Distillation Design

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Senior Design CHE 396

Andreas Linninger

Innovative Solutions

Michael Redel
Alycia Novoa
Tanya Goldina
Michelle Englert
CHE-396 Senior (Distillation
Design )

Table of Contents

Introduction 3
Flowsheet 4
Limitations 5
Applicability 6
Theory 7
Case Study 24
Alternatives 288
References 309


This report examines the distillation process. This will enable the reader to understand the
necessary components along with distillation calculations. Distillation is a process that
separates two or more components into an overhead distillate and bottoms. The bottoms
product is almost exclusively liquid, while the distillate may be liquid or a vapor or both.

The separation process requires three things. First, a second phase must be formed so that
both liquid and vapor phases are present and can contact each other on each stage within
a separation column. Secondly, the components have different volatilities so that they
will partition between the two phases to different extent. Lastly, the two phases can be
separated by gravity or other mechanical means. Distillation differs from absorption and
stripping in that the second phase is created by thermal means (Seader, 1998).

The distillation column contains one feed stream and two product streams. The feed
contains a mole percent of the light component, ZF. The product stream exiting the top
has a composition of XD of the light component. The product stream leaving the bottom
contains a composition of Xb of the light component. The column is broken in two
sections. The top section is referred to as the rectifying section. The bottom section is
known as the stripping section.

The top product stream passes through a total condenser. This effectively condenses all of
the vapor distillate to liquid. The bottom product stream uses a partial reboiler. This
allows for the input of energy into our column.

 Azeotropes: An azeotrope is a liquid mixture which when vaporized produces

the same composition as the liquid. If the mixture is azeotropic, then more
advanced types of separation must be considered. More information on
azeotropes maybe found in Douglas, Section 7.3.

 Solids: If the material to be separated is high in solids, or contains tars or

resins that could plug or foul a continuous unit, then a batch separation should
be considered (Perry’s, 1997).

 Optimum Pressure (King, 1980):

1. Vacuum operation: Use of a vacuum should be considered for heat-
sensitive compounds or polymerizable materials. Vacuum is usually not
used unless required, e.g., a low bottoms temperature is needed to avoid
thermal decomposition.
2. Distillation column is above atmospheric pressure: Column shell should
be thicker to withstand pressure of the column.
3. If the column pressure required to accomplish overhead condensation with
cooling water is less than 250 lb/in2, then the column pressure should give
an average temperature driving force of 5-15*C in the overhead
4. If the column pressure required accomplishing overhead condensation
with cooling water is greater than 250 lb/in2, then consider an alternative
of using a refrigerant on the overhead and running the column at a lower
 Optimum Temperature Differences in Reboilers and Condensers (King,
1. Reboiler temperatures should be kept low enough to avoid bottoms
degradation and/or fouling.
2. Common temperature differences used for heat exchange across reboilers
and condensers are shown in the following table:

Temp, K
Refrigeration 3-10
Cooling Water 6-20
Pressurized Fluid 10-20
Boiling Water 20-40
Air 20-50
Process Fluid 10-20
Steam 10-60
Hot Oil 20-60


 Distillation is the least expensive means of separating mixtures of liquids.

 If relative volatilities of components is less than 1.1, distillation becomes very
expensive (Douglas, 1988) and extraction or reactive distillation should be

Section 1. Graphical Determination of a Distillation Column Design

Step 1. Determine Process Operation Variables

 Assumed feed rate, composition, purity of distillate and bottoms, and the quality of
the feed are known.
 Perform overall material and component balances to determine the compositions of
the distillate and bottoms.

F*ZF=XD*D+XB*B (1)
F=D+B (2)
F Feed rate of input stream
ZF Composition of light component in feed
XD *Mole Fraction of light in distillate
XB *Mole Fraction of light in Bottom
D Total distillate amount
B Total bottom amount

*If more than two components, these values are the light-key and heavy-key component.

Step 2. Determine the Minimum Reflux Ratio

This graphical approach is determined using the McCabe-Thiele Method for binary
mixtures. The ratio of reflux flow to distillate flow is called the reflux ratio.

The following assumptions are implied when using this method (McCabe,
a. Constant Molal Overflow. The molar flow rates of the vapor and
liquid are nearly constant in each section of the column. This also
ensures the operating lines are straight lines.
b. Heat Effects are negligible. For example, heat losses to and from
the column are small and neglected.
c. For every mole of vapor condensed, another mole of liquid is
d. The liquid and vapor leaving the tray is in equilibrium with the
vapor and liquid entering the tray.


If an equilibrium curve is not given, draw a y-x diagram (y representing the vapor
phase and x the liquid). The equilibrium curve can be obtained by relating the
relative volatility to the composition of the liquid:
y = *x/(1+x(-1)) (4)
This shows the bubble-point and dew point of a binary mixture at constant
pressure. An equilibrium line describes the compositions of the liquid and vapor
in equilibrium at a fixed pressure. The equilibrium line crossing the forty-five
degree line is an indication of an azeotropic mixture. An azeotrope is a liquid
mixture which when vaporized produces the same composition as the liquid. If
the mixture is azeotropic, then more advanced types of separation must be
 Forty Five Degree Line

1. Draw the diagonal line connecting the points (0.0,0.0) to (1.0,1.0).

This is your forty-five degree line.

 Feed Line (q-Line)

2. The feed line can be constructed by locating the point on the forty-
five degree line that corresponds to the feed composition. This
point can be extended with a slope of q/(q-1) where q is the feed
quality. The feed line can be directly plotted through the following
y=q/(q-1)X - ZF/(q-1) (5)

 Upper Operating Line

3. Draw the operating line for the enriching section. First find the
desired top product composition (on the x-axis) and locate the
corresponding point on the forty-five degree line. Connect this
point to the point where the equilibrium cure and the feed line
intersect. This is the upper operating line. The y intercept of this
line is equal to XD/(R+1). The following equation can be used to
determine the minimum reflux:
Rmin=(XD/yintercept ) – 1 (6)

 Lower Operating Line

4. Draw the operating line for the stripping section. First find the
desired bottom product composition (on the x-axis) and locate the
corresponding point on the forty-five degree line. Draw a line from
this point to the intersection of the equilibrium curve and the feed
line. This is your lower operating line. The slope of this line is
equal to (Vbmin+1)/Vbmin where Vb is the boilup ratio. The
boilup ratio is the fractional amount of liquid that is boiled back
into the column to the amount of liquid leaving.

Step 3. Choose Actual Reflux Ratio:

As the reflux ratio increases, the number of trays and thus the capital cost of the column
decreases. However, as a trade-off, an increase in reflux ratio will also increase the vapor
rate within the tower, thus increasing expenses such as condensers and reboilers (4).
Most columns are designed to operate between 1.2 and 1.5 times the minimum reflux
ratio because this is approximately the region of minimum operating cost. Therefore,
based on first estimates, the operating reflux ratio is equated so that (Douglas, 1988):
Ractual =Rmin* 1.2 (7)
Step 4. Determine the Minimum Number of Trays

 Upper/Lower Operating Line at Actual Reflux

1. Redraw the upper and lower operating line using the actual reflux ratio. Plot the
point XD/(R+1) and draw a line to the XD. The equation of the upper operating line
y=(R/R+1)*X+XD/(R+1) (8)
The equation for the lower operating line can be drawn by connecting the XB to
the intersection of the feed line and the upper operating line. The equation of the
lower operating line is:
y=((VB+1)/VB)*X+XB/VB (9)

 Determine Number of Trays

2. Starting from composition of the distillate, a horizontal line is drawn to the

equilibrium curve. This line demonstrates the first tray.
3. From the previous intersection, drop vertically until the upper operating line is
obtained. Follow step two to determine next tray.
4. Continue stepping until the liquid composition ends equals the desired bottom
5. The total number of steps is equal to the theoretical number of trays.

6. When high conversions are desired, the stepping method may cause difficulties. In
these cases the Kremser equation should be used.

 V  yin  ye,out  V
N  ln   1 m  * m  V
L  
y y  L
  out e,out  ln m 
 L

N Number of trays in unreadable region
m Slope of the line in unreadable region
V/L R/(R+1)
yin Conveniently chosen point below unreadable region
yout XD for rectifying section
ye,out m*XD+b (where b is the y intercept of new equil. line)
Step 5. Determine Actual Number of Trays

This is determined by taking the quotient of the number of theoretical trays to the tray
efficiency. Typical values for tray efficiency range from 0.5 to 0.7 (Douglas, 1988).
These values depend on the type of trays being used, as well as the internal liquid and
vapor flow rates.
Nactual = Ntheory / (11)

Step 6. Principal Dimensions of the Column (Diameter/Height):

 A design guideline that should be used is that the height of the column should
not be higher than 175 feet.
 Height-to-diameter ratio should be less than 20 to 30.
 Packed towers are used when the column has a small diameter (1.5 ft or less)
or area (1.77 ft2 or less) rather than plate towers.
 Either plate or packed towers may be used when the column diameter is
between 1.5-4.5 ft (or area, 1.77- 15.9 ft 2).
 If the tower is higher than 190 ft, then a design with smaller tray spacing
should be considered (Douglas, 1988).

The tower height can be related to the number of trays in the column. The following
formula assumes that a spacing of two feet between trays will be sufficient including
additional five to ten feet at both ends of the tower. This includes a fifteen percent excess
allowance of space (Douglas, 1988).
Htower = 2.3 Nactual (12)
Before we can determine the tower diameter, we need to determine the vapor velocity.
The vapor velocity can be derived from the flooding velocity. To limit our column from
flooding, we choose a velocity 50-80 percent of flooding velocity (Douglas, 1988):

1 .2
V 
V Vapor Velocity
G Density of the mixture

The diameter of the tower is relatively insensitive to changes in operating temperature or

pressure. The main determinant of the diameter is the vapor velocity. The desired vapor
velocity is dependent on the limitations of undesired column flooding.

M 
DT  .0164 V *  

 m 
DT Diameter of tower
V Vapor velocity
MG Molecular weight of gas
m Molar density
Section 2. Analytically Determining the Specifications for a Distillation Column

Step 1. Determine Process Operation Variables

 Assumed feed rate, composition, purity of distillate and bottoms, and the quality of
the feed are known.
 Perform overall material and component balances to determine the compositions of
the distillate and bottoms.

Step 2. Determine the Minimum Reflux Ratio

 Underwood Equation

The Underwood equation approximates the minimum reflux ratio (Douglas, 1988). The
following equation can be used for multi-component systems with constant relative
volatility. Relating mass balances and VLE equations, the following equation was
derived for which  can be calculated.

F*(1-q)=  ((i * zi)/ (i -)) (15)

F Feed
q Feed quality
i Relative Volatility
zi Composition of component (i) in Feed

Through the previous expression,  can be obtained in a polynomial expression. This

expression can be used to solve for . Only the  that falls between the relative
volatilities of the components should be considered. The can be used to obtain the
minimum amount of vapor (Vmin):

Vmin =  (i * Dxi)/ (i -)) (16)

From a mass balance and the definition of reflux:

Lmin = Vmin – D

Rmin = Vmin / D (17)

Step 3. Choose Theoretical Reflux Ratio

As the reflux ratio increases, the number of trays and thus the capital cost of the column
decreases. However, as a trade-off, an increase in reflux ratio will also increase the vapor
rate within the tower, thus increasing expenses such as condensers and reboilers
(Douglas, 1988). Most columns are designed to operate between 1.2 and 1.5 times the
minimum reflux ratio because this is approximately the region of minimum operating
cost. Therefore, based on first estimates, the operating reflux ratio for the analytically
method is equated so that (Douglas, 1988):
RTheor = 1.2 *Rmin (18)
Step 4. Determine Theoretical Number of Trays

 Modification of the Fenske Equation

A simplified approximate equation can be used to determine the number of trays

(Douglas, 1988). This is an expression for the minimum number of trays, assuming total
reflux and constant relative volatility. This equation takes into account the reflux ratio.

N 
ln SF
 
 
ln   
 
 1 1

 R * Z F 
  


SF   * 1   * 1
 (20)

 Fractional recovery of light in the distillate

 Fractional recovery of light in the bottom
 Relative volatility
R Reflux ratio
ZF Mole ratio of light component in feed
Step 5. Determine Actual Number of Trays:

This is determined by taking the quotient of the number of theoretical trays to the tray
efficiency. Typical values for tray efficiency range from 0.5 to 0.7 (Douglas, 1988).
These values depend on the type of trays being used, as well as the internal liquid and
vapor flow rates.
Nactual = N/ (21)

Step 6. Principal Dimensions of the Column (Diameter/Height):

 A design guideline that should be used is that the height of the column should
not be higher than 175 feet.
 Height-to-diameter ratio should be less than 20 to 30.
 Packed towers are used when the column has a small diameter (1.5 ft or less)
or area (1.77 ft2 or less) rather than plate towers.
 Either plate or packed towers may be used when the column diameter is
between 1.5-4.5 ft (or area, 1.77-15.9 ft 2).
 If the tower is higher than 190 ft, then a design with smaller tray spacing
should be considered (Douglas, 1988).
 Height of Column

The tower height can be related to the number of trays in the column. The following
formula assumes that a spacing of two feet between trays will be sufficient including
additional five to ten feet at both ends of the tower. This includes a fifteen percent excess
allowance of space (Douglas, 1988).
Htower = 2.3 Nactual [ft] (22)
 Vapor Velocity

Before we can determine the tower diameter, we need to determine the vapor velocity.
The vapor velocity can be derived from the flooding velocity. To limit our column from
flooding, we chose a velocity 60 percent of flooding velocity (Douglas, 1988). This is
assumed in the following equation:

V  G

V Vapor Velocity
G Density of the Gas

 Diameter of Tower

The diameter of a tower is relatively insensitive to changes in operating temperature or

pressure. The main determinant of the diameter is the vapor velocity. The desired vapor
velocity is dependent on the limitations of undesired column flooding. This equation
allows for a twelve percent surplus in area (Douglas, 1998).

DT = .0164(V) * (MG/ m )^.25 (24)


V Vapor Velocity
m Molar density
Section 3. Determining the Cost of Column and Components
All cost estimates formulas were taken from (Douglas, 1988).

Step 1. Cost of Column

 Capital Cost
The following approximates installed cost and purchased cost for the shell and trays.
This cost relates the diameter, height, and design variables of the column. The design
variable is a correction used to allow specificity of the column pressure and material.

M & S
C  * 120 D * 218 F 
* H 0.
c   T c
 280 

Cc Cost of shell and trays
Fc Design considerations for the column
DT Diameter of column
H Height of column

Step 2. Cost of the Reboiler

 Capital Cost
The installed cost of the reboiler heat exchanger is:

 H 0. 0 . 65
v 65
C r  * 328 *  *

  11250 


Cr Cost of reboiler
Hv Heat of vaporization of bottoms
V Rate of Boilup
 Operating Cost
If we use steam to supply the heat for the reboiler, the temperature driving force must
be constrained to less than 30-45 F to prevent film boiling. We are also assuming a
high value of heat transfer coefficient because the heat transfer between a condensing
vapor and boiling liquid is high. The steam required is:

Ws   H 
 v * V
  H s

Cs  8.74 * 103 * SteamCost  * HV * V

Ws Amount of steam needed
Cs Cost of steam
Hv Heat of vaporization
Hs Heat of saturation
V Mass flow rate
Step 3. Cost of Condenser
 Capital Cost

If we assume the cooling water is available at 90 F and a heat transfer coefficient

of 100, the heat transfer area of the condenser heat exchanger is:

Ac=((Hv/3000)ln (Tb-90/Tb-120))V (29)

Ac Area of condenser heat exchanger
Hv Heat of vaporization
Tb Bubble point of distillate
V Mass flow rate

The installed cost of the heat exchanger for condensing:

Cc=(M&S/280)*101.3*(2.29+Fc)*Ac0.65 (30)
Cc Cost of condenser
Fc Design considerations correction factor

 Operating Cost

If we assume the cooling water is available at 90 F and a heat transfer coefficient

of 100, the amount of cooling water needed for the condenser and the associated
cost is:

Wc=(Hv/30)V (31)

Cc=3.2610-4*(Cooling water cost)(Hv)(V) (32)


Wc Amount of cold water to condenser

Cc Cost of condenser
Hv Heat of vaporization
V Mass flow rate
Step 4. Total Cost of Column

The total annualized cost is the sum of capital cost divided by the payback period plus
the yearly operating cost.

TAC = Capital Cost / Payback Period + Operating Cost (33)

Section 4. Case Study

Feed Stream, Acetone/Acetic Acid F=100mole/hr

Light-Key Mole Fraction, ZF=0.30
Percentage of Light in Distillate XD=0.90
Percentage of Light in Bottoms XB=0.10
Quality of Feed Q=1

We can simultaneously solve equations (1) and (2), F*ZF=XD*D+XB*B and F=D+B, to
obtain the amount of distillate and bottoms:
B=75mole/hr D=25mole/hr

The reflux ratio and number of trays were calculated graphically. These graphs can be
viewed after this section. The minumum reflux ratio can be calculated through a variation
of the Underwood equation. When the quality is equal to one and in a binary mixture,
equation (15) reduces to: Rmin =(1/(-1))*((XD/XF)-*(1-XD)/(1-XF))
The theoretical minimum reflux ratio is derived from equation (18), Rtheory=1.2*Rmin:
From the Fenske equation (19) we can determine the number of trays:

N=5.97 Trays
The following three graphs show how we obtain approximately the same number of trays
graphically, rather than analytically (shown above).

yint  xD  R1
60 . 5  90

R min 1

R min 0 . 4876

Graph A, Acetone- Acetic Acid Equilibrium Data

R  1 .2 * R min  1 .2 * 0 .4876 0 .5861

y int  90 (0 .5851  1)  56 .78

Graph B, Acetone- Acetic Acid Equilibrium

Graph C, Acetone- Acetic Acid Equilibrium Curve. We can see that the number of trays
is six. This can be seen from the stepping on the above graph. We note here that the
analytical method stated the number of trays to be 5.97, which is close to our graphical
method of 6 trays.

 Extraction: A process where one or more solutes are removed from a liquid by
transferring the solute(s) into a second liquid phase. Liquids must be immiscible or
partially immiscible. Vaporization is not required, thus extraction can be done at low
temperatures and is a gentle process suitable for unstable molecules (Wankat, 1988).

 Adsorption: Involves the transfer and equilibrium distribution of one or more solutes
between a fluid phase and particles. Liquid mixture is brought into contact with a
microporous solid allowing adsorption of certain components in the mixture takes
place on the internal surface of the solid. The adsorbent (solid) is insoluble in the
liquid, and the components being adsorbed are called solutes (Perry’s, 1997).

 Condensation: Occurs when a saturated vapor comes in contact with a surface whose
temperature is below the saturation temperature. Film-type condensation occurs
when a film layer of condensate is formed on the surface. Dropwise condensation
occurs when appears in many small droplets at various points on the surface (Perry’s,

 Reactive Distillation: Works by adding an entrainer that reacts with one component in
a mixture that is difficult to separate if relative volatilities of two components are very
close (less than 1.1). In the first column, the entrainer will react with one component
to increase the relative volatility so that it may be separated while in a second column,
the reaction can be reversed so that the entrainer can be recycled (King, 1980).

 Extractive Distillation: This operation requires two distillation columns. A heavy

nonvolatile component is added near the top of the tower to modify the activity
coefficients between two components. A pure component in the overhead in the first
column is obtained while the other component is recovered in the overhead in the
second column (King, 1980).

1. Seader, J. and Henley, E. Separation Process Principles. John Wiley & Sons,
1998, Chapters 7 and 8.
2. McCabe, Warren. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, Fifth Edition.
McGraw-Hill, Inc, 1993, Chapters 18 and 19.
3. Distillation Column Design. Copyright 1997.
4. Douglas, James. Conceptual Design of Chemical Processes. McGraw-Hill, Inc.,
1988, Section A.3.
5. King, C. Judson. Separation Processes, Second Edition. McGraw-Hill, Inc.,
1980, Chapters 4-6.

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