Evaluation of The Effects of Music Therapy Using Todi Raga of Hindustani Classical Music On Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate and Respiratory Rate of Healthy Elderly Men
Evaluation of The Effects of Music Therapy Using Todi Raga of Hindustani Classical Music On Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate and Respiratory Rate of Healthy Elderly Men
Evaluation of The Effects of Music Therapy Using Todi Raga of Hindustani Classical Music On Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate and Respiratory Rate of Healthy Elderly Men
Department of Hindustani Classical Music (Vocal), Sangit-Bhavana,
Visva-Bharati (A Central University), Santiniketan, Birbhum-731235,West Bengal, India
Department of Human Physiology, Hazaribag College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Demotand, Hazaribag 825301, Jharkhand, India.
Institute of Science, BHU Varanasi, India
Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 64, Issue 1, 2020
Institute of Science, BHU Varanasi, India
Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 64, Issue 1, 2020
Institute of Science, BHU Varanasi, India
Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 64, Issue 1, 2020
Hindustani Classical Music (instrumental) on vital physiological (Kamat-Nadkarni, 2013). In traumatic brain injury (TBI)
variables (blood pressure, pulse rate and respiratory rate) patients, after neurosurgery, Raga Todi, Hindola and Kalyani
concerned with cardiovascular and respiratory health. The have been seen to cause improvement of respiratory rate, heart
findings revealed that healthy / asymptomatic elderly males rate, and SBP, in a study conducted at Tertiary Hospital of
experienced decrement in systolic blood pressure, diastolic Nellore, India (Reddy et al., 2017). A meta-analysis study,
blood pressure, pulse rate and breathing/ respiratory rate on which evaluated several other studies indicated that listening to
exposure to music intervention (listening to raga Todi) for a time music may result in improvement in the systolic blood pressue
period of 30 days, in the morning hours of the day. An earlier levels and music should be given due importance during the
study found significant lowering of blood pressure on exposure treatment of hypertension (do Amaral et al., 2016). Based on
to long term raga therapy, in chronic hypertensive patients several earlier studies (Angeline, 2018; Kulkarni and Chittapur,
(Kulkarni and Chittapur, 2017). This earlier study to prevent 2017; Kunikullaya et al., 2016; Nagarjan et al., 2015; Sobna et
monotony among the subjects, exposed them to six different al., 2013; De Oliveira et al., 2009; Mathew, 2008 ), it may be
ragas such as Asavari, Ahir Bhairavi, Hansadhwani, Bhimpalas, said that music may be used as a supplement to the main
Darbari and Todi. However, each of the raga was allowed to be treatment of hypertension. Turkish classical music have also
listened for 1 week alternatively for 1 hours a day for a time been found to have positive effects on blood pressure in Turkish
period of 6 months. In contrast, since the present study was only elderly patients with hypertension (Bekiroglu et al., 2013).
of 30 days duration, no such measures were taken to prevent
Institute of Science, BHU Varanasi, India
Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 64, Issue 1, 2020
due to application of music intervention may be attributed to the sample size, involving both males and females may be helpful to
influence of music on central nervous system, autonomic deeply understand the impact of music therapy on vital
nervous system and endocrine system. More specifically, music physiological parameters such as SBP, DBP, heart rate and
may lower sympathetic drive and enhance vagal control / respiratory rate.
parasympathetic drive. Simultaneously, music by lowering stress
hormone levels such as serum cortisol and adrenaline may ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
reduce stress (Mockel et al., 1994) and promote relaxation. Slow We are thankful to all the participants of the study. We also
tempo music with soothing notes may be responsible for express sincere gratitude to Senior Physician Dr. Amal
parasympathetic activation (Nagarajan et al., 2015). Rhythms of Chatterjee, MD, Ex-Medical Officer, West Bengal Health
music brings beneficial adaptations in the physiology of bodily Services, for helping the authors to complete this study.
rhythms (Mac Donald et al., 2009). It has been known that, the
tempo of music may modulate the dynamics of cardio vascular REFERENCES
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