Marking Scheme of System Analysis

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1. A system is simply defined as interrelated components that work for attainment of a

common goal
a) Inputs
b) Automatic processing
c) Data deposit
d) Output
2. Before that systems process inputs, it has to check whether those inputs are valid and meet
the constraint of model, if yes the system process, if not the system reject.
3. Information is data that have been processed in meaningful way; it is a collection of facts
organized in such a way that they have additional value beyond the value of the facts
whereas Raw facts such as an employee’s name and number of hours worked in a week,
inventory part numbers or sales orders.
4. Stakeholders
a. System builders are those who build or develop systems for companies whereas
b. System owners are those who own or processes an information system: They are
responsible for budgeting the money, time and everything required for developing,
operating, and maintain an information system include also systems.
5. An Information System is an organized combination of people, hardware, software,
communication networks and the data resources that collects, transforms and disseminates
information in a organization.
Elements of IS

 People  Communication  Services

 Data  Process  Hardware
 Process  Product  Software …

6. Automated systems: Assembly of computers, hardware and software configured to

accomplish specific task. It is a system by which information is processed through a series of
automated processes. The following are advantages
- Performing tasks that are beyond human capabilities
- Improvement in Economy
- Quick services to customers and Quick development to owners of a given business
- Replacing human operators in tasks that involve hard physical or monotonous work
- Frees up workers to take on others jobs
7. Automatic processing: is the function that is to manipulate data stored or from outside
(before). It is performed by the computer. The full automatic processing can be divided into
the following categories:
- Controls: who are to validate the entered data and reject data that do not meet the
constraints of the model (anomalies).
- Updated: adding new data, some data changes or cancellations of certain data.
- Research: consists in selecting from the database of information, those who meet certain
- Calculations: that is to provide, develop new data from the data entered or stored
according to specific rules that are in the computer memory.
8. Answers provided for characteristics of CBIS

a. Accuracy: computer operates at a very high degree of accuracy. It does not become
exhausted easily to the extent of making mistakes. For example, the computer can
accurately give the result of division of any two numbers up to 10 decimal places.

b. Speed: computer is generally known for its speed. The speed of computer is measured
in millions of instructions per seconds and it increases progressively as the computer

c. Reliability: the computer responds to the instruction keyed into it without any
alteration, as a result of this, it gives no room for doubt over output.

d. Diligence When used for a longer period of time, the computer does not get tired or
fatigued. It can perform long and complex calculations with the same speed and
accuracy from the start till the end.

e. Storage Capability Large volumes of data and information can be stored in the
computer and also retrieved whenever required. A limited amount of data can be
stored, temporarily, in the primary memory. Secondary storage devices like floppy disk
and compact disk can store a large amount of data permanently.

f. Versatility Computer is versatile in nature. It can perform different types of tasks with
the same ease. At one moment you can use the computer to prepare a letter document
and in the next moment you may play music or print a document.

9. Answers
- Student registration (This function can be programmed)
- Elaboration of Lists of students to teachers (This function can be programmed)
- Keeping all records related to the school (This function can be programmed)
- Writing summaries of meeting when it happens ……..
10. An application program is a program that have been conceived for a given task on a
computer system whereas Development software are program that have been conceived
for developing system or application software.
11. a transaction processing system (TPS) is an organized collection of people, procedures,
software, databases, and devices used to record completed business transactions.


12. Front-office information systems support business functions that reach out to customers
(or constituents) –


 Marketing

 Sales

 Customer management

Back-office information systems support internal business operations and interact with
suppliers (of materials, equipment, supplies, and services).


 Human resources

 Financial management

 Manufacturing

 Inventory control


 A computer system is the physical equipment used for input, processing, and output
activities in an information system.
 Computer programs provide the computer with necessary instructions on how to process
the data into information.
 Information system: An information system (IS) is an arrangement of people, data,
processes, communications, and information technology that interact to support and
improve day-to-day operations in a business as well as support the problem-solving and
decision making needs of management and users.

14 Functions of information system is deducted in:

 The Generation of Data
 The Storage of Data
 The Communication of Data
The Generation of Data
It’s the creation of data inside the studying Information System.

The Storage of Data

It has two aspects:

 The static aspect

This is the storage of data as they are present in the existing system

 The dynamic aspect

This is the storage of data in a computerization process

The Communication of Data

It’s the data submission from the decisional system to the operational system and reciprocally.

The participants in the development of an information system

Participants in the development of an information system are:
- Users
- Managers
- The Auditors
- Systems Analysts
- Programmers
- Personnel responsible for operations

Users: Are those for which the system is manufactured. The interviews will be sent to
them. They are users of the system in place and the future system.
Managers: examples are the human resource managers, project managers etc..
Auditors: Can be there or not; it depends on the size of the project.
Systems Analyst: The analyst is a person important in the development of an
information system. He plays the role of:
Lead the project, give its details and documentation, mediation, and makes innovation.
Programmers: are those who make the software, staff responsible for operations: they
are responsible for the computer center, telecommunication networks, security of the
hardware of computers, data, programs etc........
Automated systems are artificial systems that interact with or controlled by one or more
computers. We can distinguish different types of automated systems but they seem to have the
same components.

Components of an automated system

- Computer hardware: processor, hard drives etc...

- Software: system programs such as operating systems, database systems, data
structures, procedures or controls required.
- People: those who interact with the system, who provide inputs and outputs that use
an automated system and those who do manual handling activities in the system. In
short, people are users and operators of the hardware and software system.
- Data: it is the information the system stores and may return at any time.
- Documentation: Manuals, forms and other documents that explain the use and
operation of the system.



Users of a System

- Administrator of the database,
- Network Administrator
-Maintenance Technician,
- End Users
- Programmer.

Two reasons for the automation of an information system:

- Simplification and improvement of the administrative work (accounting, payroll, and billing) by
automating repetitive procedures.
- The computerized system helps in decision-making.

B) The components of an information system

 An information system has four components namely:
- Inputs,
- Data Processing,
- Data Deposits
- Outputs
Input: Consist on providing the automated information of system information from the
universal outside to the automated information system. This task is performed by
personnel entering through input devices or from storage media.

 Automatic processing: is the function that is to manipulate data stored or from outside
(before). It is performed by the computer. Data deposit: The memory is the function of
storing information. It is storing programs, data structures and data storage.

Output: It is to transform the stored database of information or data resulting from automatic
processing complete output to the external universal. Is to make information accessible to the
world outside.
Example: Printing a newsletter, which will generate the files used by other systems etc..

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