Philippine National Standard: PNS/BAFS 122:2014 ICS 67.080.10
Philippine National Standard: PNS/BAFS 122:2014 ICS 67.080.10
Philippine National Standard: PNS/BAFS 122:2014 ICS 67.080.10
The Philippine National Standard for Fresh fruits – Guavas – Classification and grading
(PNS/BAFS 122:2014) was developed by the Technical Working Group (TWG) on the
Development of PNS for Guavas. The group was organized by the Bureau of Agriculture and
Fisheries Standards (BAFS) through Special Order No. 146 series of 2013 to present common
information and understanding on the quality and safety requirements for guavas. The TWG
conducted technical reviews and public consultations in the three major islands of the country
to generate further scientific data and opinions needed prior to the finalization of this Standard.
1 Scope
This Standard applies to varieties and/or commercial types of guavas locally known as
bayabas,PsidiumguajavaL. of the Myrtaceaefamily, to be supplied fresh to the consumer after
preparation and packaging. Guavas for industrial processing are excluded.
2 References
The titles of the publications referred to in this Standard are listed in the inside back cover.
3 Definitions
3.1 clean
practically free from stain, pests and diseases, cuts and bruises, dirt or other foreign matter
3.2 damage
any specific defect which detracts from the appearance of the edible or marketing quality
3.5 sound
fresh, free from rotting and deterioration
In all classes, subject to the special provisions for each class and tolerance allowed, guavas
must be:
─ whole;
─ clean;
─ sound;
─ firm;
─ practically free from pests affecting the general appearance of the produce;
─ practically free from damage caused by pests;
─ free from abnormal external moisture, except for condensation followingremoval
from cold storage;
─ free from any foreign smell and/or taste;
─ mature; and
PNS/BAFS 122:2014
4.1.1 The guavas must have been carefully picked and have reached an appropriate degree of
development and maturity in accordance with criteria proper to the variety and to the area in
which they are grown.
The development and maturity of the guavas must enable them to:
5 Classification
Guavas in this class must be of superior quality. They must be characteristic of the variety and/or
commercial type. They must be free from defects, with the exception of very slight superficial
defects,provided, these do not affect the general appearance of the produce, quality, keeping
quality and presentation in the package.The peduncle must be intact.
5.2 Class I
Guavas in this class must be of good quality. They must be characteristic of the variety and/or
commercial type. The following slight defects, however, may be allowed, provided these do
not affect the general appearance of the produce, quality, keeping quality and presentation in
the package:
The defects must not, in any case, affect the flesh of the fruit.The peduncle may be slightly
5.3 Class II
This class includes guavas which do not qualify for inclusion in the higher classes, but satisfy
the minimum requirements specified in Clause 4.1 above. The following defects may be
allowed provided the guavas retain their essential characteristics with regards to quality, keeping
quality and presentation:
PNS/BAFS 122:2014
They must not, in any case, affect the flesh of the fruit.The peduncle may be slightly damaged.
Tolerances with respect to quality and size shall be allowed in each package for produce not
satisfying the requirements of the class indicated.
Five percent by number or weight of guavas not satisfying the requirements of the class but
meeting those of Class I, or exceptionally coming within the tolerances of that class is allowed.
7.1.2 Class I
Ten percent by number or weight of guavas not satisfying the requirements of the class, but
meeting those of Class II, or exceptionally coming within the tolerances of that class is allowed.
7.1.3 Class II
Ten percent by number or weight of guavas satisfying neither the requirements of the class, nor
the minimum requirements, with the exception of produce affected by rotting,is allowed.
For all classes, 10 % by number or weight of guavas corresponding to the size immediately
below or above the size indicated on the package is allowed.
8 Sampling
Sampling for ascertaining the conformance shall be in accordance with PNS/ISO 874(Annex
PNS/BAFS 122:2014
9.1 Uniformity
The contents of the package must be uniform and contain only guavas of the same origin, variety
and/or commercial type, quality, size and color. The visible part of the contents of the package
must be representative of the entire contents.
9.2 Packaging
Guavas must be packed in such a way as to protect the produce properly. The material used
inside the packages must be new1, clean, and of a quality such as to avoid causing any external
or internal damage to the produce. The use of materials, particularly of paper or stamps bearing
trade specifications, is allowed, provided the printing or labeling has been done with a non-toxic
ink or glue.
Guavas shall be packed in each container in compliance with the Recommended Code of
Practice for Packaging and Transport of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (CAC/RCP 44-1995).
The containers shall meet the quality, hygiene, ventilation, and resistance characteristics to
ensure suitable handling, shipping and preserving of the guavas. Packages must be free of all
foreign matters and smell.
In addition to the requirements of the Codex General Standard for the Labeling of Prepackaged
Foods (CODEX STAN 1-1985), each package shall be legibly labeled with the following
10.1.4 Name and address of producer, trader, exporter, packer and/or dispatcher.
Identification code (optional)2.
10.1.5 Place of origin (farm and, optionally, province where grown or name of local place).
For the purposes of this Standard, this includes recycled material of food grade quality.
In the case where a code mark is used, the reference “packer and/or dispatcher (or equivalent abbreviations)”
has to be indicated in close connection with the code mark.
PNS/BAFS 122:2014
Each package must bear the abovementioned particulars, in letters grouped on the same side,
legibly and indelibly marked and visible from the outside or on the accompanying documents.
11 Contaminants
Guavas shall comply with those maximum levels for heavy metals established by the Codex
Alimentarius Commission or authority for this commodity (Annex 2).
Guavas shall comply with those maximum residue limits established by the Codex Alimentarius
Commissionor authority for this commodity.
12 Hygiene
12.1 It is recommended that the produce covered by the provisions of this Standard be
prepared and handled in accordance with the appropriate sections of the Recommended Code
of Practice – General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969), Recommended Code of
Hygienic Practice for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (CAC/RCP 53-2003), and other relevant
Codex texts such as Codes of Hygienic Practice and Codes of Practice.
12.2 To the extent possible in good packaging and handling practice, the produce shall be
free from objectionable matter.
12.3 When tested by appropriate methods of sampling and examination, the produce:
─ shall be free from microbial contamination in amounts which may represent a hazard
to health;
─ shall be free from parasites which may represent a hazard to health; and
─ shall not contain any substance originating from microbial contaminationin
amountswhich may represent a hazard to health.
Annex 1
PNS/BAFS 122:2014
Method of Sampling
The lot shall be prepared for sampling in such a way that samples can be taken without hindrance or
delay. The samples shall be taken by the interested parties or by a representative authority.
Each lot shall be sampled separately, but if the lot shows damage due to transport, the damaged portions
of the lot shall be isolated and sampled separately from the sound portions. It shall be divided into
uniform lots and each lot shall be sampled by agreement between buyer and seller, unless they have
decided otherwise.
2. Increments
Increments shall be taken at random from different places and from different levels in the lot.
In the case of packaged products (wooden packages, cardboard packages, bags, etc.), the samples shall
be taken at random in accordance with table 2.
At least five increments shall be taken from each lot, corresponding to a total mass or a total number of
bundles as given in table 3.
In the case of large fruits and vegetables (over 2 kg per unit) the increments shall consist of at least five
Annex 1 (Cont…)
PNS/BAFS 122:2014
The bulk sample is formed, if required, by assembling and, if possible, mixing the increments. The
reduced sample, if required, is obtained by reduction of the bulk sample.
On-the-spot examination is carried out on the bulk sample or the reduced sample and this shall be carried
out as quickly as possible after sampling in order to avoid any change in the characteristics to be
The size of the laboratory samples depends on the laboratory tests to be carried out, which shall be
indicated in the contract. Minimum quantities are given in table 4.
PNS/ISO 874. 1980. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables - Sampling.
Annex 2
PNS/BAFS 122:2014
CODEX STAN 193-1995. Codex General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food and
PNS/BAFS 122:2014
Appendix A
Photos of Guavas
PNS/BAFS 122:2014
PNS/BAFS 122:2014
(a) (b)
PNS/BAFS 122:2014
References PNS/BAFS 122:2014
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For
dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
CAC/RCP 53-2003. Recommended Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables.
Food and Agriculture Organization /World Health Organization Codex Alimentarius
Commission. Rome, Italy.(
CAC/RCP 44-1995. Recommended Code of Practice for Packaging and Transport of Fresh
Fruits and Vegetables.Food and Agriculture Organization /World Health Organization
Codex Alimentarius Commission. Rome, Italy.(
CODEX STAN 193-1995.Codex General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food and
Feed. Food and Agriculture Organization /World Health Organization Codex
Alimentarius Commission. Rome, Italy. (
CODEX STAN 1-985. Codex General Standard for the Labeling of Prepackaged Foods. Food
and Agriculture Organization /World Health Organization Codex Alimentarius
Commission. Rome, Italy.(
Chair Co - Chair