568 257956 Title: Material List incorrect when slanted FTUBs used
Symptoms: Tube quantities incorrect.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Add slanted FTUB lengths as tube excess.
117195, 258236, Title: Piping - Model editor linear incrementing works unreliable
117404 259266 Symptoms: Pipe components drag starting point doesn't match desired position
(jumping over)
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Corrected the projection of drag starting point.
119113 265163 Title: Use Within Volume option in Mass Properties>Volume form
Symptoms: Head tube of branch wrong values for "inside" option
.Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Now fixed.
120124 267429 Title: Design - Very poor performance when selecting claimed elements from
Symptoms: It takes up to 5 minutes for the application to become responsive
again after selecting a single element claimed in a middle extract
Previous/Known workaround: Unknown
Solution: The element selection processing has been optimised and now it is
almost instant, with test extracts provided by a customer.
120313 268207 Title: Design - PCLA spref with Cmpref crashes PSATTS query
120492 268900 Title: Isodraft - Line slope rate is not expressed on ISO drawing.
Symptoms: Line slope rate is not expressed on ISO drawing.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: If fall is significant (> 0.25deg.), do not ignore even if actual fall is less
than 1mm.
Initial Design:
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Planar Hull:
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
115846 255234 Title: A fatal error occured when running the scheme of knuckled panel.
Symptoms: A fatal error occured when running the scheme of knuckled panel.
This problem occur in almost all knuckled panel crossections.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the crossection of knuckled panels will not give fatal
116101 255819 Title: The Angle values of Aparms and parm does not output in Attributes of
Symptoms: The angle is missing in the attribute.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the parameters are available.
116168 255962 Title: When modify cutout, the Clip info are disappear in GUI.
Symptoms: When modify cutout, the Clip info are disappear in GUI.
This happens when a named cutout does not contain any clips, but the clip is
added in the schema outside the named cutout.
Previous/Known workaround: Add the clip in the named cutout description.
Solution: If a named cutout is used and additional clipsare added the
StatementWizardwill now handle the additional clips correctly.
116694 257356 Title: The flange bevel of pillar is not work properly.
Symptoms: When defining bevel on the flange of a Pillar, the Pillar cannot be
modified with help of RMB. System may eventually abort
Previous/Known workaround: Modify such Pillar in schema.
Solution: Error corrected so that bevels for pillar will now work correctly.
117994 261348 Title: Problem not to properly display the line and endcut symbol of stiffener with
hang in symbolic view
Symptoms: When stiffener displacement (hang) is given the stiffener loses the
endcut symbols and the line is always drawn as a solid line.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: By activating the keyword STI_UNSYM_ECUTSYMB in the Hull
Modelling default file, the stiffeners will be presented with correct linetype and
endcut symbols also when stifener displacement (hang) is given.
118830 264393 Title: Panel disappears from view when running scheme from first line
Symptoms: When a schema is run from the top, added information and the
panel disappears from the drawing in case there is an error in the schema. If
statements are run one line at the time, the information remains on the drawing.
Previous/Known workaround: Do not run from the top but start at panel or
boundary statement.
Solution: Run all on a scheme with an erroneous statement now ok also if
starting at the ident line instead of starting from the panel statement.
119765 266809 Title: Panel disappears from view when running scheme from first line
Symptoms: When a schema is run from the top, added information and the
panel disappears from the drawing in case there is an error in the schema. If
statements are run one line at the time, the information remains on the drawing.
Previous/Known workaround: Do not run from the top but start at panel or
boundary statement.
Solution: Run all on a scheme with an erroneous statement now ok also if
starting at the ident line instead of starting from the panel statement.
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
113038 246632 Title: XML export of hullcurve by general cylinder
Symptoms: It is not possible to export hullcurve defined by general cylinder to
XML file. After using: "Curved Hull - Batch -Output XML", indicating a curve and
selecting file name - the following error occurs:
XML Out: Error while processing object "CURCYL12": The object 'CURCYL12'
does not exist!
XML Out: Error Code 43001!
Solution: The problem has been solved so that hullcurves by general cylinder
are exported in XML also in this project.
114636 251584 Title: Splitting Shell Stiffener gives strange ends and additional strange profiles
Symptoms: Having a shell profile on the material side of shell plates, crossing
two plates with different plate thicknesses may give a strange profile end shape
when the shell profile is split by the seam.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the splitting of shell stiffeners is
done correctly without strange ends.
114825 252288 Title: Shell stiffener trace does not consider shell plate thickness
Symptoms: The variable SBH_ENABLE_SOLID_PLATES is defined and set to
TRUE but there is no effect on the shell plates.
Previous/Known workaround: Set the value to YES.
Solution: Modification so the variable can have any value. It just needs to be
115107 253264 Title: ShellX - Dropped PosNo not aligned with Cstiff trace
Symptoms: When annotating a ShellX view it is possible to use Annotate -> Hull
Note -> PosNO, to select a single Cstiff and then to drop a PosNo for a Cstiff
simply aside the trace of the Cstiff, instead to create a reference. The direction of
PosNo shall be aligned with the Cstiff trace automatically then. Unfortunately the
system uses the trace's tangent for the END2 of the Cstiff in ShellX view instead
the tangent for the point where the Cstiff was selected before the PosNo has
been dropped. This is causing inconveniences especially i.w.o. the forward and
aft shoulder of the ships surface.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the PosNo's are aligned
with the shell stiffeners trace.
115833 255217 Title: No write access to HCMWLD can spoil curved panel.
Symptoms: A user PHULL does not have write access to database containing
HCMWLD. This user runs the function (in Curved Hull or Structural Design)
Curved - Model - Recreate. Then - all shell plates are removed from a curved
panel. If this user stores the panel and uses SAVEWORK - the curved panel is
destroyed. For a test case in MAR project - please refer to the attached
Solution: The system will now abort both recreate and modify scenarios where
parts are involved if any panel parts are locked/not accessible. This could stop a
possible acceptable operation, but it is the prudent thing to do.
115995 255683 Title: cplates are drawn in 2 colours. Cyan confuse all users.
Symptoms: A shell plate that belongs to a curved panel is still drawn in cyan
colour. It should be green.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: SB specific plates that belongs to a cyrved panel gets wrong
colour.THis is now corrected so they are also drawn as green.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
116256 256178 Title: cplates with holes via curves as outer contour not OK for production.
Symptoms: Holes when presented in Curved Panels are not correctly presented.
When the hole is going outside of panel boundary, the boundary is not cut of by
the hole.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Holes in the Curved Panel will be cutout from the panel.
The full hole contours will however been shown if the plate is presented.
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
114802 253285 Title: Issue of double bulb's weight
Symptoms: The weight of a double bulb is not correct (profile type 40 and
SBH_DOUBLE_BULB defined). It is calculated as an ordinary T-bar.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so that double-bulb geometry is considered when weight is
117664 260519 Title: The notch position in the profile sketch of the shell stiffener (Over In CL) is
Symptoms: Making a notch for a relfected shell seam on a shell profile that is
defined over center line will show the notch wrongly on the profile sketch as it
was not for the reflected seam.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Curved panel parts generation corrected so that reflection of notches
on stiffener in/over CL is considered.
Hull Nesting:
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
109598 237657 Title: Problem to change the line type after stretch the geometry
Symptoms: the line type of geometries is changed after stretch the geometry
(Modify - Stretch)
Previous/Known workaround:
Solution: Tribon "special" line types, like "Track" have so far been changed to
PDMS "Solid Wide" during persisting. The solution is to persist the Tribon
"special" line types intact. Note that Tribon "special" line types will not be handled
by PDMS Outfitting Draft (here they still will be displayed as "Solid Wide").
Also included in this solution is that the functions Modify/Linetype, Modify/Colour
and Modify/Layer will now persist the result.
116146 255912 Title: Drafting default of drawing revision option "KEEP_SESSION_FILES : No"
does not apply on UNC path with containing $ character
Symptoms: UNC path with containing $ character is not handled.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Changes were made to include '$' as a valid character in file path.
117366 259725 Title: Fuction "File Open" & "List"
Symptoms: Currently when press Open Drawing the drawing type is fixed as
"General Drawing". After changing the type and re-entering the function it is back
to "General Drawing".
Previous/Known workaround: Manually change to the desired drawing type.
Solution: Initial drawing type will be the last used drawing type also when
drawing type is “All Drawings”.
Because of this, the drawing list will remain until next invocations of File Open
- The system start-up initial Drawing Type will still be “General Drawings”.
- When changing drawing type, the drawing list will still be scratched (except
when drawing type is changed tp "All Drawings").
117713 260356 Title: New MarAPI to insert plate part.
For more information refer to section Enhancements above.
117794 260501 Title: Automatically update backingsheets
Symptoms: Backingsheets are not automatically updated when HVAC sketches
are generated causing extra clicks to be necessary.
Previous/Known workaround: Run the command "update bsheets" on every
sketch that needs it.
Solution: Added a line to the PML code that calls the command "update bsheets"
upon HVAC sketch creation.
118815, 264299, Title: Fatal error observed for model info through Event points
118762 264319 Symptoms: If user indicates a model after selecting Option at the model
262973 information function, application aborts.
Previous/Known workaround: No known work around exists.
Solution: When identifying by "event point{" is is assumed that user wants
specifically to identify a hole (in panel) or at least a hull model. Using "event
point{" to identify an outfitting model is not recommended and will only result in a
"Model information not available" message (instead of a crash).
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Product Release Letter
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
111694 242993 Title: Spooler - Spool breaks should not be set on mitred bends
Symptoms: Allows spool breaks to be set on mitred bends
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Prevent spool breaks being set on mitred bends.
111934 243583 Title: Piping - The user is unable to select the bend O/D multiplier on the
component selection form
Previous/Known workaround: The bend radius can be set using the attributes
form or the command line.
Solution: The code which caused the problem has been identified and
112308 244837 Title: Spooler - Spools created incorrectly when Create Spool Break PA used on
COUP at branch end
Symptoms: Single component Spool created for COUP
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Set Spool Break attributes correctly.
108759 250557 Title: Isodraft - Isodraft Query - MTO column width
Symptoms: When using True Type font, then the program does not take account
of the characters being proportional font and there is a lot of unnecessary white
space in the MTO.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: If using True Type font, then the program needs to take account of the
characters being proportional font to find the actual length of string and adjust
required space accordingly.
114943 252685 Title: Piping - Piping Editor Mode Valve Error.
115297, 253656, Title: Sheet Scale Factor not applied to linestyle pattern
115299 253655 Symptoms: N/A
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: Sheet Scale is now applied when linestyle defined for ACad Export.
117000 258157 Title: Isodraft - Screw mark is displayed on wrong position for LJSE.
Symptoms: Screw mark is displayed on wrong position for LJSE.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Watch out for user-positioned end connections before LJSE.
117193 258229 Title: Piping - Model Editor can move pipe components outside the pipe line in
Pipe Editing mode
Symptoms: Components positioned outside the pipe route.
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Product Release Letter
Planar Hull:
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
106727 229532 Title: Shellplate compensation causes incorrect splitting for cstiffs.
Symptoms: When a shell stiffener is split and is crossing two plates with different
plate thickness, the resulting stiffeners are wrong. There is a strange bend at the
stiffener end.
Previous/Known workaround: No known worksround exists
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the profile is splitted without
endparts being bent down at the splitting point.
236826 Title: Shellplate compensation causes incorrect splitting for cstiffs.
Symptoms: When a shell stiffener is split and is crossing two plates with different
plate thickness, the resulting stiffeners are wrong. THere is a strange bend at the
stiffener end.
Previous/Known workaround: No known worksround exists
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the profile is splitted without
endparts beeing bent down at the splitting point.
110150 238988 Title: SBH_ENABLE_SHPLACOMP: Wrong plane panel contour.
Symptoms: The final part contour shape of a deck panel differs some 3-4 mm
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: The approximation routine for shell plates has been improved to give
more aqurate result.
This means that the shell plates have to be regenerated to get the improved
112641 245410 Title: Shellplate compensation causes incorrect splitting for cstiffs.
Symptoms: When a shell stiffener is split and is crossing two plates with different
plate thickness, the resulting stiffeners are wrong. THere is a strange bend at the
stiffener end.
Previous/Known workaround: No known worksround exists
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the profile is split without
endparts beeing bent down at the splitting point.
Hull Production:
Hull Nesting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
108589 234488 Title: When prod info. is registered as 2D, Plate part is missing information as
Symptoms: When production information is registered as 2D, Plate part is
missing information as area / weight.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround available.
Solution: Corrected so information such as area and weight is updated.
Marine Drafting:
Schematic 3D Integrator:
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Product Release Letter
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
108443 233251 Title: Piping - Correct size bend created for pipes with no bending machine
Symptoms: Repeated error message shown, and incorrect bend radius applied
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Fix bend radius calculation code.
99042 235858 Title: HVAC - An HVAC branch would not connect to P3 a Centrifugal fan
Symptoms: Error alert displayed. System was trying to set CREF instead of
CRFA attribute of HFAN
Previous/Known workaround: Command line
Solution: Fixed.
110604 240677 Title: Resolved pipe component form PML error when last branch component
has a bad spref
Symptoms: PML error shown when last branch component has a bad spref
Previous/Known workaround: Correct the bad component spref
Solution: Check for bad component spref.
112308 244837 Title: Spooler - Spools created incorrectly when Create Spool Break PA used on
COUP at branch end
Symptoms: Single component Spool created for COUP
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Set Spool Break attributes correctly.
112653 245503 Title: GETWORK may freeze if BACK, LALB, or SYLB have been modified.
Symptoms: See title.
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: The nesting of the loops causing the problem has been broken so that
they are now executed one after the other.
110023 245585 Title: Isodraft - Manual Ball Valve Lever Direction
Symptoms: Valve Lever does not point in the flow direction flow (as shown in the
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Ensure Valve Lever points in the flow direction.
114488 250964 Title: Desing - LUGS now work with PDMS 12.1.SP4
Symptoms: Unhandled Database error 18 from DGETF
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Code ported back.
Copy Assist:
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Product Release Letter
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
112118 244065 Title: Chamfer not correctly handled when refering shell plates with different
Symptoms: The chamfer handling is not the same for shell plates and planar
plates when refering in boundary statement.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: It has to do with chamfer rules and that the rules defined in bevel setup
is not used. The rules are defined in the VARIANT statement of bevel setup.
This is now handled by simulating a bevel type 10.
To not disturb on-going project, this must be activated by defining the variable
SBH_BOU_CHAMFER_IN_SHELL_PLATES in the D065-file. The variable can
have any value.
Curved Hull:
Space Management:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
241008 Title: Pillar with profile type 60 is taken into idealization even if we meant to
ignore it based on criteria on profile area.
Symptoms: See Title
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Profile type 60 is now handled in idealisation.
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
107158 230927 Title: Ignored quality material for BPANEL (default 'A')
Symptoms: No matter what grade is defined on a bent plate, the default grade A
will be used on the production part.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the defined grade will be transfered to the production
Hull Nesting:
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Product Release Letter
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
110401 240211 Title: Curved Panels and Plates in MEI export " _R "suffix
Symptoms: Curved Panels and Plates in MEI export " has Always "_R "suffix for
symmetrical panels.
It is important especially for FE Idealized model can be used further with mapped
attributes file in a 3rd party FEA system.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Setting name attributes on the geometry for symmetric curved plates
has been solved.
112035 244026 Title: Review crash for imported equipment (GENPRIs)
Symptoms: Crash when exporting some equipment (GENPRIs) on review.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The error is due to a memory leek which is now handled correctly.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
109912 241476 Title: Spooler - SHIPCO ON not possible for Spooler
Symptoms: For Spooler in Marine environment the command SHIPCO ON
doesn't work, the system keeps the default value OFF.
Known workaround: None
Solution: The possibility to use customised ship coordinates via the command
SHIPCO ON has been enabled in Spooler in Marine environment.
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
108850 235662 Title: Shell Plate Compensation does not work on STB
Symptoms: A planar panel on SB side is not correctly attached to the shell
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Planar panels defined on SB side and that is not defined in any
principal plane will get a wrong surface reference if Shell Plate Compensation is
This is now corrected.
To get correct result, the panel boundary must be changed, i.e. at least one
bondary should be modified, save panel and then modify the boundary back to
241622 Title: Interval list for bevel in clips are not correctly turned.
Symptoms: The bevels for a macro clip is not at the correct interval.
Previous/Known workaround: This can happen when a clip is defined in
clockwise direction.
The clip should always be defined in a counter clockwise direction but if it is not,
the system will turn it so the resulting clip will be correct. To avoid that the beels
are in the wrong intervals, the wrongly defined macro should be corrected to
describe the clip in counter clockwise direction.
Solution: The system has been updated tyo also turn the interval list
(INTERVALLIST_2D) in case the clip is defined in the wrong direction.
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
108581 234463, Title: The colour of the shell plate turned into a curved panel has changed to
203056 cyan.
Symptoms: Shell plates that belongs to a Curved Panel is not changing colour to
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Colour of shell plates that belongs to a curved panel will be drawn in
green colour.Not used shell plates willl be drawn in cyan colour.
109656 237757 Title: CHM – XML - Seam on general cylinder – wrong tangent definition
Symptoms: When exporting a seam by a general cylinder to XML the tangent
conditions are written as radiant measures. The value for the tangent condition at
end 2 is wrong. Further there are written two decimals only, resulting in a
significant reduction of accuracy.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The tangent values has been corrected and the tangent conditions are
written with 6 decimals in the XML output file.
109658 237759 Title: Modify seam on general cylinder – tangent definitions not read
Symptoms: When creating a seam by a general cylinder it is possible to control
the tangent conditions of both end points of directrix. But the definition of tangent
conditions is not read from model and not shown in definition form when trying to
modify a seam defined by a general cylinder.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists
Solution: The tangent conditions are now read and shown in the definition form
when modifying the cylinder curve.
109660 237777 Title: Seam on general cylinder – second tangent wrongly interpreted
Symptoms: When creating a seam by a general cylinder it is possible to control
the tangent conditions of both end points of directrix. The definition of a tangent
condition at end 2 of direcrix is wrongly interpreted.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the tangent values are correctly
Space Management:
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
99917 214202 Title: Start mark will bite on the Boundary limit of panel.
Symptoms: Occationally when run ppanparts, there will result is some very small
segments that will later on in production cause some problems. Those segments
are less than 0.001 mm and should be removed.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The tolerance for checking small segments has been modified to
remove smaller segments than 0.001 mm.
110003 238588 Title: SBH_BKT_SMALL_TOE_NO_COMP does not work with AutoBevel
Symptoms: In case of Auto Bevel resulting in a bevel, the variable
SBH_BKT_SMALL_TOE_NO_COMP has no effect. The toe is always
Previous/Known workaround: Use fixed bevel code.
Solution: Variable SBH_BKT_SMALL_TOE_NO_COMP will also be handling
the case where AutoBevel is used for brackets.
Hull Nesting:
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
95633 207454 Title: DENY_UPDATE_OF_NON_PERSISTED_GEOM=YES has now effect for
you to edit the intelligent text
Previous/Known workaround: None
no effect for SLABs and this is by design. An exception is when the SLAB referes
to a TXTM where the BTEXT attribute has the value "#ATEX". The system will
now allow to edit the "ATEX" attribute of the SLAB.
editing the text in a SLAB is not possible there is now an error message "The
label text cannot be modified since it originates from a label template".
104183 223728 Title: Insert Subpicture Error
Symptoms: save General subpicture and insert to other Drawing,
Dimmension compoenents are on wrong position.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the dimensions will stay at their positions.
106049 227866 Title: Problem not to restore the removed area of graphics from a drawing by
Symptoms: When hide the layers to contain the Glab or Slab, the removed area
of graphics from a drawing by blanking was not restored
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: When hiding Labels and Dimension layers, the removed blanking area
will now be restored.
Schematic 3D Integrator:
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Product Release Letter
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
236009 Title: Isodraft - When DIM ALL : ON & ATTEXT 288 : OFF, Atta dimension was
wrongly generated in isometrics
Symptoms: When DIM ALL : ON & ATTEXT 288 : OFF, Atta dimension was
wrongly generated in isometrics
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Suppress specification change if required.
109743 238020 Title: Structures - Marine add-on toolbar functions copy and include FIXING
Symptoms: FIXING owning FIXING instead of being siblings in the DB hierarchy
Previous/Known workaround: Copy fixings separately, one at a time
Solution: Correct DB location selected for copied FIXINGS.
Assembly Planning:
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
95370 203755 Title: Differences of the panel shape in the Shell Stiffener Section view and Web
Plan view.
Symptoms: In a section view of a shell profile where a non varying bevel type is
choosen by the system, the foot point of the profile is adjusted. This will show a
wrong picture of the profiles.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: This is now corrected. Basic problem is that the section view of the
shell stiffener is moved as if the variable SBH_PROFPT_ADJUST was defined
(which it is not in this project).
Views must be recreated.
If a bevel of a non varying type is choosen due to the varying conditions, the
variable SBH_PROFPT_ADJUST can be used if needed.
101894 218556 Title: BPANEL split is not possible
Symptoms: Not possible to nest parts originating from tn outfitting bent panel.
Error 2509 is given by the system.
Previous/Known workaround: When creating the parts, use Right Mous Button
to create the parts.
Solution: The error has been corrected. The BPANEL parts have to be re-
102272 219334 Title: Auto-Cutout for SB Shell Profiles fails
Symptoms: when using Auto Cutout in a over CL panel, the cutouts are
Previous/Known workaround: Manually remove the duplicates in the schema.
Solution: Corrected so there is no double statement for the cutouts.
105920 227848 Title: Endcut 10400 is wrong in SP4
Symptoms: Endcut code 10400 is wrong presented in 3d views.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The display of endcut 10400 is corrected.
The issue with this endcut was introduced in 12.1.SP4 Fix 35 but are only
affecting the 3D display. Production part is not affected.
107133 230236 Title: Fillet curve is not using mould surface
Symptoms: Fillet Curves in Planar Hull parallel to the surface is not using the
mould surface as the reference.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The original intention is that fillet curve and topological point
intersecting with the surface, should always use the mould surface.
This is now corrected so mould surface is always used in those two cases.
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
102467 219896 Title: Seams with 5-digt numbers can be created when modifying existing seams
Symptoms: It is not possible to create seam with higher number than 9999 but it
is possible to rename the seam afterward to a higher number.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Seam names with a number above 9999 is prevented also when
modifying the seam.
103459 222055 Title: Shellx view needs option to hide ceam names.
Symptoms: -----
Previous/Known workaround: -----
Solution: A new default keyword, SHX_NO_SEAMNO is introduced. By setting
this keyword in Curved Hull, the seam numbers in Shell Expansion Views will be
103775 222724 Title: Problem not to create an XML file containing Hull Steel data for the curved
Symptoms: When create an XML file containing Hull Steel data for the curved
panel by Hull Steel Export, the error "Segment part does not exist" occur.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that it is possible to create XML Steel
data. There was a correction due to the free naming project.
104665 224868 Title: There are no identification information in GEN.file for HULL-MARK marking
Symptoms: A Hullmark is on a planar plate marked as HULL_MARK in the
generic file for the keyword MARKING_TYPE. For shell plates, this attribute is
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Hullmarks are now getting the correct type in the generic file for the
shell plates.
105592 226753 Title: Curved Panel View shows wrong traces of planar panels
Symptoms: A Curved Panel View shows traces of planar plates, even if these
planar plates do not have any connection or reference to the specific surface.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that only panel curves with reference
to the Curved Panel surface are drawn.
105741 227116 Title: MarHullVerify doesn't know about RSO as splitting object for shell stiffener
Symptoms: When using MarHullVerify and a Shell Stiffener is split against an
RSO, the verification reports an error that the splitting object is missing.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: When verifying shell Stiffener ends, RSO was not checked. This check
is now added.
106500 228900 Title: SBH_SHSTI_DEF_CON does not apply when splitting the shell profile by
plane panel.
Symptoms: SBH_SHSTI_DEF_CON does not apply when splitting the shell profile
by Plane Panel or RSO or Shell Profile.
Previous/Known workaround: Connection codes can be modified in Shell
Stiffener form.
Solution: The original implementation of the default handling was intentional. Not
all connection types are valid for all types of connections.
However, it is now implemented so SBH_SHSTI_DEF_CON is used for all five
connections valid in Split Shell Stiffener.
There might then be error signaled from the system that the wrong connection
type is used. This can be avoided by setting the environment variable
SBH_CONNCODE_NOCHECK to any value. This will then override the check
and the shell stiffeners will be updated. User may have to modify the stiffener
connection manually afterwords.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
229455 Title: Curved Hull Surface create Fillet fails
Symptoms: Not possible to create a Fillet Surface via CHM
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The filletting function has been corrected.
Also the surface normals are now pointing in the same direction for the whole
107443 230976 Title: StiffenerCombine method does not work
Symptoms: The methode kcs_chm.stiffener_combine in .net and Vitesse does not
work. It aborts the system.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Problem is resolved.
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
102791 220632 Title: Cutout type 6, /WIDTH option
Symptoms: Radiuses are calculated and drawn correct. Problem is, when we
use REF for gap definition. Example of cutout 999 definition:
/ARC=4 /RAD=0.25
/ARC=6 /REF=4
/GAP=3 /DIST=30
/GAP=4 /REF=6
/GAP=5 /DIST=30;
Radius 4 (and 6 ) are calculated as maximum (0.25*WIDTH, 30) and this is OK .
GAP 4 should be same as radius 6, but system calculate it as RAD + R_MIN.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The clearence of the top has been corrected for this case. It will have
the same value ar the refered radius r6.
104856 225122 Title: To create seperate gen file for profiles selected in Profile Sketch and List
Symptoms: Today it is not possible to create seperate gen file for profiles
selected at " Profile Sketch and List" operation.
Previous/Known workaround: -----
Solution: The following new keyword will be recognised in the restriction file
A separate generic file will be created for each profile selected by Profile Sketch
and List, if this keyword is set to YES. Default value is NO.
104913 225216 Title: INTERVALLIST_2D in geometry macroes are not passed as parameters
between macroes in the CALL statement.
Symptoms: When using a subroutine, the INTERVALLIST_2D is not handled in
the parameter list.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so data in INTERVALLIST_2D is passed correctly between
Hull Nesting:
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Product Release Letter
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
104089 223923 Title: Compare/Update - Pseudo-attribute doesn't work with the CUB in DESIGN
Symptoms: Unable to compare the attributes without update.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Implemented the feature so that user can now compare the attributes
without an update.
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
95155 205300 Title: Piping - Pipe assemblies in pipes with bending machine constraints
Symptoms: Pipe bending machine settings ignored when creating assemblies.
Previous/Known workaround: Use pipe fabrication functions after pipe
assembly created.
Solution: Pipe bending machine function built into pipe assembly creation.
96170 206083 Title: Piping - QPR handles not moving with the new element.
Symptoms: QPR handles not moving with the new element.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Fixed.
96362 206446 Title: Database and Data Management - Paragon COCOREF Error
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: It is now possible to have duplicate entries in a COCOREF attribute
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
100321 214981 Title: Piping - Splitting pipe errors
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The command for setting LSTU was not correct. Corrected it.
100531 215502 Title: Spooler - Weld position calculated incorrectly for weldneck Flange.
Symptoms: Weld created in wrong position.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Calculate weld position from correct P-point of Flange.
215657 Title: Database and Data Mangement - Performance of Reconfigurer and Dice
on very large Databases
Symptoms: Reconfigrer and Dice operations on Very large PADD DBs take a lot
of time and sometimes crashes.
Previous/Known workaround:
1- Backporting issue 200982 to allow reconfigurer to complete if strings are
longer than schema length.
2- New fix to avoid Dice crash.
3- Improved Dabacon and Flrayer Performance.
4- Using RamDisk for Reconfiguring large DBs.
Using the RAM disk / RAM Drive software can improve the performance of
Reconfigurer and Dice on very large Databases significantly. (Please note that
the above fixes show the improvement on the performance on large DBs
significantly when REMDRIVE is used.)
102906 221601 Title: Cable - With Circular CWAY, rotated Bend was not Dressed.
Symptoms: See title.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Circular cable ways now dressed properly.
Conceptual design drawn correctly with cylinders & circular toruses.
Does not create risers.
Risers not required in the catalogue.
Rotated bends are now valid.
103639 222384 Title: Isodraft - Isodraft error, system isometrics
Symptoms: Wrong and misleading dimensions on system iso when having a
split atta with a distance from previous component.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Handle hanger and concurrent weld.
103816 222839 Title: Equipment - Flush fails when an element has changed type and owner
Symptoms: Error (43,419) produced when flushing
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Backported changes from E3D to allow flush when an element has
changed type and owner.
104317 223840 Title: Isodraft - WELD NUMBER SHOWN on DRAWING and in WELD TABLE
not corresponding
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: For a weld, check if bypass point. If so, use sheet number of next
component. It may be different if there is a sheet break after weld.
104637 224610 Title: Structures - Problem with collect exactly and gtroom with FLOOR elements
Symptoms: FLOOR & other softypes of PANEL not correctly collected with
EXACTLY function.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Now working.
104725 224862 Title: Isodraft - Wrong item number in isometric drawing
Symptoms: Wrong item number in isometric drawing
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Check if tee is a null/empty tee before the reducer.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
104936 225275 Title: Piping - Why is the LQCON value reporting FALSE?
Symptoms: LQCON can give wrong value for BRAN.
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: Fixed.
105517 226678 Title: Structures - Hole management for Section penetrations with unset GTYP
Symptoms: Incorrect hole size for SCTN/GENSEC with unset GTYP.
Previous/Known workaround: Set the GTYP appropriately.
Solution: Get GTYP from catalogue if not set on the element itself.
105874 227468 Title: Structures - Hole management system recognises tube (circular cross-
section) profiles
Symptoms: Circular section is given rectangular hole parameters. The hole
shape can be set to circular, but the minimum diameter of the hole is constrained
by the rectangle parameters, so a true minimum diameter cannot be achieved.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Recognise Sections with circular cross-section.
105877 227474 Title: Structures - Correct GENSEC GTYP after fillet operation
Symptoms: GTYP of GENSEC left unset after Fillet operation
Previous/Known workaround: Set appropriate GTYP after fillet
Solution: GTYP is copied from the first picked SCTN element and applied to the
resulting GENSEC.
105498 227507 Title: Isodraft notes and dimensions
Symptoms: When using Truetype fonts, there are big gaps from the text to the
start of the leader line and the dimension text is also not centred and large gaps
appear as well.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Calculate text width correctly for Truetype Fonts.
102123 228237 Title: Isodraft - Isometric fails with error 'One leg of CROSS ... is connected to
BRANCH ... but the positions are not the same'.
Symptoms: One leg of CROSS ... is connected to BRANCH ... but the positions
are not the same.
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: Use correct transformation matrix for SITE position.
229824 Title: Piping - Validity of the PTOD attribute for TRUNNI
Symptoms: PTOD & PHOD not work correctly for TRUNNI
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Now fixed.
Planar Hull:
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
101629 217950 Title: Splitted knu panel has gone from DB after Clean workspace.
Symptoms: After splitting a knuckled panel back to ordinary panels, the panels
are not availabel for input if Clean Workspace has been performed.
Previous/Known workaround: Do "Apply" (or Apply and Deactivate) right after
the knuckled panel has been splitted up.
Solution: Corrected so the resulting panels will be available.
101975 218663 Title: PosNo from BKT-Instance written in scheme for group of BKTs
Symptoms: If more than one bracket is defined in a statement, using a bracket
instance with a defined position number, the number is always written to the
Previous/Known workaround: Either leave it as it is or manualy remove it from
the statement.
Solution: Corrected so the position number will not be written in the statement as
long as it is the same as in the instance definition.
101983 218771 Title: Clip definition disappears when modifying cutout/clip statement
Symptoms: When adding Clips to the cutout and modifying the clip in
StatementWizard, the clip is removed from the statement.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually add it again or use the schema editor
to modify cutouts.
Solution: Corrected so the clip will remain in the wizard.
102082 218940 Title: New stiffener issue, endcut angle
Symptoms: The endcut angle for end 2 in the stiffener is wrong.
Previous/Known workaround: This is related to the default keyword
KNUCKLED_STIFFENER and is defined to TWISTED. If set to KNUCKLED or
>NOT SET>, the angles are correct.
Solution: This is now corrected so the endcut angle is as expected also when
TWISTED is defined.
102178 219286 Title: Not possible to get "SURPNT"/"SURNOR" value for some cases.
Symptoms: In some cases the attribute SURPNT/SURNOR is failing.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The attribute fails as soon as the connection vector is not parallel with
the normal vector of the planar (sub) panel. This check is removed as it has no
meaning. The resulting point is verified that it is inside the panel.
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
80041 175819 Title: Curved Panel Symbolis View for reflected shell panel
Symptoms: When attemtping to create a Curved Panel Symbolic View from the
stbd panel of SBP shell, there is no option to create the view specifically for the
stbd panel. Selecting the stbd panel results in a port side Curved Panel view.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that it is possible to make side
Curved Panel View for symmetric panels. The reflection should
be indicated in the selection form.
86043 183547 Title: Shell profiles marking line will not match with Frame ruler.
Symptoms: Adding marking on shell stiffeneres at a frame position, the marking
is not exactly at the frame position.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The frame marking is corrected to be exactly at the frame position.
92608 198564 Title: ShellX over CL, Endcut symbols of Cstiffs point to the wrong direction
Symptoms: ShellX over CL, Endcut symbols of Cstiffs point to the wrong
direction after Model View Exchange or Model Modify
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the endcut symbols points in the
right direction.
93898 200630 Title: Problems running XML input for SB-specific Shell Profiles
Symptoms: When importing an XML file containing an SB shell profile, the
referred objects are not handled correctly and the import fails.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the intersection with reflected models will be correctly
handled in Export/Import of curved hull XML. Already exported objects must be
exported once more.
94961 202932 Title: Curved Panel Symbolis View for reflected shell panel
Symptoms: When attemtping to create a Curved Panel Symbolic View from the
stbd panel of SBP shell, there is no option to create the view specifically for the
stbd panel. Selecting the stbd panel results in a port side Curved Panel view.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that it is possible to make side
Curved Panel View for symmetric panels. The reflection should
be indicated in the selection form.
97871 210248 Title: Error 380 after modifying symmetry of Cstiffs from “SB” to “PS and SB”
Symptoms: When a symmetrically defined Cprof contains one Cstiff with
symmetry code SB only, Error 380 occurs when interactivels modifying symmetry
from "SB" to "PS and SB".
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problems has been solved when modifying from “SB” to “PS and
101898 218557 Title: ShellX over CL - Cseam over CL after modification updated on PS only
Symptoms: In a ShellX over CL a transverse seam over CL is updated on PS
only after being modified.
Previous/Known workaround: Additional recreate required to update view
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the seam is updated on both
sides when it has been modified.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
102447 219841 Title: Problems running XML input for SB-specific Shell Profiles
Symptoms: When importing an XML file containing an SB shell profile, the
referred objects are not handled correctly and the import fails.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the intersection with reflected models will be correctly
handled in Export/Import of curved hull XML. Already exported objects must be
exported once more.
102857 220748 Title: Profile Sketch and List - Wrong position of holes and notches
Symptoms: Profile Sketch and List with bending method M1 delivers wrong
positions for holes and notches.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Marking distances corrected so that overlength and compensation are
correctly considered when BENDING_TAB_METHOD = M1.
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
103121 221421 Title: Profile Sketch and List - Wrong position of holes and notches
Symptoms: Profile Sketch and List with bending method M1 delivers wrong
positions for holes and notches.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Marking distances corrected so that overlength and compensation are
correctly considered when BENDING_TAB_METHOD = M1.
103361 221840 Title: wcog name & type in resulting WCOG.csv file - SP4.36
Symptoms: For collar plates (clips), the resulting wcog list is giving wrote type. It
is in the list, listed as PLANAR PLATE PROFILE.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so COLLAR PLATE will be indicated in the resulting list and
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
94954 202923 Title: Spooler - Start co-ordinates not shown and End co-ordinates not
transformed by Axes for Spool Drawing starting with an ATTA.
Symptoms: No Start Co-ordinates and End co-ordinates not transformed.
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: Write Base Position (300/301) and Connection (-36) record to Transfer
99503 213338 Title: Create Overlay form doesn't accept reference
Symptoms: 'ref' radio button doesn't enable when OLAY ref entered on form
Previous/Known workaround: Use command line
Solution: Corrected order of operations in form so that the radio buttons enable
99760 213842 Title: Creating Tag Rule set doesn't initially appear in list
Symptoms: On creating a new tag rule set it doesn't get added to the list on the
tag rule library form.
Previous/Known workaround: Navigating to the tag rule library options list and
reselecting the library refreshes the form causing the new rule set to appear.
Solution: The form is now automatically refreshed when a new rule set is created
so it immediately appears in the list.
98525 214316 Title: Piping - Validity of the PTOD attribute
Symptoms: Returned LOD for the branch member
Previous/Known workaround: Get PTOD for the branch itself
Solution: This has now been resolved.
101031 216500 Title: Draft - Configurable dxf export, texts owned by symbol under backing sheet
Symptoms: Text can't be seen in export because it's obscured by wipeout from
another element.
Previous/Known workaround: Turn off blanking on obscuring element
Solution: Texts now exported last so always effectively on top.
100402 216646 Title: Design - Export RVM files with obstruction and Insulation in TXT format is
not consistent.
Symptoms: OBST primitives marked as insulation.
Previous/Known workaround: Don't use translucent insulation setting.
Solution: This has now been resolved.
102256 219300 Title: Draft - Configurable dxf export uses incorrect width for curved shapes
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Now exported with correct line width.
103162 221603 Title: Design - 'Quick routing', axes are left behind!
Symptoms: QPR axes are left at their old position
Previous/Known workaround:
Solution: Axes now follow the CE.
103406 221947 Title: Isodraft - Pipe piece names in cutting list not the same as in drawing
Symptoms: Pipe piece names in cutting list not the same as in drawing
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Both the missing dimensions and the missing pipe piece numbers were
caused by the existence of zero-length FTUB with SKEYs of ‘TUBE’ at the ends
of branches indicating threaded ends – Isodraw now accommodates these.
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Product Release Letter
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Curved Hull:
Space Management:
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
100791 215958 Title: Bracket marking line will not appear.
Symptoms: Not all brackets are marked on the resulting plate part.
Previous/Known workaround: This can happen when there isa side specific
bracket in a symmetrical defined panel. Place the side specific brackets last in the
panel schema.
Solution: Corrected so all bracket marking will be placed on the parts regardless
of where in the schema they are defined.
Surface Manager:
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
99971 214341 Title: Aid Text crash fixed
Symptoms: Application would crash when Aid text was zero length
Previous/Known workaround: Don't use zero length Aid text
Solution:Aid text with zero length is now handled correctly in code.
101168 217034 Title: Design - Hole Management: Support for non-linear pipe components with
radius = 0mm
Symptoms: Penetration position incorrect causing validation failure
Previous/Known workaround: Model pipe with components that HM can handle
Solution: Special case for components with radius = 0mm (e.g. Block Angle).
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
93554 200064 Title: Graphical presentation of twisted stiffeners
Symptoms: The angle looks wrong for twisted stiffeners connected to
intersecting stiffeners.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: This is a graphical issue in 3D views where the connection angle to an
intersecting stiffener is wrong.
This is now corrected so the twisted stiffener is correctly drawn in 3D views.
95390 203858 Title: RSO use in Boundary Wizard
Symptoms: In boundary wizard when using intersecting panel, the ROS tickbos
is always checked.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually uncheck the tickbox.
Solution: A new variable has been added to the default handling to let the
system have a default state of which tickboxes that should be set.
where <value> can be either RSO or PANEL.
If set to RSO, the RSO tickbox will be checked and the Panel tickbox unchecked.
If set to PANEL, it will be the reversed.
If not defined, both tickboxes will be checked.
95734 204849 Title: Issues with 3D View
Symptoms: The presentation of curved plates is corrupted. but the parts are ok.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The presentation of curved plates has been improved.
96763 207263 Title: When panel store Pre trigger is aborted, panel is skipped
Symptoms: When the Pre trigger is aborted, he panel is not stored but it is
skipped so all changed information is lost.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Panels that are not stored are now not deactivated. This is valid both
for panels where the pre trigger result is other than OK and for panels where the
user doesn't confirm storing.
96901 207554 Title: Auto PosNO application: Comparison statement '/COMP PANEL' doesn't
Symptoms: Comparison statement '/COMP PANEL' acts in same way as
'/COMP_SCOPE'(application default comparison statement)
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The position number start from beginning again if comparison is panel.
97284 208733 Title: Bracket instance quality issue
Symptoms: System accepts any other quality, but not the one stated in
bracket_instance file.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually change quality in the schema
Solution: This problem occured when DEF_QUAL_OUT is set in the default file.
It is now fixed so that default quality will no longer appear in the statement if the
bracket has an instance that givs qualtity.
98230 210579 Title: NUM statement only works for horizontal panels
Symptoms: NUM statement for material in PLA is not working correctly
Previous/Known workaround: Do not use NUM for material assignment.
Solution: The material for plates can now handle NUM values.
98244, 210608, Title: Bracket instance quality issue
80203 170615 Symptoms: System accepts any other quality, but not the one stated in
bracket_instance file.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually change quality in the schema
Solution: This problem occured when DEF_QUAL_OUT is set in the default file.
It is now fixed so that default quality will no longer appear in the statement if the
bracket has an instance that givs qualtity.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
98243 210611 Title: Numerical variables not usable in a boundary's free side
Symptoms: In a boundary statement with a definition of a free side NUM
replacement is not accepted for the keyword “LEN(gth)”.
Previous/Known workaround: Do not use NUM value in LEN keyword when
defining Free Side.
Solution: It is now possible to define NUM values for all FREE side parameters.
98583 211572 Title: Multiple (de)selection of views impossible if not switched to PHM before
Symptoms: Active symbolic and model views can be selected and deselected
using function Symbolic View -> Planar Hull View/ Curved Hull View -> Select.
When AM is initially started with Curved Hull Modelling selected, the “Options” –
button to enable multiple view (de)selection is not available if GEN_VIEW =
SINGLE is set in sj700.sbd. User needs to switch once to Planar Hull Modelling
and back to Curved Hull Modelling to make the “Option” button and multiple
(de)selection available.
Previous/Known workaround: See Symptons.
Solution: The default handling has been changed to allow GEN_VIEW to be
altered/defined also in curved hull.
99021 212218 Title: WCOG of SBP panel incorrect
Symptoms: Weight on relfected plate on a symmetrical panel is not correct when
holes are side specific.
Previous/Known workaround: Make the panels side specific instead of SBP.
Solution: Corrected so the weight for the reflected panel is showing the correct
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
97214 208579 Title: Modifying Shell Profile features cause fatal error with
Symptoms: System aborts when trying to modify a feature (hole/notch/cutout) of
a Shell Profile
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that it is possible to modify features of
free naming profiles.
96704 210590, Title: New P-points for a CSTIFF element
207155 Symptoms:
There is a need for p-points at the start and endpoints of the shell stiffener trace
as well as at the points adjusted for any clearance etc.
Previous/Known workaround:
There are 5 new p-points added to the CSTIFF element:
0: Midpoint of trace, same as for the POS attribute.
1: Starting point of the trace curve
2: Point at physical start of stiffener
11: End point of the trace curve
12: Point at physical end of stiffener
Point 2 and 12 do not take the endcut geometry into account.
99067 212462 Title: Profile Cutting Inteface - wrong description of bending line contour
Symptoms: When creating a generic file for a nested curved profile the
description of the contour of the first inverse bending line from left end misses
several points at its beginning.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Visualisation of inverse bending contours corrected in generic file for
99187 212780 Title: not possible to set text and symbol heigth in Shellx views
Symptoms: The text size in ShellX view is fixed and not possible to define.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually change the text height of resulting test
in the view.
Solution: Two new default keywords has been added to be able to control the
text and symbol size in the ShellX view.
Please note that this will also affect the Curved Panel view and Body Plan view.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
91418 196593 Title: Flange endcut
Symptoms: For curved flanges, if the endcut angle is more than 90 degrees, it is
not presented in any views.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved for endcuts in curved flanges with angle
bigger than 90 degrees.
92841 198894 Title: Dimmed Indicate Icon for RSO > EDIT
Symptoms: In RSO->Edit, the Indicate icon is dimmed. this makes it hard to
change related conditions.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Functions now available when re-entering the edit function.
100115 214534 Title: Hull Init Registration more than 100 surface
Symptoms: When adding additional surfaces in Inithull, there is a limit of 100
Previous/Known workaround: Add the surfaces in Hull Structural Design
function "Project->Surfaces...>
Solution: The limit of 100 surfaced in Inithull is changed to 1000.
Space Management:
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Hull Nesting:
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
88464 189371 Title: Picking behavior in Marine Drafting is different from Outfitting.
For information about this enhancement refer to section Enhancements above.
Schematic 3D Integrator:
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
93751 200324 Title: Pipe Fabrication, Mutiple Spools - wrong feedback to user when "Create..."
Symptoms: The highlight os the spool limits is incorrect, spool limits are not
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The highlighting of the spool limits selected while adding to the spool
drawing needs to be fixed by considering the attributes say AsfBreak, LsfBreak
along with CsfBreak.
Code change has been made to the pfevaluatespoolmember.pmlobj in
highlighting the selected spool limits.
94120 201065 Title: Excess were not correct if the flange was loose and has welds
Symptoms: If a pipe has loose flanges and welds then excess were not correct
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: We have updated the functionality when setting end excess also so
that if you set the end excess on some tube that has welds either side that the
component the weld is for is checked to see if it is loose. If so the excess will be
applied to the component rather than the weld. If the component is not loose then
the excess is applied to the weld.
94698 202383 Title: Fabrication Check - Incorrect Bend Program with Loose Excess
Symptoms: A problem occurs with the Length Inside/Length Outside/Bending
Act values when the spool has a Loose component and requires a 50mm excess.
Previous/Known workaround:
Solution: ArriveExcess is already added to the ArriveTubeLength in
InitializeCheckResult of PFFabricationMachineManager
LeaveExcess is already added to the LeaveTubeLength in InitializeCheckResult
of PFFabricationMachineManager. Hence while calculating the Machine Outside
Length in the CheckInsertionLength in PFFabricationMachineManager, the
ArriveExcess/LeaveExcess are excluded. Also while calculating the
bendingActivities, the feed is calculated by excluding ArriveExcess/LeaveExcess.
Bending Arrive Excess and Bending Leave Excess are considered when
calculating the Machine Outside Length in the CheckInsertionLength in
PFFabricationMachineManager. Bending Arrive Excess and Bending Leave
Excess are also considered when lculating BendingActivities in
GetBendingActivities of PFBendingMachine.
95174 203333 Title: We don't handle expressions being used for the UWEI attribute when
calculating the FTUB weight of a pipe end
Symptoms: Some customers use expressions to calculate the UWEI attribute
when calculating the FTUB weight for a pipe end. As a result this would fail and
the incorrect weight would be supplied.
Previous/Known workaround: Use actual values rather than expressions
Solution: We now parse the expressions correctly and they can now be used in
the calculation process. Additionally, other changes are required to update the
piping specs, property database and the FTUB dataset in order for these weights
of a pipe end to be calculated correctly. These macros should have been
released along with the fix and instructions for running them should have been
97297 208772 Title: Modifying welds does not report incorrect stype
Symptoms: Users are not warned if the incorrect stype is used
when modifying the weld
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: We now inform the user during weld modificaiton if we are unable to
update the spec, as the STYP being used is not defined in the spec.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
97300 208786 Title: 12.1.SP4.34 - PF - Setting Spool Limits Fails on Unconnected Tee
Symptoms: It is not possible to set the Spool Limits on a Tee if the p3 of the Tee
is not connected.
Previous/Known workaround:
Solution: The cref of TEE is being considered for allowing the spool limits on
97798 209663 Title: Isodraft - once FAIL DOUBLE BACK PIPE, all subsequent PIPEs in Detail
List show same error
Symptoms: Isodraft - once FAIL DOUBLE BACK PIPE, all subsequent PIPEs in
Detail List show same error
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Zeroize &INOSFT for possible further pipes.
210582 Title: We don't handle expressions being used for the UWEI attribute when
calculating the FTUB weight of a pipe end
Symptoms: Some customers use expressions to calculate the UWEI attribute
when calculating the FTUB weight for a pipe end. As a result this would fail and
the incorrect weight would be supplied.
Previous/Known workaround: Use actual values rather than expressions
Solution: We now parse the expressions correctly and they can now be used in
the calculation process. Additionally, other changes are required to update the
piping specs, property database and the FTUB dataset in order for these weights
of a pipe end to be calculated correctly. These macros should have been
released along with the fix and instructions for running them should have been
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
74720 153097 Title: Isodraft - Fonts incorrectly exported to dxf from IsoDraft
Symptoms: Text using (eg) Cyrillic characters exported incorrectly
Known workaround: None
Solution: Code modified to export data as escaped Unicode and specify
appropriate font in exported dxf.
85483 182387 Title: Welds positioned on a Branch in an order inconsistent with their model
positions when ATTAs with SPKBRK false are involved.
Symptoms: Isometric dimension problems.
Previous/Known workaround: Reorder manually.
Solution: Use new ATTABREAK command to temporarily assume all ATTAs are
SPKBRK true.
85804 183124 Title: Design - Pipe Editor Error fixed
Symptoms: In certain contexts the Model Editor was showing the Pipe Editor
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: The correct handles (the generic Model Editor handles) are shown at
the first/last component where a branch breaks.
85806 183209 Title: Design - When the pipe model that included ATTA and ended TUBE is
modified, TAIL remains origin location.
Symptoms: When the pipe model that included ATTA and ended TUBE is
modified, TAIL remains origin location.
Previous/Known workaround: Unknown
Solution: When the pipe model that included ATTA and ended TUBE is modified,
the branch TAIL is modified accordingly.
88433 189308 Title: ADP - HVAC Isometric Extraction problem
Symptoms: Unable to extract HVAC Isometric Drawings from PDMS using
Isometric ADP.
Previous/Known workaround:
Solution: Checks have been put in place to determine whether
mtohvacparameters.pmlfnc, this prevents the error and drawings are extracted
88783 189948 Title: Design - PVIF attribute mismatch (Paragon)
Symptoms: Invisible ppoints displayed in Design
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Now fixed.
89011 190490 Title: Design - Can now pick ppoints for translucent insulated piping
Symptoms: Ppoints can't be picked
Previous/Known workaround: Turn insulation off.
Solution: Now fixed.
89963 192702 Title: Design - Problem with collect exactly and gtroom with stwall elements
Symptoms: Failed to allow for JUSL setting
Previous/Known workaround: set JUSL to NA & move SCTN
Solution: Now fixed.
91063 195347 "Utilities>Import" doesn't accept over 6 characters Password.
75834 196238 Title: Isodraft - Flangolet problem in isometric
Symptoms: When the Skey is set to WNFL (which is required), the symbol
doesn't appear as dotted and appears in the material list in the flanges section
with wrong descriptions some times gasket and other times elbow!!.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: A Flange is added to the top of the Flangolet because of the end
condition of ‘FL’ – rightly so. However this Flange is not inheriting the dotted and
suppressed MTO attributes from the Flangolet and was attempting to be placed in
the MTO. Solution: Save the details from the Olet for use later.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
91361 196517 Title: Design - PEROP error messages ignored by the Model Editor
Symptoms: PEROP error messages not displayed by the Model Editor; a
generic message is displayed instead.
Previous/Known workaround: Unknown
Solution: PEROP error messages are now displayed by the Model Editor.
92857 199258 Title: Design - Problem with spec bore change on a single branch
Symptoms: After re selecting the components of a branch the head is re-
connected to the wrong end of the previous branch
Previous/Known workaround: Reconnect using the modify pipe form
Solution: The application now works out which end to connect.
93372 199723 Title: Users are informed there are errors with their current pick when it was for
their previous pick.
Symptoms: If a user chooses to create some welds via pick and it errors, they
will be constantly reminded in subsequent picks even if there are no errors with
the new picks.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: We now reset the error list in between each of the picks.
93904 200654 Title: Reordering elements by name put wrong weight against that name
Symptoms: Misaligned name / weight in list
Previous/Known workaround: Do not reorder columns prior to calculating
weights, do it after.
Solution: Issue resolved.
93405, 200991, Title: Reporting: The sum functionality inside the reporting functionality is not
93982 201052 working as supposed.
Symptoms: Sum functionality not working correctly
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: The sum will now work fine.
93982 201052 Title: Isodraft - Component showing the wrong symbol
Symptoms: Component showing the wrong symbol
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Check if a flange has been supplied already.
94654 202293 Title: Visualisation - PPOINTs not shown on pipe fittings
Symptoms: If obstruction translucency is on, PPOINTs were not being shown
when using the measure tool to select a pipe in the view
Previous/Known workaround: Set the pick filter to Ppoint
Solution: Change the sorting order of potential pick hits, so that the first one
encountered is returned with higher priority.
92483 203130 Title: Isodraft - Additional Cutlength Reported in Isometric Cutlength Table
Symptoms: Additional Cutlength Reported in Isometric Cutlength Table
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Take account of Connection Comments when calculating cut lengths.
95164 203304 Title: Structures - The position of Ladder does not exported(RVM) correctly.
Symptoms: Ladder in wrong position
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Now fixed.
95450 203931 Title: Design - Aborted NSBC due parallel Points/Vectors
Symptoms: The NSBC application fails to connect branches with a vector
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: The parallel vector error is now handled as it should be and the
application works correctly.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
95910 205206 Title: Admin - PDMS Entry error - Arc tolerance less than minimum
Symptoms: Could not enter PDMS
Previous/Known workaround: Delete des-rep.pmldat from %PDMSUSER%
Solution: Firstly... handle any error on entry so even if the serialisation file has
0mm in then it is corrected to a valid value.
Secondly... prevent the user from getting a 0mm in the serialisation file by putting
validation call on the Graphical Representation Settings form.
95703 205486 Title: Elbow specs(spref) are being initialized illegally
Symptoms: When using quick routing, if the last elbow's SPREF is changed and
quick routing is used again, the previous elbow's SPREF is restored.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: When using quick routing, if the last elbow's SPREF is changed and
quick routing is used again, the elbow's new SPREF is preserved.
72589 205907 Title: Draft DFLTS files - Invalid Syntax
Symptoms: Layer defaults not set correctly
Previous/Known workaround: Set values manually after creating the layer
Solution: Syntax corrected.
Note that in most cases, the errors did not matter as the correct defaults were
used anyway.
96170 206083 Title: Piping - Unable to add Quick Pipe Router Bends to an empty BRANCH
Symptoms: Blobs disappear on an empty branch with HDIR and TDIR are anti-
parallel and amost on the same line, and the user double-clicks on the dotted
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Blobs no longer disappear.
96965 207927 Title: Copy function error
Symptoms: Element names containing single quotes are not handled correctly
in the Explorer.
Previous/Known workaround: Do not use quotes in element names
Solution: Single quotes in element names can now be handled correctly by the
97072 208496 Title: Piping - Unable to determine the bending radius for a BEND being added
after a PTAP
Symptoms: The component creation form could not find the correct radius if a
user was currently at a pipe tapping.
Previous/Known workaround: Set the radius manually
Solution: This was due to a problem with the wall thickness query in the client
project. Wall thickness at a PTAP is a problem because it comes fro a different
spec so the solution is to use the tube wall thickness instead as this is likely what
the PTAP is inserted into.
97177 208558 Title: Draft - Text in a SYMB on a BACKing sheet is not exported
Symptoms: No text appears
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: The export now works if the SYMB is on a BACKING sheet.
97334 208855 Title: Piping - Error when creating a new RETURN ELBOW
Symptoms: An error (2,785) Unset/Invalid object passed to method is shown
when creating a return bend.
Previous/Known workaround: This causes no loss of functionality its just
Solution:The component creation form now intercepts the error.
97593 209368 Title: Isodraft - once FAIL DOUBLE BACK PIPE, all subsequent PIPEs in Detail
List show same error
Symptoms: Isodraft - once FAIL DOUBLE BACK PIPE, all subsequent PIPEs in
Detail List show same error
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Zeroize &INOSFT for possible further pipes.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
99226 212854 Title: Piping - TUBI now exported if in a GPSET
Symptoms: TUBI missing
Previous/Known workaround: Export the pipes or branches.
Solution: Now fixed.
99231 212861 Title: Draft - Selecting Truetype Backing Sheet on dept & regi creation causes
Warning message
Symptoms: An inappropriate warning appears
Previous/Known workaround: Press APPLY before changing tabs
Solution: Does additional check if data on form has been changed but not
applied yet.
Initial Design:
Planar Hull:
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
95025 203052 Title: Bracket Excess does not accept to define negative number
Symptoms: Bracket Excess has been enhanced since AM12.1 SP4.28Fix,
when defining a negative number for Bracket Excess, it is gone from the scheme.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Negative excess is now handled both in panel generation and
94563 203346 Title: Part size is strange using Bevel Basic Type 39
Symptoms: The size of resulting plate part is not correct when bevel type 39 is
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so plate part using bevel type 39 has correct size.
Curved Hull:
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
95029 203063 Title: When divided panel, Detault"SCH_CREATE" is changed to <NOT SET>.
Symptoms: See Title.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The value of SCH_CREATE is now preserved even when using Block
95101 203216 Title: When divided panel, Additional endcut types is changed on the type of
Symptoms: When divided panel, Additional endcut types is changed on the type
of cutters.
-Principal plane has endcut type(xx00)
-RSO has endcut type(xx20)
Previous/Known workaround: Manually change endcut after the panel is
Solution: Cutters by principal plane and and by RSO are now treated the same
with respect to connection and endcut codes.
95563 204147 Title: AM 12.1.SP4.32 - Frame Grid limited to 500 frames only.
Symptoms: For some projects, 500 frame limit is not enough.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Limit of frames has been extended to -99:800.
Once frame numbers has been added above 500, previous versions of the
system should not be used since those versions do not recognize higher
Also rules for SB specific profiles are changed.
SB specific transversals get an additional number of 10 000 (previous 5 000).
SB specifi longitudinals in main surface gets additional 12 000 (previous 2 000).
SB specifi longitudinals in deck surface gets additional 13 000 (previous 3 000).
Note that the rules only affects Split Profile and numbering in symbolic views.
Free named profiles are not affected by the rules.
Surface Manager:
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Hull Nesting:
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Pipe Fabrication:
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
86502 184584 Title: Pipe Spool Drawing Form - Preview is Poor
Previous/Known workaround:
Solution: This fix should make the preview a little more reliable and replace the
old plot file format. By using a PDF viewer all of the print and print preview
options are now available and remove the need for the old PDMS plot viewer.
The old preview showed PDMS plot files (.plt) which didn't support truetype fonts
so the preview files were incomplete resulting in this defect. This fix addresses
the plot file problem in PDMS by producing PDF files and replacing the plot file
viewer with the standard PDF viewer.
In Marine, the output is the same as it was, because Marine Drafting produces
TIFF files rather than PDF. Tiff files are viewed using Windows Photo Viewer.
In both Marine and Plant products the plot files are now placed in a directory
named by the spool drawing creation form and the old PDMSUSER/Preview
directory no longer exists.
Note1: To view PDF files, a suitable PDF viewer must be installed if it is not
already present and this must be able to open PDF files by double clicking on it.
Note2: A problem with PDF viewers is that the user cannot overwrite a PDF file
which is already open so the preview mechanism makes a copy of the main plot
file and puts it into a preview directory in the PDMSWK area. The situation of
having multiple copies of the same file open still exists so the user may notice a
version number in the file name of the PDF viewer.
This should only exist if multiple previews of the same file are open at once.
Note3: This version replaces the right click menu for Preview Drawing with a tick
box on the form itself. this makes Preview easier to switch on and off.
86515 184620 Title: Wrong LSTU is being used for welds created
Symptoms: The wrong LSTU was being selected for welds
Previous/Known workaround: Set the LSTU manually
Solution: We now check the LSTU of the component the weld is for and use that
LSTU for the weld.
86519 184645 Title: LSTU is unset for certain welds
Symptoms: LSTU was not being set for some welds during weld creation
Previous/Known workaround: Set the LSTU manually.
Solution: We now select the LSTU based on the component that the weld was
created for.
87265 188374 Title: Weld Gaps on Branch tees
Symptoms: NA
Previous/Known workaround: NA
Solution: Added a condition for tee when the arrive and leave positions of tube
are in reverse order, so that weld will be created.
89762 192248 Title: Cannot Create a Spool Limit Using a Weld at P3 of Tee.
Previous/Known workaround:
Solution: This issue is fixed by providing restriction for picking tube, Now we can
only pick components for adding or removing spool limit.
90643 194373 Title: ATTAs - SPKBRK True Creates Too Many Pipe Pieces
Symptoms: Setting SPKBRK true on an atta created too many pipe pieces
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: Check to see if the SPKBRK attribute is changed on an ATTA and if so
we do not create additional pipe pieces.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
91234 196097 Title: Weld handling uses specific 'STYP' values rather than reading them from
the backstage
Symptoms: Weld handling was set up to only use 'hardcoded' values for the
STYPs rather than reading them from the defaults set up in Pipe Fabrication
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: We now check the STYP each of the weld types from the backstage
and attempt to select a weld based on that STYP rather than the 'hardcoded'
91992 197633 Title: Pipe Fabrication, When adding user feed, status for a validated pipe is not
Symptoms: None
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Invalidating pipe pieces of that particular pipe when feed excess
changes between two components (Especially Bends).
92490 198389 Title: Welds are not created for TESO elements that have LOFF set to TRUE
Symptoms: Welds are not create for TESO elements that have LOFF set to
Previous/Known workaround: Create welds manually
Solution: We were preventing this for some reason in the code. We have now
removed the code for this case so that welds are created normally.
92494 198400 Title: Piping - Cannot Create NSBC On Pipe with Welds
Symptoms: None standard branch connections failed on branches with
components with unset lstu.
Previous/Known workaround: set the lstu and try again
Solution: Now the weld handling select lstu every time and the pipe intersection
object handles no lstu correctly.
93751 200324 Title: Pipe Fabrication, Mutiple Spools - wrong feedback to user when "Create..."
Symptoms: The highlight os the spool limits is incorrect, spool limits are not
Previous/Known workaround:
Solution: The highlighting of the spool limits selected while adding to the spool
drawing needs to be fixed by considering the attributes say AsfBreak, LsfBreak
along with CsfBreak.
Code change has been made to the pfevaluatespoolmember.pmlobj in
highlighting the selected spool limits.
93752 200331 Title: Pipe fabrication, adding spool limits (no weld) - ghost limit may be
Symptoms: when user adds spool limit a ghost spool limit is being displayed at
the other end of the tubi. Please check the attached video for the better
understanding of the scenarion.
Previous/Known workaround:
Solution: Code has been corrected in the method "ShowSpoollimits" of
pfModifySpool.pmlfrm to avoid adding the spool limit at the incorrect place
(appearing of the "ghost spool limit").
93968 200746 Title: Modify Spool Form - Aid Behaviour
Symptoms: NA
Previous/Known workaround: NA
Solution: removed the lines of code that unenhances and clear aids of previous
functionalities when set machine Insertion Direction is selected.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
94077 200961 Title: Errors whilst opening Weld Handling form as welds were not able to be
Symptoms: Welds that are created are named according to the weld number
that they are assigned (unless the autonaming rule states otherwise). In some
cases customers were then changing the number of these welds manually
leading to conflicts in assigning new names andweld numbers.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: We now no longer attempt to rename/renumber welds that have
already been assigned a name/number. This is to prevent duplicate names/weld
numbers being used.
94315 201438 Title: Unable to determine which Galvanization Tank was used to check certain
Symptoms: Using the Galvanization tank check form, a user is unable to tell
which tank was used to check the element.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: We have created a new attribute that stores what tank was used to
check the element. This is then shown on the form so the user is aware which
tank was used to check the element.
94398 201753 Title: No warning displayed to a user if they attempt to assign an excess to an
element that already has an excess
Symptoms: A user can easily override any excess that are currently set on a
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: We have added a warning so that when the user attempts to change
the excess on a component using the appware that if one already exists they will
override the current setting.
94497 201974 Title: The Search Within option on the Multiple Spool form are not working
Symptoms: While picking elements for adding to spool, elements from different
multiple pipes are allowed for picking eventhough the "Search Within" option is
set to "pipe".
Previous/Known workaround:
1. In the "Multiple Spool" form The "Search Within" option box is grayed out as
soon as the user selects spool functions "Add to Spool Drawing by Pick" and
"Remove from Spool Drawing by Pick". The same "Search Within" will be become
active after the Addition or removing of spool functions are completed.
2. The Piperefs, branRefs,etc are nullified after the merging of selected elements
to Spools, hence they can be freshly initialised for every new Spool function.
3. pfsplitmergespools.pmlfrm and pfspooler.pmlobj are modified.
94640 202243 Title: Some fitting to fitting welds will not be created using the 'by pick option'
Symptoms: When using the 'create welds by pick' option, some fitting to fitting
welds would not be created.
Previous/Known workaround: Create welds manually
Solution: These cases were never taken into account when using the 'create
welds by pick' option. As a result we have had to add these cases to 'create
welds by pick' functionality.
94693 202372 Title: Finished Lengths were being calculated incorrectly (1mm out per bend)
Symptoms: The bend length of bends are being calculated incorrectly. This
leads to the finished lengths being off by 1mm per bend in the pipe that is being
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: We now use the FitLen attribute to determine the length of a bend.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
94698 202383 Title: Fabrication Check - Incorrect Bend Program with Loose Excess
Symptoms: A problem occurs with the Length Inside/Length Outside/Bending
Act values when the spool has a Loose component and requires a 50mm excess.
Previous/Known workaround:
Solution: ArriveExcess is already added to the ArriveTubeLength in
InitializeCheckResult of PFFabricationMachineManager
LeaveExcess is already added to the LeaveTubeLength in InitializeCheckResult
of PFFabricationMachineManager
Hence while calculating the Machine Outside Length in the CheckInsertionLength
in PFFabricationMachineManager, the ArriveExcess/LeaveExcess are excluded.
Also while calculating the bendingActivities, the feed is calculated by excluding
95174 203333 Title: We don't handle expressions being used for the UWEI attribute when
calculating the FTUB weight of a pipe end
Symptoms: Some customers use expressions to calculate the UWEI attribute
when calculating the FTUB weight for a pipe end. As a result this would fail and
the incorrect weight would be supplied.
Previous/Known workaround: Use actual values rather than expressions
Solution: We now parse the expressions correctly and they can now be used in
the calculation process. Additionally, other changes are required to update the
piping specs, property database and the FTUB dataset in order for these weights
of a pipe end to be calculated correctly. These macros should have been
released along with the fix and instructions for running them should have been
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
96407 206417 Title: Design - Handling errors in defaults file cat-pipetablecodes.pmldat
Symptoms: If the defaults file does not contain the expected global variable
definitions, entry into Paragon can abort.
Previous/Known workaround: Use the standard default file and edit it to include
the reuqired global definitions
Solution: Add error handling to catpipetablecodes.pmlobj.
Initial Design:
Planar Hull:
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
93044 200311 Title: Add function for bevel code search
Symptoms: Search function in Bevel Selection form only search for bevel
names, not codes.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The search function has been extended in a way that if the string in the
search field is not found among the bevel names, it will also try to find it in the list
of bevel codes.
93913 200672 Title: Radius RA added to bracket statement by system after panel recreate
cause problems
Symptoms: Add a bracket as a free position, save and apply. After Panel
Recreate, the thickness is also presented in the schema as RA=<thickn>. This
bracket cannot then be run through in the schema.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually remove the RA kayword in the schema
Solution: Corrected. RA will not appear as the thickness in the schema line.
93945 200695 Title: Problem not to display the folded flange in 3D View to be defined at the
panel bracket
Symptoms: The folded flange of a Panel Bracket is not displayed in the 3D
canvas view and is not detected for clashing.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the foded flange on Panel Brackets are included in the
3D canvas view and is also detected for clashing.
94093 200989 Title: Specification of Decimal point for Thickness.
Symptoms: The material thickness in planar plates is affected by the default
Previous/Known workaround: no known workaround exsists.
Solution: This is now changed so the number of decimals for the plate thickness
is not affected by NO_OF_COORD_DEC. Instead, the maximum number of
decimals in the material is set to 3 decimals.
Curved Hull:
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
91925 197533 Title: "old" CPLATE cause crash. New CPLATE with same CSEAM is OK.
Symptoms: When recreating seams and then recreating shell plates, the system
responds with eror 1005 and in some cases hangs.
Previous/Known workaround: After recreation of the seams, activate the plate
and the curved panel that the plate belongs to. Do recreate twice.
Solution: Problem with recreation of a shell plate has been resolved.
93131 199408 Title: 12.1.SP4.31, Modify Shell Stiffeners as Group, Shrinkage value not
modified by user but changed by program
Symptoms: The shrinkage is not updated properly but changed by the program.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the shrinkage value is not
changed when some other values are changed.
93211, 199518, Title: Modify Shell Stiffener group: material from menu is applied for the first
93212 199522 stiffener only
Symptoms: Modify Shell Stiffener group: Modification of material from menu is
applied for the first stiffener in selection only.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that modification of material from
menu is applied to all stiffeners.
93218, 199525, Title: Modify Shell Stiffener group: Impossible to change an endcut with params
93362 199678 to an endcut without params
Symptoms: See Title.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually remove/change parameters in the
Solution: It is now possible to change an endcut with parameters to an endcut
without parameters when several shell stiffeners are selected.
93223 199529 Title: Bad highlighting of properties of side specific plates in shell expansion
views on SB
Symptoms: Indication a SB specific plate (or over CL plate) in a ShellX view, is
not highlighet.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so plates will be highlighted when indicated for modification.
Note that already created ShellX views must be recreated.
93959 200713 Title: Recreating a group of shell plates – Error messages shall be improved
Symptoms: Error messages from shell plate development does not give the
name which plate that fails.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Messages are updated to also give the current plate name.
95102 203218 Title: Error 304 occurs in Curved Hull after "Clean Workspace"
Symptoms: In Curved Hull error 304 is often set after Recreate of a CHM object.
Previous/Known workaround: Do not use Clean workspace. This is only in
Curved Hull Modeling. Using Structural Design is not an issue.
Solution: Error 304 is often set after a recreate of a Curved Panel is done and
then Clean Workspace has been done.
The Clean Workspace cleand out one internal important object.
This object now remains in memory and the error will not be set for this workflow.
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Product Release Letter
Hull Structural Design:
Hull Production:
Hull Nesting:
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
88052 188578 Title: Default Option Define/Function Update–Symbolic View
Symptoms: Slicing on a Hull Symbolic View (HSV) is not updating the Depth
Previous/Known workaround: Manually modify the depth in the HSV form.
Solution: When doing Slice on a HVS, the depth will be updated for the view.
90136 193091 Title: Can not use Romans font in specific drawing
Symptoms: Problem with drawing that for some reason use the font "RomanS"
with the font name in capital letters, "ROMANS". This caused some confusion
when later using font name "RomanS".
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Improvements have been made to handle this difference in case. Using
“Tools\Inspect Drawing\Intergrity check”, the internal true type font table in the
drawing will be updated.
90856 194884 Title: Can not perform the print preview for drawing which size is over A0
Symptoms: Print Preview takes very long time and finaly aborts the system for
drawings larger than A0.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Print preview now works for all page sizes.
92644 198624 Title: View > Grid > Visible > halt (without opening drawing)
Symptoms: If no drawing is active, when using the function Grid, the system
Previous/Known workaround: Make sure an active drawing exists.
Solution: The menu option "Grid->Visible" can be selected only when there is a
drawing. When no drawing opened the option is greyed out.
92837 198877 Title: When using Parallel curve,Fatal Error occurs on imported drawing.
Symptoms: Using Parallel Curve, the system aborts.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem is for very large curves with many segments. The issue
with the system abortion has been resolved.
93754 200591 Title: The drawing type does not show on the list for can store the subpicture.
Symptoms: When save the subpicture by Tools > Subpicture > Save, the
drawing type does not show on the list.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The issue regarding subpicture type not being shown in drawing type
field in save subpicture dialog has been solved.
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Product Release Letter
Mechanical Equipment Interface (MEI):
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
85969 183381 Title: Piping - New assembly not mainting a BRANCH connection to a TEE
Symptoms: NA
Previous/Known workaround: NA
Solution: A change has been made with respect to assemblies with TEE
connections. In case the the branch is connected to the tee, The connections has
to be restored. A sequence of commands is now implemented in the code to
restore this connections.
86548 184783 Title: Piping - Incorrect part selection while inserting pipe assemblies
Symptoms: NA
Previous/Known workaround: NA
Solution: [PU 23.04.2016]
A confirm alert is now introduced for the user incase if there is only one choice
and it doesnt matches the stype.
86616 185468 Title: Piping - Wrong TUBE selected when placing an ASSEMBLY
Previous/Known workaround:
Solution: Code written by Tony for Defect No 194618 (SI 90742) resolves the
issue for this defect also. Now the the TUBI are created as per the current pipe
spec and not as per the assembly pipe spec.
88098 188436 Title: Visualisation - The colour of highlight for selected model in wire mode is
strange - DX Wireframe colour incorrect after selection.
Symptoms: Wireframe selection was not respecting the chosen selection colour.
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: Fixed to respect the selection colour.
88524 189746 Title: Text items with large CSPAC export incorrectly to DXF/DWG
Symptoms: The spacing is even larger in the DXF/DWG
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: The formula for converting PDMS CSPAC to AUTOCAD \T values has
been revised and the result is now a better match.
NOTE: Where the value of CSPAC is negative, the \T value in the exported file is
correct, but AutoCAD will not squeeze the characters together after all the inter-
character white space has been used. Typically this white-space is 15% of the
character size, so values of CSPAC below -.15 appear the same as exported text
with a CSPAC of -.15.
88962 190370 Title: Design - XYZ labels are not shown in Model Editor
Symptoms: When rotating the ME handles, the directional labels are not shown
Previous/Known workaround: No known.
Solution: Fixed.
89963 192702 Title: Design - Problem with collect exactly and gtroom with stwall elements
Symptoms: Failed to allow for JUSL setting.
Previous/Known workaround: Set JUSL to NA & move SCTN.
Solution: Now fixed.
90835 195345 Title: Visualisation - Outfit-Create-From Standard Model Library-
SGL_Delete_Segment message at Console
Symptoms: When creating a Standard Model Library Item, an SGL error was appearing
in the console window.The error was SGL_Delete_Segment: Hash table fault
Previous/Known workaround: No know workaround
Solution: Change made to sgl_delete_segment to pass in the global structure
store. No error now occurs.
91179 195741 Title: Isodraft - NSBC detail plot is added when NSBCOFF option is used.
Symptoms: NSBC detail plot is added.
Previous/Known workaround: Delete detail plot file.
Solution: NSBCOFF to switch off NSBC Detail Plot addition.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
92068 197914 Title: Design - Validation of ship grid frame numbers
Symptoms: Range check fails if frame numbers increase along -X axis.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Validation allows frame number to increase in +X and –X.
81343 198706 Title: Isodraft - SHOP Weld cause incorrect dimension value
Symptoms: SHOP Weld with length causes incorrect dimension value
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: If Weld preceded by a flange, then length already added in!
92832 199421 Title: Draft - Complicated OUTL export incorrectly to DXF
Symptoms: Outlines containing many segments with mixture of bulged &
unbulged VERTices export distorted
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: Simplified handling of bulges and these complex OUTL now export
93613 200149 Title: Search now takes into account STEX RTEX and TTEX attributes
Symptoms: The search ignored the attributes of ITYP 10 for SDTE
Previous/Known workaround: Use filters in collection utlity
Solution: Search now takes into account STEX RTEX and TTEX attributes.
200357 Title: Isodraft - ALS Licensing - "other" licenses being taken by applications
Symptoms: VNET license being checked out needlessly.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Only check out a VNET license if HYPERPLANT is 'ON'.
93836, 200542, Title: Exports to DXF/DWG contain both raw and interpreted intelligent text
94576 202097 (usually on top of each other) when such text is used in SYMB.
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: Export only exports top-level text (i.e. the expanded intelligent text) and
not the raw (unexpanded) text from the template of the SYMB.
93831 200549 Title: Design - User autoname options
Symptoms: User cannot locally switch on/off autonaming rules since recent
autoname administration enhancement.
Previous/Known workaround: Copy complete system naming rules file to user
Solution: Users local autoname options combined with system autoname rules.
93402 200750 Title: Design - Marine Copy/Mirror reverted to original behaviour
Symptoms: Copy elements created under a different owning element in some
Previous/Known workaround: Use standard copy mirror function rather than
the Marine add-on function.
Solution: Reverted Marine copy/mirror to original behaviour.
94943 202899 Title: Customisation and Common Framework - Fatal error when using EDG.
Symptoms: Fatal error when using EDG.
Previous/Known workaround: Avoid this action.
Solution: Fixed graphical interaction application code.
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Product Release Letter
Planar Hull:
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
92499, 198397, Title: ShellX over CL, SB-specific seams disappear after being modified
92607 198561 Symptoms: When modifying a SB specific shell seam, it will disappear from the
ShellX view.
Previous/Known workaround: Recreate the ShellX view when the seam is
Solution: The problem has been solved so that SB specific seams will not
disappear from the ShellX view.
Hull Production:
Hull Nesting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
91885 197435 Title: Bevel&chamfer code(6 digit code) cannot be entered in 2D drawing.
Symptoms: when ini Nesting, creating plate parts from 2D sketch, there is no
possibillity to key in a bevel code. Only selection from menu is available.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: By pressing the Option button in the Bevel form, the user will be
promted to key in a bevel code.
Any value is acceppted. There is no check if the value enterd is correct. This is
user responsibility.
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Pipe Fabrication:
59831 104674 Title: Modelling Consistency Needs to Report Missing Nominal Bores
Symptoms: NA
Previous/Known workaround: NA
Solution: When we check for Main distance and branch distance in
pfWeldGapCheck.pmlobj file we are trying to retrieve minimum distance for Main
bore and branch bore. If minimum distance is not set we are throwing an error
"This Branch includes nominal bores that have not been included on the
Consistency Check Configuration form. Please inform your Administrator" for
both main bore and branch bore.
75568 156065 Title: Mess when collecting/removing SPLDRG members
Symptoms: None
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Search within different hierarchys option is implemented with default
PIPE option. Mess resolved.
75753 156777 Title: Multiple Spool: Add and Remove cannot be used together
Symptoms: None
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: The buttons are now working independently. When one button is used
the other is greyed out (inactive).
76338 158438 Title: Isometric production stops due to FTUB not having a weight
Symptoms: Cannot get NWEI of slanted end FTUB.
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: A catalogue update needs to be applied to enable the ftub weights to
be derived using a design parameter.
77088 160635 Title: PIPE kept validated and released, even model is changed!
Symptoms: NA
Previous/Known workaround: NA
Solution: Checking for NeedSpoolings count greater than zero and invalidating
all pipe pieces of that particular pipe.
74324 164703 Title: Error of Spool Split
Symptoms: NA
Previous/Known workaround: NA
Solution: When there are multiple branches we need to re initialize sequence
number to 0 in LoadSpools method so that when next branch is processed it will
try to retrieve correct element.
79522 168550 Title: setting sloped pipe ends does not maintain LSTU correctly when there are
multiple choice tubes
Symptoms: lstube of a sloped ftub is wrong if the previous component does not
use the default tube
Previous/Known workaround: Change tubes manually.
Solution: The sloped end application now handles tube correctly.
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Product Release Letter
79879 169704 Title: The pipe Fabrication Installation and Fabrication Isometric application was
unable to list multiple sheets per drawing.
Symptoms: Whenever multiple sheets were produced the form could not
preview them.
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: The application now uses the general Isodraft preview facility which is
able to display multiple sheets.
88027 188768 Title: Unable to create a spool break at the branch of a TEE
Symptoms: None
Previous/Known workaround: A work around would be to add a weld with
SHOP = False to the Tee before connecting the branch as this would maintain
Solution: Code modified to assign CSFBREAK as TRUE for TEE and for the
Branch that is connected to tee TSFBREAK as TRUE.
89641 192026 Title: Weld Handling Inconsistencies for Socket Welds
Symptoms: Unable to create socket welds from spec.
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: Removed the reliance on the spco element being named correctly. We
now choose the spec using the correct STYP which allows us to create socket
welds from spec.
89751 192223 Title: Changes required for the wording of the Fabricated Pipe Ends form.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Modified the file
To provide following corrections.
1. The actual value of the sniped angle is displayed in the Drawing note text in
the place of '{deg} ' in the following default text "Trim pipe end to {deg}".
2. The word 'slanted' replaced by 'sniped' as it is better engineering terminology.
This appears in two places on the form.
89752 192227 Title: Fabricated Pipe Ends - Info Button Does Not Track
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: This issue is fixed by making changes in update method for getting the
information of selected pipe.
90644 194378 Title: PF - Modify Spool Form Results in Error on PLAT Element
Symptoms: If any branch of the pipe contains element like PLAT which does not
have lExcess and aExcess attributes, unhandled error pops up and the "Modify
Spool" form will not be loaded.
Previous/Known workaround: Handling the error through an exception handler.
Solution: In the function showEndExcesses of pfModifySpool.pmlfrm lExcess
and aExcess attributes of the elements are being accessed to fix the
arriveboundar and leaveboundary values. Error occurs if the element does not
have the lExcess and aExcess attributes. Error handled by adding an Exception
in the function
.showEndExcesses of pfModifySpool.pmlfrm
where the attributes lExcess and aExcess are being referred.
91436 196542 Title: Doubled informal message when changing spool type within Fabrication
Check form
Symptoms: If the spool type is changed to FITT or SITE from SHOP, informal
messages are added when the pipe is validated and Released. This results in
double informal messages are displayed in the Check Results tab of Fabrication
Check Form
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The Check Results of the pipepeice are verified for duplication of
messages before adding informal message.
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Product Release Letter
91992 197633 Title: Pipe Fabrication, When adding user feed, status for a validated pipe is not
Symptoms: None
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Invalidating pipe pieces of that particular pipe when feed excess
changes between two components (Especially Bends).
55700 93457 Title: Design - Restore View when DB ref no longer exist
Symptoms: Bad error message
Known workaround: N/A
Solution: Missing DB element no longer causes bad error.
57784 97717 Title: HVAC - Could not make an HVAC assembly with a connected branch
when connection point was not P3
Symptoms: System failed to recognise the connected branch.
Known workaround: No easy workaround.
Solution: Issue now fixed.
60360 106546 Title: HVAC - Combining of HVAC spool which have been selected in the list
Symptoms: This is an enhancement.
Previous/Known workaround: Other methods available.
Solution: A new option to "Combine Spools selected in 'HVAC Spools' list".
67806 132242 Title: Database and Data Management - In Tags - List of Valid Values not
displayed in the drop list in the Create Information Window when the UDET type
is unknown.
Symptoms: In Tags - List of Valid Values for a parameter is not displayed in the
drop down list on the first screen of the Create Information Window for a view
based on multiple UDET types.
Known workaround: Suggested work around is to define the attributes with list
of values as optional parameters, navigate to the next screen on the Create
Element Information window - select the type and then return to the first screen
to select the value from the list of values drop down list.
Solution: In Tags - when a view is based on multiple types the list of valid values
for an attribute (defined as parameter) can now be displayed in the drop down list
in on the first screen of the Create Information Window. (The user no longer has
to select the (UDET) type on the second screen and then return to the first to see
that the list of valid values for the optional parameter has been populated).
71628 145514 Title: Customisation - Translucency of primitives not restored after selection
Symptoms: Translucency of primitives overridden in drawlist not restored after
selection highlight/unhighlight.
Previous/Known workaround: Re-add affected element(s) to the 3D view.
Solution: Restore primitive translucency when element unhighlighted.
71709 147610 Title: Design - Maintain specified drive and name for isometric files.
Symptoms: Isometric files created in user folder with incorrect names.
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: Maintain drive and plot file name if 'Use Drawing name' option is used.
73509 150383 Title: Structures - Mass Properties form
Symptoms: Enhancement to indicate errors and warning in form list.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Highlighting the any USRWEI weight cell in an orange colour
Also coloured any errors in red to make them more noticeable.
Information tooltips also added to tell user why orange or red.
74186 152416 Title: Draft - User Grid Ref Nos are lost when modify any aspect of a GRIDSYS
Symptoms: Modify a GRIDSYS in Design then lost Draft Dimensions and labels.
Previous/Known workaround: Had to re-work draft labels and dimensions.
Solution: Retained Ref Nos when Modifying in Design.
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Product Release Letter
74035 152715 Title: Isodraft - Maintain specified drive and name for isometric files.
Symptoms: Isometric files created in user folder with incorrect names.
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: Maintain drive and plot file name if 'Use Drawing name' option is used.
78146 163820 Title: Design - Isometric not produced for PTAP connection with different bores
on different specs.
Symptoms: Error : (42,64) **** not selected.
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: Use spec of next tube for PTAP 46 record.
85464 166722 Title: Database and Data Management - Fatal error occurs when opening a
project using .NET interface and the selected module is not defined in that
Symptoms: Application exits with fatal error "Kerror 6" on attempting to open
project using an undefined module
Previous/Known workaround: Ensure required module is defined in the
project (or that project is properly upgraded to the expected version) in advance.
Solution: Software fix to allow handling of failure to open project.
67020 174540 Title: Structures - To 'Set Selected Panels to Default Spec'
Symptoms: No quick solution to 'Set Selected Panels to Default Spec'.
Previous/Known workaround: Change each Panel individually.
Solution: This is done via a new button on the Steel Utilities Toolbar
(Tooltip 'Set Selected Panels to Default Spec').
82295 175334 Title: Reporting - Report Heading text was not updated for column delete
Symptoms: Wrong column heading given on next report.
Previous/Known workaround: Reset headings manually.
Solution: This has now been resolved.
83020 176548 Title: Design - Add CE button for lock form.
Symptoms: No CE button on Lock form.
Previous/Known workaround: Have to cancel and select from menu each time.
Solution: CE button added.
83061 176643 Title: Structures - Structural Modify Fittings button does not always reselect
actual spref
Symptoms: Modify CE displayed wrong spref in form.
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: Fixed, and current spref is displayed.
83757 178271 Title: Structures - Mark SJOI in wrong place
Symptoms: MARK SJOI drawn in wrong place if SPREF is nulref.
Previous/Known workaround: Set SPREF?
Solution: Now fixed.
87532 186818 Title: MDS - FT06 ancillary orientation error
Symptoms: Framework ancillaries do not orientate properly with the direction
input in the direction form.
Previous/Known workaround: manual rotation of the ancillary in the mdsFT06
Solution: Now resolved.
196493 Title: Replacement PML file to activate Clash Manager button in PDMS/Outfitting
Symptoms: Clash Manager menu not enabled when Clash Manager 14.1
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: Clash Manager menu now enabled if Clash Manager 14.1 installed.
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Product Release Letter
91666 197028 Title: Design - Dump attributes for Review is crashing when an attribute has '$V'
in its value
Symptoms: Unhandled PML error
Previous/Known workaround: Remove $V from text
Solution: Changed line 434 pmllib/reviewInterface/forms/cdxattdump.pmlfrm
!attrib = !attrib.trim()
!attrib = !attrib.trim().replace('$$V','V').replace('$$v','v')
91974 197603 Title: Customisation - In certain situations the system crashed when some TUBI
was removed from a BRAN
Symptoms: System crash.
Previous/Known workaround: Refresh the Explorer by closing and then
reopening the Branch node.
Solution: The system no longer crashes and the Explorer reflects the state of
the database and graphical view.
91770 197886 Title: Draft - Text with "\T" is not exported correctly to AutoCAD (MTEXT objects)
Symptoms: Any text with a backslash character was not read by AutoCAD
correctly; \T, \Q, \L, \P, \F and some other combinations may cause the text to be
rendered incorrectly.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually double the \ in the text.
Solution: Any / in the raw string are doubled before being written to file.
198029 Title: Draft - 'U' character showing on both the sides of text with Underline
Symptoms: Text surrounded with 'u' instead of being underlined.
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: %%u flags checked first and handled correctly.
Assembly Planning:
Initial Design:
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Product Release Letter
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
91007 195185 Title: AutoPosError:if clip has hole, It should be different PosNo to numbering.
Symptoms: AutoPos is not checking if holes are included/different when
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Autopos will check for holes in clips and compare if it is the same
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Hull Structural Design:
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
74214 152640 Title: Give explicit target DEPT/REGI in various Marine Drafting functions
Symptoms: Using e.g. Import SDB function in Planar Hull Modelling / Drafting to
Import exported SDB files is working in a way, that the imported SDB will always
be stored by default in general drawing database. There is no way to give explicit
Previous/Known workaround: Import drawing and then move it to the correct
REGI by using Save As...
Solution: It is now possible to give explicit REGI in these Marine Drafting
- New drawing: Interactively + API
- Save As: Interactively + API
- Save Subpicture: Interactively + API
- Copy drawings: Interactive/Batch (already exists) + API
- Copy Assist: New import option: LocationOwner = Automatic / As Source
This option is controlled by a new environment variable, "SBD_OWNING_REGI".
If "AUTO", owner is set automatically as today, if "MANUAL", the user can select
target REGI for the drawings. If a target REGI is not given in this case, then the
drawings are placed automatically.
77687 162144 Title: Default Attribute IgnDUnion:True
Symptoms: Request to set IgnDUnion as True by defaults.
Previous/Known workaround: -----
Solution: New Marine Drafting default keyword "VIEW_IGNORE_DUNION" was
It controls the value set to the attribute IGNDUNIO when a view is created.
If VIEW_IGNORE_DUNION is set to “NO” than the IGNDUNIO attribute is set to
FALSE. “YES” means that the attribute is set to TRUE.
78100 163638 Title: Requests on message displaying when referenced model data not existing.
Symptoms: Enhancement request
Previous/Known workaround: -----
Solution: In Tools/Model/Exchange, if the Outfitting model is not found in data
base, a message will be reported to user in the same manner as for hull models
i.e. in the Message Window
- In Right MB -> Navigate -> In Design Explorer, if the model (outfitting or hull) is
not found in data base, a confirmed message will be reported to user.
82407 175721 Title: Printing Vitesse function error (Captured Area)
Symptoms: When printing a specific area in a drawing with vitesse function
using captured area option, the result is different from I expected.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: When printing a specific area in a drawing with vitesse function using
captured area only contents of that specific area are printed.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
186325 Title: Give explicit target DEPT/REGI in various Marine Drafting functions
Symptoms: Using e.g. Import SDB function in Planar Hull Modelling / Drafting to
Import exported SDB files is working in a way, that the imported SDB will always
be stored by default in general drawing database. There is no way to give explicit
Known workaround: Import drawing and then move it to the correct REGI by
using Save As...
Solution: It is now possible to give explicit REGI in these Marine Drafting
- New drawing: Interactively + API
- Save As: Interactively + API
- Save Subpicture: Interactively + API
- Copy drawings: Interactive/Batch (already exists) + API
- Copy Assist: New import option: LocationOwner = Automatic / As Source
This option is controlled by a new environment variable, "SBD_OWNING_REGI".
If "AUTO", owner is set automatically as today, if "MANUAL", the user can select
target REGI for the drawings. If a target REGI is not given in this case, then the
drawings are placed automatically.
88035 188641 For information about this issue refer to section Enhancements above.
88372 189182 For information about this issue refer to section Enhancements above.
88817 190024 Title: Problem to unset the name of view when insert model in 12.1SP4.x
Symptoms: Views created by Insert Model has no names.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually change the View Name.
Solution: Problem solved by giving the automatically generated views a default
name. The default name will be "VIEW#xxx" where <xxx> is a running number
starting from one.
89346 191567 Title: Dimension > Mold > Indicate Starboard Node -> Dimension Display at Port
side (ref. Test for SBP Pane
Symptoms: When indicating an SB component for Mould Line Dimensioning, the
indication is displayed on PS in the drawing.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so indication on SB side is also displayed on SB side.
89859 192424 Title: Printing Vitesse function error (Captured Area)
Symptoms: When printing a specific area in a drawing with vitesse function
using captured area option, the result is different from I expected.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: When printing a specific area in a drawing with vitesse function using
captured area only contents of that specific area are printed.
89865 192425 Title: Tools>Model>Exchange displays models in restricted area.
Symptoms: When exchanging Outfitting models, the retriction box is not taken
account for as it does for Hull elements.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: When exchanging outfitting models, the 3D view restriction will be
applied (as for hull models).
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Product Release Letter
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
85129 182038 Title: Piping - Penetration ATTA should not appear in the pipe sketches
Symptoms: Penetration attas are shown dimensioned on Pipe sketches.
Previous/Known workaround: Manual drawing edits.
Solution: Attas are no longer dimesioned on pipe sketches but their
representation may still be seen.
87111 185976 Title: Pipe sketch dimensions on pipe spools with weld gaps
Symptoms: A pipe sketch with modeled welds shows dimensions to the welds
instead of overall dimensions.
Previous/Known workaround: ManualEditing
Solution: The weld components are no longer dimensioned.
87110 185993 Title: ATTA dimensioning should not appear on pipe sketches
Symptoms: Extra dimensions are seen at ATTA positions and the dimension
continuity is incorrect.
Previous/Known workaround: Manual removal in draft
Solution: These dimensions are no longer drawn.
88187 188737 Title: Plotting Icons Not Appearing On Previews
Symptoms: The Print Setup / Print buttons were invisible on the Pipe Spool
Drawings preview form
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: The Print Setup / Print buttons are no longer invisible if the user is
using the outfitting application.
89269 191184 Title: There is an additional SOCKET textbox on the WeldGap Options form that
was added by PD during the fixing of another issue.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Additional TextBox has been Removed which is not required in the
pfweldgapconfig.pmlfrm file.
89653 192036 Title: On the Weld Gap Config form there are two checkboxes on the Weld Gap
Options tab that are accessible even if the user does not have write access to the
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: On the Weld Gap Config form, Weld Gap Options tab the following two
checkboxes :-
i) Create Socket Welds from Spec
ii) If component is out of spec, use same source
are greyed out and inactive the same as all the other options on the form, for any
user who does not have write access to database.
90647 194382 Title: WeldGap Config Fails in Imperial
Symptoms: If a user is using imperial units rather than metric the WeldGap
Config form is unable to store any results entered and read them back in.
Previous/Known workaround: Create all of the configs using a Metric format
and then swap over to an Imperial format. The reason we have this problem is
because some of the conversions from Imperial to Metric are slightly out (~0.1-
0.3mm) resulting in errors as the numbers don't match up. If we create the
configs in a metric format however, and then use an Imperial format after they
have been created the metric values will be converted correctly.
Solution: We store the current units and swap the units to mm during the
creation of the WeldGap configs due to the DDSE element of the config having to
be stored in a metric format. Once this element has been created we restore the
previous units and continue with the previous operation.
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Product Release Letter
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
68410 179850 Title: Draft - Draft places two labels when there should only be one while
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Using autotagging on branches will now results in only one label being
created per branch.
81746 181908 Title: Isodraft - Depending the cases (with bends), some overall dimensions are
missing on isometrics
Symptoms: Depending the cases (with bends), some overall dimensions are
missing on isometrics.
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: Check if end of drawing or pipeline. If shop weld dimensioning is
ON and there are 2 or more components, then supply an overall dimension.
87849 187757 Title: Draft - Mixed units within a single text or label element not possible
Symptoms: All distances within a single text or label are given the same units, it
is not possible for example to have one in metres and another in mm
Previous/Known workaround: Split the intelligent text into two labels or text
elements with different units
Solution:The Intelligent Text 'Alternate Units' can now be specified as well as
the principal units, so you can have two sets of units in the same text s or label
(e.g. m and mm).
For example:
On the LAYERr:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
89708 192130 Title: Deleting InterDB macro in Monitor as FREE user doesn't work
Symptoms: If you access Monitor as a FREE user and type the command
DELETE MACRO 1 on the command line, it appears the command has been
successful. You do not get an error message to tell ypu why the macro has not
been deleted, and the file on the operating system remains.
Previous/Known workaround: Delete macro in Admin.
Solution: Removed the inhibition in the code that was stopping FREE users from
deleting InterDB macros. It will now return an error if you are not allowed to
delete the macro or if it can't be found.
90397 193784 Title: 12.1.SP4.30 - new graphics is not working even on a new powerful laptop
Symptoms: Missing geometry when using arcs with very small angle
Previous/Known workaround: Force legacy OpenGL renderer by setting
environment variable AVEVA_GRAPHICS_XP_COMPATIBLE=1
Solution: Fix arc tessellation for small angles.
90289 194446 Title: Equipment - PDMS 12.1SP4.26 Design Graphics problem
Symptoms: Capping does not show correctly.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Added support for large coordinates in GL renderer.
Initial Design:
Δ/(40T) cm
Δ is the displacement in salt water in tonnes at the summer load waterline; and
T is the tonnes per centimetre immersion in salt water at the summer load
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
86473, 184546, Title: Compartment names not exported from Surface & Compartment
88826 190411 Symptoms: "s" written to cxml file instead of the long name of compartment.
Previous/Known workaround: Hand edit the long names after export.
Solution: Corrected so the long name of the Compartement is exported.
88468 189378 Title: Calc Error in KGf
Symptoms: KGf did not match between equilibrium and critical report in the
loading condition report
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: Error has been corrected by a code change.
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
86013 186420 Title: Bracket Toe
Symptoms: For bracket syntax 7 type KL is impossible to change toe height at
the end of arm A by giving parameter C. Giving parameter D for toe height at arm
B works fine.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Modified so that C measure will affect the toe height.
87044 188175 Title: AUTO Bevel to consider GAP for MSI=TOP, BOT
Symptoms: When the GAP rule is in effect, there is no way to get the negative
bevel in case connection angle is negative.
Previous/Known workaround: Define rules for angles instead of GAP.
Solution: Corrected so the system will automatically change the bevel code sign
incase the connection angle is negative.
88325 189631 Title: Adding expression 'MNG' in hole statement by hand
Symptoms: when adding the keyword MNG to a hole that is not a managed hole,
this hole is locked and cannot be removed.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Correction has been made to prohibit to give MNG for a none managed
hole and to prevent removing it.
89130 190795 Title: New panels cannot be created any more in single view mode
Symptoms: IF Hull Modeling default GEN_VIEW=SINGLE, when a new view is
added, it is not possible to create new panels via Statement Wizard. System
Previous/Known workaround: Set GEN_VIEW to ALL.
Solution: Corrected so Statement Wizard will continue as expected when single
view is used.
89172 190900 Title: Old Views have now limits 500000 since fix 26
Symptoms: Symbolic Views created previous to SP4.Fix.26 has limit values
Previous/Known workaround: Have no practical meaning but can be confusing
and disturbing in-hous programming.
Solution: The value 500000 was previous Fix.26 supressed and is now fixed to
be supressed again.
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
88689 189720 Title: Curved Panel View show incorrect END2 of all cstiffs
Symptoms: Gap defined at END1 of a stiffener belonging to a Curved Panel is
shown also at END2, even if there is no gap defined. This does not depend on
how the gap is defined, explicitly or by connection code.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the gap of stiffener end 2 gets
correct also in the curved panel view.
88691 189724 Title: Cstiff split, only CON=40
Symptoms: It is not possible to control the default connection code when splitting
shell profiles.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually modify the connection on each shell
Solution: A new environment variable, SBH_SHSTI_DEF_CON, can be used to
set the default connection code for Shell Stiffeners. This will be used when new
shell stiffeners are created. If not defined, connection code 40 will be used.
88690 190427 Title: Shell expansion views show stiffening always on CL-side of the surface
Symptoms: Profiles created on the outside surface is shown as inside in the
ShellX draing.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that side of the profiles are also
handled in shell expansion views.
89227 191103 Title: Not possible to predefine STRIP CONTROL for shell plates.
Symptoms: Missing possibillity to redefine the default setting of Strip control.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually change for each plate.
Solution: New default keyword, PDV_STRIP_CTRL, is added. Possible values
are: "PrinciplePlane" (default), "Perpendicular" and "Distributed".
89521 191678 Title: Modification of individual cstiffs not correct!
Symptoms: When many shell Stiffeners are activated and modification is per
shell stiffener, the function stops if one of the stiffeners has no changes (ok is
presses without any changes in any fields).
Previous/Known workaround: Activate one stiffener at the time.
Solution: Corrected so the function will continue with the next stiffener in any
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
87002 185583 Title: FE Modeler- Surface and Planar Panel on the same location
Symptoms: If there is Surface and planar panel at the same location ,system can
not seperate each other and creates double Shell elements on top of each other.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Note that this is only applicable in the rare case that a planar panel is
located in a surface and defined with LOC='[SURFACENAME]' and a 3D-point
(the latter is used to get the surface normal in/near that point to define the panel
When a planar panel is defined in the described way and processed by the FE
Modeller all panel components are handled as usual - except the plates - and the
thickness for the surface shell elements is fetched from the panel plates. This will
avoid duplicated elements.
Hull Production:
Hull Nesting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
86728 185118 Title: Hull profile nesting problem
Symptoms: Nesting of profiles (I-bars) is not placed on the same raw profile.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Profile nesting corrected for I-bars so the full length of the raw material
is used.
88258 189046 Title: AUTO_POSNO_POSITION is not working
Symptoms: The system is not consider any value of AUTO_POSNO_POSITION.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so AUTO_POSNO_POSITION is handling the parameters
and the position number is placed accordingly.
88462 189685 Title: PLCM Crash
Symptoms: PLCM application crashes, when you press Cancel button in New
nesting (NestJob New) dialog box.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the application do not abort when Cancel is pressed.
89035 190578 Title: Open nesting with missing parts crashes the application
Symptoms: See title.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so missing parts will be handled and Nest will be opened.
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
72989 149241 Title: The keyword SEARCH_ALL_DEPTS for marine draft default is invalid
Symptoms: The keyword SEARCH_ALL_DEPTS can have the value yes or no
but here is no differance in search.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The keyword "SEARCH_ALL_DEPTS" in Marine Drafting has now
been removed. It has no meaning in 12.1.SP4.
74804 153237 Title: Marine Drafting Open claimed drawing information warning
Symptoms: There are no message when trying to open a drawing that is already
claimed by another user.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: An error message will be displayed when the drawing is already
74941 153765 Title: Marine Drafting Open claimed drawing information warning
Symptoms: There are no message when trying to open a drawing that is already
claimed by another user.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: An error message will be displayed when the drawing is already
75654 156288 Title: Model Info not fetch the information from Assembly Model
Symptoms: Using Model Info on an Assembly View does not give any result. It is
no problem on an ordinary Model View.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Model Info is now fetched from Assambly Model. An Update Design is
needed on already created views.
173770 Title: Dimensioning Radius will show a maximum of 2 decimal values
Symptoms: Changing the number of decimals to more than two decimals for the
Radius measure does not work.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: When creating radius or diameter dimensioning, the precision will not
be restricted to two decimals anymore.
82809 176159 Title: DWGPurge() does not do the same as the interactive function
Symptoms: It does not do the same as the interactive Function "Tools, Inspect
Drawing, Purge".
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: To get same behavior in DwgPurge compared to interactive function
Tools/Inspect Drawing/Purge, one requirement is that customer have the same
settings for MODEL_SUBVIEW_PURGE and MODEL_VIEW_PURGE also when
invoking DwgPurge. This is customers responsibility to check this.
= 0 No
= 1 Yes (default value)
The value of "PreserveSlice" should correspond to what was ordered during
interactive transform (here the user is explicitly asked how to treat sliced-away
model subviews)
83435 177668 Title: DXF export doesn't export some subpictures
Symptoms: Some subpictures are missing in the export.
Previous/Known workaround: Try defining the variable
Solution: Corrected so the missing subpictures are exported.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
84050 178849 Title: Enhancement to show Evaluated Text at first in Modify dimension.
Symptoms: When you modify to Dimension Text, evaluated text showed first.
Previous/Known workaround: Original text is showed first. Select “Option” to
see evaluated text.
Solution: The issue is solved by remembering from where the predefined text
(original or evaluation) was fetched, troughout the session. This means that:
1. The first time the function "Edit dimension text" is used, the predefined value is
initially fetched from original text
2. The following times the function is used, the predefined value is initially fetched
from last used source.
84912, 180974, Title: Problem not to verify the models to newly add the symbolic view at the
86031 183504 attached drawing.
Symptoms: View ID's sometimes get's corrupt and the system does not
recognize the view as a Model View.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Check and repair if View ID's will now be done automatically whenever
a drawing is opened (File/Open, SHEET/Open, MarApi DwgOpen, Import SDB).
86419 185061 Title: Defect of Note
Symptoms: Aligned multi line texts on note return to default after move the
Previous/Known workaround: Manually rearrange the note after it has been
Solution: Position of note text is now kept after move operation.
82038 185281 Title: Modify Dimension Presentation Hot Key
Symptoms: There are four alternative in "Text and Arrow Layout" when
modifying a dimention. Request is to be able to use keystroke 1-4 instead of
mouse click to select which style to use.
Previous/Known workaround: Only mouse indication is available.
Solution: It is now possible to use keyboard keys 1-4 to select the wanted layout
in Modify/Dimension/Presentation dialog as well as mouse click.
87009 185609 Title: After recreate Shell expansion view, Part seams are disappear.
Symptoms: After recreating a shell expansion view it could happen that some
seams disappeared.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that some seams are not
disappearing after recreating a Shell expansion view.
87338 186289 Title: SVIEW_LT_COL - STI_ABUT_TS and STI-ABUT_OS are not working
Symptoms: The statements for LT object STI_ABUT_TS and STI-ABUT_OS are
not working.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so Line type for abutting stiffeners is handled via the LT
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
186324 Title: Copy Drawing - give explicit new name to drawing copy
Symptoms: Improvement to existing interactive/batch Copy Drawing function
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: It is now possible to give an explicit drawing name when copying a
drawing in interactive mode, in batch mode and using a MarAPI method. All of
these three options only works at SHEE or DRWG levels.
The "Copy Drawing" dialogue has been updated with a new field to give the
explicit name. If given, the prefix/suffix fields for the drawing are disabled.
A new MarAPI method has been implemented, "dwgcopy", which takes three
arguments; name of source drawing, name of target registry and explicit name of
new drawing. If an empty string is input as new explicit name, then autonaming is
used (old name with prefix or suffix).
87412 186529 Title: Penetrations under SCTNs and STWALLs cannot be picked or have their
own representation
Symptoms: Penetrations under SCTNs and STWALLs, unlike FLOORs and
PANEls, always get their representation from their owner elements and cannot be
given their own representation rules, nor can they be picked.
Previous/Known workaround: Labels can be placed manually against
penetrations eg using the syntax "ON <penetration-design-element>
Solution: Penetrations under SCTNs and STWALLs now behave like those
under FLOORs and PANEls, so any representation rule that affects the
corresponding design element will be applied. The penetration will also be
pickable, but only where it corresponds to a design or catalog entity for which
ppoints are defined.
Note that representation rules do not distinguish between negatives and
positives, so if an element under the SCTN or STWALL has both, the penetration
and the standard geometry will pick up the same representation.
87830 187661 Title: department without a name created in PADD database, where it should
give the warning
Symptoms: When there is no department in PADD database, system creates a
nameless department and registry
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: The problem is fixed:
1. The system behaves the same way if you remove the drawing type in the "New
Drawing" dialog.
2. You will get a message "Failed to persist the new drawing in the PADD
database" instead of having a new drawing in an unnamed dept/regi.
88111 188498 Title: Marine drafting Insert Model out of slice scope in the sketch
Symptoms: when adding outfitting models to a Marine Drafting View, the models
are not clipped.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem is fixed, outfitting models should now be clipped also
when adding models to an existing view.
88704 189854 Title: Unable to regroup a subpicture level 3 while using the Polygon NOCUT
Symptoms: While attempting to use the Tools > Subpicture > Regroup, and
making use of option 6 (set to NOCUT) followed by option 4 (Polygon), the
system reports a FATAL ERROR and crashes after drawing the selection box.
Trying the same command but using option 3 (Geometry), works successfully.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so system will not abort.
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Product Release Letter
Design Reuse:
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Product Release Letter
Pipe Fabrication:
59048 102470 Title: Pipe Fabrication: Changing of spool type leaves pipe validated
Symptoms: NA
Previous/Known workaround: NA
Solution: Introduced a condition to check Modified Spools count greater than
zero or not. If the count is greater than zero invalidating all pipe pieces of that
particular spool.
73900 151561 Title: If the attribute PSTYP of the PSPOOL has one value settled by user, this
value should remain till th
Symptoms: NA
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: when spool type has been changed by the user and when the system
changes it to another type an information message box is displayed.
81025 172558 Title: [PipeFabrication]Pipe Spool is splitting between branches even if there's
no break fitting
Symptoms: NA
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Supplemented logic to check SHOP properly. If the order for SHOP is
not same as MAS, the program works incorrectly.
83236 177081 Title: Abnormal Material Lists in Those Pipe Spool Drawing Including Set-on Tee
Symptoms: N/A
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: New method introduced in code to set part number '0' to set on tee's,
that solved the issue.
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Product Release Letter
86420 184406 Title : Cannot add or validate spool if SPKBRK attribute of ATTA is false
Symptoms :Cannot validate with an error '(2,201) Element ileave tube of
ATTACHMENT 1 of BRANCH 1 of PIPE 1 of ZONE /TEST-DSME does not have
attribute SHOP'.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Code now checks that the element next to the ATTA is not a TUBE
element, if it isn't we check the SHOP attribute of the next component, if it is we
use the default SHOP value of true.
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Product Release Letter
80769 172064 Title: Isodraft - Disable NSBC Detail Plot production
Symptoms: Cannot disable production.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: New option provided on Detail Plots Option form.
80843 172217 Title: Piping - OSType attribute returns incorrect value on first tubi in branch
Symptoms: Incorrect OSType returned for first TUBI in branch.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Returns OSType BRAN.
74695 174450 Title: Structures - FIXING added to CE mirror list of element types
Symptoms: FIXINGs not copied by CE mirror function.
Previous/Known workaround: Use graphical selection, not CE.
Solution: FIXING added to CE mirror list of element types.
81832 176121 Title: Admin - SCOPE of ALL FOR BLOCK not working as expected
Symptoms: When trying to create an ACR for a basic Hull designer, who has a
SCOPE of all elements for a BLOCK and below. The ROLE is provding access
for ALL elements and the SCOPE is defined as ALL FOR BLOCK. However, the
result is access to all elements below the BLOCK but not the BLOCK itself.
Previous/Known workaround: As a work-around, you can adjust my SCOPE to
ALL, and create a ROLE-PEROP for BLOCK HIERAR but this may cause issues
in the future.
Solution: Code has been changed to include the element when creating the
secondary hierarchy. This was the cause of the problem. The BLOCK definition
is defined with the SECOLL set which means to just use the secondary
79384 177451 Title: HVAC - Add Flip oin this releaseption to HVAC Stiffener forms
Symptoms: Previously had to Flip on command line
Previous/Known workaround: Flip on command line
Solution: Option 'Flip & Connect' added to form ...but also rely on a Model
Change in MASTER/HVACCATA (delivery required from AVEVA to maintain
reference numbers for future) 12.1.sp5 and E3D2.1 are the next scheduled
Project deliveries.
83880 178521 Title: Report Designer, PMLADDIN "XLSX output" format is lost.
Symptoms: N/A
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Able to export report to XLS format through pml macro by setting
export Text mode either 'Text' or Value'.
84321 179495 Title: Piping - Include acrossdb does not update detref on spco if SDTE element
has been transfered.
Symptoms: DETREF set to unknown ref.
Previous/Known workaround: Needed manual correction.
Solution: Now fixed.
84746 180600 Title: Admin - PFIT with CMPREF gives bad weight for panels
Symptoms: Weight of panel double the true value.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Fixed.
84658 180650 Title: HVAC - HSVLD not working the same as PSVLD
Symptoms: Missing pseudo attribute.
Previous/Known workaround: Use UDAS?
Solution: New pseudo logical attribute HSVLD added which returns true if a
hVAC spool is valid.
86172 184347 Title: Reporting - Error while extracting the report :Parameters in Report
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Parameters shows appropriate values in both preview and on run
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Product Release Letter
86885 185343 Title: Isodraft - FTUB weight incorrect for Skey TUBE
Symptoms: Component weight is treated as a unit weight and multiplied by
fitting length.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Divide BRWEIG by FITLEN for FTUB with Skey TUBE.
87085 185733 Title: Problem not to pick the compents when set REPRESENTATION
Symptoms: translucent insulation for piping components cannot be picked.
Previous/Known workaround: Use solid insulation.
Solution: Now fixed.
87090 185738 Title: Design - Problem for some elements(CTOR / RTOR / EXTR / SNOU) not
to apply to translucency
Symptoms: Drawn solid
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Fixed.
87147 185849 Title: Structures - Problem not to display structural steel objstructions when
setting into translucency for obstruction
Symptoms: Obstructions drawn solid
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Fixed.
87412 186529 Title: Draft - Penetrations under SCTNs and STWALLs cannot be picked or have
their own representation
Symptoms: Penetrations under SCTNs and STWALLs, unlike FLOORs and
PANEls, always get their representation from their owner elements and cannot
be given their own representation rules, nor can they be picked.
Previous/Known workaround: Labels can be placed manually against
penetrations eg using the syntax "ON <penetration-design-element>
Solution: Penetrations under SCTNs and STWALLs now behave like those
under FLOORs and PANEls, so any representation rule that affects the
corresponding design element will be applied. The penetration will also be
pickable, but only where it corresponds to a design or catalog entity for which
ppoints are defined.
Note that representation rules do not distinguish between negatives and
positives, so if an element under the SCTN or STWALL has both, the penetration
and the standard geometry will pick up the same representation.
87532 186818 Title: Design - FT06 ancillary orientation error
Symptoms: Framework ancillaries do not orientate properly with the direction
input in the direction form.
Previous/Known workaround: Manual rotation of the ancillary in the mdsFT06
Solution: Fixed.
87559 186883 Title: Spooler - NSBD detail plots absent from Spool Drawing isometric
Symptoms: No NSBC detail plots.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Create NSBC detail plots for Spool Drawings.
87377 187003 Title: HVAC - Penetrations on the arrive side of curved HVAC components
Symptoms: Penetration incorrectly positioned and fails validation.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Improved calculation of arrive side penetrations with curved HVAC
87692 187256 Title: MDS reports missing text in description
Symptoms: Hyphenated description text would be trimmed so that only the text
after the hyphen is displayed.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Fix to reporting software.
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Product Release Letter
88485 189396 Title: Admin - Export format is in xlsx but import is in xls
Symptoms: You can only import files with an extension of XLS
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Changed file filter to Export as XLSX (as this is the format the files are
exported as) and import nows has XLSX as well as XLS.
87817 189878 Title: Attribute Usrwcogravity do not take into account local axis of Equipment
Symptoms: Wrong COG.
Previous/Known workaround: Use Design Point with COFG purpose
Solution: Now corrected.
89755 192328 Title: (2,754) Argument 1 to GT is unset found trying to create a boss connection
Symptoms: None standard Branch connections fail with an array error
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: This error is resolved by anticipating the possible error.
Planar Hull:
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Hull Structural Design:
Hull Production:
Hull Nesting:
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Product Release Letter
Marine Drafting:
Schematic 3D Integrator:
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
72071 146529 Title: Stype Error on Weld Handling
Symptoms: If there is no proper stype, the program will be stopped.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The program modified to have below message if there is proper Stype
for creating weld(s). "The Stype specified on the Weld Gap Config form does not
exist in the current Pipe specification".
74329 154644 Title: Welds should be povided with proper naming and numbering when created
using component creation form
Previous/Known workaround: when user added welds from weldhandling form,
already existing welds created using componentcreation form will having proper
naming and numbering.
Solution: Welds are given naming and proper serial number while created using
component creation form.
Symptoms: While running the Weld Handling for Creating Weld at various
location if the Pipe Consist of different Spec Component the Weld is Created with
the Spec of Pipe and not Component which results out as Spec Break at every
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Based on the status of of CheckBox labelled 'If component is Out of
Spec, use the same source' in Weld Gap Config form, the spec has been taken
from the Component to assign weld.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
59298 103497 Title: Piping - After creating and positioning a new branch in NSBC it is not
possible to change the branch bore.
Symptoms: N/A
Previous/Known workaround: Delete the branch and start again.
Solution: It is now possible to change the bore after initial creation and
positioning so long as the branch has no components. The bore gadget has
now been moved to a more suitable position so that the user is more aware of
what bore he is using. For more information refer to section Enhancements
59294 103860 Title: Piping - Sometimes it was not possible to adjust the position of a Non
Standard Branch Connection on an ELBO.
Symptoms: Variable !INTERSECTION does not exist message.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: There was a problem with some elbows and bends not giving the
correct centre line arc in the underlying geometry calculations. There was test
to find the branch intersection with the bend centre line and it was supposed to
return a position from an array of two values. In some cases neither position
intersected the arc so no value was returned. This is now fixed. For more
information refer to section Enhancements above.
69936 140048 Title: When ISOTYPE is SPOOL and pipe has PTAPS, these are losing their
Symptoms: When ISOTYPE is SPOOL and pipe has PTAPS, these are
losing their representation.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: When handling spools, take account of Non-standard Branch
68593 141603 Title: Toolbar Docking
Symptoms: Floating toolbar position not restored between application
Previous/Known workaround: Toolbars must be repositioned by hand after
application switch.
Solution: Restore floating toolbar positions.
73586 150668 Title: Isodraft - On Imperial project, SKEW's value has no ['] or ["]
Symptoms: On Imperial project, SKEW's value has no ['] or ["]
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: If no fractions of inches, old code neglected to add "
84413 180267 Title: Problem moving a selected pipe part with Model Editor
Symptoms: Piping element moves to the wrong location
Previous/Known workaround: If the Pipe Editor is stopped and then
restarted then the element can be moved correctly.
Solution: The piping element now moves the right way without having to
restart the Pipe Editor.
84801 183231 Title: EDG(Event Driven Graphics) function Error
Symptoms: when using EDG(Event Driven Graphics) function on floated 3D
view, It has raised un-expected fatal error.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Fixed SGL to track Current_View. It was NULL following a prior
window deletion and that caused the crash. Also added code to protect
against windows which have been deleted outside of SGL and the reference in
SGL is not deleted.
86645 184866 Title: Admin - Crash caused by long session comments
Symptoms: Application crashes during Admin Backtrack or querying session
Previous/Known workaround: Ensure that session comments are less than
160 characters long
Solution: Have changed code so that it will accept the longer comments for
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
86753 185051 Title: Fatal error when using EDG after deleting a view in drawing
Symptoms: Clicking in empty space in 3D view after deleting a view in
drawing while using EDG results in fatal error
Previous/Known workaround: Avoid clicking in empty space.
Solution: Fixed graphical interaction application code.
86878 185289 Title: Behind model has been highlighted if ModelEditor is activated
Symptoms: Behind model has been highlighted if ModelEditor is activated
Previous/Known workaround:
Solution: We changed the pick culling to not cull against the sides of the pick
box because we know the result should be in the box even if exactly on the
side because of the nature of the algorithm. It was a problem with precision.
86908 185414 Title: Isodraft - NSBC_Exceed of tube length(dimension for iso3D)
Symptoms: Incorrect NSBC length
Previous/Known workaround: set ATEXT 289.
Solution: Handle null ATEXT 289 correctly.
87091 185737 Title: Spooler - Application exit when modify Category in Paragon module
under new version of graphical library
Symptoms: Application exit when modify Category in Paragon module under
new version of graphical library
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Also added code to protect against windows which have been
deleted outside of SGL and the reference in SGL is not deleted.
86874 185910 Title: HVAC - Contours of BEND elements disappear under new version of
graphical library(DirectX)
Symptoms: When switching to a wireline view the under new version of
graphical library(DirectX), some contours of BEND elements disappear.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The drawing code for RTORUS was missing an edge in the
wireframe case. The missing edge was added.
86742 187909 Title: Draft - ANNOTATTION PROBLEM IN ADP
Symptoms: See title.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Automatic annotation now works for ADP as expected. The
graphics angle can be set to 90, 180, 270, 360, -90, -180, -270 or -360
190857 Title: Piping - New 3D component creation function added
Symptoms: The user is unable to pick a component position outside the
constraints of the current centreline.
Known workaround: Not applicable
Solution: There is now a new Place3D button which allows the user to use all
of the event driven graphics functionality to pick a 3D position anywhere in the
model or screen canvas. Having created a component the model editor is
invoked to allow re-positioning.
190858 Title: Piping - The user would like to restrict non standard branch connections
to components and use conventional tee/olets in tube
Symptoms: N/A
Known workaround: N/A
Solution: The new piping settings form now has an option to exclude non
standard branch connections from tube.
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Product Release Letter
Initial Design:
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
80338 171179 Title: BEVEL attribute is not populated in HPANBI elements
Symptoms: The bevel information is not correct in the attributes on the panel
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the different attributes are updated with accurate
171815 Title: Deletion of seams due to shifting seams or changing boundary sequence
(referenced seams)
Symptoms: Seams related to boundaries are often missed to update when
boundaries are changed.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually go through all seams in the panel when
a boundary is modified.
Solution: A warning is given when a seam is deleted due to boundary changes.
80922 172346 Title: Can't get topology point via Vitesse or PML until panel stored.
Symptoms: Data extraction is always getting data from the planar panel stored
on the data base and not the current one in memory in the current session.
Previous/Known workaround: Save the planar panel before extracting data.
Solution: In the current session, the activated planar panel will be used and not
the saved copy on the data base when extracting data via Vitesse data extraction
82210 175221 Title: Impossible to cancel a flange creation operation
Symptoms: During a flange creation operation a user by mistake choose End 1
as a 'Profile section'. It is now not possible to cancel the operation and get back
to the Statement wizard.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so that now Operation Complete, End of Function etc. will
bring you back to the Statement Wizard.
83945 178627 Title: GUI form error on Hole for Curve
Symptoms: when creating a Hole defined by a curve and using "As Stored", the
M1 value field is locked and any value in that file is always populated to the
Previous/Known workaround: Manually remove the value in the schema editor.
Solution: The M1 value is no longer included in the statement when the hole is a
named object and "As Stored".
84942 181040 Title: NOC noch can not be defined on three edges bracket(EDGE_3)
Symptoms: Trying to add a NOC notch to a 3 edge bracket, fails.
Previous/Known workaround: no known workaround exists.
Solution: Fixed so NOC can be given for the 3 edge bracket.
85088 181239 Title: Cannot create a bracket of BMB type via syntax 8.
Symptoms: Using a BMB bracket in other syntaxes works fine but when using
syntax 8, the system respond with an error message sayng "16117 - Unknown
toe type of bracket...Modify?"
Previous/Known workaround: Make a copy of the BMB bracket in
sbh_bracket_ctrl and call it something else (e.g. BMB8) and use this bracket in
syntax 8.
Solution: Corrected so BMB can be used also in syntax 8.
85093 181240 Title: Cannot define the material side for curved stiffener.
Symptoms: Old planar panel schemas containing a curved stiffener where MSI
keyword is included, cannot be run in AVEVA Marine 12.1.
Previous/Known workaround: Remove the keyword MSI from the statement.
Solution: A correction is made so the system will not give any error for this. The
keyword MSI has no (and will not have) effect on curved planar stiffeners.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
85648 182748 Title: The highlight colour of the selected Panel Bracket does not show as a
Symptoms: When indicate a Panel Bracket in the Statement Wizard, only one
segment is highlighted. The expectation is the whole bracket to be highlighted.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Changed so the whole bracket is highlighted when indicated.
86102 183802 Title: Endcut may not be adapted to the curvature of stiffener connected to the
Symptoms: The endcut type is defined in SBH_ADJUST_ENDCUT but when
stiffener is connected to the surface, it is not adjusted to the curvature.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so curvature will be reflected when defined in
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Product Release Letter
Hull Production:
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
73049 149341 Title: 3D Event Point Snapping
Symptoms: Request the ability to customize which 3D Event Points the user is
allowed to select with 3D Event snapping to reduce the risk of errors (e.g. molded
vs. non-molded side of thickness).
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: A new "picking filter" for hull models is implemented. It can be activated
by setting the new drafting default keyword "HULL_PPOINT_PLINE_PICKING" to
"MouldSideOnly". This will reduce the number of p-points and p-lines in the 3D
point modes "event points".
80288 171038 Title: Missing/Unknown Drawings in Database
Symptoms: When drawings are listed in Open Drawing form, there are some
drawings that you can select but they do not have any names or any references
to drawings in database. They are blank drawings.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exsits.
Solution: A sheet without a user defined name is now being displayed by its DB-
reference number in the Open Drawing dialog.
85701 182847 Title: Guide dimension and actual dimension is displayed each differently.
Symptoms: When taken a measure and the measure is presented before it is
placed, is not the same measure that is seen when it is finaly placed in the
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists. This happens
mostly when 3 or more decimals are used in the measurement.
Solution: Problem solved, Guide dimension and actual dimension will now be
displayed the same.
85699 182850 Title: Unable to "exchange" Outfit parts, via PML, in a custom drawing directory
Symptoms: Error message saying that the model object is not found on the data
bank and that the data bank is not connected when trying to exchange Outfitting
parts via pml script.
Previous/Known workaround: The problem is caused by that fact that new
PADD databases does not have the "optional upgrade for SP3". (Admin will not
do this for you since it is not mandatory, you should be able to run 12.1.SP4
without this upgrade). So, work around is to do this upgrade which is strongly
recommended anyways (at least if all of your other database are upgraded.)
Solution: The problem is fixed, so it is possible to draw the models with MARAPI
also in a drawing of a user defined type.
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Product Release Letter
Schematic 3D Integrator:
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Product Release Letter
Pipe Fabrication:
if (!(arriveComponent.GetElementType() ==
DbElementTypeInstance.COUPLING ||
arriveComponent.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.WELD)
&& result.ArriveComponentLoose && result.UserArriveExcess > 0)
result.ArriveTubeLength = result.ArriveTubeLength + result.UserArriveExcess;
82353 175396 Title: MarineDrafting: Model Exchange claims unexpected PIPE which
containing pspool elements.
Symptoms: NA
Previous/Known workaround: None that works in all scenarios.
Solution: Marine Drafting uses now the Production Checks utility in the same
mode as when Production Checks is disabled. So no pipes/branches are getting
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Product Release Letter
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
84486 179920 Title: Gasket and Bolt are not shown in Iso drawing.
Symptoms: Gasket and Bolt are not shown in Iso drawing.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: When checking if Gasket and Bolt messages are to be output - ignore
84483 180427 Title: In Paragon, the STYPE for a specification cannot be set to a string that
represents a unit. For example 'HP' cannot be used.
Symptoms: Errors occur when setting or modifying specification components
Previous/Known workaround: Use specon or speconmode
Solution: In the intermediate output file, if a number is followed by a string, the
string is explicitly marked as text.
84773 180667 Title: Capping appears incorrect in some 3D views.
Symptoms: Capping appears incorrect or inverted depending in some 3D views.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Translucency no longer affects stencil buffer during capping stage.
85258 181618 Title: Isodraft - No angle indication for second TEE ELBOW in Isodraft
Symptoms: No angle indication for second TEE ELBOW in Isodraft
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Check to see if angle is within accuracy limits.
85404 182023 Title: Customisation - Clipping backface issue
Symptoms: When clipping is on internal back faces of are not appearing.
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: Turn back face culling off when clipping is on.
85418 182134 Title: Interfaces - Change of arc tolerance accuracy for batch conversion doesn't
Symptoms: In the exported STEP file the arc tolerance of 1 or 0.5 mm is not
taken but only the default of 10 mm.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the current representation arc tolerance will be used.
85586 182615 Title: Isodraft - Wrong offset calculation for ECC-reducer in slopelines by useing
0 Radi Bends
Symptoms: Wrong offset calculation for ECC-reducer in slopelines by useing 0
Radi Bends.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Detect zero-length bends next to eccentric reducers when calculating
85754 183097 Title: Isodraft - Incorrect bolting for wafer connection with different bolt types
Symptoms: Incorrect bolting on isometric.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Consider Wafer Bolt Type for each Bolt Path.
86026 183501 Title: Isodraft - Outcom Label is on Wrong Item with the Option of Hyperplant
Symptoms: Outcom Label is on Wrong Item with the Option of Hyperplant 'ON'.
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: Detect position of label correctly.
86027 183502 Title: Isodraft - An unnecessary extra CutPipeLength is generated with the
option of Hyperplant 'ON'
Symptoms: An unnecessary extra CutPipeLength is generated with the option of
Hyperplant 'ON'.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: If attachment attached to an non-MTO component, do not set cut
length marker.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
86066 183597 Title: Isodraft - Sheet Element and hit Element are different when hyperplant
option is on
Symptoms: Sheet Element and hit Element are different when hyperplant option
is on.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Do not split pipeline at a hyperplant record.
86416 184405 Title: Structures - Incorrect hierarchy when copying a FIXING element
Symptoms: FIXING created as a member of a FIXING and not as a sibling.
Previous/Known workaround: Using an alternative copy method.
Solution: Check for a FIXING element being copied next to a FIXING in the DB.
86836 185206 Title: Design - SHOP false ATTAs shown in BELRFA
Symptoms: SHOP false ATTAs show in PSPOOL.
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: Remove SHOP false ATTAs from BELRFA.
Hull Production:
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
84442 179726 Title: Enter key seems to work as escape key if Enter key is pressed
Symptoms: Enter key seems to work as escape key if Enter key is pressed
Previous/Known workaround: Avoid pressing enter key many times as this
will eventually cancel progress.
Solution: Fixed - enter key no longer tabs to cancel button.
85215 181532 Title: Show Pipe Dimensions Does Not Work in fix 25
Symptoms: NA
Previous/Known workaround: NA
Solution: Assessed Issue. A global object
!!pipeModelDimension = object PIPEMODELDIMENSION() was declared and
drawDimension method was called using
and therefore it is throwing error !pipeModelDimension variable not found.
182831 Title: Incorrect pick results using ID@
Symptoms: Incorrect pick results using ID@
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Fixed inconsistency in picking code.
183135 Title: Design crashes when loading E3D project containing GPWL with new
E3D Nouns
Symptoms: Load a E3D project like ACP using Design 12.1 SP4. Once it has
loaded expand any of the GPWL elements. Design will close with a fatal error.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: The E3D ACP project contains some new Nouns under GPWL.
These are not in 12.1. When the code was reading the data under GPWL and
encountered one of the new Nouns it was ignoring the check that the Noun
wasn't known and carrying on instead of ignoring it and reading the next one.
184012 Title: ESC not unhighlighting picked elements
Symptoms: After pressing ESC key with left mouse down during graphical
pick highlighting is not cleared
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: We now ensure that highlighting is always cleared.
Assembly Planning:
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Product Release Letter
Initial Design:
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Product Release Letter
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
74073 152044 Title: Occasional Error -4 in Hull Application
Symptoms: Using Hole Management, there is an occasional error message
"Error -4".
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: A more detailed error message will be produced.
75656 156544 Title: Error because of BVS argument
Symptoms: When a stiffener contains the keyword BVS=MOU, the system gives
an error message about translation of tags that fails.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Changes have been made so that using BVS= MOU will no longer
cause a problem.
75111 157484 Title: Scheme editor has a problem
Symptoms: Using User Defined Endcuts with many parameters will cut off the
parameter list when opening a planar panel schema.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so all parameters in UCP will be included when reopening
the schema.
77735 162395 Title: Panel store triggers (PRE & POST) not fired when creating knuckled panel
Symptoms: Using the function Planar Hull-->Panel-->Knuckled, the Pre and post
triggers are not fired.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Store trigger is now fired when creating a knuckled panel.
77766 162478 Title: The tolerance of variant is not changing for chamfer.
Symptoms: The tolerance defined by TOL in the VARIANT statement in the
Bevel Control File has no affect.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the thickness tolerance will be checked against the
tolerance given in the bevel control definition (in statement VARIANT (and if
CHAMFER_ADJUST is set to 99).
77975 163606 Title: Chamfer representation wrong in symbolic views after modification of bevel
/ chamfer
Symptoms: If a bevel (via weld statement) results in a chamfer, then following
weld will also be drawn with chamfer.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so only bevel intervals containing chamfer will be displayed
with chamfer.
77447 163822 Title: Stiffener modifying has a problem in statement wizard
Symptoms: M1 value is not shown in the Statement Wizard for the Stiffener.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually add the M1 value.
Solution: When the distance value was negative it would previously not be filled
in by the StatementWizard when modifying.
78562 164981 Title: Knuckled Panel, Clip is disappeared on 3D view.
Symptoms: The clips on a Knuckled Panel is not displayed in the 3D view.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been resolved so that the Clips are seen in the 3D-
view for a knuckled panel.
79015 166730 Title: "Consider shell plate compensation" option missing in Boundary wizard
Symptoms: This option was not available through the wizard.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually update schema file with CMP keyword.
Solution: Tick box is added.
79948 169709 Title: Wrong colour of Panel Intersect symbols
Symptoms: In 12.1.SP¤ Fix.22 the colour of Panel intersect Symbol turned red
with no chance to change it.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the colour is fetched from the drafting default keyword
NOTE_COL as it did previous to Fix.22.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
80213 170651 Title: Problem not to change the value of GEN_VIEW
Symptoms: Having default keyword GEN_VIEW set to SINGLE and then change
it to ALL will not update the views.
Previous/Known workaround: Change the value in the default file and restart
the application.
Solution: When changing the default parameter GEN_VIEW from SINGLE to
ALL now all views are updated when modifying the panels.
80787 172182 Title: DIM WCOG changes the attribute GWEIGH
Symptoms: In certain cases, the weight (GWEI) is showing the weight of the
MAPLTE and not the DESI plate as required via SBH_WEIGHT_FROM_DESI.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The error has been corrected and the dimensioning will show the
WCOG according to how SBH_WEIGHT_FROM_DESI is set.
80887 172306 Title: Size of SWAGE symbol is differed between STI and SWA
Symptoms: The size of the symbol for a swage defined vis the SWA statement is
smaller than if the swage is defined via the STI statement.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the height of the symbols are handled in the same way.
Please note that the definition of swage via the STI statement is unsupported.
81171 172890 Title: Folded flange is strange in 3D view
Symptoms: In some cases folded flange is drawn strange in Input Model 3D view
for customer defined flanges.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the flange is drawn correctly.
81458 173487 Title: Partname of knuckled panel doubling is wrong
Symptoms: Duplicate partnames of doublings in knuckled panel.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Corrected knuckled panel doubling partname.
82116 174989 Title: Recreate view, wrong handling of symbols for "panel intersect"
Symptoms: The "Panel Intersect" symbols are missing (or misplaced) after View
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the panel intersect symbols does
not disappear or move.
82671 175949 Title: Bracket stiffener of knuckle panel will not display on the 3D view.
Symptoms: Creating a knuckle panel using a panel with a bracket stiffener,
bracket stiffener will not be displayed on the 3D view.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the bracket stiffener is shown in
knuckle panels on 3D view.
82714 176031 Title: Defined angle value of Boundary will gone after Apply and Deactivate.
Symptoms: When defining negative angle value of Free Boundary to create a
panel, the values will be gone after Apply and Deactivate.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Correction made to keep negative angle values.
82802 176122 Title: System will inputted PQUAL for new bracket automatically if the bracket
defined without stiff
Symptoms: The keyword PQUAL is included in the bracket statement also when
there is no stiffener on the bracket.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually remove the keyword (or just let it be, it
has no effect on the bracket if no profile is valid).
Solution: The reason is that a previous stiffener had a quality defined but this
was not reset when the bracket statement is built up so the profile quality was set
to be the same as the last stiffener. This is not corrected so the quality is always
correctly fetched from the bracket stiffener and is reset if no stiffener is defined on
the bracket.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
82832 176451 Title: Vitesse holes not working
Symptoms: Vitesse holes in stiffeners and curved Panels is not working.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Vitesse holes in stiffeners and curved Panels stopped working in
version 12.1.SP4 Fix.22. This is now corrected so Vitesse holes are available
also for Stiffeners and Curved Panels.
83084 176669 Title: X-direction will be opposite side in detail view.
Symptoms: when making a top view of a stiffener, the view is turned compared
to other views.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually rotate the top view.
Solution: Corrected so the top view of a stiffener will be orientated in the same
way as a side view of the stiffener.
83287 177432 Title: The position numbers of the doubling plates
Symptoms: For a symmetrical panel with a symmetrical doubling plate with
different position number for PS and SB, the different doubling plates both get the
port side position number.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the position number of the reflected doubling plate will be
correctly assigned.
83499 177758 Title: One-limit boundary
Symptoms: Not possible to create a Planar Panel with only one boundary.
Previous/Known workaround: Make sure the boundary consists of at least two
Solution: It is now possible to make one-limit boundaries in plane panels.
81439 178929 Title: HSTIFF with HPRHOL
Symptoms: Vitesse holes in stiffeners is not working.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Vitesse holes in stiffeners stopped working in version 12.1.SP4 Fix.22.
This is now corrected so Vitesse holes are available also for Stiffeners.
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
75066 156252 Title: It takes a very long time to recreate limit table in Curved Hull
Symptoms: -----
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The performance has been improved for the function to create limit
75069 157487 Title: Shell profile data has been corrupted because of unknown reason.
Symptoms: -----
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: This happens in Renaming of a Shell Profile. The issue is corrected so
the renaming of a shell profile works as expected without corrupting the profile.
76011 157723 Title: Curved Panel "Dimensioning" function
Symptoms: when making a dimensioning with the curved Panel Dimensioning
tool, some of the dimensions is upside down.
Previous/Known workaround: Manual move the incorrect measure strings.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the dimensions are not mirrored
depending on the direction of the measurement.
75752 157969 Title: Shell profile data has been corrupted because of unknown reason.
Symptoms: -----
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: This happens in Renaming of a Shell Profile. The issue is corrected so
the renaming of a shell profile works as expected without corrupting the profile.
76234 158157 Title: The values of Curve and Frame ObjIds attribute in CPanParts node of
Cplate Xml have a limitation
Symptoms: when adding more than 25 curves to be marked on a Shell Plate, the
system aborts in Batch Curved Hull.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: There was a limit of 24 marking curves that was handled by the
system. This limit is increased to 250.
78312 164305 Title: Shell Plate Thickness Compensation Error code 204 with variable
Symptoms: The error is shown when creating symbolic views and the view is
then incomplete.
Previous/Known workaround: The shell plate limit table has incorrect/old shell
plates listed. To correct this please use the function "Project/ Recreate Limit
Tables". Choose shell plates as Object Type, and run the function.
Solution: Shell plate compensation has been changed to be able to handle such
incorrect objects.
78808 166224 Title: Incorrect shell plate partname shown in model info
Symptoms: Assembly definition missing in shell plate partname when shown in
model info.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Shell plate partname retrieval corrected in model info function.
80911 172319 Title: Starboard Curved Panel Symbolic View – Mirrored holes
Symptoms: A curved panel view for a starboard-only curved panel displays holes
in their mirrored location as if modelled on the port side panel.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the holes are drawn on Starboard
81392 173311 Title: Some inclination points of shell profile are shown repeatedly after RunXML.
Symptoms: when using an XML file containing inclination points for a shell
profile, some points are duplicated in the shell profile.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually remove the duplicates.
Solution: XMl input will now remove duplicate inclination points.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
81337 175354 Title: Thickness definition on SB specific Curved plate wrong
Symptoms: Defining a shell plate with inside thickness 1.0 mm and outside
thickness > 1.0 will result in wrong graphical representation in the symbolic views.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the drawing of such plate will show the correct plate
83285 177232 Title: When recreate Shell Expansion view, performance is too bad.
Symptoms: Create ShellX view was improved in SP4.23 but ReCreate ShellX
view still has poor performance.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Recreate ShellX view performance has been improved.
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Product Release Letter
Space Management:
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
68208 134658 Title: The WEB marking of flange is strange on SP-panel(Over CL).
Symptoms: The marking of a welded flange belonging to a CL knuckled panel is
outside the profile in the profile sketch.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Web marking on the flange is corrected.
68276 134833 Title: End segment information of EXCESS(EXCESS_VALUE = 0.0) output
position is strange on KN-Panel.
Symptoms: Excess is partly included in previous and following part limit.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Plane panel parts generation corrected so that shrinkage caused by
knuckle panels seams are considered when excess is added.
68976 137124 Title: Cutout shape is incorrect with weld in Plate part.
Symptoms: In some cases, the KS notch is removed from the cutout in
ppanparts when bevel is applied to the plate.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so that KS-notches in cutouts are retained when applying
weld on plate part limit. This is however, dependent on the material side on the
plate and it will give different results depending on material side, thickness and
bevel combinations.
68977 137125 Title: Missing stiffener markings on plate parts
Symptoms: Abutting stiffeners on not intersecting panels do not create markings
on plate parts.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Corrected so that abutting stiffeners on not intersecting panels are
considered when creating markings on plate parts.
138998 Title: Hole and Notch Symbols not proper in Shell Profile Sketch
Symptoms: In spite of that HOOK4 was defined in the profile restriction file
some holes/notches were marked.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: The macro handling was corrected so that all holes and notches on
profiles, which type has a HOOK4-definition in the restriction file, will be not be
143200 Title: Wrong partnames for stiffeners and brackets on panels in or over CL
Symptoms: SP symmetry code not set on stiffener and bracket parts
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Corrected partnames of parts from panels in/over CL.
72042 146417 Title: Mount file has opposite END1 and END2 in case of over in CL panel
Symptoms: Stiffener on the S-side of a CL panel (Y=0), the mount file has
shifted the value for END1 and END2.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so end1 and end2 is correct on both sides.
148175 Title: String Direction Error of profile in Gen.file.
Symptoms: The direction text in the STRING attribute is sometimes not correct
for Shell Stiffeners.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: String direction in generic files and trace direction on profile sketches
corrected for Shell Stiffeners.
73468 150378 Title: Bevel texts in profile sketch
Symptoms: Trace bevel shown as bevel code
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Trace bevel code in profile sketch replaced by bevel name, if existing.
73678 150957 Title: Assembly sketch for Templates doesn’t have arrow and angle symbol
Symptoms: The arrows and the angle symbol is missing in the resulting
assembly sketch from Bending Templates.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The missing arrow symbols and the angle symbol are added to the
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
75569 156084 Title: The bending data of curved profile on starboard is incorrect
Symptoms: Bending data and markings are not correct for some shell profiles
located on S side on a SP Curved Panel.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Markings for SP panel is corrected and also the Bending Angle is
corrected for profiles on S side on a SP Curved Panel.
75660 156329 Title: POSNO not for MPLATE
Symptoms: when adding a Position number to an Outfitting Steel part, this is not
correctly transferred to the resulting MPLATE.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The Position number is now correctly handled and will be shown in the
MPLATE and also correctly handled for the Part Name (if used).
75661 156335 Title: PARNAM is not transferred correctly to Outfitting after OSP-parts-
generation Symptoms: The attribute Parnam is not correct for Outfitting Steel
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Proper PARNAM on outfitting plates and profiles will be set.
75804 157050 Title: INC affect to the profile sketch for Marking on the Stiffener
Symptoms: An inclined stiffener abutting another stiffener is not marked on the
profile sketch.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so markings will be created also of inclined abutting profiles.
76180 158037 Title: It does not fit the position of Sight_Line Marking with Z-plane
Symptoms: Marking line on plate does not correspond to template marking.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Correction for calculation of sight line marking on templates has been
76195 158053 Title: WCOG calc. crash in 12.1.sp4.18 but fine in 12.1.sp3
Symptoms: Run wcog on a shell plate aborts the system.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Problem is when a marking line in the plate is intersecting a hole more
than twice. The problem is fixed so the marking line is handled properly.
76910 160377 Title: When try to create wcog P and S side separately (block selection), there
come message "Close the program"
Symptoms: If calculate weight from block (contain mirror panels), there's no
problem, but when trying to calculate weight separate from P or S (selection
block), then there come message "Close the program" (program aborts).
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so that the wcog-list program doesn't abort for this type of
77266 161064 Title: Sight-Line marking position is wrong on plate parts via standard Template
Symptoms: Marking line on plate does not correspond to template marking.
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: Correction for calculation of sight line marking on templates has been
161094, Title: Wrong partname in generic file.
166952 Symptoms: Symmetry letters of partname generated according to centre of
gravity. Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Symmetry letters of partname derived from storing code except for CL
panels where centre of gravity may cause the symmetry letters to become SP.
77565 161836 Title: Wrong partnames for stiffeners and brackets on panels in or over CL
Symptoms: SP symmetry code not set on stiffener and bracket parts
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Corrected partnames of parts from panels in/over CL.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
77643 162039 Title: Missing marking for Cross Templates
Symptoms: No marking lines on developed plate for cross bending template.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Corrected so missing markings on the developed plates for cross
bending templates are added.
77721 162391 Title: Outer contour of developed plate has been broken by hole on seam
Symptoms: The hole in a developed plate that is broken by a seam is not
included in the developed plate.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that holes which are intersecting
seams are included in the outer contour.
78070 163519 Title: How to set to text default font for Jig Drawing?
Symptoms: Not possible to control the text height in Jig drawing.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: An adjustment has been made to get the drafting text font (SBH_DEF1)
in the drawings.
75803 163636 Title: Autobevel referring to Knuckled RSO as Boundary
Symptoms: Cannot define automatic Bevel for a Panel that refers to a knuckled
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Calculation of automatic bevelling along a limit can now handle multi-
face RSOs even if the face number is not given in the boundary definition.
78309, 164288, Title: SBH_MARKING_SURF_TOL does not work
82106 174955 Symptoms: Defining the tolerance via SBH_MARKING_SURF_TOL has no
effect. It always use the default tolerance of 2 mm.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem is handled and the user defined tolerance will be used.
78481 164764 Title: Wrong COG for swaging plates
Symptoms: COG y-value wrong for plates on swaging panel.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Calculation of COG for swaging plates corrected.
78583 165089 Title: Improvement for Frame Template_1
Symptoms: The "Sight Line" mark on each templates is not in a straight line
between first and last template.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Corrected the calculation of the sightplane.
78584 165090 Title: Part name missing in Bending Template list
Symptoms: "Part Name" was not displayed in the ”Table of pin heights" .lst file.
Previous/Known workaround: Add level_name rule for the Bending Template
module ( PART_BENDTEMPL ) in the file assigned to environmental variable
Solution: Part Name was not displayed in the form ”Table of pin heights” if the
level_name rule for the Bending Template module was missing in
TB_PARTNAME_LEVEL.def It is now corrected so that the application will use
“FULL” as default level_name if the statement for the Bending Template module
is missing.
78642 165246 Title: String Direction Error of profile in Gen.file.
Symptoms: The direction text in the STRING attribute is sometimes not correct
for Shell Stiffeners.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: String direction in generic files and trace direction on profile sketches
corrected for Shell Stiffeners.
78588 165699 Title: To Recreate Function For Developed Plate View
Symptoms: Recreate of a Developed plate view where seams has defined the
plate view, is not working. The list of seams are empty.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected to the Recreate View of a developed plate view is working.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
78818 165846 Title: Hull curve is not output to jig drawing on SB side.
Symptoms: An SB specific Curved Panel is used but the additional starboard
seam is not included in the Jig drawing.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the additional seam is included in the Jig drawing.
79344 168697 Title: Profile sketches not combined when combining by partname
Symptoms: Profile sketches were not combined because of very small
differences in calculated endcut angles.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Tolerance used when comparing endcut angles corrected.
79789 169428 Title: Production sketch name with whole computer name
Symptoms: Only the last character of the computer name is used in the
production sketch name when attribute /COMPUTER is used in the naming rules.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Interpretation of naming rule attribute /COMPUTER corrected.
78782 168610 Title: Paiting Area Calculation for Shell Profiles
Symptoms: Can not perform Painting Area Calculation for Shell longitudinal
profiles which are created by Hull Curve. The hull curve is a combined curve.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Additions made to support the longitudinal based on a combined curve.
170236 Title: POSNO not for MPLATE
Symptoms: when adding a Position number to an Outfitting Steel part, this is not
correctly transferred to the resulting MPLATE.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The Position number is now correctly handled and will be shown in the
MPLATE and also correctly handled for the Part Name (if used).
80135 170240 Title: PPI Hull selection
Symptoms: Long assembly names not visible.
Previous/Known workaround: Move horizontal scroll bar to the far right and
then autoscale the header.
Solution: The column width will be set automatically.
80175 170450 Title: Parts List report cannot be generated and Nesting Parts Menu cannot be
filled in by assembly
Symptoms: No parts list is created.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: A correction has been made to solve the problem so the Parts Menu
can be filtered by assembly.
80768 172062 Title: One part nesting job does not finish.
Symptoms: One-part nesting loops.
Previous/Known workaround: Skip nominal contour and all other marking line
which overlap the outer contour.
Solution: A correction has been made to avoid the loop.
81118 172839 Title: Profile template program does not work in AM12.1.SP4
Symptoms: Error 105 when last incurve is handled for the second time.
Previous/Known workaround: Remove line-feed at the end of the indata file
assigned to CARDS.
Solution: Profile template program corrected to handle extra line-feeds in indata
file assigned to CARDS.
81125 172958 Title: Plate burning to when try to start burn hole
Symptoms: The burning of holes are missing in the output of the Post Processor.
Previous/Known workaround: Replace "BURNING _DATA" with
"BURNING_DATA" (no space in the keyword).
Solution: The creation of the generic file in 3axis nesting will be corrected.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
81216 173001 Title: WCOG for knuckled panel plate part not calculated when mode is
Symptoms: WCOG values are shown as zeros when WCOG_MODEis
EXACT_WITHOUT_EXCESS in the wcog.ip option file.
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: Ppanparts corrected so that WCOG for knuckled panel plate parts are
calculated also when mode is EXACT_WITHOUT_EXCESS.
81507 173580 Title: Unexpected INCLINATION_ANGLE_LINE marking in generic file
Symptoms: A panel is marked by another panel that lies in a plane with a small
angle against the marked panel's plane. The attachment angle marking is then
created near the plate limit. Since the marking curve may be further cut off when
ip MARKGAP is applied the resulting marking length may be short.
Previous/Known workaround: Short marking lengths may be avoided by
defining ip MINMARKLENGTH ( default = 0.5 mm).
Solution: Panel attachment angle markings will not be generated when the
marking panel lies in a plane with a small angle against the marked panel's plane.
82860, 176601, Title: Shell profile errors in part list
84401 180055 Symptoms: Error 304 in part list log file and weight equals zero in csv-file.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Program corrected to handle shell profile model references.
82288 178778 Title: Auto bevel Application for Tight Clip
Symptoms: Some bevel for tight clips (collar plates) are not correct.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected for interval types 10 to 13 in user defined clips.
82296 178781 Title: Auto bevel application and colour display for Cutout
Symptoms: Colours for bevel intervals in clips (collar plates) when using "dotori"
are not displayed.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so colours for "dotori" is displayed in the symbolic view of
84480 179870 Title: Incorrect SHAPE-value in generic file
Symptoms: Profile parts created from built profiles are getting SHAPE=T in
generic file.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected cpanparts so that profile type data will be correct for built
Hull Nesting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
76351 160256 Title: PLCM nest and marking starts
Symptoms: Marking starts are moved when opening a PLCM nest.
Previous/Known workaround: Re-define the starts.
Solution: The error has been corrected. If, however, the number of contours on
the assembly part differs a lot, it might be necessary to re-define the starts.
76964 160354 Title: Missing & Wrong Bevel Texts in Nesting Sketch
Symptoms: In Plate Nesting multiple Bevel Texts are not shown.
Previous/Known workaround: Set the bevel texts manually.
Solution: Corrected so multiple Bevel texts will be placed automatically.
76965 160405 Title: Showing multiple Bevel Text in nesting sketch
Symptoms: The same bevel texts are added several times in the sketch.
Previous/Known workaround: The bevel information can be added manually.
Solution: The code is corrected so that the automatic bevel information is added
only once.
77555 161810 Title: Nesting Sketch Text and Labelling Text is shown incorrectly on Plate
Symptoms: In Plate Nesting the Bevel Text and Labelling Text is shown on
wrong limits.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually move the text to the correct position in
the sketch.
Solution: Corrected so the Bevel and Labelling text will be placed at the correct
77623 161999 Title: Jumping Texts and different text heights in OnePartNest sketches
Symptoms: Misplaced bevel text in burning sketch.
Previous/Known workaround: Manual rearrange the text layout.
Solution: Correction for bevel text in the burning sketch has been made.
79357 167982 Title: Total Length not correct for curve welded flanges on brackets.
Symptoms: Length is shown a zero (0) for the welded flange on a bracket.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Fixed so TotLen will be correctly presented.
79554 168628 Title: Pos No problems in AM12.1 Plate Nesting.
Symptoms: Position numbers automatically placed in erroneous position or with
the wrong angle.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually move the position numbers.
Solution: The problem has been corrected.
80798 172138 Title: Converted Profiles not shown in parts menu
Symptoms: All types of plate parts are not shown in the parts menu if they have
been assembled and the weld table exists.
Previous/Known workaround: Delete the weld table.
Solution: Converted profiles will also be handled by the parts menu when a weld
table exists.
81125 172958 Title: Plate burning to when try to start burn hole
Symptoms: The burning of holes are missing in the output of the Post Processor.
Previous/Known workaround: Replace "BURNING _DATA" with
"BURNING_DATA" (no space in the keyword).
Solution: The creation of the generic file in 3axis nesting will be corrected.
81512 173585 Title: ExchangeRaw Plate Quality inconsistency
Symptoms: The erroneous quality is listed in Exchange Raw Plate.
Previous/Known workaround: It is possible (but not recommended) to change
the order of qualities in Paragon.
Solution: The code has been corrected to select the quality with exact match
(and not the first one).
81677 174247 Title: "Save" is unable after opening of read-only nesting job
Symptoms: After opening a nest in read-only mode, an old nest cannot be
saved. Previous/Known workaround: Create a new nest first and then read the
old nest. Solution: The error has been corrected.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
82134 174987 Title: Nesting - no POSNO on curved plates.
Symptoms: Position numbers are missing in the Nesting Sketch.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Fixed so position numbers from other panels are shown in the sketch.
82209 175194 Title: Position number of other panel does not appear on Burning sketch.
Symptoms: Position numbers are missing in the Nesting Sketch.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Fixed so position numbers from other panels are shown in the sketch.
82575 175787 Title: Nesting - Production Date - impossible to store
Symptoms: It is not possible to give the production date.
Previous/Known workaround: No known work-around exists.
Solution: The error has been corrected. The date format is --: 2015-07-23.
82686 176001 Title: RAWPLA Name Length causes Hull Design process to fail at start.
Symptoms: An error occurs at start-up.
Previous/Known workaround: Make sure that no raw plate name in the
Catalogue is longer than 25 characters.
Solution: The name of raw plates with names longer than 25 characters will be
truncated to 25 characters at Nesting start-up. There will be no check if the
resulting name is ambiguous. The object in the Catalogue will not be changed.
83098 176706 Title: Table for parts posno in nesting
Symptoms: Only 5 columns of the same $-value is possible.
Previous/Known workaround: No known work-around exists.
Solution: The possible number of columns has been increased to 25.
84511 180151 Title: Extracted Nesting Verification date returns "Plate in work".
Symptoms: Using Data extraction to extract the Verification date does not return
the date but instead returns "Plate in work".
Previous/Known workaround: Verify the plate once more.
Solution: Corrected so the Verification date is extracted correctly in Data
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Product Release Letter
Marine Drafting:
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Incide Issue Description
nt Numb
Numb er
73111 149507 Title: Problem for drawing to increase database session and drawing object
file(SDB) without the change
Symptoms: Whenever saving a drawing without any changes, the version of the
.sdb file is increasing.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: If only the current window (zoom and pan operations) have been
changed, the version of the SDB file will not increase when drawing is saved.
74446 153595 Title: Empty view element is created in Draft Explorer after splitting subpicture.
Symptoms: Empty view element is created in Draft Explorer after splitting
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The VIEW was empty because owned VNOT elements were not copied
as it should. This has been corrected.
75291 154993 Title: How to measuring a diagonal (space length) Length?
Symptoms: The 3D point "Intersect Curved Hull Models" does not work, it just gives
the message "Invalid function".
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the space length (3D dimensioning) works for Curved Hull
75987 157692 Title: A fatal error occurs when insert a Flange which use dataset in catalogue.
Symptoms: See title.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the Flange will be inserted and system will not abort.
159539 Title: Enable sectioning and slicing for 'Wireline hidden-line' view type
Symptoms: 'Wireline hidden-line' is currently ignoring section planes (like true
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: View type 'Wireline hidden-line' will now handle section planes (incl slice)
in both Marine and Plant. Using this view type instead of Local Hidden Line will give
a better performance.
76989 160357 Title: "Modify>Copy>Subpicture" to copy Subpicture level 3 shouldn't copy
Symptoms: When copying a View containing Backdrop information, the Backdrop
information should not be included.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: When copying subpictures below view level to a new view, the backdrop
information will not be copied anymore (however, when copying a view, the
backdrop information will still be copied).
76928 160535 Title: The arrow in Dimensioning is not persisted
Symptoms: When moving a dimension, the arrow is always flipped back.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually flip the arrow.
Solution: A solution for the "flip arrow" persistence is now available.
1. Modify/Dimension/Flip Arrow will now persist the result in linear dimensionings. In
other types of persisted dimensionings (like Angle, Radius etc), the arrow flip will still
not be persisted.
2. A new function Modify/Dimension/Hide/Unhide Arrow has been introduced This
function is used to disable/enable dimension arrows and is applicable in persisted
linear dimensionings (the result will then be persisted) (in other types of
dimensionings (persisted or not persisted) the function is not applicable).
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Incide Issue Description
nt Numb
Numb er
77719 162389 Title: Outfitting model cannot be inserted into the Read-only drawing
Symptoms: It is not possible to add outfitting models into a Read Only drawing. Hull
objects are ok to add.
Previous/Known workaround: Copy the drawing and open the copy as an ordinary
Solution: A new possibility to open a drawing as a copy of an existing drawing has
been implemented. This copy is in "new state" which means that if the drawing is
closed without saving, it be deleted again.
78098 163637 Title: Marenvutil usage, multi setting in one line
Symptoms: For each command when using Marenvutil, the splash screen pops up.
Time consuming.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Two fixes:
1. marenvutil.exe will no longer display a splash screen if batch mode is used.
2. Multiple occurrences of the 'set', 'unset' and 'remove' can be passed on the
command line e.g.: marenvutil.exe -project MAR -set SB_BACK_COL=BLUE -set
78357 164429 Title: Cannot select equipment as a subview after migrating
Symptoms: Cannot select equipment as a subview after migrating.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: A new function Tools/Model/Transform has been implemented. The
behaviour when selecting outfitting models is similar to already existing function
Tools/Model/Delete, i.e. the Drafting default keyword AUTO_OUTFITTING_LEVEL
is trigged for optional transformation on high design level ( e.g. when identifying a
"Pipe Branch" model subview, all model subviews belonging to the owner Pipe are
78237 165083 Title: A fatal error occurs when insert a Flange which use dataset in catalogue.
Symptoms: See title.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the Flange will be inserted and system will not abort.
80180 170395 Title: Move dimension does not work after update view
Symptoms: After updating a view, any angular, radius or diameter dimension that
has been modified, is reverted back to original position.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The function "Modify/Dimension/Move dimension text" now persists the
result also for angular/radius & diameter dimensioning’s.
170906 Title: Problem for the geometries to disappear during MouseWheelZoom
Symptoms: Zooming in by using the Mouse Wheel Zoom makes some entities to
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so no entities are missing in the zoom activity.
81938 174708 Title: Problem for the geometries to disappear during MouseWheelZoom
Symptoms: Zooming in by using the Mouse Wheel Zoom makes some entities to
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so no entities are missing in the zoom activity.
81962 174760 Title: View is strange when you use Slice function for slot area.
Symptoms: If the Slice is within a cutout, the view becomes very strange.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that slicing view when one points is
inside the cutout is good.
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Incide Issue Description
nt Numb
Numb er
82193, 175144, Title: The symbolic view does not get the correct representation style
84270 179398 Symptoms: The "RRSF" attribute of the VIEW element in PADD does not have
value that was selected in the create symbolic view dialog.
Previous/Known workaround: To change the representation style via "Drawing
Explorer", select the view and use "Properties" in the context menu.
Solution: The value is not set correctly for the new symbolic view.
83030 176565 Title: Problem for the geometries to disappear during MouseWheelZoom
Symptoms: Zooming in by using the Mouse Wheel Zoom makes some entities to
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so no entities are missing in the zoom activity.
83467 177730 Title: Problem for the geometries to disappear during MouseWheelZoom
Symptoms: Zooming in by using the Mouse Wheel Zoom makes some entities to
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so no entities are missing in the zoom activity.
84087 178952 Title: Problem for the geometries to disappear during MouseWheelZoom
Symptoms: Zooming in by using the Mouse Wheel Zoom makes some entities to
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so no entities are missing in the zoom activity.
Design Reuse:
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Product Release Letter
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
76402 158606 Title: Engineering 3D viewer not showing item when using Imperial Units
Symptoms: Engineering 3D viewer not showing item when using Imperial Units.
Previous/Known workaround: Do not set imperial units as distance.
Solution: Changed the way some methods in Viewer3D are invoked as Mac
77538 168958, Title: Schematics Model Manager - Units are not converted as expected
161684 Symptoms: Attribute values are imported with the wrong units
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: Units converted correctly.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
52871 87305 Title: Draft - Attempting to open E3D Drawing in PDMS Draft gives empty
read-only Ref window
Symptoms: On attempting to open a DRAWING with any transformed E3D
DRAW sheets, the Main Display is cleared, cursor hidden and title updated for
a transformed sheet, even though the sheet correctly cannot be opened. This
causes confusion as it appears that the sheet can be opened. The problem
does not occur when opening individual sheets (as of 12.1.SP2.20)
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: This has been fixed so that when opening a DRAWING containing
one or more AVEVA E3D DRAW sheets, these are ignored and only the
PDMS DRAFT sheets are opened. In addition the standard 'open multiple
sheets' confirmation prompt is replaced with the prompt: ''AVEVA E3D Draw
sheets will be skipped. Do you wish to add the other sheets to the view?''. If
there are only AVEVA E3D DRAW sheets under the DRAWING then an error
is displayed instead: 'Cannot display any sheets under the current drawing as
they can only be accessed using AVEVA E3D Draw'.
62970 114743 Title: Status Controller grid not getting refreshed on Edit Status
Symptoms: Grid not updated automatically following edit status operation
Previous/Known workaround: Refresh grid from column title right click menu
Solution: Grid now refreshes automatically following edit status.
62726 114996 Title: Quick Pipe Router now handles cases when BendMacReference is not
Symptoms: Null-radius bends created
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The application will now check BendMacReference of the current
branch, pipe or zone, and if it is not assigned, the user will be requested to
choose a bending machine from those available in the project or select a
default bend radius factor (radius = outside diameter * factor). The default
bend radius factor is used for the current session on all pipes/branches that
have BendMacReference unassigned. If BendMacReference is assigned on a
pipe/branch, it is used instead of the default radius factor.
NB: The users are advised to assign bending machines wherever possible,
since the use of an explicitly specified bend radius factor is not subjected to
the same rigorous suitability tests as in Pipe Fabrication or Production Checks.
66349 127625 Title: Issues with drawing very large structures
Symptoms: Very large structures consisting of FRMW elements with
thousands of subelements have caused issues when drawn in DRAFT VIEWs.
These include a warning about internal limits being exceeded, missing ppoints
and potentially missing elements in the drawing.
Previous/Known workaround: Divide the framework (FRMW) into sub-
frameworks (SBFR)
Solution: The subelement limit for large FRMW has been raised to 21000 and
within this limit there should be no more issues with ppoints being dropped or
elements not drawn. Note however that having so many elements under a
FRMW is still not recommended. Where possible large FRMW (over 1000
subelements)should be created owning multiple subframeworks (SBFR)
instead, each of which should have a limited number of (say 1000)
subelements. This should also inprove the general responsiveness of the
application, for example picking ppoints and use of the design explorer.
69880 140379 Title: Cable - Allow for display control of the Cabling Application Defaults
Symptoms: When Outfitting is configured to the Cabling System then the
Cabling Application Defaults form automatically launches every time the
application starts.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The problem is fixed. Now the cabling default does not popup every
time when Cabling Application is launched.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
70299 141034 Title: Spool number on isometric pointing to wrong element
Symptoms: Spool number on isometric pointing to wrong element.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Take account of crosses when checking to see if the last spool
number record needs to be output.
71668, 145388, Title: Structures - BPANEL is not located corre3ct in the 3D view
71675, 145397, Symptoms: -----
71723 145582 Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the BPANEL is placed correct in the 3D view also
when it is below a TMPL.
75183 156082 Title: Spooler - NSBC-Wall thickness error, PTAP different spec.
Symptoms: Datacon PTAP warning.
Previous/Known workaround: Ignore warning.
Solution: PTAP warning removed.
77748 162439 Title: Equipment - BPANEL is not located corre3ct in the 3D view
Symptoms: -----
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the BPANEL is placed correct in the 3D view also
when it is below a TMPL.
77947 163057 Title: Design - Control display of PPIECE names
Symptoms: PPIECE names appear in both Cut List and Tags.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: New PPIECE command options.
78145 163819 Title: Isodraft - Missing Non-standard branch connection orientation axes
(xyz) and info label
Symptoms: Missing Non-standard branch connection orientation axes (xyz)
and info label.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Place correct Non-standard branch connection orientation axes
(xyz) and info label.
74324 164703 Title: Spool - Error of Spool Split
Symptoms: Error of Spool Split.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: When there are multiple branches we need to re initialize sequence
number to 0 in LoadSpools method so that when next branch is processed it
will try to retrieve correct element.
77990 165061 Title: Piping - PDMS crashes (dab error 10) when evaluating BRWEIG
Symptoms: PDMS crashes (dab error 10) when evaluating BRWEIG.
Previous/Known workaround: Correct LSTU bad refs.
Solution: Now checks properly.
78663 165473 Title: Flange allowance doubled if Pipe Fabrication used
Symptoms: Flange allowance doubled
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Loose Flange allowance already included in Pipe Piece
:PFCUTLENGTH - ignore if Pipe has PPIECE records.
78940 166617 Title: Building Applications - Room Manager - Piping Insulation Thickness
Symptoms: Application does not take into account the pipe insulation
thickness to calculate the volume.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Updated to take into include pipe insulation in volume calculations.
74697 169167 Title: Isodraft - Missing of Gasket Label in ISO drawing in sp 4.15
Symptoms: Missing of Gasket Label in ISO drawing in sp 4.15.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Do not process another gasket if there is still one awaiting to be
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
79779 169329 Title: Structures - Cannot use BY or model editor on SCTN that contains FITT
or SJOI with TMPL
Symptoms: Gives error if TMPL is locked.
Previous/Known workaround: Unlock TMPL.
Solution: Now works.
79987 169765 Title: Structures - No SPREF for a BPANEL element
Symptoms: BPANEL does not have a SPREF
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: SPREF attribute has been added to BPANEL.
Create BPANEL will copy the SPREF attribute from the first PANE.
Split BPANEL will copy the SPREF attribute to the PANEs.
80090 170256 Title: Equipment - Nozzle - Reserved volume representation
Symptoms: Nozzle - Reserved volume drawn solid
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Fixed.
79900 170262 Title: Design - SCTN Not Exporting Correctly At Lev11 - Should be No
Symptoms: SCTN centre lines badly transformed
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Transform corrected.
80430 171511 Title: Design - weight difference affected by arc tolerance
Symptoms: Changing graphical quality changes mass properties.
Previous/Known workaround: Don't change graphical settings.
Solution: a new Mass Property arc tolerance added.
81537 173749 Title: Structures - No SPREF for a BPANEL element
Symptoms: BPANEL does not have a SPREF.
Previous/Known workaround: no known workaround exists.
Solution: SPREF attribute has been added to BPANEL.
Create BPANEL will copy the SPREF attribute from the first PANE. Split
BPANEL will copy the SPREF attribute to the PANEs.
82163 175076 Title: Isodraft - Wrong Weld on reduced (blind) flange in isometric
Symptoms: Wrong Weld on reduced (blind) flange in isometric.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Look in appropriate direction to see if there is an end condition of
'SC' specified.
82385 175611 Title: Isodraft - [BUG] CoFormat Ship
Symptoms: Incorrect Ship's co-ordinates.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: If this is a weld without Ship's Co-ordinates (inserted weld for
instance), always pick up start Ship's Co-ordinates from following record
unless that is also a coincident weld.
175692 Title: Isodraft - Isodraw aborts when invalid Weld Table specified
Symptoms: Isodraw aborts when invalid Weld Table specified
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Check for missing weld information.
82775 176112 Title: Isodraft - NSBC - No orientation if dimensions are on for the tappings
Symptoms: NSBC - No orientation if dimensions are on for the tappings.
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: NSBC - Show orientation if dimensions are on for the tappings.
82824 176190 Title: Isodraft - Incorrect position of some ATEXT’s with non-English
Symptoms: Incorrect position of some ATEXT’s with non-English characters
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Use printable length when calculating start column - not number of
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
83071 176652 Title: Problems some char in DXF exported from Isodraft
Symptoms: Two characters not exported correctly on export.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround
Solution: Code now handles the two characters correctly.
176659 Title: 3D view shows graphical artefacts at large coordinates
Symptoms: Vertices of elements which are a large distance from the origin
sometimes appear displaced relative to other vertices in the same element.
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: Double precision matrices are now used for transformations which
then are dynamically adjusted with a single precision floating origin when
rendered to the 3D view. This reduces rounding errors with single precision
and eliminates the observed rendering issues.
82545 176831 Title: Isodraft - Problem with Ship Coordinate for Pipe Isometric Option
Symptoms: Wrong Ship Coordinates displayed.
Previous/Known workaround: Remove flow arrows.
Solution: Select correct Ship Coordinates.
177710 Title: Isodraft - Isodraft aborts when options SPOOLN FROMDB and
PSNAME OFF are used for a Design isomeric
Symptoms: Isodraft aborts.
Previous/Known workaround: Use SPOOLN ON or PSNAME ON.
Solution: Generate a blank Spool Number under these circumstances.
81600 178300 Title: Building Applications - Concrete Quantities - Incorrect Formwork Area
Symptoms: For some concrete elements, results for formwork areas are
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: Formwork area calculations have been fixed.
83237 179021 Title: Design - PPIECE cutting length not shown when COUP at start of
Symptoms: PPIECE cutting length not shown on isometric
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Cater for PPIECE AELRFA setting in this instance.
84474, 179864, Title: World axes labels sometimes disappear
84639, 180594, Symptoms: World axes labels disappear from 3D view typically when working
84910 181163 far away from the origin.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: World axes labels now culled correctly irrespective of 3D view
84640 180380 Title: Capping rendering incorrect for some views
Symptoms: When capping is enabled for a clipped view, caps are not
rendered correctly. This only occurs with optimised graphic engine
introduced with fix 25.
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: Render composition flag not being reset between translucent and
capping render passes.
85009, 181090, Title: Continuation Bolts missing
85043, 181171, Symptoms: Missing Bolts
84732 180659 Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Show continuation Bolts with Gasket.
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Pipe Fabrication:
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Inciden Issue Description
t Number
69998 140241 Title: Penetration ATTA placed next to a COUP generates new PSPOOL when
pipe Validate
Symptoms: This is a specific scenario for flanged coupling.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: An element is added to the component list where the element type is
an attachment and on retrieving the shop of the next element; comparing to
ensure it is not equal to false.
72008 146363 Title: Limits added by users are not recognized by Multiple Spool feature in Pipe
Symptoms: Limits are not recognized during addition of spools to Spool
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: The program modified to recognize the spool limits added by users.
75351 155152 Title: The Galvanization Tank Check form fails to open on the attached pipe.
Symptoms: N/A
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: The program has been modified so that on calculating the flowdir, if
frompos and topos are equal, it is calculated using component Reference
pDirection w.r.t World.
75353 155224 Title: Incorrect Assignment of the Bending Machine
Symptoms: N/A
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: Branch is given the first priority for the assigning of the Bending
Machine. If this does not result in the Bending Machine being assigned, the
check continues to the Pipe and then to the Zone.
75387 155231 Title: Error message changed for Fabrication Isometric extraction
Symptoms: None
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Code modified to display the error message as ‘Error occurred in
isometric creation. Please refer to the Command Window.’.
75398 155266 Title: Multiple Spool Error Adding when Shop Equals False of the First
Symptoms: If the first component's shop is false and it has a tube, the multiple
spool function works incorrectly.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: The program has been modified to ascertain the first tube correctly if a
first component's shop is false.
75760 157095 Title: Error in assigning bending machine
Symptoms: N/A
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: : Issue has been resolved by applying a rounding to the wall thickness
to two digits.
78755 166244 Title: Bending infos in format of XYZ is fixed
Symptoms: NA
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Code modified to consider the Positon of bend instead of leave
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
59418 103711 Title: Isodraft - ISO hyperplant on OPTION
Symptoms: Weld Number missing when ISO hyperplant option set to 'ON'
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Take account of different comment types all pointing to a weld.
66298 125892 Title: Design - Add pick from DBlisting is actually remove pick
Symptoms: Could not add to list by picking.
Previous/Known workaround: Have to navigate and add CE.
Solution: Fixed.
66337 130227 Title: HVAC - Modify HVAC always reset the Material and Material Thickness.
Symptoms: Change MATL property and GAUG property.
Previous/Known workaround: Not satisfactory.
Solution: A new option on HVAC Settings menu controls whether Spec material
is reset or existing material is retained.
73358 149960 Title: Isodraft - User Defined SKEY with 5 connections not using all connections
Symptoms: User Defined SKEY with 5 connections not using all connections.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Handle any components with 3 tee points on the same side correctly.
74248, 152368, Title: Isodraft - Bolts missing when Flanges in different Branches of same Pipe
74970 153856 Symptoms: Bolts missing from isometric
Previous/Known workaround: Move Flanges into same Branch.
Solution: Calculate bolting requirements when matching Flanges are in
different Branches of the same Pipe.
75813 157076 Title: HVAC Grid/Tile Utility appeared not to work
Symptoms: No grid displayed but elements exist in database.
Previous/Known workaround: REM CE ADD CE.
Solution: Fixed.
76039 157727 Title: Graphic performance improvements
Symptoms: The general manipulations for 3D canvas as Zooming, Panning
and Rotating are slow
Previous/Known workaround: Limit the number of elements in graphical view
Solution: New version of graphical library with better performance
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
66875 164324 Title: Pick up 2D view projection from 3D view in Marine Drafting.
Symptoms: Considered to be an enhancement to the view definition workflow
using the 3D View.
Previous workaround: N/A
Solution: A new toggle button 'Direction' has been added to the 3D View
window. This is set to OFF by default. When selected the update & refresh
method takes the current 3D view direction and elevation, converts it into an
equivalent Draft View direction format and applies it to the 2D view before the
update design is executed.: Please also refer to section Enhancements at the
beginning of this document.
78326 164335 Title: Isodraft - Bolts missing when Branch tail connected to Nozzle
Symptoms: Bolts missing at Nozzle.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Calculate bolting requirement at Nozzle.
79752 169318 Title: Isodraft - Delimiter for PSPOOL Name extraction
Symptoms: Only full PSPOOL name can be shown on isometric.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: New PSPOOL command. For mor information please also refer to
section Enhancements at the beginning of this document.
79753 169320 Title: Isodraft - Removal of coupling penetrations on iso when support is set to
Symptoms: Removal of coupling penetrations on iso when support is set to
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Do not treat coupling penetrations like supports.
79797 169357 Title: Isodraft - Penetration coupling located at the end of the branch is missing
its symbol in isometric
Symptoms: Penetration coupling located at the end of the branch is missing its
symbol in isometric.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Do not treat coupling penetrations like supports.
80108 171185 Title: An error in the handling of some arcs which could cause discrepancies
between wireline and hidden-line view types
Symptoms: Observed differences in the display of some nearly-semicircular
arcs in drawings when wireline view types were compared with other view types.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Core code has been corrected.
80415 171684 Title: HVAC - Placing a HACC fitting removes the upstream implied ducting
Symptoms: Implied tube disappears when data consistency requirement is not
Previous/Known workaround: Test duct size values. (Make sure cata
definition correct).
Solution: If Duct size is unset, it is set by PML same as previous.
81292 173132 Title: Draft - Revision control form not working
Symptoms: Syntax error when invoking new revision.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Fixed code issue within revision control form.
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Product Release Letter
Marine Drafting:
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
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Product Release Letter
Planar Hull:
Curved Hull:
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
78361 164430 Title: Stiffener Sketches - Shell Profile holes on SB shown upside down.
Symptoms: For a Starboard shell profile – holes in stiffeners are OK in the
model, but at stiffener sketches– they are shown upside-down. This applies to all
holes, which geometry is unsymmetrical with respect to the axis parallel to
stiffener trace.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Profile sketch for shell stiffeners with holes are corrected.
79237 167783 Title: Weight information of specific profiles having end cut snip is wrong
Symptoms: Weight calculation for pillars is not considering sniped endcuts for
some profile types.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: WCOG calculation modified so that endcuts will be considered for
pillars with profile type 50 thru 55 and 59.
80349 171189 Title: TbGeneric2Plate.exe does not work on 12.1.SP4.22
Symptoms: It is not possible to create plates in MANU from a generic file.
Previous/Known workaround: No workaround exists.
Solution: The code has been corrected.
80351 171193 Title: Dimensions text of MPROF for flatbar is wrong
Symptoms: Thickness missing in dimensions text for flatbars, bulb bars, half-
round bars and tubes.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Unpacking of profile parameters corrected.
Hull Nesting:
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
75932 157501 Title: "Update All" will mess up annotations (texts, dimensions, labels) for hull
symbolic views.
Symptoms: The annotation geometry seems to be duplicated and in the wrong
Previous/Known workaround: Do not use "update all", use "update design" and
"update anno".
Solution: Update all should now behave normally.
76044 157729 Title: SaveAs drawing, performance.
Symptoms: The performance of the function Save As... needs to improve.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The performance in Save As function has been improved.
The performance problem with "Save As" highly depends on the number of
PADD Views contained in the drawing. A way for the user to speed up
performance is to Purge the drawing (to get rid of empty PADD Views) before
saving it. For this purpose, the default variable PURGE_EMPTY_VIEW should be
set to "Padd".
Along with this solution comes also a significant performance improvement in the
Purge function.
164869 Title: Performance of zoom and pan in drafting
Symptoms: Zooming and panning in drafting is slow
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: The performance of zoom and pan has been improved. Furthermore a
new way of simplified drawing during zoom and pan has been implemented. This
functionality is obtained by holding down the "Ctrl" key while zooming and/or
panning. The system will then only draw each component in the drawing as
its circumscribed box. When the "Ctrl" key is released, the system will revert back
to normal draw mode.
79455 168289 Title: Error retrieving SVAssemblies attribute for HSVDEF element.
Symptoms: When symbolic view is queried the SVAssemblies attritute retrieves
the FullName of the assemblies.
If this name has a length greater of 26 characters the attribute is shown as unset.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists
Solution: Corrected so longer names will be presented for the attribute.
Schematic 3D Integrator:
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Inciden Issue Description
t Number
165344 Title: Comparing all Pipes on PID one by one gives a different result than
comparing the complete PID.
Symptoms: Comparing 3 pipes together gives different results to individually.
Previous/Known workaround: Compare individually.
Solution: Extra validation for comparison scope across branch connections.
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
Inciden Issue Description
t Number
166976 Title: Backport Compare/Update functionality from Engineering 14.1.SP1 to
PDMS 12.1.SP4
Symptoms: Need alignment of capabilities for integrated project (Engineering,
Diagrams, E3D, PDMS)
Previous/Known workaround: N/A
Solution: Backport all capabilities of Compare/Update.
68193 167409 Title: PDMS Export: Type of RNODE have a wrong position as 0.0.0
Symptoms: Exported RNODES at the origin
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: This has now been resolved.
Assembly Planning:
Initial Design:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
135240 Title: Units incorrect when compartments are stored in design databases from
Surface & Compartment
Symptoms: LCG,TCG, VCG and volumes are listed with incorrect units in design
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Implementation in Surface & Compartment changed to correct units.
69204 137823 Title: Crash in DPDAS file import corrected
Symptoms: Application crash on importing DPDAS file.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: Code have been corrected to avoid error.
71427 144596 Title: Hydrodynamics Sea Keeping Long Term Calculation
Symptoms: In Hydrostatics&Hydrodynamics Applıcation , when calculating Sea
Keeping for Long Term , system does not take Bending Moment and shear Force
values which ıs given as crıteria for calculating See Keepıng Index.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The calculation has been corrected.
72800 148681 Title: Improved BV1033 output for GZ-graph and table
Symptoms: Incorrect and missing or too detailed information shown in GZ- graph
and table
Previous workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Corrected the calculation of frees surface heeling arm and added extra
columns in table for combined total of heeling arms for BV1033 (wind, turn, free
surface) and changed individual curves in graph to only displaying the combined
total curve.
74076 151918 Title: Lightweight centres reported without axis definition
Symptoms: When switching the direction of an axis the output remains the same
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The formatting instruction of the lightweight centres have been
switched from not including information of axis to the correct one specifying the
axes and thus applying the correct axis direction before printing the value.
73924 153689 Title: Symmetry can be set on surfaces released from Surface & Compartment
Symptoms: Surface & Compartment does not handle symmetry and for
symmetric surfaces to be released to hull design the Surface Manager application
must be used.
Previous/Known workaround: Use Surface Manager for releasing symmetric
Solution: Addition of an extra dialog with a question for surfaces defined
completely on either side of y=0, if they are to be released as symmetric or not.
76346 158758 Title: Increased decimals from 1 to 3 in Trim/List correction table
Symptoms: Only one decimal in Trim/List correction table
Known workaround: None, decimal value hard coded
Solution: Changed the hard coded value for number of decimals in the Trim/List
correction table from 1 to 3.
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
36938 69321 Title: Bracket Panel Move with 'FR' and 'LP' prefixes do not work.
Symptoms: Entering a FR or LP term in the Bracket Panel "Move" field does not
move the bracket.
Previous/Known workaround: This field is a distance and not a position so
FR/LP is not valid. Use a real value as distance.
Solution: Non numeric input will give an error.
57442 96950 Title: Bracket Stiffener Material Quality
Symptoms: The grade of the stiffening on a standard bracket is always the same
as for the bracket plate itself. There is no way to have a different quality defined
for the stiffeners.
Previous/Known workaround: workaround is to define the brackets as Bracket
Panels where the stiffeners are generated separately.
Solution: A new keyword, PQUAL, has been introduced to the bracket
statement. If given, all stiffeners will get the quality defined by the PQUAL
If not given, the quality for the stiffeners will be fetched from the bracket plate.
54734 97644 Title: Panel Bracket System Name Error
Symptoms: Brackets on Knuckled Panels, defined on different sub-panels gets
conflicting names in the Design Explorer.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the brackets gets unique names
in the design explorer.
60030 105156 Title: Panels referring to complex RSOs are not visible as trace line in section
Symptoms: There is a gap in the symbolic view for a SP panel referring a RSO.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that there will be no gap in the
section view.
67208 134511 Title: Plate arrangement change caused by boundary change with fixed seam
Symptoms: If changing the boundary order, the plates are shifted even though
the seam is defined at a fixed position.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The solution for updating plates after modification to the boundary or
the seams has been improved. If exactly one of the existing plate points is inside
any of the resulting plate areas that plate is matched with that area.
67210 134515 Title: Deletion of seams due to shifting seams or changing boundary sequence
(referenced seams)
Symptoms: Seams related to boundaries are often missed to update when
boundaries are changed.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually go through all seams in the panel when
a boundary is modified.
Solution: A warning is given when a seam is deleted due to boundary changes.
69778 139474 Title: Improvement Update of panel intersect symbols.
Symptoms: Panel intersecting symbols (Tools->Model->Panel intersect) is not
updated at View Create.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The handling of intersection symbols has been improved so that they
are updated on recreate view.
69679 145371 Title: Default to control clip symbols in symbolic view.
Symptoms: The placement of clip symbols in intersecting symbolic views have
been controlled by default value MAT_SYMB_SIZE.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Two new default values have been added:
CLIP_SYMB_DIST - The distance from the plate edge to the symbol. Default 2.5
mm CLIP_SYMB_SIZE - The symbol size. Default 5 mm.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
71678, 145418, Title: Verify Model function is not completed successfully.
77216 160906 Symptoms: The function seems not to come to an end.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The function is mostly finished but not all text was always written in the
log file. This is now corrected.
73725 151079 Title: Interpolation point has applying invalid default.
Symptoms: In the Statement Wizard, if no factor is given for an interpolation
point, the system will default it to 0.5 (F=0.5) even when factor of zero is desired.
Previous/Known workaround: Manually change the factor in the panel schema.
Solution: The default factor will be set to zero if no factor is given.
74249 152295 Title: Problem to incorrectly display the hole of curved stiffener in 3D View
Symptoms: The hole in a Planar Panel Curved Stiffener is displayed at the
wrong location in the 3D view. It is correct in Model View and symbolic View.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the hole are positioned correct
on the curved stiffener.
74886, 153462, Title: AutoPosno for Knuckled panel crashed with brackets
76850 160346 Symptoms: AutoPos aborts in some cases when a Knuckled Panel is included
and the panel has Brackets.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrects so AutoPos will handle Brackets on Knuckled Panels.
74958 154238 Title: Error on creation of Bracket (type BC) syntax 1, in SB panel defined by 3
Symptoms: Bracket on a SB panel, referring to internal tagged stiffeners fails to
identify the stiffeners. It works fine on a PS panel.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Fixed so the brackets on the SB panel can be created in the same way
as for the PS panel.
76122 157888 Title: Enhancement Request for Selected corner to Notch.
Symptoms: In Statement Wizard, when indicating a corner when defining corner
notches, the indicated corner is highlighted by a point. This is difficult to see.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The point indication is changed to circle which is more easy to see.
77699 162296 Title: NUM value is not taken care at component creation
Symptoms: When using an already defined NUM in a following NUM, the value
is not handled correctly.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the NUM value is using already defined NUM values too.
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
71595 145299 Title: Partname for S-side plate.
Symptoms: In all output the system loose position number from shell plates valid
for S-side on a CL shell panel.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the programs put correct position
number. The shell stiffener has to be recreated with the new solution.
72006 146746 Title: Verify Curved Model.
Symptoms: Running MarHullVerify fails as it does not find the file
Previous/Known workaround: Start the job with the "-ns" qualifier.
Solution: The missing file MarHullVerify.xsd will be included in the installation.
73063 149558 Title: Holes in Curved Panels
Symptoms: The handling of holes in curved panel over / in CL (SP) do not work
Previous workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so holes are treated as expected in a CL panel.
73588 150700 Title: ALL when overriding objects
Symptoms: Selection ALL is not possible when creating already existing curves
with function "Hull Tools/Curve/Create Curve"
Previous workaround: Use the Curved Hull tool to create curved.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that ALL now works also in this
76011 157723 Title: Curved Panel "Dimensioning" function
Symptoms: When making a dimensioning with the curved Panel Dimensioning
tool, some of the dimensions are upside down.
Previous/Known workaround: Manual move the incorrect measure strings.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the dimensions are not mirrored
depending on the direction of the measurement.
76367 158850 Title: In ShelI Expansion view holes are missing in Stbd
Symptoms: When generating the Shell Expansion view for curve panel, holes in
Stbd are missing where as it is coming in port side.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the SB specific holes also
are put in the Shell Expansion view.
76607 159192 Title: Over C/L shell profile split fails on SB-side.
Symptoms: Over C/L shell profiles can be split to shell stiffener by Planar panel,
but results in wrong split if split is made on SB side. On PS it is ok.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that it is possible to split an Over CL
shell profile on SB side.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
55344, 94004, Title: Multi faces RSO used as delimiter in Panel or RSO became wrong after
71557 145326 modification
Symptoms: The face of multifaces RSO used as boundary of another RSO or a
Panel became wrong after modification of the delimiting RSO because the face
number change
Previous/Known workaround: Manually check and change the face number in
the boundary statement.
Solution: A "point" (actually a ray) in global coordinates is added at the middle of
the boundary limit if defined by RSO face number and the panel is located by the
same RSO. For existing panels the point is added automatically when
regenerated and stored. As for the panel statement the face number is kept as
information and is also updated if necessary.
58528 100502 Title: Difficult to edit Complex RSOs which are imported from Surface and
Compartment Module
Symptoms: -----
Known workaround: -----
Solution: Structural Design now triangulate faces where needed, in case not
made planar beforehand.
Make planar, previously automatic, is now selected by the user. Furthermore, the
make planar routine is only making planar in line with the intentions given by the
point in the next row of the definition. If this is not possible, no planar face is
made and triangulation will take care of the non-planar face.
72602, 148030, Title: RSO / Edit Shape
58528, 100502, Symptoms: Looks alike the system forces faces to rectangle planes which
75781 156930 cause, that the object do not follow given input.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Structural Design now triangulate faces where needed, in case not
made planar beforehand. Make planar, previously automatic, is now selected by
the user. Furthermore, the make planar routine is only making planar in line with
the intentions given by the point in the next row of the definition. If this is not
possible, no planar face is made and triangulation will take care of the non-planar
59560 104230 Title: Connection between Design / Production Panels.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: A utility program sj912 is created that can list and to some extent
modify references between design and production panels. It can also list and set
65216 122037 Title: Hull Structural Design crashes during block division
Symptoms: Block division stops (crash) with the error message "WA204 ERROR:
201 PROCEDURE: 1007"
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: This is an error when the system tries to create the default production
block. The error is corrected.
65261 122144 Title: Block division fails when block seam is defined in RSO cutting plane
Symptoms: If the cutter coincides with an already defined block seam, the Block
division process stops and never sorts in the production panels in the blocks.
Previous/Known workaround: Make sure there is no existing blockseam at the
same plane as the cutter plane.
Solution: If the block seam to add coincides with an existing seam, this seam is
71673, 145392, Title: FE Modeller has some stability issues.
73467, 150230, Symptoms: FE modeller sometimes crashes or halts without any immediate
72140 146697 reason to follow up.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Various errors have been found and fixed.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
71715 145551 Title: FE model Output values for nodes.
Symptoms: In FE model, The output nodes coordinates seems in need of
rounding up due to high sensitivity of GeniE program.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The exported coordinates are now rounded to the nearest mm.
71885 146077 Title: Blocks not correctly created
Symptoms: When creating a block in Structural design as symmetrical, the
reflected block is not created in the same database but in random db with R/W
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the reflected block is created in the correct data base.
71864 146791 Title: Shape of Beam Property in exported bdf-file.
Symptoms: Shapes of all beam properties are Rectangular bar in exported bdf-
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: In the Nastran BDF export an option has been added that enables to
user to select if beams should be defined by their dimensions (PBEAML) or by
their integrated characteristics (PBEAM).
72497 147637 Title: Unknown error message with Idealization
Symptoms: When executing a block for Idealization via Structural Design, the
following error message occur:
- "Panel xxx_B6-FR94-51 NOT activated" on the Prompt
- "Object currently locked by another user" on the Message window
Adminshows no ghost user.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Some error handling has been added so that the idealisation can
proceed after skipping erroneous panels.
72557 147829 Title: FE Model Crash in 12.1.SP4.17[build 5702] but fine in 12.1.SP4.15
Symptoms: No problem with the FE Model in 12.1.SP4.15 but in 12.1.SP4.17
the system aborts.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the system will not abort.
73522 150408 Title: Split shell stiffeners via RSO doesn´t consider thickness of panel
Symptoms: If trying to split a Shell Profile against a RSO that contains Planar
Panel, the thickness of the panels are not taken into considerations.
Previous workaround: Split the Shell Profile against Planar Panel if possible.
Solution: The shell profiles are now split with scantling compensation in all cases
when referring an RSO.
73901 151406 Title: FE export format of MNF for Maestro (enhancement)
Symptoms: It will be appreciated if we have an export format of MNF from FEA
vendor MAESTRO
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: An option has been implemented to export FE models as MNF files
and import them in the FEA software MAESTRO.
74344 152424 Title: FEM - optional calculation of beam properties around neutral axis instead
of stiffener trace line
Symptoms: -----
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: An option has been added that enables the user to choose if beam
properties shall be calculated around the neutral axis (offset beams) or around
the stiffener trace line considering also the effective width of the connected plate
(hybrid beams).
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
75374 156516 Title: RSO not visible in symbolic view
Symptoms: Sometimes the system is not showing all RSO-objects in symbolic
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists
Solution: The RSO box is not correctly updated when the RSO plane is changed
via the RSO/Edit Shape function. This will then make the Symbolic View to miss
the RSO.
77697 162309 Title: Path length for the SBH_KNUCKLE_CTRL file
Symptoms: The check of SBH_KNUCKLE_CTRL file with INITHULL fails even if
the system is capable to open the file with INITHULL / EDIT command.
Previous/Known workaround: The limit is 80 characters for the path length.
Make sure the total length (path + filename) does not exceed this limit.
Solution: The length of path + filename is increased to 255 characters.
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
71169 145357 Title: Invalid Bending Template and Table information
Symptoms: Missing template and the message that the attachment angle is out
of bounds.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Correction has been made, moving template plane inside the shell
71702 145492 Title: Problem of Bending Template
Symptoms: Cutouts in templates over CL are missing.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Cutouts are added for bending templates over CL.
73995 151618 Title: Limit value of NGROUPS in na_ctrl.ip
Symptoms: Adding more than 200 groups in na_ctrl file has no affect.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The limits of profile groups in the na_ctrl.ip file has been extended from
200 to 1000 groups.
75833 157130 Title: 3- Axis nesting Crash
Symptoms: 3- Axis nesting Crash.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the 3-axis nest should not abort.
76178 158035 Title: When run Bending Template, the system crash down (Fatal Error).
Symptoms: The Bending Template application crash for a three side plate.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Correction has been made for the crash in bending template
76179 158036 Title: When run bending Template, It failed to calculate base plane.
Symptoms: When run bending Template, It failed to calculate base plane.
Message in log file is:
Cutting plane too close to CL moved toward SB
Failed to calculate base plane
Only one frame position is intersecting the curved plate, change settings or
change template type.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Correction of base plane calculation has been made.
76320 158583 Title: CORN_LOOP_RECREATE=YES, does not work
Symptoms: Corner loops are not recreated when the default say Yes.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Correction for automatic re-creation of corner loops has been done.
77019 160453 Title: Missing Parts in PLCM Nest
Symptoms: The message that there is a part missing and a small triangle is
drawn in the left bottom of the nest.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Fixed so the part is included.
77324 161267 Title: PPANPARTS on a Panel with big excess at one limit failed
Symptoms: When excess is given and the value is more than 250 mm,
ppanparts will fail to create the plate part.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: When splitting a planar panel that includes excess, the limit for excess
is 250 mm.
This limit can now be controlled via IP to ppanparts:
where <value> is the maximum allowed excess that ppanparts will handle.
78309 164288 Title: SBH_MARKING_SURF_TOL does not work
Symptoms: Defining the tolerance via SBH_MARKING_SURF_TOL has no
effect. It always use the default tolerance of 2 mm.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem is handled and the user defined tolerance will be used.
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Product Release Letter
Hull Nesting:
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Product Release Letter
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
76412 158655 Title: Not all elements get copied from a HIDDEN LINE view to a new WIRELINE
Symptoms: Having a UNIVERSAL HIDDEN LINE view, there is an element that
is HIDDEN and does not get displayed. If changing the view to MODELLED
WIRELINE then the HIDDEN elements re-appears (which is to be expected).
However, if copying all the elements from the UNIVERSAL HIDDEN LINE view
into a new MODELLED WIRELINE view then the HIDDEN elements do not get
copied ... they get lost.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Problem solved by removing the automatic purge during save (as)
76929 160539 Title: When Subpicture Regroup Menu 4.Polygon(CUT) execute, Current Scale
Changed to 1:1
Previous/Known workaround: Manually change scale.
Solution: When regrouping geometry to a new owner view, the transformation &
projection information from the view of first collected geometry will be copied to
the new owner view.
163670 Title: Listing subpictures sometimes gives faulty results
Symptoms: Listing subpictures sometimes returns subpictures that do not match
the search criteria given. This happens only when subpictures are stored in
directories, and not in the database.
Previous/Known workaround: None
Solution: This has been corrected so that only subpictures matching the search
criteria are returned.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
56504 114397 Title: HVAC - Development of standard HVAC nozzles on Standard Equipment
Symptoms: Branch Head XY size was not same size as nozzle XY.
Previous/Known workaround: Put in correct value.
Solution: System picks up the Branch XY size from connected nozzle.
69950 140380 Title: Structures - New Trim To Panel function.
Symptoms: The existing functions that perform this action require more mouse
clicks than the new function.
Previous/Known workaround: Use existing Mitre or Extend functions.
Solution: New button added to steel utilities toolbar to invoke the new Trim To
70920 142627 Title: PDMS 12.1.SP4 DIST problem.
Symptoms: DISTANCE command not giving correct position.
Previous/Known workaround: Use other positioning commands.
Solution: This has now been resolved.
72241 148822 Title: Piping - Connecting two flanged branches head and tails normally results
in a Datacon error
Symptoms: after connecting the head of one branch to the tail of another you
can get:
FLANGE 2 =23584/11974
GASKET 1 =23584/11975
These errors are due to the need to switch just one of the head/Tail connection
Previous/Known workaround: Identify the problem and set the connection type
attribute by keyboard
Solution: The connection code now evaluates the connection types during the
connection process and makes the head/tail attributes compatible. Note: it
requires a complete flanged joint to be able to resolve the connection so in some
cases it will be necessary to reconnect the head/tail after appropriate
components have been built.
150624 Title: PSI is not compatible with CAESAR 2014
Symptoms: Output to CAESAR is ok but the return fails to build any components
Known workaround: use an older version of CAESAR
Solution: A change in the CAESAR Displacement output format is now
incorporated in the CII reading process.
76525 158974 Title: Validation of Equipment penetration across multiple panels improved
Symptoms: Validation of Design Template Equipment penetration across
multiple panels fails when penetration is valid.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Validation test fixed.
76900, 160235, Title: Equipment - Negative primitive is not refreshing
76921 160270 Symptoms: Graphics out of date.
Previous/Known workaround: Re-add the equipment.
Solution: Negative Primitives now graphically refreshing.
160917 Title: HVAC pseudo attribute ARRWI ARRHEI LEAWID LEAHEI should be
Length Distance not Bore Distance.
Symptoms: HVAC data checking gives spurious errors.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Checking now works.
77425 161503 Title: Piping - ADIR & LDIR pseudo attributes now work for TUBI
Symptoms: LDIR returns blank & ADIR gives wrong results.
Previous/Known workaround: Use branch components values.
Solution: This has now been corrected.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
77060 161523 Title: Piping - The specborechange form fails to find components from some
specs and the user needs to choose them manually
Symptoms: .The message "Unable to search answers as there seems to be a
problem with the specification for this component type" appears when selecting a
series of components and the selection remains empty.
Previous/Known workaround: the user has to use the manual selection option
(Choose) for these components
Solution: In certain cases this is due to trying to evaluate real attributes as
strings. This fix handles both.
Marine Drafting:
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Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
44959 67811 Title: Design - Format of 'world axis' within Model View.
Symptoms: XYZ not shown in Model view axis.
Previous/Known workaround: Set COORD XYZ on the command line.
Solution: The default COORD setting has been forced to XYZ on entry to
62461 113492 Title: Isodraft - Couplings with Skey CP** break tube for Spool Drawings.
Symptoms: Different Cut Pipe pieces either side of Coupling.
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: Suppress Spooler creation of implied for Couplings with Skey CP**.
72014 146366 Design - Clasher is not running when PDMS is installed in a folder with a blank.
75171 154550 Title: Design - Make window (Reorder/include/Reverse Order) larger.
Symptoms: Long names overflow field so are difficult to find
Solution: Reorder hierarchy form has been replaced. It now contains grids and
is able to be resized. Include form can also now be resized and default list width
has increased.
157873 Title: Isodraft - Number of character mismatch [3]Insert Depth: 0mm -3
Symptoms: Number of character mismatch [3]Insert Depth: 0mm -3
Previous/Known workaround: None.
Solution: Do not attempt to place spool number against 'End of skew' after Non-
standard branch connection.
76235 158160 Title: Design - Model View form creating SLOO and SVER elements in the
wrong place.
Symptoms: If the CE is moved, the Model View forms 'Modify Points' button can
create SLOO/SVER elements under an under a new or incorrect SEXT.
Previous/Known workaround: Avoid moving the CE unnecessarily while
working with the Mode View form - note that the Representation form will
sometimes move the CE.
Solution: Set the CE correctly at the start of the Modify Points code.
76390 158588 Title: FTUB leave tube not numbered.
Symptoms: Spool Drawing isometric cannot be created.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Number FTUB leave tube.
158861 Title: Minor UI changes to the Search UI.
Symptoms: Search UI currently makes it too easy to perform large searches.
Solution: Slight adjustments have been made to the search UI in order to reduce
risk of long searches. They are still possible to perform but the user needs to
explicitly set it up. For more information see section Enhancements above.
76512, 158944, Title: Isodraft - Bending Machine stretch factors ignored in isometric Cutting List.
76536 158991 Symptoms: Incorrect Cutting List when Pipe Fabrication used.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Derive excesses from PPIECE UDAs :PFCutlength and :PFFinlength.
76515 158982 Title: Getting twice the value of user excess, into the iso cutting list.
Symptoms: Getting twice the value of user excess, into the iso cutting list.
Previous/Known workaround: Remove flow arrows.
Solution: Allow for flow arrows when handling user excesses.
76545 159034 Title: Show Pipe Fabrication PPIECE names on isometric.
Symptoms: PPIECE names not shown.
Previous/Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: New PPIECE command. For more information refer to section
Enhancements above.
76872 160108 Title: Design - Detail text attributes set to the literal text 'unset' rather being left
as empty strings.
Symptoms: In design, detail text appear as 'unset' rather than being empty.
Previous/Known workaround: When modifying the detail texts using the
Paragon GUI, clear any field containing the string 'unset'.
Solution: On initialisation, fields are now blank.
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Product Release Letter
Assembly Planning:
Planar Hull:
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
75470 155865 Title: PLCM insert form.
Symptoms: PLCM aborts when inserting the drawing form right after the nesting
has been verified.
Previous workaround: After Verify, save nesting. Close nesting. Open nesting,
then insert form.
Solution: Corrected so drawingform can be inserted right after verification of the
75639 156250 Title: Default surface is not listed after using SolveIntersectionXXX methods
Symptoms: After using the methode SolveIntersection, the list of default
surfaces in Curved Hull is empty.
Previous workaround: Open the dialouge Project-->Surfaces... then check the
Default surface list again.
Solution: The issue is corrected and teh list of default surfaces is not cleared out
after the methodes has been run.
75691 156446 Title: Missing SYMMETRY DataExtraction keyword for HOLE
Symptoms: When trying to extract the hole symmetry in Data Extraction, the key
word is missing.
Previous workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The missing data extraction keyword SYMMETRY has been added to
the HOLE extraction. Also the missing keyword FICTIOUS has been added.
Hull Nesting:
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Product Release Letter
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
72361 156800 Title: AVEVA DIAGRAM: Export to DWG.
Symptoms: In some cases, there is an Aborted message during exporting to
Previous workaround: Open VSD file in Visio, change (or set) font (in this case,
Green text from the attached V67127657-4883-10000-1.vsd) save it and try to
export again.
Solution:On some machines, font used in VSD file does not exisit in the system,
in this situation we are converting missing font to the default (Calibri) font.
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
75042 154130 Title: Draft - Crash in mass property calculation
Symptoms: A data-dependent crash in the geometry engine.
Known workaround: None satisfactory (although small perturbations to the data
did avoid the crash).
Solution: A core fix has been made in the geometry engine to avoid a crash in a
rare geometrical configuration.
75421 155579 Title: Design - Copied elements are copied to the correct owning element.
Symptoms: Copied elements are copied to the wrong owning element.
Previous workaround: Copy and then change hierarchy
Solution: Previous bug fix improved to use correct target element.
76156 158017 Title: Panel negative not refreshing.
Symptoms: Change a panel hole & graphics does not refresh.
Known workaround: Re-add panel.
Solution: This has now been corrected.
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
74211 152976 Title: LIS statement not written into scheme.
Symptoms: When using the keyword LIS in a panel statement for a knuckled
panel, the keyword is missing in the created schema file.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the LIS keyword is present in the panel statement for
knuckled panels.
Curved Hull:
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Hull Nesting:
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Inciden Issue Description
t Number
74931, 67807, Title: Schematic Model Manager - An Err msg 'Unhandled exception' displayed
71274 153726, on exiting application after deleting an element in new explorer.
145477 Symptoms: An Err msg 'Unhandled exception' displayed on exiting app after
deleting an element in new explorer.
Known workaround: NA
Solution: Now no unhandled exception will occur on exiting app after deleting an
element in new explorer.
78312 Title: Compare/Update: Database Window; Hide irrelevant section.
Symptoms: Showing complete "Update Database" window even if there are no
items to be updated or inserted.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: Showing only the relevant section of Update Database window.
110316 Title: Tags - Marked texts are not be over written.
Symptoms: By default whole text is selected in long text editor as soon as the
long text editor appear to the user during typing of text. It is bad behaviour
because first letter typed in the long text editor override selected text. Long text
editor behaviour should match standard text field behaviour (after pressing F2
text in long text editor is selected and ready to be overwritten).
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: 1. Text is not selected in long text editor when the long text editor
appear to the user during typing of text.
2. Long text editor behaviour matches standard text field behaviour (after
pressing F2 text in long text editor is selected and ready to be overwritten).
65326 122384 Title: PDF Export of Datasheets ignores page settings
Symptoms: PDF export generates multiple pages for a single sheet in the excel
of datasheet instance
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: Implemented code in pdf export so that single page will be generated
per sheet in the excel.
66762 127355 Automap in Datasheet Template.
129958 Title:Compare/Update - Unhandled exception when we try to select the mapping
attribute using arrow keys.
Symptoms: Application crashes if user uses down/up arrows to select mapping
attributes in attribute mapping form which is part of configuration creatuin/edit
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: Application will not crash even if user uses down/up arrows to select
mapping attributes in attribute mapping form which is part of configuration
creatuin/edit wizard.
68320 134989 Title: Reporting - GetDouble, GetUnits, GetDimension function in an expression
in the Report Designer are not working with UDAs.
Symptoms: GetDouble, GetUnits, GetDimension function giving 0 value for
array UDAs.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: GetDouble, GetUnits, GetDimension function are working as expected.
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Product Release Letter
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
67096 95900, Title: Spooler - Create correct IWELDs for PIPCA connections.
128691 Symptoms: Create correct IWELDs for PIPCA connections.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: Create IWELDs for PIPCA connections using P-Point 1000 + PIPCA
57040 96826 Title: Admin - Performance of 'Extract' gadget in Extract Control form with large
Symptoms: With a large Extract Claim-list, clicking 'Extract' gadget takes several
minutes to respond.
Previous workaround: Use the Command-line to Extract Claim items.
Solution: Performance improved.
60057 105910 Title: STLNKS items should not appear in Paragon Explorer.
Symptoms: STLNKS items appear in Paragon Explorer.
Previous workaround: Ignore these items in the Explorer as they shouldn't be
Solution: Add filter to make these invisible.
61739 111159 Title: The component creation form gives the wrong LSTU on the first new
component after switching branches.
Symptoms: It was possible to get the tube bore of the previous branch after
pressing the set branch button on the component creation form. This was due to
the select branch method not initialising the tube selection mechanism.
Previous workaround: Select the tube from the tube selection gadget.
Solution: The form now initialises properly on a new branch.
63877 118578 Title: Structures - Fitting BANG initialised correctly.
Symptoms: Create Fitting uses the SCTN BANG for its default value.
Previous workaround: Reset BANG field to the required value.
Solution: BANG defaults to 0 on first use in a session, and to the last used value
on subsequent use.
66047 124823 Title: HVAC - Ship coordinate dimension for connection points In HVAC sketch
Symptoms: End Point Table gives X Y Z not ShipX ShipY ShipZ
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: This is now possible if the word SHIP is used in the BTEX attribute of
any TEXP element in the ENDPOINT Table Entries of the Backing Sheet used as
the Template for the HVAC Sketch.
67096, 128691, Title: Isodraft - PTAP connection splits tube on Spool Drawing.
62451 113447 Symptoms: Cutting List splits tube at PIPCA.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: Use Spooler generated IWELD for PIPCA connection.
67909 134462 Title: Design - Clipping (CLIP CE Not work in Imperial Units).
Symptoms: Blank graphics when clip CE in units other than mm.
Previous workaround: Not acceptable, but switch to mm units.
Solution: Now works as expected, in any distance unit.
69657 139043 Title: Piping - The NSBC utility always selects the default LSTU - it should take
into account the previous component tube instead.
Symptoms: incorrect wall thickness messages after a PTAP in DATACON.
Previous workaround: The user needs to select the lstu separately.
Solution: The PTAP in the main line now gets the same tube selection as the
previous component (or head) For new branches it also tries to select the
appropriate tube using the tube STYPE.
68593 141603 Title: Toolbar Docking.
Symptoms: Floating toolbar position not restored between application switches.
Previous workaround: Toolbars must be repositioned by hand after application
Solution: Restore floating toolbar positions.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
71727 145588 Title: Piping - PLANE command in BACKWARDS mode.
Symptoms: Missplaced component when using PLANE command in
Previous workaround: Don’t use BACKWARDS.
Solution: Now corrected.
71984 146261 Title: Pipe Fabrication generated Spools require CSFBR to be set as well as
Symptoms: Inconsistent Spool Breaks generated from Pipe Fabrication.
Previous workaround: Set CSFBR attribute.
Solution: Remove reliance on CSFBR attribute also being set when setting
ASFBR/LSFBR in Pipe Fabrication.
72013 146459 Title: Datal output does not distinguish ambiguity between Word and unit
qualifiers in parameter lists.
Symptoms: Interpretting a WORD a unit for a preceding number in a parameter
Previous workaround: Edit the data output by bracketing the preceding number
before input.
Solution: Bracketting numbers in parameter output lists which precede
ambiguous unit qualifier like words.
72093 146592 Title: Spooler - Spool Break at Tee off leg makes incorrect Spool Break attribute
Symptoms: Spool Break set at Tee PA/PL rather than at Off leg.
Previous workaround: Set TSFBREAK true for leave tube of Branch.
Solution: Set TSFBREAK true for leave tube of Branch for Spool Break GUI
selection and introduce new Create/Delete Spool Break OFF option for current
72138 146693 Title: Design - Cabling Design license may be required to manage projects
containing Cabling data.
Symptoms: Deletion, locking and renaming of Cabling elements fails if Cabling
Design license is unavailable.
Previous workaround: None, other than to obtain a Cabling Design license.
Solution: Software fix to remove requirement for license for deletion, locking and
renaming of Cabling Design and Room Design related elements.
72617 147997 Title: Automatic Spool Regeneration fails to maintain attributes during pipe
Symptoms: Changing a pipe containing pspools does not mainiat individual
pspool attributes and sometimes the attributes are applied to a different pspool.
Previous workaround: Check the pspool attributes beforefinal issue
Cause: The old production checks utilities auto generate pspools each time a
pipe geometry is changed. The data elements in the old spools are re-used to
save data storage but this can result in the newly created pspools occupying
different db refs to what they started with. The core auto-regeneration simply
replaces the spool limit data and does not do anything to preserve existing
Solution: Since 12.0.SP6, a PML routine has been used to compare the new
and old pspools before and after regeneration to preserve the spool names. This
has been sucessful in solving the name problem but never tried to maintain any
spool attributes. Now the comparison also compares and resets pspool attributes
values including UDA values.
73018 149280 Title: Admin - Infinite recursion problem with unknown elements.
Symptoms: Applications may hang, or Explorer and the command line may
display invalid member lists for unknown element types.
Previous workaround: Avoid referencing databases from later product versions
than the software being used.
Solution: Software updated to prevent infinite recursion with unknown elements.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
73483 150314 Title: Equipment penetration validation failing for penetrations in more than one
Symptoms: Equipment penetration validation failing following hole approval
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: Approved penetration of second and subsequent panels now
recognised correctly, and hole alignment checking improved.
73721 151256 Title: Spooler - FTUB component not numbered by update.
Symptoms: FTUB component has Partnumber 0 after Number update.
Previous workaround: Use Number renumber.
Solution: Number FTUB with SKEY of TUBE on update.
151349 Title: PML error in Extract Control form after EXTRACT ISSUE DB.
Symptoms: Error reported as (2,779) Method <ERROR>.SIZE() Not found on
line 1407 of admExtractCntrol.extractItem.
Previous workaround: Problem only occurs after commands such as
EXTRACT ISSUE DB which do not include an item-list.
Solution: Correction required to PML.
152743 Title: Database and data Management - Delay and eventual crash opening
PDMS Design 12.1.SP4 on APS project for E3D 2.1.
Symptoms: Delay and eventual crash opening PDMS Design 12.1.SP4 on APS
project for E3D 2.1.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: Software fix to correct forwards compatibility behaviour.
74720 153097 Title: Isodraft - Fonts incorrectly exported to dxf from IsoDraft
Symptoms: Text using (eg) Cyrillic characters exported incorrectly
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: Code modified to export data as escaped Unicode and specify
appropriate font in exported dxf.
74738 153146 Title: 3D views not updating in Paragon
Symptoms: Modifying catalogue item geometry does not redraw the image of
the component in the model view form.
Known workaround: Open the representation form and press Apply to force an
Solution: Modified code that checks which changes to ignore.
153157 Title: Isodraft - Blank Bolt descriptions generated for a single character Bolt
Description replacement text.
Symptoms: Blank Bolt descriptions.
Previous workaround: Use longer replacement text.
Solution: Cater for a single character Bolt Description replacement text with
multiple occurrences.
74790 153226 Title: Design - 3D views not updating in Paragon.
Symptoms: Modifying catalogue item geometry does not redraw the image of
the component in the model view form.
Previous workaround: Open the representation form and press Apply to force
an update.
Solution: Modified code that checks which changes to ignore.
75055 155970 Design - Apply button on CATE GUI does not change graphic representation.
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Product Release Letter
Assembly Planning:
Initial Design:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
68753 136200 Title: Calc crashes when opened on the Citrix server.
Symptoms: Calc crashes when opened on the Citrix server.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so Calc will start also on the Citrix Server.
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
64579 119370 Title: After PPI executes, the panel edge is reduced by the value of Gap * 2.
Symptoms: When having multiple bevel gaps defined on the same Planar Panel
limit, the resulting plate part size is wrong.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected handling of multiple bevel gap intervals on one plate panels.
65534 123116 Title: R1=0 and R2=0 is not acceptable for cutout 9999 intercrossing panels.
Symptoms: Giving R1 and/or R2 as zero (0) always adds a KS10 notch to the
9999 cutout for intercrossing panels.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: Zero is acting as default value and will then use the default notch KS10
for cutout type 9999. By setting the environment variable
SBH_NO_INTERCROSS_RAD to any value, R1=0/R2=0 will be treated as if no
notch is desired.
65555, 123238, Title: Shell profiles as panel boundary is not possible
37663 69361 Symptoms: Using the "Profile Along" option in the Boundary statement on a
Shell Profile that does not belong to the main surface is not working through the
Statement Wizard.
Previous workaround: Manually change in trhe schema statement.
Solution: Solved so that it is now possible to use a profile as a boundary even if
it belongs to another surface.
66193 129273 Title: The Virtual hole was inconsistent with real hole.
Symptoms: In Hole Management, an arbitrary hole on Starboard side is not
correctly displayed in Hull Design. The radius is displayed wrong.
Previous workaround: Manually change sign of the curve in the CUR statement
for the wrong radius parameters.
Solution: Non standard holes will be generated correctly on reflected planar
67425 130000 Title: "Outside" of GUI is checked if you modified to a plate without "DIS" on the
Symptoms: In a FRP project, when a plate is not set "DIS" in the scheme,
"Outside" in GUI is automatically checked. This leads to wrong definition of
Previous workaround: Manually check if DIS is checked or not.
Solution: The problem is now solved so that the Outside tickbox shows the
correct value for the plate being modified.
67747 131355 Title: Partly plate repesentation not display in the knuckle panel.
Symptoms: Some small parts in a knuckled panel is missing.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so all parts will be visible.
68201 134649 Title: Knuckle panel disappear from deck view.
Symptoms: When changing thickness of a deck panel, the abutting knuckle
panel is removed from the symbolic view.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: This often happens when the thickness is increased. If the knuckled
panel is more than 15 mm from the view plane, it was considered to be outside
the view. This tolerance is now changed to 100 mm instead of 15 mm.
68812 136387 Title: Bead in FRP quality extracted always 'A' via DEX.
Symptoms: Using Data Extraction trying to extract the quality of a Bead, the
quality is always returned as zero (0).
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: Coreccted so the quality code (and quality text) is extracted from the
68879 136664 Title: Frame number being inserted into Marking Text Rotation (UVT).
Symptoms: Opening a planar panel schema containing marking with free text,
the T (angle) is adding a FR term to the angle like T=FR0-90.
Previous workaround: Manually remove the FR term from the value.
Solution: Corrected so no FR/LP term is added to the T angle.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
69734, 139260, Title: FRP - When the panel receated, bead object in design tree is created once
72050 146433 more.
Symptoms: When the panel receated, bead object in design tree is created once
more but it is not included in the schema.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so no extra bead is created and the model is correctly
displayed also in the schema file.
69738 139268 Title: FRP- In Stiffener Statement, LAM keyword drops in statement wizard.
Symptoms: When modifying a stiffener in the Statement Wizard, the LAM
information is lost in the Wizard.
Previous workaround: Manually add the lamination code.
Solution: Corrected so the Wizard will fill in the correct lamination code.
69748 139313 Title: Scheme Input Function vs. Hole Management Tool
Symptoms: Using Input Scheme containing a Managed Hole is not possible to
run. The HOL statment will always fail.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: To make 'safe' handling both interactive and batch any panel with
managed holes will be stopped at panel statement to prevent corrupt panel (with
missing holes).
To update these panels remove reference or run panel/edit or panel/recreate.
69784 139439 Title: After stiffener inclination value is up to 10 EA, recently value is not applied.
Symptoms: The inclination field in the Statement Wizard is not presenting the
correct value.
Previous workaround: Manually modify to the correct value.
Solution: The correct inclination value is presented in the drop down list. If no
inclination is given in a stiffener, the field will be set to blank (i.e. no inclination).
70248 141032 Title: Attribute KNUCKL wrong for KL Brackets.
Symptoms: The bracket has no folded flange and still the attribute is ticked for
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: The attribute KNUCKL for brackets has been corrected to be correct
70592 141889 Title: 3pts Panel does not display on curved panel view.
Symptoms: Panels defined with 3 points are not shown in the Curved Panel
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so all planar panels touching the Curved Panel will be
included in the Curved Panel View.
70642 142061 Title: Plane Panel Activate Options.
Symptoms: When activating a panel, the use of Options to present a popup
menu for typing of panels to be included or excluded for selection does not work.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: The Selection dialog is now shown at Options.
71005 142915 Title: Tests on Solid Shell Plates / New Holes.
Symptoms: Various problems to display shell plates such as "Missing Transom
Shell Plate", "Badly Formed Bilge Radius Plate".
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: Display of shell plates has been improved.
71343 144209 Title: Creation of Bevel object in inithull happened error.
Symptoms: Adding more than 100 AUTO_SETs will give errors in the logfile
when creating the bevel object in inithull.
Previous workaround: Make sure there are less than 100 sets in the bevel
Solution: Limit has been increased to 250 sets.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
71880 145978 Title: Panel-store trigger not started when renaming panels.
Symptoms: When renaming Planar Panel, the trigger when storing the panels
are not started.
Previous workaround: Make a modification on the renamed panel and save it
Solution: The trigger is now started also in the Rename function where an Apply
Panel is executed.
72024 146401 Title: Panel store post trigger executed too early.
Symptoms: Modifying symmetry for a panel e.g. from P to SBP, the trigger for
the reflected image of the panel is saved after the trigger has started.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: Trigger is started when all internal save operations are done.
73386 150052 Title: System aborts when notches are defined on a twisted stiffener (Planar
Symptoms: When adding a notch to a planar panel stiffener that is twisted, the
system aborts when the panel is saved.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the system will save tha panel with the added notches on
the stiffener without aborting.
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
72443 147619 Title: Shell Profile Inclination Problem.
Symptoms: Shell profile is presented with wrong inclination angle.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so Shell Profile is presented correctly. Error is only in case
Shell Plate exists in the area.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
65142 121574 Title: Design Panel gets wrong stiffener ends for topologic points.
Symptoms: Topology point for stiffener end that is created for a Production
Panel stiffener is not correctly transferred to the Design Panel.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: If the profile end is not the same for the Production Panel as for the
Design Panel, the topological point referring it will be changed to a direct point.
65171 121642 Title: Errors when trying to modify symmetri of production panel in MultiView
Symptoms: System gets confused when the Design Panel data base is a read
only data base when trying to modify symmetry of a Production Panel.
Previous workaround: Make sure all databases included are writable.
Solution: To be able to change symmetry on a production panel or a design
panel with production panels they all need to be in databases with write access. If
not, an error message is given and the function terminates.
65464 122718 Title: Not possible to copy panel from a prod block to another prod block
belonging to another desi block.
Symptoms: When trying to copy a Production Panel from one block to another
block the system is responding with the message: 'Invalid Block selected!'
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: The copy function is modified to accept copying between production
blocks belonging to different design blocks.
68278 134843 Title: Hole management fail to “Approve” on some HPANEL.
Symptoms: Hole Management fails to approve holes made for an Equipment
and the error "Unable to create the hole" is presented.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exsits.
Solution: This normally means that there are too many segments in the resulting
curve that will form the hole. The curve statement gets trunkated after 1000
characters. Meaning that the curve created by the MNG hole function might
corrupt the scheme. This has been corrected by just copying the contour and
reduce the curve statement to 'CUR, "CURVENAME", MNG;'
A Managed curve like this is not allowed to be changed by the hull Designer.
68146 135198 Title: Problem for restrinction in symbolicview.
Symptoms: When making a Detail View, the checkbox for restricted view is
checked if the original view was restricted.
Previous workaround: Uncheck the tickbox manually.
Solution: Corrected so the restriction tick box will always be unchecked for detail
71047 143048 Title: Some Beams are not connected to shell elements in FE model.
Symptoms: Topologically correctly defined profiles connected to the shell are
sometimes not connected correct in the FE model.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the shell connection is also correct in the FE model.
71521 144804 Title: MULTIVIEW - Stiffeners disappear after block division
Symptoms: After running Block division the stiffeners are missing in the resulting
panels in the target block.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: Fixed so all components are available in the target panel after Block
71522 144809 Title: MULTIVIEW - Seams missing in design panel when created pll to another
Symptoms: When seams have been created parallel to another seam in the
production panel, the seams are not populated to the design panel in a Multiview
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: Seams referring another seam now correctly handled in design panel
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
71508 145111 Title: None or more than one contour from the RSO
Symptoms: Problems in the boundary when using RSO's with multiple faces.
Previous workaround: Manually add correct face number in the schema
Solution: The multiple intersections of faces was not handled in the best way.
The solution is now improved in handling multiple intersections.
71636 145314 Title: Hull Steel XML Export- Export component/part name
Symptoms: Request to get names of exported components in the XML file from
Hull Steel Export.
Previous workaround: -----
Solution: A name attribute is exported for those components which are also
exported as geometry via MEI.
The exported name attribute is
- the name of the component if given, otherwise
- the part name
If neither of them is given no name attribute is exported.
71761 145647 Title: Wrong type of shell elements.
Symptoms: All shell elements are MEMBRANE type in exported BDF file. They
should be PLATE type.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: The material ID in field MID2 in the PSHELL entry has been added.
72928, 149865, Title: Problem for IntersectionPointsGet(MarContourPlanar Contour1,
53675 89017 MarContourPlanar Contour2).
Symptoms: No intersection is found by the API.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: The API has been corrected.
Space Management:
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
67657 131095 Title: Invalid Bending Template and Table information about forward block.
Symptoms: Template not created and message "Plate edge is too far from hull
surface" in the log file.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: Normal case for this is that the intersection of the plates results in two
curves. in such case, the intersecion plane will be moved until there are only one
resulting curve. Information is also given in the log-file.
69304 138099 Title: Font setting for GenFile Viewer.
Symptoms: System is using TBSystemFont0 in the Genfile Viewer.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: The text font is taken from the Nesting default parameter TEXT_FONT.
71455 144719 Title: Data Extraction Error for flat bar.
Symptoms: The second time a stiffeners total length is extracted, the wrong
length is presented.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the stiffener length remains the
same after wcog are extracted.
71500 144756 Title: Customer Postprocessor.
72866 148832 Title: PLC-module:system does not handle reflected symmetrical panel.
Symptoms: Error 105 is given in the log file when splitting (ppanparts) a
symmetrical panel for PLCM.
Previous workaround: Make side specific panels.
Solution: Corrected so a symmetrical panel is split to be used in PLCM.
73548, 150701, Title: ATX Export delivers wrong results.
73791 151178 Symptoms: Profiles on symmetrical planar panels do not get P and S in the part
names in the ATX file.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so that the name of profile parts will end with 'P' or 'S'.
Hull Nesting:
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Product Release Letter
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
65067 121270 Title: Curved panel corner can not be selected in 12.1.SP4.
Symptoms: Curved panel corner can not be selected but this was possible in
earlier versions.
Previous workaround: Include the shell plates wherer it is possible to select
Solution: Corrected so the Curved Panels corners are selectable as event
66785, 128809, Title: SCTN ends are not being properly defined in all View Types
53230 87842 Symptoms: Currenlty, when creating a new view its VGAPlength attribute is
always 1.5mm.
Previous workaround: Set the VGAPLENGTH attribute on the VIEW elements
to zero or a much smaller value than currently set on pictures which show the
problem, then there would be a significant improvement.
Solution: A new drafting default keyword, "VIEW_VGAP" to select the initial
value of VGAP for a new view, has been added.
VIEW_VGAP is 0.0 by default.
130401 Title: Tools> Model View> Copy for Symbolic View allows User to Choose
Symptoms: You can select a new projection for a Symbolic View although this is
an irrelevant operation. The change has no effect on the result.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: For Symbolic Views the Choose Projection option has been removed.
67548 130646 Title: Command UPDATE BSHEETS does work.
Symptoms: The command will have no effect - there ar eno updated.
Previous workaround: You can use the MARAPI function
Solution: If you make the SHEET active and use the UDPATE BSHEETS
command it should now work, the backing sheet it updated.
68733, 136125, Title: Character Limit for Multiline Text.
71695 145480 Symptoms: Multi line text is restricted to 2048 characters.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: Changed to allowing up to 30000 characters in a text element.
Note that there is still a limitation of approx 1000 characters in PADD. Exceeding
this limitation means that the text will not get persisted.
68839 136450 Title: The Properties of Planar Hull View is not working for Free Text(Marking).
Symptoms: In the function View-->Properties, trying to blank out Marking Text,
the text is still visible after unticking the Mark Text tick box.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so Marking Text will be unvisible if the Mark Text tick box is
unchecked in the View Properties dialouge.
70385 141408 Title: Shell Expansion shows overlaped Position Numbers on Stbd side when
refreshing old view.
Symptoms: When modifying position numbers on starboard side shell plates, the
numbers are wrong in ShellX views.
Previous workaround: Manually change the numbers in the views.
Solution: Corrected so the number will be correctly presented for the starboard
70559 141656 Title: Enhancement to automatically add arc fillets without radius value.
Symptoms: In Tribon it was possible to use "Automatic" fillet radius in the
Trim/Fillet function.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround exists.
Solution: The "automatic" fillet radius concept is now avaialable again by leaving
the Radius field empty.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
72789 148642 Title: Problem to update design models in a view when insert models by Drag
& Drop.
Symptoms: When adding models in views via drag & drop, If the view type is
Global hidden in 12.1SP4.x , the whole desing models at the view have been
Previous workaround: Change the view type before adding new models to the
Solution: The behavior is correct but an option has been introduced to prevent
the system from doing an Update Design when adding design models to such
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Product Release Letter
Inciden Issue Description
t Number
71080, 143213, Title: SMM Diagram View Scale errors with imported XML file from SPPID.
71630 145315 Symptoms: When XML with units of distance other than mm is imported to SMM
then scale of drawing is not proper.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: Now XML with any units of distance supported by ISO15926 is
displayed with proper scale in diagram viewer.
71676 145405 Title: Tags - Sublist header shows invalid unit.
Symptoms: Sublist header shows invalid unit.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: Valid unit is shown.
70698 146136 Title: Tags application suspends when opening PipeBasicData list.
Symptoms: Tags application suspends when opening PipeBasicData list.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: StackOverflowException issue fixed and Tags application does not
suspend when opening PipeBasicData list.
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
Inciden Issue Description
t Number
69575 139962 Title: Flanges with CompType of ALLO should not be defaulting to LOOSE.
Symptoms: Even if flange is ring type, it is treated as LOOSE as default.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: If a flange's COMPTYPE is ALLO, the fabrication check form and
drawing will not notice it as "loose part".And it not allows to change LOOSE
attribute for the RING Type flange via modify attribute form.
72793 148687 Title: No DXF or PDF files produced in Piping Fabrication.
Symptoms: Cannot Export DXF or PDF files in Pipe Fabrication.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: Program modified to use an iso option file to export DXF, PDF.
72232 148803 Title: Missing clutch reference.
Symptoms: If a tube is connected with an element which is shop false, clutch
reference would be missed.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: Complemented the codes for element which is shop false.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
69330 140329 Title: Admin (including Lexicon & Propcon) - DICE reports Fatal error when
Extract hierarchy requires synchronization.
Symptoms: FATAL DICE error reported for Child extract because it is out-of-
Previous workaround: Synchronise the Extract Child at the Parent primary
location before running DICE checks.
Solution: DICE should report this as a warning in a Global project, not an error.
However Claim errors will be reported until the Parent extract has been
synchronised to the Primary location of the child.
71479 144750 Title: User in the WAIT state cannot be deleted.
Symptoms: System reports (1,37) This user is currently active
Previous workaround: Replace COMMs database. Alternatively ensure that all
User Slots in the WAIT state have been re-used. You can view the Slots in the
Comms database using Q SLOTS.
Solution: WAIT users no longer block deletion.
71572 145901 Title: Design - Copy fixing does not work.
Symptoms: copied FIXING is owned by the original.
Previous workaround: Use "Rel" option.
Solution: "END" added so that copied FIXING is not owned by the original.
72020 146373 Title: REAL( unit qualified value) not working
Symptoms: funny error message
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: This has now been corrected.
72272 147188 Title: Draft - Multiple nested symbols don't work correctly when SYTMs have
same last leaf (after last /).
Symptoms: Wrong symbol is used in exported DXF/DWG.
Previous workaround: Make sure SYTM names differ in their last leaf.
Solution: Code now uses full SYTM name.
72364 147295 Title: Design - When user executes function mirror copy, AVEVA Marine is not
Symptoms: Very slow to mirror with complex equipment.
Previous workaround: Remove item from drawlist before mirroring.
Solution: Now only drawn once.
72085 147375 Title: Draft - Only standard arrows double up in chained dimensions.
Symptoms: Open arrows, darts do not double up either side of projection line in
chained dimensions.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: Code now treats all arrow-like terminators identically.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
72669 148212 Title: Draft - VSCAN syntax used with WITHIN and IN CE can return unintended
Symptoms: VSCAN syntax which uses WITHIN <volume> and IN CE can be
phrased such that the results are probably not what the user intended.
Specifically, it is possible but not recommended to enter the following syntax:
In this case the “IN CE” forms part of the generic selection criteria syntax
(equivalent to “WRT CE”) and is unlikely to be what the user intended. The
results may be very different from the probable intent of syntax such as:
Previous workaround: Drop the IN CE part of the command when used in
conjuction with the WITHIN selection criteria. IN view_id is in any case only
required when scanning views elsewhere in the database hierarchy: if the current
element is on or under a VIEW then the VSCAN command runs against this
VIEW automatically.
Solution: It is not possible to remove this syntax combination without breaking
the generic volume based selection criteria syntax. VSCAN documentation has
been updated to point out the potential confusion. In addition the VSCAN syntax
has been tweaked to move IN view_id to earlier in the command (without
breaking existing syntax)
Q VSCAN <SIGNIFICANT | design_id> <FOR selection_criteria> <IN
has now become:
Q VSCAN <SIGNIFICANT | design_id> <IN view_id> <FOR
When using the new syntax tree IN CE before the selection criteria will produce
the expected results.
72688 148443 Title: Global - In a Global project, Extract Issue may not Release elements if
there is nothing to Extract Flush.
Symptoms: No Global command is raised, and the item(s) remain claimed.
Affects Global projects only.
Previous workaround: Use EXTRACT RELEASE to issue items.
Solution: The system now runs an EXTRACT RELEASE if Extract Flush is
72944, 149088, Title: Admin - User cannot be deleted because it is still 'Active' having been
73003 149268 expunged.
Symptoms: Error (1,37) reported because user is in the WAIT state
Previous workaround: If you can, replace the COMMs database by a new one.
Otherwise wait 24 hours and enter PDMS a number of times to use up all WAIT
slots (Use Q SLOTS to find out which slots are in the WAIT state).
Solution: WAIT users no longer block deletion.
72982 149206 Title: Design - Align secondary node not working when a SNOD owns more than
one SJOI.
Symptoms: SNOD not moved when it owns more than one SJOI.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: Move SNOD to align with joints, and create new SNOD for joints that
are not aligned.
149305 Title: Error message displayed while trying to construct a Constructed Line
Symptoms: (47,62) CP: Incomplete command line creating a constructed line
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: Corrected logic.
71882 149770 Title: Draft - MTO's in ISOADP lose last character of description.
Symptoms: Item descriptions truncated by 1 character.
Previous workaround: No Previous workaround.
Solution: Code adjusted so that trailing character only removed if it’s a space.
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Product Release Letter
Assembly Planning:
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Surface Manager:
Hull Production:
Hull Nesting:
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Product Release Letter
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
70870 142518 Title: Drawing forms location
Symptoms: Request as a system administrator to have the option to choose,
where drawing forms are stored, in PADD or as sdb files in SBD_STD.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The Tools/Drawing Form/Save function will now work in analogy with
the drawing form will be stored in PADD if source is stored in PADD, otherwise
71359 144268 Title: After Knuckle panel, Bevel annotate is strange on profile End.
Symptoms: The bevel note on a profile end that belongs to a knuckled panel is
not correct.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Bevel annotation on profiles ends belonging to a knuckled panel has
now been corrected.
72534 147740 Title: Problem to change the hangul text aspect
Symptoms: Using Hangul font and mode the text, the ratio of the text is canged.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the ration is not changed when moving the text.
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Product Release Letter
Inciden Issue Description
t Number
144741, Title: Instrumentation Data Update - Noclaim CYMLNKs.
128647 Symptoms: Linking an object claims the CYMLNK preventing another user
linking the same object.
Known workaround: Unclaim the CYMLNK.
Solution: The deslnk, schlnk and englnk attributes on CYMLNK have been
made noclaim.
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
Inciden Issue Description
t Number
68530 135570 Title: Wrong Dimension for a tube which is connected with two COUPling only.
Symptoms: A dimension for a tube which is connected with two coupling only is
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Complemented logic for the tube.
68672, 135987, Title: Form Inconsistency with Blank Flange on the Pipe Fabrication.
69379 138319 Symptoms: If a spool is consisting of only one FLANGE, PSVLD is false the
validation result on the pipe spool drawing is different with pipe fabrication check.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The logic to validate spool has been added.
69582 138907 Title: A CUTL value display for all ELBOWS on a pipe sketch
Symptoms: There are unnecessary CUTL values on the drawing.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: If an elbow needs cutting, the CUTL ( distance between origin and
arrive position) will be shown in the MTO table.
69580, 138908, Title: Views are not in correspondence anymore.
69946 140068 Symptoms: Pipe sketch views are not in correspondence anymore
Known workaround: No known workaround.
New option "FIXED_VIEW_DIR" added to keep predefined view directions on the
drawing form. Otherwise, the program will calculate an appropriate view direction
from spool as default.
This option is used to make same scale views.
Show always four views. All four views are displayed even if the spool is
located in one plane.
This option is used to preserve predefined view directions on the Drawing
69940 140055 Title: Pipe Spool Drawing Does Not Have the Option for "Select All" and
"Remove All".
Symptoms: There is no option for "Select All" and "Remove All" on the pipe
spool drawing.
Known workaround: Can use "Ctrl+A" and "Del" key.
Solution: Program modified to append the options for "Remove All", "Select All"
and "Unselect All" into the popup menu.
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Product Release Letter
Inciden Issue Description
t Number
70024 140197 Title: Spools without tubes cannot get pipe sketch.
Symptoms: If a spool is consist of only one FLANGE, PSVLD is false the
validation result on the pipe spool drawing is different with pipe fabrication check.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The logic to validate spool has been added.
70092 140323 Title: Incorrect BUTT Values on Pipe Spool Drawing.
Symptoms: The Butt values that are included on the Assembly Table are
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Program modified to get the amount of material that needs to be
removed for BUTT value.
70151 140493 Title: Limitation condition of "modifying bend radius" on popup menus.
Symptoms: Popup menu for modifying bend radius cannot be available if
"Apply" button not activated.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Program modified to remove condition to active popup menus for
changing bend radius.
70689 142065 Title: Spools without tubes cannot get pipe sketch.
Symptoms: If a spool is consisting of only one FLANGE, PSVLD is false the
validation result on the pipe spool drawing is different with pipe fabrication check.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The logic to validate spool has been added.
70915 142616 Title: Cannot plot fabrication iso from outfitting design module.
Symptoms: Cannot plot fabrication iso drawing from outfitting design module.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Program modified to assign a PLT file path properly.
70994 142880 Title: Modelling Consistency Check Options Do Not Remembered.
Symptoms: Modelling consistency check options are not maintained the next
time the form is opened.
Known workaround: The user has to choose the option again.
Solution: Program modified to save & restore the check options.
70998 142890 Title: The Pipe Spool Drawing Form Initialisation Improvement.
Symptoms: The pipe spool drawing is not shown if invalid element was
Known workaround: Select valid element to create a drawing, and then execute
the program again.
Solution: Program modified to show the main form for pipe spool drawing if
invalid element was selected.
71181 143555 Title: Cannot use same keywords which are used for EndPointEntries on the
Symptoms: It is not possible to use same keywords which are used for
EndPointEntries on the SpoolInfoTableEntries.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The program modified to use same keywords that are used for
EndPointTableEntries on the SpoolInfoTableEntries.
71491 144749 Title: Weld Prefix on Weld Handling.
Symptoms: A weld prefix cannot be used on Weld Handling.
Known workaround: It is possible to assign a weld prefix manually.
Solution: Program modified to use weld prefix.
71489 144751 Title: Joint Prefix and Number for Gasket on Pipe Fabrication Check.
Symptoms: Joint prefix and number for gasket will not be assigned on Pipe
Fabrication Check.
Known workaround: It is possible to assign this information manually.
Solution: Program modified to use Joint Prefix and Joint Number for gasket.
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Product Release Letter
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
66196 138268, Title: Database and Data Management - It is not possible to maintain stamps
125299 when reconfigure sessions is done on a db.
Symptoms: It is not possible to backtrack over a stamp, and deleting a database
deletes its stamps, so it is not currently possible to reconfigure sessions on a
database with stamps and maintain those stamps.
Known workaround: Write appware to record stamps before reconfigure and
reinstate them afterwards.
Solution: Use new FORCE option on BACKTRACK.
70435 142965 Title: Admin - Reconfiguration problem with Database with invalid Unicode
strings and Corrupt Claim Table.
Symptoms: DICE reports a corrupt Claim table. On further investigation, it was
found that this database also contains invalid Unicode strings. Unfortunately in
12.1.SP4, DICE does not check Text attributes for Unicode errors, and
Reconfigurer crashes because of the Unicode errors.
Known workaround: First use DRAFT to fix the 84 invalid UNICODE strings;
then the database can be reconfigured to fix the Claim Table error. (Use
RECONFIGURE SAMEREF) Unfortunately it is necessary to remove the Session
history completely.
Solution: Fix Reconfigurer to handle invalid Unicode strings, so that customers
can fix the Claim table corruption using Reconfigurer. Invalid
attribute value replaced by text '*** Invalid Unicode string'.
71261 143904 Title: Design - Holes exported by MEI export interface.
Symptoms: Holes did not appear in MEI export.
Known workaround: Customise MEI export PML code to add EXPORT HOLES
Solution: EXPORT HOLES command generated automatically from current
holes on/off setting.
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Product Release Letter
Planar Hull:
67172 130349 Title: Wrong symbols and /or bevels in manstiff lists.
Symptoms: Confusing when makeing bevel notes for welded flanges.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The bevel note now shows the correct side of bevels on planar panel
flange ends, regardless of the flange mould side, i.e. direction.
69363 138254 Title: Name of stiffener in CL differs between ATX and model.
Symptoms: Stiffeners in CL gets different parts names in different applications.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: A more refined check of the exact placement of the stiffener is made to
get the correct name in all places.
70531 141611 Title: Hole Management error occurs for Equipment.
Symptoms: Making Holes for Equipments in Hole Managements on Starboard
side panels fails.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so Managed holes are created for Starboard side panels.
70641 142059 Title: Annoying error with stiffener inclination on statement wizard form.
Symptoms: The inclination field in the Statement Wizard is not presenting the
correct value.
Known workaround: Manually modify to the correct value.
Solution: The correct inclination value is presented in the drop down list. If no
inclination is given in a stiffener, the field will be set to blank (i.e. no inclination).
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Product Release Letter
Hull Production:
Marine Drafting:
d80460 16-Apr-2020 © Copyright 2020 AVEVA Solutions Limited Page 398 of 517
Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
66505 127496 Title: VIEW orientation fault.
Symptoms: When a view direction is very close to Z-axis, the pipe is not drawn
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Problem with view directions very close to Z-axis now solved.
67660, 131200, Title: Insert assembly module failed using ModelDraw, if assembly name is too
70063 140300 long.
Symptoms: If assembly name's length is greater than 26 and the 27th character
isn't "/",then ModelDraw to insert assembly model will not work.
Known workaround: Use the db-reference string for the assembly instead of the
Solution: Problem with MarApi function ModelDraw vs assemblies fixed.
No need to use DB-reference.
68866 137076 Title: Slicing model view has no affect on Outfit elements for some view types -
confusing for the user.
Symptoms: Hull models will be sliced but not outfitting models - confusing for the
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: There is still no slicing but there will be a warning message in a dialog
69092 137745 Title: Element name when entering what should be exchanged.
Symptoms: In Model Exchange the leading slash "/" must be given.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The leading slash may be omitted when user keys in the model name.
69499 138588 Title: Problem to modify drawings in a foriegn database - fail to create a copy in
read-only database.
Symptoms: You fail to create a copy or it is placed in a new "default"
DEPT/REGI created by the system.
Known workaround: Create a another instance of DEPT/REGI setup for this
type in a writable database in the MDB.
Solution: It is now possible to select the drawing type, general drawing for
instance, when your are asked to create a copy.
Schematic 3D Integrator:
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Product Release Letter
Inciden Issue Description
t Number
120277 Title: Integrator not matching pipe with matched end connections.
Symptoms: If the only match condition is on end connections the line is reported
not matched.
Known workaround: None
Solution: Matched end connections are sufficient to report a match on the pipe.
68111 134351 Title: Previously saved comparison report doesn't display correctly.
Symptoms: Actions available in the report can refer to elements no longer
existing giving rise to errors.
Known workaround: Do not update data from a previously saved comparison
Solution: All the actions that update data have been disabled when viewing a
previously saved report.
68581 135688 Title: Accept differences not working correctly for branch.
Symptoms: When the line and pipe are unlinked, accepted differences remain at
branch level.
Known workaround: Reject the accepted differences on branches prior to
unlinking the pipe.
Solution: Accepted differences on the child elements are removed on unlinking
the line and pipe.
139446 Title: Internal Integrator error following disabling matches.
Symptoms: Internal Integrator error when interacting with the compare report.
Known workaround: Close the compare report and compare again.
Solution: The match algorithm has been corrected in a particular case handling
PIPCA elements.
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
Inciden Issue Description
t Number
65900 124368 Title: ATTA components are not included in MTO Table.
Symptoms: MTO table does not have information for ATTAs.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Program modified to check volume of ATTA.
If an ATTA has valid volume, it will be included into MTO Table.
67177 129156 Title: Release Error for TEE on Fabrication Check
Symptoms: The "invalid zero direction error" will be happend if reference plane
direction is same as the part arrive direction.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The program has modified to get rotation angle where reference plane
direction is same as the part arrive direction.
60727 134623 Title: Location of Check Message File in Pipe Fabrication
Symptoms: Program will only find the check message file in the PDMSEXE
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Program has been modified to find the file from PDMSDFLTS and
PDMSEXE folder. If PDMSDFLTS folder does not have the file, the program
will find it from PDMSEXE folder.
68571 136350 Title: Problem with some view directions inclined at small angle to the vertical.
Symptoms: Missing design graphics in some views with nearly-vertical view
directions, accompanied by a 'Bad transform value' error message.
Known workaround: None (except changing the view direction).
Solution: Fixed in core code.
69612 138915 Title: Hanging program when collecting deleted thread information on the pipe
Symptoms: The program will hang if it tries to input a thread end using deleted
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The program modified to validate a COCDES before creating thread
70059 140261 Title: Too many 3d coordinates on the ISO drawing.
Symptoms: there is too many 3d coordinates on the ISO drawing.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Program modified to minimize 3d coordinates on the drawing.
70057 140316 Title: The "Zero direction" error will be shown when validating specific pipe.
Symptoms: The error "An invalid zero direction has been obtained" will be
shown when validating specific pipe.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Program modified to get valid direction.
70588 141872 Title: Single View has incorrect orientation.
Symptoms: Some single view has incorrect orientation.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Program modified to get correct direction for all single view.
70602 141903 Title: Cannot create a skeches on some spools.
Symptoms: Orientation error will be happened on some spools.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Program modified to get valid view directions.
70634 141957 Title: The "Zero direction" error will be shown when validation specific pipe.
Symptoms: The error "An invalid zero direction has been obtained" will be
shown when validation of specific pipe.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Program modified to get valid direction.
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Product Release Letter
Inciden Issue Description
t Number
70672 142043 Title: Orientation Error on Specific Pipe Spool (PSPOOL).
Symptoms: Orientation error happens on specific pipe spool (PSPOOL).
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The program modified to get valid directions.
70976 142814 Title: Pipe Spool Drawing failed Error
Symptoms: The error "An invalid zero direction has been obtained" will be
shown when creating a pipe spool drawing in Pipe Fabrication.
Known workaround: No known worlaround.
Solution: Program modified to get valid direction.
71095 143298 Title: Dabacon Checks Messages on the Config File.
Symptoms: it needs to add all Dabacon check messages which are related to
pipe module into the config file for modeling consistency check.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Program modified to have all Dabacon Check Messages which are
related to pipe module.
71146 143428 Title: Some dimensions in projection views are incorrect.
Symptoms: A dimension will be created incorrectly if a dimenion direction is not
parallel with view direction.
Known workaround: No known workarounds.
Solution: Program modified to get valid direction for slanted dimension.
71280 143922 Title: Feed Excess Incorrectly Added.
Symptoms: Pipe Feed Excess is incorrectly added when the pipe is validated for
the second time.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Program modifed to assign user feed excess into only valid
d80460 16-Apr-2020 © Copyright 2020 AVEVA Solutions Limited Page 402 of 517
Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
69517 138676 Title: Isodraft - Bolts shown on both isometrics when Flanges either side of Valve
are in different Pipes.
Symptoms: Bolts shown on both isometrics when Flanges either side of Valve
are in different Pipes.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Show Bolts with downstream Flange.
65450 140229 Title: Reporting - Unable to run Quick reports.
Symptoms: Message; "Could not create file".
Known workaround: Make sure you can write to current directory.
Solution: Temporary File now correctly written to PDMSWK directory.
69577 140343 Title: Piping - The component creation form sometimes throws an invalid
direction error when trying to align components.
Symptoms: An invalid zero direction error message appears when creating
elbows and bends.
Known workaround: No workaround necessary as it makes no difference to the
Solution: The direction checking code now works correctly.
140781 Title: Isodraft - Isodraft crash if Comparison Date specified for an isometric
containing Bolts and Weights shown in Material List.
Symptoms: Isodraft crash if Comparison Date specified.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Do not check attribute change for a Bolt weight.
142040 Title: Isodraft - PDMS-VPRM Gateway Bolt substitution does not work when
erm_ref_uda = :ERMREF.
Symptoms: VPRM/ERM Bolts part numbers not shown on isometric
when erm_ref_uda = :ERMREF.
Known workaround: Define and populate DTAB UDAs.
Solution: Default to Spref if Bolt UDAs not present.
d80460 16-Apr-2020 © Copyright 2020 AVEVA Solutions Limited Page 403 of 517
Product Release Letter
Initial Design:
Planar Hull:
d80460 16-Apr-2020 © Copyright 2020 AVEVA Solutions Limited Page 404 of 517
Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
64764 120769 Title: _TBhook_AutoPanelName.py No autonaming for RSO-Location possible
Symptoms: If a panel location is a referenced object (e.g. RSO), then the
autonaming hook will not give correct name suggestion.
Known workaround: Manually change the name before the panel is created.
Solution: Corrected so the hook will also handle when the panel location is a
referenced object.
66704 127068 Title: Hole Management - error when copy panel.
Symptoms: A planar panel contains a managed hole. Then - this panel is copied
using "panel copy" function". The managed hole is copied and stored together
with a new panel, which leads to corruption of Hole Management, as there are 2
managed holes in different panels, that have the same hole name and
Known workaround: Before copying the panel, disconnect the managed hole,
copy the panel and then add the managed hole once again to the original panel.
In thw copy, remove the unwanted hole.
Solution: Fixed in the way that managed holes are not copied by the Panel Copy
function. If there should be another hole in the new panel, there needs to be a
new request for a managed hole.
66928 127814 Title: The panel has a gap because the thickness values are inputted to Plus and
Symptoms: Abutting panels with a fixed bevel and the material on both sides of
the mould plane gets an unexpected gap towards the abutted panel.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that there is no gap with material on
both sides of the mould line.
67231 129646 Title: HPRHOL cannot be created in a HSTIFF of a knuckled panel.
Symptoms: Holes created in a stiffener that belongs to a knuckled panel does
not show any HPRHOLE element beneath the owning HSTIFF element.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Stiffeners on knuckled panels now also display their hole, notch and
cutout elements.
67280 129704 Title: Panel boundary does not stop on the stiffener(Profile Along).
Symptoms: Referring a shell profile in a Planar Panel boundary, using option
Profile Along is not following the profile but instead penetrating the profile flange.
Known workaround: Instead of refering the profile, use Line option.
Solution: Corrected so the boundary will stop at the profile flange as expected.
67172 130349 Title: Wrong symbols and /or bevels in manstiff lists.
Symptoms: Confusing when making bevel notes for welded flanges.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The bevel note now shows the correct side of bevels on planar panel
flange ends, regardless of the flange mould side, i.e. direction.
67811 132293 Title: Autotag in hull scheme TAG like 1 all components in group
Symptoms: When handling a group of stiffeners in the Statement Wizard, the
stiffeners all gets the same TAG if Auto Tag is clicked.
Known workaround: Manually change in the schema to unique tag numbers.
Solution: Fixed so all stiffeners in the group will get unique tag numbers.
67856 132894 Title: Problem for the knuckle panel of startboard side with the specific
slanted angle to disappear.
Symptoms: For a symmetrical knuckled panel, the starboard side is removed by
the system in the symbolic view.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the symbolic view is also correct for the starboard side
image of the knuckled panel.
d80460 16-Apr-2020 © Copyright 2020 AVEVA Solutions Limited Page 405 of 517
Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
67860 132907 Title: Problem for SI2 to disappear into Bracket statement after defines the
position of the bracket(syx3).
Symptoms: If modify or panel Scheme Editor is opened after generating bracket
by syntax3 with SI2, the SI2 information disappered.
Known workaround: Manually add SI2 in the schema.
Solution: Corrected so SI2 will remain if it has been given.
68210 134671 Title: If SID=*,TOP is given, Point Position of Profile cross is wrong with slant
Symptoms: The topology point in the flange is not correctly placed.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The topology point will be correctly placed also on slanted flanges.
68212 134675 Title: The GPS of Clip can not deleted via GUI on Hull Design.
Symptoms: When modifying cutouts whith their belonging collar plates (clips),
the General purpos Strings (GPS) is not possible to modify/delete.
Known workaround: Modify/delete in the schema.
Solution: Possibillity to modify/delete GPS in the Statement Wizard for clips has
been fixed.
68216 134764 Title: Pillar creation failed in a cross panell view.
Symptoms: Trying to indicate pillar end points in a cross section view fails.
Known workaround: Indicate in a non cross section view.
Solution: Corrected so indication can be done in any view.
68305 134923 Title: Deletion of MOGWLD's components from Explorer for normal users.
Symptoms: It is possible to delete components from the MOGWLD with the
Right Click command.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Fixed so the components in MOGWLD is not deletable with the Right
Click command.
68598 135727 Title: Split STI function.
Symptoms: Giving more than one line to the Split Stiffener function will only
handle the first given line to split the stiffener.
Known workaround: Split the stiffeners with one line at the time.
Solution: Corrected so that multiple lines can be given to split stiffeners in a
single operation.
69572 138831 Title: Problem not to define M1 value to the section contour for a penetrating
Symptoms: Making holes for penetrating objects does not handle the
keyword/value M1 in the Statement Wizard.
Known workaround: Manually handle the M1 keyword in the schema file.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that the M1 value for hole of
penetrating object can be set by the Statement Wizard.
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
67506 131225 Title: System has been terminated unexpectedly during generating Body plan
Symptoms: When making a Body Plan View, the system aborts if there are Shell
Profiles defined with 2 points and axis.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the Shell Profiles defined with 2 points and axis will be
correctly handled in Body Plan View.
68296 134903 Title: The Hole&Marking position is wrong in ShellProfile.
Symptoms: Some marking lines are outside the shell profile.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists
Solution: Corrected so the hole and marking is in the correct place.
68408 135224 Title: In Bodyplan, No applied Seam blocklimit.
Symptoms: Seams defined as Block limits are hard to see in a Bodyplan view.
Known workaround: Manually identify the seams and change linetype.
Solution: Block Limit seams are drawn as Solid Wide automatically.
68413 135231 Title: Problem for MarShellXViewOptions not to properly work Get for a given
view by ViewCurvedModify.
Symptoms: Function not working to get from existing views.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so function work to get from existing views.
69770 139341 Title: When set to YES for Shell Stiffener, It is go outside from Surface.
Symptoms: when defining Auto bevel on Starboard side Shell Stiffener, the
section of the stiffener is outside the surface.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so the profile does not go outside the
surface when Autobevel is set to YES.
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Product Release Letter
Space Management:
Hull Production:
d80460 16-Apr-2020 © Copyright 2020 AVEVA Solutions Limited Page 408 of 517
Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
65474 122750 Title: FUN syntax is not working in Auto position number.
Symptoms: The Functional description (FUN) is not included in the input file
created for Autopos.
Known workaround: Manually add the /FUN=<no> into the input file before
Solution: Corrected so also the /FUN is automatically added to the Autopos input
66643 126934 Title: Bevel Type 25 Wrong Cutting length in PPI
Symptoms: When giving an angle (A) in the bevel statement using a bevel type
25 (fillet version of V-joint), the resulting part is too small.
Known workaround: Possible workaround is to add excess to the limit but this
must be manually calculated each time.
Solution: Corrected so the system automatically calculates the
extension/reduction of the plate automatically.
66774 127400 Title: Bending templates is not working.(fatal error).
Symptoms: Calculating Bending Templates for a curved Panel with Excess
defined on a plate limit, before (or after) two combined plate limits, aborts the
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so excess information will be handled correctly and the
system will not abort.
66819 127504 Title: Interactive jigs are not created.
Symptoms: System reports error when trying to create jigs for two planar panels.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the jigs are created for two planar panels.
67281 129706 Title: Auto bevel is strange on Metal touch(variable angle.)
Symptoms: This problem was not possible to verify but errors in Plate Nesting
has been corrected.
Solution: When simplifying mark geometry created with help of STIMARKHOOK
and VMARK, the markings will be correct (PLCM).
133150 Title: Making a correction to the Hull View form does not work unless closing the
Symptoms: Attempting to create a Symbolic Hull View with incorrect values will
get an "Empty resulting view" message (expected). However, regardless what
correct changes is made to the form, it is not possible to get a view in this
drawing after getting this warning.
Known workaround: Close the drawing and open it again and do the Hull
Symbolic View with correct values.
Solution: Corrected so a new correct Hull Symbolic View can be made without
closing the drawing.
68739 136141 Title: The Marking information is disappear in the production data.
Symptoms: Added marking data is not included in the plate parts. Also an error
11049 is written in the log file.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so markinglines added in the planar panel will also be
included in the resulting plate parts.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
67267 129649 Title: Weld lines are created on the opposite side.
Symptoms: Weld line between a bracket and profile on starboard side may be
located on the wrong side.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the weld line is appearing at the correct location.
67268 129650 Title: Weld lines are not created correctly for the end of the stiffener and face.
Symptoms: Profile abutting another profile on the same planar panel mey be
missing weld line for the face plate connection.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the weld line for the face plate connection is calculated.
67271 129652 Title: Fillet weld is created as a joint weld.
Symptoms: Weld line for a bracket is inside the material.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected. The weld line is calculated on the correct side of the
67330 129768 Title: Unnecessary weld line is created on the block joint.
Symptoms: Weld line created from a block edge along a twisted shell stiffener
that belongs to another block.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the unnecessary weld line is omitted.
67331 129770 Title: Unnecessary weld line is created on the bracket.
Symptoms: An unnecessary weld line on bracket defined in syntax 2 added.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The weld line is omitted.
67332 129771 Title: The weld line for end of the bracket is missing.
Symptoms: Weld line at the end of a bracket defined with syntax 2 is missing.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The missing weld line is correctly calculated.
67753 131377 Title: Weld lines for all items which related with a Curved Panel are not created.
Symptoms: Weld lines for joint of the adjacent blocks on the shell plate are not
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the weld line is created.
Hull Nesting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
67373 129883 Title: Nesting crashes after renaming.
Symptoms: When renaming a nesting, the system gives error 304 and then
aborts if the nesting sketch already exists but no nesting with the new name
Known workaround: Before renaming the nest, delete the nesting sketch in File
-> Database menu.
Solution: Corrected so if no nest exists, the nesting sketch is automatically
overwritten by the new copy.
67381 129897 Title: Nesting, not possible to create plate parts, works fine in SP3.
Symptoms: Fatal error occurs when trying to create plate parts from drawings
that was imported (DXF).
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the parts can be correctly created.
67585, 130844, Title: Optimized rawplate > Looping when THICK_CHECK=1
68974 137171 Symptoms: In a given nest, with e.g. part thickness is 16 mm and raw plate
thickness is 14 mm and the min/max thickness differences are +- 0.1 mm the
system hang. This means that the thickness check would make it impossible to
nest the part. The problem is only in these situations.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected. The system will continue and make the calculation for the
67579 130899 Title: The function of "AUTO_BEVEL_INFO=Yes" does not work properly
Symptoms: The bevel symbol is placed outside the nesting if the default variable
AUTO_BEVEL_INFO is set to Yes.
Known workaround: Manually move the symbol to the correct place.
Solution: Corrected so the bevel symbol is placed correctly.
69040 138782 Title: In Burning Sketch reference plane marking text not coming Automatically.
Symptoms: The names of reference planes are missing in the burning sketch.
Known workaround: The names can be added manually.
Solution: The names will be added automatically when the burning sketch form
is inserted.
69777 139421 Title: PLCM crashes with setting labels for POSNOs automatically.
Symptoms: The program crashes when labelled position numbers are added
Known workaround: No known work around exist.
Solution: The crash has been corrected.
69780 139432 Title: Burner ID Sort.
Symptoms: The Burner ID is always listed in alphabtical order.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Modified so the Burner ID is possible to sort both on ID and on
Comment field.
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
58269 99284 Title: Sheet size should be same with Drawing Form.
Symptoms: The sheet size is not the same as the drawing form when starting a
new drawing.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the sheet size is correctly initiated to the drawing form
58574 100792 Title: The result of Delete_Dimension after subpicture regroup is different
between 12.0.SP6 and 12.1.SP3
Symptoms: Making a regroup of a sub-picture containing dimensionings, the
dimensioning component is not recognized as a dimension any more which
makes it impossible to delete as a dimension.
Known workaround: Delete the unrecognized dimension either as a subpicture
or by geometry.
Solution: Corrected so that the regrouped dimension will now keep it's identity
(but still lose its associativity, as before). In case not all parts of the dimension
geometry are regrouped, the original dimension will (as before) be retained (after
a subsequent "update anno").
64001 117435 Title: “Doffset” minus value is not applied to a dimension when a drawing is
opened in Marine Draft.
Symptoms: The attribute "Doffset" is not considered when it is a negative value.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists
Solution: A negative “Doffset” value is now interpreted correctly in a linear
65324, 122441, Title: DEF_POINT_MODE doesn't work properly
68554 135557 Symptoms: Variable DEF_POINT_MODE doesn't work in Marine Drafting. When
DEF_POINT_MODE is set to e.g. 23 (Event Point), it still return a Node Point
while using 2D Linear Dimension.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists. Just manual change when
point mode is to be changed.
Solution: A new Drafting default keyword DIM_DEF_2DPOINT_MODE has been
introduced. This one will be used as "initial 2D point definition mode" (instead of
hardcoded "Node") when entering the following dimensioning functions: .
* 2D Linear
* 2D Distance
* 3D Distance To Plane – Leader
66352 126198 Title: Update Autotagging only works if CE is LAYE or a VIEW
Symptoms: If CE is something else then you get a message error: '(64,80) This
command is not valid at SLAB elements'
Known workaround: NO (Only the obvious action of making the correct LAYE or
VIEW the current )element
Solution: Update autotagging has been improved and it is now possible to
select the view that should be updated (ALL is avaiable).
67265 131205 Title: Automatic Blanking of Dimensions prevents PDF Creation.
Symptoms: Blanking is blanking out too much.
Known workaround: Disable the rendering of blanking, by setting the Drafting
default keyword RENDER_AUTO_BLANKING to "No".
Solution: Fixed so blanking works as expected when creating PDF documents.
68805 136372 Title: Model view change projection - Fatal error.
Symptoms: Function Tools->Model View->Change projection sometimes cause
a fatal error.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the projection will change without having the system to
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
68959 137077 Title: Unable to change the Outfitting slice depth for a Hull View.
Symptoms: Changing the depth of a symbolic view has no effect on outfitting
models that are added to the view.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so when changing the depth, Outfitting models are also
69485 138541 Title: Open Drawring: Wildcard search does not work for user defined drawing
types if drafting default keyword IGNORE_MARPTYPE_FOR_USERDEF is set to
Symptoms: All drawings for the department for these drawing types are listed.
Solution: Wildcard search will now work as expected.
69585 139179 Title: Making a correction to the Hull View form does not work unless closing the
Symptoms: Attempting to create a Symbolic Hull View with incorrect values will
get an "Empty resulting view" message (expected). However, regardless what
correct changes is made to the form, it is not possible to get a view in this
drawing after getting this warning.
Known workaround: Close the drawig and open it again and do the Hull
Symbolic View with correct values.
Solution: Corrected so a new correct Hull Symbolic View can be made without
closing the drawing.
69747 139303 Title: "Insert to Symbolic view" performance slower than SP3.x and SP4.0 in
AM12.1.SP4-Marine Drafting.
Symptoms: Adding Outfitting items to a Symbolic View is conciderable slower in
12.1.SP4 than in 12.1.SP3 and the quantity in the drawlist is higher.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so that only those outfitting elements that exists in the
volume of symbolic view are added to id list.
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Product Release Letter
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
With this fix applied, such an ATTA will be ignored in pipe piece generation by
Production Checks. Any spools generated before the fix may have to be redone,
as they will contain more pipe pieces than necessary. Where an ATTA is
deliberately introduced in order to break a long pipe piece into smaller pieces,
that will still work, as long as its SPREF does not contain the strings '/MDS' or
69528 138711 Title: Isodraft - Weld Numbering not re-initialised for isometrics produced from
a detail list.
Symptoms: Weld Numbering is continued from previous isometric in detail list.
Known workaround: Produce isometrics individually rather than from a detail
Solution: Re-initialise weld numbering count when processing 2 pipes in the
same Transfer File (from a detail list).
69714 139170 Title: Plot CE uses ANET-RVM2XGL license when Aveva net files are
Symptoms: Potential nnecessary license claims.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Altered license check on plot CE form to only operate when checkbox
is selected.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
69722 139188 Title: Isodraft - PSPOOL isometric does not show tube following ATTA.
Symptoms: Incorrect dimensions on PSPOOL isometric.
Known workaround: Set SPKBRK TRUE for ATTA
Solution: Include ATTA in BELRFA attribute of PPSOOL irrespective of its
SHOP setting - as per Spooler. Isodraft to write the ATTA and the tube following
it to the Transfer File irrespective of its SPKBRK setting.
70398 141253 Title: Design - Positioning problem with non inline piping & hanger elements.
Symptoms: POS command gives wrong results at 12.1.SP1 Fix 13.
Known workaround: Use fix 12.
Solution: Corrected.
Planar Hull:
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
69323 138145 Title: Problem not to symmetrically generate the plate parts of symmetrical panel
Symptoms: Panel brackets on a symmetrical panel are identical on both sides
after ppanparts
Solution: ppanparts needs to be re-run for symmetrical panels containing panel
Hull Nesting:
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
68122 130617 Title: Problem to save the drawing as a new unique name when define DACs for
67541 134378 Department
Symptoms: Drawings are saved in the MOGWLD when DAC is defined.
Known workaround:
1. Create temporary PADD Database.
2. Set qualifying condition as (ATTRIB DBNA ,
3. Add this to first position in MDB
Solution: Fixed so drawings are stored in the correct location also when DAC is
68698 136008 Title: New Drawing/Open Drawing dialog: drawing name is cleared when
changing drawing type.
Symptoms: Drawing name is cleared when changing drawing type.
Known workaround: Re-enter name
Solution: The drawing name will now stay unchanged when changing the
drawing type
137830 Title: SVG in Marine Drafting needs enhancement
Solution: SVG file generated by Marine Drafting now contains additional
information about projection and transformation
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
67469 130965 Title: Connecting more than 4 branches to inline component is not possible.
Symptoms: The database structure allows up to 10 branching connections
(determined by size of CRFA attribute), but when trying to connect more than 4
branches to inline component, the elements are disconnected and following error
message appears in message log: "Not a valid pipe connection".
Solution: The problem has been fixed - it is now possible to connect up to 10
branches to inline component
135974 Title: Application crashes when 'Customize' dialog is closing with contextual tab
Known workaround: select another (non context) tab before entering Customize
Solution: Added safety mechanism to handle any code exceptions
136426 Title: Batch Update
Symptoms: Inline elements became secondary after batch job update
Solution: Items that exists before secondary inline has been introduced will
became primary items after batch update.
68884 136761 Title: Object Reference Not Set to an Instance of an Object SI -68641
Symptoms: Unhandled exceptions occured during some operations on diagram
or during opening some diagrams.
Solution: Fixed unhandled exception during opening diagrams or doing some
operation on diagram.
62140 137707 Title: Text missing when Diagram is exported into AutoCAD
Known workaround: Save dwg file in 2000 version
Solution: String formatting encoding was enhanced, which resolved problems
with export to newer DWG file formats.
Schematic 3D Integrator:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
58761 101327 Title: Tags - Cell forward on enter or tab
Symptoms: When the data enters into the large area, the option which was set
not working. The right cell is getting selected after pressing Enter button,
irrespective of the option chosen
Solution: Long Text Editor support direction set in options.
114074 Title: Schematic Model Manager - SCILINE elements are not being Highlighted in
Diagram Viewer Window
Symptoms: SCILINE was not considered as schematic line, so highlight was
getting failed.
Solution: SCILINE now considered as schematic line in drawing viewer.
117709 Title: Schematic Model Manager - Exception to be handle on click of Compare
Symptoms: Sometimes name attribute or unique attribute is missing in case of
with external source. It’s giving exception.
Known workaround: Proper attributes are required.
Solution: Proper message is displayed and Exception is handled when name
attribute or unique attribute is missing for external datasource.
64384 118742 Title: Tags - Compare/Update: Performance Issue of the grid result - phase 2
Symptoms: performance areas are row colouring after comparison and accept
Solution: Performance is improved at the time of grid color and accept all.
64647 119564 Title: Tags - Compare Update: Save grid layout for user.
Symptoms: Element name with ":" selected as source gives error message when
user selects attribute from column setup
Solution: ":" is removed from file path which is coming from element type.
129515 Title: Tags - 3D View is getting displayed as cropped in tags module launched in
Symptoms: Only small part of view is visible.
Solution: Routine which caused the problem has been exchanged.
131153 Title: Tags - UDA default value is not showing up in the tags grid
Symptoms: default values for the UDA ':test' are not showing up in the tags grid.
Solution: Changed the order of setting default null value for columns. It was the
cause of default values not showing in grid.
131364 Title: Schematic Model Manager - Compare/Update: when editing an existing
configuration, a new configuration with the same name is getting created.
Symptoms: Existing configuration getting created twice when user edits it, so
two configuration the same displayed in list.
Solution: Now only single configuration is displayed with unique display name.
133647 Title: Tags - The TagsAddin addin is not able to use network paths.
Symptoms: When starting Tags the following message appears:
Failed to start TagsAddin Addin…
Known workaround: Error message occurs when network paths are used e.g.
To avoid this problem map network drive and adjust environment variables
Solution: The TagsAddin addin can now use network paths.
134306 Title: session comments not getting saved
Solution: Fixed an issue causing session comment not being properly saved
from PML Session Comment dialog.
136457 Title: Schematic Model Manager - Compare/Update: Implicit changes due
to implementation in Netgrid control in SP4.
Symptoms: Exceptions are thrown when forms having netgrid control is opened
Solution: Forms having netgrid control is displayed with no exceptions
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Product Release Letter
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
Inciden Issue Description
t Number
59844 104683 Title: Added Option for Modeling Consistency Check
Symptoms: The Modelling Consistency Check form will return a value of 'Not
Passed' for almost 95% of checks
Solution: The 'Full data consistency check' option has been added to bypass
many warnings
59968 105002 Title: Assign Bending Machine Highlight Selected
Solution: If type of selected element is BRAN, its members will highlighted
59969 105007 Title: Adding Icon to reflect the assignment result
Symptoms: The details tab of the Assign Bending Machine form does not have
a icon to display result
Solution: Program modified to add icon to display assignment result
60022 105115 Title: Assign Bending Machine Duplicate Errors
Solution: Added logic to check element before assigning error list
60023 105116 Title: Assign Bending Machine Form - No Highlight
Solution: Update to highlight the bending element which is to have modified
60292 106394 Title: Create Weld by Picking will not work on Set-On Tees
Solution: Additional codes to pick set-on tee as advices
60477 106980 Title: Fabrication/Installation Isometric Form Population
Solution: Removed the logic to check removed items when adding elements
60489 107010 Title: Naming Pipe Pieces
Solution: Appended logic to assign autonaming for pipepiece element (PPIECE)
60727 134623 Title: Location of Check Message File in Pipe Fabrication
Symptoms: Program only will find the check message file in the PDMSEXE
Solution: Program modified to find the file from PDMSDFLTS and PDMSEXE
folder If it is not in the PDMSDFLTS folder, the program will look in the
PDMSEXE folder
68713 136129 Title: Branch connected by PTAP is not shown on PSPOOL isometric.
Solution: Match PTAP with an OLET when comparing Isodraft internal type with
attribute BELTYP list
65363 122461 Title: Weldgap Config Form Initialisation Behaviour is Poor
Solution: Added logic for selection missing specs if there are any missing spec
for weld handling
67549 130649 Title: Modelling Consistency Form Error
Solution: Updated codes to get arrive connection to check flange rotation
67766 131412 Title: Spool Drawing Issues with # in Pipe Name
Solution: The “#” character will be changed to "_" to avoid the error
69599, 138861, Title: Fabrication Check Form Fails.
69639 138927 Solution: Exception has been handled.
69728 139229 Title: Coordinate Error on Elbow .
Symptoms: Coordinate Error on elbow is happened.
Solution: Program modified to get assembly table from elbow properly.
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Product Release Letter
d80460 16-Apr-2020 © Copyright 2020 AVEVA Solutions Limited Page 423 of 517
Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
69114 137562 Title: Piping - Hole Management data being written to MDS association world.
Symptoms: Hole management association group created in MDS association
Known workaround: Make sure that a writable hole management association
group is available to all users.
Solution: The system now checks for ASSOWL purpose, and will not attempt to
create a new ASSOGP in an MDS association world.
69107 137567 Title: Design - Position from Hole Management report is not the position of
penetration if an offset is applied
Symptoms: Offset applied to holes is not included in the penetration position
Known workaround: Use the position of the virtual hole (No problem with holes
with no offset applied)
Solution: Output on report position with offset applied
69529 138719 Title: Admin - PNS (Privileges Not Sufficient) Error with foreign DB in
Symptoms: If read only access is applied to databases a PNS error is given on
module entry.
Known workaround: If appropriate, do not set read only permission to
Solution: Use fix provided in 12.1.SP4.13.
138878 Title: Piping - User not able to connect the Pipe Branch to a Equipment Nozzle.
Solution: Corrected PML.
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Curved Hull:
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Hull Nesting:
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Product Release Letter
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-67162 129097 Title: Problem to find user defined drawing types when
Symptoms: In the Open Drawing dialog you will not see all the sued defined
Known workaround: No known workaround.
1. When searching for a user defined drawing type in the Open Drawing dialog
AND IGNORE_MARPTYPE_FOR_USERDEF =Yes then the system will
automatically limit the search to the department set up by SB_PDB00x_PADD.
2. In case you need to search the whole mdb for user defined drawing types
when IGNORE_MARPTYPE_FOR_USERDEF =Yes, we have implemented a
new option: "All Drawings" which is a new choice available in the list of drawing
types in the "Open Drawing" dialog. When using this the system will only search
for drawings with a matching name disregarding of what type they are. Please
note that this search can be significantly slower than searching for a specific
drawing type.
I-67951 134197 Title: System not recognizing all occurrences of a pipe branch subpicture when
Symptoms: When identifying a Pipe (subpicture level 2) for deletion in the
drawing, the pipe is not recognized in all views.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: When searching for subpictures with same name, the fact that the
name of a model subpicture might be stored as a db-ref instead of the explicit
name has been considered. Also implemented support for long names when
identifying subpictures by name.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-60210 106087 Title: Tags missing attributes for Hull Element Types.
Symptoms: Hull element types are missing, so consider as string in comparison.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Added a condition to display hull element type.
112677 Title: Tags - Long text editor eats the first keystroke.
Symptoms: First letter is removed when trying to type in long text editor.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: First letter is not removed when trying to type in long text editor, whole
text is visible in long text editor.
I-63157 115679 Title: Tags - Performance issue in Cell History.
Symptoms: Performance for Cell History was poor.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Performance is improved for non expression and non pseudo attribute
type of columns.
I-63786 117851 Title: Tags - Error running macro in Engineering Tags since moving to
Symptoms: There is an exception when trying to publish to AVEVA NET from
macro in Engineering Tags.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: First issue was an old Aveva.Pdms.Tags.Pml.dll version in the package,
we have added also null-check which caused an exception while running macro.
I-65580 123272 Title: Tags - List Manager - 3D Object icon appear, even if there is no 3D Object.
Symptoms: 3D Object icon appears, even if there is no 3D Object.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: 3D Object icons do not appear if there are no 3D Objects.
I-65890 124325 Title: Reloading PBS from datal macro is not working properly
Symptoms: During reloading PBS from datal macro, the PBSPAR was not set
correctly if it referred to more than one element. As a result it was not possible to
move PBS structure between projects using datal.
Known workaround: Manually adjust PBSPAR after running datal macro.
Solution: Setting the PBSPAR attribute from datal macro and from command line
is working fine now.
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
100300 Title: Trunnion dummy legs lengths are not reset after creating the VT07 vessel
Symptoms: Works in a different way to VT01 creation.
Known workaround: It is still possible to control the lengths of the dummy legs,
but the workflow is different than with other similar VTs.
Solution: Brought the functionality for VT07 in line with VT01. Now the dummy
legs are resized to an appropriate length.
101472 Title: Add Support buttons on ribbon bar should not do anything at piping
component level unless it is an ATTA.
Symptoms: When at an elbow for example it would add all supports on the
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: It now only adds supports at a branch level or at an ATTA of a support.
101482 Title: Inconsistency observed in the confirm message while removing the Grid
Solution: Changed content of displayed message from 'O.K.' to OK to be
consistent with other similar messages.
101483 Title: MDS ABA Grid Data window fails to get dismissed on Clicking on ‘X
Symptoms: Form cannot be closed with 'X' button.
Known workaround: Use the 'Dismiss' button.
Solution: The 'X' button now closes the form in the same way as the 'Dismiss'
102544 Title: Compensation Materials form would not display materials.
Symptoms: Compensation Materials form would not display materials if the units
were not set to Celsius and Pascals.
Known workaround: Switch units to Celsius and Pascals and then switch them
back afterwards.
Solution: The form now shows the correct materials for when the units are set to
any values.
104201 Title: Using 'Adjust to Steelwork' functionality on ST06 results in error message.
Symptoms: Cannot perform required functionality, resulting in error message.
Known workaround: ST06 can be manually adjusted to steelwork by user input
of explicit values.
Solution: Adjust to steelwork functionality is now fixed.
116574 Title: Reference supports were not moved when the support was moved.
Symptoms: Any reference supports created on a support framework were not
moved with the framework.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Reference supports are now moved with the framework.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-56051 94077 Title: Cable - List of Elconns form throws F&M warning when loaded for the first
Symptoms: If a user clicks the Pick link label on the start ref or end ref in the
Create cable form they get a warning.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Defect is fixed; the problem was in positioning the PML gadget, which
was placed outside the boundaries of the form.
I-58219 99125 Title: Design - Creating a part from a template no longer defaults to the DESIGN
Symptoms: The catalogue search panel always initialises the DB type to
Known workaround: Use gadget to select appropriate DB type.
Solution: Initialise gadget with correct DB type rather than the default DB type.
I-59660 104514 Title: Piping - Problems with connecting a branch to a CROS.
Symptoms: When you try to connect a branch head or tail to a CROS using
pick, the error element that does not have attribute CREF appears and the action
is prevented.
Known workaround: Use the old connect form.
Solution: An extra error handle has been added to bypass the problem.
I-61407 110236 Title: Design - Position via Ship Reference does not work the first time after a
Symptoms: After Copy STRU, Ship Position Form Apply does not work (first
time only).
Known workaround: After Copy STRU had to Position twice using Ship Position
Solution: This issue has now been corrected.
I-62021 111997 Title: Design - Could not add CE when CE was a BLOCK to the mass surface
and mass volume form.
Symptoms: Block was not added to the .net grid on the form for calculation.
Known workaround: User could add BLOCK by Name.
Solution: This issue has now been corrected.
I-62565 113666 Title: Piping - Unhandled error in pipe splitting.
Symptoms: During pipe splitting there can be an error message "problem
creating the dummy assembly" if a component stype is unavailable in the current
spec. This causes another error and the process halts with "array element 0 does
not exist".
Known workaround: This is caused by using plant assemblies in marine where
the specs are incompatible. The assemblies should be re-built in the marine
sample project.
Solution: An extra error handle has been built into the assembly code.
I-64729 120326 Title: Fixed PML STOP button not working on Windows 7.
Symptoms: STOP button does not always interrupt PML on Windows 7.
Know workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: This issue has now been corrected.
I-66297 125876 Title The Pipe component selection form opening and closing will make the
software crash ( fatal error if console is shown).
Solution: Added a check in the code to prevent the form from crashing.
I-66357 127662 Title: Design - Incorrect work Advanced View Control with Measure Distance
functionality (lost a dimension).
Symptoms: Error concerning no aid number.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: Advance view form did register aids but did a .remove( instead of
128816 Title: Design - Autofill straights with wrong orientation.
Symptoms: Autofill straights with wrong orientation.
Known workaround: Reconnect.
Solution: This issue has now been corrected.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-64762, 128948, Title: Design - Unreliable PML file-saving on Windows 7.
I-67188 129208 Symptoms: PML applications show PNS (Privileges not Sufficient) on alternate
operations – can affect Reporting, Savework Design Colours etc. Applies to
Windows 7 (or higher) file-shares.
Known workaround: Problem may be resolved by repeating operation.
Solution: This issue has now been corrected.
135489 Title: HVAC Syntax error message is displayed on selecting Connect Tail to Last
Symptoms: Syntax Error.
Known workaround: Set TCON in attributes form.
Solution: Fixed using PML2 syntax.
Planar Hull:
Curved Hull:
Schematic 3D Integrator:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-60698 111018 Title: After rejecting an accepted differences any acceptance group member
should be removed.
Symptoms: Acceptance group members remain after rejecting accepted
Known workaround: Manually remove items from the acceptance group, or
ignore them.
Solution: Acceptance group members are removed on rejecting an accepted
113140 Title: Integrator at 12.1.SP4 should be able to cope with an E3D2.1 configuration
Symptoms: Integrato throws unhandled exceptions if it encounters a leter
configuration rule.
Known workaround: Use a configuration file generated at 12.1.SP4.
Solution: Handle errors from referencing attributes not available at earlier
I-62964 114737 Title: Branches of unlinked pipes have options to accept differences.
Symptoms: Branches have options to accept differences which should not be
available if pipe is unlinked.
Known workaround: Ignore these options or reject any accepted differences.
Solution: Accept differences options are not available on branch if pipe is
I-62968 114741 Title: After rejecting an accepted differences any acceptance group member
should be removed.
Symptoms: Acceptance group members remain after rejecting accepted
Known workaround: Manually remove items from the acceptance group, or
ignore them.
Solution: Acceptance group members are removed on rejecting an accepted
I-63096 115389 Title: Tags - Enhance the Validate process of Manage Links to merge partially
populated link objects.
Symptoms: Separate link objects sharing one of the same references.
Known workaround: None.
Solution: Validate option merges links that overlap in their references.
I-63704 116814 Title: Copy All to 3D not done for all pipes in multi-linked line.
Symptoms: Only the first pipe that is linked gets the attribute values copied to
Known workaround: Manually copy the attribute values.
Solution: Copy All to 3D copies the attribute values to each linked pipe.
116906 Title: A branch with no significant components is not compared.
Symptoms: The branch is coloured cyan following comparison.
Known workaround: None.
Solution: Branches with no significant components are compared according to
their connections.
116907 Title: Integrator matches a schematic valve to a PCOM when it should be
reporting a missing valve.
Symptoms: A missing valve is not reported.
Known workaround: None.
Solution: The matching has been improved to correctly report the missing valve.
I-65499 122897 Title: Tooltip reports a difference even though the rules say to ignore that
Symptoms: The tooltip for an attribute set to Compare Action Ignore reports a
Known workaround: None.
Solution: The tooltip takes account of the Compare Action setting.
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Product Release Letter
If all three environment variables exist and their values are set (paths) then
everything should work.
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-59185 102751 Title: FunctionalDescription cannot select blank from second Rename function.
Symptoms: Using the function Panel->Rename the first time will show a blank
field in Functional Description (FD). The second time it is not possible to select a
blank FD.
Known workaround: Add any FD and then remove it in the Schema Editor.
Solution: Blank value of FD will always be possible to select in the Rename
I-59398 103627 Title: When modify boundary, Limit No. does not match in GUI.
Symptoms: Modifying a planar panel boundary that referes to another planar
panel limit, in the Boundary Wizard, the limit number changes.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The correct limit number will be presented in the Boundary Wizard
when modifying such boundary.
I-61761 111268 Title: No shell profile in the symbolic view.
Symptoms: A view plane, intersecting a Shell Profile in a Cylindrical surface is
not presented in the symbolic view.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that shell profile section is drawn in
the symbolic view. However the plane must not be outside the starting and
I-63933 117333 Title: The comment of hole is not output to Gen.File.
Symptoms: Generating fictious holes are not fully represented in the plate
inteface generic file.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: All information regarding the fictious hole will be included in the generic
I-64578 119369 Title: Knuckle panel, stiffener's PartName and PartId are unmatch.
Symptoms: The stiffener part id (PrtIdl) is not correct for stiffeners on a knuckled
Known workaround: No known workaround exsits.
Solution: Corrected so the part id is correct also for stiffeners on a knuckled
I-64622 119544 Title: Free naming for profs / seams, not possible to create proper plane panels
Symptoms: in the boundary statement, referring to another planar panel whos
name only consits of numbers in the last part of the name will fail (ex. ABC-1234).
Known workaround: Make sure also letters are used in the last part of a panel
name (ex. ABC-A1234).
Solution: Panels with only number in the last part will also be recognized as
planar panels.
I-65523 123061 Title: Captured 3D View position wrong.
Symptoms: Indicating in a isometric view gives wrong coordinates when
modelling holes on a planar panel.
Known workaround: Use a non-isometric view to get correct indication.
Solution: The problem has been solved so that it is possible to indicate the
coordinate position for a Hole in the isometric view.
I-65931 124424 Title: SBH_AN_POS and SBH_HOLE_GPS are not able to define both
Symptoms: When SBH_AN_POS and SBH_HOLE_GPS is both defined in a
project, the GPS1 - GPS44 is not available for Holes in planar panels in the
Statement Wizard.
Known workaround: Manually handle the GPS1- GPS4 in the panel schema.
Solution: GPS1 - GPS4 for planar panel holes are always available in the wizard
if SBH_HOLE_GPS is defined.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-66159 125056 Title: Rename function problem.
Symptoms: Using the Planar Panel Rename function, changing the Block name
has no affect on the panel. Instead an error message ""Failed deferred storing
<panel_name>" is shown in teh message window.
Known workaround: Make sure the panel schema exists. Then delete teh panel.
Change block name in the schema and run the schema to create the panel again.
Solution: Corrected so it is possible to change Block name in the Rename
I-66649, 126959, Title: Endcuttab error in SP4.
I-66653 126982 Symptoms: Creating the endcut table with the input file does not work in
12.1.SP4. this worked fine in 12.1.SP3.
Known workaround: Temporarly use an installation of 12.1.SP3 to create the
endcut table.
Solution: Corrected so that inithull will create the endcut table correctly in
I-66863 127658 Title: Panelnames as OBJ in MOGWLD.
Symptoms: When releasing panels for production (ppanparts) some parts ends
up in the MOGWLD.
Known workaround: Check log file for potention error messages.
Solution: something has gone wrong in the processing of the part. The part will
not be saved and possible error messages must be checked for in the log-file.
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-66937 124253, Title: A panel created by toggle divide has strange seam definion.
128054 Symptoms: When the split panel is divided by a seam for the intersecting pane,
the seam statement is not complete. it ends with COM= and then nothing more.
Known workaround: In the schema, manually correct the statement and run the
Solution: Corrected so the SEA statement will be correct.
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-66677 127029 Title: Apparent loss of focus when identifying ISLANDS during the creation of a
HATCH pattern.
Symptoms: Issues when using the Option command (F10) when in Point
Selecion. system loose focus and user must make new active selection.
Known workaround: Make Right Click to retain the system focus.
Solution: F10 as Option is removed due to clash with F10 function in Outfitting
where this is the toggle between XYZ/ENU coordinate presentation. The single-
key accellerator "P" is still available to use as option.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
99320 Title: Reporting - Inconsistent results while executing unit tests on SP4 bug fix
Symptoms: While Running Unit tests via Visual Studio fail sometime due to
VSTestHost.exe running in background.
Known workaround: NA
Solution: Close VSTestHost.exe via task manager if found , Before Running
I-58550 100613 Title: Tags - Add the number of displayed record when the list is filtered.
Symptoms: Filtered row information is not displayed anywhere.
Known workaround:
Solution: Numbers of records are displayed in the Compare Update element grid
tab when the list is filtered.
I-54992 101126 Title: Tags - Excel Import: Real value's compare logic for excel import.
Symptoms: Comparison of double typed attribute values of importing data and
database was being compared as text instead double.
Known workaround: NA
Accept/Reject window will be shown for following scenarios
A)Change in current and revised value with respective to unit conversion of same
B)If different unit of same dimension is specified in revised value against unit
specified for current DbAttribute.
C)Invalid dimension unit is specified.
104554 Title: Tags - User fails to delete the row which is moved by using 'Move selected
row up the grid' option.
Symptoms: User fails to delete the row which is moved by using 'Move selected
row up the grid' option in sheet configuration and column configuration window of
the Excel/Export Wizard.
Known workaround: NA
Solution: User can delete moved row in sheet configuration and column
configuration window.
I-59903 104856 Title: Tags - Errors with Equipment 'Name' attribute with Scope by Destination.
Symptoms: Observe that all element NAME attribute values takes the NAME of
the topmost item.
Known workaround: NA
Solution: Current element name has been updated for each item so now user
can see correct name for each item.
I-59922 104904 Title: Tags - Incorrect Link information after comparison scope By destination.
Symptoms: Incorrect link information showing in C/U grid.
Known workaround: NA
Solution: Now correct link information showing in C/U grid.
I-60210 106087 Title: Tags - Missing attributes for Hull Element Types.
Symptoms: Hull element types are missing, so consider as string in comparision.
Known workaround:
Solution: Added a condition to display hull element type.
I-62681 113985 Title: Schematic Model Manager - Button Filter is greyed before the first
Symptoms: filter button not enable after first comparison, so user can not apply
filter on first comparison.
Known workaround:
Solution: Filter button is enabled after data source is selected i.e before
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
114482 Title: Tags - Excel import is not working properly, when the user is importing
empty data cells.
Symptoms: Excel Import is not working properly, when the user is importing
empty data cells is specified in excel. No changes or updates were executed if
user want to update empty value using excel import.
Known workaround: NA
Solution: It is now possible to import empty cell data using Excel Import.
I-63581 116480 Title: Tags - Mutliple match only update first UDET.
Symptoms: In case of multiple matches, only first UDET updated even if multiple
selected. and multiple attributes selected on selection of single element.
Known workaround:
Solution: Selection of element selects and update only attributes of particular
116630 Title: Schematic Model Manager - Remove prompt for filter when no filter
Symptoms: Message displayed when no filter is applied.
Known workaround:
Solution: Message is removed when no filter defined.
116631 Title: Schematic Model Manager - Change the defaults for updating attributes on
linked items.
Symptoms: By default UpdateMatchedLinked &
UpdateInsertedLinked checkbox's are unchecked in update form.
Known workaround:
Solution: Now by default UpdateMatchedLinked &
UpdateInsertedLinked checkbox's are checked in Update form.
I- 124855 Title: Schematic Model Manager - Performance Issues during comparison and
coloring operations.
Symptoms: Time taken during selecting a configuration or refresh operation was
too much.
Known workaround: No known workaround.
Solution: The time was taken due to side by side grid and also due to
comparison and coloring operation. The performance is improved and is better
than before.
Pipe Fabrication:
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-59062 120295 Title: Adding Popup menu for assigning minimum feed excess.
Symptoms: When validate pipe spools, there is no popup menu for assigning
minimum feed excess.
Known workaround:
Solution: Program modified to add popup menu for assigning minimum feed
I-65388 124821 Title: End Point Table from RSO.
Symptoms: The coodinates in the End Point Table cannot represented from
Known workaround: None.
Solution: Program modified to get coodinates from RSO.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-65842 124167 Title: Compare/Update: Improve import of information for Cable Catalogue
Symptoms: Message displayed is not proper for external datasource while tried
to edit configuration.
Known workaround: No known workaround.S
Solution: Earlier message is changed to "Selected configuration is protected for
changes, only filter and attribute mapping can be changed” .
124871 Title: Admin (including Lexicon & Propcon) - Integrity Checker (DICE) patching
lost buckets fails for most databases.
Symptoms: "Attempt to patch failed" message appears and patch is
Known workaround: None
Solution: Corrected.
I-62683 124954 Title: Attribute was being processed incorrectly by PML2
Symptoms: Q VAR !!CE.GAPS or Q VAR !!CE.ATTRIBUTE('GAPS') report an
error (2,800).
Workaround: Handle this error and use Q GAPS syntax.
Solution: Definition of Gaps attribute has been corrected to be a Real Array
(DBARRATT). Any temporary workarounds can be removed.
I-56694 125917 Title: HVAC - Incorrect selection of a size not found in the current SPEC.
Symptoms: UD Fittings form still creates fitting whereas standard forms would
prevent creation (inconsistent).
Known workaround: Previously - delete fitting.
Solution: UD Fittings form behaves consistant to standard forms and prevents
fitting creation when spec range invalid.
I-66615 126911 Title: Correction to eccentric circular arcs.
Symptoms: Some circular arcs in hidden-line views were being drawn with their
centres displaced slightly (12.1SP2 and earlier versions are unaffected).
Known workaround: reduce view arc tolerance ATOL attribute.
Solution: A fix has been made to improve the fitting of circular arcs in the
hidden-line output; previously it was possible for large arcs which formed the
major part of a circle to be positioned slightly off-centre thanks to an artefact of
the facetting and approximation process.
127047 Title: Draft - Linestyles with glyphs not correctly exported
Known workaround: N/A
Solution: Program modified to handle user defined linestyles having system
glyphs( 1 to 25 ) and it works for decmode 3 only. The Quivira font needs to be
installed to provide support for glyphs.
Quivira is a free Unicode font in the Open Type format .
User can directly download from following link and install or copy in
127163 Title: Error message popping up saying "Selected Configuration is not editable"
when tried to edit cable configuration.
Symptoms: Message displayed is not proper for external datasource while tried
to edit configuration.
Known workaround: None.
Solution: Earlier message is changed to "Selected configuration is protected for
changes, only filter and attribute mapping can be changed”.
127954 Title: AVEVA Cache Service - integrity errors can occur if any individual cache
file exceeds 2GB (1,048,575 pages).
Symptoms: Database integrity errors can appear if any individual cache file
exceeds 2GB (1,048,575 pages).
Known workaround: De-activate Cache Service or clear cache contents for the
project experiencing errors, using Cache Manager tool.
Solution: Fix to Cache Service.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
127967 Database and Data Management - Dabacon Performance enhancement, read
multiple pages in one go. For more information se note under List of
Enhancements above.
I-67055 128442 Title: Admin (including Lexicon & Propcon) - Reconfigurer crash with upgraded
System database (created at 11.1).
Symptoms: DICE reports unknown DBNA attribute on STAT element;
Reconfigurer crashes after lots of errors.
Known workaround: Either (1) Reconfigure the System database in 12.0.SP6
before upgrading it or (2) Use REPLICATE SYSTEM to create a fresh system
database from macro.
[Note that after Reconfiguration the System database will have lost its upgrade
status . This can be re-applied using DBUPgrade SYSTEM TO LATEST].
Solution: Requires patch - 12.1.SP4.10 or later.
128683 Title: Ability to use expressions in attribute mapping.
Symptoms: It was not possible to directly map pml expression to attribute values
Known workaround: Use advanced configuration to use pml expressions.
Solution: Source mapping column in attribute mapping screen can now
understand pml expression as expression and its value will be evaluated and
mapped to destination attribute.
Initial Design:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-61791, 111372, Title: Damage Stability Results reported in Loading Conditions Inconsistent.
I-40519, 69546, Symptoms: The damage summary report is often returning zeroes in the range
I-64207 119029 column.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists
Solution: The damage summary table did not use the actual values as calculated
when checking the criteria sets for each damage case, instead a "standard" setup
were used. This had the effect that there were either some slight deviations from
the "true" values calculated for each damage case or the values became 0. For
the range column a 0 result were common, this because the chosen method were
best suited for an intact case with an upright equilibrium.
With the changes the damage summary table will for all cases when it with
success has calculated a criteria value for range, max GZ and area under GZ-
curve write that to the damage summary table. If the criteria set does not contain
a check for any of them it will fall back to the old way of calculating the values.
I-64584 122552 Title: Shape of additional surface in “Hulldesign”.
Symptoms: Some parts of a surface released from Initial Design, Surface, is
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the released surface will be fully included in the project.
I-65504 122930 Title: Deterministic Stability not calculating Condition KG correctly with a shift
moment fluid load
Symptoms: The issue stems from the fact that the ship uses a stabiliser tank and
requires the use of Shift Moment FSM calculation. The calculations are working
correctly in the loading condition but when the same load group is included as
‘Deadweight available for loss’ the GZ curve produced is more than twice the size
of that in the original Loading condition for the same initial conditions. This does
not happen if the stabiliser is in the load group as fixed or max FSM.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists
Solution: When using the "Deadweight available for loss" option in deterministic
calculations and assigning a loading condition using compartments with shift
moment option for calculating free surface moment the resulting VCG for the
condition turned out incorrect. This is now corrected.
Planar Hull:
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-54532 90884 Title: Marking functionality enhancement.
Symptoms: Difficult to make text marking.
Known workaround: Using contours to describe text.
Solution: New "Text" is introduced to the MAR statement in Hull Design. For more
details refer to section List of Enhancements above.
I-60527 107140 Title: Improve handling of brackets in symbolic view (NOBRKT1).
Symptoms: Brackets are still in the symbolic view also when the default keywords
NOBKT1 and NOBKT2 is defined.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Brackets will not be displayed in symbolic views if NOBKT1 (trace line)
or NOBKT2 (plane views) are defined.
I-61737 111279 Title: Generation of bracket between 2 flanges fails.
Symptoms: Combination where bracket syntax 3 is used with two flanges and
another of flanges is curved fails to message: "Insufficient/Irrelevant (side?) info
for bracket".
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so it is possible to create a syntax 3 bracket between two
flanges, where one flange is curved.
I-61914 111740 Title: Statement error for BVS.
Symptoms: Mixing sides with number and side in the bevel side definition of
stiffener ends does not go through the schema interpretation.
Known workaround: Avoid the mix with number and side.
Solution: This is defined by the Statement wizard. It is now changed so that the
numbers 1 and -1 for Material and Mould side is changed into the keywords MOU
and NMO (Mould and NonMould side).
I-62088, 112210, Title: Creating a topological point at flange end, the profile reference (F1) is
I-61967 111996 changed to stiffener reference (S1).
Symptoms: When indicating a flange end to define a topological point, the
Statement Wizard changes the reference to be a Stiffener reference instead.
Known workaround: Manually in the schema change to the correct flange
Solution: Corrected so that the Flange reference remains.
I-62813 114345 Title: Even if the overlap <NO=1>&<NO=1>, It is performed without Error
(marking stmt).
Symptoms: Creating a marking with the MAR statement where the marking
already exists will overwrite the already existing marking.
Known workaround: Manually check that not the same number, NO, is used in
the marking statements.
Solution: Marking is checked so it is not overwriting already created marking. Also
next available marking number is presented by the statement wizard.
I-63934 117334 Title: Ppanparts is not working with KN-panel on SB-side. (Fatal Error).
Symptoms: A knuckled panel defined on Starboard side gives fatal error when
trying to run ppanparts.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Correction made so that the SB panel also can be split.
I-64554 119305 Title: Copy and Paste of hull elements within design explorer.
Symptoms: In the Design Explorer, it is possible to use the Drag and Drop
function on Hull elements. When doing that, the copied element cannot be used
and it cannot be deleted.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The possibility to wrongly copy/paste and move/copy by drag and drop
of Hull Design specific elements in the design explorer is now prohibited.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-64641 119492 Title: If SID=TOP is given, Point Position of Profile cross is wrong with curved
Symptoms: Topology Points position for penetrating Curved Flanges, using
SID=TOP is not correct.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Topology point position will be correctly placed also for Curved Flanges.
I-65517 122983 Title: Shell profiles appearing in wrong location in Symbolic View.
Symptoms: Shell profile is not correct in planar view.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: This can happen when the profile trace is described as a 3D curve. The
problem is handled and the Shell profile will be displayed correctly.
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-62981 114757 Title: Longi split error - cannot recognize plate thickness.
Symptoms: Splitting a Shell Stiffener on Starboard side against a symmetrical
defined Planar Panel does not take the correct plate thickness into consideration.
Known workaround: Manually adjust angles after split.
Solution: Corrected so that the correct plate in the panel is used to split the Shell
I-64094 117695 Title: Cplate cannot be added to cpanel.
Symptoms: Adding a Shell Plate to an existing Curved Panel on an additional
surface may give a warning about wrong block box and not adding the plate.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the Shell Plate can be added.
I-64442 118901 Title: Setting plate PosNo via marAPI.
Symptoms: Can't set PosNo for the reflected instance of a symmetric plate.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Use the new methods:
MarChm.PlatePropGetExt( MarModel^ plateObj, System::String^ Side)
MarChm.PlatePropSetExt( MarModel^ plateObj, MarShPlateProp^
ShPlatePropObj, System::String^ Side)
I-64620 119471 Title: Inithull, hullref, tick box for free naming need to be off by default.
Symptoms: In a new project, the first time the Hull Reference Object is to be
created in Inithull, the tick box for free naming of seams and shell profiles might
be ticked as a default value. If this is not what is desired in the project, it is very
easy to miss.
Known workaround: Make sure the tick box in unticked.
Solution: A minor enhancement in Inithull has been done to prevent the tickbox to
be ticked by default.
I-65231 122075 Title: Displayed cross-section of ShellProfile is duplicated.
Symptoms: Cross section of a Shell Profile in a Symbolic View is duplicated.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Resolved so no duplicates are presented.
I-65606 123380 Title: Shrinkage value missing after running xml file for curved panel.
Symptoms: Shrinkage defined in an XML input schema is not handled in the
interactive application.
Known workaround: Make sure all four shrinkage parameters are defined in the
XML schema (Ex. <Shrinkage Long="1" LongPartition="1000" Trans="0"
Solution: Corrected so that only valid parameters need to be defined.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-44537 69842 Title: Problem in Boundary Wizard
Symptoms: System aborts when, in Boundary Wizard, is indicating a shell profile
cross section as boundary.
Known workaround: This is only valid for projects using the free naming option for
shell profiles. No known workaround exists.
Solution: The error is handled and it is possible to pick shell profile cross sections
as boundary also in projects using the option for free naming of shell profiles.
I-64778 121276 Title: It has a problem that Hull Steel Export by XML.
Symptoms: Exporting with "Hull Steel Export" a Curved Panel with more than one
plate in a project where Free naming of seams and shell profiles are defined, fails
to export correctly.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so all plates in the curved Panel will be exported into the XML
I-64777 122549 Title: Knuckled stiffener in symbolic view.
Symptoms: A penetrating stiffener, defined with a curve, is not shown in the
section view.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the cross-section view of a stiffener defined with a curve is
also displayed in the section view.
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-63363 1183744 Title: Assembly Profiles Output Files.
Symptoms: The function Assembly-Profiles generate to list files, one for profiles
and one for plates. Both files should have the same nesting name in filename.
The message window writes the right filenames but the created files differ from
the message.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Correct filenames will be used.
I-63360 118532 Title: PLCM crashes when insert drawing form
Symptoms: PLCM crashes when insert drawing form with error message: A fatal
error has been detected. The program must exit.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The error has been corrected and the Drawing Form will be presented.
I-63362 118533 Title: PLCM crashes when transform part.
Symptoms: General PLCM opens an assembly-part with auxiliary corner hooks. If
you try to move the part without deleting these hooks the program crashes.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so it is possible to move the part including the corner hooks.
I-65016, 121166, Title: Shell plate marking is meandering in parallel position.
I-65017 121167 Symptoms: Straight marking on Shell Plates are meandering.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The markings are corrected and the meandering is removed.
I-65571 123226 Title: Marking are not fully displayed in Plate parts.
Symptoms: Markinglines are missing on Curved Plates.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the missing markinglines are added.
Hull Nesting:
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-61346 110132 Title: Incorrect message output on storing nest
Symptoms: Not possible to store a Plate Nesting with no parts added. The
message “The Nesting PPI must be used to create standard plates” is shown in
the message window.
Known workaround: Add a part, then the nesting can be saved.
Solution: The Nesting module is changed to allow empty nestings to be saved for
later use.
110141 Title: Assembly program allowing any names (capital and lowercase letters) but
Nesting application accept only capital letters.
Symptoms: Nesting only accepts capital letters in the Plate Part Selection form.
Known workaround: Only use capital letters in Assembly names.
Solution: Form is corrected to accept mixed capital and lowercase letters.
I-61032 113925 Title: How to switch off the border of Part name?
Symptoms: When adding partnames to the nesting sketch, they are always
surrounded by a border.
Known workaround: Manually delete the border.
Solution: By setting the nesting default parameter AUTO_POSNO_PART to -1,
no border will be presented in the note.
I-64529 119220 Title: Display the prompt message to user when overwrite old nested plate in
batch nesting.
Symptoms: In batch nesting there are no messages or indications that an old
nesting has been overwritten.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: A check has been added so that it is not possible to overwrite an
existing nest. The plugin nesting is aborted when that happens.
Design Reuse:
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Product Release Letter
Assembly Planning:
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-64225 118018 Title: Function in Popup menu Selected > Modify General works only after
second attempt.
Symptoms: Giving extra search criteria in the Selected -> Modify general ->
Search Properties form, does not apply to the selection. Everything is still in the
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The additional properties in the selection will also be applied to the
current selection.
I-64613 119456 Title: Intelligent text ~D stored by five characters, it removes last two characters
of the string.
Symptoms: Intelligent text ~D stored by five characters, it removes last two
characters of the string.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: A problem reading CPS text data, containing data from "alternative
characters set" is now fixed.
I-64545 119459 Title: Can't remove rows from Search Results
Symptoms: Using Right Click function "Remove Selected Rows" does not have
any affect and the rows are maintained.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so that the selected rows will be removed by the Right Click
I-65097 121364 Title: When New Drawing, if using backing sheet this is not seen, even assigned.
Symptoms: Open a New drawing, select from the list of drawing form list, a
proper drawing list.
Drawing and sheet are created, sheet have BSRF correctly assigned, but there
is no form within the drawing.
Known workaround: Use the function Insert>Drawing Form or use the command
Solution: Corrected so proper sheet will be inserted.
I-65150 121591 Title: Cannot query the existence of a drawing from Vitesse.
Symptoms: The API function kcs_draft.dwg_exist() is always returning zero (0).
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The API is corrected and the function kcs_draft.dwg_exist() will return
correct result.
I-65390 122906 Title: In Marine Drafting, after split subpicture, it's lost model information.
Symptoms: When a sub-picture is split onto two sub-pictures, one of them is
losing the model information.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists
Solution: Model subviews, regrouped on geometry level will retain its identity and
thus response to Model Info inquiries, Model Copy and Model View Slice.
However, note that Model/Exchange will accept any left-over of the regrouped
subviews as input and re-evaluate them fully (geometry of regrouped model
subviews will come back).
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Product Release Letter
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Product Release Letter
Multi-Discipline Supports (MDS):
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-62249 112754 Title: Draft - Linestyles not exporting properly to DXF.
Symptoms: Line types and styles are not shown correctly in AutoCAD
after export.
Known workaround: None.
Solution: Export corrected.
I-62274 112868 Title: Draft – Hatching is distorted when exported via Configurable DXF/DWG.
Symptoms: The hatch pattern on design geometry is incorrect in AutoCAD.
Solution: Export corrected.
I-62451 113447 Title: Isodraft – PTAPs are cutting the pipes.
Symptoms: The PTAP splits the pipe, rather than behaving like an OLET or set-
on tee, with continuous pipe.
Solution: Isodraft corrected.
I-63145, 115645, Title: Structures - Bent Panel Negative Extrusion corner positive radius not
I-57884 98080 working
Symptoms: On the loop vertex editor, a negative value for radius works, but if
entering a positive radius, it appears as a negative radius.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so that also positive radius will be handled.
I-63849 117112 Title: Isodraft - Incorrect bolting for wafer components.
Symptoms: Mixed bolting (for example STUD and MACH) does not work.
Solution: Wafer Bolting is now handled correctly.
I-64103 117704 Title: Model Editor on HVAC, implied ducting incorrect.
Symptoms: Implied Duct disappears from the graphics in certain circumstances.
Solution: The program has been corrected.
I-64240 118180 Structures - Bent Panel Fitting Creation and Modification Problem.
I-64444 118932 Title: Structures - Bent Panel Fittings cannot be copied by Create>Copy
Symptoms: Not possible to copy a bent panel fitting using the Create>Copy
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so Copy is available for fittings on a Bent Panel.
I-64314 119013 Title: Structures - Bent Panel Fitting Material Reference is Nulref.
Symptoms: Matref attribute is Nulref at first for the creation of the BPFITT
elements and when we try to change it, it gives an error: “Unable to modify the
material of =16884/487 as write access is not available”.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The MATREF attribute was missing on the BPFITT. This is now added.
I-64663 119651 Title: Draft - Incorrect View Scale Syntax in Intelligent Text Help.
Symptoms: Scale View Num is shown with the same code word as Scale View
Solution: Scale View Den code word is now correctly shown as #VRAT[2].
121106 Isodraft - NSBC isometrics now work correctly with tees which leave at P3.
I-65138 121565 Title: SYSTEM crash when Querying BRICOG on Component with unknown
Symptoms: Dabacon Error 10 and SYSTEM crash.
Solution: Pseudo attributes BRICOG and BRIWEI (and PSATTS) no longer crash
if the insulation spec (ISPEC) is an invalid reference.
I-65098 121589 HVAC - Modify > HVAC > Main branch form now properly recognizes a CIRC
I-65214 121911 Title: Hole manager - Add Pipe/HVAC brings elements from Application World.
Symptoms: The function Add Pipe/HVAC in the Hole Managemnt Utility also
finds pipes and HVAC from Application Worlds.
Solution: APPLDW owned elements are now filtered from the collection.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-65383 122752 Title: Design - Get Ship coordinate for COG.
GRAVITY displays the COG in ENU, not ship coordinates.
Solution: Option added for Ship Positions.
123764 Database and Data Management - Assignment of !!CE from DBREF with UDA
name of more than 13 characters can suffer from stack buffer overrun.
I-65563 123807 Title: Specification Data listing on the User Defined HVAC Fittings form.
Symptoms: SPECs are listed in reference number order, not Database order.
Solution: SPECs are once again listed in Database order.
I-65628 123818 Title: Modify > HVAC > Move by command is doubling the distance in some
Symptoms: Both the text gadget and the Move By button were causing the move.
Solution: This has been changed as it was confusing to some users.
I-65198 124005 Title: Connecting the "Head Start" to an existing BRANCH Tail does not pick up
the correct AA-AB values.
Symptoms: Position and HREF are correct, but :HXYsize is NOT correct.
Solution: Correction to ensure that :HXYSIZE is set correctly.
I-65149 124006 Title: Incorrect implied ducting coming off a HVAC transition.
Symptoms: Wrong dimension connecting to user defined CIRC to RECT
transition piece.
Solution: Program corrected.
I-65593 124007 Title: Show Local Views option is automatically getting reset.
Symptoms: Caused by Modify > HVAC menu option or Modify CE button on the
HVAC form.
Solution: Program corrected.
I-65803 124378 Title: Incorrect implied ducting when "branch connecting" to an HVAC TEE.
Symptoms: Occurred when DESP[41] was not set on the user defined y branch.
Solution: Program improved.
I-66143, 126313, Title: LINESTYLE ERROR IN DRAFT 12.1SP4.
I-66440 126343 Symptoms: Some user defined linestyles cause the draft session to crash
with FATAL error.
Known workaround: Avoid using a style where the line segment length is less
than DECREPEAT size.
Solution: Program modified to handle line segments where line length was less
than DECREPEAT size.
I-66143, 126556, Title: Unwanted glyphs on dimension lines.
I-66440 126313, Symptoms: Some user defined linestyles have a glyph at the ends.
126343 Known workaround: None.
Solution: Program modified to use system line-style 1 (solid), and not any user
line-style, for terminators.
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-59388 103623 Title: Insert Model Verification window is not listing by PIPE/HVAC/CWAY.
Symptoms: The Insert Model Verification window is listing PIPE and HVAC
elements by BRANCH, instead of by the parent element.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The default keyword AUTO_OUTFITTING_LEVEL has been extended
to also affect Insert Model for PIPE/HVAC/CWAY. If this keyword is set,
PIPE/HVAC/CWAY will be presented in the list instead of BRAN.
I-59394 103626 Title: Outfitting is not following limits of Symbolic Views.
Symptoms: When adding Outfitting models to a Hull Symbolic View, the whole
Outfitting object is drawn and not considering the symbolic view restrictions.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Slicing does not work for outfitting models if view type is wireline or
wireline hidden line (for performance reason). A new keyword
"VIEW_TYPE_HSV" is introduced. The new default can have the same values as
the existing "VIEW_TYPE" default keyword. If you don't set VIEW_TYPE_HSV it
will have the same value as VIEW_TYPE.
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-62574 113672 Title: Wrong SWAGE presentation.
Symptoms: Presenting swages in planar panels, created with the SWA statement
is not correct.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so that swages are correctly displayed.
I-62812 114344 Title: The X coordinate of the U-axis does not change the distance from the
Frame for marking.
Symptoms: When making two points marking with MAR statement in Hull Design,
using UV coordinates, the X-coordinate is not translated into FR term.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the X-coordinate is translated into FR term.
I-64397 118751 Title: SBH_HOLE_GPS is not enabled
Symptoms: In tribon an environment variable SBH_HOLE_GPS was used to
blank/unblank the GPS fields in the Hole Wizard. This variable has no effect in
AVEVA Marine.
Known workaround: If GPS in Holes are to be blanked, it is currently controlled
Solution: SBH_HOLE_GPS is reintroduced in the Wizard. If defined, the GPS1 -4
field will be available. If not set, they are set as read only fields.
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Hull Structural Design:
Hull Production:
Hull Nesting:
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Product Release Letter
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-61297 110044 Title: Label in Hull, symbols are not shown.
Symptoms: Using the Label function in Hull Modelling and trying to use the
Symbolic, Select from list will give an error message "Object does not have a
member VAL".
Known workaround: Use Marine Drafting.
Solution: The Symbol Selection form can be shown only in Marine Drafting. It is
not possible to use the form from Hull Design, because it uses drafting specific
PML functionality to display 2D symbols. The fix is only dimming the button
showing Symbol Selection form if application is not Marine Drafting.
I-61298 110048 Title: Label, intelli text window too small.
Symptoms: The window for the intelli text is too small so all information is not
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Label Intelligent Texts window is now resizable and remembers its size
between sessions.
I-62388 113334 Title: Hatch not appearing in LOGO in ADP drawing.
Symptoms: Hatching failes in Marine Drafting but is ok in Outfitting Draft.
Known workaround: Manually fill in the hatching.
Solution: Corrected so also hatching will be correct in Marine Drafting.
I-62515 113656 Title: Radius dimension text is missing from exported dxf file.
Symptoms: Importing a drawing from a DXF file is missing the radius dimension
Known workaround: Add the dimension manually.
Solution: Corrected so also the radius dimension values are present after
importing the drawing.
I-62942 115210 Title: The function of Hatch Pattern is Created incorrectly
Symptoms: The hatch pattern is missing some parts in the hatching.
Known workaround: This could happen when the geometry is very far from the
origo. Move the contents of the drawing closer to origo.
Solution: Fixed so that hatching procedure will produce correct hatching also
when the geometry is far from origo.
I-63511 116652 Title: Shell Plate names are not appearing for Properties in Curved Hull
Symptoms: In an "Input Model" view, indicating in View properties, the names of
Shell Plates are not displayed.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so that the Shell Plate names are displayed in the view when
I-60965 117080 Title: The Error of dxf import file.
Symptoms: Distance To Plane dimensioning not giving correct result after
regrouping in an imported drawing.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The dimensioning will give a correct result also after regrouping sub-
pictures in an imported dxf drawing.
I-63840 117083 Title: Subpicture Automatic function is different between 12.0 and 12.1.
Symptoms: Adding geometry/text to a subpicture is adding it to the closest
component rather than the subview.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: A new Drafting default keyword to control the behaviour has been
Controls the protection of model subviews when current structure is selected
Legal values:
No: Protect model subview (cannot be automatically selected) (as in 12.0)
Yes: Allow automatic selection of model subview (as in 12.1 and system default).
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Product Release Letter
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
Initial Design:
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-48586 76684 Title: The development shape is not correct in 3-Knuckle Panel.
Symptoms: Parts of the knuckled panel might disappear if the knuckle angle is
small, i.e. less than 4 degrees.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Knuckle angles less than 4 degrees are not smoothed out in volume
I-48887 77199 Title: It cannot edit the Japanese in Hull Editor.
Symptoms: Input e.g. Japanese characters in the schema such as marking name
in the Marking statement, is not handled correctly in the schema editor.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The schema editor is corrected to handle Unicode characters in
I-51542 84912 Title: Question does not appear even if the overlap number(TAP).
Symptoms: If the same TAP number is used, no warning is given to the user. This
is happening for all other components.
Known workaround: Carefully see to that not the same TAP number is used more
than once.
Solution: A check is introduced that will warn the user if a TAP number is already
I-52591 86814 Title: The positions of profile cross topology points are wrong.
Symptoms: In case of inclined profiles with varying bevel defined for the trace, the
topological points will not take the variable bevel into consideration and the
positions will not be correct.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so that positions of the topological points will take variable
bevel of the profile trace in consideration.
I-53419 90136 Title: DATABASE ERROR 567
Symptoms: If in Outfitting modelling pipes or cable tray and touch some hull item,
the program become not responding and will close down. The message
"Database error 567" is presented in the console window.
Known workaround: Make sure the MOGWLD is writeable by the user.
Solution: Fixed in a way so the MOGWLD is not needed to be writeable by the
I-54532 90884 Title: Marking functionality enhancement
Symptoms: Difficult to make text marking
Known workaround: Using contours to describe text.
Solution: New "Text" is introduced to the MAR statement in Hull Design. Note -
For a complete description please refer to the attachment provided in the
Knowledge Base Item 4997 in AVEVA Helpdesk.
104855 Title: Japanese chars get obfuscated in statement wizard.
Symptoms: Input e.g. Japanese characters in the schema such as marking
name in the Marking statement, is not handled correctly in the schema editor.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The schema editor is corrected to handle Unicode characters in
I-60573, 107306, Title: Dimensions of up to Notch (For seam) is strange in curved Stiffener.
I-61738 111133 Symptoms: Add curved stiffeners to a planar panel and then add a seam in the
plate that intersects the curved stiffener. If now defining a notch in the stiffener
using the seam as reference, the notch will not be placed correctly at the
intersection between the profile and the seam.
Known workaround: Instead of using the seam as reference, the notch can be
placed with help of a line intersection, e.g. Y=2500.
Solution: The placement of the notch when using seam as reference has been
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-61137 108968 Title: Bracket stiffener is not able to define
Symptoms: Adding a stiffener to a bracket does not work.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so that the stiffener will be added. Rerun the bracket.
I-62085 112207 Title: If used curved flange with Cut1000 and parameter, disappear Endcut on
symbolic view.
Symptoms: Using endcut code 1000 on a curved flange (profile type, flat bar) will
in views show the wrong length.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so the curved flange is correctly presented in views if endcut
code 1000 is used.
I-62089 112211 Title: If create point of profile cross, the point position is to be shifted with seam
Symptoms: Topology point, TOP, on a curved flange is sometimes in the
Statement wizard incorrectly changed to DIS instead.
Known workaround: Manually change DIS to TOP in the schema statement.
Solution: The topological points are no longer shifted.
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-61347 110134 Title: The X coordinate of the Corner Point does not change the distance from the
Symptoms: In the resulting lists from Bending Templates, the X-coordinates are
not translated into frame terms.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so X-coordinates will be presented as frame terms.
I-61518 110444 Title: The Frame Number of Bending templates does not show all frames.
Symptoms: Frame numbers above 500 is not shown in the bending template
output list.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Frame numbers above 500 will also be included in the output list.
I-61936 111777 Title: Curved Hull View, Curved Panel fatal error
Symptoms: Using the function Tools Model View > Change Projection...,
choosing the Z-Y projection, indicating a Curved Panel will make the system to
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Fixed so the Z-Y project is also successfully displayed.
I-62227, 112655, Title: Holes in 3D View not shown when cpanel over CL
I-62304, 112967, Symptoms: Adding a hole in a Curved Panel that is defined over CL, the hole will
I-62326 113131 not show in the 3D view.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so holes in a CL Curved Panel are also displayed in the 3D
I-62229 112667 Title: cplate's edge is shown in 3D view
Symptoms: When displaying shell plates in 3D, also the seams are displayed.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Seams are now removed from shell plates in 3D shaded views.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-59760 104634 Title: Additional seams in Design Panel
Symptoms: In symbolic views all planar seams are drawn. There is a possibility to
hide all seams by setting the Hull Design default NOSEAMS but then no planar
seams will be shown at all. In some drawings, the Design Seams is desired but
not all production seams.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: An additional value to the default NOSEAMS has been introduced. By
setting the value 2 (NOSEAMS=2), only those seams that include the text
"DESIGN" in the comment (COM) in the planar panel will be presented. All other
seams will be hidden.
I-60079 105506 Title: The OK button will be activated when select twice to the envelope.
Symptoms: when making ROS's from backdrops, after giving the RSO Name and
selecting the envelope, the Ok button is not available until a second choice of
Envelope selection is made.
Known workaround: Choose the same envelope twice and the Ok button will be
Solution: A selection of envelope will activate the Ok button directly.
I-60163 105954 Title: New Block Division Ignores minimum settings.
Symptoms: When running the new block division and adding Minimum plate width
= 200mm and minimum stiffener length = 200mm in the Job Setup, after dividing
the panels the resulting panels have plate and stiffeners below these limits.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Minimum plate width and stiffener length per job are handled.
I-60198 106011 Title: When changing offset of topological point in design panel the production
point fails
Symptoms: Topology points in Design Panels get wrong translation in Production
Known workaround: Manual check of topological points in Production Panel.
Solution: Translation of design to production references refined to take the
position of topological points into consideration.
I-61208 109447 Title: Mismatch between design and production panels
Symptoms: modifying both Design Panel and Production Panel at the same time
will make mismatch in the model. Last saved panel will be used.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: In the case of a two-way updated request the user is asked to choose
one of the ways to override the other.
I-61209 109450 Title: Cutouts disappear from production panel after accepting pending updates
Symptoms: Cutouts defined in a Design Panel is removed from the Production
Known workaround: No known workaround available.
Solution: Design Panel cutouts are correctly added to the Production Panel.
I-61328 110080 Title: Cannot delete created Hull Marks.
Symptoms: Using the function Hull Tolls --> Hull Mark --> Delete will not give any
possibility to indicate Hull Marks to be deleted.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so Hull Marks can be indicated and deleted.
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Product Release Letter
Hull Production:
Hull Nesting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-50300 80277 Title: The direction or location of created weld lines are incorrect.
Symptoms: Weld line is in a wrong direction at a curved stiffener flange abutting a
welded flange.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The weld line will be in the correct direction.
104631 Title: Welds are not correct presented in 3D Viewer
Symptoms: Some welds are displayed inside the material.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Welds that are displayed inside the material needs to be re-calculated
with this hotfix version.
I-60000 105066 Title: Welds are not correct presented in 3D Viewer
Symptoms: Some welds are displayed inside the material.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Welds that are displayed inside the material needs to be re-calculated
with this hotfix version.
I-60115 105681 Title: Unnecessary welds are added
Symptoms: Weld at Curved Flanges on Planar Panel Boundaries may sometime
give extra welds.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so only the part for the Curved Flange will get welds.
I-60776 107879 Title: There is an unnecessary weld line on the notch area.
Symptoms: If the flange is created at a limit which has been defined as a curve
and this curved contains a 'notch', the notch geometry will be included in the weld
Known workaround: See Solution
Solution: Model the limit without a curve and add the notch using the notch
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-58867 101710 Title: Incorrect Dimension Curved value on each symbolic view
Symptoms: Making the same section views but with different limitation
sometimes causes the curved Dimensioning to present the wrong dimension.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so that all dimensions are correct independent of view limits.
I-59139 102656 Title: Drawing Explorer does not maintain highlight if mouse is moved out of
Symptoms: One of the features of the Marine Drawing Explorer is that an
element will be highlighted in the graphical views when it is selected in the tree.
This highlighting is immediately turned OFF if the mouse cursor is moved outside
of the Drawing Explorer window.
Known workaround: Keep the cursor inside the Drawing Explorer.
Solution: Highlighting is kept until a new focus of the cursor is demanded.
I-59140 102657 Title: Drawing Explorer does not maintain highlight if mouse is moved out of
Symptoms: One of the features of the Marine Drawing Explorer is that an
element will be highlighted in the graphical views when it is selected in the tree.
This highlighting is immediately turned OFF if the mouse cursor is moved outside
of the Drawing Explorer window.
Known workaround: Keep the cursor inside the Drawing Explorer.
Solution: Highlighting is kept until a new focus of the cursor is demanded.
I-59174 102717 Title: The 2D symbol created in outfitting draft does not displayed correctly in
marine drafting.
Symptoms: A 2D symbol, created in outfitting is not displayed when the same
drawing is opened in Marine Drafting.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Marine Drafting will also display the 2D symbol correct.
I-59393 103621 Title: Unable to change views Properties
Symptoms: View properties in the “Tools-->Model View-->Change Projection”
menu has no effect on the view.
Known workaround: Use Properties in the Right Click menu on the View in the
Drawing Explorer.
Solution: The View Properties in the Change Projection menu is corrected.
I-59392 103624 Title: Shading feature does not work for Outfitting
Symptoms: Having a lot of outfitting models in a 3D view in the Drafting canvas
and then using the shading function, will take long time and no outfitting models
are presented in the shaded view.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Outfitting models will not be presented in the shading view but are now
excluded from the rendering and will not take up any time.
I-60430 106752 Title: “Alignment” attribute value in GLAB causes a syntax error
Symptoms: Creating a label can cause a syntax error message
Solution: The HHEIGHT command has been reinstated to avoid the error.
I-60490 107013 Title: "Modify > Label > Leader line start position" has error in logic
Symptoms: Labels which have leader line and were created with option “Another
point”, after command “Update Annotations” always remain in the same position
even if the referenced model geometry changes.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The leader position is stored in APOF attribute which is relative offset
from the label reference point. Update command recalculates the position and in
case the reference point changes then label leader start point is repositioned
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-60510 107058 Title: WCOG via Dimension - WCOG wrong result
Symptoms: If there on symmetrical defined Curved Panel is side specific shell
stiffeners, the weight calculation in the function "Dimension-->3D-->Weight and
COG" always display the port side weight.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Side specific shell stiffeners will be considered in the weight calculation
of Curved Panels.
I-60620 107658 Title: Error in DIMSTYLE Table
Symptoms: Exporting and then importing a drawing the error message "Error in
DIMSTYLE Table" is presented.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem is handled and the DIMSTYLE table will be correctly
I-60956 108465 Title: How to set general note symbol as NONE
Symptoms: In the function "General Note", Single is always ticked in as default.
Known workaround: Manually change to none or Compound.
Solution: A new drafting default keyword is added:
I-60991 108573 Title: Data extraction problem for drawing.
Symptoms: Using Data Extraction and trying to extract information regarding a
drawing, e.g. DRA ('CURVED-HULL').VIEW(*).NAME, will not return the correct
information. The result is cut of at approximately 26 characters.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so that correct full information is returned.
110392 Title: Labels are not working for cstiff, can't pick any p-points
Symptoms: not possible to identify Curved Stiffener ends when defining labels.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: It will be possible to pick also p-points on the CPREND element, for
example when setting a label or creating a dimension.
I-61561 110638 Title: Insert Subpicture function is different in AM 12.0
Symptoms: Using the function "Insert Sub-picture" was in 12.0 highlighting the
previously selected, but in 12.1 this is not the case.
Known workaround: Manually double click on the name in the field to get it
highlighted for simple handling.
Solution: Function modified to act in the same way as in 12.0, i.e. the name in the
"Name" field will be highlighted.
I-61628 110881 Title: Limitation of Character in Revision Description
Symptoms: Using the rule @607 in the drawingform is restricted to 32
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The maximum length of table texts in drawing form has been extended
to 100 characters.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-58300 101012 Title: Error while customizing UIC file
Symptoms: Unhandled exception is being thrown when user selects uic file to
Known workaround: Remove DiagramSchematicAiAddin.uic entry in
DiagramsCustomization.xml. It is obsolete and corrupt.
Solution: Remove DiagramSchematicAiAddin.uic entry in
DiagramsCustomization.xml. It is obsolete and corrupt.
I-60720 107728 Title: Search Utility Menu has gone.
Symptoms: The context menu in Search Results in Diagrams didn't match
standard functionality, e.g. Copy/Paste commands were behaving different
than in other modules and Fill Up/Fill Down commands were missing
Known workaround: Edit Diagrams.uic file
Solution: The menu has been changed as follows:
1. "Set as CE" has been renamed to "Navigate To"
2. Following commands has been removed:
- "Attributes"
- "Rename"
- "Delete"
- "Cut"
3. "Copy" and "Paste" commands have been modified and now they are
behaving like in Design
4. "Fill Up" and "Fill Down" commands have been added (also behaving like
in Design).
I-61083 108791 Title: Excel import does not import reference attribute values.
Symptoms: The value of the reference attributes is the same or nulref after
excel import. The value is not the same as the one present in excel for the
Known workaround: Update the reference attribute value manually
Solution: Current and revised values of attributes is compared and updated.
112021 Title: Sorting option is needed for PBS Explorer.
Symptoms: Currently there is no option for automatically sort nodes in PBS
Known workaround: Sort collections inside PML functions used for getting
PBS elements. It works, but makes the funcions complicated and affects
Solution: The funcionality has been added now. The nodes are sorted
alphanumerically by default and it is possible to turn the sorting off using state
command (Aveva.PBSAddin.SortPBSExplorerCommand). All nodes are
sorted or not, it is not possible to sort only selection of nodes. The exception
is for nodes with static texts - it is possible to keep original order even if the
rest of nodes is sorted (controlled by command
Aveva.PBSAddin.SkipStaticTextsCommand). Buttons for both commands are
added to Project->Options->PBS Explorer Options.
113520 Title: Page array is too short.
Symptoms: Number of entries for attribute PAGE is limited to 50 so it is not
possible to have e.g. 51 secondary equipments.
Known workaround: None.
Solution: Limit of entries for PAGE has been extended to 500.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
114282 Title: Export DWG
Symptoms: When exporting Arc geometry with line rounding set, diagram
export fails. Normally user can not create Arc geometry using GUI, but it
might be created by Visio when line jumping style is set to Arc.
Known workaround:
1) Disable line rounding
2) In case if line rounding can not be disabled, changing line jumping style
from Arc to something else should helps. However, it might be that export
fails anyway.
Solution: After fix diagram with rounded Arc can be exoprted.
114283 Title: Leader line for labels.
Symptoms: Before, part of label's leader line that was under "rectangle" was
visible in DWG but not in Diagrams.
Known workaround: None
Solution: Leader line for labels can be exported to DWG with proper z-order
I-62808 114324 Title: Autonaming during copy with SCAREA.
Symptoms: At the moment the propagated attributes of a SCAREA are set
after the rename step in the copy process. So if the name contains one of the
propagated attributes then the result name is wrong. The naming of the
objects should be done at the very end of the copy process.
Known workaround: Run autonaming again after copy/paste
Solution: Naming of objects is now made at the end of the copy process,
which will make sure that propagated attributes are considered in the
Schematic 3D Integrator:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-61789 111985, Title: Attribute or Expression Admin filter applied last is applied for all
111368 configuration from same source.
Symptoms: If there are two configurations from same source to a destination,
then the admin filter applied for one configuration gets applied for all
Solution: This issue is solved by first comparing the source id along with source
element type . Singleton instance of Logical operator is replaced with a local
instance for each configuration.
NOTE: Expression filter works only on AND operator.
Pipe Fabrication:
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Product Release Letter
Initial Design:
Planar Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-44948 69885 Title: Data type selection do not shown all data types
Symptoms: In the statement wizard, Panel statement, the drop down list of Data
Types gets shorter once a data type in the list has been selected.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The drop down list will remain with all the defined data types.
I-58994 102019 Title: If changing Hull Editor by mouse, automatically run all the scheme.
Symptoms: When opening the Hull Schema Editor for an existing planar panel,
the last statement will be the current statement. The first statement is expected.
Known workaround: Move manually to the first statement.
Solution: When opening the editor, the first line will be the current line.
I-59165 102725 Title: Limit info. (zmin/zmax) in the Point stmt removed from sch.
Symptoms: When defining topological points in the statement wizard, intersection
with the surface and using limiting box ZMIN and/or ZMAX, the limiting values are
not included in the panel schema.
Known workaround: Manually add the limits in the schema.
Solution: The limiting box will be preserved and included in the panel schema.
I-59280 103079 Title: The flange text information is not display on symbolic view.
Symptoms: The part name on flanges is only presenting the position number
although the GPS strings has been defined.
Known workaround: Modify manually the string to be correct.
Solution: The flange part names will be correctly presented in the symbolic views.
104192 Title: Space between the words is not allowed in panel name while creating the
Symptoms: Giving in the StatementWizard a name that contains a space
character " ", the system should translate this into the underscore character "_".
This does not happen in 12.1.SP4.
Known workaround: Manually replace the space character.
Solution: The space character will be automatically replaced by the system with
the underscore character.
I-59995 105054 Title: NOPROFSECT default does not have any effect
Symptoms: The result of setting default keyword NOPROFSECT should be that
no profile cross sections is visualized in symbolic views. Setting the keyword in
the Hull Design default has no effect and cross section profiles are always
Known workaround: It is possible to hide the cross sections by hiding layer 137
and -9001.
Solution: Correction is made so by setting NOPROFSECT, no profile cross
sections will be drawn in the symbolic view.
I-60035 105169 Title: Error when running a scheme, %ERROR : DRAWING PLATES
Symptoms: When a plate statements contains all four AS1 - AS4 and at least 8 of
the general strings, the system will give error for the plate. If continuing after this,
the system may also freeze.
Known workaround: Use less General strings (not more than 7).
Solution: Correction is done to handle all General strings in the plate statement.
I-60431 106754 Title: Mould Line Presentation is not working correctly
.Symptoms: Changing representation in the symbolic view to Mould line
representation does not have any effect on profiles.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Corrected so that also profiles will be presented as Mould line
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Product Release Letter
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-57363 98387 Title: Increasing system number of Pillar has a problem
Symptoms: When user create second pillar statement wizard doesn’t display next
no unlike creating stiffener.
Known workaround: Ingnore the number and change in the schema file if wrong
number has been used.
Solution: The correct next number will be shown.
I-59669 104372 Title: Need block
Symptoms: When working with RSO's in hull structural design and functional
structure, all structure is saved in the JUMBO block. After that it is possible to
manually move the structure into the correct block.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The system tries to find a suitable block to save the structure in. If no
suitable block is found, the JUBMO block will be created and structure will be
stored in that block.
I-60250 106282 Title: Critical error on creation of hull symbolic view
Symptoms: If a Doubling Plate is referring to a stored curve and the curve is
missing (in some way removed from db), the system will abort when making
symbolic views.
Known workaround: Make sure the referred curve exists, or make it as an internal
curve in the planar panel with the CUR statement.
Solution: Proper error message will be displayed (Denoted curve object not
Design Reuse:
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-59420 103769 Title: To write plate name as drawing name on bending template sketch is not
Symptoms: The $1008 drawing rule (Plate Name) in Bending Template drawings
does not give correct result.
Known workaround: Manually change the text in the drawing.
Solution: Correction is done to give the correct plate name for the $1008 rule.
I-60669 107517 Title: Ppanparts add marking lines for profiles
Symptoms: Replacing marking line of stiffener, when part of its GSD is outside
the plate part, sometimes fails when STIMARKHOOK is involved.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The additional markinglines will not be added.
Hull Nesting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-60286 106360 Title: In nesting, Part selection by assembly is not working.
Symptoms: Selecting plate part, using Assembly as input does not work if the
name is longer than 26 characters.
Known workaround: Make different selection, not using assembly or make sure
assembly name is not longer than 26 characters.
Solution: Assembly selection is now possible and the assembly name may be up
to 1000 characters.
I-60397 106626 Title: Nest can't be stored with restplate.
Symptoms: A Nesting, containing a restplate and placed in a drawing form is not
possible to save.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Issue is corrected so that all types of nestings can be saved.
110446 Title: One plate nest fail.
Symptoms: One Plate Nest is not ending.
Known workaround: Set nesting default NEST_ADD_DIRTEXT to No.
Solution: Corrected so the process will end with a correct result.
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-55894 93737 Title: Sloped Dimension Changed In Marine Drafting
Symptoms: Drawings created in Outfitting Drafting, all sloped Dimension is
Known workaround: Make sure the “Tlindicator” attribute is unchecked and
explicit specify direction of the dimensioning in the “Direction WRT to Owner”
attribute in the LDIM element.
Solution: The sloped dimensions are corrected.
I-56698, 95446, For information see the release note under heading List of Enhancements above.
I-56573, 98558,
I-59100 103784
I-60459 105697, Title: Names of curved hull elements are written in dxf-export.
106879 Symptoms: Import dxf files created by Export dxf will draw normally hidden
information such as object names. Example could be to make a drawing
consisting of a Curved Panel, export the drawing in dxf format and then import
the dxf file again, will show the names of the profiles and plates in the drawing.
Known workaround: Manually hide the information after import.
Solution: Import is corrected to automatically hide such information.
I-60302 106442 Title: Unable to place inside radius dimension on where it should be placed when
radius <= 50mm
Symptoms: Adding for example a corner radius with a radii 50 mm or less and
then use Dimension -- >Radius, will place the measure wrong if indicating on the
concave side of the radius.
Known workaround: Move the arrow, line and measure text manually to the
correct position.
Solution: Corrected. The dimension will be automatically correctly placed.
I-60338 106534 Title: The scale of subpicture had changed which ignored the scale of original
view or default.
Symptoms: When splitting views, the scale of the resulting views is changed to
Known workaround: Manually change scales in the views after splitting.
Solution: When splitting a view on geometry level, the transformation history (e.g.
the scale) will be preserved.
I-60459 106879, Title: Names of curved hull elements are written in dxf-export.
105697 Symptoms: Import dxf files created by Export dxf will draw normally hidden
information such as object names. Example could be to make a drawing
consisting of a Curved Panel, export the drawing in dxf format and then import
the dxf file again, will show the names of the profiles and plates in the drawing.
Known workaround: Manually hide the information after import.
Solution: Import is corrected to automatically hide such information.
I-60605 107410 Title: HVAC is not coming in symbolic view after selecting Ventilation in outfit tab.
Symptoms: HVAC is not presented in symbolic views.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: HVACs will be included in symbolic views.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
90924 Method generating folder name has been changed to not add "s" at the end of
Equipment for both schematic and design equipment types.
I-55752 93557 Title: Moving schematic elements to other page of multipage diagram
Symptoms: Cutting and pasting schematic elements from one page to another on
a multi-page diagram will cause the database elements to first be deleted and
then re-created again.
Solution: Support for moving elements between the pages and diagrams has
been added. User will need to select shape (or shapes) and drag them over one
of the ‘page’ tabs on the bottom of Visio drawing. Then just drop the selection on
another page.
97342 Title: Windows available from Admin Tab are visible for regular users after
application start.
Symptoms: If admin-only functionality, such as Design Reuse, Drawing Explorer
and Rules were left open by an admin user, it would still be available for a non-
admin user afterwards .
Solution: Windows of Design Reuse, Drawing Explorer and Rules are now being
hidden when app starts with non-admin user login id.
I-58079, 98670, Title: Copy / paste and session defaults.
Symptoms: When using Copy/Paste, sometimes the user want to use attribute
values from Session Defaults rather than from the copied shape.
Solution: An enhancement has been made, introducing a new option where the
user can determine if copied attributes should be overridden by session defaults
or not.
I-58463 100195 Title: Copy/Paste - verifying Session Defaults.
Symptoms: During Copy/Paste. the user wants to be able to verify the session
default settings without having to cancel the Copy/Paste operation.
Solution: An enhancement has been made, allowing for the Session Defaults
window to be opened and changes during the Copy/Paste operation.
I-58504 100359 Title: Open diagram dialogue displays the same page reference several times.
Symptoms: If a line (which has secondary shapes of itself) has OPC elements
and appears on more than one page, then there are a number of entries on the
Open Diagram dialogue.
Solution: The problem has been fixed.
I-58508 100376 Title: Diagrams batch creation of PDF files.
Symptoms: When we use Batch job to print PDF files, we must choose a print
size and orientation of pages for all diagrams. It would be better if we could have
an option to print with the “Page Setup” parameters defined for each diagrams.
When we use Batch job to print PDF files, we must manually enter the name of
each PDF file. It would be better if batch print automatically create PDF files with
the name of scdiag for example, or with the value of a predefined scdiag attribute.
Solution: Batch Job has been updated with a new export functionality, which will
generate PDF files named as the diagram.
I-58754 103997 New option has been introduced “Diagrams Options->General options->System
Configuration->Concatenate branches”. Basically, it determines if branches that
are in the same line and are connecting together in the same flow should be
merged or not. . Please see updated documentation in chapter Piping &
Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs) / Automatic Management of Logical Pipe
I-59964 104997 Title: Diagrams crashes when customising ribbon.
Symptoms: When using the Customise function to customise the Fluent UI
ribbon, Diagrams crashes when selecting certain customisation files.
Known workaround: Remove the line <CustomizationFile Name="AIAddin"
Path="DiagramSchematicAIAddin.uic" />
From the file DiagramsCustomization.xml
Solution: The problem has been fixed.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-60752 107804 Title: Copy / Paste performance
Symptoms: The Copy/Paste operation is experienced as slow when
copying/pasting large portions of data.
Solution: The code has been optimised, resulting in a performance improvement
of up to 30%.
107904 Title: Handling of Unassigned Items
Symptoms: Currently it's not possible to easily assign shapes to a DB element
that has been created from Compare/Update or imported via Excel Import. It's
necessary to have a way of doing this easily so that a complete process workflow
can be achieved.
Solution: Basic handling of unassigned items has been implemented. Please see
updated documentation in chapter Working with Diagrams / Unassigned Items.
Schematic 3D Integrator:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-58760 101325 Tags - Adjusted long text field editor behaviour to match standard text field
behaviour (after pressing F2 text in long text editor is selected and can be
I-58761 101327 Tags - Cell forward on enter or tab.
I-58765 101331 Tags - No questions when closing Tags if it is not necessary.
101495 Tags - Added Edit button to edit current reference without removing existing and
adding new reference.
Changed layout so Edit, Add and Remove are at the top and Up and Down are
I-59135 102651 Tags - No exception when modifying cells fires an event and change the colour of
modified cell.
103600 Tags - Units are refreshed on active opened list if we modify Unit Set in List
103702 Tags - Updated Units of measures are applied on active opened list after
GetWork now.
104416 Tags - Grid is now displayed correctly after Get Work when modify scheme of
database view in Lexicon.
I-60446 106792 Tags - PBS query node was not working as expected but is now corrected.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
94677 Draft - Draw both Pipe & Insulation.
104500 Admin (including Lexicon & Propcon) - When upgrading from 11.6, Reconfigurer
crashes when reconfiguring the Global Database to remove the obsolete PACKF
104506 Design - Autocolour user file is not being saved to restore autocolours.
104418 Draft - Fix memory leak in DRA_CSGGeneralElement::createCSGTree().
I-60136 105795 Admin (including Lexicon & Propcon) - Dictionary world member list now
does not get truncated at a REVCWL element.
110086 Database and Data Management - SP4 to cope with Integrator Limit Point ILP*
elements created in E3D2.
I-61600 110813 ExPLANT-A - This was a dll incompatibility and has been corrected.
Initial Design:
Planar Hull:
d80460 16-Apr-2020 © Copyright 2020 AVEVA Solutions Limited Page 487 of 517
Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
59345 Title: Side option should not be available while creating markings for PS and SB
Symptoms: When creating marking on a side specific panel (P, S or SP) the
option Side is available in the Statement Wizard. If a side is chosen, no marking
will be produced.
Known workaround: Do not select any side for marking in the statement wizard
when handling a side specific panel.
Solution: The Side field will be dimmed for side specific panels (P, S and SP
60002 Title: Unhandled Exception while creating doubling for notch at seam end.
Symptoms: Creating a Doubling for a notch where the notch is defined at a
seam end, on a CL panel may cause the system to an abnormal abortion.
Known workaround: No known workarounds exist.
Solution: The Doubling will be correctly handled and the system will be able to
produce the Doubling.
62734 Title: While modifying the excess side is not set.
Symptoms: In a SBP panel, add excess but only for one of the panels (Valid only
P). When modifying later the excess via the Statement Wizard, the side
information is lost.
Known workaround: Modify the excess statement in the Schema editor.
Solution: The side information is correctly presented in the Statement Wizard.
63104 Title: Problem with creation of an Interpolation Point.
Symptoms: When creating a topology point of type Interpolation, the default
factor is set to zero (0). This is not a realistic factor but a point is still created at
the location of the first point.
Known workaround: Set a valid factor (F=<factor>) in either the schema
statement or in the Interpolation factor field in the Statement Wizard. If the
behaviour to get a point at the same location as the first point, using factor 0 is
desired, another topology point type should be used.
Solution: A default factor of 0.5 will be defined if the point is created via the
Statement Wizard.
I-24591 68783 Title: Notch is created in the wrong position.
Symptoms: In a Starboard specific panel there is an unsymmetric corner notch.
Creating a Doubling for this notch and also create a notch in the doubling for a
seam will cannot be handled by the Statement Wizard.
Known workaround: The reflection keyword, REF, can be added in the schema
Solution: The reflected seam will be handled correctly.
I-51862, 85638, Title: Problem to use macro clips.
I-56272 94631 Symptoms: If a compiled geometry macro is called, the system will fail.
Known workaround: Make sure all macros are correctly compiled and are of no
zero size.
Solution: Proper message will be displayed and the system will continue.
I-52442 86610 Title: “DEF_QUAL_OUT”on sj001.def is not working correctly.
Symptoms: Defining the default keyword DEF_QUAL_OUT in Hull Modelling will
not have any effect on the schema as described.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The default quality code will be added in the schema if the keyword is
defined in the Hull Modelling default.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-55466 93010 Title: Colour settings in Sj001 don't work.
Symptoms: The defined colour in the Hull Design default file is not reflected in
the Statement Wizard.
Known workaround: Do not use the default colour setting. See Solution.
Solution: In the statement wizard the latest used colour is saved from the last
run for every part. This makes the use of default colour for parts no longer
necessary and also the two functionalities conflict. The default colour has been
I-55519 93556 Title: Undefined term BEM.
Symptoms: When defining a Planar Panel in the Statement Wizard in Structural
Design the wrong keyword for Non watertight panel is written in the panel
statement. The keyword BEM is written when it should be NOWT.
Known workaround: Manually change the BEM keyword to NOWT in the
schema editor.
Solution: Correct keyword NOWT will be written in the PAN statement for Non
watertight panels.
I-56454 94960 Title: Wrong profile symbol on bracket
Symptoms: Symbols for flat bars on brackets in a symbolic view shows the
symbol of a HP bar.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The correct symbol will be shown for a flat bar on brackets.
95461 Title: Modifying multiple stiffeners changes the position number.
Symptoms: When modifying multiple Shell Stiffeners (any modification), the
position number is automatically updated but they all gets the position number of
the first stiffener in the list.
Known workaround: Update one by one Shell Stiffener.
Solution: The issue is corrected.
I-57380 96781 Title: If I using the Named Cut-out cannot create a hole in the clip.
Symptoms: When defining a Cut-out and use a named cutout type, all fields in
the "Clip hole" tab are dimmed.
Known workaround: Add the hole in the clip manually in the planar panel
Solution: The correct field will be available.
I-56862 97064 Title: There’s a problem with modification of stiffener end bevel.
Symptoms: When adding bevel to a stiffener flange end (no bevel for the web),
the system responds with the message "Undefined term or term in wrong
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The system wrote the wrong information in the bevel side of the
stiffener end for the web part if no bevel is defined for the web. This is now
corrected and if no bevel is defined for the web, only for the flange, UNS will be
written in the bevel side to indicate that this part is undefined e.g.
I-57620 97329 Title: Incorrect AS value of Bracket Instance.
Symptoms: when defining any of the keywords AS1 to AS4 in the bracket
instance setup, the value of AS1 to AS4 (GPS! to GPS4) all get the value defined
for AS1.
Known workaround: Manually change the values in either the Statement Wizard
or in the panel schema.
Solution: The values will be correctly distributed.
I-57716 97598 Title: Definition of bracket with FACE_PLATE.
Symptoms: When defining brackets that should only contain a face plate (no
stiffeners), stiffener number one will still be added along the free side of the
Known workaround: Set PRB to -1, indicating that the second profile should not
be available.
Solution: When only face plate is required, no stiffeners will be applied.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
98382 Title: The clip data is not getting updated properly.
Symptoms: When using standard clip e.g. 010 and defining a hole in the defined
clip, when modifying, the hole tab is not correctly updated. It is the hole for the
first clip that will be opened up in the wizard but the definition is for the second
Known workaround: Modification has to be done for the clip in the schema
Solution: The standard clip code will be properly decoded so that the correct
hole information can be edited.
I-58549 100612 Title: Obsolete default parameters.
Symptoms: The Hull Design Default parameters DRAW_FLA_TEXT,
DRAW_PLATE_TEXT and DRAW_STI_TEXT has no effect at all.
Known workaround: -
Solution: The parameters have been removed.
101499 Title: While modifying existing hullmark, the field 'Angle' takes the value of the
previously modified Hull Mark.
Symptoms: Modifying a Hullmark that was previously defined where the Angle is
defined, this field is not correctly handled. The value that is presented is not the
values given by the original definition.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The field will be properly handled presenting the valid data.
I-58428 102467 Title: Bracket modifying syntax
Symptoms: When modifying a bracket in the Statement Wizard and changing
the syntax, it is possible to press the Update button. If doing so, a new bracket is
created and the original bracket remains unchanged.
Known workaround: Modify bracket in the schema file.
Solution: Update a bracket in the Statement Wizard is prevented if the syntax is
changed. Normally a syntax change is followed by other changes and the logic in
the syntax may not be correct.
Curved Hull:
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Product Release Letter
Hull Structural Design:
d80460 16-Apr-2020 © Copyright 2020 AVEVA Solutions Limited Page 491 of 517
Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-57363 98387 Title: Increasing system number of Pillar has a problem
Symptoms: When user create second pillar statement wizard doesn’t display
next no unlike creating stiffener.
Known workaround: Ignore the number and change in the schema file if wrong
number has been used.
Solution: The correct next number will be shown.
101005 Title: Blocks cannot be Recreated.
Symptoms: If a block contains a surface limit, the system fails to recreate the
block. It is also not possible to extract data from such block.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The handling of blocks with surface limits has been corrected.
Space Management:
Design Reuse:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
97010 Title: Transfer set fails to get exported to location other than the default Temp
Symptoms: when exporting in Design Reuse, the path name of the receiving
catalogue must not contain any dot "." in the name. The result will be that the
exported file is stored in the default temp directory.
Known workaround: Use a catalogue name where no dots are included.
Solution: The dots will also be handled in the path names.
Hull Production:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
95166 Title: Default values in the Hull Mark dialog should be the same as in previous
Symptoms: Hull Mark Type has been default set as Plate 12.1.SP4 when
creating a Hullmark.
Known workaround: Manually change to Cont. Weld.
Solution: The default has been changed to Cont. Weld.
I-56998 96113 Title: Cannot create a Hullmark on stb'd side as continuous weld type
Symptoms: Creating a Hullmark on Starboard side as a continues weld type
fails on symmetrical surfaces. If the surface is defined as a whole surface, there
is no problem. Also this is not a problem if the Hullmark is defined as Plate.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Hullmarks on Starboard side on symmetrical surfaces will also be
handled correctly.
I-56207 96199, Title: Hole for curved panel is created incorrectly in PLDB
95433 Symptoms: Scenario: Curved Panel with symmetry SB, containing Shell Plates
with symmetry 'PS and SB'. Holes placed in this panel will not be at the correct
Known workaround: No known workarounds exist.
Solution: The issue is corrected. The parts needs to be recreated (Curved Part
I-57048 96241, Title: Some the sight line of the bending template is created abnormal.
99201 Symptoms: If the LARGESIGHTLINEMARK is defined in bendingtemplate.ip,
some sightlines may be created outside the template as a very long line towards
the centre line.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Sight lines are corrected.
I-57410 96865 Title: Enhancement request for New PPM (TMPLATE).
Symptoms: Hull PPI will not recognize structures built by TMPLATE's.
Known workaround: No known workarounds exist.
Solution: Hull PPI will also handle TMPLATE.
97031 Title: Unable to create/modify hull marks in the 3 axis
Symptoms: Unable to create or modify hull marks by defining X,Y, Z positions in
3D axis when rotation angle is zero. Only 2D axis is taken as valid.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The position in 3D and rotation is properly handled.
97034 Title: Modifying Hull marks leads to non-exact valves from previously defined
XYZ values
Symptoms: Modifying a Hullmark that was previously defined where the
"Looking towards" filed was set to ANY direction (defined via X Y Z), this field is
not correctly handled. The values that are presented are not the values given by
the original definition.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The field will be properly handled presenting the valid data.
I-57503, 97076, Title: Ppanarts error on outfitting steel.
I-57933 98281 Symptoms: If an outfitting steel plate has a hole defined by NXTR, the automatic
production part creation will fail with the message: Couldn't add production
Known workaround: No known workarounds exist.
Solution: The problem is corrected and NXTR will be correctly handled.
I-57710 97553 Title: A fatal error happened when enter string the asterisk (*) character in new
Symptoms: In Hull PPI when selecting Frameworks using option 2. Within
Volume of and give an asterisk (*) as input, the system will abort.
Known workaround: No known workarounds exist.
Solution: The search will also handle the case when asterisk is given.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-57933, 98281, Title: Autopos framework doesn't work.
I-57503 97076 Symptoms: Autopos will not recognize an Outfitting steel model. In the input file,
the graphical selection will be written as the data base reference. This is not
recognized as an object name in the Autopos batch process and the message
that no objects found will be written in the log file.
Known workaround: Manually add the correct name in the input file.
Solution: Correct name will be set in the input file for Autopos when indicating
an Outfitting steel object.
98765 Title: The hole created on the clip is shown outside in the drawings.
Symptoms: Holes added to a clip may very well be added outside the clip
contour. There is no check that the hole is correctly defined inside the clip.
Known workaround: Manually check each clip before sending it to production.
Solution: The system will at creation check that the hole is inside (or at least
intersects) the clip boundaries. If the hole is outside the clip, an error will be set
(6056 No intersection with the hole contour).
I-57048 99201,96 Title: Some the sight line of the bending template is created abnormal.
241 Symptoms: If the LARGESIGHTLINEMARK is defined in bendingtemplate.ip,
some sightlines may be created outside the template as a very long line towards
the centre line.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Sight lines are corrected.
I-58261, 99273, Title: Seam Base Jig is not working.
I-51598 85363 Symptoms: If a Jig object is defined via seams and there is no proper
manufacturing package, the system simply stops with a message not explaining
at all why.
Known workaround: Make sure a proper manufacturing package exists.
Solution: A proper message will be written in the log file to make it clear to the
user that the manufacturing package is missing.
I-58681 101129, Title: Q SYMMELE does not work
102385 Symptoms: There is an attribute 'SYMMELE' for hpanel and cpanel.
Using the query [Q SYMMELE] does not work, only [Q SYMELE] works.
Known workaround: Use [Q SYMELE]
Solution: The attribute SYMMELE is renamed to SYMELE.
I-58803 101546 Title: Old BentTempl not kept in drawing.
Symptoms: If the bending template application has been run twice with the
options to keep old templates, the old templates are not displayed in the result
Known workaround: Use cross bending template instead.
Solution: The issue is corrected and the missing templates will also be included
in the drawing.
I-59167 102683 Title: New IP for hiding the right-angle marks.
Symptoms: The anglemarks on templates are always shown.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: New control setting (HIDEANGLEMARK) has been added for hiding
the angle mark on templates.
I-59168 102684 Title: Changed orientation of the sight-line plane in case of frame templates.
Symptoms: Marked sight line plan on the templates has wrong direction.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Correction in the application of the sight line plane calculation.
I-59197, 102798, Title: Cpanparts crashes with new CPANEL without bending templates.
I-57599 97255 Symptoms: If no bending templates are defined for the Curved Panel, the
system will fail to split and develop the shell plates that belong to that panel.
Known workaround: Define Bending Templates for the Curved Panel before
using PPI.
Solution: The system will be able to handle Curved Panels where no Bending
Templates are defined.
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Product Release Letter
Hull Weld Planning:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-56871 95784 Title: Unnecessary welds are created for unconnected parts.
Symptoms: Planar panel limits defined with an offset (CORR) will always be
recognized by the weld detection.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: A default distance of 20 mm is introduced. If a limit has a parallel
displacement more than 20 mm it will not be recognized by the weld detection.
I-56874 95789 Title: Weld line created without regard to plate thickness.
Symptoms: The weld on one of the mould side of a profile web is calculated
correctly but the weld on the material side is calculated in the wrong direction
placing the weld inside the profile.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The thickness will be taken into consideration.
I-56876 95798 Title: Weld line created on opposite side.
Symptoms: Clips (collar plates) in a symmetrical panel in a cutout for a starboard
specific shell profile will create the weld at port side.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The weld will be created at the correct location.
I-57504 97081 Title: The butt weld lines for jointed plates were not displayed in 3D view.
Symptoms: Weld lines seem to be missing in 3D view if the weld height is small.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: All weld lines will be displayed.
I-57575 97225 Title: Created weld line for doubling is not correct.
Symptoms: Weld between planar panel and doubling plate on starboard image
of a symmetrical panel is calculated on the wrong side of the planar panel.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists
Solution: Weld calculation is done on the correct side of the panel.
97575 Title: Welds not detected on Rudder.
Symptoms: Missing welds against the shell. If the planar panel boundary is
defined as a curve, the weld detection fails.
Known workaround: Instead of using a named curve in the planar panel
boundary, the shell can be referred to directly. Weld detection will then find this
Solution: The boundaries described with a curve will be recognized by the weld
98135 Title: Extra Weld detected.
Symptoms: For abutting profiles, the ends are not properly detected by Weld
Detection. It could also detect the part of the profile end that should not have any
weld, e.g. the notch in the endcut.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The Weld Detection will find only the part of the profile end that should
have weld.
98364, Title: Welds between bracket and flange not detected.
91800 Symptoms: Brackets attached to a curved welded flange will not be recognized
by Weld Detection.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The brackets attached to a welded curved flange will be recognized by
weld detection.
98400 Title: Provision of butt welds between the curved panels and planar panels.
Symptoms: Butt weld between Planar plate and Curved plate is not detected.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists
Solution: Butt welding between Planar plate and Curved plated has been
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-58530 100491 Title: Add welds to drawing (MarAPI).
Symptoms: In MarAPI MarDrafting.ModelDraw function MarModel, there is no
model type "Weld table", "WeldedJoint" or "Weld".
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: MarAPI has been extended with partidpml.
To draw whole weld table:
!Model = object MarModel()
!Model.type('weld table')
To draw a specific joint within the table:
!Model.type('weld table')
!Model.parttype('welded joint')
!Model.partidpml(4) --> the value if the "tbid" attribute of the MWLDJT element.
I-58531 100492 Title: SP4 - draw single weld or joint on a drawing.
Symptoms: It is now possible to draw welds on a drawing. However - drag&drop
a weld or joint from Design Explorer to a view - the whole weld table is displayed
(all welds).
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Single joints are possible to draw.
I-58855 101658 Title: Wrong part names in weld report.
Symptoms: Part names for SB parts will be wrong in the weld report.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Correct names will be printed in the weld report also for SB parts.
Hull Nesting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-57376 94756, Title: The Excess and the sketch info overlap each other in the nesting Sketch.
96777 Symptoms: If adding excess to plates, the excess and plate information texts will
overlap. Also Burning sequence number is coming out of the symbol.
Known workaround: Move the texts manually after they have been added.
Solution: The text overlap in the sketch has been improved. For the side
information, two new defaults has been introduced, AUTO_SIDE_INFO_DX and
AUTO_SIDE_INFO_DY to move the side information that sometimes clash with
the excess text.
95364 Title: Nesting defaults is not working properly.
Symptoms: In the Nesting Sketch, the position number symbols fir stiffener
markings does not fetch the symbol number from the default keyword
Known workaround: Modify symbols manually in the sketch.
Solution: The correct symbols will be used when the drawing form is inserted.
95402 Title: Unable to move Symbol in the Sketch.
Symptoms: In the burning sketch when trying to move a position numbering
symbol with the function Plate Nesting-->Shop Drawing Information-->Symbol--
>Move, the system will not recognize the symbol.
Known workaround: Use Right Click function "Move position number" to move
the position number.
Solution: The issue is corrected.
95863 Title: In the last form page exist some data from the previous page.
Symptoms: When automatically filling in Nesting Sketch tables and more pages
are required to fill in data, the last table is filled in with too much data. The first
part of the table from page one is filled into the last page.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists
Solution: The last table will not be filled in with the extra data.
I-56945 95973 Title: In burning sketch, '%' in BASIC_TEXT is not replaced by the symbol for
Symptoms: If a Unicode text font is used, the degree symbol in bevel notes in
nesting will fail to present the correct symbol.
Known workaround: Use a non-unicode symbol font for bevel notes in Nesting.
Solution: Unicode fonts is supported in bevel notes in Nesting sketches.
96463 Title: Default 'AUTONEST_FORMNAME' takes numeric value when the form is
Symptoms: When changing the form in the default by interactively selecting the
form from the selection list, the form name shown is the data base reference
number and not the form name.
Known workaround: Manually key in the form name.
Solution: The indicated form name will be inserted as the new default form.
96789 Title: Right click for context menu Labelling texts and symbols are not available.
Symptoms: When Right Click on a labelling text, the label text is not recognized.
Known workaround: The function is available in the Nesting Menu.
Solution: Move label text and label symbol is recognized by the Right Click
96791 Title: After defining Bevel Impossible to recreate message is show in Message
Symptoms: When defining bevels in a plate part and when ready, the message
"Bevel Impossible to recreate" is shown to the user. This happens if direction
marks has been added before the bevels are defined.
Known workaround: Do not add direction marks before defining bevels.
Solution: Error is corrected and direction marks may be present when bevels are
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
96847 Title: Opening a 3 Axis Nesting leads to error 1002.
Symptoms: Opening a 3 Axis Nesting previously run in Batch will give the error
message 1002 that must be confirmed by the user. The nesting and the nesting
sketch are correct.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The error behind the 1002 message has been corrected. The nesting is
not affected by either the described error or the fix.
I-57494 97063 Title: Default keyword DISPLAY_EXCESS_SYMBOL didn't work.
Symptoms: The default setting DISPLAY_EXCESS_SYMBOL has no effect for
automatic placed excess information (AUTO_EXCESS_INFO). The excess
symbols are always displayed also when DISPLAY_EXCESS_SYMBOL is set to
Known workaround: Remove unwanted excess symbols manually.
Solution: The symbols will not be displayed if DISPLAY_EXCESS_SYMBOL is
set to NO.
97075 Title: The Position number of plates is not getting displayed.
Symptoms: After verification of a Nesting, the function "LabellingSymbol ->
Position Number" will not show the position number of the part.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The error is corrected. New verification must be performed.
97344 Title: Invalid Bridge and start point created in nesting automatic start.
Symptoms: In a nesting (the nesting view), if a dimension is added and then
automatic starts are added, the system will fail to verify the path.
Known workaround: Remove all starts and the dimension and redo the
automatic start sequence.
Solution: Dimensions will be handled properly also when automatic starts are
I-57639, 97388, Title: Problem when inserting sub-pic to Nesting sketch
I-39616 67178 Symptoms: When in the Nesting Sketch mode, adding geometry and sub-
pictures, those are not handled properly in the sketch. When toggling between
the Nested Plate and the Nesting Sketch, the sub-picture is not correctly shown in
the sketch.
Known workaround: Nesting sketch can be opened with File - Open drawing,
and then place the sub-picture
Solution: The sub-picture handling in Nesting Sketch has been approved and will
be added in a new layer. This will prevent the sub-picture to be wrongly
97958 Title: The nesting default 'TEXT_HEIGHT' changes to zero after inserting
drawing form.
Symptoms: The default value of TEXT_HEIGHT in the Nesting default is reset to
zero (0) when a nesting form is included.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The value will not be affected by inserting a nesting form.
I-58128 98791 Title: Multiple users can open the same nested plate data.
Symptoms: When more than one user opens a Nesting that is already opened
by another user, no message is given that it is locked by another user.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: A message will be given when a locked nest is opened. The Save and
Rename functions will not be available.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-58359 99612 Title: Thickness of parent plate part difference
.Symptoms: When creating a parts menu in Nesting where the default
THICK_CHECK is set to 2 (if thickness is different, operator will be asked for
action), the THICK_CHECK has no affect if the search criteria is via Plate Part
Known workaround: Create parts menu in other ways e.g. using blocks as
search criteria.
Solution: Also Plate Part Name criteria will be checked if THICK_CHECK is set
to 2.
I-58595 100912 Title: Different thickness search on parts menu.
Symptoms: If a new nesting is created, for example with 7 mm, the system
search only 7 mm parts and bring to parts menu. ıf also 8 mm parts are required
in the parts menu, it is not possible.
Known workaround: Manually search for parts to be included in the nesting.
The Nesting default parameters THICK_DIFF_MIN and THICK_DIFF_MAX can
be used to select parts in a thickness interval. If THICK_DIFF_MIN = 0.0 and
THICK_DIFF_MAX = 1.0, all parts with thicknesses between e.g. 7 and 8 mm will
be selected.
In the parts menu it is now possible to add selections from different thicknesses.
The check box for "Keep existing parts in the menu" must be checked. In that
case, only parts with the given thickness are extracted.
I-58612 100913 Title: Position numbers are going to left bottom corner of nesting sketch.
Symptoms: When inserting the drawing form, all position numbers are going to
left bottom corner of nesting sketch if no position number symbols are defined.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The position numbers are correctly placed in the nesting sketch.
101267 Title: While creating profile using profilepart programming form we are not able to
give zero value or empty string in the fields.
Symptoms: In the Profile form it is not possible to leave the Bevel field empty.
Also it is not possible to give negative excess.
Known workaround: Make the profiles with help of the modelling tools in Hull
Solution: The form is corrected to accept empty fields and also to accept
negative values.
101269 Title: Fatal error message appears on inserting drawing form.
Symptoms: System aborts when Nesting Drawing Form is inserted. This
happens if Marking Line Groups for Part Checking is defined.
Known workaround: Remove the Marking Line Group from the Part Checking
Solution: Correction is done so that Marking Line Groups can be defined in the
I-59045 102458 Title: SBH_BURNER_DATA prevents Hull Design from starting in 12.1SP4
Symptoms: The system aborts during start-up with the message "%BURNER-E-
WARNINGS, Interpretation completed with warnings" in the console window.
Known workaround: De-assign the SBH_BURNER_DATA file.
Solution: The burner file is correctly interpreted.
I-59225 102842 Title: Wrong knuckle angle note and pos no on knuckle panel parts in nesting
Symptoms: The angle of a knuckle line in a knuckled plate is incorrect and also
a position number is presented for the knuckled line.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: Correct knuckled angle will be presented and no position number will
be presented for the knuckled line.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-59264 102927 Title: Data error while exchange rawplate.
Symptoms: In Nesting, after exchange the rawplate and save the nesting job,
each time the system will create a new RAWPLA element.
I.e. if raw plate is exchanged 10 times, system will create 10 RAWPLA elements.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: System will not create new RAWPLA elements in this situation.
Marine Drafting:
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-51729, 86167, Title: SaveWork interferes wrongly with Drawing > Save
I-19965, 92890, Symptoms: When opening a drawing and deleting some primary elements
I-42232 56265, (e.g. an Id list or slice view), doing a SaveWork and then closing the drawing
67496 (not storing the drawing), the system fails to keep the drawing in sync and the
next time the drawing is opened it is not correctly synchronized with the PADD
data base.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The issue is fixed so if the primary elements are correctly handled
when a drawing is closed (or saved).
I-53073, 87614, Title: Using context menu to place HULL notes.
I-56946 Symptoms: The Geometry Toolbar is inactive, when you are using some
Annotate functions.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The possibility to select the way of defining points (via right mouse
button or Geometry Point toolbar) for the leader line has been implemented in
the following functions:
- Annotate/General Note
- Annotate/Position Number
- Annotate/Hull Note
- Annotate/Config Note
I-52921 87767, Title: A fatal error occurred leading to crash when exporting a DXF file with
87398 outfitting and Hull elements.
Symptoms: A fatal error when exporting outfitting elements to a DXF file that
will result in a general cylinder.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The issue is handled and the DXF export will complete.
I-54294 90448, Vitesse -
97478 Title: kcs_ui.string_select error.
Symptoms: When adding alternatives to the Vitesse UI function "string_select",
the system aborts if more than 8 alternatives are added.
Known workaround: Add no more than 8 alternatives.
Solution: The number of alternatives has been extended to 100. All over 100
will be ignored.
I-54677, 91354, Title: Adding new items to an existing view (hidden line type) has to be
I-58057 98827 followed always by Update Design
Symptoms: When adding items to a new view, is mandatory to use Update
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The issue is handled so that Update Design is not necessary after
adding new items to a hidden line type view.
I-54916 91921 Title: Adding labels by AutoTagging for a previously 2D restricted view.
Symptoms: When removing a 2D restriction, the label function (including Auto
tagging) is failing to identify any model that was outside the 2D restriction zone.
Known workaround: It is possible to manually change the size of the view
from the Command Window by setting the size of the view equal to the size of
the sheet element.
Solution: The views will be correctly updated when a 2D restriction is removed.
I-54919, 92175, Title: User cannot import big size drawing at the marinedraft.
I-57105, 96335, Symptoms: Very large DXF files will make the system to unexpectedly exit.
I-57101 96332 Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem with very large DXF files has been resolved and the
system will import the whole drawing.
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Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-56702 95459 Title: Split/Regroup by Polygon/Area should take into account model items
within subviews.
Symptoms: When the functions "Subpicture Regroup" or "Subpicture Split", the
only way to make sure all subpictures are included in the selection is by picking
them manually one by one.
Known workaround: Pick subviews one by one.
Solution: When regrouping subpictures (views/subviews/components) by
picking subordinates/neighbours, all subpictures inside a user-defined polygon
can be captured by pressing Options buttons when the user is asked to indicate
the subordinate/neighbour.
I-56985 96224 Title: The selection model problem using 'Identify model' function on Label
Symptoms: When using the function "Label Placement" and identifying
equipment, all labels are highlighted.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The issue is corrected so that only the indicated label is highlighted.
I-57101, 96332, Title: Cannot Import DWG to Marine Drafting
I-57105, 96335, Symptoms: Very large DWG files will make the system to unexpectedly exit.
I-54919 92175 Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The problem with very large DWG files has been resolved and the
system will import the whole drawing.
I-57018 96396 Title: DwgNew() not working with new Forms.
Symptoms: Using the MarAPI function 'dwgNew' and using a drawingform with
predefined views and has been updated in 12.1.SP4, will abort the system.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The function is corrected to also be able to handle updated
I-56946 96495 Title: Using context menu to place HULL notes
Symptoms: The Geometry Toolbar is inactive, when you are using
some Annotate functions.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
The possibility to select the way of defining points (via right mouse button or
Geometry Point toolbar) for the leader line has been implemented in the
following functions:
- Annotate/General Note
- Annotate/Position Number
- Annotate/Hull Note
- Annotate/Config Note
I-57230 96571 Title: The label placement is not working when you select "remote" with
Symptoms: The label placement is not working when you select "remote" with
"region" and a value becomes negative.
Known workaround: The form is a graphical interface to the pml SPREAD
command. It is possible to call this manually in the command line window with
any parameters.
Solution: The form is corrected to handle also negative values.
I-57191, 96607, Title: A fatal error occurred leading to crash when exporting a DXF file with
I-55968 93951, outfitting and Hull elements.
87767 Symptoms: A fatal error when exporting outfitting elements to a DXF file that
will result in a general cylinder.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The issue is handled and the DXF export will complete.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-57419 96974 Title: If have $2000 in format, format name appear below that $2000.
Symptoms: When opening a drawing form (Tools/Drawing Form/Open), the
name of the drawing (converted from the drawing form definition) has by
mistake been added to the drawing (at the position of the $2000 rule text).
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The form name will not be added to the rule.
I-57495, 97065, Title: Fatal error encountered taking 3D Dimension.
I-54737 91764 Symptoms: The 3D coordinate dimension will give a fatal error if indicating in a
Shell Expansion View.
Known workaround: Do not indicate in a Shell expansion View.
Solution: The issue is corrected and 3D coordinates is possible to get also
from the Shell Expansion View.
I-58048 98561 Title: There is a problem in search drawing with the progress bar.
Symptoms: In the Open Drawing dialogue, if by accident double click on the
List button, two or more progress bars will appear and stay until the application
is closed.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: There will be only one progress bar and it will close properly when
the search is ready.
I-58246 99205 Title: When open the Drawing Default Name column field should extend more
60 character length.
Symptoms: In the dialogue "Open Drawing" the column for drawingnames only
show the first 28 characters in the name.
Known workaround: Manually extend the column width to be able to see the
full name.
Solution: The Name column has been extended.
I-58247 99206 Title: Symbol was disappeared. When using with General Note.
Symptoms: When adding geometry (or symbol) to a note component it
disappears when the note component is modified.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Additional information added to the note component will be handled when
moving the note (via Modify/Move/Reference).
I-58922 101956 Title: MarineDrafting: System crashes with floated ViewPort.
Symptoms: The system will abort when a floating viewport is closed.
Known workaround: Do not close the floating viewport.
Solution: The close of a floating viewport is correctly handled by the system.
102542 Title: Drag and drop operation of Design World to Main viewport leads to
Symptoms: By dragging the World into the Marine Drafting Viewport, the
system will abort.
Known workaround: Drag each site/block by itself.
Solution: World will be possible to drag into the Marine Drafting Viewport.
I-59224 102827 Title: Symbolic View - restrict by contour not working anymore.
Symptoms: Make a symbolic view and then restrict it by an arbitrary contour.
When making re-create on this view, the whole view without any restrictions will
be presented.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The restriction contour will be taken into consideration when
recreating the symbolic view.
103583 See Enhancements.
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Product Release Letter
Schematic 3D Integrator:
d80460 16-Apr-2020 © Copyright 2020 AVEVA Solutions Limited Page 506 of 517
Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-54049, 89989, Datasheets - Creating datasheet template from Excel file containing image.
I-49024 93151,
I-54052 90026, Datasheets - Delete key functionality.
90129 Datasheets - Add a "Remove Trailing Zeroes" option for Precision in Datasheets.
92186 Tags - All mapped attributes are getting removed when user tries to delete single
92283 Datasheets - Free Text Cell contents is not getting saved for second sheet in
instance if content is imported from Excel.
I-55233 92498 Tags - The list in Tags is based on a DBVIEW (on the UDNAME of the DBVIEW).
If this is changed the list is not working anymore.
92518, Tags - New DateTime does not display or allow the entry of time values.
I-55429 92921 Compare/Update - An unnamed Engite will occur two entries in the CuP grid.
I-55990 92924 Compare/Update - Advanced config should be inside config wizard so under
admin control.
93508 Tags - Grid layout in Tags is lost when modifying or removing columns when
changing database view in Lexicon.
93949 Datasheets - ## is displayed in import grid instead of text value.
94242 Tags - The AVEVA NET Gateway Setup icon is broken in SP4.
I-56292 94654 Datasheets - Boiler plate in Auto mapping form needs to be renamed.
I-56293 94667 Datasheets - "Create and Map" Form should have Accept all button.
I-56298 94672 Datasheets - DataSource pull-down list in Create and Map” Form should
95061 Tags - Colour feedback on error and missing data in the grid functionality.
95109 Tags - When clicked, the Tags grid icon for Diagram does not highlight the item.
I-56595 95246 Tags - Greyed the Rename Button if the Name is read-only in the list.
95278 Tags - User fails to Replace LowerCase letter if UpperCase letter has already
been used in the Find and Replace window.
95374 Datasheets - "Index Was Out of Range" is displayed in the message log when
user attempts to import the Datasheet which contains Continuous Area with Free
txt cell.
95394 Datasheets - UOM Standard Control allows user to define a duplicate name.
95435 Tags - Unhandled Exception is displayed on clicking the Clear button in the
Reference Browser window.
95436 Tags - Title: Unhandled Exception is displayed on clicking the 'Documents' folder
in 'Select Transfer Set' window.
Symptoms: When in Tags, using Design Reuse importing data, when indicating
the 'Document' folder, the application will abort.
Known workaround: No known workaround exists.
Solution: The issue is fixed so it is possible to click on the 'Document' folder.
95507 Tags - Short cut key Symbols fails to display for the other modules which is
present under Project tab in Tags Module.
I-56673 95571 Tags - Compare/Update: Problem with filters when doing compare and update
when running multiple projects.
95622 Datasheets - UOM Standard control "feedback colour" remains 'grey in colour’
though cell is unlocked.
95628 Datasheets - Font size changes to default after resizing the merged cell.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
95644 Datasheets - Remove clear button from reference browser window.
95871 Tags - The Show Whole Box command in the 3D viewer does not work as
95894, Tags - Tags List Manager: Creating group heading does not work first time.
95953 Datasheets - A Warning message "Wrong element to select" is displayed when
user clicks on 'Owner browse' button in' Datasheet Configuration' window.
95966 Datasheets - Precision value is displayed only in the first element of the
continuation area.
95970 Datasheets - Control moves to last work sheet in Instance when user modifies the
attribute in continuation area.
96157 Tags - Column search highlighting gets unintentionally stored with list definition.
96303 Datasheets - One additional row and column outside continuation area is
considered as part of continuation area.
96312 Tags - Icons in "Diagram icon" column are not displayed after List Manager
96393 Tags - Excel Export Wizard - Delete button on Worksheet and Element Type
Configuration screen doesn't work as expected.
I-57145 96417 Tags - Datasheets option in “Publish to AVEVA Net” config form is not visible in
old project.
96538 Datasheets - Attribute Name column in "Create and Map” Form should have pull-
down list of attributes name suffix with its corresponding datasource.
96625 Datasheets - Keyboard control for Cut/Copy/Paste fails to function on datasheet
96631 Tags - Messages from datasheet are displayed as warning in Message Log
window of Tags.
96632 Tags - Not able to insert “Material” value in the Tags list information grid.
96698, Datasheets - Error message is not displayed in Tags when user modifies the
96525 Instance which is mapped by 2 DBViews.
96774 Datasheets - 'Auto Hide' function fails to unhide the Datasheet template docked
window when window is hidden.
I-57498 97066 Datasheets - Unable to update datasheets if updating datasheet values from
excel sheet contains comma.
I-57608 97278 Tags - Checking the checkbox in “Select Summaries” Form display Unhandled
97281 Tags - PBS is updated for every status change, affecting performance of bulk
I-57614 97285 Tags - Excel import: No slash is added to NAME and OWNER on excel import.
I-57616 97319 Tags - Unable to update Reference attributes” via Excel Import.
I-57702 97542 Tags - Unable to create top-level element [ENGWLD] from "Create Database"
I-57745 97628 Datasheets - Copying Unit of Measure Cell containing text value crashes Lexicon.
97631 Datasheets - In the 'New Datasheet Instance' dialog, the Tag field shows the Tag
prefixed with a / character. This should not be seen.
97708 Tags - Splitter on grid isn't removed if pinned column gets hidden in List
manager's Field tab.
97776 Datasheets - Real attribute values (UValid values) fails to display in the mapped
cell when user tries binds the “Radio button” standard control.
97783 Tags - Unhandled Exception while clicking Current Session button.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
97794 Datasheets - The mapped cell colour remains even when the cell containing
Revision Block is deleted.
97807 Tags - After switch from vertical view to regular view hidden groups are
97849 Tags - Current Datasheet” option under “Excel Export” menu [Under ‘Manage’
tab] is found to be disabled until random clicks performed.
97879 Tags - Sublist change in ListManager not accepted.
I-57932 98280 Tags - C/U Errors with 'Advanced Configuration' and compare 'By destination'.
98462 Datasheets - Revision mark should be updated when datasheet is refreshed.
98811 PBS - Grouping only works for last node.
99336 Datasheets - Add Revision Marks in datasheets.
100447, Datasheets - Datasheet’s Show leading slash command
97631 (“AVEVA.Datasheets.ShowLeadingSlash”) is not executed if datasheet window is
not open.
I-58619 100914 Tags - Add an option for PBS to activate/deactivate the auto refresh.
101657 Compare/Update - Exception thrown from macro.
103470 Datasheets - Change highlighting in a session.
I-58140 103806, Datasheets - Performance issue in automapping.
104790 Tags - PBS Explore Option” should be moved to Project “Option” Menu in both
Tags and Diagrams.
104957 Tags - Tags application hangs and is not responding.
105024 Datasheets - 'Owner' (UGROUP ) value fails to set in the 'Datasheet setting'
Pipe Fabrication:
Please note that furthermore to the noted fixes below there has also been extensive enhancement work on
the Pipe Fabrication application.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
97390 Delete Spool Information option is enabled in the context menu even when the
pipe is not validated in the Fabrication Check form. – Fixed.
I-56734 97501, Title: Outfitting reference error message is displayed while working with Design
95527 Module of PDMS Application.
Solution: In case of spool drawing the application now works as in SP3.
97550 Tick mark is displayed in front of Fabrication Explorer option even when the
Fabrication Explorer form is closed.- Fixed.
I-57767 97671 Title: Additional Button/Option Required on Forms: Add CE button; Remove
Selected option.
Solution: Buttons and functionality was added to the right forms.
97743 Title: Error message is displayed when user enters values for Collision planes in
Fabrication Machine Manager Window while working with imperial units. .- Fixed.
97763 Title: Invalid error message is displayed when user tries to create weld for pipe
claimed by another user. .- Fixed.
97913 Title: Wrong Value is displayed in the Material list table of Pipe spool drawing
while working with Imperial unit settings. – Fixed during internal tests.
97973 Title: Invalid error message is displayed when user selects Insertion Direction in
Machine Insertion Directions window after selecting an Invalid spool. – Fixed
during internal tests.
98099 Title: All files are not exported when PSPOOLS have same name with different
cases. – Fixed during internal tests.
99294 PCRFA attribute of a PPIECE is always unset. Fixed.
I-55633 101721 Problem: Pipe Spool Drawing. Values in column "Units" must be customizable.
In column units should be values in local language. For example:
"EA" (piece/unit) - must be "шт."
"mm" - must be "мм"
Solution: Possibility to assign values of "units" in local language has been
I-54146 101924 Warning for unconnected TEE does not give element name. After running the
"Fabrication Consistency Check" on a pipe that contained a tee which was not
connected, I am getting a warning message that "TEE =16987/1310 is not
connected". This warning message should be giving the element name rather
than the db RefNo.
Problem fixed.
I-56480 102435 The dimension and the ATTA element on the view. The dimension not correctly
created on of the spool. ATTA element has a position in the drawing but not
entered in the specification. ATTA element does not have a position in the
Problem was fixed.
I-59059 102529 Incorrect error message when "feed excess" is required.
I-59162 102678 Pipe fabrication spool drawings.
102921 Error message is displayed when user tries to open Weld Gap configuration form.
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Product Release Letter
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
95956 Piping - Aborted Warning Message is displayed on Selecting the Main Branch as
the Stub in Branch from the 3D View window.
Solution: the message now warns the user that there are no intersections
between the branches.
95968 Piping – ‘Head’option fails to get displayed in the Non-Standard Branch
Connections window when the Tail of the Branch is first connected.
Solution: This has been corrected.
I-56975 96064 MEI Overwriting existing EQUI elements when importing .stp files.
Solution: Import now works consistently, and correctly confirms overwriting.
96066 Piping - Incorrect Insert Depth graphical feedback in 3D view for Non-standard
branch connection.
Solution: This has been corrected.
96069 Piping - Warning displayed on creating new non-standard branch using position
control toolbar options.
Solution: This has been improved to handle more (EDG) picking options.
I-56502 96220, HVAC - Bore vectors are not being considered when drawing implied ducting.
96008 Solution: System now handles cases where implied ducting should be drawn.
I-55818 96455 Piping - Sample mitre bend (L1PL) from /A150 is not included in the PSPOOL.
I-57196 96506 Piping - Warning Required When Insert Depth is Likely to be Erroneous.
Solution: a warning is now given.
96526 Piping - Application crashes to a fatal error if the user tries to route the pipe for
which head is connected to the nozzle of copied equipment.
Solution: this case is now handled correctly.
I-57286 96651 Isodraft - NSBC Comment should point at branch start not ghost line.
I-57314 96677 Piping - 2D Pipe Sketching does not work in Create branch function with no
graphic selection.
I-57312 96679 Structures - Title: Weight Information for BPANELs is not always correct.
Symptoms: Making holes in Bent Plates with BPOPEN will give incorrect result
of Nweight.
Known workaround: The use of BPFITT will give correct result.
Solution: Correction done so that both BPOPEN and BPFITT will give correct
result of Nweight.
96821 Piping - Incorrect warning msg displayed if the Non-standard branch is not going
to connect the main branch.
Solution: correct error message is now shown when branches do not intersect.
96913 Piping - (Utilities >Production Checks) An error message is displayed when trying
to generate PSPOOLS for pipe which is already claimed by another User.
96942 Piping - Coupling created at wrong position for Non-standard branch connection.
Solution: now navigates to the correct place before building the coupling.
97070 Structures - An Error Message is displayed on Clicking on Properties button in
the Create Hole Fittings form.
Solution: This has been corrected.
97133 Piping - Error msg displayed on selecting Boss Connection type in NSBC form if
a pipe is not from SP/DR07C spec.
Solution: This has been corrected.
I-57714 97561 Design - Outfitting Zone attribute BendMacReference Set Error.
Solution: Wider range of elements can now be referenced by BendMacRef. Also
allows PSPEC, TSPEC and ISPEC to point to a SPEC element.
I-57722 97591 Splash screen is no longer displayed.
Solution: Splash screen now appears on entry to any module.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
I-57773 97678 Equipment - MEI Import, Issue in importing as a Volume.
Solution: There is now an option to import into new volume model rather than
overwriting an existing VOLM. In this case, a new VOLM is created and named
".stp file-name + -MEI-IMPORT + INDEX", where Index is from 1 to 1000
I-57681 97699 Global Hub - Global Daemon crashes when started with a valid 8-character
Project ID.
Solution: Global Daemon now accepts an 8-character ID. An overlong Project ID
is truncated, as on the command-line only 8-character IDs are acceptable.
I-57788 97736 Isodraft - NSBC Isodraft Branch connection and notes hard to read;
Comment should point at branch start not ghost line.
Solution: Better positioned comments about non-standard branch connections.
I-57822 97804 Draft - License Check for AVEVA NET Export checkbox in Plot form.
97821 Isodraft - Extra weld is created on TEE for a Non-standard branch connection.
Solution: This has been corrected.
97827 Isodraft - Weld symbol missing at leave bore of reducer with Non-standard
branch connection.
Solution: The P3 Weld for a Reducer without a TEE has been removed.
98353 Spooler - Error message stating "(2,751) Variable!!SNEW does not exist" is
displayed when trying to Update/number spool drawing using manual data
Solution: This has been corrected.
98521 Admin (Including Lexicon & Propcon) - Problems modifying an Offline location
using Modify Location form.
Solution: Check button is now active for Online locations after modifying an
Offline location and other minor corrections.
I-58044 98557 Piping - Validation not working with atta.
Solution: This has been corrected.
I-58127 98792 General - Collection part of the Add to List form does not behave correctly.
Solution: This has been corrected for the case of an empty list.
I-58134 98804 General - Missing 'Navigate to... 'option from search results form.
Solution: This has been corrected.
98984 Piping - An error 'Undefined name /General-Tappings' is displayed when creating
new NSBC on a Tube element.
Solution: Added a warning message to reflect the lack of spec components.
I-58226 99143 General - Copy / paste using keyboard.
Solution: Duplicated ‘copy’ has been corrected.
99431 Production Checks creates PPIECEs when the start and end elements overlap.
Solution: This has been corrected by a new function to check geometry.
I-58556, 100625, Admin (Including Lexicon & Propcon) - Variant Working Extract - symbology
I-58854 101643 omits the 'V'.
Solution: These are now displayed as 'WV' rather than 'W’.
I-58587 100836 Admin (Including Lexicon & Propcon) - DICE Patch does not seem to be working
correctly on DICT DB.
Solution: Correction for elements TABA, TABB and SDET to stop incorrect
I-58604 101080, Structures - Command MARK causes PDMS fatal error.
Solution: MARK now works correctly if STEXT is UNSET.
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Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description
Number Number
101248 Piping - When the main branch head bore is smaller than that of subsequent
components the list of branch bores is restricted.
Solution: The list now includes sizes up to the largest diameter in the branch.
I-58706 101311 Cats & Specs - Fixing purpose of STFX is not available when creating a new
Table Group.
Solution: This has been corrected – see 101319.
I-58710 101317 Cats & Specs - Misalignment between the Purpose and SPType attributes of a
selection table and the provided maintenance.
Solution: This has been corrected – see 101319.
I-58708 101319 Cats & Specs - Unable to set or modify the SPType for a Fixing selection Table
Solution: STFX is now an option on Create for Purpose, and on Fixing for
Discipline. Purpose is always set when a Table Group is created and SPType set
to STFX when creating a Fixing Selection Table Group.
I-58860 101675 Draft - Graphics out of Date Change.
Solution: Update Design will no longer abort scan of design graphics so that the
whole drawing will be exported, even though the exported drawing will be
imperfect. The user will see an error message to advise them.
I-59003 102179 Piping - Splmtocomp object, "element does not have attribute PPBO".
Solution: This has been corrected.
I-59271 102922 Piping - Tee place not working anymore.
Solution: This has been corrected.
I-56480 102435 Piping - The dimension and the ATTA element on the view.
I-58411 103599 Concrete Building - Creation of STWALL with Nuclear Concrete Design
generates error message.
103710 Piping - Detailed plot files required for non-standard-branch-connection
Solution: Detail plotfiles are automatically generated when PIPCAs are detected.
104004 Isodraft - PDMS goes to non-response mode while generating isometric for a pipe
with NSBC.
Solution: NSBC Detail Plots are added only if Display Detail Plots option is set.
104042 Piping - Error message displayed while generating Isometrics with detail plot if
the pipca's connecting branch is deleted.
104204 Piping - An error message is displayed while generating the Isometrics for pipe
with pipca when ADMIN/PADD DB is not added to MDB.
104233 Piping - Error displayed while generating isometric in isodraft for pipe with pipca
connection due to draft module definition issue in Marine.
I-59697 104409 Isodraft - Error when Creating SPLDRG Isometrics.
Solution: Detail Plots are not currently generated for Spool Drawings.
I-59881 104813 PML - Fatal error if ending ' or | is missing in import statement.
I-48690 105062 Concrete Building - Variable !AOWNER does not exist.
I-60232 106155 Clash Manager - Simple Piping Approval Rule Failure.
d80460 16-Apr-2020 © Copyright 2020 AVEVA Solutions Limited Page 514 of 517
Product Release Letter
The development, maintenance and testing of AVEVA Solutions’ software products is carried out
in accordance with the AVEVA Quality Management System lifecycle processes and this
document includes a summary of the testing carried out on this release and a list of significant
defects known to exist at the time of release.
Development Testing
Developers have carried out unit testing of each enhancement and/or fix in the development
environment to verify that any new functionalities have been correctly implemented and identified
defects have been corrected.
Regression tests have been run in the development environment to verify that enhancements
and/or fixes have not adversely affected the integrity of the product.
System Testing
Independent system testing has been carried out on the product, as released, to verify that it
installs correctly in all supported configurations and that product functionality operates as intended,
subject to a known exceptions listed below.
Acceptance Testing
This document has been prepared before Acceptance Testing. This product release will be
subjected to an acceptance test by Training and Product Support Team (TPS)
Any exceptions found during Acceptance Testing or after release will be reported in the Product
Release Latest Update Note on AVEVA's support web site http://support.aveva.com
d80460 16-Apr-2020 © Copyright 2020 AVEVA Solutions Limited Page 515 of 517
Product Release Letter
Exceptions – Significant Defects and Recommended Workarounds
AVEVA intends to fix the defects listed below in a fix release or service pack as soon as
reasonably possible.
d80460 16-Apr-2020 © Copyright 2020 AVEVA Solutions Limited Page 516 of 517
Product Release Letter
Incident Issue Description Recommended Workaround
number number
104589 Title: Reconfiguring a System database Known workaround: Note that
loses its Upgrade number after Reconfiguration the System
database will have lost its upgrade
Symptoms: After Reconfiguration, Q status . This can be re-applied
reports that an Upgrade is required, even {SYSTEM|GLOBAL} TO LATEST
though the system database had previously
been upgraded. Note that the database will Solution: Fixed in 12.1.SP5 and
not actually have been 'down-graded' by Admin 2.1 – the upgrade number is
the Reconfiguration, it is just the Upgrade re-applied.
number which has been lost.
SI- 108576, Various issue with HSPOOL due to the Set the PURP of the HVAC SPWL
60994, 111110, HVAC spec world not being recognised as (for example /CADCHVACSPECS)
SI- 111111, HVAC. These issues are typically not seen to HVAC
61731, 111112 in AVEVA sample projects supplied with
SI- 12.1.SP4 releases.
I-57562 97192 Pipe Fabrication, an issue has been Produce Pipe Fabrication Spool
identified when creating Spool Drawing if Drawing Prior to adding Supports.
the Pipeline contains Multi-Discipline
Supports (MDS). Corrected in 12.1.sp4.1
The Part Numbers and Spool lengths are
calculated incorrectly. It is recommended
that Spool drawings containing MDS
supports are not produced using Pipe
I-57888 98279 Pipe Fabrication application: an issue for Delete the spool information from
certain pipes, for example Pipe the pipe using the Fabrication
/1MZ_FWD0002 in Zone 1MZ_PIPE Check form, do a savework then
owned by :AREA 1M_PIPE in MAR project. getwork.
Using the Component Reselection form,
changing the elbow to a bend, closing the
form and then re-opening it may cause the
application to stop responding.
[It is likely to be a problem with pipes that
contain a PSLIST.]
For the latest list of exceptions and other updates, please see the Product Release Latest Update
Note on AVEVA's support web site http://support.aveva.com .
Please refer also to the Product Release Latest Update Note for the original full release,
d80460 16-Apr-2020 © Copyright 2020 AVEVA Solutions Limited Page 517 of 517