HW5e Upper Int SB Audioscript
HW5e Upper Int SB Audioscript
HW5e Upper Int SB Audioscript
true! We’ve been travelling for two months now – 5 A What were the sea lions doing?
Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru. It’s been a-maz-ing!! B They were relaxing on the rocks.
Can’t believe I’ve seen Machu Picchu and camped in 6 A Why are they going to San Cristóbal tomorrow?
the mountains of Torres del Paine! Ma – you’d go B Because they’re going to work there at a
mad for the views! But the Galapagos are a different volunteer centre.
time to start work! Kiri’s worried because she always 2 A Is this his first trip abroad?
gets seasick and it’ll be a hot, cramped ride. Our B No, it isn’t. He’s been abroad once before. Last
work at the volunteer centre is just for one week – it’s year he went to Mexico.
going to be mainly farm work. After that, it’s on to 3 A Where does Dave live?
flamingos, pelicans, and … coolest of all, the mega- 4 A How long is Tyler going to stay with Dave?
Nancy xxx (Kiri sends love too). 7 A What are they going to do on Sunday?
B They’re going to Stratford-on-Avon,
1.2 Nancy and Kiri’s amazing trip! Shakespeare’s birthplace.
1 A How long have they been travelling round
South America? 1.4 Identifying tenses
B For two months. 1 A I've heard that Hannah's been seeing a lot of
B Oh, d'you live there? the globe – but she had to do it as a man.
A Actually, no. I work in Bristol but I live in Bath. She was born in France in 1740, to a peasant family.
B Lucky you! I think Bath's a beautiful city! She loved plants, and became a self-taught expert on
A Yeah, you and thousands of others! them, working as a herbalist.
B What d'you mean?
In 1767, the French government sent two navy ships
A Well, you know, the tourists. There are so many,
to look for new lands, and needed an assistant to the
all year round.
chief botanist Philibert Commerson. Commerson
B Ah yes, that's a drag. You don't like tourists, then?
wanted to take Baret, but women weren’t allowed in
A Well, I shouldn't really complain.
the navy. So, Baret dressed as a man, called herself
B How come? You can complain if you want.
‘Jean’ instead of ‘Jeanne’, and was given the job.
A I can’t. Not really – you see, I'm a travel agent so I
make a living from tourists! After crossing the Atlantic, she sailed around South
America and discovered many new plants, including
1.13 I was just passing Bougainvillea. It was named after the captain of the
1 A Tony! Hi! Great to see you. ship, Louis de Bougainville.
B Well, I was just passing and I thought I'd drop in
She did hard physical work, just like the rest of the
and say 'Hello'.
crew, but some of the men were suspicious because
A Come on in! Have a drink!
‘Jean’ never washed or used the toilets with them.
B You sure? You're not too busy?
On Tahiti, a native recognized that she was a
A Never too busy to talk to you.
woman, and told the other sailors. She left the ship at
B Thanks Jo. It'd be really nice to have a chat.
the next stop, Mauritius, because she no longer felt
A Great! Oh, let me take your coat.
safe on a ship full of men.
2 A Excuse me, don't I know you from somewhere?
B No, I don't think so. She married a French sailor on Mauritius, and
A Weren't you at Gavin's party last week? returned to France six years later, in 1774,
B Not me. I don't know anyone called Gavin. completing her seven-year voyage around the world.
A Well, someone who looked just like you was She died in 1807, aged 67.
3.2 Bees, cheese, and refugees! A new mum in Canberra, Australia, had been staying
1 Dr Alsous left his home after war broke out. in hospital with her sick baby boy. She returned to
2 His daughter had moved to England a few years her car after being discharged and discovered that
before him. she had been given a parking ticket. But, when she
3 When he arrived to join her, she was just starting opened the envelope on her windscreen, she
her cheese company. discovered a note from a kind lady called Laura.
4 Posting on Facebook didn’t help him find any work. Laura had seen the ticket and written, ‘I’m sure
5 He was helped by a kind lady who gave him a whatever you were going through in hospital was
beehive. tough enough, so I’ve paid it for you. Hope things get
6 He launched the Buzz Project because he wanted better!’
to help people like himself.
7 He was interviewed by the BBC because of the
A crowd of Londoners worked together to lift up a
double-decker bus when a cyclist had become
8 Razan won the World Cheese Award in 2017.
trapped beneath it. Amazing pictures on YouTube
3.3 Heartwarming stories showed about 100 commuters in east London lifting
AIRPORT SECURITY OFFICER’S ACT OF the huge number 212 bus, when Anthony Shields
KINDNESS had been hit and knocked off his bike. Anthony spent
a month in hospital, but has now recovered
Canadian artist Maudie Gaouette had forgotten the
completely. He said he was ‘moved to tears’ when he
airport rules about taking liquids onto the planes. So,
watched the video of his rescue.
when she got to airport security, she was forced to
give up all her painting supplies. However, when she
3.4 Giving and reacting to news
returned a week later, a security officer was waiting
A Did you hear about those amazing London
for her in the baggage area with her paints. Not only
had he kept them safe for her, he’d also looked up
B No, what did they do?
her return date so he could meet her. Maudie was
A Well, apparently, they lifted a double-decker bus.
B They did what?! You’re kidding?
£5 NOTES HIDDEN IN BOOKS A No, they really did.
B That’s amazing! But, why? Was it a competition?
Chris Topping, from Liverpool, England, had been
A No, no, not at all. What happened was, a cyclist
browsing through some children’s books in his local
Waterstones bookshop when, in the pages of one, he
came across a £5 note and an anonymous message.
4.10 Saying the opposite Could you tell me where the station is, please?
1 A Barry’s a very successful businessman, isn’t 2 Have you got change for a ten-pound note?
I’m sorry to bother you, but could you possibly
B Yeah, but he’s a complete failure as a father. change a ten-pound note?
5b is Camila.
H Hello, Camila. Nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot
A Could you possibly have a look at my CV and see
about you.
if you think it’s OK?
B I’m afraid I haven’t got time at the moment. Is C Oh, I hope it was all good!
H Of course! So, where exactly are you from,
there anyone else you could ask?
4.14 Saying ‘no’ politely C Well, I’m Argentinian. I was born in Buenos Aires,
1 A Do you think you could check my homework? but I’ve been working in the US for the last couple
B I’m afraid I haven’t got time right now. Could of years.
you ask me later? H That’s interesting. And what are you doing in
2 A Would you like me to give you a lift? London?
B That’s very kind of you, but my girlfriend’s C Work, I’m afraid. Actually, I’m on my way to
picking me up. Amsterdam for a conference, and I thought I’d
3 A I wonder if I could have a word. stop over in London to see Sophie and Gavin. We
B I’m really sorry, but I’m just about to go to a used to work together in New York.
meeting. H Really? I didn’t know that.
firefighters to put out the blaze. efficiently, please select one of the following options.
B Goodness! Was anybody hurt? To update your account details, press 1; to check
your balance, press 2; to report a lost or stolen card,
5.13 Starting phone calls press 3; to request a statement, press 4; to leave a
1 A Hello. ABC Logistics. Kathy speaking. How may voice message, press 5. For all other enquiries,
I help you? please hold and you will be connected to an operator.
B Hello, could you put me through to Katya
We are currently experiencing unusually heavy call
Hantelmann, please?
volumes. You may experience a delay of up to five
2 A Hello, Dave! Good to hear you! How are you?
minutes. Please hold and you’ll be connected to an
B Hi, Penny. Not bad. Busy, busy, busy… but
operator shortly.
life’s like that. How are things with you?
Your call is important to us. Please continue to hold.
A Oh, you know, usual family stuff. We’ve all had
Alternatively, please submit your query online at
the flu, and Mike’s away on business, so I’ve got
to do the lot – the school run, shop, cook, clean,
and get to work. It’s great! How’s everything with Thank you for calling Fast Response Customer
you and your lot? Services Department. All our lines are now closed.
B Pretty much the same – the kids have all had To speak to an operator, please call Monday to
flu. We’re hoping to get together with you soon. Friday, between 8.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m.
When’s Mike back?
A Tomorrow – thank goodness! How’s Sophie’s 5.15 Trying to end a phone call
mum, by the way? A So, Barry, it was good to talk to you. Thanks for
mend now. So, why don’t we meet up in the next B My pleasure. By the way, how’s your golf these
3 Welcome to National Phones. To help us improve A No, not much. I just don’t seem to find the time
our service, please be aware that some phone these days. Anyway, Barry …
calls are recorded for training purposes. Please B What a shame! You used to enjoy it so much.
select one of the following options. For customer A It’s true. Right, Barry, I must fly. I’m late for a
billing enquiries, press 2. To request a brochure or B OK. Don’t want to keep you. So, you’ll give me a
hear about the latest special offers, press 3.To call when you’re back, right?
hear these options again, press the hash key. To A I certainly will. And you’ll email me a copy of the
Musk’s car company, Tesla, makes electric cars that 6.3 Informal expressions of quantity
all fanatics would desire – the Roadster sports model 1 There’s no need to rush. We’ve got bags of time.
can accelerate from 0 to 60 miles per hour in 3.7 2 Let Peter pay for the meal. He’s got loads of
seconds. His company SpaceX successfully money.
launched its Falcon 9 rocket in 2012. There are quite 3 I’ve got zillions of ideas for future projects!
a few private rocket enthusiasts, but Musk’s rockets 4 We’ve got heaps of food for the party – don’t buy
were the first to dock with the International Space any more.
Station. In 2018, a bigger rocket, the Falcon Heavy, 5 When our daughter comes home from university,
took a Tesla Roadster into space! The two types of she always brings piles of washing.
Falcon rocket are reusable – every rocket booster 6 I’ve got umpteen jobs to do this afternoon.
can land and be used again. 7 I’ve got tons of things to tell you about!
Musk currently has six companies on the go, and 8 There were hordes of people in the supermarket
numerous projects, including artificial intelligence, today.
solar energy, and a new tunnel-boring machine (that
KC Aleeza and Geeta, thank you so much … 4 A I can’t stand the sight of him!
B I must admit, I’m not too keen on him either.
7.12 Phrasal verbs with get 5 A I’m knackered. Can we stop for a rest?
1 A If news of this gets out, there’ll be a huge B OK. I feel a bit out of breath, too.
scandal! 6 A I’m absolutely dying for a drink!
B You always get out of doing the washing-up. It’s B Yes, my throat’s a bit dry, I must say.
not fair! 7 A She isn’t very bright, is she?
C I’m in hurry! Get out of the way! B Too right! She’s as thick as two short planks.
2 A You’re always getting at me! Leave me alone! 8 A I bet you hit the roof when she crashed your
B What are you getting at? Just say what you car!
mean! B Well, yes, I was a bit upset.
C I can’t get at the sugar. It’s on the top shelf. 9 A I’m fed up with this weather! It’s freezing.
3 A It took him ages to get over the operation. B I suppose it is a bit chilly.
B He couldn’t get his point over to the audience. 10 A Well, that was a fantastic holiday!
They didn’t understand. B Yes, it was a nice little break.
C I can’t get over how much your children have
7.14 Absolutely fabulous
1 A These shoes are rather nice, aren’t they?
4 A We got up to page 56 in the last lesson.
B They’re absolutely fabulous! I want them!
B That man is getting up to no good. I think he’s a
2 A Is that a new watch? I bet that cost a bit.
C I had to get up at 5 a.m. to catch the plane. B A bit? It cost a fortune!
3 A It’s a bit chilly in here, don’t you think?
5 A I couldn’t get through to Joe. His phone was
B You can say that again! I’m absolutely freezing!
switched off.
B I failed, but Bob got through his driving test first 4 A Can we stop at the next service station? I could
8.4 Present and past participles running into the crowded room, brandishing a gun.
3 A tall, slim, teenage boy, wearing an orange
1 A It’s raining again!
tracksuit and red baseball cap, stole a black
B Oh no! Another miserable day when we’re stuck
leather wallet from a bespectacled old man sitting
at the back of a red double-decker London bus
2 A You look so chilled! It was obviously a good
yesterday afternoon.
4 The once-famous, ageing American comedy actor
B Yes! We just sat by the pool and read books for
Kirk Branson was seen entertaining a glamorous
a week. Bliss!
young brunette girl yesterday evening, in an
exclusive Michelin-star Paris restaurant frequented
by countless international celebrities.
8.10 Extreme adjectives to win best film. We were all absolutely exhausted at
1 A Shall I turn the heating down? It’s very hot in the end of shooting, but we knew we’d made a
B Please do! I’m absolutely boiling! such an enormous success though. OK, I know it’s
2 A It’s silly having to use all these passwords for awful to have to listen to long lists of thank-yous, but I
everything, isn’t it? have to say something about some of the brilliant
B Oh, it’s absolutely ridiculous! How are you people involved. So, special thanks to writer Clare
Baxter for creating fascinating characters and an
supposed to remember them all?
3 A Cara looks lovely, doesn’t she? What a absolutely hilarious script, to Michael Davis for his
beautiful dress! excellent direction, and to Barry Kenwood for his truly
B Oh, wow! She looks absolutely stunning! stunning cinematography. And, last but not least,
B Phew! What a relief! It must be a weight off your Peabody! To me, you’ll always be Crazy Tazy Jones.
9.2 Listen and repeat
10 A Why is the … in here?!
1 We used to sit next to each other.
B Eh? What did you say? Don’t talk with your
2 We were always giggling and whispering.
mouth full!
3 We’d go back to your house.
4 We’d go cycling round town.
9 The good old days! 5 I can’t get used to calling you Anastasia.
9.1 Friends forever 6 She’ll always arrive late.
Hi Tazy, or ‘Anastasia’!
9.3 What are they like?
It's great to be in touch again. The wonder of social
1 My flatmate is the untidiest person in the whole
media – sometimes! How could anybody forget a
world. She‘s always leaving her things around the
name like yours? Crazy Tazy Jones! And now you’re
place and her room looks like a rubbish dump.
a ‘Peabody’!
2 My boyfriend is insanely jealous. He’ll lose his
You and I were friends from the start. We used to sit temper if he sees me just talking to any other guy.
next to each other in class, but then the teachers 3 Freddy is just the coolest guy I know. He wears a
made us sit apart because we were always giggling cap and sunglasses all the time, even in the house
and whispering. – Mum says he’s just silly.
4 My dog Bruno was my best friend. We used to go
Do you remember how we would go back to your
everywhere together – he’d even sleep by my bed.
house after school and listen to music for hours on
5 Your problem is you're self-obsessed. You’re
end? CDs in those days! We both loved Oasis, but
always talking about yourself and you’ll walk away
we’d argue endlessly about who was better – Liam or
if the subject moves to someone else.
Noel. Oh, and we also used to listen to the Spice
6 My mum really gets on my nerves. She’s always
Girls – but ‘in secret’, because they were so ‘uncool’.
criticizing me and my friends.
Then there was that time we painted your bike bright
pink. Then we’d go cycling round town on it and we
10.2 The king in the car park B Oh, they say builders might have chopped them
A How was the theatre last night? What did you off in the 16th century. Anyway, DNA tests with
B We saw a Shakespeare – Richard III. It was this skeleton had royal blood.
horse, my kingdom for ...’ B Yeah, they also found some people in Canada
A Yes, thank you – I’ve heard that. Was Richard III who are his descendants, and … Benedict
B No, no … Shakespeare was born 100 years after A Benedict Cumberbatch!? The actor who plays
Richard, in the 16th century – when Elizabeth I Sherlock Holmes? I bet he was surprised.
was Queen. The thing is, I’d never seen this play B Yeah! He actually read a poem at the funeral. It
before, but I’ve been fascinated by Richard III must be amazing to learn you’ve got royal
ever since they found his body a few years ago. ancestors.
B It was never found. Nobody knew where he was B Yeah, Richard was finally buried in Leicester
buried. It was a big mystery – and then, in 2012, Cathedral. Thousands of people came from all
they found him, well … not his body exactly – his over the world.
skeleton – under a car park in Leicester. A That’s quite a story. Was there ever a Richard IV?
A Beneath a car park?! You're kidding me. So, King B No, Richard III was the last of the Richards. But
Richard III could have died while parking his who knows, there might be a fourth one day.
10.3 What do we know about Richard III?
B Ha ha! Not funny! No, seriously, they say the car
1 A When did Richard die?
park must have been built on what was once a
B He must have died in the 15th century.
church graveyard.
2 A What was he doing when he died?
A But how do they know the skeleton is Richard III?
B He could have been riding a horse. He must
B Well, they know he was killed in 1485 in a battle
have been fighting in a battle.
6 A What did they learn from his deformed spine? I’m sorry – I don’t think I know any ‘Donnas’.
B They might have been cut off by builders in the Greece! Oh, yes of course! Donna and Marlene from
Wisconsin. That was years ago.
16th century.
8 A Did the Canadian people know they were …
Well, er, thank you very much. Yes, it was fun –
B They can’t have had any idea. Alistair and I enjoyed it too. Well, what a surprise! So,
9 A How did Benedict Cumberbatch feel about the erm, what are you up to these days?
discovery? …
B He must have been very surprised. Really? Here, in London? What are you doing here?
10.4 Everyday situations Wow! Really? Six countries! That’s ambitious.
1 I did tell you about Joe’s party. You can’t have …
been listening. Erm … well … obviously, er, obviously I’d like to see
2 Thanks so much for all your help. I couldn’t have you both again, but actually it’s not really very …
managed without you. …
Thanks so much for all your help. I wouldn’t have Ah, yes, I know we said that … but Alistair lives in
managed without you. Scotland now, and my flat isn’t very big and my wife
3 Chocolates, for me! Oh, that’s so kind, but really and …
you shouldn’t have. …
4 Come on! We’re only five minutes late. The film About three years ago, and we’re about to move to a
won’t have started yet. bigger place. We’re expecting another baby.
5 I don’t believe that Kathy’s going out with Mark. …
She would have told me, I know she would. I’m glad you understand. I suppose we could meet
6 We raced to the airport, but we needn’t have for a drink, for old times’ sake.
worried. The flight was delayed. …
7 We’ve got a parcel here that isn’t for us. It must Erm – maybe you’re right. But it was nice to hear
have been delivered by mistake. your voice again, Donna. Love to Marlene and I’ll tell
Alistair that you got in touch. Enjoy your trip.
1 A Look, I know I shouldn’t have parked here, but I recently, I can’t switch off at night.
was only gone five minutes. B Yeah, me too. I sometimes wish I’d never
B You can’t park here for even one minute. And accepted that promotion. Still, it’ll pay for a nice
B Impossible. Once it’s in the system, you can’t 4 A Come on, Oscar! Try and get past me! Oof … !
do anything about it. Machine won’t let you. Don’t you wish you still played football, Dad? You
A But I had to nip into the chemist’s for my were in the pub team, weren’t you?
mother’s prescription. Supposing your mother B Yeah, but I’m too old for it now. And I was never
needed some medicine urgently, where would you that good anyway. You were, though – I’ve always
B I tell you what, if I had a pound for every story of wanted to.
getting medicine for sick relatives, I’d be richer A Nah, no way. I bet I wasn’t as good as Oscar is!
than Bill Gates. Here’s your ticket – you’ve got two … Phoof! It is time I did a bit more exercise,
2 A Sorry, Daisy, I can’t come out tonight. I really one-on-one with the goalkeeper, and …
B Mmm, actually, it’s more ‘then’ than ‘now’! It’s too B Definitely.
A But surely you realize how upset your fans are
expensive to take three kids abroad.
A What’s wrong with holidays here? going to be?