Research Methodology - Question Bank: Short Questions

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RM 405

Research Methodology - Question Bank

Short Questions:
1. Define Research.

2. What are the features of good research design?

3. What are the objectives of research?

4. How does research helps in business decisions and different areas

of business?

5. Define research problem and how it is formulated?

6. Explain the concept of Research Design.

7. Differentiate between exploratory and descriptive research design?

8. Differentiate between primary and secondary data?

9. Explain the sources of error?

10. Differentiate between sample and census.

11. Distinguish between line chart, bar chart and histogram?

12. What do you mean by Type I and Type II error?

13. Define Hypothesis.

14. Explain one tailed and two tailed test.

15. Write a short note on goodness of fit test.

16. What is t-test and z-test. In what situations they are used?

RM 405

Long Questions:
1. Explain the steps involved in research process.

2. Describe the different types of research and differentiate between

quantitative and qualitative research.

3. What do you mean by research design. Explain the different types

of R.D?

4. Enumerate the different methods of collecting data.

5. Discuss the sources, advantages and disadvantages of secondary


6. Why probability sampling is generally preferred in comparison to

non-probability sampling?

7. Explain probability and non-probability sampling techniques.

8. Explain the steps in sampling design.

9. Describe in brief, the layout of the research report covering all the
relevant points.

10.Explain the different types of reports?

11. “Processing of data implies editing, coding, classification and

tabulation”. Describe in brief the data processing steps.

12.What are the various kinds of charts and diagrams which are used
in data analysis?

13.The following tables give the number of accounting clerks

committing errors and not committing errors among trained and
untrained clerks working in an organisation:

No. Of clerks No. Of clerks not Total

committing errors committing errors

Trained 70 530 600

Untrained 155 745 900

Total 225 1275 1500

(5% level of significance and Table value 3.841).

RM 405
14. A fertiliser mixing machine is set to give 12kg of nitrate for every
quintal bag of fertilisers. The 100 kgs bags are examined. The
percentage of nitrate is given below:

11 14 13 12 13 12 13 14 11 12

Is there any reason to believe that the machine is defective? (value of t

for 9 d.f is 2.262).

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