1000 GeoTechnical Engineering MCQs1122

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In the formula, f=105√(300 ɳ/(g-1)Vw),the factor ɳ depends

1. In sedimentation analysis the soil fraction should be of what a)Pressure
micron size, so as to be kept in a liquidmedium(water). b)Velocity
a)75 c)Temperature
b)83 d)Specificgravity
c)57 View Answer
View Answer Answer: c
Explanation: Since ɳ=viscosity of water/liquid, it can be
Answer: a affected by temperature.
Explanation: According to Indian standards the soil fraction is
set as 75 micron to be used in a liquid medium. 7. The lower limit of particle size allowed in sedimentation
analysis is________
2. The sedimentation analysis is done with the help a)0.0002mm
of________ b)0.04mm
a)HydrometerandPipette c)0.074mm
b)Sieve d)0.0004mm
c)Allofthementioned View Answer
View Answer Answer: a
Explanation: The particle smaller than 0.0002 mm is affected
Answer: a by Brownian movement and stokes law remains no longer
Explanation: Both hydrometer and pipette method can be valid.
used for taking sedimentation analysis.
8. 1 poise is equivalent to _________
3. The time for a particle to settle, of diameter 0.06 through a a)0.5NS/m2
height of 10 cm is_________ b)0.1NS/m2
a)25.8s c)10-4 KNS/m2
b)42m59s d)0.8NS/m2
c)3m52s View Answer
View Answer Answer: b
Explanation: As,1 poise =1/10 NS/ m2
Answer: a 1 poise =0.1 NS/ m2.
Explanation: Based on the time of settlement of particles of
various diameters it is found that minimum time of 25.8 s is
needed for a particle to settle of diameter 0.006 mm.
9. The unit weight of water in v=(2/g)r2(Vs-Vw/ɳ) is taken
4. Which of the following assumptions is wrong, with respect as________
to sedimentation analysis? a)9.81kn/m2
a) The soil particles are spherical b)98.1n/m2
b) Particle settle independent of other particles do not have c)0.981kn/m2
any effect on its velocity of settlements d)9.81n/m3
c) Soil particles has different specific gravity View Answer
d) The walls of jar, in which the suspension is kept do not
affect the settlement Answer: a
View Answer Explanation:The constant value of unit weight of water/liquid
is taken as γw=9.81 kn/m2.
Answer: c
Explanation: In sedimentation analysis, soil particle has 10. Viscosity of water/liquid (ɳ) is expressed in________
average specific gravity. a)KN-s/m3
5. The sedimentation analysis is based on _________ law. c)KN-s/m2
a)Stoke d)Ns/m
b)Cullman’s View Answer
d)Noneofthementioned Answer: c
View Answer Explanation: The viscosity of distilled water in sedimentation
analysis is taken as 0.00855 KN-s/m2.
Answer: a
Explanation: The sedimentation analysis is based on stokes Pipette Method
law according to which the velocity at which the grains settles
down depend on shape, size, weight of grain. 1. Which of the following, cannot be used as a dispersing
a) Sodium oxalate
b) Sodium polyphosphate Answer: c
c) Sodium silicate Explanation: The water outlet is present at middle of the
d) Sodium oxide pipette analysis apparatus.
View Answer
7. The recommended time interval for the drainage in pipette
Answer: d analysis is__________
Explanation: sodium oxide cannot be used as a dispersing a) 1/2,1,2,4,8,15, and 30 min
agent in preparing soil suspension. b) 2,4,6,12,20 and 30 min
c) 1,8,16,24 min
2. The process of removal of organic matter and calcium d) 24,30,34,40,46 min
compounds in dispersion method is__________ View Answer
a) Pretreatment
b) Sedimentation Answer: a
c) Evaporation Explanation: The time interval for drainage of water in pipette
d) None of the mentioned analysis is ½, 1,2,4,8, 15 and 30 min.
View Answer
8. Which of the following is not a disadvantage, in using the
Answer: a pipette method for sedimentation analysis?
Explanation: Pretreatment is the process of removal of a) The apparatus is very simple
organic matter and calcium compounds in dispersion method. b) Requires very accurate weight
c) It requires more time
3. Which of the following are used as a standard d) The method of process is simple
sedimentation method in laboratory? View Answer
a) Sedimentation analysis method
b) Hydrometer method Answer: d
c) Pipette method Explanation: In pipette method, the method of process is
d) Sand replacement method simple.
View Answer
9. The volume (or) capacity of boiling tube taken in pipette
Answer: c method is about__________
Explanation: Pipette method is used as a standard a) 750 ml
sedimentation method than hydrometer in laboratory. b) 1000 ml
c) 500 ml
4. The dispersing agent which are added to soil in pipette d) 800 ml
method may also be referred to View Answer
a) Deflocculating agent Answer: c
b) Calgon Explanation: The boiling tube of 500 ml capacity is used in
c) Mechanical agent pipette analysis apparatus.
d) None of the mentioned
View Answer 10. The dispersing agents in soil particle, may act
Answer: a a) Cementing agent
Explanation: To have a proper dispersion of the soil, b) Separating agent
Deflocculating agent is used as a dispersing agent. c) Soluble agent
d) Deflocculating agent
5. In pipette method of sedimentation analysis, the soil is View Answer
treated with__________ to remove organic matter in it.
a) Hydrochloric acid Answer: a
b) Sodium oxalate Explanation: The dispersing agents that are mixed with soil
c) Hydrogen peroxide particle act as a cementing soluble to withhold the particles
d) Sodium silicate present.
View Answer

Answer: c
Explanation: The soil is treated with hydrogen peroxide to 11. The Sodium hexametaphosphate used in soil suspension
remove organic matter. may be also called__________
a) Deflocculating agent
6. In pipette analysis apparatus ,the water outlet is present at b) Calgon
__________ c) Aggregate
a) Top d) None of the mentioned
b) Bottom View Answer
c) Middle
d) Slightly above bottom Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: Sodium hexametaphosphate, which is used in
preparing soil suspension is also called as calgon.
6. The meniscus correction in hydrometer reading
Hydrometer Method a) Always positive
b) Always negative
1. In hydrometer method, the sampling depth h is kept at a c) Negative sometime
constant of__________ d) Positive sometime
a) 14 cm View Answer
b) 9 cm
c) 8 cm Answer: a
d) 10 cm Explanation: The actual reading to be taken at water level will
View Answer be more; hence the meniscus correction will be always
Answer: d
Explanation: The sampling depth (h) in hydrometer method is 7. Which of the following is correct hydrometer reading
taken as 10 cm. equation?
a) R=Rh’ +Cm ± CL -Cd
2. In calibration of hydrometer reading ,the reduced reading b) R=Rh’ +cm +CL -Cd
are designated as__________ c) R=Cm ±Rm – Cd + CL
a) RS d) R =Rh +Cm ± Cd + CL
b) RH View Answer
c) RR
d) RL Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: According to the derived equation of hydrometer
the equation is
Answer: b R=Rh’ +Cm ± CL –Cd.
Explanation: The reducing reading is designated as RH,
which is used for calibration of hydrometer. 8. The corrected hydrometer reading for meniscus
3. The dispersing agent correction in hydrometer reading is a) R=Rh’ +Cm
always__________ b) R=Rh’ +C
a) Positive c) R=Rh’+ Cm ± CL –Cd
b) Both negative and positive d) None of the mentioned
c) Negative View Answer
d) Equal
View Answer Answer: b
Explanation: The three corrections Cm , CL ,Cd can be
Answer: c combined into one corrections Cm and the equation can be
Explanation: The addition of dispersing agent in water written as R=Rh’ + Cm.
increases its water level, therefore the dispersing correction is
always negative. 9. The visibility of the soil suspension in hydrometer method
4. The hydrometer method differs from pipette method on the a) Transparent
basis of which of the following? b) Translucent
a) Principle of test c) Opaque
b) Taking the observation d) None of the mentioned
c) Method of procedure View Answer
d) None of the mentioned
View Answer Answer: c
Explanation: Since the density of the soil suspension is high,
Answer: b the visibility will be opaque.
Explanation: In sedimentation analysis the hydrometer
method differs from pipette method in the method of taking 10. The volume of suspension taken in the hydrometer test
the observation. is__________
a) 500
5. The corrections which are applied to the hydrometer b) 120
reading ,in hydrometer method is_______ c) 100
a) Meniscus correctionc and Dispersing agent correction d) 1000
b) Magnitude correction View Answer
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned Answer: d
View Answer Explanation: The quantity of dry soil and dispersing agent is
taken as double of pipette which is 500 ml.
Answer: a
Explanation: Both meniscus and dispersing agent correction 11. Initially ,the volume of hydrometer is taken in terms
are applied to a hydrometer reading. of___________
a) Grams
b) Millimeters b) D30 and D10
c) Liters c) D10 and D30
d) All of the mentioned d) D10 and D30
View Answer View Answer

Answer: a Answer: a
Explanation: since the soil is weighed in terms of mass, the Explanation: The coefficient of uniformity CV, is defined as the
volume is taken in terms of grams. ratio of D60 and D10
i.e.CV = D60/ D10.

5. The curve situated at the right side of the particle size

12. The hydrometer are generally calibrated at____________ distribution curve is_________
a) 35°c a) Coarse-grained soil
b) 27°c b) Fine-grained soil
c) -35°c c) coarse-grained soil
d) -27°c d) None of the mentioned
View Answer View Answer

Answer: b Answer: a
Explanation : The hydrometer are generally calibrated at Explanation: The right side the particle size distribution curve
27°c ,if the temperature is more than 27°c, temperature shows the coarse-grained while the left shows the relatively
correction will be taken negative .if less than 27°c then the fine-grained soil.
temperature correction will be positive.
6. What is the time of settlement of coarse particle of a soil
sample, of diameter 0.5?
Take γ=0.905D2 and height of water tank as 5 m.
Particle Size Distribution Curve a) 11.6 seconds
b) 72.8 seconds
1. A soil sample may be well graded if__________
c) 14 seconds
a) If it has most number of particles of same size
d) 22.1 seconds
b) Excess of certain particles
View Answer
c) Good representation of particles of all size
d) None of the mentioned Answer: d
View Answer Explanation: γ=0.905(0.5)2=0.2263 m/sec
Time of settlement, T=h/v =5/0.2263=22.1 seconds.
Answer: c
Explanation: A soil is said to be well graded when it has a 7. A curve with a flat portion ,in particle size distribution curve
good representation of particle of all size. represent __________
a) Intermediate size particle are missing
2. For coarse grained soil ,the particle size D10 is sometimes
b) Intermediate size particles are present
called as__________
c) Smaller size particle are present
a) effective size and effective diameter
d) Large size particles are present
b) uniform diameter
View Answer
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: A curve with a flat portion represents oil in which
intermediate size particle are missing.
Answer: a
Explanation: The size D10 is sometimes called as the 8. The D10 represent a size, such that _________ of the
effective size or effective diameter. particles are finer than this size.
a) 20%
3. The shape of particle size curve , which is represented by
b) 60%
the coefficient of curvature (Cc) is given by__________
c) 10%
a) Cc = (D30)2/D10×D40
d) 100%
b) Cc=(D40)2/D10×D30
View Answer
c) Cc =(D30)2/D10×D60
d) Cc =D60/D10 Answer: c
View Answer Explanation: The D10 represent a size, in mm such that 10%
of the particle is finer than D10 size.
Answer: b
Explanation: The coefficient of curvature (Cc) is given by the 9. The time of settlement of finest particle of soil sample, is
equation 15hr20min49sec .calculate the height of the water tank .Take
Cc = (D40)2/D10×D30. D=0.01 mm,γ=0.905D2.
a) 5 m
4. The coefficient of uniformity (CV) is the ratio of _________
b) 7 m
a) D60 and D10
c) 12 m
d) 4 m 3. The consistency (or) relative consistency (Ice) is given by
View Answer the formula__________
a) IC = WL-W/IP
Answer: a b) IC = W-WL/IP
Explanation: γ=0.905(0.01) c) IC = W-WL/IP
γ=9.05×10-5 d) IC = W-WP/IP
t = 15hr 20min 49sec =55429 sec View Answer
55429=h/9.05×10-5 Answer: a
h=55429×9.05×10-5 Explanation: The consistency or relative density is defined as
h = 5.000034 m. ratio of liquid limit, minus the natural water content to the
plasticity index of the soil IC = WL-W/IP.
10. The shape of the particle size curve is represented
by_________ 4. The shrinkage limit is represented by the term___________
a) Effective size a) IP
b) Effective diameter b) WS
c) Uniform coefficient c) IC
d) Co-efficient of curvature d) WP
View Answer View Answer

Answer: d Answer: b
Explanation: Coefficient of the curvature Cc represent the Explanation: Shrinkage limit is represented as WS.
shape of the particle size curve given by CC=
(D40)2/D10×D30. 5. The Swedish agriculturist who divided the entire range of
consistency from liquid to solid states is__________
11. A particle-size distribution curve gives us an idea a) Dupuit’s
about__________ b) Laplace
a) Type of soil c) Boussinesq
b) Properties of soil d) Atterberg
c) All of the mentioned View Answer
d) None of the mentioned
View Answer Answer: d
Explanation: In 1911, Atterberg who was a Swedish
Answer: a Agriculturist divided the entire range of liquid to solid state in
Explanation: A particle-size curve shows both type and to four stages.
gradation of the soil.
6. Which of the following is not useful for engineer purpose,as
Consistency of Soils proposed by Atterberg?
a) Plastic limit
1. The property of a soil which allows it to be deformed b) Liquid limit
rapidly, without rupture is_________ c) Solid limit
a) Elasticity d) Shrinkage limit
b) Plasticity View Answer
c) Tenacity
d) None of the mentioned Answer: c
View Answer Explanation: Liquid limit, plastic limit, shrinkage limit are
useful for engineering purpose.
Answer: b
Explanation: Plasticity is the property of a soil which allows it 7. According to Goldschmidt theory, the plasticity in soil is due
to be deformed rapidly, without rupture, without elastic to__________
rebound and without volume change. a) Electro-magnetic charges
b) Smooth surface
2. The ratio of liquid limit, minus the natural water content to c) All of the mentioned
the plasticity index of the soil is__________ d) None of the mentioned
a) Consistency index View Answer
b) Plasticity index
c) All of the mentioned Answer: a
d) None of the mentioned Explanation: The plasticity in soil is due to presence of thin
View Answer scale like particles which carry on to their surfaces, electro-
magnetic charges.
Answer: a
Explanation: consistency index or relative consistency is 8. Clay does not become plastic, when mixed
defined as the ratio of liquid limit, minus the natural water with___________
content to the plasticity index of the soil. a) Soap solution
b) Kerosene
c) Oil
d) None of the mentioned Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: ASTM tool is used only for more sandy soil,
where the Casagrande tool tends to tears the side of the
Answer: b groove.
Explanation: According to Goldschmidt theory, the clay does
not become plastic when mixed with liquids of non-polarizing 4. What is the diameter of the sieve that is used for finding the
agents like kerosene. liquid limit?
a) 275 microns
9. In consistency of soil, the limits are expressed in terms b) 700 microns
of__________ c) 425 microns
a) Per cent water content d) 200 microns
b) Area View Answer
c) Volume
d) All of the mentioned Answer: c
View Answer Explanation: 425 micron sieve is used as a standard, for
filtering the given specimen.
Answer: a
Explanation: According to Atterberg, the consistency limits are 5. The soviet liquid limit device is based on the principle of
expressed as per cent water content. ___________
a) Station penetration
10. Which of the following is not considered as one of the b) Soil moisture
state, as divided by Atterberg? c) Soil water content
a) Solid state d) None of the mentioned
b) Gaseous state View Answer
c) Semi-solid state
d) Liquid state Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: Static cone penetration method is used in
operation of soviet liquid limit device.
Answer: b
Explanation: The four stages as divided by Atterberg are solid 6. The toughness index (It) is defined by the ratio
state, liquid state, plastic state, semi-solid state. of__________
a) It=WP/IP
Determination of Liquid and Plastic Limit b) It=IP/If
c) It=IF/IP
1. The grooving tool which is used for finding liquid limit d) It=WL/If
is_________ View Answer
a) ASTM tools
b) Grooving tools Answer: b
c) All of the mentioned Explanation: Toughness index (It) is determined by the ratio of
d) None of the mentioned plasticity index to the flow index: It=IP/If.
View Answer
7. The number of revolutions per second, at which the handle
Answer: a is rotated in process of finding the liquid limit is_________
Explanation: ASTM tool and casagrande tools are two types a) 2
of grooving tools are used in determining liquid and plastic b) 7
limit. c) 4
d) 9
2. The depth of the groove cut by casagrande tool for View Answer
determining the liquid limit is______
a) 10 mm Answer: a
b) 11.0 mm Explanation: In liquid limit apparatus, the handle is rotated at
c) 2 mm a rate of about 2 revolutions per second.
d) 8 mm
View Answer 8. The cone which is used to penetrate the soil pat, has a
central angle of___________
Answer: b a) 26 degree
Explanation: The casagrande tools cut a groove of size 11.0 b) 30 degree
mm wide at the bottom. c) 31 degree
d) 40 degree
3. The type of tools which is preferred for sandy soil for the View Answer
purpose of grooving is_______
a) ASTM tool Answer: c
b) Casagrande tool Explanation: The cone has a central angle of 31°, since the
c) All of the mentioned total sliding mass is 80 g.
d) None of the mentioned
View Answer
9. The plastic index is calculated from the 2. The density of the mercury ,used in shrinkage limit
relation____________ apparatus is_________
a) IP = WP-WL a) 13.6 g/cm3
b) IP = WL-WP b) 13.2 kg/cm2
c) IP= IL-IS c) 13.0 g/cm3
d) IP=IW-IS d) 13.6 g/cm3
View Answer View Answer

Answer: b Answer: a
Explanation:The plasticity index is given by the formula, Explanation: The density of mercury =13.6 g/cm3.
3. The inside of the shrinkage dish, is coated with a thin layer
10. One-point method ,used for determining the liquid limit is of_________
majorly applicable for finding________ a) Oil
a) Accurate value b) Vaseline
b) Precise value c) Acid
c) Rough value d) None of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned View Answer
View Answer
Answer: b
Answer: c Explanation: Vaseline prevents the formation of air-bubbles
Explanation: Since the liquid limit is found out by only one .hence it is used as for inner coating in shrinking dish.
reading of water content and its corresponding number of
blows .one point method is applicable for finding rough value. 4. The volume of the wet soil, present in shrinkage
dish_________ of volume of dish.
11. The shear strength of the soil, at the liquid limit a) One –fourth
is________ b) Two-third
a) 1.75 kN/m2 c) One-third
b) 1.89 kN/m2 d) Same
c) 17.9 kN/m2 View Answer
d) 17.6 g/cm2
View Answer Answer: c
Explanation: One –third of shrinkage dish is filled with wet soil
Answer: d to prevent overflow.
Explanation: The shear strength of the soil is about 17.6
g/cm2 which the penetrometer gives for a depth of 25 mm 5. What are the ways of preventing of inclusion of air bubbles
under a total sliding mass of 148 g. in shrinkage dish?
a) Mixing the soil with sufficient distilled water and Making the
12. The apparatus used for finding, WL value by static cone soil pasty enough
penetrometer method is_________ b) Coating the surface with a thin layer of oil
a) Liquid limit apparatus c) All of the mentioned
b) Pycnometer d) None of the mentioned
c) Cone penetration View Answer
d) Rubber balloon cylinder
View Answer Answer: a
Explanation: Mixing the soil with sufficient distilled water and
Answer: c making it pasty enough prevents forming air bubbles in
Explanation: Cone penetration apparatus is used for finding shrinking dish.
WL value, according to IS: 2720 (part 5) -1965.
6. The Density of water ,used in shrinkage limit test
Shrinkage Limit is_________
a) 1 g/cm3
1. Which of the following apparatus does not include, in b) 1000 g/ cm3
determination of shrinkage limit? c) 2 g/ cm3
a) Porcelain evaporating dish d) 1/1000 g/ cm3
b) Two glass plates View Answer
c) Brass cup
d) Stainless steel shrinking dish Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: The density of water =1g/ cm3.

Answer: c 7. The volume shrinkage (VS) is defined by the

Explanation: The equipment for determination of shrinkage formula_________
limit consist of Porcelain evaporating dish, two glass plates, a) VS = (VL-VD/VD)×100
stainless steel shrinking dish. b) VS = (VD-VL/VD)×100
c) VS = (WL-WS)SR
d) None of the mentioned Answer: c
View Answer Explanation: Clays are classified into 3 types as kaolinite,
illite, and montmorillonite.
Answer: c
Explanation: Since VS= (VL-Vd) × 100/Vd 4. A clay is said to be inactive, if the activity is_________
But, (VL-Vd)×100/Vd = (WL-WS) SR a) <0.75
Therefore, VS = (WL-WS) SR. b) 0.75-1.40
c) >1.40
8. The shrinkage ratio of soil is equal__________ the soil in d) None of the mentioned
its dry state. View Answer
a) Mass specific gravity
b) Mass density Answer: a
c) Water content Explanation: Clay is classified as inactive if the activity is less
d) Specific gravity than 0.75.
View Answer
5. Clay containing kaolinite, will relatively have a_________
Answer: a activity.
Explanation: The shrinkage ratio is equal to mass specific a) High
gravity in dry state. b) Intermediate
c) Low
9. Shrinking limit can be found out using alternate method, d) Moderate
if__________ View Answer
a) The specific gravity of soil is known
b) Dry volume of soil is known Answer: c
c) Water content in the soil is known Explanation: Clay containing will have relatively low activity,
d) Dry density of soil is known while montorillonite have high activity.
View Answer
6. Activity of a clay can be determined by laboratory test
Answer: a like__________
Explanation: Alternatively, shrinking limit can be found out if a) Wet analysis
the specific gravity G of the soil grains is known. b) Liquid limit
c) Plastic limit
Activity of Clays d) All of the mentioned
View Answer
1. The plasticity of clay depends on which of the following?
a) The nature of clay minerals present Answer: d
b) Volume of clay present Explanation: Activity can be determined by from the result of
c) All of the mentioned usual laboratory tests such as wet analysis, liquid limit, and
d) None of the mentioned plastic limit.
View Answer
7. Based on the observation made by Skempton, for a given
Answer: a soil__________
Explanation: The plasticity depends on i) The nature of clay a) Plastic index is proportional to percent of clay-size fraction
minerals present ii) amounts of clay minerals present. b) Plastic index is inversely proportional to percent of clay-
size fraction
2. The typical activity value of illite, present in clay is________ c) Plastic index is equal to percent of clay-size fraction
a) 0.4-0.5 d) None of the mentioned
b) 0.5-1.0 View Answer
c) 1.0-7.0
d) 2.7-5.3 Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: In 1953 skempton, observed that for a given soil
the plasticity index is proportional to the percent of clay-size
Answer: b fraction.
Explanation: Typical active values are kaolinite : 0.4-0.5
Illite: 0.5-1.0 8. For a clay to be active, the activity of it should
Montmorillonite : 1.0-7.0. be__________
a) 0.75-1.40
3. Based on activity number, clays can be classified in b) >1.40
to_______ categories. c) <0.75
a) Five d) <0.75
b) Two View Answer
c) Three
d) More than five Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: Based on activity number, the activity should be
greater than 1.4 for clay to be active.
9. The sensitivity of most clays usually falls in a range b) Increase in moisture content
of_________ c) Increase in solubility
a) 2 to 8 d) None of the mentioned
b) 1 to 6 View Answer
c) 1 to 8
d) 1 to 5 Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: Collapsible soils undergo large increase in
volume due to increase in moisture content, even without
Answer: c increasing in external loads.
Explanation: From referring sensitivity classification table, it
can be seen that clays have a common sensitivity between: 1 5. collapsible soils are usually present in areas of__________
to 8. a) Semi-arid regions and Arid regions
b) Dry regions
10. Highly over consolidating clays tends to be_________ c) All of the mentioned
a) sensitive d) None of the mentioned
b) normal sensitive View Answer
c) less sensitive
d) extra sensitive Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: Since collapsible soil exhibit loose, weakly
cemented sands they are usually present in arid and semi-
Answer: c arid regions.
Explanation: This type of clay tends to have sensitive of
1(unity) .Hence it is classified as in sensitive. 6. The loose bulky grains in collapsible soil are held together
Collapsible Soils a) Inter-molecular force between the soil
b) Compressive stress
1. Which of the following is exhibited by collapsible soil? c) Capillary stress
a) Silts where cementing agent is soluble d) All of the mentioned
b) Loose bulky grains hold together by capillary stresses View Answer
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned Answer: c
View Answer Explanation: As the common Feature exhibited by collapsible
soil is capillary stress, the loose bulky grains in the soil are
Answer: b held together by it.
Explanation: A common feature of collapsible soil is the loose
bulky grain held together by capillary stresses. 7. The capillary potential (CP) of the collapsible soil varies
2. The researchers who have provide guidance for identifying a) Degree of saturation and Pressure
the potential, foot clayey sand and sand clay found in western b) Water content present
US is __________ c) All of the mentioned
a) Macveren d) None of the mentioned
b) Holtz and Gibbs View Answer
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: The bulk of structural collapse occurs upon the
first saturation, at a given over-burden pressure. Hence
Answer: b collapsible potential varies with degree of saturation and
Explanation: In 1967, Holtz and Gibbs provide guidance for pressure.
identifying the potential collapsible soil in arid and semi-arid
regions. 8. At a given overburden pressure (Po) for a collapsible soil
,its collapsible potential depends on_________
3. If the collapsible potential values of the soil are 0-1 %.what a) Degree of saturation
will be the severity of the problem? b) Temperature coefficient
a) Severe problem c) Moisture content
b) Moderate problem d) Pressure
c) No problem View Answer
d) None of the mentioned
View Answer Answer: a
Explanation: Collapsible potential varies with degree of
Answer: c saturation, at a overburden pressure of Po.
Explanation: The severity of the problem will be zero, if the CP
value lies between 0-1 percent. 9. A clay specimen has an unconfined compressive strength
of 240 Kn/m2 in a distributed state. on remolding , the
4. Collapsible soils undergoes large decrease in volume due unconfined compressive strength is 54 Kn/m2 .what will be
to__________ the sensitivity of clay?
a) Decrease in moisture content a) 3.85
b) 7.24 c) Proportional to the compressive force
c) 2.04 d) Directly proportional to electric force
d) 4.44 View Answer
View Answer
Answer: d
Answer: d Explanation: The electrical force responsible for inter-particle
Explanation: Sensitivity, effect is proportional to the specific surface.
St = QU(undistributed)/QU(distributed)
=240/54 5. The harmonic diameter, can be found out by
=4.44. using__________
a) kozney’s method
10. The structural collapse for a clay soil usually occurs b) casagrande method
at__________ c) Skempton’s method
a) First saturation d) Atterberg method
b) Last View Answer
c) Does not occur
d) At an intermediate Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: The harmonic diameter DH can be found by
using kozney’s method using the formula
Answer: a F=6/ρs×1/Dn.
Explanation: As there is a sudden compression of the soil
under pressure, the structural collapse occurs upon first 6. Specific surface of a soil is related with__________
saturation. a) Chemical properties of the soil
b) Physical properties of the soil
Specific Surface c) General characteristic of the soil
d) All of the mentioned
1. Specific surface is termed as__________ View Answer
a) Total volume of soil particles
b) Total area of soil particles Answer: b
c) Total surface area in a unit mass Explanation: As specific surface is associated with surface
d) Ratio of total surface to the total volume characteristics of a particle, therefore it is related with physical
View Answer properties.

Answer: c 7. Microscopic soil particles have a very___________

Explanation: Specific surface is usually defined as the total a) Larger specific surface
surface area of the soil particle in a unit mass. b) A larger volume
c) Small specific surface
2. Specific surface of the soil particle increase very rapidly ,as d) Larger diameter
the grain size____________ View Answer
a) Increases
b) Decreases Answer: a
c) Bulges Explanation: As the specific surface increases as the size of
d) None of the mentioned the grain decreases .Therefore Microscopic particles have a
View Answer large specific surface.

Answer: b 8. specific surface(SS) can also expressed as________

Explanation: The subdivision of a mass yields greater surface a) Surface area of the particle per unit volume
area, than the same mass itself. Specific surface of a mass b) Physical properties of the soil
increases as the grain size decreases. c) Moisture content of the soil
d) None of the mentioned
3. A factor, which is important for the magnitude of specific View Answer
surface of soil particles is__________
a) Grain shape Answer: a
b) Grain size Explanation: From the expression, specific surface = surface
c) Both size and shape area of particle/volume of particle ,it can be seen that specific
d) Grain molecular structure surface is the surface area of a particle.
View Answer
9. Permeability of the soil depends on__________
Answer: a a) Size of the soil particle
Explanation: Specific surface varies for different shapes of b) Moisture present in soil
particle having the same mass. Hence grain shape is c) Specific surface of the soil particle
important factor for determining specific surface. d) Density of the soil
View Answer
4. The specific surface of a soil particle will be___________
a) Proportional to inter-molecular surface Answer: c
b) Inversely proportional to electric force Explanation: Permeability of soil greatly depends on specific
surface of the soil because of the viscous effects associated Answer: d
with surface characteristics of the grains. Explanation: Terms such as gravel, sand, silt, and clay are
used to indicate grain sizes .these terms are used only as
10. Chemical activity of a clay mineral depends designation of particle size.
a) Electric charge 5. The term ‘silt’ in particle size classification system ,can be
b) Surface area replaced by___________
c) Compactness a) Silt size
d) Unit mass b) Clay size
View Answer c) Silt type
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b View Answer
Explanation: The chemical activity of the clay mineral
depends upon the surface area, because of the electrical Answer: a
charge of clay minerals is high per unit mass. Explanation: As the system is classified based on size, it is
preferable to use the word ‘silt size’ and ‘clay size’ in place of
Particle Size Classification simply ‘silt’ or ‘clay’.

1. For engineering purpose, soil can be classified in terms 6. Indian standard classification of soil is based on_________
of___________ a) PRA system
a) Particle size b) International soil classification
b) Textural c) M.I.T system
c) Unified soil d) Indian system
d) All of the mentioned View Answer
View Answer
Answer: c
Answer: d Explanation: Indian standard classification (IS: 1948-1970) is
Explanation: For general engineering purposes, soil can be based on the M.I.T. system.
classified in terms of
particle size, textural and unified soil. 7. Soil occurring in nature, is composed of__________
a) Sand
2. Systems which are used for classification of soil based on b) Decomposed substance
particle size are__________ c) All of the mentioned
a) PRA system of united states d) None of the mentioned
b) Indian standard classification system View Answer
c) International soil classification
d) All of the mentioned Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: Soil occurring in nature is composed of different
percentage of sand, silt, and clay size particles.
Answer: d
Explanation: Based on particle size, soil can be classified as 8. The purpose of soil classification is to___________
1) U.S. Bureau of soil and public road administration system a) To arrange various soils types in to groups
2) The M.I.T. classification system b) To use it for various purpose
3) Indian standard classification system c) For finding its properties
4) International soil classification system. d) For investigating the soil
View Answer
3. In particle size classification system ,the soils are classified
according to__________ Answer: a
a) Grain size Explanation: The purpose of soil classification is to arrange
b) Properties various types of soils in to groups according to their
c) Shape engineering or agricultural properties.
d) Solubility
View Answer 9. Particle size classification is best suited for_________
a) Coarse grained soil
Answer: a b) Clay soil
Explanation: In the particle soil classification system, soils are c) Dry soil
arranged to the grain size. d) All of the mentioned
View Answer
4. Which of the following terms are used to indicate grain
sizes? Answer: b
a) Gravel Explanation: Since properties of clay soils is less dependent
b) Sand on particle size distrubution(textural classification) and more
c) Silt dependent on size it is best suited for clay soil.
d) All of the mentioned
View Answer 10. Particle size classification system does not
a) Soil types Answer: a
b) Soil Particle size Explanation: to use the textural classification chart, for a given
c) All of the mentioned percentages of three constituents forming a soil, lines are
d) None of the mentioned drawn parallel to three sides of the equilateral triangle.
View Answer
5. The type of triangle, used in textural classification of soil
Answer: a is_____________
Explanation: Particle size classification used only as a) Right angled triangle
designation of particle sizes, and do not signify the naturally b) Equilateral triangle
occurring types which are mixtures of particle of different c) Perpendicular triangle
sizes. d) None of the mentioned
View Answer

Answer: b
Explanation: A triangle, having equal length of sides (i.e.
Equilateral triangle) is used in textural classification chart.
Textural Classification
6. Public road administration (PRA) system is based
1. Soil classification based on the particle size distribution on_____________
is_____________ a) Particle-size composition and Plasticity characteristics
a) Unified soil classification b) Particle size distribution
b) IS classification c) All of the mentioned
c) Particle size classification d) None of the mentioned
d) Textural classification View Answer
View Answer
Answer: a
Answer: d Explanation: HRB classification system, also known as public
Explanation: Soil classification of composite soils exclusively road administration (PRA) is based on both the particle-size
based on the particle size distribution is known as textural composition and plasticity characteristics.
7. Highway research board (HRB) classification system is also
2. The best known classification system in textural known as__________
classification is__________ a) Indian classification system
a) M.I.T. classification system b) Public road administration (PRA) system
b) Triangular classification of U.S. public road administration c) International classification system
c) Indian classification system d) M.I.T. classification system
d) International classification View Answer
View Answer
Answer: b
Answer: b Explanation: Highway research board classification system is
Explanation: Triangular classification of U.S. public road also known as public road administration (PRA) system.
administration is a commonly used system for textural
classification. 8. Based on HRB classification system, the soil are divided in
3. Textural classification is most suitable for____________ a) 2 primary groups
a) Clay soil b) 6 primary groups
b) Wet soil c) 7 primary groups
c) Coarse grained soil d) 6 primary groups
d) Soil with moist View Answer
View Answer
Answer: c
Answer: c Explanation: Based on HRB system, the soil is divided into 7
Explanation: Since the textural classification is based on the primary groups, designated as A-1, A-2…A-7.
percentages of sand, silt, and clay size making up the soil
.such a classification is more suitable for describing coarse- 9. The performance of the soil, when used for pavement
grained soil. construction is found out by using_____________
a) Quality test
4. To use textural classification chart,___________lines must b) Group index
be drawn. c) Material test
a) Parallel to the three sides of the triangle d) None of the mentioned
b) Parallel to the only one side of the triangle View Answer
c) Adjacent to the three sides of the triangle
d) Adjacent to the one sides of the triangle Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: As group index is a mean of rating the value of a
soil as a sub-grade material
It can be used for finding the performance and quality of the 4. By USCS system, soil are classified in
soil. to___________Major groups.
a) 2
10. The group index of a soil depends on____________ b) 5
a) Liquid limit c) 6
b) Plastic limit d) 4
c) All of the mentioned View Answer
d) None of the mentioned
View Answer Answer: d
Explanation: Various soil are classified in to four major groups
Answer: a 1. Coarse grained
Explanation: Group index of a soil usually varies by 2. Fine grained
1. Liquid limit 3. Organic soils
2. Plastic limit 4. Peat.
3. Amount of material passing through the 75-micron IS sieve.
5. A soil is considered as coarse grained, if it retains more
11. Group index is defined by which of the equation? than___________in a sieve.
a) GI=0.2b+0.005ac+0.01bd a) 90% of the soil
b) GI=0.2a+0.005bd+0.001ac b) 70% of the soil
c) GI=0.2a+0.005ac+0.001bd c) 50% of the soil
d) GI=0.2a+0.5ac+0.001bd d) 20% of the soil
View Answer View Answer

Answer: c Answer: c
Explanation: Group index (GI) is given by the following Explanation: If more than 50 % of the soil is retained on a
equation NO.200 US sieve (0.075), it is designated as coarse grained
GI = 0.2a+0.005ac+0.01bd. soil.

UNIFIED Soil Classification 6. Coarse grained soils, containing fines between 5-12%, are
designated by___________Symbol.
1. Unified soil classification system (USCS) was developed a) GW-GM and SP-SM
by____________ b) CL-ML
a) Kozney c) None of the mentioned
b) Atterberg d) All of the mentioned
c) Casagrande View Answer
d) Rankine
View Answer Answer: a
Explanation: If the percentage of fines lies between 5 to 12 %,
Answer: c coarse grained soils are designated by dual symbols GW-GM
Explanation: In 1940, casagrande originally developed the or SP-SM.
unified soil classification system (USCS).
7. Fine grained soil are sub divided in to___________
2. The USCS system was used for which of the following a) Silt and clay
purpose during World War 2? b) Sand and clay
a) Air field construction c) Organic and silt
b) Dam construction d) Gravel and peat
c) Foundation View Answer
d) Earth slopes
View Answer Answer: a
Explanation: Based on their liquid limit and plasticity index,
Answer: a fine grained soil are subdivided in to silt and clay.
Explanation: In earlier stages of World War 2, the USCS
system was used for air field construction. 8. Fine grained soil are subdivided based on___________
a) Liquid limit and Plasticity index
3. According to USCS, the fined grained soil are classified on b) Group Index
the basis of_____________ c) None of the mentioned
a) Plasticity d) All of the mentioned
b) Grain size distribution View Answer
c) Group index
d) Particle size composition Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: Based on the liquid limit and plasticity index, fine
grained soil is subdivided.
Answer: a
Explanation: According to USCS the fine grained soils, whose 9. Coarse grained soil is sub-divided in to_______________
behavior is controlled by plasticity, are classified on the basis a) Gravel and clay
of their plasticity. b) Gravel and sand
c) Sand and silt 4. Laboratory classification of fined grained soil is done with
d) Silt and clay the help of________
View Answer a) Plasticity chart
b) Textural classification chart
Answer: b c) Kozney’s graphical method
Explanation: Based on the soil size, coarse grained soil is d) None of the mentioned
divided in to gravel and sand. View Answer

10. In Casagrande’s plasticity chart, the numbers in the chart Answer: a

denotes____________ Explanation: Laboratory classification criteria of fine grained
a) Relative suitability soil is done by plasticity chart.
b) Grade of the soil
c) Division of the group 5. The A-line, in unified classification system table has the
d) None of the mentioned equation of__________
View Answer a) IP=WL-20
b) IP=0.73(WL-20)
Answer: a c) IP=0.73(20-wL)
Explanation: In Casagrande’s plasticity chart, the numbers d) IP=20-WL
denote relative suitability with No.1 as the best and No. 10 as View Answer
the worst.
Answer: b
Explanation: The A-line, dividing the inorganic clay from silt
and organic soil has the equation: IP=0.73(WL-20).

6. According to IS classification, the symbol GC

a) Clayey gravel
 Indian Standard Classification
b) Silt gravel
1. The Indian standard soil classification system ,(ISCS) was c) Sand gravel
first developed in___________ d) Well graded gravel
a) 1947 View Answer
b) 1950
Answer: a
c) 1959
Explanation: As per Indian standards of group symbols and
d) 1960
typical names, G-refers to gravel and C-refers to clay.
View Answer
7. The symbol ‘L’ represents which of the following soil types?
Answer: c
a) Silt and Clay
Explanation: The Indian standard classification system (ISCS)
b) Gravel
was first developed in 1959 and revised in 1970.
c) All of the mentioned
2. According to ISCS , fine grained soils are subdivided in d) None of the mentioned
to___________ View Answer
a) 2
Answer: a
b) 4
Explanation: By IS classification, silts and clays of low
c) 5
compressibility having a liquid less than 35, are represented
d) 3
by the ‘L’.
View Answer
8. What are the features required, for classifying a soil
Answer: d
component as boulder?
Explanation: Fine grained soil are subdivided into 3 types
a) Bulky hard
1. Inorganic silts and very fine sands
b) Diameter more than 30cm
2. Inorganic clays
c) Round to angular shape
3. Organic silts and clay and organic matter.
d) All of the mentioned
3. The ISCS classifies the soil in to__________ View Answer
a) 12 groups
Answer: d
b) 15 groups
Explanation: For a soil component to be boulder, size range
c) 18 groups
must be of average diameter more than 30cm and shape of
d) 16 groups
round to angular and bulky hard.
View Answer
 Soil Structure
Answer: c
Explanation: The ISCS classifies the soil into 18 groups as 1. What are the Soil properties, which are influenced by soil
against 15 groups of USCS. structure?
a) Permeability
b) Compressibility Answer: c
c) Shear strength Explanation: An arrangement of coarse grains forming a
d) All of the mentioned skeleton and matrix represent composite soils.
View Answer
7. The soil structure, having comparative loose stable
Answer: d structure is____________
Explanation: Soil structure is an important factor which a. Honey comb
influences many soil properties such as permeability, b. Cohesive matrix
compressibility, and shear strength. c. Flocculent
d. Single grained
2. The single grained structure is a characteristic View Answer
a) Coarse-grained soil Answer: a
b) Fine-grained soil Explanation: Honey comb structure is composed of loosely
c) None of the mentioned arranged bundle of particle .Hence they have comparatively
d) All of the mentioned less stable structure than others.
View Answer
8. The honey comb, flocculent and dispersed structure are
Answer: a found in___________
Explanation: Single grained structure is usually found in a) Fine-grained soil
coarse-grained soil. b) Coarse grained soil
c) Composite soil
3. Soil structure usually defines__________ d) All of the mentioned
a) Arrangement of soil particles and Stage of aggregation of View Answer
soil particle in soil
b) Composition of the soil mass Answer: b
c) None of the mentioned Explanation: Fine grained soil usually contains a combined
d) All of the mentioned structure of honeycomb, flocculent and dispersed.
View Answer
9. Coarse-grain skeleton structure ,consist of arrangement
Answer: a of__________
Explanation: Soil structure is defined as the arrangement and a) Soil forming honey comb structure
state of aggregation of soil particle in a soil mass. b) Coarse grain forming a skeleton
c) Soil oriented ‘edge-to-edge’ with one another
4. An arrangement composed of ‘flocs’ of soil particle is known d) None of the mentioned
as__________ View Answer
a) Dispersed structure
b) Cohesive matrix structure Answer: b
c) Honey comb structure Explanation: An arrangement of coarse grains forming a
d) Flocculent structure skeleton with its interstices partly filled by relatively loose
View Answer aggregation of the finest soil grains is shown in coarse-
grained skeleton structure.
Answer: d
Explanation: An arrangement composed of ‘flocs’ of soil Determination of Coefficient of
particle is known as flocculent structure .As the particles are
oriented ‘edge-to-edge’ (or) ‘edge-to-face’ with respect to one Permeability
1. Permeability can be determined by direct measurement
5. An arrangement composed of soil particle having a parallel with the help of___________
orientation is___________
a) Dispersed a) Permeameter
b) Coarse grained skeleton
b) Consolidation test
c) Honey comb
d) Single grained c) Horizontal capillary test
View Answer
d) Pumping-out test
Answer: a
Explanation: In dispersed structure of particle are oriented View Answer
face to face with one another in dispersed state.
Answer: a
6. The skeleton and matrix structure represent___________
a) Coarse-grained soil Explanation: Permeability of soil can be determined by
b) Fine-grained soil permeameters, by allowing the water to flow through soil
c) Composite soil sample under either constant head
d) Loose-grained soil
View Answer or under variable head.
2. Which of the following formula , cannot be used for https://www.sanfoundry.com/geotechnical-engineering-basic-
determining the permeability of soil? questions-answers/ 4/8

a) Jacky’s formula 5. The unit of coefficient of absolute permeability(K)

b) Allen Hazen’s formula
a) Kg/cm
c) Kozney’s formula
b) m/s2
d) Darcy’s formula
c) m2
View Answer
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
View Answer
Explanation: In Darcy’s equation or Darcy’s law, there is no
permeability constant. Answer: c

q=kiA Explanation: Since K has the dimension of area (i.e. [k] =

[L2]),the unit of K is m2 .
Hence it cannot be used for finding permeability of soil.
6. Coefficient of absolute permeability (K) depends
3. Coefficient of permeability of soil can be determined by on____________
which of the following method?
a) Permeant
a) Laboratory methods
b) Properties of soil mass
b) Field methods
c) Degree of saturation
c) Indirect methods
d) All of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned
View Answer
View Answer
Answer: b
Answer: d
Explanation: From the equation of coefficient of absolute
Explanation: The coefficient of permeability can be permeability,
determined by the following methods:
K =C (e3/1+e) D3
a. Laboratory method – constant head permeability and falling
head permeability test We can find that, coefficient of permeability is independent of
the properties of permeant (i.e. water) and it depends solely
b. Field method –pumping-out and pumping-in test on the properties of soil

c. Indirect methods- horizontal capillary test and consolidation mass.

test data.
7. In Terzaghi’s formula K =200De2e2 ,De2
4. Allen Hazen’s formula is given by which of the following represents____________
a) Effective grain shape
a) K =100m2
b) Void ratio
b) K = C D102
c) Effective grain size
c) K =200De2e2
d) Permeability
d) None of the mentioned
View Answer
View Answer
Answer: c
Answer: b
Explanation: De=effective grain size, the diameter of the
Explanation: Allen Hazen’s formula is K=CD102, where c is sphere for which the ratio of its volume to its surface area is
constant, which is taken as approximately equal to 100 when the same as the similar ratio
D10¬ is expressed in cm.
for a given assemblage of soil particles.
6/28/2018 Basic Geotechnical Engineering Questions and
Answers - Sanfoundry 8. K= 100Dm2, is given by which of the following formula?
a) Terzaghi’s formula b) 4

b) Kozney’s formula c) 3

c) Jacky’s formula d) 5

d) Allen Hazen’s formula View Answer

View Answer Answer: c

Answer: c Explanation: In 1963, Vesic observed three types of bearing

capacity failures:
Explanation: In 1944, Jacky found out the order of magnitude
of k can be obtained from all soils from the formula K= i) General shear failure
100Dm2, where Dm denotes
ii) Local shear failure
grain size.
iii) Punching shear failure.
9. Terzhagi’s formula can be applied for_________
3. In general shear failure, continuous failure is developed
a) Uniform sand between______________

b) Clay soil a) Ground surface and footing

c) Coarse-grained soil b) Edge of the footing and ground surface

d) Fine-grained soil c) Foundation and the ground surface

View Answer d) None of the mentioned

Answer: a View Answer

Explanation: Terzaghi’s formula can be successfully applied to Answer: b

fairly uniform sand, which reflects the effect of grain size and
void ratio. Explanation: In the case of general shear failure, continuous
failure surface develops between the edges of the footing and
the ground surface.

Types of Bearing Capacity Failures 4. Which of the following is a characteristic of general shear
a) Failure is accompanied by compressibility of soil
1. When a footing fails due to insufficient bearing capacity,
distinct failure patterns are developed depending b) Failure is sudden
c) Bulging of shearing mass of soil
a) Failure mechanism
d) All of the mentioned
b) Plastic equilibrium
View Answer
c) Shear strength
Answer: c
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: A typical characteristic of general shear failure is
View Answer
a) Failure is sudden with pronounced peak resistance
Answer: a
b) There is considerable bulging of sheared mass of soil
Explanation: Experimental investigations have indicated that adjacent to footing.
when a footing fails due to insufficient bearing capacity,
distinct failure patterns are

developed, depending upon type of failure mechanism. 5. In local shear failure, the development of plastic equilibrium
2. Vesic observed_____________types of bearing capacity
failures. a) Full

a) 2 b) Partial
c) Zero 9. In local shear failure, the failure surface do not reach the
ground surface because____________
d) None of the mentioned
a) Compression of soil under the footing
View Answer
b) Ultimate bearing capacity is not well defined
Answer: a
c) Failure is defined by large settlements
Explanation: In local shear failure there is only partial
development of state of plastic equilibrium and there is a d) All of the mentioned
significant compression of the soil under
View Answer
the footing.
Answer: a
6. Punching shear may occur in loose sand with density less
than___________ Explanation: In local shear failure there is a significant
compression of the soil under the footing and only partial
a) 45 % development of state of plastic

b) 50 % equilibrium. Due to this reason, the failure surface does not

reach the ground.
c) 35 %
10. State of equilibrium is fully developed in which of the
d) 20 % following bearing capacity failures?

View Answer a) Local shear failure

Answer: c b) General shear failure

Explanation: Punching shear may occur in relatively loose c) Punching shear failure
sand with relative density less than 35 %.
d) All of the mentioned
7. Local shear failure is associated with soils
having_________ View Answer

a) High compressibility Answer: b

b) High pore pressure Explanation: In general shear failure, when the pressure
approaches the value of qf, the state of equilibrium is reached
c) Low porosity initially in the soil around the soil

d) Low compressibility and gradually spreads, ultimately the state of plastic

equilibrium is fully developed throughout the soil above the
View Answer failure surfaces.

Answer: a Bored Piles

Explanation: Local shear failure occurs in soil having high 1. There are__________ types of bored piles.
compressibility and in sands having relative density lying
between 35 and 70 percent. a) 4

8. Which of the following is not one of the characteristic of a b) 2

local shear failure?
c) 5
a) Failure is defined by large settlements
d) 3
b) Failure surface do not reach the ground surface
View Answer
c) Failure is sudden
Answer: d
d) Ultimate bearing capacity is not well defined
Explanation: Bored piles are of three types: 1) Pressure piles,
View Answer 2) under-reamed piles, and 3) Bored compaction piles.

Answer: c 2. In bored pile, concreting is done by using___________

Explanation: In local shear stress there is no tilting of footing a) Auger

and therefore the failure is not sudden.
b) Casing tube
c) Under-reamer a) The concrete is not liable to damage

d) Concrete plug b) Vibration caused by driving can be avoided

View Answer c) They need no storage space

Answer: b d) No requirement of special handling equipment

Explanation: Bored piles are done by forming a bore hole in View Answer
the ground and then concreting it, either with the help of a
casing tube. Answer: b

3. A major difference between the procedure of construction in Explanation: Bored piles have an advantage of avoiding
bored piles and cast-in-situ driving piles is___________ vibrations and noise caused by driving of piles.

a) Driving equipment 7. In pressure pile, the frictional resistance is increased

b) Method of driving
a) Compression of soil and Rough irregular surface
c) Concrete filling
b) Bearing capacity
d) None of the mentioned
c) None of the mentioned
View Answer
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a
View Answer
Explanation: The procedure of construction in bored piles is
different than the cast-in-situ driven pile where heavy pile Answer: a
driving equipment is required.
Explanation: The diameter of the pile exceeds that of the tube,
4. The type of bored pile that is suitable for congestion sites? owing to the compression of soil, and rough irregular surface
is formed which increases
a) Under-reamed piles
the frictional resistance of piles.
b) Bored compaction piles
8. The bearing value of the pressure pile can be increased by
c) Pressure piles which of the following?

d) Simplex piles a) Cement grout

View Answer b) Increasing diameter

Answer: c c) Changing the shape of base

Explanation: Pressure piles are most suitable where heavy d) All of the mentioned
pile driving machinery cannot be used and in congested sites
because of its compact View Answer

structure. Answer: a

5. In pressure piles, the soil is excavated by_________ Explanation: If it is required to increase the bearing value of
the pile, an enlarged base is formed by introducing cement
a) Casing tube grout after the tube is sunk and

b) Under-reamer forced it by air pressure into the adjacent soil.

c) Concrete plug

d) All of the mentioned The Capillarity –

View Answer Permeability Test

Answer: b 1. The capillarity-permeability test may be also called

Explanation: Boring tool such as auger working inside the
steel tube excavates the soil in pressure piles. a) Vertical capillarity test

6. An advantage of preferring bored piles is _______ b) Horizontal capillarity test

c) Capillary test Explanation: Since layer of soil is assumed to be
homogeneous and isotropic, each layer has its own value of
d) Coefficient of permeability test
coefficient of permeability.
View Answer
5. The average permeability of soil deposits depends
Answer: b on__________

Explanation: The apparatus used in capillary-permeability test a) Direction of flow

is horizontal; hence it can be also called as
b) Coefficient of permeability
horizontal capillarity test.
c) Moisture content
2. The capillary-permeability test, is used to
determine___________ d) Saturation of the soil

a) Coefficient of permeability and Capillary test View Answer

b) Degree of saturation Answer: a

c) None of the mentioned Explanation: The average permeability of the whole soil
deposit will depend upon the direction of flow with
d) All of the mentioned
relation to the direction of bedding planes.
View Answer
6. The degree of saturation in capillarity-permeability test can
Answer: a be found out by___________

Explanation: The capillarity-permeability test or the horizontal a) Known dry mass of soil
capillarity test is used to determine the coefficient
b) Taking wet mass of soil
of permeability K as well as the capillarity test hc of the soil
sample. c) Finding the porosity

3. The bedding planes of soil layers in soil mass may d) All of the mentioned
View Answer
a) Horizontal
Answer: b
b) Vertical
Explanation: The degree of saturation can be found out by
c) Inclined taking the wet mass of the soil sample at the end of

d) All of the mentioned the test.

View Answer 7. The saturation in capillary-permeability is assumed to

Answer: d
a) 0
Explanation: In nature, soil may consist of several layers
deposited one above the other.Their bedding planes b) 50

may be horizontal, inclined or vertical. c) 75

4. Each layer of soil layer has its own value of___________ d) 100

a) Degree of saturation View Answer

b) Coefficient of permeability Answer: d

c) Capillary head Explanation: The saturation is assumed to be 100 %, so that

the formula nvs=Ki is derived from Darcy’s law.
d) All of the mentioned
8. The possible directions of flow of the soil deposit with
View Answer respect to the bedding planes is___________

Answer: b a) Parallel and Perpendicular

b) Inclined
Explanation: The capillary force of soil moisture depends
upon various factors such as surface tension of water,
c) None of the mentioned
pressure in water relation to atmospheric pressure, and the
d) All of the mentioned size and conformation of soil pores.

View Answer 3. The surface tension of water (TS) is__________

Answer: a a) 29 dynes per cm

Explanation: There are two possible cases of flow, one is b) 72.8 dynes per cm
parallel to the bedding plane and another is
c) 0.29 dynes per cm
perpendicular to the plane.
d) 2.45 dynes per cm
9. The hydraulic gradient (i) ,used in capillary-permeability test
is____________ View Answer

a) h0+hc/x Answer: b

b) h0/x Explanation: The surface tension = 0.728×10-6 KN/cm at 20°c

c) h0+hc =072.8 dynes per cm.

d) hc/x 4. The coefficient of surface tension depends on which of the

View Answer
a) Chemical nature of liquids
Answer: a
b) Surface area of the liquid
Explanation: The hydraulic head lost in causing of flow =
h0+hc c) Forces acting

Therefore, hydraulic gradient =h0+hc/x. d) Atmospheric pressure

Capillary Water View Answer

1. Capillary water is located in part of ___________ soil mass. Answer: a

a) Within the voids in soil Explanation: Since surface tension is the property of the
molecules on the surface of the liquid body, the
b) Above the ground water surface
coefficient depends on the chemical nature.
c) Pores in the soil mass
5. The meniscus formation in capillary tubes always
d) Surface of soil particles be___________

View Answer a) Convex

Answer: a b) Concave

Explanation: Capillary water is the soil moisture located within c) Equilibrium

the interstices and voids of capillary forces.
d) None of the mentioned
2. The capillary force of water depends on__________
View Answer
a) Surface tension of water
Answer: b
b) Pressure in water
Explanation: Since the soil pores always carry adsorbed
c) Conformation of soil pores water, the meniscus formation in capillary tube will

d) All of the mentioned always be concave.

View Answer 6. When a capillary tube of uniform-section is lifted from the

water surface , water in the tube will be__________
Answer: d
a) Retained
b) Not retained Explanation: In the sandy soil there is no significant force of
attraction between the soil particles, hence it
c) Retained partially
contains pore water.
d) None of the mentioned
10. Coarse grained soil relatively has__________hygroscopic
View Answer capacity.

Answer: a a) High

Explanation: Since the upward force due to surface tension b) Low

are balanced by downward force at the lower end
c) Very low
there will be no water retained in the tube.
d) Very high
7. The height of capillary rise in capillary tube , depends
on____________ View Answer

a) Diameter of the tube Answer: b

b) Surface tension Explanation: Coarse-grained soils have relatively low

hygroscopic moisture due to their limited specific surface.
c) Direction of flow of water
11. The maximum hygroscopic capacity of clay is__________
d) All of the mentioned
a) 1 %
View Answer
b) 3 %
Answer: c
c) 7 %
Explanation: If a capillary tube is of non-uniform diameter
height of capillary rise will be depending upon the d) 17 %

direction of flow of water in the tube. View Answer

8. The formation of concave meniscus in capillary tubes takes Answer: d

place, only if___________
Explanation: The ratio of water adsorbed by dry soil in a
a) Inner tubes is dry saturated atmosphere at a given temperature to the

b) Tube has non-uniform diameter weight of oven-dried soil, has the following average values

c) Inner tube is wet Sands 1% silts 7%, clays 17 %.

d) Diameter of the tube is larger Cased Cast-in-Situ Concrete Piles

View Answer 1. Cased cast-in-situ piles are suitable for_________

Answer: c
a) Seasonal moisture change
Explanation: Concave meniscus will only take place if the
inner walls of the tubes are initially wet. If the walls are b) Dry condition

dry, a depressed convex meniscus will be formed. c) All ground conditions

9. The water in the sandy soil is__________ d) All of the mentioned

a) Pore water View Answer

b) Ground water Answer: c

c) Free water Explanation: Cased cast-in-situ piles are suitable in practically

all ground conditions.
d) Infiltrated water
2. Bored compaction piles are the modification of__________
View Answer
a) Composite piles
Answer: a
b) End bearing piles
Explanation: The advantages of using cased piles are the on-
the-job length flexibility, internal inspection after it is driven.
c) Compaction piles
6. Who was the first to develop a method for placing cast-in-
d) Under-reamed piles situ concrete piles?

View Answer a) McArthur

Answer: c b) A.M. Wellington

Explanation: Bored compaction piles are the modification of c) Raymond

under-reamed piles. These piles are also cast-in-situ piles,
same as under-reamed piles. d) Hiley

3. The types of Raymond concrete piles in use View Answer

Answer: c
a) Raymond standard concrete pile and Raymond step-taper
pile Explanation: In 1897, A.A. Raymond patented the Raymond
pile system and was first develop a practical, economical way
b) Raymond cased pile of placing cast-in-situ

c) None of the mentioned concrete piles.

d) All of the mentioned 7. Raymond concrete pile is reinforced with_________

View Answer a) Corrugated steel shell

Answer: a b) Steel mandrel

Explanation: At present, two types of Raymond piles are in c) Steel bars

use a) Raymond standard concrete pile and b) Raymond
step-taper concrete pile. d) None of the mentioned

4. The Raymond standard pile is used primarily as a________ View Answer

a) Compaction pile Answer: a

b) Tension pile Explanation: The Raymond standard concrete pile consists of

a thin corrugated sheet steel closed at the bottom that act as
c) Friction pile a reinforcement.

d) End bearing pile 8. The type of cased piles used in soil, where the driving is
very hard?
View Answer
a) McArthur cased pile
Answer: c
b) Raymond standard pile
Explanation: The Raymond standard pile is used primarily as
a friction pile since its uniform heavy taper of 1 in 30 usually c) Western button bottom piles
results in shorter piles.
d) Swage pile
5. One of the main advantages of using cased piles
are_________ View Answer

a) On-the-job-length flexibility and Internal inspection after Answer: d

being driven
Explanation: Swage piles are used with advantage in some
b) Protect concrete fillings soil where it is designed to leave watertight shell for some
time before filling the concrete.
c) None of the mentioned
9. Western button bottom piles uses________ for driving.
d) All of the mentioned
a) Concrete plug
View Answer
b) Auger
Answer: a
c) Conical shoe
d) Under-reamer covered with earth backfill.

View Answer 3. Underground conduits can be classified

Answer: a
a) 2
Explanation: The western button pile uses a concrete plug, of
the shape of a button to form an enlarged hole in the soil for b) 4
c) 3
10. The piles that are suitable for end-bearing to friction
friction-load carrying soils is_________ d) 5

a) Swage piles View Answer

b) Union metal monotone piles Answer: c

c) McArthur cased piles Explanation: Based on the type of installations, conduits can
be classified into 3 types:
d) Western button pile
i) Ditch conduits
View Answer
ii) Projecting conduits
Answer: b
iii) Special conduits
Explanation: Monotube piles use tapered fluted steel without
mandrel, so they are suitable for a wide variety of soil 4. Ditch conduits are more commonly used in___________
conditions, from end-bearing to
a) Sewers
friction-load-carrying soils.
b) High way
Classes of Underground Conduits
c) Railway culverts
1. Underground conduits are commonly used for, which of the
following purpose? d) All of the mentioned

a) Sewers View Answer

b) Gas lines Answer: a

c) Culverts Explanation: Since narrow ditch can be installed in a narrow

ditch below ground level, it is more commonly used as
d) All of the mentioned sewers, water mains etc.

View Answer 5. The problem of computing the stress in the vicinity of a

cylindrical tunnel was solved by__________
Answer: d
a) Terzaghi
Explanation: Underground conduits are commonly used as
sewers, drains, and water mains, gas lines, culverts etc. b) Mindlin

2. A ditch conduits can be installed in a__________ c) Biot

a) Shallow bedding d) Rankine

b) Shallow ditch View Answer

c) Narrow ditch Answer: b

d) All of the mentioned Explanation: The problem of computing the stress in the
vicinity of a cylindrical tunnel corresponding to the state of
View Answer elastic equilibrium has been

Answer: c solved more rigorously by Mindlin (1939), using the values of

Explanation: A ditch conduits is the one which is installed in a
narrow ditch, excavated in undistributed soil below ground 6. The transfer of pressure from a yielding part of soil mass to
level, which is then the less yielding part is defined by the term__________
a) Arching c) Less than unity

b) Projecting conduits d) None of the mentioned

c) Stress transfer View Answer

d) None of the mentioned Answer: a

View Answer Explanation: Terzaghi’s experiments shows that the value of K

varies from about unity (i.e., 1) immediately above the Centre
Answer: a of strip to a maximum

Explanation: Arching is defined as the phenomenon of the of 1.5 at approximate height above the strip.
transfer of pressure from a yielding part of the soil mass to an
adjoining less yielding or 10. Which of the following conduits are commonly used in
highway or railway culverts?
restrained part of the mass.
a) Positive/Negative projecting conduits
7. Which of the following conduit is installed in shallow
bedding? b) Negative projecting conduits

a) Ditch conduits c) Ditch conduits

b) Positive projecting conduits d) All of the mentioned

c) Special conduits View Answer

d) Negative projecting conduits Answer: a

View Answer Explanation: Negative and positive projective conduits are

used in highway or railway culverts as both can be covered
Answer: b with an embankment.

Explanation: A passive projecting conduit is the one which is Clay Minerals

installed in shallow bedding, with its top projecting above the
natural ground and which 1. There are__________fundamental building blocks for the
clay mineral structures.
is then covered with an embankment.
a) 3
8. Which of the following values of K0 is used to compute the
stress in the vicinity of a cylindrical tunnel? b) 5

a) K0 = 1 c) 4

b) K0 = μ / 1-μ d) 2

c) K0 = 0 View Answer

d) All of the mentioned Answer: d

View Answer Explanation: Silica tetrahedral unit and octahedral unit are the
2 building blocks of clay mineral.
Answer: d
2. In silica tetrahedral unit, the silicon structure is enclosed
Explanation: The problem of computing the stress in the by__________
vicinity of a cylindrical tunnel corresponding to the state of
elastic equilibrium has been a) Oxygen

solved by Mindlin using the following valued of K0: b) Hydroxyls

i) K0 = 1 ii) K0 = μ / 1-μ iii) K0 = 0 c) Aluminum

9. Terzaghi’s experiment show that the value of K (empirical d) None of the mentioned
constant) varies from about________above the Centre of
strip. View Answer

a) unity Answer: a

b) zero
Explanation: In silica tetrahedral unit, four oxygen or hydroxyls View Answer
have the configuration of tetra hadron.
Answer: a
3. Octahedral unit, consist atoms of __________ element.
Explanation: The kaolinite structural unit is made up of
a) Aluminum atom gibbsite sheet with aluminum atoms at their centers.

b) Oxygen atom 7. In kaolinite crystal, the layers are held by_________ bond.

c) Magnesium atom a) Ionic bond

d) All of the mentioned b) Cationic linkage

View Answer c) Hydrogen bond

Answer: d d) Electro static bond

Explanation: In octahedral unit, aluminum, iron or magnesium View Answer

atom are enclosed in six hydroxyls having the
Answer: c
configuration of an octahedron.
Explanation: Since kaolinite is stable and water is unable to
4. The silicon sheet is represented by___________ symbol. penetrate between the layers, they are held by a

a) trapezoidal fairly strong bond of hydrogen.

b) rectangle 8. Kaolinite exhibit the characteristic of ___________

c) triangle a) Shrinkage limit

d) none of the mentioned b) Plasticity

View Answer c) All of the mentioned

Answer: a d) None of the mentioned

Explanation: The silicon sheet is represented by trapezoidal View Answer

symbol, representing the oxygen basal layer and
Answer: b
hydroxyl apex layer.
Explanation: The platelets in kaolinite carry negative charges
5. The 15 clay minerals are mainly divided in to________ which attract thick layers of adsorbed water thereby
producing plasticity.
a) 3 groups
9. An Example of kaolinite crystal or mineral is___________
b) 2 groups
a) China clay
c) 9 groups
b) Crystal
d) 4 groups
c) Clay mineral
View Answer
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: d
View Answer
Explanation: Clay minerals are classified into 3 groups of
kaolin, montmorillonite, illite and palygorskite. Answer: a

6. The kaolinite structural unit is made up of____________ Explanation: China clay show the property of plasticity, when
layer or sheet. mixed with water therefore it can be taken as an

a) Gibbsite sheet example for kaolinite crystal.

b) Silica sheet 10. The illite crystal has a great tendency

of_______________ properties.
c) Oxygen layer
a) Swelling
d) Aluminum sheet
b) To split in to ultimate platelets Explanation: The design of rigid rectangular footing consists in
determining the location of center of gravity of the column
c) High shrinkage loads and using length and

d) None of the mentioned width dimension such that centroid of footing and the center of
gravity of columns loads coincide.
View Answer
2. If the independent spread footing of two columns are
Answer: b connected by a beam, it is called___________

Explanation: The cationic bond of illite is weaker than the a) Combined footing
hydrogen bond of kaolinite, but is stronger in water
b) Trapezoidal combined footing
bond. Due to this, illite crystal has a great tendency to split in
to ultimate platelets. c) Strap footing

11. The structure of illite is similar to that of__________ d) Raft footing

View Answer
a) Kaolinite
Answer: c
b) Dickite
Explanation: In strap footing, two independent columns are
c) Montmorillonite supported by as trap or beam at the bottom.

d) Attapulgite 3. Which of the following condition is true regarding the

transfer of load from strap to soil, used in strap footing?
View Answer
a) Transfer load to soil
Answer: c
b) Does not transfer load to soil
Explanation: Both illite and montmorillonite is made up of
sheet like unit. c) Partially transfer to load

12. The thickness of each sheet in montmorillonite d) None of the mentioned

View Answer
a) 5 Å
Answer: b
b) 7 Å
Explanation: The strap used does not remain in contact with
c) 10 Å soil, and thus does not transfer any pressure to the soil.

d) 15 Å 4. When the allowable soil is low or the building loads are

heavy, the footing used is___________
View Answer
a) Raft footing
Answer: d
b) Strap footing
Explanation: Thickness of montmorillonite, T= 7×10-10mm
c) Trapezoidal combined footing
T=7 Å.
d) Rectangular combined footing
Combined Footing and Strap Footing
View Answer
1. The design of rigid rectangular combined footing consist in
determining the____________ Answer: a

a) Pressure distribution Explanation: When the allowable soil pressure is low, or the
building loads are heavy, the use of spread footings would
b) Location of center of gravity of column cover more than one-half of the

c) Shear force area and it may prove more economical to use mat or raft
d) Safe bearing pressure
5. If the resultant of the soil pressure coincide with the
View Answer
resultant of the loads, the soil is pressure is assumed to
Answer: b be____________
a) Non-uniformly View Answer

b) Uniformly distributed Answer: b

c) Zero Explanation: It is assumed that the combined footings are

rigid and rests on a homogeneous soil, so as to give rise to a
d) None of the mentioned linear stress distribution on the

View Answer bottom of the footing.

Answer: b 9. The design procedure of strap footing is essentially that

Explanation: If the resultant of the soil pressure coincides with
the resultant of the loads and the center of gravity of the a) Direct method
footing, the soil pressure is
b) Trial and error method
assumed to be uniformly distributed.
c) Graphical method
6. In designing rectangular combined
footing,_________should be adopted as the design value. d) None of the mentioned

a) Stress distribution View Answer

b) Compression index Answer: b

c) Maximum bending moment Explanation: The designing of strap or cantilever footing is

based on trial and error method, it begins with a trial value of
d) Safe bearing pressure e, so that the length L1 is

View Answer known. The calculations are repeated with another value of e
till values of the reactions R1 and R2 calculated by both the
Answer: c procedure, coincide.

Explanation: The maximum bending moment should be 10. What will be the shape of footing if a=0, is substituted in
adopted as the design value for the reinforced concrete the pressure intensity equation “q2 = a. qs”?
rectangular footing, which should also
a) Rectangular
be checked for maximum shear and bond etc.
b) Triangular
7. For a rectangular combined footing, x̅ is given
as___________ c) Trapezoidal

a) x̅ =L/2 d) Circular

b) L/3 < x̅ < L/2 View Answer

c) x̅ =L/3 Answer: b

d) None of the mentioned Explanation: In the pressure intensity equation q2 = a. qs, if

a= 0 we have a triangle with x̅ = L/3..
View Answer
Constant and Falling
Answer: a
Head Permeability Test
Explanation: For a rectangular combined footing, x̅ =L/2 and
for a trapezoidal combined footing solutions lies between the Falling Head Permeability Test”.
limits L/3 < x̅ < L/2.
1. Falling head permeability test can be used for___________
8. Generally combined footing is assumed to rest
on___________ a) Coarse-grained soil

a) Cohesive soil b) Less permeable soil

b) Homogeneous soil c) Clayey soil

c) Cohesion-less soil d) All of the mentioned

d) Non homogeneous soil View Answer

Answer: b b) Coarse-grained soil

Explanation: Falling head test is used for relatively less c) Clay soil
permeable soils where the discharge is small.
d) Saturated soil
2. Which of the following formula is used in Falling head
permeability test? View Answer

a) Jacky’s formula Answer: b

b) Louden’s formula Explanation: Coarse-grained soil, for which a reasonable

discharge can be collected in a given time, is used in
c) Darcy’s law
constant test.
d) Kozney’s formula
6. The laboratory observation falling head test consist of
View Answer measurements of____________

Answer: c a) h1 at an interval of t1 and h2 at an interval of t2

Explanation: In falling head permeability test, Darcy’s law is b) only t1 and t2

used from which the rate of flow q, can be used
c) None of the mentioned
q = K i A.
d) All of the mentioned
3. In falling head permeability test apparatus, the water head
at any time instant is equal to____________ View Answer

a) Difference in the water level Answer: a

b) Cross-sectional area of pipe Explanation: The laboratory measurement of falling head

permeability test consists of measurement of the heads
c) Height of permeameter
h1 and h2 at two chosen time intervals t1 and t2.
d) None of the mentioned
7. Which of the following tubes are used in constant head
View Answer test?

Answer: b a) Inlet tube

Explanation: The head h1 and h2 at any time instant t is equal b) Overflow tube
to the difference in the water level in the stand
c) Outlet tube
pipe and the bottom tank.
d) All of the mentioned
4. In constant permeability test, the length of specimen is
measured by___________ View Answer

a) Calculating the difference in water level Answer: d

b) Using Piezometric tube Explanation: The constant head test apparatus consist of
three tubes: the inlet tube, the overflow tube and outlet
c) Using measuring scale
d) None of the mentioned
8. In falling head permeability test, change in the head at a
View Answer time interval dt is denoted as___________

Answer: b a) dh

Explanation: In constant head test, the length of the sample is b) –dh

measured by inserting piezometric tubes on top
c) h
and bottom.
d) –h
5. The constant head permeability test is used
for___________ View Answer

a) Fine-grained soil Answer: b

Explanation: -dh is used to denote change in a smaller time Explanation: According to wedge theory, the forces acting on
interval dt, the minus sign has been used since h a wedge of soil are: its weight W, the reaction R

decreases as t increases. along the plane of sliding and the active thrust against the
retaining wall.
Coulomb’s Wedge
4. The active lateral pressure of intact saturated clays is
Theory calculated by assuming__________

1. The wedge theory of earth pressure is based on the a) φ=0 and φc=0
concept of_________
b) φ=90
a) Active earth pressure
c) None of the mentioned
b) Sliding wedge
d) All of the mentioned
c) Wall friction
View Answer
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a
View Answer
Explanation: The active lateral pressure of intact saturated
Answer: b clays for temporary works or immediately after

Explanation: The wedge theory of earth pressure is based on construction of retaining wall is calculated by assuming
the concept of a sliding wedge which is torn off φ=φc=0.

from the rest of the backfill on movement of the wall. 5. The forces acting on the trial wedge which is used for
finding Rankine’s active earth pressure is__________
2. Which of the following is a basic assumption of the wedge
theory? a) Weight W of the wedge

a) The slip surface is plane b) Resultant force

b) The backfill is dry c) Resultant reaction between wedge and sol

c) The backfill is homogeneous d) All of the mentioned

d) All of the mentioned View Answer

View Answer Answer: d

Answer: d Explanation: The three forces acting on a trial wedge are: i)

the resultant force that exist between the free body
Explanation: Based on the assumptions of the wedge theory:
and the wall ii) the weight W of the wedge iii) the resultant
1 The backfill is dry, cohesion less, homogeneous, isotropic, reaction between the wedges and the rest of the soil
and elastically undeformable.
along the surface.
2 The slip surface is plane which passes through the heel of
the wall 6. The Rankine’s active earth pressure can also be found out
by method of_____________
3 The sliding wedge itself acts as a rigid body.
a) Trial wedges
3. The force acting on a wedge of soil are____________
b) Graphical method
a) Frictional force
c) Sliding wedge
b) Weight of the wedge and Active thrust
d) Theoretical calculation
c) None of the mentioned
View Answer
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a
View Answer
Explanation: The Rankine’s active earth pressure (assuming
Answer: b the wall to be smooth) can be found out by method

of trial wedges.
7. Based on the assumptions of the wedge theory, pressure Darcy’s Law
distribution is assumed to be__________
1. What are the types of water flow in soil?
a) Planar
a) Turbulent flow and Laminar flow
b) Hydrostatic
b) Linear flow
c) Equal
c) None of the mentioned
d) Distributed
d) All of the mentioned
View Answer
View Answer
Answer: b
Answer: a
Explanation: The assumption is based on that, the total
pressure distribution is hydrostatic,i.e., triangular Explanation: The flow of water through soils may be either a
laminar flow or turbulent flow.
8. In Coulomb’s wedge theory, the angle λ is referred
as___________ 2. In what way, do the fluid particles travel in a turbulent flow?

a) Angle of wall friction a) Twisting

b) Surcharge angle b) Crossing

c) Critical slip angle c) Re-crossing

d) None of the mentioned d) Definite path

View Answer View Answer

Answer: c Answer: d

Explanation: In wedge theory the angle between the slip plane Explanation: In laminar flow, each fluid particles travels along
and the ground is called the critical angle λ. a definite path which never crosses the path of any other
9. The φ-line in wedge theory can also be called
as__________ 3. Gravels are__________permeable.

a) Surcharge line a) Highly

b) Natural slope line and Repose line b) Least

c) None of the mentioned c) Partially

d) All of the mentioned d) All of the mentioned

View Answer View Answer

Answer: b Answer: a

Explanation: The φ-line shows a plane inclined at an angle φ Explanation: The pore size in gravel is larger, hence the
to the horizontal at which the soil is expected to gravels are highly permeable than sand which is least
stay in the absence of any lateral support. The line therefore
is called the natural slope line or repose line. 4. The law of flow of water through soil was first studied
10. In coulomb’s wedge theory, the criterion for maximum
active pressure is present at___________ a) Taylor

a) Slip-plane b) Darcy

b) Repose line c) Lambe

c) Surcharge line d) Khosla

d) Ground line View Answer

View Answer a Answer: b

Explanation: In 1856, Darcy studied the law of flow of water Explanation: For fine sand, the coefficient of permeability is
through soil and demonstrated experimentally the laminar flow 0.05 to 0.001 cm /sec or
5×10-2 to 1×10-3.
5. Which of the following equation defines Darcy’s law?
8. Darcy’s law is valid for only___________
a) q=KA
a) Laminar flow
b) q=K/A
b) Turbulent flow
c) q=K i A
c) Hydraulic flow
d) q=K i/A
d) All of the mentioned
View Answer
View Answer
Answer: c
Answer: a
Explanation: According to Darcy’s law, the rate of flow or
discharge per unit area is proportional to the hydraulic Explanation: Darcy’s la of linear dependency between the
gradient . velocity of flow and hydraulic agent is valid for only laminar
flow conditions in the soil.
6/28/2018 Darcys Law - Geotechnical Engineering Questions
and Answers - Sanfoundry 9. Darcy’s law is valid as long as it is equal to or less
questions-answers-darcys-law/ 4/8 a) 1

qαi b) 0

q = K i A, where K =Darcy’s coefficient of permeability c) 0.1

A = total cross-sectional area. d) 2

6. Coefficient of permeability or simple permeability is View Answer

expressed in terms of ____________
Answer: a
a) cm/sec
Explanation: In 1933, Lewis and Barnes demonstrated
b) m/day experimentally that Darcy’s law is valid if it is ≤ 1.

c) feet/day 10. Stiff clays are______________permeable.

d) all of the mentioned a) Highly

View Answer b) Least

Answer: d c) Partially

Explanation: As the dimension of the coefficient of d) None of the mentioned

permeability k are same as those of velocity. It is expressed in
terms of cm/sec or m/day or View Answer

feet/day. Answer: b

7. The co-efficient of permeability of fine sand Explanation: As stiff clay does not contain any porous
is____________ materials, it may be termed as least permeable or
a) 1.0 and greater
11. The study of seepage of water through soil is important
b) 1×10-6 and smaller for, which of the following purpose?

c) 1×10-2 to 5×10 -3 a) Drainage of soils

d) 5×10-2 to 1×10-3 b) Stability of slopes

View Answer c) Ground water flow towards well

Answer: d d) All of the mentioned

View Answer a) Simple shear test

Answer: d b) Stress test

Explanation: The study of seepage of water through soil is c) Strain controlled shear box test
important for the following engineering problem
d) All of the mentioned
1. Ground water towards soil and drainage of soil
View Answer
2. Calculation of seepage through the body of earth dams
,and stability of slopes. Answer: b

Direct Shear Test Explanation: Since the shearing strain is made to increase at
a constant rate in direct shear test, and hence the test is
This set of Geotechnical Engineering Multiple Choice called the Strain controlled
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Direct Shear Test”.
shear box test.
1. Shearing resistance can be determined in the laboratory
by_________methods. 4. The commonly used apparatus used for performing shear
box test is___________
a) 2
a) Shear-box apparatus
b) 6
b) Bishop’s pore pressure apparatus
c) 4
c) Tri axial shear test apparatus
d) 8
d) None of the mentioned
View Answer
View Answer
Answer: c
Answer: a
Explanation: shearing resistance can be determined in the
laboratory by following four methods Explanation: Shear-box test is most commonly used
apparatus for direct shear test.
1) Direct shear test
5. To conduct un-drained test, which of the following is used?
2) Tri axial shear test
a) Slope grids
3) Unconfined shear test
b) Perforated grids
4) Vane shear test.
c) Plain grids
2. Which of the following shear test is developed based on
drainage conditions? d) All of the mentioned

a) Quick test and Consolidated un drained test View Answer

b) Direct shear test Answer: c

c) None of the mentioned Explanation: To conduct un-drained test, plane grids are used
and for the drained test, perforated grids are used.
d) All of the mentioned
6. The drained test is also known as___________
View Answer
a) Direct shear test
Answer: a
b) Slow test
Explanation: Depending upon drainage conditions, three
types of shear tests have been developed: c) Vane shear test

a) Un-drained test or quick test d) Quick test

b) Consolidated un-drained test View Answer

c) Drained test. Answer: b

3. The direct shear test can also be called as___________

Explanation: In drained test, perforated grids are sheared b) Edges
sufficiently slowly so that complete dissipation of pore
pressure takes place. c) Top and bottom

7. Which of the following is a disadvantage of shear box test? d) All of the mentioned

a) Stress condition of soil is complex View Answer

b) The test cannot be used for coarse grained soil Answer: b

c) No control on the drainage of soil Explanation: In direct shear test, the stress condition across
the soil sample are very complex, the stress is more at the
d) The shear box test is more complex test edges and less in the

View Answer Centre. Due to this there is a progressive failure of the

Answer: a
Steady Flow to a
Explanation: The stress condition across the soil sample is
very complex. The distribution of normal stresses and Well : Dupuit’s Theory
shearing stresses over the
1. Which of the following test is commonly adopted for
potential surface of sliding is not uniform. The entire strength determining soil permeability of soil formations?
of the soil is not mobilized simultaneously.
a) Pumping-in test and Pumping-out test
8. The shearing of cohesive soil in drained test
requires___________days. b) Horizontal capillary test

a) 2 c) None of the mentioned

b) 1 to 2 d) All of the mentioned

c) 2 to 5 View Answer

d) 1 Answer: a

View Answer Explanation: Pumping-out test is the frequently used field

method, as it involves discharging water from the
Answer: c
Explanation: As the soil in drained test is sheared sufficiently
slowly so that complete dissipation of pore pressure takes 2. The value of specific yield SY, of an aquifer depends
place, it takes 2 to 5 days on___________

long for shearing cohesive type of soil. a) Grain size

9. A major difference between the direct shear test and tri b) Compaction of stratum
axial shear test is_____________
c) Grain shape
a) Control on the drainage level
d) All of the mentioned
b) Stress condition
View Answer
c) None of the mentioned
Answer: d
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: Since specific yield is the volume of water
View Answer drained, the drainage of water depend on grain size,

Answer: a shape and compaction of stratum in the soil.

Explanation: As compared to the tri axial system, there is a 3. Specific yield of unconfined aquifer indicates__________
little control on the drainage of soil in direct shear test.
a) Water capacity
10. In direct shear test, the soil load is subjected to more
stress at_____________ b) Volume of water

a) Centre c) Water retained

d) All of the mentioned b) Co-efficient of transmissibility

View Answer c) Radial flow of water

Answer: a d) Volume of aquifer

Explanation: Specific yield is an indication of the water View Answer

yielding capacity of an unconfined aquifer.
Answer: c
4. Dupuit’s theory was later modified by_________
Explanation: The analysis of radial flow of water to a well was
a) Thiem originally proposed by Dupuit’s theory.

b) Darcy 8. The co-efficient of transmissibility (T) of an aquifer is given

by which of the following equation?
c) Alam Singh
a) T=b k
d) Louden
b) T=b/k
View Answer
c) T=(b k)2
Answer: a
d) T=k/b
Explanation: The theory proposed by Dupuit’s on radial flow
was modified by Thiem in 1906. View Answer

5. The parabolic depression in the aquifer is called Answer: a

Explanation: The coefficient of transmissibility T is equals the
a) Cone of depression and Drawdown curve field of co-efficient of permeability K multiplied by

b) Parabolic curve the aquifer thickness b:

c) None of the mentioned T=b k.

d) All of the mentioned 9. According to Dupuit’s theory ,the velocity of flow is

proportional to__________
View Answer
a) Sine of hydraulic gradient
Answer: a
b) Tangent of hydraulic gradient
Explanation: The parabolic depression formed, when water is
pumped from aquifer through well can be called as c) None of the mentioned

cone of depression or the drawdown surface. d) All of the mentioned

6. In most of the confined aquifers ,the value of storage View Answer

coefficient ranges between__________
Answer: b
a) 0.05 to 0.0005
Explanation: Based on the assumption proposed by Dupuit’s
b) 0.5 to 0.005 theory, the velocity of flow is proportional to the

c) 0.00005 to 0.005 tangent of the hydraulic agent instead of its sine.

d) 0 to 5 10. Dupuit’s theory states that, the Darcy’s law equation is not
valid near_________
View Answer
a) Well face
Answer: c
b) Top Surface of well
Explanation: By pumping test method, the value of storage
coefficient ranges was found to be in between c) Sides of the well

0.00005 to 0.005. d) All of the mentioned

7. Which of the following is depicted by Dupuit’s theory? View Answer

a) The velocity of flow Answer: a

Explanation: Since the flow of water is not horizontal near wall a) Water content and Maximum dry density
and the flow no longer remains laminar .
b) Saturation of soil
Factors Affecting Compaction
c) None of the mentioned
1. Which of the following factors affects compacted density?
d) All of the mentioned
a) Water content and Type of compaction
View Answer
b) Degree of saturation
Answer: a
c) None of the mentioned
Explanation: The amount of compaction affects maximum dry
d) All of the mentioned density and optimum water content of a given soil. The effect
of increasing the
View Answer
compactive energy results in an increase in the maximum dry
Answer: a density and decrease in the optimum water content.

Explanation: Water content, type of soil, addition of 5. Higher density and a lower optimum water content is easily
admixtures, amount and type of compaction are the various achieved by_________
factors which affect the compacted
a) Coarse grained soil
b) Fine grained soil
2. The compacted density is increased when the water
content of the soil is_________ c) Cohesion less soil

a) Increased d) Saturated soil

b) Decreased View Answer

c) Constant Answer: a

d) None of the mentioned Explanation: Well graded coarse-grained soil attains a much
higher density and lower water optimum water content then
View Answer fine grained soil which

Answer: a requires more water.

Explanation: It has been seen from laboratory experiment 6. The dry density decreases in cohesion less soil with
that, as the water content is increased the compact density increase in water content due to which of the following
goes on increasing, until a reasons?

maximum dry density is achieved after which further addition a) Capillary rise
of water decreases the density.
b) Bulking of sand
3. The force which is responsible for withholding of soil
particles, of lower content is__________ c) Degree of saturation

a) Vander Waals force d) Water content

b) Electric force View Answer

c) Frictional force Answer: b

d) Cationic linkage Explanation: In case of cohesion less soil the dry density
decreases with an increase in water content under a low
View Answer compactive effect, this is due to

Answer: b bulking of sands where in the capillary tension resists the

tendency of soil particles to take a density state.
Explanation: When only a relatively small amount of water is
present in soil, it is firmly held by the electrical forces at the 7. The maximum density is reached in cohesion less soil
surface of soil particles when the soil is_________

with a high concentration of electrolyte. a) Zero water content

4. The amount of compaction greatly affects___________ b) Partially saturated

c) Fully saturated Answer: b

d) Maximum specific surface Explanation: The attainment of maximum density at full

saturation is due to the reduction of effective pressure
View Answer between soil particles by hydrostatic

Answer: c Factors Affecting

Explanation: The density reaches the maximum value when Permeability

the cohesion less soil is fully saturated, on further addition of
water, the dry density 1. Based on Allen Hazen experiments, permeability can be
expressed as___________
again increases.
a) K=CD102
8. The maximum bulking of sand occurs at a water content
between___________ b) K=CD210

a) 4 to 5 % c) K=DC210

b) 2 to 6 % d) K=DC102

c) 4 to 8 % View Answer

d) 1 to 5 % Answer: a Explanation : In 1892 ,Allen Hazen based on his

experiment on filter of sand particles between 0.1 and
View Answer
3 mm ,found that the permeability can be expressed as
Answer: a K=CD102.

Explanation: The maximum bulking occurs at water content 2. Which of the following factors affects the permeability of
between 4 to 5 % .on further additions of water, the meniscus soil?
is destroyed and the soil
a) Grain size
particles are able to shift to a closer packing.
b) Properties of pore fluid
9. The initial decrease of dry density at lower water content is
exhibited in____________type of soil. c) Void ratio of soils

a) Fine grained soil d) All of the mentioned

b) Black cotton soil View Answer

c) Alluvial soil Answer: d

d) Cohesion soil Explanation: Grain size, properties of pore fluid, structural soil
arrangement of soil particles, entrapped air and
View Answer
foreign matter and adsorbed water.
Answer: b
3. Physical permeability of a soil KP is related to coefficient of
Explanation: The initial decrease of dry density at lower water permeability by the equation___________
content is a characteristic feature of black cotton soils, high
swelling clays and fat a) KP=kɳ

clays. The optimum water content for such soils ranges b) KP=kɳ/γW
between 20 to 25 %.
c) KP=k/ɳ
10. The attainment of maximum density of soil at full
saturation is due to__________ d) KP=k γW

a) Lubrication action View Answer

b) Hydrostatic pressure Answer: b

c) Bulking of sand Explanation: In 1937, Muskat pointed out a relationship

between physical permeability and Darcy’s coefficient of
d) None of the mentioned
permeability as KP=kɳ/γW.
View Answer
4. Loudon’s experiments demonstrated the relationship 7. What is the effect of adsorbed water on permeability of
between_____________ soil?

a) Permeability and specific surface a) Structural arrangement is varied

b) Permeability and grain size b) Reduced degree of saturation

6/28/2018 Factors Affecting Permeability - Geotechnical c) Size of the particles is diminished

Engineering Questions and Answers - Sanfoundry
d) Reduces the pore size
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c) Permeability and adsorbed water Answer: d

d) Permeability and volume Explanation: The adsorbed water surrounding the fine soil
particles is not free to move, and reduces the effective
View Answer
pore space available for the passage of water.
Answer: a
8. What is the approximate value, which can be taken as void
Explanation: Loudon’s experiment demonstrated that, the ratio occupied by adsorbed water?
permeability of coarse grained soils is inversely
a) 1
proportional to the specific surface at a given porosity.
b) 0
5. What is the constant value of a and b in Loudon’s empirical
formula “log10(KSs2) =a + bn”? c) 0.1

a) 1 and 0 d) 10

b) 1.515 and 1.365 View Answer

c) 1.365 and 1.515 Answer: c

d) 0 and 1 Explanation: According to approximation value after

casagrande, 0.1 may be taken as the void ratio occupied by
View Answer
adsorbed water.
Answer: c
9. The effect of structural disturbance is on permeability is
Explanation: Based on his experiments, Loudon found out the more in_____________
value of a and b s 1.365 and 1.515 for permeability
a) Fine-grained soil
of 10°c.
b) Coarse grained soil
6. What is the relationship between permeability and viscosity
of water? c) Clay soil

a) Directly proportional d) All of the mentioned

b) Inversely proportional View Answer

c) Both are equal Answer: a

d) None of the mentioned Explanation: The effect of structural disturbance on

permeability is much pronounced in fine-grained soil than any
View Answer
Answer: b
10. The structural arrangement of soil Particle vary depending
Explanation: From Poiseuille’s law, K=Ds2 γw /ɳ upon______________

It is found that permeability is directly proportional to the unit a) Method of deposition and Compacting the soil mass
weight of water and inversely proportional to its
b) Degree of saturation
c) None of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned 1. Smooth level rollers

View Answer 2. Pneumatic tyred rollers

Answer: a 3. Sheep foot rollers

Explanation: The structural arrangement of the particle may 4. Pneumatic tyred construction plant
vary, at the same void ratio, depending upon the
5. Track laying vehicles.
method of deposition or compacting the soil mass.
3. Sheep-foot-rollers is most suitable for
11. How do degree of saturation effect permeability of soil? compacting____________

a) By reducing the pore size a) Fine-grained soil

b) By entrapping air in the voids b) Cohesive soil

c) Not allowing soil particles to move freely c) Cohesion-less soil

d) By changing the void ratio d) Clay soil

View Answer View Answer

Answer: b Answer: b

Explanation: By entrapping the air in the voids present in soil, Explanation: Sheet-foot-rollers are recommended for
the permeability is greatly reduced, thus reducing compacting cohesive soils, but are not considered effective

the degree of saturation. on coarse grained cohesion-less soil.

Field Compaction 4. The tyre pressures in the smaller rollers are in the order
a) 250 kN/m
1. The number of layers of soil compaction depends
on___________ b) 400 kN/m

a) Type of soil and Amount of compaction required c) 500 kN/m

b) Water content of soil d) 100 kN/m

c) None of the mentioned View Answer

d) All of the mentioned Answer: a

View Answer Explanation: Smaller rollers are having a tyre load of about
7.5kN and pressure in the order of 250 kN/m .
Answer: a
5. Which of the following rollers have wheels, mounted at
Explanation: The number of soil layers and number of tamps slight angle with respect to axle?
per layers depend upon the type of soil and the
a) Sheep foot roller
amount of compaction required.
b) Smooth wheel roller
2. The rolling equipment’s are of__________types.
c) Wobble wheel roller
a) 5
d) Tandem roller
b) 4
View Answer
c) 2
Answer: c
d) 3
Explanation: To provide a kneading action, the wobble wheel
View Answer rollers have wheels mounted at slight angle with

Answer: a respect to the axle.

Explanation: the rolling equipment’s are of five types:

6. The performance of a compaction equipment depends View Answer
Answer: d
a) Soil type
Explanation: Due to the combined action of pressure and
b) Water type kneading makes pneumatic rollers best suitable for

c) Particle size distribution cohesion-less sand and gravels and, and on cohesive soils.

d) All of the mentioned 10. The foot pressure in sheep foot rollers ranges
View Answer
a) 800-350 kN/m
Answer: d
b) 800-3500 kN/m
Explanation: The performance of compaction equipment
depends on the soil type, its particle distribution and its c) 300-1500 kN/m

water content. d) 350 kN/m

7. Which of the following type of vibrating unit used in a View Answer

Answer: b
a) Out-of balance weight type and Pulsating hydraulic type
Explanation: For sheep foot rollers, the foot pressure ranges
b) Piston hydraulic type from 800 to 3500 kN/m .

c) None of the mentioned Stability Analysis of Finite Slopes

d) All of the mentioned 1. A basic type of failure at a finite slope may occur due
View Answer
a) Slope failure and Base failure
Answer: a
b) Toe failure
Explanation: The vibrators consist of vibrating unit of either
the out-balance weight type or a pulsating hydraulic c) None of the mentioned

type mounted on a screed, plate or roller. d) All of the mentioned

8. Jumping rammers that are used for compacting the soil is View Answer
also known as____________
Answer: a
a) Frog rammers
Explanation: The two basic types of failure of a finite slope
b) Combustion rammers may occur: (i) slope failure (ii) base failure.

c) Pneumatic rammers 2. If the failure occurs along a surface of sliding that intersect
the slope at its toe, the slide is known as___________
d) None of the mentioned
a) Base failure
View Answer
b) Slope failure
Answer: a
c) Face failure
Explanation: Internal combustion type jumping rammers are
also known as frog rammers. They weigh up to 10 d) All of the mentioned

tons. View Answer

9. Pneumatic tyred rollers are best suited for____________ Answer: b

a) Cohesion-less sand Explanation: If the failure occurs along a sliding that intersects
the slopes at or above its toe, the slide is known as slope
b) Cohesive soils failure.

c) Cohesion-less gravels 3. The types of slip surface or failure surfaces

d) All of the mentioned
a) 4 a) Bishop’s method

b) 2 b) Swedish circle method

c) 3 c) Friction circle method

d) 5 d) All of the mentioned

View Answer View Answer

Answer: 3 Answer: d

Explanation: The types of failure surface are: i) Planar failure Explanation: The stability of a finite slope can be investigated
surface ii) circular failure surface iii) Non-circular failure by the following methods:
i) Culmann’s method of planar failure surface
4. The ratio of total depth to depth H is called_________
ii) The Swedish circle method
a) Depth factor
iii) Friction circle method
b) Slope depth
iv) Bishop’s method.
c) Depth failure
8. According to Bennet, non-circular slip surface may arise
d) Base failure in___________

View Answer a) Non homogeneous dam

Answer: a b) Embankment dams

Explanation: The ratio of the total depth (H + D) to depth H is c) Homogeneous dam

called the depth factor Df .
d) Soil deposit with a specific plane of weakness
5. The depth factor Df for toe failure is___________
View Answer
a) Df > 1
Answer: c
b) Df > 1
Explanation: According to Bennet (1951), non-circular or
c) Df = 1 composite slip surface may arise in homogeneous dam have
foundation of infinite depth,
d) Df = 0
rigid boundary planes of maximum and presence of stronger
View Answer or weaker layer.

Answer: c 9. The rupture mass sliding down a surface in a definite

pattern resembles__________
Explanation: For toe failure, Df = 1; for base failure, Df > 1.
a) Curve
6. Planar surface commonly occur in__________
b) Cycloid
a) Embankment with specific plane of weakness
c) Ellipse
b) All embankments
d) Circle
c) Soil deposit
View Answer
d) Foundation of infinite depth
Answer: b
View Answer
Explanation: Collin observed that the rupture mass slide down
Answer: a a sliding surface, in a definite pattern resembling that of a
Explanation: Planar failure surface may commonly occur in a
soil deposit or embankment with a specific plane of 10. In stability computation, the curve representing the real
weakness. surface of sliding is usually replaced

7. The stability of a finite slope can be investigated by which by___________

of the following method?
a) Arc of circle and Logarithmic failure c) Forchheimer

b) Cycloid d) Kozney

c) None of the mentioned View Answer

d) All of the mentioned Answer: c

View Answer Explanation: The graphical method of flow net construction

first given by Forchheimer in 1930, based on trial
Answer: a
Explanation: Failure of finite slopes occurs along a curved
surface. In stability computation the curve is represented by 4. The Darcy’s law governing the flow of water through is
an arc of a circle or related to which of the following law?

logarithmic scale. a) Ohm’s law

Application of Flow b) Stokes law

Net c) Faraday’s law

1. A flow net can be used for which of the following purpose? d) None of the mentioned

a) Determination of seepage View Answer

b) Determination of seepage pressure Answer: a

c) Determination of hydrostatic pressure Explanation: The electric models suggested by ohm, have the
same geometric shape as the soil through which
d) All of the mentioned
the water flows. And both Darcy and ohm’s law have
View Answer corresponding analogous quantities.

Answer: d 5. The flow lines and equipotential lines are____________

Explanation: A flow net can be utilized for determination of a) Parallel

seepage, seepage pressure .hydrostatic pressure,
b) Perpendicular
and exit gradient.
c) Elliptical
2. The portion between two successive flow lines is known
as___________ d) All of the mentioned

a) Field channel View Answer

b) Flow channel Answer: b

c) Open channel Explanation: The flow lines and equipotential lines always
meet at right angles to one another.
d) All of the mentioned
6. The hydrostatic pressure in terms of piezometric head can
View Answer be calculated from which of the following equation?

Answer: b a) hW=h – Z

Explanation: The portion between any two successive flow b) hW=h + Z

lines is called as flow channel and the portion
c) hW =u/γW
enclosed between two successive equipotential lines and
successive flow lines is known as field. d) hW=h/z

3. Who was the first to give graphical method of flow net View Answer
Answer: a
a) Casagrande
Explanation : The equation hW=h – Z ,can be used to plot
b) Darcy pressure net representing lines of equal water
pressure without the saturated soil mass since all the three Explanation: According to practical suggestion given by
quantities in the equation can be expressed a the A.Casagrande, every transition in the shape of curve is

percentage of total hydraulic head H. smooth, being either elliptical or parabolic in shape.

7. The seepage medium can be replaced 10. The exit gradient can be expressed by which of the
by____________electric model having the same geometric following expression?
a) ie =Δ h/i
a) Potential divider
b) ie =Δ h.i
b) Insulator
c) ie =l/h
c) Electric conductor
d) ie =h/i
d) Potentiometer
View Answer
View Answer
Answer: a
Answer: c
Explanation: ie =Δ h /l, represent gradient formula where Δ
Explanation: The seepage medium is replaced by an electric h=potential drop and l is the average of last field in
conductor consisting of water with some salt or
the flow net at exit end.
dilute hydrochloric acid.
Settlement of Footings
8. What will be the hydrostatic pressure if, hW =30 % and Z
=10 %? 1. The total settlement of a footing in clay is considered to be
consisting of___________components.
a) 30%
a) One
b) 10%
b) Three
6/28/2018 Flow Net Application - Geotechnical Engineering
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https://www.sanfoundry.com/geotechnical-engineering- d) Four
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View Answer
c) 40%
Answer: b
d) 50%
Explanation: According to Skempton and Bjerrum, the total
View Answer settlement of a footing in clay may be considered to consist of
three components
Answer: c
S = Si + Sc + Ss.
Explanation: Using the formula, hW= h -Z
2. The component Sc, used in the total settlement of clay
30 = h -10 refers to which of the following?

h=30+10 =40 a) Total settlement

Hydrostatic pressure, h=40 %. b) Consolidation settlement

9. In homogeneous soil ,every transition in the shape of c) Immediate plastic settlement

curves drawn in flow net must be____________
d) Settlement due to secondary consolidation of clay
a) Smooth
View Answer
b) Sharp
Answer: b
c) Rough
Explanation: The three components used in total settlement of
d) All of the mentioned clay are given below:

View Answer Sc = consolidation settlement

Answer: a Si = immediate elastic settlement

Ss = settlement due to secondary consolidation of clay. c) Direct shear test

3. The immediate settlement can be computed from the d) Rankine’s theory

expression, based on____________
View Answer
a) Theory of plasticity
Answer: a
b) Theory of elasticity
Explanation: The modulus of elasticity Es used in the equation
c) Terzaghi’s analysis Si = μ0μ1 q B (1-μ2/Es) is computed from triaxial test data,
d) Pressure distribution
Es = (σ1-σ3)/ΔL / L.
View Answer
7. A combined footing may be rectangular in shape if both the
Answer: b columns carry___________

Explanation: The immediate settlement is the elastic a) Unequal loads

settlement and can be computed from the following
expression based on the theory of elasticity, b) Equal loads

Si =q B (1-μ2/E s) I w. c) No load

4. The influence factor for rigid square footing d) All of the mentioned
View Answer
a) 0.88
Answer: b
b) 0.82
Explanation: The combined footing may be rectangular in
c) 1.06 shape if both the columns carry equal loads, or may be
trapezoidal if they carry unequal loads.
d) 1.70
8. The influence factor Iw for rigid rectangular footing with L /
View Answer B = 1.5 is____________

Answer: b a) 0.88

Explanation: As suggested by BIS Code IS: 8009 Part 1, 1976 b) 0.82

the value of influence factor Iw for rigid footing is 0.82.
c) 1.70
5. The equation for computing immediate settlement “Si =
μ0μ1 q B ( 1-μ2/Es )” was proposed by___________ d) 1.06

a) Janbu View Answer

b) Bjerrum Answer: d

c) Kjaernsli Explanation: Iw = influence factor = 1.06 for rigid rectangular

footing, with L / B =1.5
d) All of the mentioned
= 1.70 for rigid rectangular footing, with L / B =5.
View Answer
Types of Foundation
Answer: d
1. Foundations can be broadly classified under__________
Explanation: In 1966, Janbu, Bjerrum, and Kjaernsli have
proposed the following equation for computing the immediate a) Shallow foundation and Deep foundation
b) Pile foundation
Si = μ0μ1 q B (1-μ2/Es).
c) None of the mentioned
6. The value of Es used in the immediate settlement equation,
can be found out using_____________ d) All of the mentioned

a) Triaxial test View Answer

b) Compression test Answer: a

Explanation: Foundations may be broadly classified under two c) Condition of soil
heads: shallow foundations and deep foundations.
d) All of the mentioned
2. A foundation is said to be shallow, if its depth
is________than its width. View Answer

a) Equal to and Less than Answer: d

b) Greater than Explanation: Both from observations as well as the analytical

studies from elasticity, it is known that the pressure
c) None of the mentioned distribution beneath footing is not

d) All of the mentioned uniform and it depends on the rigidity of footing, the soil type,
and the condition of soil.
View Answer
6. Once the pressure distribution is known___________in the
Answer: a reinforced concrete footing can be calculated.

Explanation: According to Terzaghi, a foundation is shallow if a) Bending moment and Shear force
its depth is equal to or less than its width. In the case of deep
foundations, the depth is b) Bearing pressure

equal to or greater than the width. c) None of the mentioned

3. which of the following, is a type of shallow footing? d) All of the mentioned

a) Spread footing View Answer

b) Pile foundation Answer: a

c) Pier foundation Explanation: Knowing the pressure distribution is known, the

bending moment and shear force can be calculated, and the
d) Well foundation thickness of the structural

View Answer member of the member can be calculated using properties of

reinforced concrete.
Answer: a
7. In conventional design, allowable bearing capacity should
Explanation: The shallow foundations are of the following be taken smaller than which of the following value?
types: spread footing (or simple footing), strap footing,
combined footing, and mat footing or a) Safe bearing capacity and Allowable bearing pressure

raft footing. b) The pressure intensities beneath the footing

4. Which of the below is the most commonly used shallow c) None of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned
a) Strap footing
View Answer
b) Spread footing
Answer: a
c) Combined footing
Explanation: In conventional design, the allowable bearing
d) Raft footing capacity should be taken as the smaller of the following two
values: i) the safe bearing
View Answer
capacity based on ultimate capacity, and ii) the allowable
Answer: b bearing pressure on tolerable settlement.

Explanation: In spread footing, load is transmitted through 8. In cohesive soil, the pressure distribution beneath the
isolated column or wall to the subsoil; hence this is most footing is___________
common type of foundation.
a) Linear
5. The pressure intensity beneath the footing depends
upon___________ b) Non linear

a) Rigidity of the footing c) Zero

b) Soil type d) None of the mentioned

View Answer Answer: c

Answer: a Explanation: In the friction circle method, it is assumed that

the resultant reaction is tangential in the friction circle, since
Explanation: When a footing rests on cohesive soil, the edge the error involved in this
stresses may be very large, but the pressure distribution may
be considered to be linear. assumption is of small magnitude.

9. When do strap footings are used in foundation? 2. The friction circle may be also referred as__________

a) To transfer load of an isolated column a) φ-circle

b) Distance between the columns are long b) Plane circle

c) Two column loads are unequal c) Cohesion circle

d) All of the mentioned d) All of the mentioned

View Answer View Answer

Answer: b Answer: a

Explanation: A strap footing may be used where the distance Explanation: The friction circle having radius r sin φ is also
between the columns is so great that the combined called as φ-circle.
trapezoidal footing becomes quite
3. A circle is considered to be a critical slip circle, if it
narrow, with high bending moment. has___________

10. When two column loads are unequal, which of the a) Maximum factor of safety
possible footing can be provided?
b) Minimum factor of safety
a) Strap footing
c) Maximum radius
b) Raft footing
d) All of the mentioned
c) Trapezoidal combined footing
View Answer
d) Mat footing
Answer: b
View Answer
Explanation: The circle giving minimum factor of safety Fc is
Answer: c considered as a critical slip circle.

Explanation: When the two columns load are unequal, with 4. The factor of safety with respect to cohesion is given by the
the outer column carrying heavier load, and when there is equation____________
space limitation beyond the outer
a) FC = HC / H
column, a trapezoidal footing is provided.
b) FC = C / Cm

c) FC = τf / τ

d) All of the mentioned

View Answer
Friction Circle Method
Answer: b
1. In the friction circle method, it is assumed that the resultant
reaction is___________to the friction circle. Explanation: The factor of safety Fc with respect to cohesive
strength, based on the assumption that the frictional strength
a) Perpendicular has been fully mobilized, is

b) Tangential given by

c) Parallel FC = C / Cm.

d) None of the mentioned 5. The friction circle method assumes the failure surface
View Answer
a) Cycloid View Answer

b) Curve Answer: d

c) Arc of circle Explanation: In the frictional circle radius of Kr sin φ, the factor
K depends on the central angle δ of the slip arc.
d) None of the mentioned

View Answer
Frost Action
Answer: c
1. Frost heave is defined as___________
Explanation: Similar to Culmann’s method, the friction circle
method also assumes the failure surface as the arc of circle. a) Rise of ground water surface

6. The forces acting on a sliding wedge are___________ b) Freezing of water in soil

a) Weight of the wedge c) Increase in volume due to freezing

b) Total frictional force d) None of the mentioned

c) Total cohesive resistance View Answer

d) All of the mentioned Answer: a

View Answer Explanation: Rise of ground water surface in a soil mass due
to frost action is termed as frost heave.
Answer: d
2. If the void ratio is 40% in saturated soil, then the expansion
Explanation: The forces acting on a sliding wedge are i) the of the soil will be__________
weight of the wedge ii) the total frictional resistance or
resultant, and iii) total cohesive a) 5 %

resistance along the slip circle. b) 2.3 %

7. The factor of safety Fc with respect to cohesive strength is c) 3.6 %

based on the assumption that___________
d) 4 %
a) Frictional force is fully mobilized
View Answer
b) Frictional force is zero
Answer: c
c) Total cohesive resistance is zero
Explanation: There is an increase of about 9% in the volume,
d) All of the mentioned when water is converted in to ice .therefore

View Answer Expansion of the soil = 0.009×40

Answer: a =3.6 %.

Explanation: The factor of safety with respect to cohesive 3. What are the types of soils, that are prone to frost action?
strength, based on the assumption that frictional force has
been fully mobilized, and the a) Sand and Silt

equation is given b) Clay

by FC = C / Cm. c) None of the mentioned

8. The factor K, in the radius of the friction circle(Kr sin φ) d) All of the mentioned
depends on____________
View Answer
a) Radius of the frictional circle
Answer: a
b) Frictional resistances offered
Explanation: Only silts and fine sands are prone to frost action
c) Cohesive resistance because these soils have large capillary rise due

d) Central angle of the slip arc to relatively fine particles.

4. What is the maximum capillary tension for a tube of 0.05 b) Frost action
mm diameter at 4°c?
c) Saturation
a) 6.05 KN/m
d) Capillary tension
b) 0.617 KN/m
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: As the water freezes in larger pores, and remain
c) 5.45 KN/m unfrozen in the smaller pore the temperature falls

d) 3.00 KN/m downs.

View Answer 8. Silt soils are more susceptible to frost action

Answer: a
a) Sand soil and Clayey soil
Explanation: Maximum capillary height at 4°c is
b) Gravel soil
(hC) max = 0.3084/d =0.617 m
Capillary tension = (hc) max × γmax
=6.05 KN/m .
5. A well graded soil is said to be frost susceptible if more
than_________ c) None of the mentioned

a) 10 % particle are smaller than 0.002 mm d) All of the mentioned

b) 3 % particle are smaller than 0.002 mm View Answer

c) 3 % particle are smaller than 0.005 mm Answer: a

d) 10 % particle are smaller than 0.005 mm Explanation: Silt soils have more plasticity index than sand
and clays and hence the softening effect due to
View Answer
excess water will be more severe in silts.
Answer: b
9. Soil should possess___________for the formation of ice
Explanation: A well graded soil is reckoned to be frost lens.
susceptible if 3 % particle are smaller than 0.002 mm and
a) Low moisture content
for poor graded soil 10 % particle are smaller than 0.002 mm.
b) High porosity
6. The ground surface up to which water freeze is
called___________ c) High capillarity

a) Frost heave d) All of the mentioned

b) Frost boil View Answer

c) Frost line Answer: c

d) Ice lenses Explanation: For the formation of ice lens and frost heave, soil
should possess high capillarity so that the soil
View Answer
possesses high capacity to pull water.
Answer: c
10. Which of the following is an effect of frost boils?
Explanation: Frost line is the depth or boundary below the
ground surface up to which water may freeze. a) Formation of pot holes

7. The temperature at which the soil freezes in the pores of b) Increased frost depth
the soil depends on__________
c) Formation of capillary saturation
a) Pore size
d) All of the mentioned c) To keep the bore holes vertical

View Answer d) To set the guide assembly in position

Answer: a View Answer

Explanation: Due to frost boils, there is a formation of pot Answer: c

holes by extrusion of soft soil and water under the
Explanation: The used of boring guide is essential in order to
dynamic action of wheel loads. keep the bore holes vertical and also in its position.

11. Which of the following action can be used to prevent deep 3. Which of the following stages are involved in the
frost penetration in the ground surface in building? construction of under reamed piles?

a) Removing the frost susceptible soil a) Concreting of piles and Boring by auger

b) Placing insulating blankets of sand and gravel b) Concreting the funnel

c) Providing proper drainage c) None of the mentioned

d) Interposing a pervious gravel blanket d) All of the mentioned

View Answer View Answer

Answer: b Answer: a

Explanation: Placing insulating blankets of 15 to 30 cm thick Explanation: The various stage involved in the construction of
layer of sand and gravel on the ground surface under reamed pile foundation are a) boring by auger b) under-
reaming by under-reamer
above the frost susceptible to prevent deep penetration
method. c) placing reinforcement cage in position d) concreting of pile
caps, plinth beams and curtain walls.

4. The depth of the bore hole is checked at_________ before

insertion of the under-reamer.

Construction of Under-Reamed Pile a) At the start and At the end

Foundation b) Each time

1. The equipment required for construction of a under-reamed c) None of the mentioned

pile is________
d) All of the mentioned
a) Auger boring guide
View Answer
b) Spiral auger
Answer: a
c) Concreting funnel
Explanation: The depth of the bore hole is checked each time
d) All of the mentioned before insertion of the under-reamer so that any loose earth
spilled from the bucket is
View Answer
Answer: d
5. Routine tests are usually carried out on_________
Explanation: The equipment required for the construction of
pile are i) Auger boring guide ii) spiral auger with extension a) Test piles
rods iii) under-reamer with soil
b) Working piles
bucket and iv) concreting funnel.
c) None of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned
2. The use of bore guide in under-reamed pile foundation is
essential for__________ View Answer

a) To drill the bore hole Answer: b

b) To provide a support to the pile

Explanation: Routine test should be carried out on test piles d) All of the mentioned
while initial test are preferably carried on test piles.
View Answer
6. In the process of pile foundation, boring is done with the
help of_________ Answer: a

a) Boring guide Explanation: Pile groups may be tested as both free standing
piles or piled foundation by applying series of load.
b) Under-reamer
10. The dimension of the bulb in an under-reamed pile can be
c) Spiral auger checked by__________

d) Pile beams a) Meter scale

View Answer b) G.I pipe assembly

Answer: c c) Auger

Explanation: Boring is done with the help of spiral auger, d) Under-reamer

present at the circular collar of the guide assembly.
View Answer
7. Enlarging the stem of bore hole at the depth, is done by
using________ Answer: b

a) Spiral auger Explanation: The dimensions of the bulb can be checked by

means of a graduated G.I. pipe assembly.
b) Under-reamer

c) Boring guide
Uncased Cast-in-Situ Concrete Piles
d) None of the mentioned
1. Which of the following is an advantage of using uncased
View Answer cast-in-situ piles?

Answer: b a) They need no storage place

Explanation: Under-reaming or enlarging the stem of bore b) The concrete cannot be damaged by driving
hole at the required depths is achieved by means of the
under-reamer consisting of a set of c) Special equipment are not required

two collapsible blade assembly. d) All of the mentioned

8. For completion of one under-ream, how many buckets of View Answer

earth are required for removal?
Answer: d
a) Five
Explanation: The uncased piles have the advantage that i)
b) Ten They need no storage place ii) they do not require cutting off
excess length iii) do not require
c) Eight
special equipment and iv) the concrete is not liable to damage
d) Three from driving.

View Answer 2. The types of uncased piles used are__________

Answer: c a) Swage pile

Explanation: Generally, removal of eight buckets full of earth b) McArthur cased pile
is required for completion of one under-ream.
c) Simplex pile
9. Pile groups in under-reamed pile foundation, can be tested
by means of_________ d) All of the mentioned

a) Free standing piles and Pile foundation View Answer

b) Cannot be tested Answer: c

c) None of the mentioned Explanation: The following are the common types of uncased
cast-in-situ concrete piles:
i) Simplex pile a) Increasing its diameter

ii) Vibro pile b) Elongation of the pile

iii) Franki pile c) By using cone-shape base at the bottom

iv) Padestal pile. d) By adding more load

3. The uncased cast-in-situ piles can be used only in the View Answer
condition, where_______
Answer: a
a) Water should not fall in the hole and Adjacent pile will not
damage the concrete Explanation: The bearing capacity of vibro-expanded piles is
increased by enlarging its diameter at the bottom.
b) Seasonal condition change
7. If tamping of concrete is provided at regular intervals in an
c) None of the mentioned simplex pile, it is called as________

d) All of the mentioned a) Simplex standard pile

View Answer b) Simplex tamped pile

Answer: a c) Tamped standard pie

Explanation: The uncased piles are used only where it is d) None of the mentioned
certain that neither soil nor water will fall in to the hole after
withdrawing a driven mandrel or

shell and also where adjacent pile will not damage the green View Answer
Answer: c
4. In Franki pile foundation, the bottom of the pile is provided
in the shape of_________ Explanation: In simplex tamped pile, tamping of green
concrete is done after the casing is withdrawn, at regular
a) Spherical intervals.

b) Mush-room 8. The base of an vibro-pile should be in the shape

c) Cone
a) Conical shoe
d) Rectangular
b) Mushroom
View Answer
c) Sphere
Answer: b
d) rectangle
Explanation: The Franki pile has an enlarged base of mush-
room shape, which gives the effect of a spread footing. View Answer

5. Which of the following pile is used, when the ground is Answer: a

Explanation: The bottom of a vibro-pile is provided with an
a) Franki pile conical shoe, so that it can be easily driven up to a desired
b) Simplex pile
9. In which of the following piles, alligator jaw point can be
c) Vibro-piles used?

d) Pedestal piles a) Vibro-pile

View Answer b) Pedestal pile

Answer: c c) Franki pile

Explanation: Vibro-piles are used where the ground is shaft, d) Simplex pile
thus offering little frictional resistance to the flow of concrete.
View Answer
6. The bearing capacity of vibro-pile can be increased
by________ Answer: d
Explanation: In simplex pile if the soil is firm enough to stand, 3. The type of tools which is preferred for sandy soil for the
the cast iron shoe at the base is provided with alligator jaw purpose of grooving is_______
a) ASTM tool
10. Franki piles are best suited for_________ type of soil.
b) Casagrande tool
a) Cohesive soil
c) All of the mentioned
b) Clay
d) None of the mentioned
c) Granular soil
View Answer
d) Cohesion less soil
Answer: a
View Answer
Explanation: ASTM tool is used only for more sandy soil,
Answer: c where the Casagrande tool tends to tears the side of

Explanation: Franki pile is more useful where a bearing the groove.

stratum of limited thickness can be reached at reasonable
depth, so they are best suited for 4. What is the diameter of the sieve that is used for finding the
liquid limit?
granular type of soil.
a) 275 microns

b) 700 microns
Determination of
c) 425 microns
Liquid and Plastic Limit
d) 200 microns
Plastic Limits”.
View Answer
1. The grooving tool which is used for finding liquid limit
is_________ Answer: c

a) ASTM tools Explanation: 425 micron sieve is used as a standard, for

filtering the given specimen.
b) Grooving tools
5. The soviet liquid limit device is based on the principle of
c) All of the mentioned ___________

d) None of the mentioned a) Station penetration

View Answer b) Soil moisture

Answer: a c) Soil water content

Explanation: ASTM tool and casagrande tools are two types d) None of the mentioned
of grooving tools are used in determining liquid and
View Answer
plastic limit.
Answer: a
2. The depth of the groove cut by casagrande tool for
determining the liquid limit is______ Explanation: Static cone penetration method is used in
operation of soviet liquid limit device.
a) 10 mm
6. The toughness index (It) is defined by the ratio
b) 11.0 mm of__________

c) 2 mm a) It=WP/IP

d) 8 mm b) It=IP/If

View Answer c) It=IF/IP

Answer: b d) It=WL/If

Explanation: The casagrande tools cut a groove of size 11.0 View Answer
mm wide at the bottom.
Answer: b d) None of the mentioned

Explanation: Toughness index (It) is determined by the ratio of View Answer

plasticity index to the flow index: It=IP/If.
Answer: c
7. The number of revolutions per second, at which the handle
is rotated in process of finding the liquid limit Explanation: Since the liquid limit is found out by only one
reading of water content and its corresponding number
of blows .one point method is applicable for finding rough
a) 2 value.

b) 7 11. The shear strength of the soil, at the liquid limit

c) 4
a) 1.75 kN/m
d) 9
b) 1.89 kN/m
View Answer
c) 17.9 kN/m
Answer: a
d) 17.6 g/cm
Explanation: In liquid limit apparatus, the handle is rotated at
a rate of about 2 revolutions per second. View Answer

8. The cone which is used to penetrate the soil pat, has a Answer: d
central angle of___________
Explanation: The shear strength of the soil is about 17.6 g/cm
a) 26 degree which the penetrometer gives for a depth of 25

b) 30 degree mm under a total sliding mass of 148 g.

c) 31 degree 12. The apparatus used for finding, WL value by static cone
penetrometer method is_________
d) 40 degree
a) Liquid limit apparatus
View Answer
b) Pycnometer
Answer: c
c) Cone penetration
Explanation: The cone has a central angle of 31°, since the
total sliding mass is 80 g. d) Rubber balloon cylinder

9. The plastic index is calculated from the View Answer

Flow Towards a
a) IP = WP-WL
Well:Recuperation Test
b) IP = WL-WP
. The pumping-in test was devised by_________
c) IP= IL-IS
a) U.S. Bureau of soil and PRA
b) U.S. Bureau of reclamation
View Answer
c) Indian standard of Bureau
Answer: b
d) None of the mentioned
Explanation:The plasticity index is given by the formula,
IP=WL-WP. View Answer

10. One-point method ,used for determining the liquid limit is Answer: b
majorly applicable for finding________
Explanation: The U.S. bureau of Reclamation (Earth Manual,
a) Accurate value 1960) has devised two types of pumping-in test.

b) Precise value 2. The type of hydraulics of flows towards open well

c) Rough value
a) Radial flow View Answer

b) Bottom flow Answer: a

c) Adjacent flow Explanation: K/A is known as the specific yield or specific

capacity of an open well, in cubic meter per hour per
d) All of the mentioned
square meter of the area through which water percolates.
View Answer
6. For fine-grained soil ,the value of K/A as specified by Marrio
Answer: a is_________

Explanation: If the well is open, radial flow takes place all a) 1.00
around the well and there is no flow from the bottom of
b) 0.50
the well.
c) 0.25
3. The discharge of an open well can be determined by, which
of the following method? d) 2.00

a) Constant head test View Answer

b) Falling head test Answer: c

c) Recuperation test Explanation: For fine-grained type of soil, the value of K/A is
0.25 cubic meter per hour, per sq. m of area under
d) None of the mentioned
1m depression head.
View Answer
7. When two wells, situated near each other is discharged ,the
Answer: c total discharge will__________

Explanation: In the recuperation test, water level can be a) Increases

depressed to any level and the discharge from the well
b) Decreases
can be calculated.
c) Remains the same
4. Which of the following well, does not penetrate to the full
depth of an aquifer? d) None of the mentioned

a) Fully penetrating artesian gravity wall View Answer

b) Partially penetrating artesian wall Answer: b

c) Partially penetrating artesian gravity wall Explanation: When two wells are discharged, their drawdown
curves intersects within their radii of zero drawdown
d) All of the mentioned
.Thus the total discharge is increased.
View Answer
8. Volume of water dv entering the well, when the head
Answer: b recuperates by dh is___________

Explanation: A partially penetrating artesian well is the one in a) dV=A/dh

which the well screen does not penetrate to the full
b) dV=A.dh
depth of the confined aquifer. Such wells extend only partly
through the water bearing stratum. /c) dV=Khdt

5. In Recuperation test, the expression (K/A ) is known d) dV=K.A

View Answer
a) Specific yield and Specific capacity
Answer: b
b) Coefficient of permeability
Explanation: Volume of water entering the well, when the
c) None of the mentioned head recuperates by dh is given by the equation:

d) All of the mentioned dV=Adh

Where, A=cross-sectional area of the well at its bottom. a) Ratio of Piezometric head to weight of water

9. Which of the following flow is less efficient than radial flow? b) Equal to piezometric head times the unit weigh of water

a) Bottom flow c) Ratio of weight of water to the piezometric head

b) Spherical flow d) None of the mentioned

c) Turbulent flow View Answer

d) Linear flow Answer: b

View Answer Explanation: u =hw × γw

Answer: b Pore pressure=piezometric head ×weight of water.

Explanation: The discharge of spherical flow qs is given by, 3. Pressure transmitted from particles to the soil mass is
qs/q =2.3(r/b) log10 1000 called___________

Let r =8cm =0.08 m a) Neutral pressure

R/r =1000; b=16 m b) Effective pressure

qS/q =2.3(0.08/16) log10 1000 c) Pore pressure

qS/q = 1/30 d) Capillary pressure

This shows that the spherical flow is much less efficient than View Answer
the radial flow.
Answer: b
10. An open well has relatively larger diameter at__________
Explanation: Effective pressure ‘σ’ or intergranular pressure is
a) Base the pressure transmitted from particle through their

b) Middle point of contact through the soil mass above the plane.

c) Top 4. The neutral pressure does not have any effect

d) Near the bottom
a) Shearing resistance
View Answer
b) Shearing strength
Answer: b
c) Shearing stress
Explanation: As the velocity of water is larger at the base, the
width of base widens up and its diameter d) All of the mentioned

increases. View Answer

Stress Condition in Answer: a

1. Total stress or unit pressure on a soil mass is___________ Explanation: The neutral pressure does not have measurable
influence on the mechanical property of the soils,
a) Total load
such as shearing resistance.
b) Total surface area
5. The total pressure in a soil mass consists
c) Total volume of_____________distinct components.

d) Total weight a) 3

View Answer b) 4

Answer: a c) 2

Explanation: At any plane in a soil mass, the total stress or d) 5

unit pressure is the total load per unit area.
View Answer
2. At any plane ,pore pressure is equal to___________
Answer: c a) 0

Explanation: b) 1

1. Effective pressure or intergranular pressure c) 2

2. Neutral pressure or pore pressure, are the two components d) ∞

of total pressure.
View Answer
6. The neutral pressure is transmitted through___________
Answer: b
a) Soil particle
Explanation: For degree of saturation of S ≥90%, it is
b) Pore fluid recommended to take χ as unity (i.e., 1).

c) Air particle Plastic Equilibrium in Soils : Active and

d) Atmosphere Passive States

View Answer 1. The theory of plasticity pertaining to soils is based

Answer: b
a) Mohr’s theory
Explanation: As the neutral pressure should not have any
effect on void ratio or property of soil, it is transmitted b) Rankine’s method

through pore fluid. c) Mohr-coulomb theory

7. Total vertical pressure at any plane is equal to__________ d) None of the mentioned

a) σ = σ’ + u View Answer

b) σ’ = σ + u Answer: a

c) σ = σ’ + v Explanation: The theory of plasticity pertaining to soils is

based on Mohr’s theory of rupture.
d) None of the mentioned
2. On designing retaining walls it is necessary to take care
View Answer of__________exerted by soil mass.

Answer: a a) Erosion

explanation : Total vertical pressure at any plane is equal to b) Lateral pressure

the sum of effective pressure and the total pressure
c) Surcharge
i.e. σ = σ’ + u.
d) Lateral stress
8. Factor of unit cross-section χ, depends on____________
View Answer
a) degree of saturation
Answer: b
b) soil structure
Explanation: In the designing of retaining walls; sheet piles or
c) stress change other earth-retaining structures, it is necessary to compute the
lateral pressure
d) all of the mentioned
exerted by the retained mass of soil.
View Answer
3. The material retained or supported by the retaining
Answer: d structure is called__________

Explanation: Factor of unit cross-section varies with degree of a) Surcharge

saturation, soil structure, process by which the soil
b) Support wall
present degree of saturation and stress change.
c) Back fill
9. For degree of saturation ,it is recommended to take χ
as_____________ d) All of the mentioned
View Answer called as failure wedge.

Answer: c 7. In an active stress, the major principal stress σ1 acting on

the wall will be in __________ plane.
Explanation: The material retained or supported by the
structure is called backfill which may have its top surface a) Vertical
horizontal or inclined.
b) Horizontal
4. The coefficient of earth pressure when the soil is at
equilibrium is___________ c) Inclined

a) σv /σh d) Zero

b) σh /σv View Answer

c) σv × σh Answer: b

d) σ1 / σ3 Explanation: In an active state, the major principal stress σ1 is

vertical and the minor principal stress σ3 is horizontal.
View Answer
8. The plastic state of stress was proposed by___________
Answer: b
a) Mohr
Explanation: When the soil is at elastic equilibrium(i.e. at rest)
the ratio of horizontal to vertical stress is called the co-efficient b) Rankine
of earth pressure of
c) Coulomb
d) Darcy
σh /σv =K0.
View Answer
5. The computation of stress in plastic equilibrium is based
on__________ Answer: b

a) Theory of plasticity Explanation: The plastic state of stress when the failure is
imminent was investigated by Rankine in 1860.
b) Mohr’s theory of rupture
9. The position of the backfill lying above horizontal plane at
c) Rankine’s theory the top of wall is called_________

d) All of the mentioned a) Active state

View Answer b) Plasticity

Answer: a c) Surcharge

Explanation: The theory on which the computation of the d) Slip lines

stress in a state of plastic equilibrium is based is called the
theory of plasticity. View Answer

6. The wedge-shaped portion of the backfill tending to move Answer: c

with the wall is called_______
Explanation: The position of the backfill lying above horizontal
a) Wedge fall plane at the elevation of the top of a wall is called the
surcharge, and its inclination to
b) Active fall
the horizontal is called surcharge angle β.
c) Failure wedge
10. What will be the co-efficient of passive earth pressure, at a
d) None of the mentioned depth of 8m in cohesion less soil sand with an angle of
internal friction of 30° when
View Answer
water rises to the ground level?
Answer: c
a) 4
Explanation: During the active state, the wall moves away
from backfill and a certain portion of the backfill in wedged- b) 5
shaped tend to move which is
c) 3
d) 1 Answer: a

View Answer Explanation: Culmann’s graphical method can be used to take

into account the effect of line of load, such as
Answer: c
railway track or a long wall of a building etc., running parallel
Explanation: Given φ = 30° to the retaining wall.

Co-efficient of passive earth pressure, Kp = (1 + sin φ) / (1 –

sin φ)
4. Rebhann’s graphical method can be used for the location
Culmann’s Graphical of____________

Method for Active Pressure a) Slip plane and Total active earth pressure

1. Culmann’s solution can be conveniently used b) Passive earth pressure

c) None of the mentioned
a) Various type of surcharge loads
d) All of the mentioned
b) Ground surface of any shape
View Answer
c) Backfill of different densities
Answer: a
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: In 1871, Rebhann presented a graphical method
View Answer for the location of the slip plane and the total active

Answer: d earth pressure according to Coulomb’s wedge theory.

Explanation: Culmann’s graphical method can be 5. Earth pressure for retaining walls, of less than 6m are
conveniently used for ground surface of any shape, for obtained by_______________
a) Analytical method
types of surcharge loads, and for a layered backfill of different
densities. b) Graphical method

2. Culmann’s solution is based on___________theory. c) Considering approximate value

a) Coulomb’s d) All of the mentioned

b) Rebhann’s View Answer

c) Mohr Answer: b

d) Rankine’s Explanation: In practice, earth pressures for retaining walls of

less than 6m height are obtained from graphs or
View Answer
Answer: a
6. All available graphs and tables, used for finding earth
Explanation: In 1886, Culmann gave a graphical solution to pressure is based on__________
evaluate the active earth pressure by the coulomb’s
a) Rankine’s theory
b) Coulomb’s theory
3. Which of the following effect of line load can be taken into
account by Culmann’s graphical method? c) Culmann’s theory

a) Railway track and Long wall of a building d) Rebhann’s graphical method

b) Road alignment View Answer

c) None of the mentioned Answer: a

d) All of the mentioned Explanation: Almost all graphs and tables available in
literature which are used for finding earth pressure are
View Answer
based on Rankine’s theory.
7. Which of the following is not one of the criteria, for design a) Always positive
of gravity dam?
b) Always negative
a) The wall must be safe against sliding
c) Negative in some cases
b) The wall must be safe against overturning
d) None of the mentioned
c) The wall must be thinner in section
View Answer
d) No tension should be developed in the wall
Answer: b
View Answer
Explanation: The settlement ratio for negative projecting
Answer: c conduits is always negative since the settlement of the

Explanation: As the gravity wall resists the earth lateral critical plane is more than the settlement of the natural
pressure by its weight, therefore it should be thicker in ground.

section. 3. The magnitude and direction of relative movements

between the interior and exterior prisms of the conduits are
8. For the design of gravity dam, the minimum value of
F(factor of safety) against sliding should be__________ dependent upon the___________

a) 2.0 a) Settlement ratio

b) 1.5 b) Projection ratio

c) 0.5 c) Settlement of conduits

d) 4.0 d) Compressive strain

View Answer View Answer

Answer: b Answer: a

Explanation: From the equation F = RV .μ / Rh Explanation: The magnitude and direction of relative
movements are dependent upon the settlement ration rsd
The minimum value of factor of safety is found out to be 1.5.
defined by the equation:
Load on Positive
rsd = (sm + sg) – (sf + dc)/sm.
and Negative Projecting Conduits
4. Critical plane in conduit is located at___________
This set of Geotechnical Engineering online test focuses on
“Load on Positive and Negative Projecting Conduits”. a) Tangential to the top of the conduit

1. Positive projecting conduits are of___________types. b) Tangential to the bottom of the conduit

a) 2 c) Centre of the conduit

b) 5 d) All of the mentioned

c) 3 View Answer

d) 4 Answer: a

View Answer Explanation: The critical plane is a horizontal plane, located

tangential to the top of the conduit.
Answer: d
5. If the critical plane settles more than the top of the conduit,
Explanation: Positive projecting conduits are of four types: i) the settlement ratio is__________
complete ditch conditions ii) complete projection
a) Zero
conduits iii) incomplete ditch conduit iv) incomplete projection
conduits. b) Negative

2. The settlement ratio for a negative projecting conduit c) Positive

d) Unity
View Answer 9. The recommended value of settlement ratio for
embankment, to use in design is__________
Answer: c
a) +0.5
Explanation: If the critical plane settles more than the top of
the conduit i.e. if (sm + sg) is more than (sf + dc) the b) +1.0

settlement ratio is positive. c) – 0.3

6. Both the projection condition and the ditch conditions of a d) – 0.4

positive projecting conduits may be__________
View Answer
a) Complete
Answer: b
b) Incomplete
Explanation: The value of rsd for embankment of rigid conduit
c) All of the mentioned type is +1.0, which can be used for any ordinary

d) None of the mentioned rock hard, hard or unyielding soil as foundation soil.

View Answer 10. The load on a negative conduit is given by the

Answer: c
a) Wc = Cn γ Bd
Explanation: Depending upon the position of plane of equal
settlement, both the projection conditions and the b) Wc = Cn γ Bd2

ditch conditions of a positive projecting conduit may be c) Wc = γ Bd

complete or incomplete.
d) Wc = Cn Bd2
7. If the plane of settlement does not fall within the
embankment, then such a condition is called_________ View Answer

a) Complete ditch condition and Complete project condition Answer: b

b) Incomplete ditch condition Explanation: The load on the conduit is given as WC = Cn γ

Bd2, where Cn= load coefficient for negative
c) None of the mentioned
projecting conduit.
d) All of the mentioned

View Answer
Interparticle Force in
Answer: a
a Soil Mass
Explanation: If the embankment is not of a sufficient height,
the plane of equal settlement does not fall within the 1. There are___________possible type of attractive forces.

embankment (i.e., He > H); such a condition is called a) 4

complete projection condition or complete ditch condition.
b) 5
8. The sign used for complete projection is__________
c) 6
a) +
d) 2
b) –
View Answer
c) No sign is used
Answer: c
d) None of the mentioned
Explanation : 1)vanderwaal’s London force 2)hydrogen
View Answer 3)bond, cationic linkage, 4)di-pole cationic linkage

Answer: a 5)water dipole linkage 6)ionic bond are the 6 types of

attractive forces.
Explanation: Since + is used for positive settlement ratio, (+)
sign is used for complete projection and (–) sign 2. Which of the following type of attraction force act between
two particle carrying negative charges?
used for complete ditch condition.
a) Vander Waal’s London force Explanation: The edges of two kaolinite crystal are joined by
two cations. Hence cationic linkage bond exist in
b) Water-dipole linkage
kaolinite crystal.
c) Ionic bond
6. The repulsive force in soil particle is due to____________
d) Cationic linkage
a) Particles are attracted to each other
View Answer
b) Particles are similarly charged
Answer: d
c) Particles are oppositely charged
Explanation: The cationic linkage act as bridge between two
adjacent particle carrying negative charges. d) None of the mentioned

3. The repulsive force between the soil colloids become View Answer
effective when____________
Answer: b
a) They approach other
Explanation: Since the particles are similarly charged
b) They combine with each other (negative) they repel each other causing repulsive force.

c) They are at a distance 7. The cationic linkage is similar to the intersheet bonds
d) They overlap
a) Kaolinite
View Answer
b) Illite
Answer: a
c) Dichite
Explanation: When two soil colloids approach each other
close enough, the double layer tend to overlap and d) Montmorillonite

interact. View Answer

4. Which of the following, is considered to be a universal Answer: b

attractive force?
Explanation: The cationic linkage is similar to the intersheet
a) Gravitational force bonds of illite, since particle can be linked together

b) Dipole- cationic linkage through water-cation-water mechanism.

c) Ionic bond 8. Between the soil particles,the cation charge may be entirely
balanced by___________
d) Vander Waal’s London force
a) Particle repulsion
View Answer
b) Negative charge
Answer: d
c) Cationic charge
Explanation: Since the vanderwaal’s London force effective in
many soils, where other is not it is considered as a d) Particle charge

universal attractive force. View Answer

5. The type of bond in kaolinite crystal is___________ Answer: d

a) Cationic linkage bond Explanation: The cation may be entirely balanced by particle
charge, so that there is no cation-cation repulsion.
b) Hydrogen bond
9. There is no strong repulsive force between soil particles
c) Linkage bond because____________

d) Ionic bond a) Mobile cation will move along the surface

View Answer b) Cation will move opposite to each other

Answer: a c) Cations replace each other

d) None of the mentioned Answer: a

View Answer Explanation: The Brinch Hansen shape factor can be applied
to the Nc values from Skempton for the rectangular footing.
Answer: a
3. Hansen considered the bearing capacity as
Explanation: The mobile cations will move along the particle a____________
surface of positions which is balanced by particle
a) Tri axial problem
charge there. Therefore repulsive force does not exist.
b) Base factor
10. The gravitational force between two soil particle
is___________ c) Plane-strain problem

a) Proportional to charge d) All of the mentioned

b) Proportional to area View Answer

c) Proportional to mass Answer: c

d) Proportional to surface Explanation: Brinch Hansen considered the bearing capacity

as a plane-strain problem. If φ is found by tri axial test, its
View Answer corresponding value for the

Answer: c plane strain case can be computed.

Explanation: When the mass of the particle increases, the 4. Bowel suggested that the increase in φ in plane-strain case
gravitational force acting downward on the particle can be computed only for φ greater than____________

increases .Hence both mass and gravitational force are a) 30

proportional to each other.
b) 25

c) 60
General Bearing Capacity Equation: Brinch
d) 90
Hansen’s Analysis
View Answer
1. For purely cohesive soil, Nc has a maximum value
of___________for square footing. Answer: b

a) 5 Explanation: Bowel suggests that the increase of φ in the

equation φ plain strain = 1.1 φ tri axial can be computed only
b) 7.5 for φ greater than 25°.

c) 9 5. Skempton observed that the factor Nc increases with the

d) 10
a) D/B
View Answer
b) B/D
Answer: c
c) H/Hc
Explanation: According to Skempton’s observation, for purely
cohesive soil (φ = 0) Nc has a maximum value of 9 for square d) c/cm
or circular footing.
View Answer
2. The Brinch Hansen shape factor can be applied
to___________for the case of rectangular footing. Answer: a

a) Skempton value of Nc Explanation: Based partly on theory and partly on laboratory

test, Skempton observed that the factor Nc increases with the
b) Terzaghi’s equation ratio D/B.

c) Meyerhof’s equation 6. When D=0, the value of Nc for strip footing will
d) None of the mentioned
a) 6.20
View Answer
b) 2.5 Explanation: The Jodhpur permeameter was designed and
developed by Dr. Alam Singh in 1958, at the soil
c) 5.14
engineering laboratory of M.B.M Engineering College,
d) 7.5 Jodhpur.

View Answer 2. The Jodhpur permeameter apparatus is, meant for

Answer: a
a) Permeability characteristics
Explanation: According to Skempton recommendation, the
value of Nc = 5.14 for strip footing when D=0 and Nc = 6.20 b) Coefficient of permeability
for square or circular footing.
c) Capillary rise
7. Which of the following value can be taken [Nc] surface for
surface footing? d) All of the mentioned

a) 6 View Answer

b) 5 Answer: a

c) 2.1 Explanation: The apparatus is meant for studying the

permeability characteristics of all types of soil samples
d) 9
under different conditions of laboratory as well as field.
View Answer
3. Which of the following permeability test, can be done in
Answer: a Jodhpur permeameter?

Explanation: Value of [Nc] surface may be roughly taken as 5 a) Falling head test and Constant head test
for surface strip footing and as 6 for square or circular footing.
b) Pumping-out test
8. The term ‘i’ in Hansen equation represents___________
c) None of the mentioned
a) Depth factor
d) All of the mentioned
b) Shape factor
View Answer
c) Ground factor
Answer: a
d) Inclination factor
Explanation: In Jodhpur permeameter, both falling head and
View Answer constant head test can be performed on remolded

Answer: d as well as undisturbed specimens.

Explanation: According to Brinch Hansen’s equation, i 4.The Remoulded specimen in Jodhpur Permeameter, can be
represent the inclination factor to account for both horizontal prepared by___________
and vertical components of
a) Static compaction and Dynamic compaction
The Jodhpur
b) Tensile compaction
c) None of the mentioned
1. The Jodhpur permeameter, was designed by___________
d) All of the mentioned
a) Louden
View Answer
b) Kozney
Answer: a
c) Alam Singh
Explanation: The remoulded specimen can be prepared either
d) Poiseullie’s by static compaction, or b dynamic compaction, at

View Answer a desired density.

Answer: c 5. What is the diameter of the permeameter mould (i.e.

Cylinder), used in Jodhpur permeameter?
a) 79.8 mm a) DRT

b) 50 mm b) Split collar

c) 300 mm c) Rod temper

d) 60 mm d) Core cutter

View Answer View Answer

Answer: a Answer: c

Explanation: The permeameter mould which is a cylinder has Explanation: When compacting the specimen dynamically, rod
an internal capacity 300 ml, 50 cm2 cross-sectional temper is used .The wet soil of pre-calculated

area, and diameter of 79.8 mm and a 6 cm height. quantity in the specimen is compacted in to mould by means
of the rod temper in two or three layers.
6. Which of the following tools is not used in static
compaction? 9.The permeameter assembly is placed in____________of
the Jodhpur permeameter apparatus.
a) Split collar
a) Bottom tank
b) Perforated plate
b) Top of cylinder
c) DRT
c) Below the top plate
d) Top cap
d) None of the mentioned
View Answer
View Answer
Answer: c
Answer: a
Explanation: The DRT tool (Dynamic Ramming tool) is used
for compaction in the Jodhpur mini compactor test. Explanation: The permeameter assembly is placed in the
bottom tank having a water outlet which permits control
7. If permeability at proctor’s maximum dry density is required,
which of the following method can be used? of water level.

a) Jodhpur mini compactor test Capillary Tension,

b) Proctor test Capillary Potential and Soil Suction

c) Compaction in permeameter 1. The capillary tension or capillary potential can also be

called as___________
d) All of the mentioned
a) Pressure deficiency
View Answer
b) Pressure reduction
Answer: d
c) Negative pressure
Explanation : If permeability at proctor’s maximum dry density
and at a moulding water content equal to the d) All of the mentioned

optimum value is required ,first the maximum dry density and View Answer
optimum water content is required is determined
Answer: d
which can be done using Jodhpur mini compactor test, proctor
test or by compaction in permeameter mould itself Explanation: The capillary potential is the pressure deficiency,
pressure reduction or negative pressure in the
pore water.
6/28/2018 Geotechnical Engineering Questions and Answers
for Experienced - Sanfoundry 2. The maximum tensile stress of water in capillary tube
questions-answers-experienced/ 6/11 a) Proportional to the diameter of tube

8. The specimen in permeameter is compacted dynamically b) Inversely proportional to height of capillary rise
c) Inversely proportional to the radius of meniscus View Answer

d) All of the mentioned Answer: d

View Answer Explanation: As the atmospheric pressure, does not have any
effect on water in the soil mass .it does not
Answer: c
contribute to the affecting factor.
Explanation: From the formula, (UC) max = 2Ts /R
6. The soil suction is maximum ,when angle of contact(α)
Where, (UC) max = maximum tensile stress is_____________

R = radius of meniscus a) α=0

TS = surface tension. b) α=90

3. The pF value of 2 in soil mass represent____________ c) α=60

a) Soil suction of 200 cm of water d) α=1

b) Suction pressure of 100 g/cm2 View Answer

c) Soil suction of 100 cm of water Answer: a

d) Capillarity of 100 g/cm2 Explanation: As soil suction depend on capillary height (hC)

View Answer Using the formula hc=4Tscos α/γw d

Answer: c When α=0

Explanation: From the relationship, hc = 4Ts/γw d ,which is maximum.

pF=log10 ( hc ) 7. Rise in temperature___________soil suction.

2 = log10 (hc) a) Decreases

hc =2/log10 b) Increases

hc =100 cm. c) Removed

4. The pressure deficiency of held water in a capillary tube is d) None of the mentioned
termed as____________
View Answer
a) Soil suction and suction pressure
Answer: a
b) Negative pressure
Explanation: Rise in temperature results in decrease of
c) None of the mentioned surface tension (TC) and hence decrease in soil suction.

d) All of the mentioned 8. Capillary tension is developed in saturated soil,

View Answer
a) Soil is dry
Answer: a
b) Water content is reduced
Explanation: As the water is decreased linearly in the tube
due to the suction of soil mass .the pressure c) Water content is increased

deficiency is also called as soil suction or suction pressure. d) Soil particle is large

5. Which one of the following factor does not affect soil View Answer
Answer: b
a) Water content
Explanation: On decreasing of water content, the menisci
b) Temperature recede, resulting in reduction of curvature and

c) Plasticity index of a soil corresponding increase in capillary tension.

d) Atmospheric pressure
9. When do the soil suction is reduced to zero value? a) 25 mm

a) Water content is reduced b) 100 mm

b) Soil is oven dry c) 25 mm

c) Dry soil is submerged d) 40 mm

d) All of the mentioned View Answer

View Answer Answer: c

Answer: c Explanation: According to IS: 2950-1965 code of practice, the

maximum settlement should not exceed 40 mm in foundation
Explanation: When a dry soil is submerged under water, on clayey soils and 25 mm
meniscus is destroyed resulting in a reduction of soil
in foundations on clayey soils.
suction to zero value.
2. The possible method adopted for designing of raft
10. The size of interstices in a soil depends on____________ foundation is___________

a) Particle size a) Conventional method

b) Plasticity index b) Elastic method

c) Soil structure c) Soil line method

d) Angle of contact d) All of the mentioned

View Answer View Answer

Answer: c Answer: d

Explanation: Change in structure of the soil, changes the size Explanation: The behavior of a raft foundation being
of interstices in a soil, resulting in soil suction complicated, a number of simplifying assumption has to be
made in design. There are two
approaches for design-conventional method and the elastic
11. The capillary pressure , transferred from grain to grain in method or the soil line method.
soil may be also called as____________
3. The conventional method for designing raft foundation is
a) Inter granular pressure based on which of the following assumptions?

b) Contact pressure a) Foundation is infinitely rigid and Soil pressure is assumed

to be planar
c) Effective pressure
b) Overburden pressure is assumed as zero
d) All of the mentioned
c) None of the mentioned
View Answer
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
View Answer
Explanation: Inter granular or contact or effective pressure is
the capillary pressure, transferred from grain to Answer: a

grain in soil. Explanation: The conventional method is based on the

following two basic assumptions:
IS Code of Practice for Design of Raft
i) The foundation is infinitely rigid and therefore, the actual
deflection of the raft does not influence the pressure
This set of Geotechnical Engineering Questions and Answers distribution below the shaft.
for Campus interviews focuses on “I.S. Code of Practice for
ii) The soil pressure is assumed to be planar such that the
Design of Raft Foundations”.
centroid of the soil pressure coincides with the line of action of
1.According to IS codes, the maximum differential settlements the resultant force of all the
should not exceed___________in foundation on clayey soil.
loads acting on the foundation.
4. The actual reinforcement provided should d) Load is concentrated on larger area
be___________of that worked out theoretically by
conventional method. View Answer

a) Twice Answer: c

b) Thrice Explanation: Conventional and flexible methods are to be

used in case the foundation is comparatively flexible and the
c) Lesser loads tend to concentrate over

d) None of the mentioned small areas.

View Answer 8. The modulus of subgrade reaction is applicable only when

the load is applied through_________
Answer: a
a) Plate of size 30 ×30 cm and Beam 30 cm wide on soil area
Explanation: The actual reinforcement provided should be
twice of that worked out theoretically in the case of design by b) Plate size is 10 × 10 cm
conventional method.
c) None of the mentioned
5. The method that can be used for designing raft, based on
elastic method? d) All of the mentioned

a) Simplified elastic foundation and Truly elastic foundation View Answer

b) Conventional elastic foundation Answer: a

c) None of the mentioned Explanation: the modulus of subgrade reaction (Ks) is

applicable to the case of load through a plate of size 30 × 30
d) All of the mentioned cm or beam 30 cm wide on soil

View Answer area.

Answer: a 9. The value of Ks(modulus of subgrade reaction) can be

found out, based on the effect of___________
Explanation: A number of methods have been proposed
based primarily on two approaches of simplified and truly a) Size and Shape
elastic foundation, i) simplified elastic
b) Properties
foundation ii) truly elastic foundation.
c) None of the mentioned
6. In truly elastic foundation, the soil is assumed to be
obey____________ d) All of the mentioned

a) Terzaghi’s theory View Answer

b) Hooke’s law Answer: a

c) Skempton’s theory Explanation: The value of Ks can be found corresponding to

different size and shape for both cohesive and cohesionless
d) All of the mentioned soils.

View Answer 10. The effect of shape is based on ____________principal.

Answer: b a) Principal of superposition

Explanation: The soil in simplified elastic foundation is b) System of forces

assumed to be continuous elastic medium obeying Hooke’s
law. c) Hooke’s law

7. Both conventional and flexible method can be used only in d) Principal of center of gravity
the case, when_________
View Answer
a) Foundation is laid on cohesive soil
Answer: a
b) Soil pressure is low
Explanation: The effect of shape utilizes the principal of
c) Foundation is flexible superposition.
11. In effect of shape method, the columns loads and bearing a) Varying upward pressure and Varying downward pressure
pressure distribution are divided in to___________system of
forces. b) Distributed load

a) Two c) None of the mentioned

b) Four d) All of the mentioned

c) Three View Answer

d) Five Answer: d

View Answer Explanation: The varying distributed load pressure in raft,

acting both upward and downward forms the third system of
Answer: c forces.

Explanation: The columns loads and bearing pressure IS Code of Practice for Design of Raft
distribution are divided in three system of forces such that
each system balance within itself so Foundations

that the sum of forces is zero and the sum of moments of 1.According to IS codes, the maximum differential settlements
these forces about any point is zero. should not exceed___________in foundation on clayey soil.

12. The first system of forces consist of_____________ a) 25 mm

a) Difference between actual column loads b) 100 mm

b) Varying distributed load acting downwards c) 25 mm

c) Column support reaction acting downwards d) 40 mm

d) All of the mentioned View Answer

View Answer Answer: c

Answer: c Explanation: According to IS: 2950-1965 code of practice, the

maximum settlement should not exceed 40 mm in foundation
Explanation: The first system of forces consists of i) uniformly on clayey soils and 25 mm
distributed bearing pressure w acting upwards along the
entire area of the raft ii) the in foundations on clayey soils.

column support reaction acting vertically downwards obtained 2. The possible method adopted for designing of raft
by treating the raft as an inverted floor carrying the uniformly foundation is___________
distributed load w with the
a) Conventional method
reaction at the point of loading.
b) Elastic method
13. The resultant earth pressure at any point of a raft is
considered to be___________ c) Soil line method

a) w + mw d) All of the mentioned

b) (1-m)w View Answer

c) w-mw Answer: d

d) (1-w)m Explanation: The behavior of a raft foundation being

complicated, a number of simplifying assumption has to be
View Answer made in design. There are two

Answer: a approaches for design-conventional method and the elastic

method or the soil line method.
Explanation: The earth pressure varies from point to point of a
raft, and hence the resultant pressure at any point is 3. The conventional method for designing raft foundation is
considered to be w + mw, where w based on which of the following assumptions?

is constant and m varies throughout the raft. a) Foundation is infinitely rigid and Soil pressure is assumed
to be planar
14. The third system of forces is composed of___________
b) Overburden pressure is assumed as zero b) Hooke’s law

c) None of the mentioned c) Skempton’s theory

d) All of the mentioned d) All of the mentioned

View Answer View Answer

Answer: a Answer: b

Explanation: The conventional method is based on the Explanation: The soil in simplified elastic foundation is
following two basic assumptions: assumed to be continuous elastic medium obeying Hooke’s
i) The foundation is infinitely rigid and therefore, the actual
deflection of the raft does not influence the pressure 7. Both conventional and flexible method can be used only in
distribution below the shaft. the case, when_________

ii) The soil pressure is assumed to be planar such that the a) Foundation is laid on cohesive soil
centroid of the soil pressure coincides with the line of action of
the resultant force of all the b) Soil pressure is low

loads acting on the foundation. c) Foundation is flexible

4. The actual reinforcement provided should d) Load is concentrated on larger area

be___________of that worked out theoretically by
conventional method. View Answer

a) Twice Answer: c

b) Thrice Explanation: Conventional and flexible methods are to be

used in case the foundation is comparatively flexible and the
c) Lesser loads tend to concentrate over

d) None of the mentioned small areas.

View Answer 8. The modulus of subgrade reaction is applicable only when

the load is applied through_________
Answer: a
a) Plate of size 30 ×30 cm and Beam 30 cm wide on soil area
Explanation: The actual reinforcement provided should be
twice of that worked out theoretically in the case of design by b) Plate size is 10 × 10 cm
conventional method.
c) None of the mentioned
5. The method that can be used for designing raft, based on
elastic method? d) All of the mentioned

a) Simplified elastic foundation and Truly elastic foundation View Answer

b) Conventional elastic foundation Answer: a

c) None of the mentioned Explanation: the modulus of subgrade reaction (Ks) is

applicable to the case of load through a plate of size 30 × 30
d) All of the mentioned cm or beam 30 cm wide on soil

View Answer area.

Answer: a 9. The value of Ks(modulus of subgrade reaction) can be

found out, based on the effect of___________
Explanation: A number of methods have been proposed
based primarily on two approaches of simplified and truly a) Size and Shape
elastic foundation, i) simplified elastic
b) Properties
foundation ii) truly elastic foundation.
c) None of the mentioned
6. In truly elastic foundation, the soil is assumed to be
obey____________ d) All of the mentioned

a) Terzaghi’s theory View Answer

Answer: a column support reaction acting vertically downwards obtained
by treating the raft as an inverted floor carrying the uniformly
Explanation: The value of Ks can be found corresponding to distributed load w with the
different size and shape for both cohesive and cohesionless
soils. reaction at the point of loading.

10. The effect of shape is based on ____________principal. 13. The resultant earth pressure at any point of a raft is
considered to be___________
a) Principal of superposition
a) w + mw
b) System of forces
b) (1-m)w
c) Hooke’s law
c) w-mw
d) Principal of center of gravity
d) (1-w)m
View Answer
View Answer
Answer: a
Answer: a
Explanation: The effect of shape utilizes the principal of
superposition. Explanation: The earth pressure varies from point to point of a
raft, and hence the resultant pressure at any point is
11. In effect of shape method, the columns loads and bearing considered to be w + mw, where w
pressure distribution are divided in to___________system of
forces. is constant and m varies throughout the raft.

a) Two 14. The third system of forces is composed of___________

b) Four a) Varying upward pressure and Varying downward pressure

c) Three b) Distributed load

d) Five c) None of the mentioned

View Answer d) All of the mentioned

6/29/2018 Geotechnical Engineering Questions for Campus View Answer

Interviews - Sanfoundry
Answer: d
questions-answers-campus-interviews/ 8/15 Explanation: The varying distributed load pressure in raft,
acting both upward and downward forms the third system of
Answer: c forces.

Explanation: The columns loads and bearing pressure

distribution are divided in three system of forces such that
each system balance within itself so Effect of Compaction

that the sum of forces is zero and the sum of moments of on Soil Properties
these forces about any point is zero.
This set of Geotechnical Engineering Quiz focuses on “Effect
12. The first system of forces consist of_____________ of Compaction on Soil Properties”.

a) Difference between actual column loads 1. Which of the following property of soil is improved by
compacting the soil?
b) Varying distributed load acting downwards
a) Reduction of compressibility
c) Column support reaction acting downwards
b) Water absorption
d) All of the mentioned
c) Permeability
View Answer
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: c
View Answer
Explanation: The first system of forces consists of i) uniformly
distributed bearing pressure w acting upwards along the Answer: d
entire area of the raft ii) the
Explanation: The main aim of compacting soil is to improve a) Coarse grained skeleton structure and Cohesive matrix
some desirable properties of the soil, such as structure

reduction of compressibility, water absorption and b) Single grained structure

permeability, increase in soil strength, bearing capacity.
c) None of the mentioned
2. When compacted dry of optimum, the structure of clay is
always___________ d) All of the mentioned

a) Flocculated View Answer

b) Dispersed Answer: a

c) Disoriented Explanation: The structure of composite soils, after being

compacted depend upon the relative proportion of
d) Honey comb shaped
coarse particles their structure can either be coarse grained
View Answer skeleton structure or cohesive matrix structure.

Answer: a 6. What is the maximum dry density for a soil sample having
sp. gr. of 2.7 and OMC=16 %?
Explanation: As the structure of compacted clay is
complicated and increasingly oriented, the structure of clay is a) 3.0 g/cm

always flocculated. b) 1.88 g/cm

3. The flocculated structure of compacted dry soil is broken c) 0.562 g/cm

due to_____________
d) 1.00 g/cm
a) High strains
View Answer
b) Low water content
Answer: b
c) Low strains
Explanation: γd, max occurs when S is maximum, i.e. when
d) Dry density S=1

View Answer γd, max = G γW/1+ (w.G/S)

Answer: a = G γW/1+w.G (since S=1)

Explanation: Due to higher strains, the flocculated structure of Hence, ρd max = G. ρW/1+w.G
the compacted on the dry side is broken, giving
= 2.7×1/1 + (0.16×2.7)
rise to ultimate strength.
Maximum dry density, γd max =1.885 g/cm .
4. The shear strength of compacted clays depends
upon____________ 7. Strength of soil sample compacted wet of optimum is
influenced by____________
a) Dry density
a) Compressibility
b) Water content
b) Permeability
c) Degree of saturation
c) Manner of compaction
d) Addition of admixtures
d) Amount of compaction
View Answer
View Answer
Answer: a
Answer: c
Explanation: The shear strength of compacted clays depends
upon dry density, moulding water content, soil Explanation: The manner of compaction influences the
strength of soil sample compacted wet of optimum to a
structure, method of compaction, drainage condition and type
of soil. certain extent.

5. The structure of composite soil after compacted will be in 8. A cohesive soil yields a maximum dry density of 1.8 g/cc at
the form of______________ an OMC of 16 % during a standard proctor test. What
will be its degree of saturation?Take G=2.65 3. The net safe bearing capacity is defined by which of the
following equation?
a) 100 %
a) qns=qnf / F
b) 60.45 %
b) qns = qnf + σ̅
c) 43.27 %
c) qns = qf – σ̅
d) 89.79 %
d) All of the mentioned
View Answer
View Answer
Answer: d
Answer: a
Explanation: Given ρd = 1.8 g/cm3; w=0.1; G=2.65
Explanation: The net safe bearing capacity is the net ultimate
e=G ρw/ρd -1 = (2.65×1/1.8) -1 =0.4722 bearing capacity divided by a factor of safety F i.e., qns=qnf /
S =w G/e = 0.16×2.65/0.4722=0.8979=89.79 %
4. The safe bearing capacity can also be referred
Degree of saturation, S=89.79 %. as_________

Minimum Depth of Foundation: Rankine’s a) Net safe bearing capacity

Analysis b) Ultimate bearing capacity

1. The gross pressure intensity (q) of a structure c) Safe bearing pressure

d) Net soil pressure
a) Total pressure at base of the footing
View Answer
b) Excess pressure after the construction of the structure
Answer: b
c) Minimum pressure intensity at the base
Explanation: Sometimes, the safe bearing capacity is also
d) None of the mentioned referred to as the ultimate bearing capacity qf divided by a
factor of safety F.
View Answer
5. Rankine considered the first soil element (element 1) at
Answer: a
Explanation: The gross pressure intensity q is the total
a) Base of the structure
pressure at the base of the footing due to the weight of the
superstructure. b) Below the foundation

2. The ultimate bearing capacity and the net ultimate capacity c) Edge of the footing
are connected by the relation____________
d) All of the mentioned
a) qf = qnf +/- σ̅ and qf = qf – σ̅
View Answer
b) qf = qnf – σ̅
Answer: b
c) None of the mentioned
Explanation: Rankine considered the equilibrium of two soil
d) All of the mentioned elements, The first one immediately below the foundation
(element 1).
View Answer
6. The bearing capacity of cohesion-less soil at the ground
Answer: a
surface is__________
Explanation: The ultimate bearing capacity qf and the net
a) Unity
ultimate capacity are connected by the following relation:
b) Less than one
qf = qnf + σ̅ (or) qf = qf – σ̅
c) Zero
where, σ̅ is the effective surcharge at the base level of the
foundation. d) Greater than one

View Answer
Answer: c c) Gross pressure intensity

Explanation: According to Rankine’s equation bearing d) Bearing capacity

capacity of cohesion less soil is zero at the ground surface.
View Answer
7. When a state of equilibrium is reached under the footing?
Answer: b
a) Load on footing increase
Explanation: σ̅ represents the effective surcharge at the base
b) Load on footing decreases level of the foundation,assuming total unit weight for the
portion of the soil above the water
c) Safe bearing capacity of the soil is reached
table and submerged unit weight for the portion below the
d) None of the mentioned water table.

View Answer Standard Proctor

Answer: a Test

Explanation: When the load on footing increases, and 1. The standard proctor test was developed by___________
approaches a value qf, a state of plastic equilibrium is
reached under the footing. a) Darcy

8. Rankine considered the equilibrium of second soil element b) Terzaghi

c) Proctor
a) Base of the structure
d) Rendulic
b) Below the foundation
View Answer
c) Edge of the footing
Answer: c
d) Top of the foundation
Explanation: The standard proctor test was developed by
View Answer R.R.Proctor in 1933 for the construction of earth fill

Answer: c dams in the state of California.

Explanation: Rankine considered the equilibrium of the other 2. The compaction process can be accomplished
soil element (element 2) beyond the edge of the footing, but by___________process.
adjacent to element 1.
a) Rolling
9. During the state of shear failure, which of the following
principal stress relationship exist? b) Tampering

a) σ 1= σ tan α + 2c tan α c) Vibration

b) σ1 = σ3 tan2 α + 2c tan α d) All of the mentioned

c) σ1 = 2c tan α View Answer

d) σ1 = σ3 tan α Answer: d

View Answer Explanation: Compaction can be done by rolling, tamping or

vibration by a steel-tyred or rubber-tyred roller.
Answer: b
3. The compaction energy used for standard proctor test
Explanation: During the state of shear failure (plastic is___________
equilibrium), the following principal stress relationship exists
σ1 = σ3 tan2 α + 2c tan α a) 595 kJ/m

for cohesion-less soil,σ1 = σ3 tan2 α. b) 300 kJ/m

10. The symbol σ̅, represent which of the following term? c) 6065 kJ/m

a) Ultimate bearing capacity d) 1000 kJ/m

b) Effective surcharge View Answer

Answer: a View Answer

Explanation: The compaction energy used in the proctor test Answer: c

is 6065 kg cm per 1000 ml of soil which is equal to
Explanation: The compactor test equipment consists of:
595kJ/m . cylindrical metal mould, detachable base plate, collar,

4. Which of the following test are used in the laboratory, for rammer of 2.5kg.
7. The initial percentage of water content taken for coarse-
a) Vibration test grained soil in proctor test is__________

b) Standard proctor test and Jodhpur-mini compactor test a) 4

3 b) 10

3 c) 25

3 d) 50

3 View Answer

3 Answer: a

c) None of the mentioned Explanation: The initial water content may be taken as 4 % for
coarse-grained soils and 10 % for fine-grained
d) All of the mentioned
soils as the quantity of water to be added for the first test
View Answer depends on the probable optimum water content for the

Answer:b soil.

Explanation: Some of the compaction tests used in the 8. The water content corresponding to the maximum density
laboratory is: standard and modified proctor test, Harvard in compaction curve is called____________

Miniature compaction test, Abbot Compaction test and a) Water content of compacted soil
Jodhpur-mini compactor test.
b) Optimum water content
5. A line showing the water content dry density relation for the
compacted soil is___________ c) Air void water content

a) Zero air voids lines d) None of the mentioned

b) Air-voids line View Answer

c) Density line Answer: b

d) All of the mentioned Explanation: The water content goes on increasing till the
maximum density is reached. The water content
View Answer
corresponding to the maximum density is called optimum
Answer: b water content W0.

Explanation: Air-voids line is a line which shows the water 9. The modified compactor test is also known as__________
content dry density relation for the compacted soil
a) Standard compactor test
containing a constant percentage of air voids.
b) AASHO test
6. Which of the following equipment is not used in standard
compactor test? c) Dietert test

a) Cylindrical metal mould d) Compaction test

b) Rammer View Answer

c) Circular face plate Answer: b

d) Collar Explanation: The modified compactor test was standardized

by the American Associates of State highway
officials and is known as the modified AASHO test. a) Converse Labarre formulae

10. In standard compactor test, soil is compacted b) Feld’s formulae

c) Seiler-Keeney formulae
a) 2
d) All of the mentioned
b) 4
View Answer
c) 3
Answer: b
d) 5
Explanation: According to Feld’s rule, the value of each pile is
View Answer reduced by one-sixteenth on account of the effect of the
nearest pile in each diagonal or
Answer: c
straight row of which the pile in question is a member.
Explanation: The standard compactor test consists of
compacting the soil at various water contents in the mould, 4. The bearing capacity of a single pile in clay is mainly due
in three equal layers, each layer being given 25 blows from
the rammer. a) Friction

Group Action in Piles b) Shear strength of soil

1. The efficiency of pile group depends upon__________ c) Allowable load

a) Characteristic of pile and Spacing of pile d) Ultimate load

b) Bearing capacity of soil View Answer

c) All of the mentioned Answer: a

d) None of the mentioned Explanation: The bearing capacity of single pile in clay is
mainly due to friction, and the friction and the point bearing
View Answer resistance may be negligible.

Answer: a 5. The downward drag acting on a pile due to the movement

of the surrounding is called________
Explanation: The efficiency of pile group depends upon the
following factors: Characteristics of pile (i.e. length, diameter, a) Skin friction
material etc.), spacing of pile,
b) Negative skin friction
total number of piles in a row and number of rows etc.
c) Frictional force
2. Which of the following formulae can be used for
determining the efficiency of pile group? d) None of the mentioned

a) Dynamic formulae View Answer

b) Static formulae Answer: b

c) Feld’s formulae Explanation: Negative skin friction is downward drag acting on

a pile due to the downward movement of the surrounding
d) Hiley’s formulae compressible soil relative to the

View Answer pile.

Answer: c 6. The area of the pile group along failure surface is equal
Explanation: Converse Labarre formulae, Seiler-kenney
formulae, Feld’s rule are the some of the common formulae a) Perimeter × Area of cross section
available for determining the
b) Breadth × Length
efficiency of pile group.
c) Perimeter × Length
3. In which of the following rule, the value of each pile is
reduced by one-sixteenth? d) Perimeter / area of cross section
View Answer Explanation: A method of estimating the bearing capacity of a
group of friction piles is to multiply the quantity nQup by a
Answer: c reduction factor called the

Explanation: The area of the pile group, along failure surface efficiency of pile group.
is approximately equal to the perimeter P of the pile group
multiplied by the length L of the Qug = n Qup . ηg.

pile. IS Code Method for Computing Bearing

7. The pile spacing of each pile is taken as__________ Capacity

diameter of pile.
1. IS code recommends a bearing capacity equation, which is
a) Four similar to__________

b) Five a) Vesic

c) Three b) Meyerhof and Brinch Hansen

d) Ten c) None of the mentioned

View Answer d) All of the mentioned

Answer: c View Answer

Explanation: A spacing of three times the diameter of piles is Answer: b

commonly selected as trial spacing between the piles and
checked against the criterion Explanation: IS code (IS : 6403-1981) recommends a bearing
capacity equation which is similar in nature to those given by
that the resistance Qs obtained. Meyerhof and Brinch Hasen.

8. The settlement of a group of friction piles can be computed 2. According to IS code, there are__________types of failures
on the assumption that________ of soil support beneath the foundation.

a) Clay is incompressible a) 2

b) Pile below the lower level is ignored b) 4

c) Bearing resistance is zero c) 3

d) None of the mentioned d) 5

View Answer View Answer

Answer: a Answer: c

Explanation: As a rough approximation, the settlement of a Explanation: The code recognizes, depending upon the
group of friction piles can be computed on the assumptions deformation associated with the load and the extent of
that the clay contained between development of failure surface, three

the top of piles is incompressible. types of failures of soil support beneath the foundations which
are general, local and punching shear failure.
9. The equation used for determining the bearing capacity of a
group of friction piles is__________ 3. The bearing capacity equation for strip footing as given IS
standard, can be modified on the basis of___________
a) Qup = Rf + Rp
a) Shape of the footing
b) Qug = n Qup . ηg
b) Type of soil
c) Qug = n Qup / ηg
c) Bearing capacity
d) None of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned
View Answer
View Answer
Answer: b
Answer: a
Explanation: The bearing equations applicable for strip footing d) 0
shall be modified to take into account, the shape of the
footings, and inclination of View Answer

loading, depth of embankment and effect of water table. Answer: b

4. The value of shape factor S c, S q and S γ for circular base Explanation: If the water table is located at the depth D or
is_________ likely to rise at the base of the footing or above, then the value
of W’ shall be taken as 0.5.
a) 1.3, 1.2, 0.8
8. For cohesion less soils, having c=0 Indian standard code
b) 1.3, 1.2, 0.6 recommends that the bearing capacity can be calculated
based on__________
c) 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
a) Relative density
d) 1.2, 1.0 and 1.3
b) Standard penetration resistance value
View Answer
c) Static cone penetration
Answer: b
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: According to IS (6403 -1981) standards, the
shape factor for circle base is 1.3, 1.2 and 0.6 for S c, S q and View Answer
S γ respectively.
Answer: d
5. The depth factor can be applied to footing only
when___________ Explanation: For cohesionless soils (c=0), Indian standard
code recommends that the bearing capacity can be calculated
a) Back filling is compacted a) based on relative density or

b) Shape factors are not used b) based on standard penetration resistance value, and c)
based on static cone penetration test.
c) The base of the footing is circular
9. The standard penetration resistance is determined at a
d) All of the mentioned number of selected points at intervals of__________

View Answer a) 80 cm

Answer: a b) 75 cm

Explanation: The depth factor can be applied only the back c) 100 cm
filling is done with proper compaction.
d) 10 cm
6. The effect of water table is taken into account for bearing
capacity in the form of___________ View Answer

a) Depth factor Answer: b

b) Inclination factor Explanation: Indian standard recommends that the standard

penetration resistance is determined at a number of selected
c) Correction factor points at intervals of 75 cm in

d) Shape factor the vertical direction or change of strata if it takes place

View Answer
10. The ultimate bearing capacity for cohesive soil can be
Answer: c calculated using the equation__________

Explanation: The effect of water table is taken into account in a) q nf = c Nc .sc

the form of correction factor W’ applied to the wedge term.
b) q nf = c Nc .sc. dc. ic
7. If the water table is located at the depth D, then the value of
W’ is taken as___________ c) q nf = Nc .sc .dc

a) 1 d) q nf = sc. dc. ic

b) 0.5 View Answer

c) 2 Answer: b
Explanation: The net ultimate bearing capacity after Explanation: The failure of slopes takes place mainly due to
construction on fairly saturated homogeneous cohesive soils the action of gravitational force which tends to pull
can be calculated from the expression:
the upper portions of the soil mass downwards to a nearly
q nf = c Nc .sc. dc. ic more level surface.

where, Nc = 5.14. 3. Slopes is classified into____________types.

11. The value of c in the equation, q nf = c Nc .sc. dc. ic used a) 2

for finding bearing capacity of cohesive soil can be calculated
by___________ b) 3

a) Unconfined compression strength test c) 4

b) Static cone penetration test d) 5

c) Relative density test View Answer

d) All of the mentioned Answer: a

View Answer Explanation: slopes may be of two types: i) infinite slopes and
ii) finite slopes.
Answer: a
4. Which of the following is an example of slopes extending to
Explanation: The value of cohesion c can be obtained from infinity?
unconfined compression strength test. Alternatively, cohesion
c may be determined by static a) Inclined face of Earth dams

cone resistance q c using the empirical relation between q c b) Embankments

and c.
c) Cuts
Stability Analysis of
d) None of the mentioned
Infinite Slopes
View Answer
1. Earth embankments or slopes are commonly required for
which of the following purpose? Answer: d

a) Railways Explanation: Slopes extending to infinity do not exist in nature.

b) Earth dams 5. Analysis of stability of slopes is used for

c) Road ways
a) Shearing strength and Stressed internal surface
d) All of the mentioned
b) Properties of the soil
View Answer
c) None of the mentioned
Answer: d
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: Earth embankments are commonly required for
railways, roadways, earth dams, levees and river View Answer

training works. Answer: a

2. The failure of slopes may take place due to___________ Explanation: An analysis of stability of slopes consist of
determining the most severely stressed internal surface
a) Forces between the soil particle and High water content
and the magnitude of the shearing stress to which it is
b) Action of gravitational force subjected and the determining the shearing stress along

c) None of the mentioned the surface.

d) All of the mentioned 6. If the soil properties for all identical depths below the
surface are constant, it is an_________
View Answer
a) Finite slope
Answer: a
b) Infinite slope
c) Planar failure surface b) Angle of repose

d) All of the mentioned c) Angle of unstable slope

View Answer d) All of the mentioned

Answer: b View Answer

Explanation: If a slope represents the boundary surface of a Answer: b

semi-infinite soil mass, and the soil properties for all
Explanation: In the limiting case of stability, the angle of slope
identical depths below the surface are constant, it is called an is known as angle of repose φ.
infinite slope.
10. The factor of safety against safety is given
7. A long natural slope of cohesion-less soil is inclined at 12° by________equation.
to the horizontal. What will be the factor of safety of
a) F = HC / H
the slope if φ = 30°?
b) F = τf / τ and F = tan φ / tan i
a) 1.6
c) None of the mentioned
b) 2.7
d) All of the mentioned
c) 0.13
View Answer
d) 0.4
Answer: b
View Answer
Explanation: The factor of safety against sliding is given by
Answer: b equation:

Explanation: F = τf /τ = tan φ / tan i.

Given φ = 30° and i = 12° Khosla’s Theory

Formula, F = tan φ /tan i 1. Khosla’s theory can be used for calculating which of the
F = tan 30° / tan 12°
a) uplift pressure and exit gradient
F = 2.72.
c) seepage pressure
8. Factor of safety with respect to height is given
by______________ equation. c) None of the mentioned

a) FC = HC / H d) All of the mentioned

b) FC = C / Cm View Answer

c) FC = τf / τ Answer: a

d) FC = τC / τ Explanation: khosla’s theory has an account of flow pattern

below the impermeable base of hydraulic structures, hence it
View Answer can be used to calculate

Answer: a the uplift pressure and the gradient at the exit, called the exit
Explanation: Since the factor of safety FC with respect to
cohesion, also represent the factor of safety with 2. The failure of Naror weir in India was due to__________

respect to height a) Excessive water pressure

FC = C / Cm = HC / H b) Undermining

Where, Cm is the mobilized cohesion at a depth H. c) Hydraulic structure

9. In the limiting case of stability, the angle of slope is referred d) All of the mentioned
to as_____________
View Answer
a) Angle of deviation
Answer: a 6. The pressure at the exit gradient at which the upward force
is equal to the submerged weight of the soil is called the
Explanation: According to Leliavsky (1965), failure of Norora ___________
weir in India was due to excessive water pressure (uplift
pressure) causing the floor to a) Floatation gradient

be blown upwards. b) Bursting gradient

3. The hydraulic gradient theory of weir design was developed c) Critical gradient
d) All of the mentioned
a) Darcy and Beresford
View Answer
b) Col. Clibborn
Answer: d
c) None of the mentioned
Explanation: The upward force is equal to the submerged
d) All of the mentioned weight of the soil is called the flotation gradient (Terzaghi), or
bursting gradient (Haigh) or
View Answer
the critical gradient (Khosla).
Answer: a
7. The concept of undermining by ‘foundation’ was put forward
Explanation: In 1902, Col. Clibborn and Beresford developed by____________
the hydraulic gradient theory of weir design as a result of their
experiment. a) F.F.Haigh

4. A hydraulic structure should not be built on pervious soil, b) Khosla

because of_________
c) Casagrande
a) Higher water level at the upstream of the structure
d) Pavlov sky
b) Compressibility of the soil is low
View Answer
c) Excessive water pressure above the soil
Answer: a
d) None of the mentioned
Explanation: in 1925, professor Terzaghi put forward the
View Answer conception of undermining by foundation.

Answer: a 8. In khosla’s theory ,the stream lines occurring under a

horizontal is shown in the form of__________
Explanation: If a hydraulic structure is built on pervious soil,
the higher water level at the upstream of the structure will a) Parabola
cause seepage through the
b) Ellipse
permeable soil.
c) Hyperbola
5. Undermining of the sub soil is due to___________
d) Circle
a) Seepage
View Answer
b) Piping
Answer: b
c) Excessive water pressure
Explanation: For the case of two dimensional flows occurring
d) Uplift pressure under a straight floor, the stream lines are shown as confocal
View Answer
9. Which of the following is similar to that of khosla’s theory?
Answer: d
a) Darcy’s theory
Explanation : According to the commonly accepted ideas , the
undermining is supposed to result from piping ,that is , the b) Terzaghi’s theory
erosion of the sub-soil by
c) Bligh’s theory
the high velocities of flow of water through it when such
velocities exceeds certain limit. d) Haigh theory
View Answer Explanation: The size of the pore spaces in saturated soil
mass does not change with time, regardless of water
Answer: c pressure. Therefore the saturated

Explanation: Both Bligh’s theory and khosla’s theory deals porous medium is incompressible.
with finding of uplift pressure and exit gradient.
4. The quantity of water which flows out from any element of
Two Dimensional Flow : Laplace Equation volume is_________than quantity which flows out.

This set of Geotechnical Engineering Multiple Choice a) Greater

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Two dimensional
flow : Laplace Equation”. b) smaller

1. What are the types of flow head that exist at any point in a c) Equal
saturated soil mass?
d) All of the mentioned
a) Piezometric head or pressure head
View Answer
b) Velocity head
Answer: c
c) Position head
Explanation: According to the theoretical analysis of flow of
d) All of the mentioned fluids, the quantity of water flowing into any element of volume
is equal to the quantity
View Answer
which flows out in the same length of time.
Answer: d
5. In the zone of soil through which water seeps , there will
Explanation: When water flows through a saturated soil be____________change in the degree of saturation.
mass ,the total head at any point in the soil mass consist of
i)piezometric head or pressure a) More

head ii) the velocity y head iii)the position head. b) Less

2. The quantity of water, flowing through a saturated soil mass c) All of the mentioned
can be estimated by which of the following theory?
d) None of the mentioned
a) Flow of fluids through porous medium
View Answer
b) Theoretical analysis of Laplace
Answer: d
c) Flow of water through saturated soil mass
Explanation: There is no change in the degree of saturation in
d) None of the mentioned the zone of soil through which water seeps.

View Answer 6. The path along which ,the individual particles of water seep
through the soil are___________
Answer: a
a) Stream lines and Flow lines
Explanation: The quantity of water flowing through a saturated
soil mass, as well as the distribution of water pressure can be b) Equipotential lines
estimated by the
c) None of the mentioned
theory of fluids through porous medium.
d) All of the mentioned
3. According to theory of flow of fluids through porous medium
,the saturated porous medium is___________ View Answer

a) Compressible Answer: a

b) Incompressible Explanation: The direction of seepage is always perpendicular

to the equipotential line. But both equipotential line and
c) Moderately compressible stream line (flow line) is

d) Highly compressible mutually orthogonal .So the individual particle of the water
seep through stream line.
View Answer
7. The solution of velocity potential φ can be obtained by
Answer: b which of the following methods?
a) Analytical methods View Answer

b) Graphical methods Answer: b

c) Experimental methods Explanation: Flow occurs between two points only when there
is a difference in the potential energies or simply potential.
d) All of the mentioned
6/28/2018 Laplace Equation - Geotechnical Engineering
View Answer Questions and Answers - Sanfoundry

Answer: d https://www.sanfoundry.com/geotechnical-engineering-
Explanation: solution for velocity potential equation can be 5/8
obtained from analytical, graphical and experimental methods
which give two set of 11. A combination of velocity potential (φ) and stream function
(ψ) is called___________
a) Velocity potential
8. The loss of head per unit distance in soil is
called___________ b) Seepage pressure

a) Velocity potential c) Complex potential

b) Hydraulic gradient d) Hydraulic gradient

c) Velocity gradient View Answer

d) Stream function Answer: c

View Answer Explanation: A combination of φ and ψ is called as complex

potential (w) and is defined by the equation: w=φ +i ψ.
Answer: b
Load Carrying Capacity of Piles
Explanation: The loss of head or the dissipation of the
hydraulic head per unit distance of flow through the soil is 1. The maximum load which can be carried by a pile is
called hydraulic gradient defined as its__________

i.e. i=h/L. a) Ultimate load carrying capacity

9. Seepage pressure is important for which of the following b) Ultimate bearing resistance
c) Ultimate bearing capacity
a) Stability analysis
d) All of the mentioned
b) Structral arrangement
View Answer
c) Total head
Answer: d
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: The ultimate load carrying capacity, or ultimate
View Answer bearing resistance or ultimate bearing capacity Q up is
defined as the maximum load which
Answer: a
can be carried by a pile and at which the pile continues to sink
Explanation: The seepage structure is vital importance in the without further increase of load.
stability analysis of earth structures subjected to the action of
seepage. 2. The allowable load which the pile can carry safely is
determined on the basis of________
10. The total head at any point on a soil may be regarded
as__________per unit weight of water measured. a) Factor of safety

a) Velocity energy b) Load test

b) Hydraulic potential c) Stability of the pile foundation

c) Potential energy d) All of the mentioned

d) Piezometric energy View Answer

Answer: c View Answer

Explanation: The allowable load Qa is the safe load which the Answer: a
pile can carry safely and is determined on the basis of: i)
overall stability of the pilefoundation Explanation: When a pile hammer hits the pile, the total
driving energy is equal to the weight of hammer the height of
ii) the permissible settlement iii) ultimate bearing resistance drop or stroke.
divided by factor of safety.
6. Dynamic formulae are best suited for_________ type of
3. The load carrying capacity of a pile can be determined by soil.
which of the following methods?
a) Fine grained soil
a) Dynamic formulae
b) Coarse grained soil
b) Static formulae
c) Cohesive soil
c) Plate load test
d) None of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned
View Answer
View Answer
Answer: b
Answer: d
Explanation: Dynamic formulae are best suited to coarse
Explanation: The load carrying capacity of a pile can be grained soils for which the shear strength is independent of
determined by the following methods: i) Penetration tests ii) rate of loading.
Dynamic formulae iii) Static
7. Dynamic formula does not indicate about_________
formulae iv) Plate load test.
a) Temporary change in soil structure and Future settlement
4. Which of the following are some of the commonly used
dynamic formula? b) Allowable load

a) Engineers News formula and Hiley’s formula c) None of the mentioned

b) Static formula d) All of the mentioned

c) None of the mentioned View Answer

d) All of the mentioned Answer: a

View Answer Explanation: A disadvantage of dynamic formula is that it

gives no indication about the reduced bearing future
Answer: a settlement or temporary changes in soil

Explanation: The Engineers News formula as proposed by structure.

Wellington and Hiley’s formula given by the original
expression of Hiley are the commonly 8. The dynamic formula is valueless for which of the following
type of soil?
used dynamic formula.
a) Loose sand
5. When a pile hammer hits the pile, the total driving energy is
equal to_________ b) Saturated soil

a) Weight of hammer times the height of drop c) Clay soil

b) Weight of the ram time times the height of the stroke d) Compacted soil

6/29/2018 Load Carrying Capacity of Piles - Geotechnical View Answer

Engineering Questions and Answers - Sanfoundry
6/29/2018 Load Carrying Capacity of Piles - Geotechnical
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c) Sum of the impact of the ram questions-answers-load-carrying-capacity-piles/ 7/13

d) Sum of the impact of ram plus the energy delivered by Answer: c

Explanation: For clays, the dynamic formulae are valueless Mat or Raft Footing
because the skin friction developed in clay during driving is
very much less than which 1. The foundation that is used when the soil mass is
sufficiently erratic?
occurs after a period of time.
a) Strap footing
9. In dynamic formulae what are the energy losses, that is not
accounted? b) Combined footing

a) Energy Loss due to vibration and Energy loss due to heat c) Mat footing

b) Frictional loss d) Rectangular combined footing

c) None of the mentioned View Answer

d) All of the mentioned Answer: c

View Answer Explanation: Mat footing is used where the soil contains
compressible lenses or the soil is sufficiently erratic so that
Answer: a the differential settlement would be

Explanation: In dynamic formulae, the energy loss due to difficult to control.

vibrations, heat and damage to dolly or packaging are not
taken into account. 2. Usually, rafts are designed as_________

10. The greater objection to any of the pile driving formulae a) Reinforced slabs
b) Reinforced concrete flat slabs
a) Uncertainty in relation between dynamic and static
resistance c) Ordinary concrete slab

b) Shear strength of the soil d) Inverted flat slabs

c) Uncertainty in the allowable pressure View Answer

d) None of the mentioned Answer: b

View Answer Explanation: Ordinarily, rafts are designed as reinforced

concrete flat slabs using heavy beams.
Answer: a
3. The weight of the raft is not considered in the structural
Explanation: The greater objection to any of the pile driving design, because___________
formulae is the uncertainty about the relationship between the
dynamic and static resistance a) Weight is carried by subsoil

to soil. b) Raft does not remain contact with soil

11. The static formula is based on the assumption that the c) The weight is transferred to column
ultimate bearing capacity Qup is equal to___________
d) All of the mentioned
a) Rf + Qa
View Answer
b) Rf + Rp
Answer: a
c) As + Ap
Explanation: The weight of the raft is not considered in the
d) Q up / F structural design because it is assumed to be carried by
directly by the subsoil.
View Answer
4. If a maximum settlement of 50 mm is permitted for a raft,
Answer: b the differential settlement must not exceed___________

Explanation: The static formulae are based on the assumption a) 30 mm

that the ultimate bearing capacity Qup of a pile is the sum of
the total ultimate skin friction b) 10 mm

Rf and total ultimate point or end bearing resistance Rp: c) 20 mm

Qup = Rf + Rp. d) 25 mm
View Answer View Answer

Answer: c Answer: a

Explanation: A raft may undergo large settlement without Explanation: The raft is subdivided into a series of continuous
causing harmful differential settlement. For this reason, beams (strips) centered on the appropriate column rows to
almost double settlement of that establish shear failure and

permitted for footing is acceptable for raft. Therefore if a moment diagram.

maximum settlement of 50 mm (2 in) is permitted for a raft,
the differential settlement is not 8. The penetration resistance N for designing of raft should be
taken at___________intervals.
likely to exceed 20 mm (0.75 in).
a) 50 cm
5. The net ultimate bearing capacity for raft may be
determined by__________ b) 60 cm

a) Skempton’s equation and Terzaghi’s equation c) 75 cm

b) Darcy’s equation d) 20 cm

c) None of the mentioned View Answer

d) All of the mentioned Answer: c

View Answer Explanation: The penetration resistance N values should be

taken at 75 cm intervals for depth equal to width of the raft,
Answer: a below the base of the raft.

Explanation: The net ultimate bearing capacity may be 9. If the penetration resistance N is less than 5, which of the
determined from both Skempton and Terzaghi’s equation as following measures can be adopted?
given below:
a) Using piles and piers and Compacting sand
i) Skempton’s equation: q nf = 5 [1 + 0.2D/B ] [1 + 0.2B/L]c
b) Using inverted flat slab
ii) Terzaghi’s equation: q nf = 5.7[ 1 + 0.3B/L]c.
c) None of the mentioned
6. In raft footing, if the C.G of the load coincide with the
centroid of the raft, the upward load is considered as d) All of the mentioned
View Answer
a) Non uniform pressure
Answer: a
b) Uniform pressure
Explanation: If N is less than 5, sand should be compacted by
c) Excess pressure artificial means to rise N above 10, or else piles or piers
should be used.
d) None of the mentioned
10. The net pressure can be calculated for raft having width
View Answer greater than___________

Answer: b a) 6 m

Explanation: If the Center of gravity of the load coincides with b) 20 cm

the centroid of the raft, the upward load is regarded as a
uniform pressure, which will be c) 30 cm

equal to the downward load divided by the area of the raft. d) 4 m

7. Raft is subdivided in to series of beams to View Answer

Answer: a
a) Shear failure and Moment diagrams
Explanation: Based on the settlement criterion for raft, the net
b) Pressure distribution pressure can be calculated from the following equation having
its width greater than 6m.
c) None of the mentioned
qp = 20(N-3) Rw2 kN/m2.
d) All of the mentioned
Mechanical Stabilisation a) Densification

This set of Geotechnical Engineering Multiple Choice b) stabilisation

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Mechanical
Stabilisation”. c) Tensile strength

1. Stabilisation of soils are most commonly used in d) Particle size distribution

__________ engineering works.
View Answer
a) Air-field pavements
Answer: d
b) Foundations of buildings
Explanation: The particle size distribution and composition are
c) Pile construction the important factors governing the engineering behavior of
d) All of the mentioned
5. Mechanical stabilisation of soil involves which of the
View Answer following operation?

Answer: a a) Compaction and Changing the composition of soil

Explanation: The most common application of stabilisation is b) Leveling

in the construction of roads and air-field pavements.
c) None of the mentioned
2. Method of stabilisation can be grouped under________
main types. d) All of the mentioned

a) Three View Answer

b) two Answer: a

c) one Explanation: Mechanical stabilisation involves two operations:

i) changing the composition of soil by addition or removal of
d) four certain constituents, and ii)

View Answer densification or compaction.

Answer: b 6. For mechanical stabilized bases, liquid limit should not

Explanation: Method of stabilisation may be grouped under
two main categories: a) modification of soil property of a) 35 %
existing soil without any admixture b)
b) 25 %
modification of soil property with the help of admixtures.
c) 50 %
3. Example of modification of soil property with the help of
admixtures is_________ d) 10 %

a) Compaction View Answer

b) Drainage Answer: b

c) Mechanical stabilisation Explanation: For bases, liquid limit should not exceed 25 %
and plasticity index must not exceed 6.
d) Particle size distribution
7. The properties of a soil under compaction depend
View Answer upon_________

Answer: c a) Swelling

Explanation: Example of modification of soil property with the b) Placement condition

help of admixtures is: mechanical stabilization, stabilization
with cement, lime, bitumen c) Water content

and chemicals etc. d) Permeability

4. The important factors that governs the engineering View Answer

behavior of soil are_________
Answer: c
Explanation: The properties of a soil under compaction c) Coarse-grained soil
depend upon the water content, amount of compaction, and
the type of compaction. d) All of the mentioned

8. The properties of soil that are affected by compaction View Answer

Answer: c
a) Swelling
Explanation: The binding action of individual particles through
b) Water absorption cement may be only possible in coarse-grained soil. In fine-
grained, cohesive soils, only
c) Permeability
some of the particles can be expected to have cement bonds,
d) All of the mentioned and the rest may be bonded through natural cohesion.

View Answer Mohr – Coulomb

Answer: d Failure Theory

Explanation: Compaction has a great effect on soil properties, 1. The curve obtained by plotting the normal and shear stress
such as strength and stress-strain characteristics, is called as___________
permeability, compression, swelling,
a) Mohr’s envelope
and water absorption.
b) Coulomb envelope
9. The soil stabilised with cement is called_________
c) Strength envelope
a) Lime cement
d) Stress envelope
b) Soil cement
View Answer
c) Cementing soil
Answer: c
d) None of the mentioned
Explanation: If the normal and shear stress corresponding to
View Answer failure are plotted, then a curve is obtained .The plot

Answer: b or the curve is called the strength envelope.

Explanation: The soil stabilised with cement (Portland 2. Which of the following is coulomb’s strength equation?
cement) is usually known as soil cement.
a) S = c + tan φ
10. The important factor affecting soil cement is________
b) C = s + c tan φ
a) Admixtures
c) S = c + σ tan φ
b) Swelling
d) S = tan φ
c) Water absorption
View Answer
d) Permeability
Answer: c
View Answer
Explanation: Coulomb defined the function F (σ) as a linear
Answer: a function of σ and gave the following strength

Explanation: The important factors affecting the soil cement equation:

are: nature of soil, cement content, condition s of mixing,
compaction and curing and S = c + σ tan φ.

admixtures. 3. The critical shear stress causing failure of material depends

11. The binding action of individual particles through cement is
possible only in__________ type of soil? a) Properties of the material and normal stress on the plane

a) Fine-grained soil b) Intermediate principal stress

b) Clayey soil c) None of the mentioned

d) All of the mentioned Explanation: Coulomb considered that the relationship
between shear strength and normal stress could be
View Answer
adequately represented by the straight line.
Answer: a
7. Mohr envelope can be considered to be straight if the angle
Explanation: According to Mohr’s strength theory, the critical of internal friction φ is assumed to be__________
shear stress causing failure depends upon the
a) 90°
properties of the materials as well as on normal stress on the
failure plane. b) >90°

4. Theory of failure, was first proposed by____________ c) <90°

a) Coulomb d) None of the mentioned

b) Mohr View Answer

c) Casagrande Answer: d

d) Darcy Explanation: Mohr envelope can be considered straight if the

angle of internal friction φ is assumed to be a
View Answer
Answer: a
8. Which of the following stresses does not have any
Explanation: The theory of failures was first expressed by influence on strength of a material?
coulomb in 1776 and later generalized by Mohr.
a) Major principal stress
5. The Mohr-Coulomb theory can be expressed algebraically
by, which of the following equation. b) Minor principal stress

a) S = c + σ tan φ c) Intermediate principal stress

b) τf = s = F(σ) d) Shearing stress

c) s = F(σ) View Answer

d) τf = F(σ) Answer: c

View Answer Explanation: When a material is subjected to three

dimensional stresses, the intermediate principal stress does
Answer: b
not have any influence on the strength of material.
Explanation: The Mohr-Coulomb failure theory can be
expressed algebraically by the equation:τf = s = F (σ) 9. The parameter φ in coulomb’s equation “S = c + σ tan φ”,
Where, τf = s=shear stress on failure plane, at failure=shear
resistance of material a) Shearing resistance and Angle of internal friction

F (σ) = function of normal stress. b) Angle of slope

6. According to Coulomb, the relationship between shear c) None of the mentioned

strength and normal stress could be represented
d) All of the mentioned
View Answer
a) Linear curve
Answer: a
b) Parabolic curve
Explanation: The empirical constant φ in coulomb’s equation
c) Straight line represents angle of internal friction or shearing

d) None of the mentioned resistance respectively

View Answer Mohrs Stress Circle

Answer: b ”.
1. The shearing resistance of a soil is constituted b) Shearing resistances
c) None of the mentioned
a) Structural resistance and Frictional resistance
d) All of the mentioned
b) Shearing strength
View Answer
c) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: The failure conditions for a soil may be
View Answer expressed in terms of limiting stress, called shear strength or

Answer: a as a function of the principal stresses.

Explanation: The shearing resistance of soil is constituted by 5. The shear deformation of soil in a building can
cause___________of the following?
1) The structural resistance to displacement of the soil
because of the interlocking of the particles a) Sinking of footing

2) The frictional resistance to translocation between the b) Slide in an earth embankment

individual soil particles at their contact points.
c) Movement of wedge
2. The shear strength in cohesion less soil is due
to___________ d) All of the mentioned

a) Internal friction View Answer

b) Cohesion Answer: d

c) Inter granular friction Explanation: Shearing deformation of soil may be in the form
of sinking of a footing, or movement of a wedge of
d) Inter particle force
soil particles or on masses upon the action of a shear stress.
View Answer
6. Major principal stress in a soil is represented by the
Answer: c symbol________________

Explanation: The shear strength in cohesion less soils from a) σ1

inter granular friction, while in other soils it results
b) σ2
both from internal friction as well as cohesion.
c) σ3
3. The planes that exist in soil mass is______________
d) σ4
a) Principal plane
View Answer
b) Principal stress
Answer: a
c) Stress plane
Explanation: Major, intermediate and minor principal stresses
d) None of the mentioned are represented by the corresponding symbols σ1,

View Answer σ2, and σ3.

Answer: a 7. The circle obtained from two dimensional stress system is

known as
Explanation: In a loaded soil mass, there exist three typical
planes, mutually orthogonal to each other. These a) Principal stress circle

planes are called the principal planes. b) Mohr circle

6 c) Shearing stress circle

4. The failure condition for a soil cam be expressed in terms d) None of the mentioned
of limiting shear stress, called__________
View Answer
a) Principal stresses and Shear strength
Answer: b
Explanation: The circle drawn from two dimensional stress 1. A soil sample may be well graded if__________
systems is known as Mohr’s circle of stress (Mohr,
a) If it has most number of particles of same size
b) Excess of certain particles
8. The maximum shear stress τmax, for a soil mass is equal
to___________ c) Good representation of particles of all size

a) (σ1 – σ3 )/2 d) None of the mentioned

b) (σ1 + σ3 )/2 View Answer

c) (σ1×σ3 )/2 Answer: c

d) (σ3 – σ1 )/2 Explanation: A soil is said to be well graded when it has a

good representation of particle of all size.
View Answer
2. For coarse grained soil ,the particle size D10 is sometimes
Answer: a called as__________

Explanation: The maximum shear stress τmax is equal to (σ1 a) effective size and effective diameter
– σ3)/2 which occurs on planes with α= 45°.
b) uniform diameter
9. The normal stresses acting on planes of the soil are known
as_____________ c) All of the mentioned

a) Major principal stresses d) None of the mentioned

b) Principal stresses View Answer

c) Minor principal stresses Answer: a

d) Principal planes Explanation: The size D10 is sometimes called as the

effective size or effective diameter.
View Answer
3. The shape of particle size curve , which is represented by
Answer: a the coefficient of curvature (Cc) is given

Explanation: The normal stresses acting on principal planes by__________

are called the principal stresses.
a) Cc = (D30)2/D10×D40
10. Stress component on planes of a loaded soil mass
depends upon____________ b) Cc=(D40)2/D10×D30

a) Stress acting on plane c) Cc =(D30)2/D10×D60

b) Direction of plane d) Cc =D60/D10

c) Shearing resistance View Answer

d) All of the mentioned Answer: b

View Answer Explanation: The coefficient of curvature (Cc) is given by the

Answer: b
Cc = (D40)2/D10×D30.
Explanation: Through a point in a loaded soil mass,
innumerable planes passes and stress component on each 4. The coefficient of uniformity (CV) is the ratio of _________

plane depend upon the direction of the plane. a) D60 and D10

Particle Size b) D30 and D10

Distribution Curve c) D10 and D30

This set of Geotechnical Engineering Multiple Choice d) D10 and D30

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Particle Size
View Answer
Distrubution Curve”.
Answer: a a) 20%

Explanation: The coefficient of uniformity CV, is defined as the b) 60%

ratio of D60 and D10
c) 10%
i.e.CV = D60/ D10.
d) 100%
5. The curve situated at the right side of the particle size
distribution curve is_________ View Answer

a) Coarse-grained soil Answer: c

b) Fine-grained soil Explanation: The D10 represent a size, in mm such that 10%
of the particle is finer than D10 size.
c) coarse-grained soil
9. The time of settlement of finest particle of soil sample, is
d) None of the mentioned 15hr20min49sec .calculate the height of the water tank

View Answer .Take D=0.01 mm,γ=0.905D2.

Answer: a a) 5 m

Explanation: The right side the particle size distribution curve b) 7 m

shows the coarse-grained while the left shows the
c) 12 m
relatively fine-grained soil.
d) 4 m
6. What is the time of settlement of coarse particle of a soil
sample, of diameter 0.5? View Answer

Take γ=0.905D2 and height of water tank as 5 m. Answer: a

a) 11.6 seconds Explanation: γ=0.905(0.01)

b) 72.8 seconds γ=9.05×10-5

c) 14 seconds t = 15hr 20min 49sec =55429 sec

d) 22.1 seconds t=h/v

View Answer 55429=h/9.05×10-5

Answer: d h=55429×9.05×10-5

Explanation: γ=0.905(0.5)2=0.2263 m/sec h = 5.000034 m.

Time of settlement, T=h/v =5/0.2263=22.1 seconds. 10. The shape of the particle size curve is represented
7. A curve with a flat portion ,in particle size distribution curve
represent __________ a) Effective size

a) Intermediate size particle are missing b) Effective diameter

b) Intermediate size particles are present c) Uniform coefficient

c) Smaller size particle are present d) Co-efficient of curvature

d) Large size particles are present View Answer

View Answer Answer: d

Answer: a Explanation: Coefficient of the curvature Cc represent the

shape of the particle size curve given by CC=
Explanation: A curve with a flat portion represents oil in which
intermediate size particle are missing. (D40)2/D10×D30.

8. The D10 represent a size, such that _________ of the 11. A particle-size distribution curve gives us an idea
particles are finer than this size. about__________
a) Type of soil Explanation: kozney’s solution for flow of water consists of a
family of confocal parabola s representing the flow
b) Properties of soil
lines. Hence kozney’s top flow line is called the basic or base
c) All of the mentioned parabola.

d) None of the mentioned 4. For the water flowing above an impervious ,infinite
,horizontal plane .the net flow is given by___________
View Answer
a) Casagrande
Answer: a
b) Kozney
Explanation: A particle-size curve shows both type and
gradation of the soil. c) Forchheimer

Phreatic Line of an Earth Dam d) Darcy

1. What are the essentials, required to draw a flow net? View Answer

a) Top Flow and Phreatic line Answer: a

b) Stream line Explanation: In 1938, kozney analytically derived a flow net

for the case of water flowing above an impervious,
c) None of the mentioned
infinite, horizontal plane which at a certain place becomes
d) All of the mentioned permeable.

View Answer 5. What is the line within a dam section, below which there
are positive hydrostatic pressures?
Answer: a
a) Phreatic and Seepage line
Explanation: In order to draw the flow net, it is first essential to
find out the location and shape of phreatic line and b) Equipotential line

top flow line separating the saturated and unsaturated zones. c) None of the mentioned

2. The phreatic line can be located by which of the following d) All of the mentioned
View Answer
a) Graphical method
Answer: a
b) Experimental method
Explanation: the phreatic line or seepage line is the line within
c) Analytical method a dam section below which there are hydrostatic

d) All of the mentioned pressures in the dam .the hydrostatic pressure below on the
phreatic line itself is atmospheric.
View Answer
6. The flow lines and equipotential proposed by Kozney is in
Answer: d
the shape of____________
Explanation: As suggested by casagrande, the phreatic line
a) Hyperbola
can be located by graphical, experimental and
b) Ellipse
analytical methods.
c) Parabola
3. Kozney’s top flow lines is called as____________
d) Circle
a) Basic and Base parabola
View Answer
b) Simple parabola
Answer: c
c) None of the mentioned
Explanation: According to flow net derived by Kozney, the flow
d) All of the mentioned
lines and equipotential consist in the shape of
View Answer
Answer: a
7. The analytical solution of schaffernak and Van Iterson gave b) 4
result only for slopes, having__________
c) None of the mentioned
a) α>30°
d) All of the mentioned
b) α<30°
View Answer
c) α>60°
Answer: a
d) α<60°
Explanation: The IS code recommends that for working out
View Answer allowable load, a minimum factor of safety 2.5 or 3 should be
Answer: b
3. For pile in cohesive soil__________ is neglected for
Explanation: The analytical solution of schaffernak and van individual pile action.
iterson provided result, as long as slope is gentle i.e.,
a) Frictional resistance
α<30°. For steeper slopes, the deviation form correct values
increases rapidly beyond tolerable limits. b) Surface area of pile

8. What kind of method was suggested by Casagrande, for c) Shear strength of soil
determining phreatic line?
d) All of the mentioned
a) Experimental method
View Answer
b) Analytical method
Answer: b
c) Graphical method
Explanation: For the pile in cohesive soil, point bearing is
d) All of the mentioned generally neglected for individual pile action, since it is
negligible as compared to frictional
View Answer
Answer: c
4. The allowable load for the pile is given by__________
Explanation: Graphical method was used by Casagrande for equation.
the determination of phreatic line using flow net.
a) Qa = Qup/ F

b) Qa = Qup× F

c) Qa = WH /F(S+C)
Pile Load Tests
d) Qa = WH /6(S+2.5)

View Answer
1. The pile load test should be performed on__________
Answer: a
a) Working pile
Explanation: The allowable load Qp for a pile is given by
b) Test pile dividing the ultimate bearing capacity Qup by a suitable factor
of safety F.
c) All of the mentioned
Qa = Qup/ F.
d) None of the mentioned
5. The separation of Q at any stage of loading into Rp and Rf
View Answer in cyclic test, is based on experimental value found out
Answer: c
a) Hailey
Explanation: The pile load test can be performed on a working
pile which forms the foundation of the structure or on a test b) A.F. Van Weele
c) A.M. Wellington
2. A Factor of safety that should be adopted for finding
allowable load for a pile is_________ d) MacArthur

a) 2.5 and 3 View Answer

Answer: b Hooke’s law,

Explanation: The separation of Q at any stage of loading into Δ L = (Q – Rf/2) L / AE.

Rp and Rf in cyclic test is based on experimental found value
of A.F. Van Weele (1957) Types of Piles

that the load on the pile toes (1957) that the load on the pile This set of Geotechnical Engineering Multiple Choice
toe (i.e. RP) increases linearly with the elastic compression of Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Types of Piles”.
the soil.
1. The art of driving piles in to the ground was first established
6. The test which can be used for separating load carried by by__________
the pile is_________
a) Greeks
a) Cyclic load test
b) Romans
b) Pile load test
c) Philippians
c) Penetration test
d) None of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned
View Answer
View Answer
Answer: b
Answer: a
Explanation: The art of driving was first well-established in
Explanation: The cyclic load test is particularly useful in Roman times and the details of such foundation were
separating the load carried by the pile into the skin friction and recorded by Vitruvious in 59 A.D.
point bearing resistance.
2. Based on the function, piles can be classified
7. The result of Dutch cone penetration test can be applied to into___________ types.
a) 4
a) Ultimate skin fraction
b) 6
b) Total ultimate point
c) 8
c) Ultimate bearing capacity
d) 3
d) None of the mentioned
View Answer
View Answer
Answer: c
Answer: c
Explanation: Based on the function or the use, piles may be
Explanation: The result of Dutch cone penetration test can be classified as: 1) end bearing piles 2) friction piles 3)
applied with sufficient accuracy to determine the ultimate compaction piles 4) tension pile 5)
bearing capacity of piles in
anchor pile 6) fender pile 7) batter pile 8) sheet pile.
cohesion soils.
3. Which of the following piles is used to compact loose
8. The elastic compression Δ L of a pile can be calculated by granular soil?
the expression based on___________
a) Friction piles
a) Terzaghi’s theory
b) End bearing piles
b) Hooke’s law
c) Compaction piles
c) Meyerhof’s theory
d) Tension piles
d) Hiley’s formula
View Answer
View Answer
Answer: c
Answer: b
Explanation: Compaction piles are used to compact loose
Explanation: The elastic compression Δ L of the pile granular soil, thus increasing their bearing capacity.
corresponding to any load Q (= Rf + Rp) can be calculated
from the following expression based on 4. Sheet piles are commonly used as__________ in hydraulic
a) Bulk heads Explanation: The precast concrete piles are generally used for
a maximum design load of about 80 tonnes, except for large
b) Bearing stratum pre-stressed piles.

c) Boulders 8. Cast-in-situ piles may be classified in to________classes.

d) Composite piles a) Three

View Answer b) Eight

Answer: a c) Two

Explanation: Sheet piles are commonly used as bulkheads, or d) Four

as impervious cutoff to reduce seepage and uplift under
hydraulic structure. View Answer

5. The piles that are used for protecting structures from ships Answer: c
and floating object is____________
Explanation: Cast-in-situ piles can be classified in to two
a) Anchor piles classes: driven piles(cased or uncased) and bored
piles(pressure piles, pedestal piles and
b) Fender piles
under reamed piles).
c) Compaction piles
9. Which of the following piles is a cast-in-situ type of concrete
d) Batter piles pile?

View Answer a) Under-reamed pile

Answer: c b) Raymond standard pile

Explanation: Fender piles and dolphins are used to protect c) Pressure pile
water front structures against the impact from ships or other
floating objects. d) Anchor pile

6. Modern pile driving method was first invented View Answer

Answer: b
a) Romans
Explanation: Raymond standard pile and Raymond step-taper
b) Nasmyth pile are the common type of cast-in-situ piles.

c) Terzaghi 10. Composite piles are suitable for______________

d) Vitruvious a) Maximum design load

View Answer b) Project above the water table

Answer: b c) Compacting the soil

Explanation: Modern pile driving started with the first steam d) Protect water front structures
pile drivers, invented by Nasmyth in 1845.
View Answer
7. The precast concrete piles are generally used for a
maximum design load of about____________ Answer: b

a) 50 tonnes Explanation: Composite piles are suitable where the upper

part of a file is to project above the water table. Such a pile
b) 100 tonnes consists of a lower portion of

c) 75 tonnes untreated timber and upper portion of concrete.

d) 80 tonnes 11. Piles are commonly driven in to ground by means of

special device called__________
View Answer
a) Pile driver and Hammer
Answer: d
b) Driller
c) None of the mentioned Explanation: Single acting hammers are advantageous when
driving heavy piles in compact or hard piles.
d) All of the mentioned
Plate Load Test
View Answer
This set of Geotechnical Engineering Multiple Choice
Answer: a Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Plate Load Test”.

Explanation: Piles are commonly driven by means of hammer 1. The plate load test is essentially a___________
supported by a crane or by a special device known as a pile
drivers. a) Laboratory test

12. The types of hammer used for driving piles b) Field test
c) Graphical method analysis
a) Drop hammer
d) None of the mentioned
b) Diesel hammer
View Answer
c) Vibratory hammer
Answer: b
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: Plate load test is a field test to determine the
View Answer ultimate bearing capacity of soil, and the probable settlement
under a given loading.
Answer: d
2. The plate load test consists in loading a rigid plate at
Explanation: Hammer of the following types: i) drop hammer the_________
ii) single acting hammer iii) double acting hammer iv) diesel
hammer v)vibratory hammer. a) Base of the footing

13. If a hammer is raised by steam and allowed to fall by b) Bottom of the construction
gravity on top of the pile, it is called as________
c) Foundation level
a) Diesel hammer
d) All of the mentioned
b) Vibratory hammer
View Answer
c) Single acting hammer
Answer: c
d) Drop hammer
Explanation: The plate load test essentially consists in loading
View Answer a rigid plate at the foundation level, and determining the
corresponding to each load
Answer: c
Explanation: If a hammer is raised by a steam, compressed
air or internal combustion, but is allowed to fall by gravity 3. The bearing plate used in plate load test is in the shape
alone, it is called as single acting of__________

hammer. The energy of such hammer is equal to the weight of a) Square

the ram times the height of the fall.
b) Rectangular and Circular
14. Single acting hammers provide an advantage
in__________type of soil. c) None of the mentioned

a) Compact soil and Hard soil d) All of the mentioned

b) Light weight soil View Answer

c) None of the mentioned Answer: b

d) All of the mentioned Explanation: The bearing plate is either circular or square,
made of mild steel of not less than 25 mm in thickness.
View Answer
4. The size of bearing plate, which used in plate load test
Answer: a varies from___________

a) 300 to 750 mm
b) 25 to 100 mm Explanation: The settlement of the plate is measured with the
help of sensitive dial gauges. For square plate, two dial
c) 100 to 300 mm gauges are used .The dial gauges

d) 25 to 300 mm are mounted on independently supported datum bar.

View Answer 8. According to Indian standard method, the loading of the

plate should be borne with either by___________
Answer: a
a) Gravity loading platform and Reaction truss
Explanation: The bearing plate used varies in size from 300 to
750 mm with chequered or grooved bottom. b) Concrete blocks

5. The loading to the test plate is applied with__________ c) None of the mentioned

a) Fluid tube d) All of the mentioned

b) Hydraulic jack View Answer

c) Sand bags Answer: a

d) Cross-joists Explanation: Indian standards (IS: 1888: 1982) recommend

that the loading of the plate should invariably be borne either
View Answer by gravity loading platform or

Answer: b by the reaction truss.

Explanation: The loading to the test plate may be applied with 9. A seating pressure of___________is applied on the plate
the help of a hydraulic jack. The reaction of the hydraulic jack before starting the load test.
may be borne by either any
a) 70 g/cm
of gravity loading methodor reaction truss method.
b) 30 g/cm
6. For clayey and silty soils, which of the following bearing
plate can be used? c) 50 g/cm

a) Square plate and Concrete block d) 100 g/cm

b) Circular plate View Answer

c) None of the mentioned Answer: a

d) All of the mentioned Explanation: A minimum seating pressure of 70 g/cm (0.7

t/m ), shall be applied and removed before starting the load
View Answer test.

Answer: a 10. Which of the following type of loading method is popular

Explanation: For clayey and silty soils and for loose medium
dense sandy soils with N < 15, a 450 mm square plate or a) Gravity loading platform
concrete block shall be used.
b) Reaction truss
7. The settlement of the plate in load test is measured with the
help of_________ c) Concrete blocks

a) Sensitive dial gauges d) All of the mentioned

b) Test plate View Answer

c) Measuring unit Answer: b

d) Datum bar Explanation: The use of reaction truss is more popular now-a-
days since this is simple, quick and less clumsy.
View Answer
11. The value of factor of safety used, for finding safe bearing
Answer: a capacity is__________

a) 2.5
b) 2 A = contact area of footing or plate.

c) 4 14. For clay soil the value of n can be taken

as_____________, in the absence of test data.
d) 3
a) 0. 4 to 0.5
View Answer
b) 0.20 to 0.25
Answer: b
c) 0.003 to 0.05
Explanation: In order to determine the safe bearing capacity, it
would be normally sufficient to use a factor of safety of 2 or d) 0.08 to 0.10
2.5 on the ultimate bearing
View Answer
Answer: c
12. Which of the following pose a limitation to plate load test?
Explanation: The value of index n can be determined by
a) Effect of size of foundation and Test on cohesive soil carrying out two or more plate load tests on different size
plate. In absence of test data, the
b) Load increment
following values of n can be adopted:
c) None of the mentioned
Dense sand : 0.4 to 0.5
d) All of the mentioned
Loose sand : 0.20 to 0.25
View Answer
Pneumatic Caissons
Answer: a
1. The essential feature of a pneumatic caissons
Explanation: A limitation of plate load test is are__________

i) Effect of the size of foundation. For clayey soils the ultimate a) Tilting can be avoided and Removing water by
pressure for a large foundation is the same as that of the test Compressed air
plate. But in dense sandy
b) Skin fraction is zero
soils, the bearing capacity increases, with the size of the
foundation c) None of the mentioned

ii) Plate load test is essentially a short duration test, and d) All of the mentioned
hence the test does not give the ultimate settlement,
particularly in the case of cohesive soil. View Answer

13. For a c-φ soil, Housel suggested which of the following Answer: a
Explanation: The essential feature of a pneumatic caisson is
a) Q = A .q + P .s that compressed air is used to exclude or remove water from
the working chamber at the
b) Q = A .q
c) q f = M + N( BF/B p )
2. The method of construction of pneumatic caisson is similar
d) All of the mentioned to________

View Answer a) Box caissons

Answer: a b) Open caissons

Explanation: In 1929, Housel suggested the following c) Rectangular caissons

expression for a c-φ soil:
d) All of the mentioned
Q = A .q + P .s
View Answer
Where, Q = total load on bearing area;
Answer: b
P = perimeter of footing;
Explanation: The method of construction of pneumatic
S = perimeter shear; caisson is similar to that for open caissons (well) except that
the working chamber is kept air
tight. d) All of the mentioned

3. The working chamber of pneumatic caissons are kept View Answer

airtight because________
Answer: b
a) To avoid tilting
Explanation: In pneumatic caissons, the sinking of pneumatic
b) To remove the soil caissons are tedious, time consuming and expensive.

c) To prevent water from entering chamber 7. In order to prevent leakage of air in working
chamber________ is provided.
d) None of the mentioned
a) Arrangement of double gates
View Answer
b) Air compressor
Answer: c
c) Air lock
Explanation: In order that sub-soil water may not enter the
working chamber, the pressure of air in the shaft is kept d) All of the mentioned
View Answer
4. The allowable pressure that is allowed inside the working
chamber of pneumatic caissons is_______ Answer: a

a) 2 kg / cm Explanation: In order to prevent leakage of air, arrangement of

double gates is provided. The person enters the first gate,
b) 4 kg / cm where pressure is

c) 3.5 kg / cm atmospheric.

d) 7 kg / cm 8. The limiting head of water value in pneumatic caisson

View Answer
a) 40 m
Answer: c
b) 25 m
Explanation: Normally the tolerable air pressure under which
a man can work is limited to 3.5 kg / cm in pneumatic c) 35 m
d) 50 m
5. Advantage of using pneumatic caissons are _________
View Answer
a) Affords easy inspection and Process is done under control
conditions 6/29/2018 Pneumatic Caissons - Geotechnical Engineering
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b) Sinking process is easy
c) None of the mentioned questions-answers-pneumatic-caissons/ 7/14

d) All of the mentioned Answer: c

View Answer Explanation: As the maximum air pressure is limited to 3.5

kg /cm2. the limiting head of water is given by:
Answer: a
hlim = 3.5 / 0.1 = 35 m.
Explanation: An advantage of pneumatic caisson is that the
entire process of sinking well is carried out under controlled 9. In order to assist sinking of well __________ method is
conditions and it affords easy used in pneumatic caissons.

inspection work. a) Air pressure is reduced and Using explosive

6. Disadvantage of using pneumatic caissons are________ b) Using airlocks

a) Process cannot be done under control conditions c) None of the mentioned

b) Sinking process is tedious d) All of the mentioned

c) Inspection process is time consuming View Answer

Answer: a 3. The requirements to be satisfied by a filter material were
devised by which of the following organization?
Explanation: In order to assist sinking process, air pressure
may be reduced for a short while. Sometimes explosive may a) U.S.B.R. Earth manual
be employed in this case, it is
b) Indian standard classification
essential to make arrangements for the immediate removal of
fall fumes. c) PRA system

10. Pneumatic caissons are closed at _________ during d) M.I.T system

View Answer
a) Bottom
Answer: a
b) Top
Explanation: United States Bureau of Reclamation set four
c) Top and bottom main requirements to be satisfied by a filter material

d) None of the mentioned for it to be considered as a protective filters.

View Answer 4. A protective filter is designed to provide_____________

Answer: b a) Soil erosion

Explanation: Pneumatic caissons are closed at the top and b) Quick drainage
open at the bottom during construction.
c) Water moisture
Protective Filters
d) All of the mentioned
1. A protective filter can also be called as__________
View Answer
a) Reverse filter and Inverted filter
Answer: b
b) Horizontal filter
Explanation: A protective filter designed in such a manner as
c) None of the mentioned to provide quick drainage, yet prevent the

d) All of the mentioned movement of soil particles.

View Answer 5. What type of filter is provided at the bottom of drainage

sumps and trenches?
Answer: a
a) Drainage filter
Explanation: In protective filter, each subsequent layer
becomes increasingly coarser than previous one, and b) Reverse filter

hence, it is also called as reverse filter or inverted filter. c) Weighting filter

2. The soil to be protected by protective filter is known d) Horizontal filter

View Answer
a) Pervious materials
Answer: c
b) Protective materials
Explanation: Weighting filters at the bottom of drainage sumps
c) Base material and trenches arrest the percolating water at the

d) Porous materials exit and allow its safe exit without inducing piping.

View Answer 6. The phreatic line of an earth dam can be kept within body
of the dam by___________
Answer: c
a) Proper drainage filter
Explanation: The soil to be protected i.e., the embankment or
foundation material surrounding the filter is known b) Providing protective filter

as the base materials. c) Increasing soil porosity

d) Increasing surface area

View Answer removed without any appreciable buildup of seepage forces
within the filter.
Answer: b
10. A protective filter consists of layers of_____________
Explanation: With a proper drainage filter under slope or rock
fill toe, the phreatic line in an earth dam can be kept a) Base material

well within the body of the dam. b) Pervious material

7. According to Terzaghi, the D15 size material must be more c) Filter material
than the size of__________
d) Sheet-pile
a) D40
View Answer
b) D85
Answer: b
c) D20
Explanation: A protective filter consists of a combination of
d) D10 layers of pervious materials to provide quick drainage.

View Answer Active Earth Pressure: Rankine’s Theory

Answer: b 1. Originally, Rankine’s theory of lateral earth pressure can be

applied to only_______
Explanation: The D15 size of filter material must not be more
than 4 to 5 times D85 size of the base materials. a) Cohesion less soil

This prevents the foundation materials from passing through b) Cohesive soil
the pores of the filter material.
c) Fine grained soil
8. The grain size curve of the filter should be parallel to that
of____________ d) Coarse grained soil

a) Base materials View Answer

b) Filter Answer: a

c) Seepage discharge Explanation: As originally proposed, Rankine’ s theory of

lateral pressure is applied to uniform cohesion less soils
d) All of the mentioned
only. Later, it was extended to include cohesive soil.
View Answer
2. Rankine’s theory of lateral pressure was extended to other
Answer: a soil by__________

Explanation: As per the criteria given by Terzaghi, the grain a) Resal and Bell
size curve of the material should be roughly parallel
b) Mohr
to that of the base materials.
c) None of the mentioned
9. The filter material should be___________enough to
prevent buildup of seepage forces within the filter. d) All of the mentioned

a) Coarse and Pervious View Answer

b) Finer Answer: a

c) None of the mentioned Explanation: The theory of lateral pressure was extended to
cohesive, stratified, partially immersed and
d) All of the mentioned
submerged soil was by Resal in 1910 and by Bell in 1915.
View Answer
3. Based on the assumptions of Rankine’s theory, the soil
Answer: a mass is__________

Explanation: The filter material should be sufficiently coarse a) Stratified

and pervious so that the incoming force is rapidly
b) Submerged
c) Homogeneous b) Lateral pressure due to retaining wall

d) All of the mentioned c) None of the mentioned

View Answer d) All of the mentioned

Answer: c View Answer

Explanation: According to the assumption of Rankine’s theory, Answer: a

the soil mass is semi-infinite, homogeneous, dry
Explanation: The lateral pressure is made up of two
and cohesion less. components for wetted soil in back of the retaining wall:

4. Which of the following cases for cohesion less backfill in 1) Lateral pressure due to submerged weight ‘γ’ of the soil,
Rankine’s theory is considered? and

a) Submerged backfill 2) Lateral pressure due to water.

b) Moist backfill with no surcharge 7. The earth pressure at rest, exerted on a retaining structure
can be calculated using__________
c) Backfill with sloping surface
a) Theory of plasticity
d) All of the mentioned
b) Theory of elasticity
View Answer
c) Mohr’s theory of rupture
Answer: d
d) None of the mentioned
Explanation: In Rankine’s theory the following cases of
cohesionless backfill are considered View Answer

1) Dry or moist backfill with no surcharge Answer: b

2) Submerged backfill Explanation: The earth pressure at rest, exerted on the back
of the rigid, unyielding retaining structure, can be
3) Backfill with sloping surface and inclined back and
surcharge. calculated using theory of elasticity.

5. The factor that is responsible for inclination of resultant 8. The value of K0(coefficient of earth pressure at rest) for
pressure to the retaining wall is__________ loose sand is__________

a) Frictional force a) 0.6

b) Surcharge b) 0.5

c) Earth pressure c) 0.4

d) Weight of the wall d) 0.8

View Answer View Answer

Answer: a Answer: c

Explanation: The retaining walls are constructed of masonry Explanation: The value of K0 for different soils is:
or concrete, due to this the frictional force develops.
a) Loose sand – 0.4
The existence of the friction makes the resultant pressure
inclined to the wall at an angle that approaches the b) Dense sand – 0.6

frictional angle between the soil and the wall. c) Soft clay -0.6

6. If the sand filled behind the retaining wall with saturated d) Hard clay – 0.5
water with water, then the possible lateral pressure
9. The expression for K0 as given by Jacky is___________
a) K0=1 – sin φ
a) Lateral pressure due to submerged weight and Lateral
pressure due to water b) K0= sin φ
c) K0=1 – cos φ b) Fully penetrating slot

d) K0=1 + sin φ c) None of the mentioned

View Answer d) All of the mentioned

Answer: a View Answer

Explanation: K0 can be calculated by using the following Answer: b

equation as computed by Jacky in 1944:
Explanation: Fully penetrating slot is used for both confined
K0=1 – sin φ. and unconfined case of flow.

10. What will be the coefficient of earth pressure at rest for a 3. Fine grained cohesive soil can be drained or stabilized
rigid retaining wall, If the backfill consist of cohesion by__________

less soil having φ = 26° ? a) Vacuum method

a) 0.1295 b) Electro-osmosis method

b) 0.6552 c) Shallow well system

c) 0.5616 d) Well point system

d) 0.7383 View Answer

View Answer Answer: b

Answer: c Explanation: Dewatering of fine grained cohesive soil can be

done only electro-osmosis method.
Explanation: Coefficient of earth pressure, K0 can be
calculated using Jacky’s formula: 4. Discharge for a unconfined aquifer can be found from the
expression developed by__________
Given: φ = 26°
a) Dupuit
Formula: K0=1 – sin φ
b) Darcy
K0 = 1 – sin 26°
6/28/2018 Seepage Analysis - Geotechnical Engineering
K0 = 1 – 0.4383 Questions and Answers - Sanfoundry

Seepage Analysis https://www.sanfoundry.com/geotechnical-engineering-

questions-answers-seepage-analysis/ 5/11
1. The seepage analysis is done on the assumption
of____________ c) Chapman

a) Flow is laminar and Darcy’s law is valid d) Baron

b) Seepage of water View Answer

c) None of the mentioned Answer: c

d) All of the mentioned Explanation: In 1956, chapmen developed an expression for

finding the discharge qP from a partially penetrating
View Answer
slot in an unconfined aquifer from his model studies.
Answer: a
5. A complete design of dewatering system consist
Explanation: The seepage analysis is done on the of___________
assumptions that that the flow is laminar and Darcy’s law is
a) Spacing of wells
valid and further assumed that the soil to be dewatered is
homogeneous and isotropic. b) Penetration of wells

2. For unconfined flow, which of the following discharge slot is c) Pumping capacities
d) All of the mentioned
a) Partially penetrating slot
View Answer
Answer: d Answer: a

Explanation: Complete design of dewatering system consists Explanation: The application of electro-osmosis to dewatering
of the diameter and spacing of well points or wells, of soil was largely developed by L. Casagrande.

penetration of wells and the pumping capacities. 9. For fine-grained soil what type of dewatering system can be
6. When dewatering system consist of number of well-
points___________can be considered for a simplified a) Electro-osmosis method

solution. b) Shallow well system

a) Linear drainage limit c) Deep well system

b) Seepage analysis d) Vacuum method

c) Flow of water View Answer

d) All of the mentioned Answer: d

View Answer Explanation: For fine-grained soils, the well point system can
be extended by the vacuum method.
Answer: a
10. The drawdown curve in fully penetrated slot is based on
Explanation: Where the dewatering system consists of a the assumptions of_____________
number of closely spaced well points or wells a
a) Dupuit and Forchheimer
simplified solutions can be obtained by considering the lines
of wells equivalent to a linear drainage slot. b) Darcy

7. In discharge equation given by chapmen qp=kba(H- c) None of the mentioned

ho)/L+EA, EA refers to__________
d) All of the mentioned
a) Coefficient of permeability
View Answer
b) Electric gradient
Answer: a
c) Extra length factor
Explanation: Based on Dupuit-Forchheimer assumptions, the
d) Efficiency of permeability of soil slope of the drawdown curve was assumed to be

View Answer equal to hydraulic agent.

Answer: c Shapes of Wells and Component Parts

Explanation: EA= extra length factor, which is a function of the 1. The common types of well shape are_________
ratio of the ratio of slot penetration p to the
a) Rectangular
thickness of pervious stratum b.
b) Dumb bell
8. The application of electro-osmosis on dewatering of soil
was developed by___________ c) Single circular

a) L. casagrande d) All of the mentioned

b) Darcy View Answer

6/28/2018 Seepage Analysis - Geotechnical Engineering Answer: d

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Explanation: The common types of well shapes are: 1) single
https://www.sanfoundry.com/geotechnical-engineering- circular 2) Twin circular 3) Dumb-well 4) Double-D 5) Twin-
questions-answers-seepage-analysis/ 6/11 hexagonal 6) Twin-octagonal 7)

c) Chapmen Rectangular.

d) Dupuit 2. Well are also called as__________

View Answer a) Open caissons

b) Shell sunk 6. Which of the following caissons, permits excavation in dry?

c) Caisse a) Pneumatic caissons

d) All of the mentioned b) Box caissons

View Answer c) Open caissons

Answer: a d) All of the mentioned

Explanation: Open caissons (“caisson” a French word) are View Answer

called as wells.
Answer: a
3. ___________ forms the most common type of deep
foundation for bridges. Explanation: A pneumatic caisson has its lower end designed
as a working chamber in which compressed air is forced to
a) Pile foundation prevent the entry of water and

b) Well foundation thus permit excavation in dry.

c) Shallow foundation 7. The sinking of the dredge is uniform in which of the

following, shapes of well?
d) Pier foundation
a) Double-D
View Answer
b) Rectangular
Answer: b
c) Circular
Explanation: In India, well foundation forms the most common
type of deep foundation for bridges. d) Dumb-well

4. The choice of a particular shape for a well depends View Answer

Answer: c
a) Dimension of the base and Cost of sinking
Explanation: As the perimeter of the circle is equidistant at all
b) Type of soil condition points from the center of the dredge hole, the sinking is more
uniform than other shapes.
c) None of the mentioned
8. The components that are needed to be considered in
d) All of the mentioned designing of a well foundations is_______

View Answer a) Shape of the well

Answer: a b) Sand filing

Explanation: The choice of a particular shape of well depends c) Bottom plug

upon the dimension of the pier or abutment, the care and cost
of sinking, the d) Dredge hole

considerations of the tilt and shift during sinking. View Answer

5. What are the types of caissons that can be used as a Answer: c

Explanation: The following components of a well have to be
a) Box caissons and Open caissons considered in the design of a well foundation: well curb cutting
edge, steining, Bottom plug
b) Closed caissons
and well cap.
c) None of the mentioned
9. A disadvantage in using circular shape of well foundation
d) All of the mentioned is___________

View Answer a) Minimum perimeter

Answer: a b) Skin friction is maximum

Explanation: The caissons are of three types: i) Box caissons c) Diameter of well is more than required
ii) open caissons iii) pneumatic caissons.
d) Sinking is more uniform Explanation: In an un-drained test on saturated clays (B=1),
both the major principal effective stress σ1’ and the
View Answer
minor principal effective stress σ3’ are independent of
Answer: c magnitude of cell pressure applied.

Explanation: The disadvantage of a circular well is that in the 3. The consolidated-un drained test can be performed
direction parallel to the span of bridge, the diameter of the in___________methods.
well is much more than the
a) 3
minimum size required.
b) 2
10. The most economical shape, of a well for construction of
large pier is_________ c) 4

a) Twin circular d) 1

b) Double-D View Answer

c) Rectangular Answer: b

d) Single circular Explanation: The consolidated-undrained tests are performed

by two methods: i) the remoulded specimens are
View Answer
sheared under a cell pressure ii) the moulded specimens are
Answer: b consolidated under the same cell pressure and

Explanation: The dredge area for a double-D shape is smaller sheared with different cell pressure.
when compared to others; hence it can be more economical
than a singular circular well. 4. Which of the following cannot be obtained by using un-
drained test?
Shear Strength of Cohesive Soil
a) Effective stress failure envelope
1. The un-drained test is carried out on sample of clay, silt,
and peat to determine_____________ b) Shear strength

a) Shear Strength of natural ground and Sensitivity c) sensitivity

b) Pore pressure d) All of the mentioned

c) None of the mentioned View Answer

d) All of the mentioned Answer: a

View Answer Explanation: Since only one Mohr circle in terms of effective
stresses, is obtained from all un-drained tests,
Answer: a
effective stress failure envelope cannot be obtained from this
Explanation: The un-drained test is carried out on undisturbed test.
sample of clay, silt and peat to determine the
5. The change in the pore pressure during an un-drained
strength of the natural ground and also carried out on shear can be explained by___________
remoulded samples of clay to measure it its sensitivity.
a) Lateral pressure
2. In an un-drained test on saturated clays, both σ1’ and σ3’ is
independent of____________ b) Effective stress

a) Pore pressure c) Pore pressure parameter

b) Shear strength d) Mohr’s circle

c) Cell pressure View Answer

d) Effective pressure Answer: c

View Answer Explanation: The change in the pore pressure due to change
in the applied stress, during an un-drained, any be
Answer: c
explained in terms of empirical coefficients called pore 9. If the pore pressure is measured during un-drained stage of
pressure parameters. the test, the result can be expressed in terms

6. Factor affecting pore pressure parameters is___________ of__________

a) Type of shear a) C’ and φ

b) Temperature b) cu

c) Nature of the fluid c) None of the mentioned

d) All of the mentioned d) All of the mentioned

View Answer View Answer

Answer: d Answer: a

Explanation: Type of shear, sample disturbance, and Explanation: Both effective parameters C’ and φ’ can be
environment during shear such as temperature and nature expressed when pore pressure is measured during undrained

of the fluid are the factors that affect pore pressure parameter. stage of the test.

7. The value of pore pressure parameter, at failure for 10. The equation for the unconsolidated un drainage strength
saturated clay is__________ of clay is__________

a) 1.2 to 2.5 a) τ = c + σ tan φ

b) 2 to 3 b) τf = ccu + σ tan φcu

c) 0.3 to 0.7 c) τ = c + σ

d) 0.7 to 1.3 d) τ = σ tan φ

View Answer View Answer

Answer: b Answer: b

Explanation: The approximate value of pore pressure Explanation: The equation for consolidated undrained
parameter at failure for very loose, fine saturated sand, strength of the preconsolidated clay in terms of total stress

saturated clays is 2 to 3. can be approximately expressed as τf = ccu + σ tan φcu

where, σ is the normal pressure.
8. Negative pore pressure in clay or sand is developed due
to__________ 11. What will be the shearing resistance of a sample of clay in
an unconfined compression test, falls under a load of
a) Expansion on loading
150 N?Take change of cross-section Af=2181.7 mm2.
b) Over loading
a) 68.75 kN/m
6/29/2018 Shear Strength of Cohesive Soil Questions and
Answers - Sanfoundry b) 34.38 kN/m

https://www.sanfoundry.com/geotechnical-engineering- c) 11.35 kN/m

questions-answers-shear-strength-cohesive-soil/ 6/11
d) 0.6875 kN/m
c) Loose structure
View Answer
d) Compaction
Answer: b
View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: Given,
Explanation: A negative pore pressure is developed when we
apply load on a sample of clay or sand because Af=2181.7 mm2; Pf=150 N

both sand and clay tends to expand on loading. qu = Pf/ Af = 150/2181.7

=68.75 kN/m
Shear resistance = qu/2 =68.75/2 a) Ilite and Kaolinite

=34.38 kN/m b) Montmorillonite

Therefore, Shearing resistance =34.38 kN/m c) None of the mentioned

Shrinkage and Swelling of Soil d) All of the mentioned

1. Volume change in soil is due to which of the following View Answer

Answer: a
a) Water content is changed
Explanation: When illite and kaolinite minerals are present in
b) Increase in soil density clay soil, the soil exhibit large initial volume

c) Change in pressure decrease on drying.

d) Change in particle size 5. Formation of meniscus in a saturated soil

View Answer
a) Compression in the soil structure and Reduction in the
Answer: a volume

Explanation: Decrease in water content of the soil causes b) Decrease in the water content
shrinkage while increase of water content causes
c) None of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned
2. Large volume changes in clayey soils results
in____________ View Answer

a) Increase in capillary pressure Answer: a

b) Structural damage Explanation: Formation of meniscus in a dry saturated soil,

causes tension in the soil water leading to a
c) Decrease in surface area
compression in the soil structure and consequent reduction in
d) Breaking of bonds the volume.

View Answer 6. When does surface Tension in the water become zero?

Answer: b a) When the soil is completely dried

Explanation: Clayey soil has very little shrinking and swelling b) When the soil is fully saturated
capacity, therefore large change in volume results in
c) When the water evaporates
extensive structural damages.
d) None of the mentioned
3. Free swell of a soil can be defined as____________
View Answer
a) Swelling of soil without shrinkage
Answer: b
b) Increase in volume without any constrains
Explanation: Initially when the soil is fully saturated, the
c) Limited swelling on rewetting capillary space between the particles are completely filled

d) Swelling on submergence in water with water, therefore the tension in the water becomes zero at
this stage.
View Answer
7. Shrinkage is prominent in____________soil.
Answer: b
a) Clay
Explanation: As per IS: 2720-part 40, free swell of a soil is
defined as increase in volume of a soil without any b) Coarse-grained

constrains, on submergence in water. c) Fine-grained

4. What are the minerals, responsible for large volume d) Silt

decrease in soil on drying in clayey soils?
View Answer Explanation: The major force causing deposition is
gravitational since the surface forces are too small to be of
Answer: a practical importance.

Explanation: As the degree of shrinkage increase with 2. Coarse- grained soil may be deposited in a_____________
increase in clay content. Shrinkage is more in clay soil.
a. Loose state
8. When will meniscus in saturated soil attain a minimum
value? b. Dense state

a) Compressive force is maximum and Shrinkage is maximum c. Solid state

b) Soil is fully saturated d. Liquid state

c) None of the mentioned View Answer

d) All of the mentioned Answer: a

View Answer Explanation: Coarse-grained soil may be deposited in a loose

state having a high void ratio or in a dense state having a low
Answer: a void ratio.

Explanation: Compressive and shrinkage forces are maximum 3. Honey comb structure exist commonly in___________
when meniscus has its minimum value.
a) Grains of silts and Rock flour
9. Presence of sand and silt-size particles in a clay deposit
reduces_____________ b) Coarse-grained soil

a) Swelling of soil c) All of the mentioned

b) Volume d) None of the mentioned

c) Water content View Answer

d) Total shrinkage Answer: a

View Answer Explanation: Honey comb structure exists in grain of silts or

rock flour smaller than 0.02 m diameter and larger than
Answer: d 0.0002 mm.

Explanation: Since the degree of shrinkage depends on 4. The cells in the honey comb structure is made
geological deposition, presence of sand and silt reduces of___________

the total shrinkage. a) Multi mineral grains

b) Single mineral grains

Single Grained and Honey Comb c) Multi layered structure

Structure d) Platelets

This set of Geotechnical Engineering Multiple Choice View Answer

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Single Grained
and honey comb structure”. Answer: b

1. The force causing coarse-grained soil, deposition Explanation: Each cell in the honeycomb structure is made of
is____________ numerous single mineral grain.

a) Gravitational force 5. The structure of honey comb might be broken down due
b) Surface force
a) Decrease in volume
c) Secondary valence force
b) Increase in volume
d) All of the mentioned
c) Excessive volume change
View Answer
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
View Answer Answer: c

6/27/2018 Single Grained & Honey Comb Structure Questions Explanation: The weight of the grains in coarse-grained soil
and Answers - Sanfoundry causes them to settle and get to particle-to-particle contact on
questions-answers-single-grained-honey-comb-structure/ 4/8 9. Which of the following force play an important role in honey
comb structure?
Answer: a
a) Adhesion force
Explanation: Honey comb structure might be broken down
with a resulting volume increase, by driving piles in to deposit b) Gravitational force
of silt of honey comb
c) Surface force
d) All of the mentioned
6. Which of the following is correct, with respect to honey
comb structure? View Answer

a) The structure has high void ratio and It can carry out heavy Answer: c
Explanation: The surface forces at the contact areas of the
b) It has high compact structure honey comb structure, prevent the grains from rolling down
immediately in to positions
c) All of the mentioned
of equilibrium among the grains already deposited.
d) None of the mentioned
Site Exploration
View Answer
1. Which of the following is proved to be useful, ongoing over
Answer: a the site?

Explanation: The honey comb structure so formed has high a) Excavation

void ratio and is capable of carrying a relatively heavy load
without excessive volume b) Escarpments

change. c) Flood marks

7. The diameter of coarse-grained soils having single grained d) All of the mentioned
structure is____________
View Answer
a) <0.002 mm
Answer: d
b) >0.002 mm
Explanation: On going over the site, a study of the following
c) =0.002 mm features may be useful: local topography,excavations,
cuttings, escarpments, flood marks
d) ≥0.002 mm
and evidence of erosion.
View Answer
eful, ongoing over the site?
Answer: b
a) Excavation
Explanation: Coarse-grained soil of diameter >0.002 mm
settle out of suspension in water as individual grains b) Escarpments
independently of the grain.
c) Flood marks
8. The Coarse-grained soil settle in suspension due
to____________ d) All of the mentioned

a) Gravitational force View Answer

b) Surface force Answer: d

c) Weight of the grain Explanation: On going over the site, a study of the following
features may be useful: local topography,excavations,
d) All of the mentioned cuttings, escarpments, flood marks

View Answer and evidence of erosion.

6/29/2018 Site Exploration - Geotechnical Engineering 5. Depending upon the details, the site exploration may be
Questions and Answers - Sanfoundry classified as_______

https://www.sanfoundry.com/geotechnical-engineering- a) General and Detailed

questions-answers-site-exploration/ 5/15
b) Complex
2. The methods of site investigation are dependent
upon________ c) None of the mentioned

a) Climatic condition d) All of the mentioned

b) Nature of engineering project View Answer

c) Local topography Answer: a

d) All of the mentioned Explanation: Depending upon the details or the precision of
the sub-soil data to be obtained, the site exploration may be
View Answer classified as general (or

Answer: b preliminary) and detailed.

Explanation: The methods of site investigation are largely 6. The general exploration gives information about which of
dependent upon the nature of engineering project and the the following features?
a) Depth of rock
3. The information that should be yielded on site exploration
is________ b) Composition of soil strata

a) Rock formation c) Ground water level

b) Depth of ground water d) All of the mentioned

c) Structural loading View Answer

d) All of the mentioned Answer: d

View Answer Explanation: The general exploration is able to give

information about the following:
Answer: a
1) Depth, extent and composition of soil strata.
Explanation: Site exploration should yield precise information
about the following: i) the order of occurrence and extent of 2) Depth of rock, when necessary
soil and rock strata ii) the
3) Ground water level
nature and engineering properties of soil, and iii) the location
of ground water. 4) Preliminary selection of foundation type

4. In site exploration, depth up to which the increase in 5) Compressibility of soil strata.

pressure is likely to cause shear failure is known
7. For pile foundations, the depth of exploration at the start of
the work is _________
a) Failure depth
a) 10 meters
b) Significant depth
b) 40 meters
c) Pressure depth
c) 70 meters
d) Depth of exploration
d) 200 meters
View Answer
View Answer
Answer: b
Answer: a
Explanation: Exploration in general, should be carried out to a
Explanation: The depth of exploration at the start of the work
depth up to which the increase in pressure due to structural
or the significant depth, for pile foundation should be 10 to 30
loading is likely to cause
meters, or more, at least one
perceptible failure or shear failure. Such a depth is known as
and a half times the width of the structure.
the significant depth.
6/29/2018 Site Exploration - Geotechnical Engineering b) Rigidity
Questions and Answers - Sanfoundry
c) Permeability
questions-answers-site-exploration/ 7/15 d) Water content

8. What are the methods used for general exploration? View Answer

a) Subsurface penetration Answer: c

b) Ground water exploration Explanation: The field test may be conducted for determining
the in-situ values of density, bearing capacity, shearing
c) Rock Cuttings strength, permeability, and pore

d) All of the mentioned pressure.

View Answer 12. The various method of site exploration can be grouped
under, which of the following?
Answer: a
a) Open excavations and Borings
Explanation: Exploratory borings, shallow test pits, subsurface
penetration, soundings and geophysical methods are used for b) Soil strata
general exploration.
c) None of the mentioned
9. The feature that helps to estimate the relative density of
coarse-grained soil is_______ d) All of the mentioned

a) Soundings View Answer

b) Shallow test pits Answer: a

c) Exploratory borings Explanation: The various method of the exploration may be

grouped as follows:
d) Geophysical method
1) Open excavation
View Answer
2) Borings
Answer: a
3) Sub-surface soundings
Explanation: Penetration and soundings help in estimating the
relative density and strength properties of coarse-grained 4) Geophysical methods.
soils and also to locate the
13. Exploratory borings in general exploration is carried out by
weaker strata and lenses. using___________

10. The number and disposition of bore holes are varied, a) Auger
depending upon_______
b) Bore equipment
a) Surroundings
c) Well curb
b) Strata
d) All of the mentioned
c) Subsoil condition
View Answer
d) Ground water
Answer: a
View Answer
Explanation: In general exploration, exploratory borings are
Answer: c carried out by auger, auger and shell and by wash boring.

Explanation: Depending upon the subsoil conditions the Solid Particles in Soil
number and disposition of bore holes are varied, usually in the
valley floor, on the abutment etc. 1. The particle of coarse-grained are composed
11. In detailed exploration, the field test is conducted to
determine________ a) Primary minerals

a) Tensile strength b) Non-clay minerals

c) Clay minerals a) Colloids

d) Crystalline minerals b) Amorphous solids

View Answer c) Crystalline particles

Answer: a d) Non-colloids

Explanation: Coarse-grained particle is usually made of View Answer

primary minerals.
Answer: a
2. The fine-grained soil are composed of__________
Explanation: Clay minerals have high surface like colloids and
a) Crystalline minerals and Amorphous materials is controlled by surface energy, they behave like

b) Primary minerals colloids.

c) All of the mentioned 6. A montmorillonite platelet has a specific surface/volume

equal to____________
d) None of the mentioned
a) 120/μ
View Answer
b) 100/ μ
Answer: a
c) 500/ μ
Explanation: Many investigations by Girm (1959) show that
the fine-grained soil is composed predominantly of d) 1000/ μ

crystalline minerals and amorphous materials. View Answer

3. The behavior of bulky particles in coarse grained soil is Answer: d

governed by___________
Explanation: Since the platelet of montmorillionite has a
a) Gravitational force and Mass energy volume, 5 times greater than equivolume cube (200/ μ)

b) Colloidal force its volume will be equal to 1000/ μ.

c) All of the mentioned 7. Which of the following clay minerals are considered as
d) None of the mentioned
a) Kaolinite
View Answer
b) Dichite
Answer: a
c) Attapulgite
Explanation: The bulky particle does not possess the property
of plasticity and cohesion. d) All of the mentioned

4. The crystalline minerals whose surface activity is such View Answer

that ,they develop cohesion and plasticity are
Answer: d
Explanation: As entire clay particle have greater dimension
a. Non-clay minerals than 1μ, all of the clay minerals are considered as

b. Clay minerals colloidal.

c. Bulky particles 8. Clay minerals are classified in to____________

d. Primary minerals a) 3

View Answer b) 4

Answer: b c) 7

Explanation: As the surface activity of clay minerals is high d) 6

they develop a property of cohesion and plasticity.
View Answer
5. Clay particles behave like___________
Answer: b b) Soil saturationc)

Explanation: kaolinite, montmorillonite, illite, playgorskite are c) None of the mentioned

the types of clay minerals.
d) All of the mentioned
9. Chemically ,the clay minerals are silicates of____________
View Answer
a) Aluminum
Answer: a
b) Iron
Explanation: The penetration test are useful for general
c) Magnesium exploration of erratic soil profiles, for finding depth to bed rock
or hard stratum, and to have an
d) All of the mentioned
approximation indication of the strength and other properties
View Answer of soils.

Answer: d 3. The observed value of N in static cone penetration test is

corrected by_________
Explanation: Since minerals contain alkaline and/or alkaline
earth as essential component they contains alkaline a) Overburden and Dilatancy /submergence

mineral such as aluminium, iron, magnesium. b) Effective pressure

10. Clay is essentially made of extremely__________ c) None of the mentioned

a) Large particles d) All of the mentioned

b) Small particles View Answer

c) Intermediate particles Answer: a

d) None of the mentioned Explanation: The N-value for cohesion less soil shall be
corrected for overburden and the values N0 obtained after
View Answer overburden correction is corrected

Answer: b further for dilatancy.

Explanation: Clay is generally made of small particles of either 4. Correction for increasing effective overburden pressure
a book of sheets like units (or) bundle of tubes or have been proposed by___________

fibers. a) Gibbs and Holtz

Standard Penetration Test b) Peck

1. The two commonly used penetration tests c) Thornburn

d) All of the mentioned
a) Standard penetration test
View Answer
b) Cone penetration test
Answer: d
c) All of the mentioned
Explanation: For a constant density index, the N value
d) None of the mentioned increase with increasing effective overburden pressure for
which correction have been proposed
View Answer
by Gibbs and Holtz, peck, Thornburn, Whitman and others.
Answer: c
5. The split tube used in static cone penetration test, is
Explanation: According to Indian standard, the two commonly
commonly known as______________
used penetration tests are static cone penetration test and
standard penetration test. a) Split spoon sampler

2. The values derived from penetration tests can be used for b) Split tube sampler
c) Tube sampler
a) Depth of hard stratum and Strength of soil
d) All of the mentioned
View Answer d) All of the mentioned

6/29/2018 Standard Penetration Test - Geotechnical View Answer

Engineering Questions and Answers - Sanfoundry
Answer: a
questions-answers-standard-penetration-test/ 6/14 Explanation: The cone test is considered very useful in
determining the bearing capacity of pits in
Answer: a
varying density.
Explanation: The split tube sampler, used in test for standard
penetration is commonly known as split spoon sampler resting 9. The cone resistance qc, for sandy silt type of soil
on the bottom of the bore is__________

hole which is allowed to sink under its own weight. a) 3.5

6. The total blow required for the second and third 15 cm of b) 6

penetration in standard penetration test is taken
as____________ c) 2

a) Seating drive d) 5

b) Penetration resistance View Answer

c) Overburden pressure Answer: c

d) Dilatancy/submergence Explanation: For silts, sandy silts, slightly cohesive silt sand
mixture type of soil, the cone resistance q c is 2.
View Answer
“Well sinking”.
Answer: a
1. Laying of the well curb in river bed having water, is done
Explanation: In standard penetration test, the first 15 cm of by_________
drive may be considered to be seating drive. The total blows a) Draining out the water
required for the second and b) Diverting the water
c) Constructing cofferdams
third 15 cm of penetration is termed as the penetration d) None of the mentioned
resistance N. View Answer

7. The expression for C n as given by Lio and Whitman Answer: c

is_____________ Explanation: If water is present in river, suitable cofferdams
are constructed around the site of the well and islands are
a) C n = √(σ’) made.

b) C n = √(100/σ’) 2. To avoid the setting of the cutting edge unevenly,

___________ can be introduced.
c) C n = 0.77log10(2000/σ’) a) Wooden sleepers
b) Smooth oil surface
d) None of the mentioned
c) Bottom plug
View Answer d) Steining bars
View Answer
Answer: b
Answer: a
Explanation: In 1986, Lio and Whitman gave the following Explanation: It is desirable to insert wooden sleepers below
expression for the cutting edge at regular intervals so as to distribute the
load and avoid setting of the cutting edge unevenly during
Normalizing factor C n: concreting.

C n = √ (100/σ’). 3. The inside shuttering of the well curb is made up

8. The cone test is useful in determining the bearing capacity a) Steel
of___________ b) Wood
c) Brick masonry
a) Cohesion less soil and Fine sand d) Concrete
View Answer
b) Clay soil

c) None of the mentioned

Answer: c operations: i) regulating of grabbing ii) water jetting iii)
Explanation: The inside shuttering of the well curb is generally eccentric loading iv) pulling the well vi) pushing by jacks.
made of brick masonry built to proper profile and plastered
and the outer shuttering is made by wood or steel. 9. In which of the following methods, hydraulic jack is used to
counter attack the tilt in the well?
4. Excavation of soil inside the well in river beds can be done a) Pulling the well
by________ b) Eccentric loading
a) Auger c) Pushing by jack
b) Sending in Workers d) Pulling the well
c) Special equipment View Answer
d) None of the mentioned
View Answer Answer: c
Explanation: In pushing by jack method, the well may be
Answer: a pushed by force applied by hydraulic or mechanical jack on
Explanation: Excavation and scooping out of the soil inside the tilted side of the wall.
the well can be done by sending down workers inside the well
till the depth of water inside becomes about 1 m. 10. The method that is used to avoid the further increase in tilt
5. When the well is sunk deeper, the skin friction is decreased a) Pushing by jack
by which of the following method? b) Eccentric loading
a) Use of phawrah jhams c) Strutting the well
b) By tilting and shifting d) Pushing the well
c) By applying kentledge View Answer
d) All of the mentioned
View Answer Answer: c
Explanation: Strutting the well method is used to avoid any
Answer: c further increase in the tilt of the well rather than rectifying it
Explanation: To overcome the increased skin friction and the
loss of weight due to buoyancy when the well is sunk deeper,
additional load known as kentledge is applied on the well.
“The Swedish Slip Circle Method”.
6. Unequal dredging of well causes_________
a) Collapsing of well 1. Rectangular plot method has been suggested
b) Tilting by_________
c) Open excavation a) Culmann
d) Maximum skin friction b) Bishop
View Answer c) Singh
d) Terzaghi
Answer: b View Answer
Explanation: When the dredging is done unequally tilts and
cannot be rectified if the well is sunk to greater depth. Answer: c
Explanation: A simplified rectangular plot method for finding
7. The radius of the well curb should be kept_________ larger stability of slopes was suggested by Singh in 1962.
than the outside radius of well steining.
a) 2 cm and 4 cm 2. The slip circle having the minimum factor of safety is
b) 2 m called___________
c) All of the mentioned a) Critical circle
d) None of the mentioned b) Failure slip circle
View Answer c) Critical slip circle
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a View Answer
Explanation: As a precaution to avoid tilts and shifts, the
radius of curb should be kept 2 to 4 cm larger than the outside Answer: c
radius of well steining. Explanation: A number of trial critical slip circle are chosen
against sliding and factor of safety of each is computed. The
8. To counter act the tilts in the well during sinking operations, circle having the minimum factor of safety is the critical slip
which of the following measures can be used? circle.
a) Regulation of grabbing
b) Strutting the well 3. In Swedish circle method___________analysis cases are
c) Pushing by jack considered.
d) All of the mentioned a) φC = 0
View Answer b) C – φ and φu = 0
c) None of the mentioned
Answer: d d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: Any of the following measures can usefully be View Answer
employed to counteract the tilts in the well during sinking
Answer: b b) Fellinious method
Explanation: In Swedish slip circle method two cases are c) None of the mentioned
considered: i) analysis of purely cohesive soil (φu = 0) and ii) d) All of the mentioned
analysis of a soil possessing both cohesion and friction (C-φ View Answer
Answer: a
4. When does the critical condition of d/s slope, occur in Explanation: The area of U-diagram can be measured with
reservoir? the help of a planimeter, or else the rectangular plot method
a) Reservoir is full can be utilized.
b) Pore pressure is high
c) Steady seepage does not occur 9. The magnitude and distribution of pore water pressure on
d) All of the mentioned slip surface can be calculated from___________
View Answer a) Pressure net
b) Test data
Answer: a c) Graphical method
Explanation: Critical condition of d/s slope occurs when the d) Rectangular plot method
reservoir is full and percolation is at its maximum rate. View Answer

5. In the rectangular plot method if there are n-slices, the total Answer: a
number of ordinates will be____________ Explanation: The magnitude and distribution of pore water
a) n -1 pressure on a likely slip surface is estimated from pressure
b) n net which is developed from the flow net.
c) n-2
d) None of the mentioned 10. The pore water pressure at any point on the slip surface is
View Answer represented by____________
a) Piezometric head
Answer: a b) Pore pressure
Explanation: In the rectangular plot method if there are n- c) Factor of safety
slices, the total number of ordinates will be (n-1), the d) Failure plane
ordinates at the end of the last strip being zero. View Answer

6. Stability of slopes of an earth dam is tested under, which of Answer: a

the following condition? Explanation: The pore water pressure at any point is
a) Stability of downstream slope during steady seepage and represented by the piezometric head hw at that point.
Stability of upstream slope during sudden drawdown
b) Stability of upstream slope during sudden seepage 11. The estimation of construction pore pressure can be made
c) None of the mentioned with the help of___________
d) All of the mentioned a) Swedish circle method
View Answer b) Bishop’s method
c) Hilf’s equation
Answer: a d) Rectangular plot method
Explanation: The stability of slopes of an earth dam is tested View Answer
under the following conditions:
i) Stability of downstream slope during steady seepage Answer: c
ii) Stability of upstream slope during sudden drawdown Explanation: The estimation of the construction pore pressure
iii) Stability of upstream and downstream slopes during and is made with the help of Hilf’s equation:
immediately after construction. u = pa Δ / (va + hc γw – Δ).

7. When a dam is built of impervious compressible soil, water 12. In Hilf’s equation ‘u = pa Δ / (va + hc γw – Δ)’, hc refers
is entrapped in the pore space due to___________ to__________
a) Excessive pore pressure a) Induced pore pressure
b) Volume change in the soil mass b) Henry’s constant
c) Low shear strength of soil c) Volume of pore water
d) Unstable soil mass d) Volume of air voids
View Answer View Answer

Answer: b Answer: b
Explanation: When a dam is built of relatively impervious Explanation: In Hilf’s equation hc refers to Henry’s constant of
compressible soil, excess pore pressure develops in the air solubility of air in water by volume (= 0.02 at 68°F)
and water entrapped in the pore pressure. This is because the
soil mass undergoes a change in the soil due to compaction Taylor’s Stability Number and Curves”.
of the dam construction and also due to a down weight.
1. The total cohesion force which resist the slipping along the
8. The area of U-diagram in finding stability of D / S slope slip arc at critical equilibrium is proportional to___________
during steady seepage, can be measured by___________ a) Cohesion and Height of the slope
a) Planimeter and Rectangular plot method b) Taylor’s stability number
c) None of the mentioned Answer: a
d) All of the mentioned Explanation: If Fc is the factor of safety with respect to
View Answer cohesion,
We have c × H / Fc × γH2
Answer: a = c / Fc γ H = Sn
Explanation: The total cohesive force c L̑, which resist the
slipping along the slip arc at critical equilibrium, is proportional The dimensional quantity c / Fc γ H is called as Taylor’s
to the cohesion c and the height H of the slope. stability number Sn.

2. The Taylor’s stability number is based on___________ 7. For purely frictional soil, the Taylor’s stability number
a) Height of the slope and Pore pressure is___________
b) Factor of safety a) Unity
c) None of the mentioned b) Zero
d) All of the mentioned c) >1
View Answer d) <1
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: The Taylor’s stability number is based on the Answer: b
factor of safety Fc with respect to cohesion assuming that the Explanation: For purely frictional soil (c = 0), the stability
frictional resistance assuming that frictional force has been number is zero, and Taylor’s stability curves do not apply.
fully mobilized.
8. The stability of a slope for a pure frictional soil, depends
3. The factor of safety with respect to friction is__________ upon__________
a) Unity a) Slope angle
b) Zero b) Factor of safety
c) Greater than one c) Frictional resistance
d) None of the mentioned d) All of the mentioned
View Answer View Answer

Answer: a Answer: a
Explanation: The friction of safety Fφ with respect to friction is Explanation: The stability of slope for a frictional soil entirely
unity which means that the frictional force has been fully depends upon the slope angle i, irrespective of height of the
mobilized. slope.

4. According to Taylor, the force causing instability in the 9. What will be the factor of safety with respect to cohesion of
sliding wedge is__________ a clay slope laid at 1 in 2 to a height of 10 m, if the angle of
a) Cohesive resistance and Weight of the wedge internal friction φ=10° ; c=25 k N/m2 and γ = 19 k N/m3?
b) Total frictional resistance a) 4.34
c) None of the mentioned b) 2.06
d) All of the mentioned c) 1.02
View Answer d) 20.6
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: The force causing instability is the weight of the Answer: b
wedge which is equal tot unit weight γ. Explanation: i = tan-1(1/2) = 26.5°
For i = 26.5° and φ = 10°, S¬n = 0.064
5. Taylor’s stability number is represented by the But, Sn= c / Fc γ H
term__________ Therefore, Fc= c / Sn γ H
a) SC Fc = 25 / (0.064×19×10) =2.06.
b) Sn
c) Cm 10. A slope is to be constructed at an inclination of 30° with
d) HC the horizontal. What will be the safe height of the slope at
View Answer factor of safety of 1.5? The soil has the properties: c = 15 k
N/m2, φ=22.5° and γ = 19 k N/m3.
Answer: b a) 11.5
Explanation: Taylor’s stability is represented as Sn. b) 20.5
c) 12
6. Which of the following quantity is called as Taylor’s stability d) 18.64
number? View Answer
a) c/Fc γ H
b) c/γ H Answer: a
c) cm/ Fc γ Explanation: The mobilized frictional angle φm is given by
d) None of the mentioned φm = φ / F = 22.5/1.5 = 15°
View Answer For, i = 30° and φm = 15°, Sn =0.046
Now H = c / F γ Sn = 15 / (0.0046×1.5×19) = 11.5 m.
11. When the slope is fully submerged, which of the following dimensionless numbers, known as bearing capacity factors
has to be used for finding stability number? depending only on the angle of shearing resistance of the soil.
a) Submerged density
b) Shearing resistance 5. For purely cohesive soil, local shear failure may be
c) None of the mentioned assumed to occur when the soil is___________
d) All of the mentioned a) Medium to soft
View Answer b) Soft to medium
c) Hard
Answer: a d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: when the slope is fully submerged, the View Answer
submerged density γ’, and weighted frictional angle φw
should be used for computing stability number Sn. Answer: b
Explanation: For purely cohesive soil, local shear failure may
Terzaghi’s Analysis”. be assumed to occur when the soil is soft to medium, with an
unconfined compressive strength qu ≤ 100 kN/m2.
1. An analysis of the condition of complete bearing capacity
failure is usually termed as___________ 6. Which of the following is a limitation, of assumption in
a) General shear failure Terzaghi’s analysis?
b) Terzaghi’s analysis a) φ changes when the soil is compressed and strip footing
c) Bearing failure has a rough base
d) All of the mentioned b) Soil is homogeneous
View Answer c) None of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a View Answer
Explanation: An analysis of the condition of complete bearing
capacity failure is termed as general shear failure, can be Answer: a
made by assuming that the soil behaves like an ideally plastic Explanation: As the soil compress, φ changes; slight
failure. downward movement of footing may not develop fully the
plastic planes.
2. The concept of analysis of bearing capacity failure was first
developed by___________ 7. Which of the following are original Terzaghi values for Nγ?
a) Terzaghi a) 34° and 48°
b) Meyerhof b) 60°
c) Prandtl c) None of the mentioned
d) Darcy d) All of the mentioned
View Answer View Answer

Answer: c Answer: a
Explanation: The concept of failure analysis was first Explanation: The values of Nγ for φ of 34° and 48° are the
developed by Prandtl, and later extended by Terzaghi, original Terzaghi values which were used by Bowles to back
Meyerhof and others. compute Kpγ.

3. For purely cohesive soil, the bearing capacity is given by 8. According to the assumptions in Terzaghi’s analysis, the
which of the following equation? soil is_______________
a) qf = 5.7 c + σ̅ a) Homogeneous and Isotropic
b) qf = c + σ̅ b) Non Homogeneous
c) qf = 5.7 c c) None of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned d) All of the mentioned
View Answer View Answer

Answer: a Answer: a
Explanation: For purely cohesive soil the bearing capacity is Explanation: In Terzaghi’s analysis the soil is homogeneous
qf = c Nc + σ̅ Nq = 5.7 c + σ̅ and isotropic and its shear strength is represented by
Where σ̅ = γ D if the water table is below the base of the Coulomb’s equation.
9. The Terzaghi’s general bearing capacity equation is
4. The parameters Nc, Nq, Nγ in the equations of bearing represented as___________
capacity failure are known as_________ a) qf = 5.7 c + σ̅
a) Constant head b) qf = c Nc + σ̅. Nq + 0.5γBNγ
b) Bearing capacity factors c) qf = c Nc + σ̅. Nq
c) Effective pressure d) qf = c Nc
d) Load intensity View Answer
View Answer
Answer: b
Answer: b Explanation: “qf = c Nc + σ̅. Nq + 0.5γBNγ” is known as
Explanation: The parameters Nc, Nq, Nγ are the
Terzaghi’s general bearing capacity equation for a continuous Answer: c
footing. Explanation: The used of boring guide is essential in order to
keep the bore holes vertical and also in its position.
10. Local shear failure generally occurs in___________
a) Dense sand 3. Which of the following stages are involved in the
b) Non-cohesive soil construction of under reamed piles?
c) Loose sand a) Concreting of piles and Boring by auger
d) All of the mentioned b) Concreting the funnel
View Answer c) None of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: c View Answer
Explanation: Local shear failure generally occurs in loose
sand while general shear failure occurs in dense sand. Answer: a
Explanation: The various stage involved in the construction of
11. The curve for Nq and Nγ for the transition state from φ = under reamed pile foundation are a) boring by auger b) under-
28° and φ = 38° was given by__________ reaming by under-reamer c) placing reinforcement cage in
a) Peck position d) concreting of pile caps, plinth beams and curtain
b) Hanson walls.
c) Thorn burn
d) All of the mentioned 4. The depth of the bore hole is checked at_________ before
View Answer insertion of the under-reamer.
a) At the start and At the end
Answer: d b) Each time
Explanation: Peck, Hansen, and Thorn burn gave curves for c) None of the mentioned
Nq and Nγ for the transition state from φ = 28° and φ = 38°, in d) All of the mentioned
which they assumed general shear failure when φ > 28°. View Answer

12. Terzaghi’s bearing capacity equation is not applicable Answer: a

for____________ Explanation: The depth of the bore hole is checked each time
a) Depth effect and Inclination factor before insertion of the under-reamer so that any loose earth
b) Narrow slope spilled from the bucket is removed.
c) None of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned 5. Routine tests are usually carried out on_________
View Answer a) Test piles
b) Working piles
Answer: a c) None of the mentioned
Explanation: Terzaghi assumed the value of angle ψ = φ, d) All of the mentioned
which is not true. Since footings are normally rough, ψ has View Answer
been found close to 45° + φ/2 than to φ, thus Terzaghi’s
bearing capacity equations do not have provision for including Answer: b
depth effects, inclination factors, etc Explanation: Routine test should be carried out on test piles
while initial test are preferably carried on test piles.
Construction of under – Reamed Pile Foundation”.
6. In the process of pile foundation, boring is done with the
1. The equipment required for construction of a under-reamed help of_________
pile is________ a) Boring guide
a) Auger boring guide b) Under-reamer
b) Spiral auger c) Spiral auger
c) Concreting funnel d) Pile beams
d) All of the mentioned View Answer
View Answer
Answer: c
Answer: d Explanation: Boring is done with the help of spiral auger,
Explanation: The equipment required for the construction of present at the circular collar of the guide assembly.
pile are i) Auger boring guide ii) spiral auger with extension
rods iii) under-reamer with soil bucket and iv) concreting 7. Enlarging the stem of bore hole at the depth, is done by
funnel. using________
a) Spiral auger
2. The use of bore guide in under-reamed pile foundation is b) Under-reamer
essential for__________ c) Boring guide
a) To drill the bore hole d) None of the mentioned
b) To provide a support to the pile View Answer
c) To keep the bore holes vertical
d) To set the guide assembly in position Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: Under-reaming or enlarging the stem of bore
hole at the required depths is achieved by means of the
under-reamer consisting of a set of two collapsible blade 3. Which of the following outlet is provided at the base of the
assembly. tri axial test apparatus?
a) Cell fluid inlet
8. For completion of one under-ream, how many buckets of b) Pore water outlet
earth are required for removal? c) Drainage outlet
a) Five d) All of the mentioned
b) Ten View Answer
c) Eight
d) Three Answer: d
View Answer Explanation: Three outlet connections are generally provided
through the base of the test apparatus: cell fluid test, pore
Answer: c water outlet from the bottom of the specimen and the
Explanation: Generally, removal of eight buckets full of earth drainage outlet from the bottom of the specimen.
is required for completion of one under-ream.
4. Pore pressure developed in the tri axial test can be
9. Pile groups in under-reamed pile foundation, can be tested measured by____________
by means of_________ a) Bishop’s apparatus
a) Free standing piles and Pile foundation b) Pore pressure apparatus
b) Cannot be tested c) Terzaghi’s apparatus
c) None of the mentioned d) Mohr’s apparatus
d) All of the mentioned View Answer
View Answer
Answer: a
Answer: a Explanation: Pore pressure developed in the specimen during
Explanation: Pile groups may be tested as both free standing the test can be measured with the help of a separate pore
piles or piled foundation by applying series of load. pressure measuring equipment such as Bishop’s pore
pressure apparatus developed by Bishop in 1950, 1961.
10. The dimension of the bulb in an under-reamed pile can be
checked by__________ 5. Bishop’s apparatus does not contain which one of the
a) Meter scale following equipment?
b) G.I pipe assembly a) Porous disc
c) Auger b) Top cap
d) Under-reamer c) Rollers
View Answer d) All of the mentioned
View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: The dimensions of the bulb can be checked by Answer: d
means of a graduated G.I. pipe assembly. Explanation: Bishop’s apparatus mainly consists of the null
indicator, the control cylinder, pressure gauge, mercury
Tri axial Compression Test”. manometer and burette.

1. The Tri axial compression test was introduced 6. The vertical stress on the solid cylindrical test apparatus is
by__________ applied by____________
a) A. casagrande and Karl Terzaghi a) Major principal stress
b) Mohr b) Minor principal stress
c) None of the mentioned c) Intermediate principal stress
d) All of the mentioned d) All of the mentioned
View Answer View Answer

Answer: a Answer: a
Explanation: The tri axial compression test was first Explanation: In tri axial test, the major principle stress σ1 is
introduced in U.S.A by A. casagrande and Karl Terzaghi in applied in the vertical direction, and the other two principal
1936-37. stresses σ and σ are applied in the horizontal direction by the
fluid pressure round the specimen.
2. Which of the following strength test is commonly used in
laboratory? 7. The deviator stress developed in the proving ring, through
a) Direct shear test the applied pressure is equal to____________
b) Confined compression test a) σ1 + σ3
c) Tri axial shear test b) σ1 – σ3
d) Unconfined shear test c) σ2 – σ3
View Answer d) σ2 + σ1
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: As shear test can be performed under all three Answer: b
drainage condition, tri axial test is most commonly used in Explanation: The vertical stress applied by the loading frame,
research laboratory.
through the proving ring is equal to (σ1 – σ3); this stress confining pressure, the uniaxial test is called the unconfined
difference is called the deviator stress. compression test.

8. When the sol is in the state of stress, it is said to be 3. The unconfined compression test is generally applicable
in_____________ to____________
a) Constant state a) Unsaturated clay
b) Plastic equilibrium b) Saturated clay
c) Stress conditioned state c) Fine grained soil
d) Equilibrium condition d) Coarse grained soil
View Answer View Answer

Answer: b Answer: b
Explanation: When the soil is in the state of stress defined by Explanation: In the equation σ1=2cu tan (45° + φu/2), for
the equation σ1’= σ3’tan2 α’ + 2c’ tan α’ as principal stress determining major principal stress, there are 2 unknowns cu
relationship, it is said to be in plastic equilibrium. and φu which cannot be determined by unconfined test.
Therefore, the unconfined compression test is generally
9. The deviator stress σd is given by__________ applicable to saturated clays for which the apparent angle of
a) σd= σ1 + σ shearing resistance φu is zero.
b) σd= σ3 – σ1
c) σd=additional axial load/A2 4. The unconfined compression test was first designed
d) σd= σ1 -σ3 by_________
View Answer a) A. casagrande and Goyal
b) Singh
Answer: c c) None of the mentioned
Explanation: The deviator stress σd, is given as the ratio of d) All of the mentioned
additional axial load to the area A2 at failure or during at any View Answer
stage of the test.
Answer: a
10. Which of the following is an advantage of using tri axial Explanation: In 1958, Goyal and Singh designed the first
test? unconfined compression tester.
a) Accurate result is not possible
b) The plane of shear failure is predetermined 5. In plastic failure, load corresponding to__________strain is
c) Stress conditions is complex arbitrarily taken as the failure load.
d) Precise measurement a) 10 %
View Answer b) 5 %
c) 20 %
Answer: d d) 50 %
Explanation: In tri axial test, precise measurements of the View Answer
pore pressure and volume change during the test are possible
Answer: c
“Unconfined Compression Test”. Explanation: In the plastic failure, no definite maximum load is
indicated. In such a case, the load corresponding to 20 %
1. In unconfined compression test the value of σ2 and σ3 is strain is arbitrarily taken as the failure load.
equal to____________
a) 1 6. When the Mohr circle is drawn in confined compression
b) 0 test, its radius will be equal to____________
c) 0.5 a) Cu
d) ½ b) qu
View Answer c) Ru
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b View Answer
Explanation: The unconfined compression test is a special
case of tri axial compression test in which σ2 =σ3 =0. Answer: a
Explanation: When the Mohr circle is drawn, its radius is equal
2. The unconfined compression test is derived to σ1/2,
from_____________ Since, σ1=2cu
a) Direct shear test σ1 /2 = 2cu/2
b) Vane shear test Therefore, radius=cu.
c) Tri axial compression tests
d) Drained test 7. Stress condition in the Unconfined compression test
View Answer represents____________
a) Drained test
Answer: c b) Un-drained test
Explanation: The unconfined compression test is a special c) Quick test
case of tri axial compression test due to the absence of d) All of the mentioned
View Answer
Answer: b 5. The Mohr-Coulomb theory can be expressed algebraically
Explanation: The stress condition at failure, in the unconfined by, which of the following equation.
compression test which is essentially an un-drained test, if it is a) S = c + σ tan φ
assumed that no moisture is lost from the specimen during b) τf = s = F(σ)
the test. c) s = F(σ)
d) τf = F(σ)
8. Which of the following parameter is used to represent View Answer
unconfined compressive strength at failure?
a) τf Answer: b
b) cu Explanation: The Mohr-Coulomb failure theory can be
c) qu expressed algebraically by the equation:τf = s = F (σ)
d) Au Where, τf = s=shear stress on failure plane, at failure=shear
View Answer resistance of material
F (σ) = function of normal stress.
Answer: c
Explanation: τf= qu/2 6. According to Coulomb, the relationship between shear
Where, qu=unconfined compressive strength at failure strength and normal stress could be represented
“Mohr – Coulomb Failure Theory”. a) Linear curve
b) Parabolic curve
1. The curve obtained by plotting the normal and shear stress c) Straight line
is called as___________ d) None of the mentioned
a) Mohr’s envelope View Answer
b) Coulomb envelope
c) Strength envelope Answer: b
d) Stress envelope Explanation: Coulomb considered that the relationship
View Answer between shear strength and normal stress could be
adequately represented by the straight line.
Answer: c
Explanation: If the normal and shear stress corresponding to 7. Mohr envelope can be considered to be straight if the angle
failure are plotted, then a curve is obtained .The plot or the of internal friction φ is assumed to be__________
curve is called the strength envelope. a) 90°
b) >90°
2. Which of the following is coulomb’s strength equation? c) <90°
a) S = c + tan φ d) None of the mentioned
b) C = s + c tan φ View Answer
c) S = c + σ tan φ
d) S = tan φ Answer: d
View Answer Explanation: Mohr envelope can be considered straight if the
angle of internal friction φ is assumed to be a constant.
Answer: c
Explanation: Coulomb defined the function F (σ) as a linear 8. Which of the following stresses does not have any
function of σ and gave the following strength equation: influence on strength of a material?
S = c + σ tan φ. a) Major principal stress
b) Minor principal stress
3. The critical shear stress causing failure of material depends c) Intermediate principal stress
upon____________ d) Shearing stress
a) Properties of the material and normal stress on the plane View Answer
b) Intermediate principal stress
c) None of the mentioned Answer: c
d) All of the mentioned Explanation: When a material is subjected to three
View Answer dimensional stresses, the intermediate principal stress does
not have any influence on the strength of material.
Answer: a
Explanation: According to Mohr’s strength theory, the critical 9. The parameter φ in coulomb’s equation “S = c + σ tan φ”,
shear stress causing failure depends upon the properties of represents___________
the materials as well as on normal stress on the failure plane. a) Shearing resistance and Angle of internal friction
b) Angle of slope
4. Theory of failure, was first proposed by____________ c) None of the mentioned
a) Coulomb d) All of the mentioned
b) Mohr View Answer
c) Casagrande
d) Darcy Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: The empirical constant φ in coulomb’s equation
represents angle of internal friction or shearing resistance
“Well Curb, Cutting edge, Steining and bottom plug”. b) μ times the lateral earth pressure
c) stress condition
1. The well curb is designed for which of the following d) All of the mentioned
purpose? View Answer
a) For avoiding skin friction
b) Supporting the weight of well Answer: b
c) For designing the well Explanation:: The unit skin friction increases with depth, and
d) All of the mentioned at a given depth, the skin friction is equal to the coefficient of
View Answer friction μ times the lateral earth pressure.

Answer: b 7. For loose sand, the value of skin friction is

Explanation: The well curb is designed for supporting the between________
weight of the well with well partial support at the bottom of the a) 0.73-2.93
cutting edge. b) 4.9-19.5
c) 1.22-3.42
2. Which of the following can be assumed for design purpose d) 3.42-6.84
of well curb? View Answer
a) Three point support of cutting edge
b) Boulders Answer: c
c) Skin friction Explanation: For the purpose of design, the values of skin
d) Steining friction given by Terazaghi and peck may be used:
View Answer Silt and soft clay: 0.73-2.93 t/m2
Very stiff clay: 4.9-19.5 t/m2
Answer: a Loose sand: 1.22-3.42 t/m2
Explanation: A three-point support of the cutting edge resting Dense sand: 3.42-6.84 t/m2
on a log mmay be assumed for design purposes of well curb. Dense gravel: 4.9 -9.4 t/m2.

3. An effective well curb should withstand___________ 8. Frictional resistance developed during the sinking the well
a) Maximum stress depends on__________
b) Stress due to sand blows a) Roughness of the surface of contact
c) Its own weight b) Diameter of the well
d) Blasting c) Type of soil
View Answer d) Lateral earth pressure
View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: The well curb has to withstand stress due to Answer: a
sand blows, as well as due to light blasting required when Explanation: Frictional resistance depends on the roughness
boulder obstructs the sinking of well. of the surface of contact. For example, a smoothly plastered
well steining surface is said to reduce frictional resistance.
4. The cutting edge should be provided with an angle
of__________ 9. The skin friction developed in San Francisco Oakland Bay
a) 45° Bridge, was reduced by, which of the following methods?
b) 60° a) BY introducing special equipment
c) 90° b) By coating smooth oil surface
d) 30° c) By decreasing the stress developed
View Answer d) All of the mentioned
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: The cutting edge should have as sharp an angle Answer: b
of 30° practicable for knifing into the soil without making it too Explanation: In order to reduce the skin friction on the in San
weak to resist the various stresses induced. Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge, a coating which gave a
smooth oily surface that was estimated to reduce the friction
5. A sharp vertical edge for the well is provided at_________ between the concrete and fairly clay by 40 %.
a) Inner Face of the well
b) Out of the well 10. The bottom plug is designed in_________ shape.
c) Outside face of the caisson a) Rectangular
d) All of the mentioned b) Mushroom
View Answer c) Bowl-shaped
d) Circular
Answer: c View Answer
Explanation: A sharp vertical edge or cutting edge should be
provided along the outside face of the caisson or open well. Answer: c
Explanation: The bottom-plug is made in bowl-shaped so as
6. At a given depth, the skin friction of the well is equal to have inverted arch actions
a) Diameter of well Modes of Occurences of Water in Soil”.
1. Ground water may be also called as___________ d) Capillary water
a) Capillary water View Answer
b) Gravitational water and Free water
c) None of the mentioned Answer: c
d) All of the mentioned Explanation: Infiltrated water is the portion of surface
View Answer precipitation which soaks into ground moving downward
through air-containing zones.
Answer: a
Explanation: Since the ground water is subjected to no forces 7. Based on inter-particle forces, soil water can be classified
other than gravity. Hence the water is also known as in to__________
gravitational water or free water. a) Adsorbed water
b) Pore water
2. Water present in the voids of soil mass is c) All of the mentioned
called__________ d) None of the mentioned
a) Soil water View Answer
b) Free water
c) Ground water Answer: a
d) Pore water Explanation: Adsorbed water which is attracted by forces
View Answer within the soil and pore water are the two types of soil water
divided based on inter-particle forces.
Answer: a
Explanation: Soil water is the water present in the voids of soil 8. Solvate water is subjected to__________forces.
mass. a) Polar
b) Electrostatic
3. Hygroscopic water is affected by which of the following c) Binding
factor? d) All of the mentioned
a) Gravity View Answer
b) Capillary forces
c) All of the mentioned Answer: d
d) None of the mentioned Explanation: Since the solvate water forms a hydration shells
View Answer around soil grain. It is influenced by ionic and polar forces.

Answer: d 9. The soil water which is impossible to remove from the soil
Explanation: Since hygroscopic water has greater density and is___________
viscosity than ordinary water.it is neither affected by gravity or a) Structural water
capillary forces or by any other force. b) Capillary water
c) Solvate water
4. What are the forces involved in hygroscopic water or d) Pore water
contact moisture? View Answer
a) Adhesion force
b) Capillary force Answer: a
c) All of the mentioned Explanation: Under loading encountered in soil engineering, it
d) None of the mentioned is found out that structural water cannot be separated or
View Answer removed and therefore it is considered as a part and parcel of
the soil particle.
Answer: a
Explanation: In hygroscopic water, soil particle freely adsorb 10. Ground water is influenced by____________force.
water from atmosphere by the physical force of attraction, and a) Vander Waals force
is held by adhesion force. b) Surface force
c) Hydrodynamic force
5. The average hygroscopicity of clay is___________ d) Electro static force
a) 6 % View Answer
b) 16 %
c) 1 % Answer: c
d) 4 % Explanation: As the ground water obeys laws of hydraulic
View Answer force, it is capable of moving under hydrodynamic forces.

Answer: b 11. Water can be classified in to__________types based on

Explanation: The average hygroscopicity of sands, silts and structural aspect.
clay is 1 %, 6 % and 16 %. a) 3
b) 5
6. The water which soaks in to ground by moving c) 2
downward ,subjected to capillary force is ___________ d) 4
a) Ground water View Answer
b) Pore water
c) Infiltrated water
Answer: d should not be less than 2.0 m for piers and abutment with
Explanation: Structural classifications of water in soil are 4 arches and 1.2 m for other type of structures.
types, which are: pore water, solvate water, adsorbed water,
structural water. 5. What are the horizontal forces that are prone to act on a
well foundation?
a) Wind force
b) Earth pressure
“Analysis of well foundation”. c) Seismic force
d) All of the mentioned
1. The selection of the depth of a well is based on which of View Answer
the following criteria?
a) Adequate embedded length should be provided and The Answer: d
well should rest on strata of adequate bearing capacity Explanation: A well foundation is liable to the following
b) The perimeter of the well should be minimum horizontal forces: 1) force on account of water current 2) wind
c) None of the mentioned forces 3) seismic forces 3) earth pressure 4) centrifugal
d) All of the mentioned forces.
View Answer
6. The analysis of well foundation is done based on the
Answer: a assumptions of_________
Explanation: The selection of the depth of a well is based on a) Banerjee and Gangopadhyay
the following two criteria: b) Lacey
1) There should be adequate embedded length of well, called c) None of the mentioned
the grip length below the lowest scour level. d) All of the mentioned
2) The well should be taken deep enough to rest on strata of View Answer
adequate bearing capacity in a relation to the load
transmitted. Answer: a
Explanation: Based on the assumptions done by Banerjee
2. For alluvial soil, the normal scour depth can be calculated and Gangopadhyay in 1960, the analysis of well foundation
by___________ formula. can be done.
a) Rankine’s formula
b) Lacey’s formula 7. The maximum depth of scour at the nose of pier is_______
c) Converse Labarre formula the Lacey’s value.
d) Terzaghi’s formula a) Twice
View Answer b) Thrice
c) Half
Answer: b d) None of the mentioned
Explanation: For alluvial soil mostly met with in North Indian View Answer
Rivers, the normal scour depth can be calculated by Lacey’s
formula: Answer: a
RL =1.35(q2/f)1/3. Explanation: The maximum depth of scour at the nose of pier,
is found to be twice the Lacey’s value of normal scour depth:
3. The grip length of well is taken as_________ below the R = 2RL.
scour level in roads.
a) ½ R 8. Coefficient of horizontal soil reaction m, depends
b) 1½ R on_________
c) 1/3 R a) Shape of the area carrying load and Nature of soil
d) 1 R b) Skin friction
View Answer c) None of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: c View Answer
Explanation: According to code of practice of the Indian Road
Congress, the grip length is taken as 1/3 R below the scour Answer: a
level. Explanation: Factor m, called the coefficient of horizontal soil
reaction depends on the nature of soil, size and shape of the
4. For piers and abutment, the minimum depth of embedment area which carries the load.
below the scour level should be taken as _________m.
a) 2.0 9. When a rigid well starts moving parallel, it transforms the
b) 1.2 soil in to__________
c) 3 a) Active and passive states
d) 1.5 b) Rigid state
View Answer c) Loose sand
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a View Answer
Explanation: According to IRC code, it is recommended that
the minimum depth of embankment below the scour level Answer: a
Explanation: When a rigid soil, embedded in sand, starts
moving parallel to its original position under the action of a 4. Which of the following N factors has the widest range of
horizontal force, it transforms the soil on one side to passive values?
state and the other side in to active state. a) Nc
b) Nq
10. According to Terzaghi and Peck, the ultimate bearing c) Nγ
capacity can be determined by which of the following d) All of the mentioned
expression? View Answer
a) Q f = Q p + 2πRfs Df
b) Q p = πR2(Q p + 2πRfs Df) Answer: c
c) Q p = 2πRfs Df Explanation: The Nγ factor has the widest suggested range of
d) All of the mentioned any value of N factors. A literature value reveals that for φ =
View Answer 40°, 38≤ Nγ≤192.

Answer: a 5. Which of the following term does not contribute to q f?

Explanation: According to Terzaghi and Peck, the ultimate a) Nc
bearing capacity can be determined from the following b) Nγ
expression: c) Nq
Q f = Q p + 2 π R fs Df d) All of the mentioned
Where R = radius of well, Df = depth of well, fs =average skin View Answer
Answer: b
“Effect of water table on bearing capacity”. Explanation: The Nγ term does not contribute significantly to
qf so that almost any reasonable value can be used. Bureau
1. When the water table is above the base of the footing, the of Indian standards (BIS) recommends using value of Nγ,
submerged weight ‘γ’ can be used to compute__________ given by Vesic.
a) Effective pressure and Surcharge
b) Pore pressure 6. Meyerhof’s extended the analysis of plastic equilibrium of a
c) None of the mentioned surface footing to__________
d) All of the mentioned a) Shallow foundation and Deep foundation
View Answer b) Inclined foundation
c) None of the mentioned
Answer: a d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: When the water table is above the base of the View Answer
footing, the submerged weight ‘γ’ should be used for the soil
below the water table for computing the effective pressure or Answer: a
the surcharge. Explanation: M Meyerhof’s extended the analysis of plastic
equilibrium of a surface footing to Shallow and Deep
2. Which of the following is an essential difference between foundation according to both Terzaghi and Meyerhof analysis.
Vesic’s and Hansen’s procedure?
a) Different values of Nγ and Variation on some of Hansen 7. In the Bowl’s method for finding effect of water table, which
inclination of the following factor is used for soil in the wedge zone?
b) Different value of Nq and Nc a) Water reduction factor
c) None of the mentioned b) Effective unit weight
d) All of the mentioned c) Overburden pressure
View Answer d) Average unit weight
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: The essential difference in Vesic’s and Hansen’s Answer: b
procedure are i) use of slightly different values of Ny and ii) a Explanation: In the third method (Bowles, 1988), no water
variation on some of Hansen’s inclination, base and ground reduction factor is used, but effective unit weight (γe) is used
factors. for the soil in the wedge zone.

3. The equation Nc = (Nq – 1) cot φ, have been adopted 8. Which of the following equation has been recommended by
by___________ Indian standard for finding reduction factor in water table?
a) Terzaghi and Peck a) R w =0.5 (1 + z w2 / B)
b) Hansen b) R w = ( 1 + z w2 / B)
c) Vesic c) R w = c Nc + σ̅. Nq + 0.5γBNγ
d) All of the mentioned d) R w = z w2 / B
View Answer View Answer

Answer: d Answer: a
Explanation: The two equations Nc = (Nq – 1) cot φ and Nq = Explanation: Rw =Rw2 = 5 (1 + z w2 / B) has been
tan2 (45 + φ/2) ex tan φ have been adopted by i) Terzaghi recommended by Indian standard at a depth D1 below the
and Peck ii) Hansen iii) Vesic iv) Meyerhof and Bureau of ground level.
Indian standards.
9. The value of Nc and Nq are same for, which of the following 10. The factor N γ(M) identifies which of the following author?
methods? a) Vesic
a) Meyerhof b) Meyerhof
b) Hansen c) Hansen
c) Vesic d) Terzaghi
d) All of the mentioned View Answer
View Answer
Answer: b
Answer: d Explanation: The factor N γ(M) gives values by Meyerhof, as it
Explanation: The value of Nc and Nq are same for Meyerhof, has the subscript (M) in it.
Hansen and Vesic method, while subscripts for Nγ identify the
author, i.e. N γ(H) = valued by Hansen etc.

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