Mechanic Diesel PEB

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Syllabus for the trade of Mechanic Diesel

First Semester (Semester code No. )

Duration: Six Months.
Syllabus for Trade practical and Trade Theory

Week Trade Practical (27 Hrs/week) Trade Theory (5 Hrs/week)

1 Familiarisation with institute, Job Admission & introduction to the trade:
opportunities in the automobile Introduction to the Course duration, course
sector, Machinery used in Trade. content, study of the syllabus. General rule
Types of work done by the students pertaining to the Institute, facilities available–
Hostel, Recreation, Medical and Library working
in the shop floor. hours and time table
2 Practical related to Safety and Occupational Safety & Health
Health, Importance of Safety and general
Importance of maintenance and Precautions to be observed in the shop. Basic
cleanliness of Workshop. first aid, safety signs - for Danger, Warning,
caution & personal safety message. Safe handling
Interaction with health centre and
of Fuel Spillage, Fire extinguishers used for
fire service station to provide demo different types of fire. Safe disposal of toxic dust,
on First aid and Fire safety, Use of safe handling and Periodic testing of lifting
fire extinguishers. equipment, Authorization of Moving & road
Demonstration on safe handling and testing vehicles.
Periodic testing of lifting equipment, Energy conservation-Definition, Energy
and Safety disposal of Used engine Conservation Opportunities (ECOs)-Minor ECos
oil. and Medium ECOs, Major ECOs), Safety disposal
Energy saving Tips of ITI electricity of Used engine oil, Electrical safety tips.
3-5 Practice using all marking aids, like Hand & Power Tools:-
steel rule with spring calipers, Marking scheme, Marking material-chalk,
dividers, scriber, punches, Chisel Prussian blue. Cleaning tools- Scraper, wire brush,
etc., Emery paper, Description, care and use of Surface
plates, steel rule, measuring tape, try square.
Layout a work piece- for line, circle,
Calipers-inside and outside. Dividers, surface
arcs and circles. gauges, scriber, punches-prick punch, center
Practice to measure a wheel base of a punch, pin punch, hollow punch, number and letter
vehicle with measuring tape. punch. Chisel-flat, cross-cut. Hammer- ball pein,
Practice to measure valve spring lump, mallet. Screw drivers-blade screwdriver,
tension using spring tension tester Phillips screw driver, Ratchet screwdriver. Allen
Practice to remove wheel lug nuts key, bench vice & C-clamps, Spanners- ring
spanner, open end spanner & the combination
with use of an air impact wrench spanner, universal adjustable open end spanner.
Practice on General workshop tools Sockets & accessories, Pliers - Combination
& power tools. pliers, multi grip, long nose, flat-nose, Nippers
or pincer pliers, Side cutters, Tin snips, Circlip
pliers, external circlips pliers. Air impact wrench,
air ratchet, wrenches- Torque wrenches, pipe
wrenches, car jet washers Pipe flaring & cutting
tool, pullers-Gear and bearing.

Mechanic Diesel Engine Syllabus 6 1

6&7 Measuring practice on Cam height, Systems of measurement, Description, care &
Camshaft Journal dia, crankshaft use of - Micrometers- Outside and depth
journal dia, Valve stem dia, piston mirometer, Micrometer adjustments, Vernier
diameter, and piston pin dia with calipers, Telescope gauges, Dial bore gauges, Dial
outside Micrometers. indicators, straightedge, feeler gauge, thread pitch
Measuring practice on the height of gauge, vacuum gauge, tire pressure gauge.
the rotor of an oil pump from the
surface of the housing or any other
auto component measurement with
depth micrometer.
Measuring practice on valve spring
free length.
Measuring practice on cylinder bore,
Connecting rod bore, inside diameter
(ID) of a camshaft bearing with
Telescope gauges.
Measuring practice on cylinder bore
for taper and out-of-round with Dial
bore gauges.
Measuring practice to measure wear
on crankshaft end play, crankshaft
run out, and valve guide with dial
Measuring practice to check the
flatness of the cylinder head is
warped or twisted with straightedge
is used with a feeler gauge.
Measuring practice to check the end
gap of a piston ring, piston-to-
cylinder wall clearance with feeler
Practice to check engine manifold
vacuum with vacuum gauge.
Practice to check the air pressure
inside the vehicle tires is maintained
at the recommended setting.
8&9 Practice on General cleaning, Fasteners- Study of different types of screws,
checking and use of nut, bolts, & nuts, studs & bolts, locking devices, Such as lock
studs etc., nuts, cotter, split pins, keys, circlips, lock rings,
lock washers and locating where they are used.
Removal of stud/bolt from blind Washers & chemical compounds can be used to
hole. help secure these fasteners. Function of Gaskets,
Selection of materials for gaskets and packing, oil
Practice on cutting tools like seals.
Hacksaw, file, chisel, Sharpening of Cutting tools :- Study of different type of cutting
Chisels, center punch, safety
tools like Hacksaw, File- Definition, parts of a
precautions while grinding.
file, specification, Grade, shape, different type of

Mechanic Diesel Engine Syllabus 7 2

Practice on Hacksawing and filing to cut and uses., OFF-hand grinding with sander,
given dimensions. bench and pedestal grinders, safety precautions
while grinding.
Limits, Fits & Tolerances:-Definition of limits,
fits & tolerances with examples used in auto
10 & Practice on Marking and Drilling Drilling machine - Description and study of
11 clear and Blind Holes, Sharpening of Bench type Drilling machine, Portable electrical
Twist Drills Safety precautions to be Drilling machine, drill holding devices, Work
Holding devices, Drill bits.
observed while using a drilling
Taps and Dies: Hand Taps and wrenches,
machine. Practice on Tapping a Calculation of Tap drill sizes for metric and inch
Clear and Blind Hole, Selection of taps. Different type of Die and Die stock. Screw
tape drill Size, use of Lubrication, extractors. Hand Reamers – Different Type of
Use of stud extractor. hand reamers, Drill size for reaming, Lapping,
Cutting Threads on a Bolt/ Stud. Lapping abrasives, type of Laps.
Adjustment of two piece Die,
Reaming a hole/ Bush to suit the
given pin/ shaft, scraping a given
machined surface.
12 Practice on making Rectangular Sheet metal - State the various common metal
Tray. Sheets used in Sheet Metal shop
Pipe bending, Fitting nipples unions Sheet metal operations - Shearing, bending,
in pipes. Soldering and Brazing of Drawing, Squeezing
Pipes. Sheet metal joints - Hem & Seam Joints Fastening
Methods - Riveting, soldering, Brazing. fluxes
used on common joints. Sheet and wire-gauges.
The blow lamp- its uses and pipe fittings.

13 Practice in joining wires using Basic electricity, Electricity principles, Ground

soldering Iron, Construction of connections, Ohm's law, Voltage, Current,
simple electrical circuits, Measuring Resistance, Power, Energy. Voltmeter, ammeter,
Ohmmeter Mulitmeter, Conductors & insulators,
of current, voltage and resistance
Wires, Shielding, Length vs. resistance, Resistor
using digital multimeter, practice ratings
continuity test for fuses, jumper
wires, fusible links, circuit breakers.
14 Diagnose series, parallel, series- Fuses & circuit breakers, Ballast resistor,
parallel circuits using Ohm’s law, Stripping wire insulation, cable colour codes and
Check electrical circuit with a test sizes, Resistors in Series circuits , Parallel
circuits and Series-parallel circuits, Electrostatic
lamp, perform voltage drop test in
effects, Capacitors and its applications, Capacitors
circuits using multimeter, measure in series and parallel.
current flow using multimeter
/ammeter, use of service manual
wiring diagram for troubleshooting.
15 Cleaning and topping up of a lead Description of Chemical effects, Batteries &
acid cells, Lead acid batteries & Stay Maintenance
battery, Testing battery with Free (SMF) batteries, Magnetic effects, Heating

Mechanic Diesel Engine Syllabus 8 3

hydrometer, effects, Thermo-electric energy, Thermisters,
Connecting battery to a charger for Thermo couples, Electrochemical energy, Photo-
battery charging, Inspecting & voltaic energy, Piezo-electric energy,
testing a battery after charging, Electromagnetic induction, Relays, Solenoids,
Measure and Diagnose the cause(s) Primary & Secondary windings, Transformers,
of excessive Key-off battery drain stator and rotor coils.
(parasitic draw) and do corrective
action. Testing of relay and solenoids
and its circuit.
16 Identify and test power and signal Basic electronics: Description of Semi
connectors for continuity, Identify conductors, Solid state devices- Diodes,
and test different type of Diodes, Transistors, Thyristors, Uni Junction Transistors (
UJT), Metal Oxide Field Effect Transistors (
NPN & PNP Transistors for its
MOSFETs), Logic gates-OR, AND & NOT and
functionality, Logic gates using switches.
Construct and test simple logic
circuits OR, AND & NOT and Logic
gates using switches.
17& Practice to make straight beads and
Introduction to welding and Heat Treatment
18 Butt, Lap & T joints Manual Metal
Arc Welding. Welding processes – Principles of Arc welding, brief
description, classification and applications. Manual
Setting of Gas welding flames,
Metal Arc welding -principles, power sources,
practice to make a straight beads and
electrodes, welding parameters, edge preparation
joints Oxy – Acetylene welding
& fit up and welding techniques; Oxy – Acetylene
Film on Heat treatment process welding - principles, equipment, welding
parameters, edge preparation & fit up and welding

Heat Treatment Process– Introduction, Definition

of heat treatment, Definition of Annealing,
Normalizing, Hardening and tempering. Case
hardening, Nitriding, Induction hardening and
Flame Hardening process used in auto
components with examples.
19 & Practice on Liquid penetrant testing Non-destructive Testing Methods- Importance
20 method and Magnetic particle testing of Non-Destructive Testing In Automotive
method. Industry, Definition of NDT, Liquid penetrant
Identification of Hydraulic and and Magnetic particle testing method – Portable
pneumatic components used in Yoke method
vehicle. Introduction to Hydraulics & Pneumatics: -
Tracing of hydraulic circuit on Definition of Pascal law, pressure, Force,
hydraulic jack, hydraulic power viscosity. Description, symbols and application in
steering, and Brake circuit. automobile of Gear pump-Internal & External,
Identification of components in Air single acting, double acting & Double ended
brake systems. cylinder; Directional control valves-2/2, 3/2, 4/2,
4/3 way valve, Pressure relief valve, Non return
valve, Flow control valve used in automobile.

Mechanic Diesel Engine Syllabus 9 4

Pneumatic Symbols, Description and function of
air Reciprocating Compressor. Function of Air
service unit (FRL-Filter, Regulator & Lubricator).
21 Identification of different type of Auto Industry - History, leading manufacturers,
Vehicle. development in automobile industry, trends, new
Demonstration of vehicle product. Brief about Ministry of Road transport &
specification data; The Automotive Research Association of India
Identification of vehicle information (ARAI), National Automotive Testing and R&D
Number (VIN). Demonstration of Infrastructure Project (NATRIP), & Automobile
Garage, Service station equipments.- Association.
Vehicle hoists – Two post and four Definition: - Classification of vehicles on the
post hoist, Engine hoists, Jacks, basis of load as per central motor vehicle rule,
Stands. wheels, final drive, and fuel used, axles, position
of engine and steering transmission, body and
load. Brief description and uses of Vehicle hoists
– Two post and four post hoist, Engine hoists,
Jacks, Stands.
22-23 In-plant Training
24-25 Revision and Test
26 NCVT Exam

Mechanic Diesel Engine Syllabus 10 5

Syllabus for the trade of Mechanic Diesel
Second Semester (Semester code No. )
Duration: Six Months.
Syllabus for Trade practical and Trade Theory
Week Trade Practical (27 Hrs/week) Trade Theory (5 Hrs/week)
1&2 Identification of parts in a diesel engine of Introduction to Engine:
LMV/ HMV Description of internal & external
combustion engines, Classification of IC
Practice on starting and stopping of diesel
engines, Principle & working of 2&4-stroke
diesel engine (Compression ignition Engine
Observe and report the reading of (C.I)), Principle of Spark Ignition
Tachometer, Odometer, temp and Fuel Engine(SI), differentiate between 2-stroke
gauge under ideal and on load condition. and 4 stroke, C.I engine and S.I Engine,
Direct injection and Indirect injection,
Practice on dismantling Diesel engine of Technical terms used in engine, Engine
LMV/HMV as per procedure. specification. Study of various
gauges/instrument on a dash board of a
vehicle- Speedometer, Tachometer,
Odometer and Fuel gauge, and Indicators
such as gearshift position, Seat belt warning
light, Parking-brake-engagement warning
light and an Engine-malfunction light.
Different type of starting and stopping
method of Diesel Engine
Procedure for dismantling of diesel engine
from a vehicle..

3&4 Overhauling of cylinder head assembly, Diesel Engine Components: Description

Use of service manual for clearance and and Constructional feature of Cylinder
other parameters, Practice on removing head, Importance of Cylinder head design,
rocker arm assembly manifolds. Type of Diesel combustion chambers,
Practice on removing the valves and its Effect on size of Intake & exhaust
parts from the cylinder head, cleaning. passages, Head gaskets. Importance of
Inspection of cylinder head and manifold Turbulence
surfaces for warping, cracks and flatness. Valves & Valve Trains- Description and
Checking valve seats & valve guide – Function of Engine Valves, different types,
Replacing the valve if necessary. Testing materials, Type of valve operating
leaks of valve seats for leakage – mechanism, Importance of Valve seats,
Dismantle rocker shaft assembly -clean & Valve seats inserts in cylinder heads,
check rocker shaft-and levers, for wear importance of Valve rotation, Valve stem
and cracks and reassemble. Check valve oil seals, size of Intake valves, Valve
springs, tappets, push rods, tappet screws trains, Valve- timing diagram, concept of
and valve stem cap. Reassembling valve Variable valve timing. Description of
parts in sequence, refit cylinder head and Camshafts & drives , Description of
manifold & rocker arm assembly, Overhead camshaft, importance of Cam
adjustable valve clearances, starting lobes, Timing belts & chains, Timing belts
engine after adjustments. & tensioners.

Mechanic Diesel Engine Syllabus 13 6

5 Overhauling piston and connecting rod Description & functions of different types
Assembly. Use of service manual for of pistons, piston rings and piston pins and
clearance and other parameters:- materials. Used recommended clearances
Practice on removing oil sump and oil for the rings and its necessity precautions
pump – clean the sump. Practice on while fitting rings, common troubles and
removing the big end bearing, connecting remedy. Compression ratio.
rod with the piston. Practice on removing
Description & function of connecting
the piston rings; Dismantle the piston
rod, importance of big- end split
and connecting rod. Check the side
obliquely, Materials used for connecting
clearance of piston rings in the piston
rods big end & main bearings. Shells
groove & lands for wear. Check piston
piston pins and locking methods of piston
skirt and crown for damage and
scuffing, clean oil holes.
Measure -the piston ring close gap in the
cylinder, clearance between the piston and
the liner, clearance between crank pin and
the connecting rod big end bearing.
Check connecting rod for bend and twist.
Assemble the piston and connecting rod

6 Overhauling of crankshaft, Use of service Description and function of Crank shaft,

manual for clearance and other parameters:- camshaft, Engine bearings- classification
Practice on removing damper pulley, and location – materials used &
timing gear/timing chain, flywheel, main composition of bearing materials- Shell
bearing caps, bearing shells and crankshaft bearing and their advantages- special
from engine checking oil retainer and bearings material for diesel engine
thrust surfaces for wear, Measure crank application bearing failure & its causes-care
shaft journal for wear, taper and ovality, & maintenance. Crank-shaft balancing,
Checking crankshaft for fillet radii, bend Firing order of the engine.
& twist.
7 Checking of flywheel and mounting Description and function of the fly wheel
flanges, spigot, bearing. Check vibration and vibration damper. Crank case & oil
damper for defects, Practice on removing pump, gears timing mark, Chain sprockets,
cam shaft from engine block, Check for chain tensioner etc. Function of clutch &
bend & twist of camshaft. Inspection of coupling units attached to flywheel.
cam lobe, camshaft journals and bearings
and measure cam lobe lift. Fixing bearing
inserts in cylinder block & cap check nip
and spread clearance & oil holes & locating
lugs fix crank shaft on block-torque bolts -
check end play remove shaft - check
seating, repeat similarly for connecting rod
and Check seating and refit.
8 Cleaning and Checking of cylinder blocks Description of Cylinder block, Cylinder
Surface for any crack, flatness, Measure block construction, and Different type of
cylinder bore for taper & ovality, clean oil Cylinder sleeves (liner).
gallery passage and oil pipe line, Bore -
descale water passages and examine
Removing cylinder liners from scrap
cylinder block, practice in measuring and

Mechanic Diesel Engine Syllabus 14 7

refitting new liners as per maker’s
recommendations precautions while fitting
new liners.
9 Reassemble all parts of engine in correct Engine assembly procedure with aid of
Sequence and torque all bolts and nuts special tools and gauges used for engine
as per workshop manual of the engine. assembling. Introduction to Gas Turbine,
Engine component procedures- Testing Comparison of single and two stage turbine
cylinder compression, Checking idle engine, Different between gas turbine and
speed, Removing & replacing a cam Diesel Engine.
belt, Inspecting & adjusting an engine
drive belt, Replacing an engine drive
10-12 Practice on Checking &Top up coolant, Need for Cooling systems, Heat transfer
Draining & refilling coolant, Checking / method, Boiling point & pressure,
replacing a coolant hose, Testing Centrifugal force, Vehicle coolant
cooling system pressure, Practice on properties and recommended change of
Removing & replacing radiator/ interval, Different type of cooling systems,
thermostat. Inspect the radiator pressure Basic cooling system components-
cap, Testing of thermostat. Cleaning & Radiator, Coolant hoses, Water pump,
reverse flushing. Overhauling water Cooling system thermostat, Cooling fans,
pump and refitting. Temperature indicators, Radiator pressure
Practice on Checking engine oil, Draining cap, Recovery system, Thermo-switch.
engine oil, Replacing oil filter, Refilling Need for lubrication system, Functions of
engine oil. Overhauling of oil pump, oil oil, Viscosity and its grade as per SAE , Oil
coolers, air cleaners and air filters and additives, Synthetic oils, The lubrication
adjust oil pressure relief valves, repairs to system, Splash system, Pressure system,
oil flow pipe lines and unions if necessary. Corrosion/noise reduction in the lubrication
system. Lubrication system components -
Description and function of Sump, Oil
collection pan, Oil tank, Pickup tube,
different type of Oil pump & Oil filters Oil
pressure relief valve, Spurt holes &
galleries, Oil indicators, Oil cooler.

13. Practice on Dismantling air compressor and Intake & exhaust systems – Description
exhauster and cleaning all parts - measuring of Diesel induction & Exhaust systems.
wear in the cylinder, reassembling all parts Description & function of air compressor,
exhauster, Super charger, Intercoolers,
and fitting them in the engine.
turbo charger, variable turbo charger
Dismantling & assembling of turbocharger, mechanism.
check for axial clearance as per service Intake system components- Description
and function of Air cleaners, Different
Check Exhaust system for rubber mounting type air cleaner, Description of Intake
for damage, deterioration and out of position; manifolds and material,
for leakage, loose connection, dent and
damage; Exhaust system components- Description
Practice on Exhaust manifold removal and and function of Exhaust manifold,
installation. Exhaust pipe, Extractors, Mufflers-
Practice on Catalytic converter removal and
Reactive, absorptive, Combination.,

Mechanic Diesel Engine Syllabus 15 8

Catalytic converters, Flexible connections,
Ceramic coatings, Back-pressure,
Electronic mufflers.

14 - Practice on removing & Cleaning fuel Diesel Fuel Systems- Description and
16 tanks, checking leaks in the fuel lines, function of Diesel fuel injection, fuel
soldering & repairing pipe lines and characteristics, concept of Quiet diesel
Unions, brazing nipples to high pressure technology & Clean diesel technology.
line studying the fuel feed system in Diesel fuel system components –
diesel engines, draining of water Description and function of Diesel tanks &
separators. lines, Diesel fuel filters, water separator,
Lift pump, Plunger pump, Priming pump,
Bleeding of air from the fuel lines, Inline injection pump, Distributor-type
Servicing primary & secondary filters. injection pump, Diesel injectors, Glow
Removing a fuel injection pump from plugs, Cummins & Detroit Diesel injection.
an engine-refit the pump to the engine Electronic Diesel control- Electronic
re- set timing - fill lubricating-oil start Diesel control systems, Common Rail
and adjust slow speed of the engine. Diesel Injection (CRDI) system,
Practice on overhauling of injectors and Hydraulically actuated electronically
testing of injector. controlled unit injector (HEUI) diesel
General maintenance of Fuel Injection injection system. Sensors, actuators and
Pumps (FIP). ECU (Electronic Control Unit) used in
Diesel Engines.
17 Practice on Start engine adjust idling Marine & Stationary Engine:- Types,
speed and damping device in pneumatic double acting engines, opposed piston
governor and venture control unit checking engines, starting systems, cooling systems,
Performance of engine with off load lubricating systems, supplying fuel oil,
adjusting timings. Start engine- adjusting hydraulic coupling, reduction gear drive,
idle speed of the engine fitted with electromagnetic coupling, electrical drive,
mechanical governor checking- high generators and motors, supercharging.
speed operation of the engine.
Checking performance for missing
cylinder by isolating defective injectors
and test- dismantle and replace defective
parts and reassemble and refit back to the
18 Monitoring emissions procedures by use of Emission Control:- Vehicle emissions
Engine gas analyser or Diesel smoke meter. Standards- Euro and Bhart II, III, IV, V Sources
Checking & cleaning a Positive crank case of emission, Combustion, Combustion
ventilation (PCV) valve. Obtaining & chamber design. Types of emissions:
interpreting scan tool data. Inspection of Characteristics and Effect of Hydrocarbons,
EVAP canister purge system by use of scan Hydrocarbons in exhaust gases, Oxides of
Tool. nitrogen, Particulates, Carbon monoxide,
EGR /SCR Valve Remove and installation Carbon dioxide, Sulfur content in fuels
for inspection. Description of Evaporation emission
control, Catalytic conversion, Closed loop,
Crankcase emission control, Exhaust gas
recirculation (EGR) valve, , Controlling air-
fuel ratios, Charcoal storage devices, Diesel
particulate filter (DPF). Selective Catalytic

Mechanic Diesel Engine Syllabus 16 9

Reduction (SCR), EGR VS SCR
19 Practice on removing alternator from Description .of charging circuit operation
vehicle dismantling, cleaning checking for of alternators, regulator unit, ignition
defects, assembling and testing for warning lamp- troubles and remedy in
motoring action of alternator & fitting to charging system.
Description of starter motor circuit,
Practice on removing starter motor Vehicle
Constructional details of starter motor
and overhauling the starter motor, testing of
solenoid switches, common troubles and
starter motor
remedy in starter circuit.
20 & Practice on troubleshooting in Troubleshooting : Causes and remedy for
21 LMV/HMV for Engine Not starting – Engine Not starting – Mechanical &
Mechanical & Electrical causes, High Electrical causes, High fuel consumption,
Engine overheating, Low Power
fuel consumption, Engine overheating,
Generation, Excessive oil consumption,
Low Power Generation, Excessive oil Low/High Engine Oil Pressure, Engine
consumption, Low/High Engine Oil Noise.
Pressure, Engine Noise.

22-23 In-plant Training

24-25 Revision and Test
26 NCVT Exam

Mechanic Diesel Engine Syllabus 17 10

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