Mechanic Diesel PEB
Mechanic Diesel PEB
Mechanic Diesel PEB
13. Practice on Dismantling air compressor and Intake & exhaust systems – Description
exhauster and cleaning all parts - measuring of Diesel induction & Exhaust systems.
wear in the cylinder, reassembling all parts Description & function of air compressor,
exhauster, Super charger, Intercoolers,
and fitting them in the engine.
turbo charger, variable turbo charger
Dismantling & assembling of turbocharger, mechanism.
check for axial clearance as per service Intake system components- Description
and function of Air cleaners, Different
Check Exhaust system for rubber mounting type air cleaner, Description of Intake
for damage, deterioration and out of position; manifolds and material,
for leakage, loose connection, dent and
damage; Exhaust system components- Description
Practice on Exhaust manifold removal and and function of Exhaust manifold,
installation. Exhaust pipe, Extractors, Mufflers-
Practice on Catalytic converter removal and
Reactive, absorptive, Combination.,
14 - Practice on removing & Cleaning fuel Diesel Fuel Systems- Description and
16 tanks, checking leaks in the fuel lines, function of Diesel fuel injection, fuel
soldering & repairing pipe lines and characteristics, concept of Quiet diesel
Unions, brazing nipples to high pressure technology & Clean diesel technology.
line studying the fuel feed system in Diesel fuel system components –
diesel engines, draining of water Description and function of Diesel tanks &
separators. lines, Diesel fuel filters, water separator,
Lift pump, Plunger pump, Priming pump,
Bleeding of air from the fuel lines, Inline injection pump, Distributor-type
Servicing primary & secondary filters. injection pump, Diesel injectors, Glow
Removing a fuel injection pump from plugs, Cummins & Detroit Diesel injection.
an engine-refit the pump to the engine Electronic Diesel control- Electronic
re- set timing - fill lubricating-oil start Diesel control systems, Common Rail
and adjust slow speed of the engine. Diesel Injection (CRDI) system,
Practice on overhauling of injectors and Hydraulically actuated electronically
testing of injector. controlled unit injector (HEUI) diesel
General maintenance of Fuel Injection injection system. Sensors, actuators and
Pumps (FIP). ECU (Electronic Control Unit) used in
Diesel Engines.
17 Practice on Start engine adjust idling Marine & Stationary Engine:- Types,
speed and damping device in pneumatic double acting engines, opposed piston
governor and venture control unit checking engines, starting systems, cooling systems,
Performance of engine with off load lubricating systems, supplying fuel oil,
adjusting timings. Start engine- adjusting hydraulic coupling, reduction gear drive,
idle speed of the engine fitted with electromagnetic coupling, electrical drive,
mechanical governor checking- high generators and motors, supercharging.
speed operation of the engine.
Checking performance for missing
cylinder by isolating defective injectors
and test- dismantle and replace defective
parts and reassemble and refit back to the
18 Monitoring emissions procedures by use of Emission Control:- Vehicle emissions
Engine gas analyser or Diesel smoke meter. Standards- Euro and Bhart II, III, IV, V Sources
Checking & cleaning a Positive crank case of emission, Combustion, Combustion
ventilation (PCV) valve. Obtaining & chamber design. Types of emissions:
interpreting scan tool data. Inspection of Characteristics and Effect of Hydrocarbons,
EVAP canister purge system by use of scan Hydrocarbons in exhaust gases, Oxides of
Tool. nitrogen, Particulates, Carbon monoxide,
EGR /SCR Valve Remove and installation Carbon dioxide, Sulfur content in fuels
for inspection. Description of Evaporation emission
control, Catalytic conversion, Closed loop,
Crankcase emission control, Exhaust gas
recirculation (EGR) valve, , Controlling air-
fuel ratios, Charcoal storage devices, Diesel
particulate filter (DPF). Selective Catalytic