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Abstract: The root cause of the most important issues facing humanity today could be traced back to
environmental mismanagement or inequality. Thus, the aim of this paper is to examine the dynamic relationship
between economic growth and air pollution in Canada using cointegration tests, vector error correction models
and causality tests on annual data from 1960 to 2014. The cointegration tests reveal that there is a long-run
relationship between economic growth, trade and air pollution in Canada. The results also show that in the long-
run, economic growth and trade respectively have a positive and a negative impact on air pollution. The vector
error correction models reveal that the coefficient associated with the error correction term is negative and
significant. This means that, any shock disturbing the long-run equilibrium between economic growth, trade and
air pollution will be corrected at a speed of 10 percent per year. As for the causality analyses, they show that
economic growth does not cause air pollution in Canada.
Keywords: Air Pollution, CO2 Emissions, Economic Growth, Sustainable Growth
According to [1], the root cause of the most important issues facing humanity today could be traced
back to environmental mismanagement or inequality. This is the case for food supply and water crises,
increasing greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, rising volatility in food and energy prices and
even terrorism. Such a finding could explain the rising importance given to the concepts of sustainability
and sustainable economic growth. Talking about sustainability, [2] pays attention to three different
dimensions of natural capital and the appropriate action for each of them. Thus, for economic activities
dealing with non-renewable resources, he argues that the depletion of those resources requires an
equivalent development of renewable substitutes. For economic activities dealing with renewable
resources, he argues that they should not be harvested at a rate exceeding their rate of regeneration.
Finally, for economic activities creating pollution, he argues that they should not generate wastes at a
rate exceeding the assimilation capacity of the environment.
argue that in spite of its importance, the assimilation capacity of the environment has often been
given less attention. They add that the limits to economic growth may well arise from the limited
assimilation capacity of the environment rather than from nature’s finite supply of raw materials. Indeed,
the environment acts like a “sink” absorbing millions of tons of human wastes every year. [3] argue that
environmental quality will decline when the absorbing capacity of that “sink” will be exceeded by
human activities. Thus, in an attempt to protect nature, strict environmental policies will be implemented
and those policies will in turn limit economic growth.
argues that the current pattern of our economic activities needs to be changed. Indeed, humanity
cannot keep meeting the needs of a rising population at the expense of nature if not severe pollution,
acute health issues, irreversible loss of biodiversity and extremely volatile commodity prices will
become common. The complex link between economic growth and pollution inspired this paper of
which the aim is to examine the dynamic relationship between those two concepts using Canadian data
from 1960 to 2014. The paper is organized as follows: the next section reviews the related literature and
section 3 presents the methodology. The main findings are presented and discussed in section 4 and 5
while section 6 concludes the paper.
Corresponding E-mail: adfofack.irlaem@gmail.com / afofack@ciu.edu.tr
Int. J. of Environmental Pollution & Environmental Modelling, Vol. 2(1): 28-36. (2019)
In a seminal paper, [4] assess the environmental impacts of NAFTA and find that the SO2 emissions
increase with economic growth at low levels of GDP per capita but decrease with economic growth at
higher levels of GDP per capita. Given that such an inverted U-shaped relationship is similar to the
relationship between economic growth and income inequality as established by [5], the findings of [4]
became known as the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis. An abundant literature [6 – 12] has tested
the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis in different settings using a wide range of methodologies
but found mixed evidence.
assesses the dynamics of economic growth, carbon emissions and energy consumption for a
panel of 116 countries. Using both panel VAR and system GMM models on annual data from 1990 to
2014, the paper finds that economic growth does not cause energy consumption at the global as well as
at the regional levels. It also reveals that economic growth has a negative impact on pollution at the
global level as well as in Latin America and the Caribbean. However, such a causal relation between
economic growth and pollution does not hold in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia-Pacific and Middle-East and
North Africa. The study also reveals that CO2 emissions cause economic growth in all the regions taken
into consideration. Finally, evidence supporting the Environmental Kuznets Curve is found at the global
level as well as in sub-Saharan Africa.
Analyzing the relationship between economic growth and environmental pollution, [11] test the
Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis in the case of 7 West African countries between 1970 and
2013. They use carbon dioxide emissions and combustible renewable waste as proxies for environmental
pollution and GDP per capita as proxy for economic growth. The study reveals that in the short-run,
economic growth significantly increases pollution in West Africa; meanwhile, in the long-run, the
relationship between economic growth and environmental pollution is not significant. The authors then
conclude that the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis does not hold in West Africa.
Following the environmental sustainability approach according to which environmental
degradation is measured where production and extraction take place and not where the good produced
from those activities is consumed, [13] studies the impact of economic growth on environmental
degradation in 213 countries for the period between 1970 and 2008. In this study, environmental
degradation is proxied by the pressure on nature, a composite variable taking into consideration CO2
damages, energy, mineral and forest depletions. The scholar uses fixed-effects and fixed effects
instrumental-variables regressions and finds that a rising GNI leads to an increased pressure on nature.
He also finds that compared to low and high-income countries, such an effect is much pervasive in
middle-income countries. Finally, the findings do not support the Environmental Kuznets Curve
explore the relationship between economic growth and CO2 emissions in Azerbaijan. They use
five different cointegration approaches (Johansen, ARDLBT, DOLS, FMOLS and CCR) and three
different model specifications (quadratic, cubic and linear) on annual data spanning from 1992 to 2013.
They find that the linear specification adequately models the impact that economic growth has on CO2
emissions in Azerbaijan. They also find that in the long-run, economic growth is positively and
significantly associated with CO2 emissions revealing that the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis
is not valid in the case of Azerbaijan. The authors estimate the income elasticity of CO2 between 0.7 and
0.8 and reveal that any short-term deviation from the long-term equilibrium path can be corrected in less
than a year.
study the relation between economic growth and environmental pollution in 111 Chinese
prefectural-level cities from 2004 to 2012. They measure environmental pollution using an industrial
pollution index constructed as the weighting average of industrial dust, SO2 emissions and industrial
water waste discharge. They then classify the cities into five different clusters taking into consideration
the level of income, the growth potential and the industrial composition of each city. Thus, a city like
Shanghai with high income, high growth rate and well developed tertiary industry falls into the first
cluster. The study reveals that the relation between economic growth and pollution dynamics varies
across clusters as the relationship is negative in the first cluster and positive in the third. It even takes
the form of an inverted U-sharpe in the second cluster. In the case of the fourth cluster, economic growth
does not affect environmental pollution as the latter remains constant no matter the level of income.
Finally, in the last cluster, an increase in the level of income initially leads to a rapid fall in environmental
Int. J. of Environmental Pollution & Environmental Modelling, Vol. 2(1): 28-36. (2019)
pollution; however, the level of pollution then seems to remain constant after income had reached a
threshold (above 50,000 yuan).
In a study analyzing the determinants of industrial pollution in selected (14) Mediterranean
countries, [15] run a fixed-effects model on data from 1971 to 2010. They prove the existence of an
inverted U-shaped relation between economic growth and industrial pollution and conclude that the
Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis holds in the case of the Mediterranean region. Furthermore,
the study reveals that urbanization, population density, the level of industrialization and energy
consumption all have a significant impact on industrial emissions in the Mediterranean region.
studies the relationship between economic growth and environmental degradation in 100
metropolitan areas in the United States between 2001 and 2005. He measures environmental degradation
with carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ground level ozone and particulate matter. After
controlling for both socioeconomic (population) and meteorological (temperature, precipitation, etc)
parameters, the fixed-effects models reveal the existence of a U-shaped relationship between economic
growth and carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide as well as ground level ozone. However,
the evidence found is only strong in the latter case and weak in all the others. Furthermore, the evidence
does not support the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis.
analyze the relationship between economic growth and pollution in 30 Chinese provinces over
the period 1996-2000. Chemical oxygen demand in industrial water pollution, industrial water pollution,
industrial dust, industrial smoke and industrial solid waste all account for environmental pollution while
income per capita accounts for economic growth. The authors also control for environmental regulation
policies, the number of environmental standards issues as well as trade openness. They find an inverted
U-shape relationship between income and all pollution proxies but one (Chemical oxygen demand in
industrial water pollution). Thus, they confirm the validity of the Environmental Kuznets Curve
hypothesis in Chinese provinces and estimate the turning point of the curve above 30,000 yuan. The
authors then argue that the income level in those 30 Chinese provinces is still well below the turning
point of the EKC.
The relationship between economic growth and air pollution in Canada is examined using annual
data obtained from the World Bank. The data covers the period from 1960 to 2014 and include three
main variables: Growth stands for GDP per capita in constant 2010 U.S. dollar and it is used as a proxy
for economic growth; pollution stands for CO2 emissions in metric tons per capita and it is used as a
proxy for air pollution; and trade stands for trade expressed as percentage of GDP plays the role of a
control variable. Following the findings of [16, 13, 12], economic growth is expected to have a positive
impact on air pollution. As for the impact of trade on air pollution, it is quite ambiguous. Indeed, [11]
argue that free trade increases the probability of a country to suffer from higher pollution levels while
argues that free trade and the strict anti-pollution policies implemented in high-income countries –
like Canada – incite polluting industries to relocate in low and middle-income countries and export their
production back to the developed world. Through this process, trade could be associated to less pollution
in rich countries.
The analytical framework of this paper is made up of five successive steps: in the first step, the
stationarity of the series is checked using the augmented Dickey-Fuller test [17], the Phillips-Perron test
and the Ng-Perron test [19]. Secondly, the correlation coefficients between the variables are computed.
In the third step, the long-run relationship between the variables is checked using Johansen cointegration
test [20]. In the next step, the short-run relationship between economic growth and air pollution is
examined using a full information maximum likelihood model also known as vector error correction
model or VECM [21]. Finally, the causal relationship between the variables is checked using Granger
causality test [22].
At the end of those five steps, robustness check is done using GDP in constant 2010 U.S. dollar as
proxy for economic growth and CO2 emissions in kg per 2010 U.S. dollar of GDP as proxy of air
pollution. As for trade, it is still used as control variable in the framework.
Int. J. of Environmental Pollution & Environmental Modelling, Vol. 2(1): 28-36. (2019)
The outputs of the augmented Dickey-Fuller, Phillips-Perron and Ng-Perron unit root tests are
reported in Table 1. Those results reveal that the series are not stationary at level; however, the results
also reveal that the variables are all stationary at first difference. Since the series are not stationary at
level but are stationary at first difference, the long-run relationship between economic growth and air
pollution can be examined using Johansen cointegration test.
After analyzing the correlation between the series and before examining the long-run relationship
between them, a vector autoregression (VAR) model is run in order to determine the number of lags to
be included in the cointegration analysis. Paying attention to the lag length of the VAR model, both the
Int. J. of Environmental Pollution & Environmental Modelling, Vol. 2(1): 28-36. (2019)
sequential modified LR test statistic and the final prediction error recommend the inclusion of 8 lags
while the Akaike information criterion and the Hannan-Quinn information criterion recommend 12 lags.
However, given that VAR models are densely parameterized, the number of estimated parameters
has to be limited in order to save some degrees of freedom. So, only three lags of each endogenous
variable is included in the analysis. The stability of the VAR model is then tested and as depicted in
Figure 1, all the inverse roots of the AR characteristic polynomial lie within the unit circle. Therefore,
it is concluded that the model is stable.
Johansen cointegration test is implemented with three lags and the results are reported in Table 3.
For the first null hypothesis (no cointegration vector between the series), the trace and maximum
Eigenvalue statistics show are superior to their respective critical values leading to the rejection of the
null hypothesis. It is therefore concluded that there is a long-run relationship between economic growth,
trade and air pollution. The cointegration vector is given by the following equation:
After analyzing the long-run relationship between the series, the short-run dynamics are examined
using a VECM. The model is run with two lags and the results are reported in Table 4. Those results
reveal that the coefficient associated with the error correction term is negative and significant. It can
therefore be concluded that any shock disturbing the long-run equilibrium between the variables will be
corrected at a speed of 10 percent per year.
Int. J. of Environmental Pollution & Environmental Modelling, Vol. 2(1): 28-36. (2019)
After analyzing the short-term dynamics of the series, pairwise Granger causality test is
implemented based on the VECM and the results reported in Table 5.
The results show that there is no causal relation between economic growth and air pollution and
also between trade and air pollution. The table also shows that economic growth causes trade in Canada.
The robustness of the above findings is tested with different proxies for economic growth and air
pollution. As reported in Table 6, the trace and maximum Eigenvalue statistics are superior to their
respective critical values leading to the rejection of the null hypothesis. It is therefore concluded that
there is a long-run relationship between economic growth, trade and air pollution. The cointegration
vector is given by the following equation:
The robustness of the short-run dynamics is also tested. As reported in Table 7, the coefficient
associated with the error correction term is negative and significant. It can therefore be concluded that
any shock disturbing the long-run equilibrium between the variables will be corrected at a speed of 10
percent per year.
Int. J. of Environmental Pollution & Environmental Modelling, Vol. 2(1): 28-36. (2019)
Pairwise Granger causality test is implemented based on the second VECM and the results reported
in Table 8. The results show that there is no causal relation between economic growth and air pollution
and between trade and air pollution. The table also shows that economic growth causes trade in Canada.
The cointegration tests reveal that there is a long-run relationship between economic growth, trade
and air pollution in Canada. In line with what [12] found in Azerbaijan, the results also show that in the
long-run, economic growth has a positive impact on air pollution. Moreover, the results show that the
income elasticity of CO2 emissions is between 0.8 and 0.9 for Canada while [12] estimate it between 0.7
and 0.8 for Azerbaijan. Finally, the cointegration analyses reveal that in the long-run, trade has a
negative impact on air pollution in Canada. Such a finding is consistent with the argument made by [13]
and could be explained by the fact that free trade and the strict anti-pollution policies implemented in
high-income countries incite polluting industries to relocate in low and middle-income countries and
export their production back to the developed world rather than producing and polluting there.
The vector error correction models reveal that the coefficient associated with the error correction
term is negative and significant. It can therefore be concluded that any shock disturbing the long-run
equilibrium between economic growth, trade and air pollution will be corrected at a speed of 10 percent
per year.
As for the causality analyses, they show that economic growth does not cause air pollution in
Canada. Such a finding is in line with what [7] found in the cases of Middle East and North Africa, Asia-
Pacific and sub-Saharan Africa. The results also show that pollution does not cause growth, trade does
not cause pollution and pollution does not cause trade in Canada. However, it is found that economic
growth causes trade.
Examining economic growth and air pollution dynamics in Canada, it is found that in the long-run,
the two concepts are linked and economic growth has a negative impact on the quality of air. However,
Int. J. of Environmental Pollution & Environmental Modelling, Vol. 2(1): 28-36. (2019)
notwithstanding their long-run relationship, it is also found that economic growth does not cause air
pollution in Canada. This is consistent with [3] who argue that in advanced industrial countries like
Canada, policies have been implemented to mitigate the impact of economic growth on the environment.
They add that over the past decades, those developed countries have experienced a fall in the level of
emissions for regulated pollutants and a substantial improvement in the quality of air. The problem is
that the improvements experienced in advanced economies often come at the expense of the developing
The cointegration analyses reveal that in the long-run, trade has a negative impact on air pollution
in Canada supporting the argument that free trade and the strict anti-pollution policies implemented in
high-income countries incite polluting industries to relocate in low and middle-income countries and
export their production back to the developed world rather than producing and polluting there [13].
Building upon the seminal work of [23], it can be argued that the marginal costs and benefits of sustainable
growth in advanced economies are divergent from their counterparts in the developing world.
Consequently, advanced economies should internalize the externalities of their “green” policies rather
that leaving them in the hands of market forces. As argued by [24], the imperative of sustainability should
not be left to market forces because the market does not adequately represent the future.
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